Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1916, p. 8

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'â- ZJ 1: : July C 1016 I HE FLESH ER(|;PN ADV ANCE BUSINESSCARDS Societies JBINCR ARTHUR I.ODGK, No. :<i3, A.F.4 Some time Saturony liyht Jcihii Gros kiu'iliH Niore Ht Wiildeniar wiii >i)>«ued »n<l two r'xincu.its, Rome overall)), ctp* «nd tlie Kiiiall diKn;;e in the till tukm Suf.pici»m is tliic.;toil towtirils three iiiem- DBINCE AHTHUK i.ouuK, v*o. ^v>.i, A.r.cr l)er« of the 104th Hitt*lioii who walkid L.^."ioTt"iheno^.^%rv°FH!uv'o"(fr«« Orangeville that d.y .nd hung or before thP lull U30CU. .1. Wnijlit W. M , jj^,^„j ^Ygijg,,,^^. jHI „j„j,, Two tutiicK, K. H. \V. HicUiny. Hetfotury. i , •, 1 un overcoiit, three cups Hiid two (.mis if fH08EN FhlEN06-Kle.'l..rtoD Council o. ' I'-'tee-, were fuunJ in a calve.l lu-ir .he V chohtn Kriindi nieetn In C lay ton 'B hall Brnt i-njn-ay and h couple of fellows are >iiis-- »::d third \VKi.-B»d«v 1 1 u&ch iiionth 6 p. m. I ' fay aheeiiiiDeutB to t>!u li»<'order on orb«foro sii.g from tnecimip. the KUSjjectea men [Li- fln>t I'Kvi'f each 111" th. Chief Councillor .. • - u u .. i - - Blileleyi Recorder w H. Bunt. â-  enlisted in Halt m county, ono cUnuing - to conu from North IVty. --Gravel VnlUy ' Stir COURT FLKbHr.KTOS. 99», 1. a K. a-eetBlni Claytoh f Ulokk tbi' Inst \NodDCwlaY evening ot each II tl^ V. Titian Forfi-lors lienrtlly I ^ we comec. U.^^fS. 1 . ilauiy ; B. H., O. Cairi.H PI«»K I'ay a««8 tJ Fin. Bee. befM* the first â€"^y , g-^ |, «aToubeu.ou«t Notice to LreQitors PKNTISTRY Dr. e. C MURlAV hi.nci Kiadui h.val i. o!lfi;e o( Om aduiii^itii>ter4 uttice at reEidenc4 O. S., dentskl surgeon Toronto Uuiveriiitv and ul SurgconB of Ontario. teeth extraction luuto Ktieet. Fleaberlon. Medical JP OTTKWCLI, Veterinary Surgeon Jraduate nt Ontaric Vet.'rloary College residence " second dooi' ^uutb weat^OD Hftaj > atrict. Thtt atreei ram outb PrMbfteilau Cbnreta. Legal I UCA8. UANEY * hKNHY-Harriatera. *-' DOUcitorf.ejcâ€" 1. B-liuoaa, K. C. ; W. K, Kkoey, K. (.'. : W. D. Heniy, II. A. omces, roroDto, tOC^'J Tiadors Ltauk Hldg., |>hone B:«ln WIS; Markdale Luomi hlock, Pbone i A. braacb omce at Oacdalk open every Saturday. WRIGHT. TKI.FORO A McDON'ALD Harrtfter, Bolicitora, Ac. Dlllcee, Cirev A Iiruc« Hlock, Owen Bttcud. Standard Haok Rlock, Klerberton.tfiatiirdave) W.H. Wrigbt, W. 1'. -Vellcrd J â- . J. C. McDonall, L. I.. H. =r;=T I Business Cards »' OULXiOUGH ft YOUXO I ankera fiJarkdale Geaeral t>ankiDg hueiiMMia. Money loaned at reacooabl* talea Call on ui. DllePHAID, tileeniad Anetionee for tbt' * County of Grey. Tcrnia moderate and aatis aeiioo guaranteed. The arranKeuaenta and ftatef of faleitcau becjadeat ThK ADVance olB;e. I!(-«ideuceanil P^I.'Oylon, Telephone ccunectiou. Dec. 0, 07 III the matter of the Kstiite of Miry- aret Howes, Ute of the Township of (»k- prey in the County of Grey, wid>w., d. - ceased. Notice is hereby u'iveii, pursumi' to 'The Trustee Act" and aineiidineiitH thereto, that all cieditore and others havin2 chiiin.s ayainat the enlaie of the said Mrti-tfiret 15owe>, wh') died on or about the twenty-fourth day (jf March, r.llli, arc re.|uired on or hefoie the Ihiitioth day of .lune, IttBfil. to send by post prepaid or deliver to Willinm Wal- lace Thompson of the Village of Fever- .sham in the County <;f Grey, farmer, the Adininistratiucjf the KsViita of the said deceastd, their christi.in and Kurnames, I addresstfl and descriptiona, the full par- ticulars of their eloiiiiK, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securitinH, if any, held by them. And further Hke nobise that after such lait mentioned date the s^id administrat- or will uroceed lo distribute the assets )f the deceaied amons rii<' parties entit- led thereto, having regard only to tlis claims of which they shall then have no- nce, and lh«t ihesaid fcdininiairator will not be liable for the p*ii assets or any part thereof to any perxon or jieieoiis of whose claim notice shall not have been received by him at the lime < f Buch diutribution. Dated the L".tih day of May, IMli;. WIUGliT A T?;LKi>IU), Owen Sound, i int., Siill'itors f if the Administr'vt' r T\rM. KAITTING, icenaed Aaotloneer foi ^* the oouotiea of (*vey and biuicoe. Farm aod Stock aalea a Hpecialty. Terms aicderate. aatisfactiou gwejiantted. ArranKe- ments fur datee may be made at the Advance office, or Caotral lelei-boae uft.oe FeTert*)]aiii orbyaddreasing me at Feverataatu, ODi, U OWEN SOUND. ON T â-  â-  â-  â€" â€" " -"â€"-â€" â-  â€" - I wlr Will open to raceive students Rl Oni flllCTTC '^''"^ tlurinij th-i Holidayn , J vULUvtl I t ' 3i? '"â- ''* "•"'" holiday course or * ^ i %|5 for re);ular courios <i( study. t eversham, Ont. iiju^i (or the Cockthutt Plow Cos FutI Line of Farm Iroplemente Wagons, Bn(!gies, Cutters, , - Sleighf, and Gasoline En^inea, Melotte Cream .Separators, Baker Wind Mills, I'umps, Piping and Pijie FittingH always on hand. Beatty ISros'. of Fergus, liarn Tracks, Lilter Carriers and stable tittioKs. Cockshutt and Frost it Wood Hepairs always on hand Feversbam, Ontario 'L Young women should l>egia f-T makinit pieparation at once to tfp lilt till' places of the otiioe men g^ »ho hive eiilistid. fy' Write for particulars .iiid #9 c icul .r. A. ki,|.;m iNn, I'l ii)<-i|>Hi. «1. I). Fl. KM I NCI, «ec-. Si? U r r r ^rry^hrrryy^y^r School ChiUren's Eyes. Bull for Service Pure bred shorthorn bull, Km|M)i(ir - iMX>:Yiâ€"(or service oi^|^21t, S. S. Artemesia. ^^^^^k Terms- fl.iJO for^^^^^Vnre cown «:).00. ^^^1 Pure bre<l Taniawoi'^^mii for service on the alxive lot. Terms II..50 f ir all aniniaU. Served iiust he piid for. OKepKi W. .1. Wcads For Service For service on lit 12, <-on. !t, (><pr(iy, one purehi'id .Short horn Hull. Terms ll.i'iO. Also one pure bred Vorkshire Hoar, Terms H.IK). All accounts must »)- paid to KIU;D TVI.KK, Maiiai/er. 1 Sep Tatnwortht For Sale Many lives bave been ruinea through neglected eyestrain in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of.optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultatitvn free. . W. A. Armstrong. Boar for Service ^^'>l»^e some extra ({ooJ younii stock at | 'I''"' undersiunfil hss a thoiouubbied present Giolh s x^ also one yoiinK sow, bred to farrow 1.1 Sojit. Write or phono i ". •^"Prey- ''''"''"'^*| ;'''', Geo. W. llojH, Maxwell I". <». Yorkshire Hiar for sei vice on lot II, con. IS 81.011. FUKDSI-OFKAUD. «i.%, -«.'-a/\ayva.>^j/vj/ •a-'j/sa/sa/sa/va/sa'va/sa-sa 'j.-\a/N«/\a/ \a • \« • vM/ \a, fc<i tn^.M .^/1^.^.P> 'f./fs/V,/f .-1 ,fv-ls,Â¥s/l's/^/lN^ W^M^ /*,.â-  ^.T^=^ NEW SUITINGS | Nt!W Snitint^'s ju.st to hand â€" .sonic of < vt the iiohhio.st wtiuvcs to he found any- 'JL wheiT. â-  r ifi Leave your order now for that new J(^ .suit. \'im will never ro^'iet, it. elf^ Sati.sfaetion miaraiiteed. â-¼. Don't foi},'er lliat we do (.•ksaning, X liressiu},' ;iiid repairing'. Our prices jl^ aro rij^ht and our woikinanshij) is tlio 4i very best. jfr S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for the Mobberlin Tailoring. NorfhToronro Station (1) New C.P.R. North Toronto Station. (Z) Ticket Office*. (C) Train Flatfirma. (4) Ladies' V/aitina Rocrr TMK opening of the .North Toronto Ktution of the Canadian t'aclisc Ilaiiway a few days ago marked a red letter day In the hlftorr ol the (Jt'een Cly^jt the West. Iha baucjuet i;lvcn b.v the Major and Alderruen ol Toronto to Mr. A. U. MucTior. the fenlal Kt-iieral marrr^er of the ("..I'.K.. '*howed dl;-tlnctly llio amUable rela- lloca whl<li exi.st between the Com- pany and the city. The new station was turned over Into the h-iiuls of the iity aiKl under skilful hands was elaborately decoratud with a profuse supplr of buntlUR. and the cvenlnR t*rcm»in.v. at wlilih Mr. MacTier for- mally d/'i-lareil the station open for ImslneRs was attended by thousands of people, who thronB>'d every part of the station. Mayor Church paid a great tribute to the Canadian Pacific and rejoiced In the extremely happy relations which existed between thnni. Mr. A. n MacTler In replying, con- curred In the Kood feeling existing 'Jbe deslKti of the new station Is tre: adaptation of the Italian Itenals- lance to the requirements of the pre- (ont diiy. It is a Dingle story build- ing, faced exterually w'.tb 1 yndall limestone from the Tyndall quarries, .Maniti'ba; the choice of this Canadian itone has been Justified by the excel- lent color effect of the masonry In the -mass, an effect equal to any that cotild be obtained by the Importation ut'^u better kind of building stones froni the States. A lar^e and spacious waifblK room 70 feet by 60 feet, ot lofty proportion* occupies the centre portion of the structure, marked on the South elevation of the butldlnK by three large setul-clrcular headed windows; It faces the South with the main entrance centrally placed on the front. To Kast and West of this cen- tral block are two subsidiary wines roofed at lower level and devoted to station facilities; that to the Kast to men's and women's rooms with their respective lavatorioa. and ihat to the west to ticket offices. 'I'o the North of the waiting room Is the Concourse beyond which are the parcel. bagKage and e-tprcss rooms. Opening from the Concource is the midway, which is 20 feet wide and 150 feet lonj, pe.ss- iDg underneath the tracks uud troin which access Is had to the various overhead platforms h'lanKing the *)Hildlni? at Its northwest corner is the clock lowor rising to the bcigbt of 14U feet, and four large clock dials. 8 feot in diameter, which will be a great con- venience to entire neiirhborUood. The vestibule under the tower leads to the concourse. A sidewalk (protect- ed by a marquise) la laid along the soufhwest sides of the station n> that patrons may enter there or at' main entrance, centrally on the South siUe or at the lower vestibule, the expec- tation being that the latter entrance will be used by those passengers who have already secured tickets and only requires to pass directly to tiie trains, relieving the main waiting room of much of the congestion that might otherwise occur. A private driveway also runs along the west side of the station «o that vehicles may drive up to either entrance *nu pass through under the track to the baggage and r'xpress rooms and out nu Vonge Street to '.ho North of 'he sta- tion, iuterually the waltlag room. lower /cstibulc and concourse, are lined »ilh marble for their sntlre height, the architectural effect oeing obtained by the ise of different col- ored marbles all vet in vractlcally the same plane so as to avoid as far U possible all offsets and other dirt-col- lecting projections. The plaster ceil- ings are treated in a broad manner with large panels. The midway !• lined with glaz^Hkrlck for Its fuU height as are tB^^lairs leading np to the platform. At niglit the main waiting room will be illuminated by four large bronse standards each ' topped with a cluster ot troste* bulbs and a large reflector. A com- plete system of electric clocks ot I British manufacture have been li^ I stalled: of this the large clock in th« j lower forms a i>art. I All ornamental iron work, piaster- , ing, marble work, tieating, renUlst ing, alumblDg. electric work, etc, have all been carried out by 'Toronto I firms. Wherever possible, and tJ>er« are but few exceptions, all materials and labor employed in the construe- ', lion ot the building are of Canadian or British origin and Canadian timber Ihas been used for all woodwork who- j ther rough lumber or tinlsheo mlU-. i work, this being one ot the requlr*- jments ot the C.P.R. In connection with' all their work under constractlon. ^»"«BH!' V», >. . FESuTTf^^L pf Rj6 J^E J^ (1) Typical avenue scene in Portland, Oregon, showing how rose flowers grown each year. (2) Typical residence scene in Portland, Oregon. (3) More than 300 beautifully deoor£..ted auton:obiles are seen In the Portland Rose Festival. TllK world hna been Invited to rortlnnd for the opcnlDR of the Tenth Annual Ho.so Kcstlvnl In tfio second week In June. Mlllinna of ro.s.' flowers will lie on review to Kcndfoith their dcllKhtful fragrance, a flttlnK welcome for the g'.cals from tvcry land, rortlnnd, which Canadians can reui^h by way of the Canadian I'aclllc Rockies, \i this year tnlklncr roses ho that the iourlsl can enjoy the \vnnd!>rfiil Bconcry Canada offers ns well as appreciating the festival, tIio nuniial /ri ,?/ii Is probftbly one of the beat dcnionst rat long of lommunlty spirit In the couii 4ry, The Oregon nutropolls oacli year prnilmea more than 25,000 nOO rose flowers, havlPK been specializiiiit on tlil^ Queen of Klowcrs for over i« year.-;. DiirInK this festival week flio I'cnlnsuln Park Is one tnaniiiiotli rose garden â- when' more than l.OOO.OflO roses rovorln.t; 7lii) varletle.s arc in bloom nt one fltno. It is said that If tho rose Imshes In Portland wero placed In one great hedge It would reach from WlnnljM'K to Glacier, H.C,, In the Canadian Pacllle Rockies, over a thousand miles. This year right In tho heart of tho. buBliiflss section two l>ark blocks will bo traiiBformcd Into a dowu-town rose i garden fcaturliiR rose.-i and other beautiful flowers. It will have as an ' i \' ' ^^' Ts Jiiinr -in mk^mimA nnnwi. â- â- â- â- m J ^^ ;,-> â-  of the kind ever built In tha Uiiltod St;t^. Paris aTRsc tlacd'i win hi> llio lirst foontiiin (Exhibited a similar fountain at the IPOO ICxposltlon biitVoi- fountain will bo twice aa large, "For you a rose In Portland grows" Is the slogan for thl-i ye and Oregon's chief city ia sending forth this poetic rcinlr.d sc festival r's fe<itlval •ttractlon a row fpuiitoH} cowlstlng ol }5,000 "i)or«tby Perkins" roaes; it, srows a r°os"elu'ror\land%ach"yearror aU theVh.u''or8 '^^^

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