Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1916, p. 4

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4V July 6 1916 THE FLESH(EKION ADVANCE XMn;« /Icohcrlon, Qlbunncc Flesherton Public School ' One iiiornin;^ about sx dd'ck Mr. J n ^- p • a.' ! McKeiitm uf tlie 5th line of TeiMiiiseth Promotion Examinationt i, , Ao indeiwnden* newiH)»|HT, j.ublishwl rvt-ry j To 4 K Ferris (H), U Le-'iard, Ll Thiinklay M th' office, Cullingwood Street, , Buskin, H Mcf.eod, V Lever, G Lever, Vl«h«r(on. 8iibecri|>ti(«ii price $1 iwr annum „ ... , , wliMi |»i<l in advunce ;»l.W when not so [wid 1 •" KIchiirasDn U L8V Adver 'irinn ratcji on a|ipli<«tioD. Circulation 1,100 arxekly. M H.Tliureton. Kdltti looked out towards the Itarn unil balield I in the yard a real live, full t/'<>»ii f'>x which appeared to he pondering, paihip-^ bein^ puzzled in the matter of iimkin;; a chnioa aa to which of his pri-y would To Sr. ;<- W Lever, M McTaviah. «J ' furnish the mo.e luxurious breakfast. Blakely, J Stafford, U Truenian. j Realizing the fact that the early vimtor To Jr. ;! â€" H CarringtoD (H), U Lever | was dangerously near two pri/i cHickens, (U), R lioyd (II), M Nuhn (H), C Mc- ' Mr. McKenna lost nu time \\\ sounding Tavi8h(il), EFeirii(H), I Lever (H), ; an alarm and immediately the f.«inily L .McMullen, N Shunk, I> Colgan, Jack i doi; rushed fiom his sleeping >|U>irtrri iu Kamtedt, V Mathewson, .) Carrinj(t<jii,K | the driving shed, only a few feet difttaut, Mr. TH.\NK.H. The maajr letters and words of aynipa thy received by u-. during the past wetk j Wiiron, O Mithewson, A Norris, D^vidjand pounced uiion the intruder. will rsMain asveet iiiemory af a tryug hoar. We can only tha'.ik the friends coll«ciiv<dy for theT kird wnrda, and we aiisure them "f the great gratitude we feel for thew words of gold. The boy that i» te>\\e was worthy of anylhinf l[uod thakooii <l lie aaid of him. -EDITOR Back. To Sr. 2- U Wyville, O Fisher.L Car- g ', W C«rrin.{ton, A Field, K Truein-iu. To Jr. 2â€" E Dudgeon (H), J Colgan, B Stewart, L Blakely, A Teeter, Karl Btwier, O Louuks. To 1--E McMullen (H), T McDoimId, W Blafk, T WiUon,K Ferii«,A Heig.it, Wyrill, K Benthun, G Pinder. McKenna hurried to ihx scene of the eonfliot and delivered a vicii-us kick a^ reynard that landed on the jtw of h'* faithful canine, which loit hi* hold, and the fox made a ha^ty retrea*, but owing to inj'iriex, was unable to strike his gait, and WHS Kjoii overtaken and tiled by; his pur»uer- the dog Twelve d A\\x% was realized for the pelt of the fox. â€" Bee'OD World. Electricity on the Farms Promotig n Exa minations !, FeTersham Continuation School Forai 1 to form 2 â€" to'.al niaiks 1500â€" M D. uglaaUl:', A Cami)hell 11(1], L Scott 1087. S Winters H)(il, E Ainott 10:W, E Winteie 1*01. â€" Violet Warien. B. A., leachir , ARTICLE NO. 4 We have aaid that every fatinrr in Oatetiu could have rlectiicity nn his farmâ€" if he lould afford to pay the price. We have alao »aiJ that in iiieny cases it will be found protitable. It uiatteia not aha', tiiin supptiet the (lowerâ€" the Hydro EIrctric, the N aghta Fewer Developtucnt, i>r whatever concern is ID tha business ; so long a« electricity «an bt cheaply and ecuiiomically supplied Tlia Sun has no b^ief for anybody in the power business â€" it is only concerned with .browfoR light on ,'.e situation, and I H McC.nnell. M Stafford. W Ellis Odds and Ends FARMS FOR SALE Kimberley Pub ic School Promotion Eisuiinationi â€" June I'.Uii: Jr. 5 â€" Sr. r> â€" V Lewis. Jr. ♦â€" Sr.4 E Harris, L Hutchinson, M Fawcett. Sr. :iâ€" Jr. 4 â€" U (.^arrutheis.A Burritt, For sale or rent for grazing, lot 35, con. 13, and part of lots 34 and .'{5, con. 14, A:t>*mr8ia. 181 acres more or le><s known as the Cooper farm. Will rent for pasture this season, or take stock iu by the month. This is a splendid grain and Kiazing farm. well watered and fenced, a lot of valuable timber uiid cedar andab<>ut fHJ acres tit for cultivation. It is well worth tiie attention of stock men. Will sell for rea-unable chhIi payment, balance eany terms. Apply to R. J. Spioule, July6tf Flesheiton, Ont. Good r»0-»cre farm for sale, about three F. R W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. Millinery Reductions I this week For the remainder of the month we are offering the balance of our Trimmed Kats at reduced prices, and have divided them into two lots. They are all this )t\ .'reason's goods and are trimmed in our usual correct style rABLE NO. 1 HatvS ranging in prices from (^2 . 50 to $8.50 for $2.19. TABLE NO. 2 Hals ranging in price fr(»m $3.50 to $5.00 for $2.98. Untrimniecl shapes and flowers at half price Specialties in Summer Foot Wear White outing shoes White outing pumps White canvas shoes Tan oxfords Patent leather pumps. A hig shidnient of Fancy China just received, just the thing for souvenirs F. H. W. HICKLING - K i ^^*J_J^_jJ^^^ ^ -^^ -A . .*W .A. .A^ .A- .^ .A. .^ .^. .A. .^. .A. .A. .i. j ^ ^ .A. .^. . ^. .^ .^ .A. . ^. .A. .^ .^. .t^ .^. .^ "^ -^ -^^ â- ^- T^^ discovering what there is for its re*deis Jr. .<-8r. .» - K Slanorrt,K Myles, Kay ^ ^ .,^^ j^_^_^ Ceylon. W.ll fence.i and C Fawcett and watered, ea"y terms for i|uick sale. For in th.' |)0«8ibili»iet af "farm electricity." St*fford. C Carruthers. Hoa can a man d.sc .ver «hat electric 1^ «"" recommended. ; further par'icu'jirs apply at thi^ offic e. eeivice would coat him; It is a simple Sr. 2â€" Jr. 3 L Abercombie.J Lewiii, , ^ wi.tfer where the Hydro Elect lic Com- F Elli», B St .tT.rd, H Wallsce. T Myles. ARTICLES FOR SAL E 4n stioQ is cunceine^ for it is alrealy N Bnrrit>. P Keid. ji'or Sjleâ€" 1 heavy 4-yi':ii-i)ld horse; •ctively engaged in supplying electricity \ .Jr. '.'â€" Sr. 2-E Uoid, D Stuart. J 1 he*vy 4 year -old mare, 1 pony lo year I Jgnced'and watered. . .1 . • ..... >• L!. ^ T M /I II It o .,...„ ' old and haiiiess. Will be sold cheap. ' - â€" â-  to OnUrio termers. , KUh. M Stuart, 1 McCo.ine!l,M Hams, j ^^^^ ,_,, ^^^ j_^^ ^.^^ ^^^^ .^^^^.j l^j Would-be u.sers petition the Municipal j Sr. 1â€" Jr. 2-E Cirntield, A Weber, autos. â€" W. A. Armstrong. Council for power, and the petition is for- j pHmer to 1-X Abeicrombie, B Mc- | a lar^u <iuantity of urain for sale, at warded to the Ci.mmiaaion. An estimate X'onnell. ! Boyd's elevator. Ceylon. Satisfaction It made of the cost of a system covering , Kathleen McK*?"", Principal. I auaranieed or money refunied. Phone the needs. . The CuoamiMion then work* out » scale S. S. No. 3 I'romot on Examinations <rf pricee coveting the cost. When this is for June I'.tUJ: ^^^^^_^^ «lone. t'le, Townehij Council calls a ' Sr. 3 â€" Jr. 4â€" M Caswell, A Moore, F i Graham Bros.. Eugenia, for flour and tmblic meeting where the plan is discussed Irwin. feed. Markdale and Meaford flour al- and laid before the people. | J,. ;{_ gr. 3-0 ALins. 1 Breen, A *'*^' "" '""'^- - S2t5. Aichie Stewatt. The latest grafonoU records fur sale. Needles 25c per 300. The Advance. Property For Sale Part lot 151, con 2, N.E. T & S. R containing 28* »cres, about 1 mile from Flesherton. "I'here is a good frame house and stable and the properly is well App'.y to Joseph A. iieOsrd. FloSherton or on th* proper- ty- Holstein Ball Fsr Service A thoroughbred HoUuin bull for serv ue on lot» 183 1K4 S.W. »'. 4 S.R.. Artemwia; clos- ely related to the aorli'a champiim 4t |M>un d cow. Terms: $1;V) for grades, $.'>.0i» for purs birds. 1 .fuly 17 â€" (iEO. MOORK 4 Hon, The Old Adage ^ Rhode Island eggs for hatchine.either M M Ex- comb. $1.50 per settingâ€" W. H. Thurs- ton. Fii-sherion . For Sale cheap and uu eiuy teriiis, Lgt 1^ cou. 11. Osprey, 11^ acre*. Thii "^ a first class farm and in a good state cultivation. Good bank liarn &nd n»w I frame dwelling. Apply to R. J. Spr.mie I Flesherton Petitioners are iiiven contracle to sign. Breen. (i Irwin, M Moore. and »ny others who wish rosy contract Form Iâ€" Form 2, .Ir. â€" W White, for the service, li sotticienf cimtracts ^j^MuU^n^ M Brem. 11 AkioK. «rtve^eeo»igoedto warrant coiiatruction, |.,i,„„y._J,. l. H Allen, J Allen the Town.hip Council may enter into a h,,^,^,^ j^ ^Ux^, E Moore, â- mmtrict with the Commission for bu.ld- _ j, p wil.oi.. Teacher ing of the line*. This cmi be done with- out a vote of the people. The Conimiasion builds all main tiaiis- luihsion lines, but the township pays t< i all Irsnsformert, lightnioK srrcsterf, lecondarr lines, and services for a dir- lanceup to 120 feet from the iiii'n line, and aUo meters. Debentures are isfuid to cover these co!>t4, and are retired by the reveouB from the xysteni. ._ ! K Kiiid'ay, U Milntyrj. N Pedlar, J D j Wm. BURNETT, Flesherton The Township operates the system, col- . Mc .inurrie . '. ' r~'~ â€" : A RELIABLE AGENT WANTED f S. S. No. 14, Osprey Promotion aminations: ! l^ge' Blanks For Sale â€" R. J. Sproiile kee|>s constantly on hand ami for sale Jr. 4 Sr. 4â€" C Cameron, S Findlsy, j cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgaijee, A Mclntyre, W PeJIer, P Sornlierger. I Wills and all other legal blanks. Any Jr. 3â€" Jr. 4-1 McAllister. Jr. 3 Jr. 2 Sr. 3 -W Cameron, O Pedlar. Jr. .3â€" C Gamer in, H FindUy, requiring such will lind it to their inter- est tu give him • call. Good fiHiiie house and lot forstuin Flesherton. Lsr^e stable. Apply to V, leeting bilU from consumers etc. This work can be dime by Miiiie vilUge in the j township, if .lesitid. The least (i^w Jf'ial tnn be contracted for is one h.p.. but it is generally found \ better lo have a 2 h.p service, permits the um; of electricity up to 6 h.p. on the ssnie wiring. This is a brief outline of tho scheme. Where tully understood it appoal.s utronaly to the peopl', if it ciii. lie supplied at a reasonable rate. Jr. •-' â€" !t i>;c.\llistei , K Young - L. Legate, Teacher. LOST and FOUND 8..1- S. S. No. fl. Osprey. Lost â€" a shtep, with t«r i>n lur face, I wool on, two lambs with L on ime side, about Ist of June. â€" Lev! Diickwtt. u w I Mn f» ui , /in I â-  ' Lostâ€" on Ju'y lit. small black puree SS,ort(H). B. Short (II). 1.018 „„„„i„l„^ , j', ,.„ ,^„j ' .. "'*=" Sho.t, V U li.eitc, S Sewell, S Iz.ii.l. » chani/e. Fiiulcr I Advai cu otti'.-e. ^OMie MO'I plises leave at the 8r, ^ ^ Jr.:; w McMn'eKll), K Mow. ,.l, I "~ MISCELLANEOUS '"'*"'â- '>' I Paintin- and p.i-.erh.inKiin. H .i,,-. Sr. 2- BSIort(ll), Ml'-oledl). I) Agent for Empire wa I papers. II n ly Roberts (H), D Hoi.iir.1 (H), F Howaid j Cwriiiglon. Kleshert.m. 1 May 1 11 (^^' ^ M'-X*"'"''. A Hockley. .'•; Poole, , Private funds to loan on real e»t .lo Not every faim.rina K'wnship c.ml.l ^^ „,^p^,,.^, | security at r.Msonal.lo r.ite .,f in'e.v,!. liave electricity not even half probably , ^^ ^ II VcMul'eii Apply lo H. J. Spioule, Flesherloii. but it is paid for entirely by the usois, ! ' ' ' * ' " sept 23 «nd does not cost the non-consumer ^ Ji- 1-K Iziirt and g Kai(tin«(e.,u,.l). ' «cent. I Ptinmry (It)- C «loit. (A) M Their credit U gi'cn, Ihiounh tho Kobeit*. P S i,i Icrson, L Sewell, J Mc- Mulliii, K Kailiing, W Uolliniri'head. - v. B. Scilley, Teacher. Id every good lowu and district in Ontario, where we are not repre- sented. Territory reserved for tlie right man. Highest commissions paid. Attract- ive advertising intilter. Splendid List of New Specialities For Season, 1 9 16-1917 luclndinf? the new everbearing iiASPBERRY, 6't. REGIS. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equal!) true (»f the 1900 (iravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon r t- .»• Full line ol McCormick Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Kakes, Loaders, Drills, Cnltivatois. Plows, Hiding and Walking Haiiows Kiantfcid Wind Mills. Piurps, Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay (.Carriers. Hay ^oiks, 5>lings, Filter (.(irrieis, Folding Bath Tubs, Frost Wiie and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. \ Stone & Wellington '^^s-- The Fonthill Nurseries. fKitablishcd l-<:i7.) credit i» ^i^cll, Totrnnhip, but againt their credit stand •igiied contracts with a serviu charge up *o $;{ a iiioiith piT us r, Kiitlicieiit to cover Maxwell News â- the cost of iiivestmenl if i.o currtiit was. oised at all. 'i'hese contracts :;o «itli ihe firm luio- Mi.s.s Laviua Hlick 1i:ih leliiriiod from | inatic illy in cahe of sale, and SIC regarded jT.innto and i.s vi.m inj; lier pircn.*l| HSHSoit of a inor gHge co.eiing ll.o , home at present. s.ine period as the debontuie issue. | l^,,.. l),,d«eon of Flesb.rton, and Kev. liiliUe a mortgage, hovrever, they iiro | ,|.j|,^^ „f n,„,„^H,.,f.|,^„j,Bd pulpits on regarded hsHss.ti lo the farm. i .Siinil.iy evening. ' I '111,! Maxwi'll Meihodint Sabbath "rii.it "get-out »nl net tiidei" a'unls sciiool held tln-ir anniitl picnic on Sal- i are 11 1( entirely out of date with cars j „,,i„y |,f(,.,.,|i„,|,_ .lui,, i . .\ lame crowd 1 j Columbia tiiiifxnolMS at 815, #20, no. I I %^\ in stork. (.'nil ill and see tliein. â€" |THK .\1.)VANCK Dthee. Hi..(heHt pr Crt for butter and «eg« 'ii I (ii'Hhaiii llros. Eugenia. Juno 2!> ' NotioH-â€" Keriy pickers and other tirs I |ia»Ker« ( n lot 24. con. It), ArteimsH, I will be prosecuted. Fred Jiiiiiichim. 1 .„ . ._ „.. _ New Furniture I JUST PLACED IN STOCK Latest and Most Up-to-date s, MailresseS; Spiiogs, [iiairs, AND OTHIiR NKCESSITIfiS for If ( I Deering Implements % AND TORONTO ONTARIO W4S cxi.nipliH.;d reccnl'y. A numlur , ,iti,.ii(led the afternoon sports iiiid i.ll le- /-/qUS G t U F tl /s/?/nS'S fijiii IJwen Sound were motoiing to the port a vood time. "~ W. H.BUNT «ill.i;<o lust 8undiy evening when "some 1 f.ii,n Mimd (luy vi-itcd wiih her friend (lliii:; went wri lig " and the csr b.ilki'd. ' ,j,,y Alls.n, on Sunday. Savenil fr.'nh MHit'i weic nia.le and ut , ^1,.^. (|)r . ) Siimit, (iie.- Mihc liaitio last tho car arriv.id in ih- viilig^-, but it â-  [n„r,.i,ui,), |, ^ returned from llie West f( loaned an'l cieakcd cisihud woefully ^^ ^j^j, |,^.,, j,,„p,„al honu- f;ir a few and at last came to a full stop on tho ^^^.^^ street. Variou. adjustm-i.ts were made ^^.^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^, |^^, .^ ^..^.^j^^,, ,^^,_. ^.^j^._,_ in vail. Slid lin.lly the bei.xino buggy ^,,., ., M,„,,iH,m,u.d ollin- fnemls in •was p.«p.lleJ by .n».i l""-- ""'" ",",„, is community. 'jiASi at the side of Mr.Jolin MiUoiiabl s i residence ami left f..r the night. The Miss Chisholin left M. nduy tos-,,,,,,! traveller* letcino-d to 0*eii Sound in a ' tho holidays at lirr p^iii'iilal liMm,. mm buguy. Theiiiii from tho Hound to| Cimtuvoitli. Clia'swoiili consiiini-d two bouinaii I one i V,h. A. McCirnm was ciHi'd to visit of the nioloriMs swears (b.' 1""' ''^y ! i„.|. f„tl,fr. Mr.Wni McKee, Toronto, .wo o a lot of o,h. Mhing. •-;' "'"^ ,J« : „,,, i, ,,,iously ill at present, pinb.d lh(i e:ir moDt of 111 ' « 'y. "'"' twei ly ' dd lioi-M! pr..v.r in theciir prov- | The regn'ar nu-eling of the M.ixwill «d iii>iiMiri.-iit t.' ciriy the liav..|lers,t.nt ; i,,^,,^, „f ,i,„ VVomen'« Institute will be on Urider taker Gasoline Engines .\ll kinds of Deering Implements. P.irts always on hand. Agent for ISairie Cutters. Barber Huggies. Louden Litter Carrieis, Hay Track.i, Pedlar shingles and siding. These Implement.s roi|uire no locommendatioii as they are standard eoods and rec.igiiizeil .vs the best on tho market. KlUIT 'lUKES-I represent the Ston & U'ollingloii nursery, andjwiU be pleased to cill if you send nic a card. Flesherton Tin Shop- I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nii'kelware ami Agateware for domestic use. Call on ine and get your supplies. Eavetroughiiig, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- nigs. i II II !«! Kepairing oFall kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, inchiding pump work. Furnaces installeil. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. ED. RUTHERFORD fi] Proton Station D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON. jm ONTARIO. AM) sliiifls oft'o unuvdi.itleiiKK. ""'!l"*''' ,, ,. « Foul i t uneertii;.. iig. ,â€" vhati. News. July In. Embalmer Picture Iraminri Riul I'phfllslcring Office and Showroom : Richardson's Block (Over the rostoffic.) FLESHERTON ii[ uum. Carefully Corrected Kacb Week Wheal !"J lo 1 00 IMS 40 to 40 IV H 1 2.") to 1 ti(» Uirh'y •"'<> to 5;J I'.iiikwhent <;.5 to 70 Hour $;! 2.5 to $;; ,")0 ll„y $10 00 t.. 12 OO liuUi.r 24 to 24 Kgi;s, fresh 2j lo 2.i I'olatoos per bag 1 ("iO to 1 .W (i.eso i:noi:! Ihi.ks 14 to 14 I.'.i«l 11 to II I'Kick.ns l;«to l;» Tmsejs 20t« 2H \V(,ol ;!u to 4'J lUl^^^^^^-^^^.^.^^.^^^^^^^^^..^^^^^^^^^^^^,^^^^,^^^^^^^ m^ ir^ra^'ass^isrss^es:^^'.i^^isr»^i Fleslierton #^ Tonsorial ^r- Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAINDUYâ€" Hiskot clo.se^ ni;;ht, delivery Fvid.iy eveniig CLKAMNG and DYElNii- We sr agents for I'h' ker's Dye ^Noik> â€" Clotln-; cleaned and dyed, fi'athors lejuveliai i New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell 1 iiin opeiiiiij ii|. atame, a blaeksniith- ing iiiul wooclrtdikiiig bii.sme.ss in Max- well, and am iis'al'.ing up-'.o date wood- Monday woikiiii: iimcliimiy. it will be my en- idesvoi t.p serve tin- pulillo in a satislac- toiy manner .uul 1 wiiiUI solicit patron- ' I BBe. 1 wiiit ymiwi.ik Slid will <'o it. lig'it. 7 Apiil 17 CHESTER LONG T FISHliR- •PROrRItTOP <i f- 1 1 4- I-

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