Flesherton Advance, 13 Jul 1916, p. 5

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July 13 1916 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE • 4 , 1 rtr; t 4 TH STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD orrice - Toronto DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at â- â€¢T'D tsTa highest current rates. 2u FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, .VUnager. C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave follows : Flesherton Station as Going South 7.53 a.m. 4.27 p.m. The mails are Goin<j North 12.01 u.tn. 9.18p. ra. osed at FleaheitoQ a.s ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 77 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail .south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south 'mail close at 9 p. ra. the previous ev'g. ^VICINITY CHIPS Misa M. Kindree of Winchester, i* •visiting her siiiter, Mrs. H. S. White. Mrs. Creasor and Mrs. Batrott of Owen Saund are spending a few (i»ys with W. A. and Mrs. Hawkeu. Pte. Heib LeGard of Niagara spent the -week end at bis parental home. Mr. H. C. LeGard of Toronto visited over the holiday at bis home here. Mr. D. McKil!op of town has had 'three nephews and tiix cousin killed in the war. Mrs. Richard'Green and Mr. Ellis of Heathcote. ipent the holiday wi:h the former's brother, Mr. H. C. LeGard. Mrs. J. D. Cl»rk and diu^hter- Dotothjr, «re Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling't guests. Mrs. (.fudge-) Breen of Caddlau, Mich , is spending the summer with her parents, Mi. and Mrs. W. \V. Trimble. Mrs. C. W. 'Cbadwick has returned to her home in Toronto afrer spending three weeks with her stater, Mrs. Bulnier,wliu has been ill. The Red Cross Society desire us to thank the baseball girls for a donation of aeveo dollars, the proceeds of ihdir First â- of .July exertions. Miss Sadie aod Mary McMillan and Mii>s McPhee, accompanied by Mr. Irwin and Mr. McGiath of Durham, motored over and »pent Sunday with Mrs. U. LeGard. Kimberley will celebrate July 12 this year in urand slyleâ€"Baseball nia'cb, apeeche.s, races, etc. See large bills for full particulars. Mi8. Buskin and daughter, Rcbii, Mis. £. Thompson and Mrs. O. Phillips of town, accompanied by Mrs. Ab. Stewart 4n<.>tored to visit Collingwood frieods last week. The Pottlaw Ked Cross Society wdl hold a "Bean Supper" on the evening uf Ja'y 28, at the home of Mrs. L. Badger- â- oir, 4th line. See bills for further particular!. Mr and Mrs. John Parker and Mr. «nd &Ir9. Wm. Johnston and W. Buskin motored over to Orillia on Satufdiy, returning Sunday evening. Mr.l'arker and wife remained for a week. Tne Advance has just received a very iatereitiuj letter from Dr. W. T. L ttle, who left Flesherton with the medical corps last February. The letter was dated Asher, Persia, May 18, >iud will appear in The Advance next week. The postponed Mc. Zioa garden party will be held oh Monday next, July 17 A good time is assured. A baseball match between Proton and Flesherton girls. A t;ood supper and progrtm. Be one of the number preseot. Moat of the newly Hedged youug lady teachers in town have secured schools near himie. Adda Wright h;vs taken Proton S'ntion school, Hazel Shunk.the Oaauge Valley school, Dell Thurston, takes Uock Mills. Mr. Malcolm McDonald, who has been tite ranging up at Metagaiiii, (or the past couple of months,returned h<nue Saturday on account of ill healtli. Tha location was near an arsenic tuinn and the w.tter was contaminated to ijuoh an extent that several of the rangers had to <iuit this summer. The following are the names of the khaki clad boys who were home over Sunday : -Harold Mitchell and Churl, y OroRsley of the 123rd Batt. Joe. Legard, John Sharpe, Olitf Blakely, of the 147th' Heuhen Cargo and Wm. Goldhawk of the Mounted Rides and Thos. Brady of thelGOth Bruce Bait. Mr. and Mr.-*. Robert Cook of Ceylon have the sympathy of many friends in anu thev bereavement which has befallen them by the death of their daughter, Clara, at the age of 'M years, which sad event occurred on Sunday morning lastf The young woman had been ailing since li^st fall afier an attsck of grippi>. Tha funeral took p'aceto Flesherton oemetory on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Lulu Mitchell of Fort William is hoxe for the holiday.^. Dr. Tli'>raaa Henderson and family of Toronto are holidaying with relativis here. Mr. Wni. McKee died at his home in Toronto Monday afternoon of this week of hemorrhage of the brain. The funeral takes place to Flesherton cemetery from th-; noon train on Wednesday, July 12. Mr. Geo. Hacking writes The Advance from Speuce's Bridge, B. C, a moat chatty letter, from which we glean the following : "Spence's Bridge is 183 miles from Vancouver, right in the truit belt, and the climate here is the best posjible; excellent Qsbioe, both salmon and speck- led trout in abundance, can ba caught from the Thompson River, which is lo- cated but a few yards from the depot. We have been using new potatoes for the past week or so. TLe cherry crop, which was a heavy one, is about over. While we were at Vanouver two weeks aaio. we h»d the pleasure of meeting Mr. W. Lwin whom I believe you know ((uite well. Mr. Irwin has changed but little since leiiving Flesherton and his happy and coi. genial countenance tears evidence of a prosperous and contented life.- Edward Graham of Eugenia was up before Magistrate McMuIIen on Thurs. day afternoon last charged with uairg seditions language and injuring re.:ruit- iai?. the complainant being Pte. Ernest Morgan. It was alleged that G;-aham said the war would laat six years, vvhtn Morgan informed him that if it did then there would be canscrlption md he wiuld have to go. In reply to this it is alleged that Graham answered, " If 1 do the first thing I would do when I >'et over would be to shoot an Englishman." Graham denied the chsrge. He was ^ent up for trial. The Owen Sound Advertiser, referring to this case says : "Graham is the first man to appe-xr in Grey County on the charge preferred aijainst him, and his probable penalty, if convicted, will be a just warning to anyone else with a mind like Gralum's. " mother's arms atid of helpleu little childr:!n, which has shocked ti.e con- acienc- of all mankind. This war, cost what it ma/, must oot stop until thtt Virapire of c'eviltry lit s once and for all beaten to death at our feet. The preacher paid a high tribute to tfce character of Lieut. Thurston and 1 is life work during bis short span of 25 years. Dr. Murray, Mr. Holland, Mrs. Mark Wilson jr. and Miss Agnaa Henderaoa gave a be&uiifully rendered ijuariette, "Some day we will understand." The boy scouts and a sprinkling of b<>ldiers, who where home over .Sunday, uccupitd the front seats. A gentleman living about two miles frjm Flesherton, who attended the service, remarked to a friend after church that if hia son bad not already joined, and would not do ho after hearing that sermon, he would be ashamed of him. How many fathers are in this category ! A Good Example One cf our esteemed subscribers who had fallen a few vears in arrears, when :isked for payment, showed a magnani- mous srjirtt seldom shown by persons «ho liecomedeliniiuent and are rei)uested to pay up. He wrote tha editor a very nice, courteous letter in which he says he owes us an apoloizy for bis nettlcct of payment and expressed appreciation of our "unlimited patience.'' He enclosed enough money to pay tn advance to January 1, 1920. These kind words and such a kind act are worthy of all praise. He used our money a few years and now gives us a f<|uare deal by advancing his money for us to use until the subscrip- tions expire year after year. Thi"* friend evidently believes that one good act de- serves another. â€" BowoiaRville Statesman. Memorial Services .\ memorial service for the late Lieut. Arnold Th'jiston was held in tie Methodist chuich Sunday evening when Rev. James Dudgeon preached an appropriate and touching sermon from se'.-ood Timothy 4th chapter and verse 7. "I have fought a good tight, I have finished my course, I have kept the ftith." The s>>rmon was a most comfort- ing one to all, knowing as we know from his own life that Arnold was prepared for any eventuality. A letter written to be read after his death said that ha died ill "the old, old faith. ' In deference to the wi.nhes of the family, the church was modestly decorat- el with tlags and banks of white ttowers- Tha seating caiwcity of the church was tilled. The sermon was b»sed on Paul's war. fare against sin and the present horrible war was likcoed unto his campaign. Our young men >re at w.\r against the vampire of cruel, brutal and ferociou* militarism, so utterly dishonorable, un- scrupulous and pitiless to the last degrei>, which is sucking away ths life blooJ of unotfending nations. A mighty foe has arisen and is attacking the citadel of our faith, atid it is by God's grace, to slay this hideous monster that our sons, b others and fathers have marched forth aountle s thousandsâ€" this unutteralle creature, this hide ui moiisler, the violator of womanhood, the desolator of homes, murderers of the old and feebl â- , ' the killer and maimer of babies in their 'THEPRJCE^THE^ ^ Plaola - Piano ^ CUAKANTEED TEN YEARS F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE 1 Specials at Karstedt's This Week MILUNERY! MILLINERY! We areselling the remainder of our Hat3 for less than cast priceâ€" wLile they last. You can get your pick for S2.50. Lota of these were $3.00 BOOTS! BOOfsi Cotne in aud get one. BOOTS! "The FamUy Piano" can be played by hand or with ihe (eel. It bnngs a woHd ol music to your home and provider a common source ol enjoyment lor both husband and wile, brother and sister Of friends who diop in. Insert the perfofa'ed roll and you can play the Piaola-Piano wiih your (eri as well as any mu6ii.ian can plav il by hand. The price a no higher ihan (or the plain piano which only ihcne edu- citr<i in music can plav. and it includes ficighl. bench and 1 2 rolls of music. PL.AOLA-PI.A.NO Company Limited 05HA« A . ONTARIO "The ftinily all play i _, iho Plaola 'j We have on display in the window â€" Men's Muleskin Bootsâ€" just the thing for now, heavier beets for tall. While they last â€" 12 50. Harvester's Boots now in stock white Canvass and Buck Pumps. Ladies' black Patent Leather low Shoes in styles. Men's Patent, Gun Metal and Velours now in stock. Come in and let ua show you what grand displsuy we have iu both Ladies' and Gent's Boots. No trouble to show you our goods. Save your Ladies' different HARVEST TOOLS! HARVEST TOOLS* We have now iu stockâ€" Snaiihs. Scythes, Hand Rakes, 3-pronged Forks strapped and ferruled, Hav Fork Rope, Hay Rope Pulleys. Lift Hay Fork, Field Hoes. Turnip Hoes. Paris Green, Sprinklers. Binder Twine, place your order now. We handle the Brantford Iwine, 600 and G.50 ft. twine. Gloves and Mitts now la stock. Fresh car of Salt just unloaded. Fresh car of Cement to arrive any day» Blacksmith Coal now on hand. ' " ' Come with your Produce We are paying the hijrhesr pricesâ€" Butter-L\i. E^^-i'27. F. G. KARSTEDT Order direct or from J. W. Ellii.tt.Maikdale Agent Court of Revision N iticd is hereby giv..n th i' a Cour; ill bj holden in the Tow i HtU in tha Village of Flesherton by his Honor the Judge of the County Court of the County of Grev, to lu'ir and ile"t»rmine an appeal from the decision o' the C"Uit of Revwion of the Corporation of the Vill»Beof Flesh- eiton, on Monday, the '24th day of July, 1910, at the hour of live o'clock in the afterrooD. All pirties interested are notified uccordiog'y. â€"God Save the King.-- July 10 â€" W.J.BKLLAMV, Cterk. U OWEN SO'JND. ONT t^ Will open I'l receive students Jy any day durint; th.* Holidays j^ tor a sh.>rt holiday course i ^M i'jT regular counei of study. El \oung women should begin ^ inukius preparation at once to 0^ till the places of the otlice men 2p « ho hive enlisted. Write i;ircular. for particulars and A. FLKMlNCr. i'iiiictp«l Or 1>. KI.EMIXel, ^â-ºâ- c . ^4 â- * j'^'j^-t - - i^r^i^S^^^r;^[Sc^e^$^ SAVE YOUR TIME day hst to worn out Machinery loss to him. adjustments we are i$y^^\^y^Â¥^^^y^YY^^ Boar for Service i The undersigned has a thorouiihbred Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, con. 8. Osprey. Terms tl.Ot>. â€"FRED SPOFFARD. r. Hayiiii: time is a l>u:.y time and everv the Farmer by broken and means consitlerable delay ami Then for iiuick repaiis and ready to louk after yonr retjuirements as usual with a ciMupIete line of Repairs in the following lines of ^[achinery â€" MA35EY-H.ARRI5, COCKSHLTT, FR05T & WOOD NOXON. AND PETER HA.niLTON. W'- al.<n have the a-emy for the well known Frost & Wood Mower an 1 Horse Raice â€" Phone â€" No. 9 ces. D. McTavish :-:-: Flesherton HERE IS THE SECRET *OF THE NEW PERFECTION OVEN A current of fresh hot air passes continually over and under the food â€" drying out the steam â€" pre- , venting soggincss. This is an excbxsiv advantage of New Perfec- tion Ovens. The New Perfection Oil Cookstove is already cooking for thousands of housewives. Saving * time, saving labor and saving money, i, i, 3 and 4 burner sizes at these dealen : F. W. DUNCAN, Flesherton. ELI ROBERTSON, Feversham. W. J. PATTISON, Ceylon. W. J. PATTISON & SON, PriceviUe. HOWARD WATSON, Swinton Park. Royalite Coal Oil gives best results. THE IMPERIAL OIL COMPANY Limited BRANCHES IN ALL OTIES I NOTICE I (C Now i.s the time to renew your buggies, etc. i Sherwin-VVilliams Buggy Paint J Is the best for this purpose. A Varnish Gloss ^ Paint of great durabilicv. Especially atlapted ft»r J outside exposui'e. i^ Double the life of vour Vehicles bv protectino- J^ them with good Paintâ€" it S.W.P. didnt'make good '^ it couMn't cover the earth. ^ A Paint or Finish for every purpo.-<e. Any in- formation regarding Painting or Varnishing gladly tnrnishetl. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware Merchant Phone 30 r 2 I FLESHERTON. - - ONT. School Gbildren's Eyes. "â- .•'••V f^^^'?^ MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS This fainuus make well known all over ll of implements is the country and I heir own i^ood work is the besc recom- mendiition they can reaeive. If you require anything in the line of Binders, Mowers, Sjeed Drills, Cultiv:itors, Pull- ers, Plowj), Sleighs. Wat'SoDii, Cream Separators. Hiirrows. Rollers, Cutting ,, «i _ u w~»~ ^.i^^^ Boxes, Ensilage Cutters. Ossoline en Many lives have been rumea g,„e8. sawmg outfits, etc, give us % through neglected eyestrain ^ ch.-mee to qu. te prices. in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. ^Jp. W. A. Armstrong, John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Teacher Wanted Qualified Protestant Teachtr for s.n. No. 8, Arternesia, Grey County, saliiy two ; duties to com luence fct ^epteoi- her. Apply to J. W. MoKee, (i.'axwell P. O., Out.

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