Flesherton Advance, 20 Jul 1916, p. 5

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July 20 lOIf) THE FLESH ERTOiV ADVANCE i - ; i TH» STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD ornce - Toronto DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO CHEQUE. Savings Bank Deposits bear interest at KSTD i«7a highest current rates. 2u FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, ..Unager. He Died at Hi* Post C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave FleshertoQ Station as ifoUows ; Going South Coins North 7.53 a. tn 12.01 p.m. ♦•27 p.m. 9.I81J. 01. The mails are osed at Flesheitoa as oUowa : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and .7 p.m. ; and the afternooa mail iK>uth at 3.40 o'clock. For niorniDg train 900th mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'|{. j^VICINITY CHIPS Mia« E. Milroy of Markham i^i visidnit M>8S Iva Mitchell. Miss Amaod.-i McTaviah motored to Toronto with friends. Mrs. H.LeGard i.-i spending a fortuijjl.t â- with friends iu Toronto. Sergt. Joe LeG.ird u home on two -weeks furlough. Mr. -ind Mrs. Eilwood Genoa and lit'le daughter visited roUtivea here last week. Mrs. Ui;!giiibotbani of Winnipeg, is visiting her filtier, Mr. R. J. Sproule. Mrs. W. T. Hodgson of t'wen Sound ii visiting her mother, Mrs. W. Trimble. Sergt. Bert Jamieson of the 15'->th .Batt. is spending a few days at his home here. Born - Ou SatJrd«y July l^i. to Mr. and Mis. A. D. Thurston, Toroatx, a sun. Mibs Edna Caswell, milliner at Dre<- den, u hulid»y>ng at her parental home • bete. Dr Little wishe* us to a<k all indebted to him to band in the aioouat to Mitch- ell's bank at once. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. While left ou Monday for holidays at Port Hope, Buf- falo and BleiihH'.m. Mrs. Detoe and tun of Indianapolis are vUitiog her bruiber, Mr. F. G. Karstedt. Mr. U. Whitten, Mrs. K. Wbuleii and daughter, Mn. Sanders and children of Toronto visited here during the [ut-t week. The Methodist Sabbath School are chauging their hour of (ervice from 2.:!0 p.m. to 10.30. a.m., for the coutreoieoca -of tho<e coming in from the country. Masters Duncan (irant and Fred Bunt of Toronto.and Bobbia Kipp of Moatieal, lie holidaying with the faaiily }f Mr.W. E. Richaidso.i. The partial eclipse of tha moon on Friday night laat was a very pretty sight. About uun half of the moon's surface was covered by the earth's shadow at 11. '30. Married â€" At the Methodist parsonage, 4iinghampton, on Wednesday, Jii'y 12, hy Rev. J. Lamb, Myrtle Uti>el Bristow U) Htrvey Stanley Siuich, both of Rob Roy. Pts. 0. Dudgeon, C. Adams, B. Henry P. Beattie, W. Klynn. R. Irwin, U. Wilcos, R. Lever, L. Bro hwell, Corp. W. Cargo and Ser|{t. U. Jamieson wera home the past week. Most of Ibese arj on furlough to help in haying. Mies Mabel UoaJersou and sis'ai', Mrs. .Hustel, returned last weak after visi'ing friends at Midland and Port McNicoll. Mrs. Russell and o"»ildrea leave this week oa the re'urn journey to their home at Moosejaw. Quite a uumkcr of Fleshectoniai s attended the Tweltth ot July calebrati m in Dundalk. The day was very hot and tiresi'fne and was said not to be up (o furmer jears. The Scouts hiked to Eugenia and buck that diy and n t 01 e of them fell out. For little fellows they did wonders. Dr. Murray le:iv es to-day for an auto touring inp to Toroiit.i, HaiiiiUor, Gue'ph, etc., ixtendiog over a fortnglit. He will bo nci'onipinied by M'.ss Shiiley and other fiiends. Dr. T. Henderson will have charge of Dr.Muiniy's p-aclicj duciug his absence. The remains of ihel.ito Wm. M.Kve were laid to nst in Flesherlon cemetery on Wednesday of last week (>n anival if the noon train from Toronto. Mr. McKee was an old resident of thi.s town- ship, living mituy j-ears un the 4th lime. A few yoirs iigo he muted to Toroiil". Mr. McKee wa.s C8 years of use. He was a pi'iininent Orangeman and a charter member of MoKee's Kuige. At various times lie w:i» assess jr of the township and aem'eiof the township counciL ' A wife and two toai survive. All the entrance candidates from Flesh- ertaa public school bucceedod in passing, notwithstanding the handicap of illness autfered by the principal in the latter part of the term. f)n8 of the pupils â€" Miss Kathleen McVi;ar â€" took the high- est luirks iu the inspectorate. A despach from Swift Current in the dailies of Thursday last svys : ('barlen T. Smith, of blaxwell, Ont., has bei n found drowned in a .slough near the village of Tompkins, near Swift Current. Hd was seventy-seven years of age, and was 00 a vi<it to his daughter, Mrs. Mo- Gilvray, cf Toinp' im. The Methodist Sabbath school held their annual picnic lu Lever's bush on Friday af ternuon Ust. The day was very Warm but that did not prevent running, jumping and tearing around iu general while perspiration ran down in s^reama. It IS astouiahing what youth will Uu "for tun. ' The whole buach ef picnickers were taken to the xrouuds in autos, and brought home the same w^y, of course. The garden party at Mount Ziun uo Monday evening was veil attended, ih.> pioceeds amounting to about f70. A â- .'jod p ogram was rendered and FUsher- ton and Pioton ladies played a harmoni- ous and interesting Ivisebali game «ith odds in favor of Fleaherton to the tune «f to to J. A large number of people from the village attended. Who lost a cat recently ' This cat got a b'td habit of stealing young chickens from soma of nur citizens. Then • couple of "kiddies" were hired to citch the ckt. which r.hey did expediiiously . PiiSK was taken .no .> bastament cellar by an uutta^ed poultry raiser and her scilp was lifted as neatly as it could be done by a Freuch 77. The idea has been entertained of sending tho hoadlevs car- case to the captain cf the Deutchland to be taken home for Germany's starving millions. A number of soluier boys on leava from Camp Borden enjoyed a glorn us strawberry picnic on ihe train one nighr last week, at the exponse of one ot our local cattle buyers. The owner was bringing a crate of berries home and during his absence in another ctr the boys, after vainly trying to discover the owner so that they might buy them, fell | to and cleaned up twelve boxes. At Orangeville the owner had not returned and ihe other tweWa boxes thereupon disappeared. Further up the line the owner came along for his berries but only the empty crate mat his gsze. There is no use trying to elaborate on his feelings Whan he tries another importation I e Orrto stay by ch« crate until he gets it safe In the pantry A sudd an and sad death occurrad at the home of Mr. Donald Stewa;', west of Ceylon, on Saturday afternoon las*. when his hired help. Robert Hadden, was stricken while raking bay. Mr. Stewart, who was working a few rods away, beard % cry and ran to ,>ss'st. He foui d Uaddan unconscious and still on the hayrake. A doctor wa* at his side with- in fifteen minute* but conld do nothing and ihs unfortunate man passed away about foar hours after receiving the stroke. The Oecaased was about 44 year* of age. Ha had been in Mr. Stewart's employ for a year, coming from Elinburgh, Scotland. He had no raliiives in this ci'untry. The fMUiily thouffht an great daal of him, and feel his death keenly The remain.s were interred in Priceville, Tuesday afternoon. His reUtives in Ediugurgh hue been cabled. Particulars of the pas.'siug of the late L'eut. Arnold Hjuroe Thur&tou io Belgium have been received. The follow- ing letters fioui the front convey infor- mation that his many frienda will be pleased to read : Dear Mr. Thurstoa, -Before thi* reaches }(<u ; be sad news of yuur son's d>)ath will have been cabled. I wriie to tell vuu of his burial in the pretty little inililary cemetery at ] Belgium, five miles behind the line where ; he feil, adding one more to the precious I sacritices that will make the world the i richer, but -.he homes from which cbey came poorer. It would dj your ind hearts "good could you hear his 1 thcers and the m> n of his company »pauk of their sorrow ai d of the respect in which he was held. A cross is being made by the engineers and his grave will be sodded and cand for ly tl-e three caretakers of lie cemetery. May ihe God of ali comort and giace, comfort and keep you all in your great sorrow. I can't help but think of cur Savior's words, "Greater love hath no man than ihis, that he by down his life for bis friends. " To free Belgium and tl e rest of the w<>rld uf the curse of the Hun, he his given bis all. Yourj with tenderust sympathy, W. Beattie, Lt -Col., Senior Chaplain P.S.â€" He was killed about 9 p. n't June 23. buried 10..'!0 a.m June Lt) F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE Specials at Karstedt's This Week MILUNERY! MILLINERY! We are selling the remainder of otir Hats for less than cost priceâ€" while they last. You can get your pick for 82. .50. Lota of these were $ J.OO. Come iu and get one. % HARVEST TOOLS! W by me. U. Q. 2ud Div. .\rtUleiy June 27, \M'.^ W. U. Thurs-.on, Esq. Flcsheiton Uai., Canada Dear Mr. Thur»lou, â€" It is my sad du'y to notify you uf your gillant son, Lieut. A. Monroe Thurston, who was killed In action last eveniug. He was killed by a shell in the front line while supervising the tiro elfjct of the Trench Mortar Btttery he coiumauded. I assure you tfaa^ it is not iu the formal ter:us of l.iuilation of the dead that I write when I state that your son was one of the bravest, most devoted and capable otticers in my command. Nut only was ha liked by everyon». but aimired and respected by all ranks for h'S cool courage and absolute forgetful- nesb of Self in his d-ivotiou to duty. It wts my intention to promote hiiu ha d h kurvivud (he fighting now in progress As ftr as consolation from a stranger can assist in assuaging viief, you tiave my heartfelt condolence*, but it will soften the blow to have my a-u'ance as your sou'* commanding otticer that ha died the death of a soldier, fearlestly and erticienily, perleiuiiug liis duty lu au exposed and dangeiou* post. r. is not an exaggarition to say that ' eveii in these days when wa ara alli almo>t hourly in the light and shadow! of drath. that the news that your son had fallen was felt as a personal Ijss I y the whole Second Ulvition. aincerlay yiurs E. W. B. Morrison, Brig. Genantl C.R..V. 2ud Canadian Division BOOTS! BOOTS! BOOTS! We have on display iu the window â€" Men j Muleskin Boots â€" just the thiug for uow. heavier boots for fall. While they last â€" $2 50. Harvesters Boots now in stock white Canvass aud Buck Pumps. Ladies' black Patent Leather low Shoes in styles. Men's Paieut, Guu Metil auJ Velours uow iu stock. Come io aud let ua show you what grand display we have iu both Ladies' and Gent's Boots. No trouble to show vou our goods. Save your Ladies' different HARVEST TOOLS* We have uaw iu stock â€" Suaiths. Scythes. Hand Rakas. 3-proagei Fjiks strapped aui ferrulel. Hay Fork Rope. Hay Rope Pulleys. Lift Hay Fork, Field Hoes. Turnip Hoes, Paris Green, Sprinklers. BmderTwine, place your order now. We handle the Brantford Twine, t>00 and G50 ft. twine. Gloves and Mitts now la stock. Fresh car of Salt just unloadeti Fresh car of Cement to arrive any dav. Blacksmith Coal now on hand. Come with vonr Produce We are payin<; the hiixhe.-r piire-; â€" Butter-i'.'). Ei:"s 27. F. G. KARSTEDT OWEN SOUND "^twT.'Yg^:^:^J^--v^.:r.x-vr!?=^rS;gg Will open to receive students any day during th>^ Holidays tor a ihvTt holiday course f )r regular course* of study a? Boar for Service The undersigned has a thorounhbred ^ Yorkshire Boar for service on lot U.con. : S, Osprey. Terms 11.00. \ â€" FREDSPOFF.\RD. Young women should begin S^ making pieparnt'oo af once 'o J^ r y. till the places of the odice who have enlisted. Write for particulars circular. to men and .\. I-M-KMINQ. I'lincipa). O. U KLE.VllNO, Sec-. A i i SAVE YOUR TIME Haying time is a bu.sy time and every day hst to the Farmer by broken and worn out Machinery means considerable dehiy and loss to him. Then for ((ui.^k repairs and adjustment.* we are ready to look after your re<iuirements as usual wirh a complete line of Repairs in the following lines of Machinery: â€" MA5SEY-HARRI5. COCKSHLTT. FR03T & WOOD. NOXON, AND PETER MAIILTON. \\ L' al.-io have the agent-y for the well known Frost & Wood Mower and Horse Kaices. â€" Phoneâ€" No. 9 ^ D. McTavish :-:-: Flesherton Entrance Results Court of Revision Nitioe is hereVy giv^n that a Court ill be holden in the Town H*ll in the! Village o' Flesherton by his Honor the ; Judge of the County Court of the County of Grey, to hear and de'ermine an appeal j from the decision ottheC utt of Revisionj of the Corporaiion of the VilUge of Fle*h . ^ \ erton. on Monday, the '-Mth day of July. I ^ 1!>1«, at the hour of tivd o'clock io tb»|J^ i afternoon. ! All parties iuteres ed ara notidad accordingly. â€" God Suve the King. â€" July 10 -W.J.BELL.\MY, Clerk, i g "^^^l^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^y^^J^^ ^^^^^r^T^ New Furniture I Latest and Most Up-to-date Iris, lattrBsses, Spiigs, Chairs^ AND OTMER NECESSITIES ' tor I A terrible aecident took pUce in the gravel pit at the C.PR. station, Erin v !Uie at ;i o'clock on Tuesdny after- i.Kon of last week iiiiil terminated in the death of Garleld Berry half .111 hour later. Berry had beea employed at the pit for s.iiiie time and was ^luite familiar with the iiin-hinery, He was p utting on a belt or. the machine that feed* ihe crusher and was drawn over t'le ] ulley The lett arm and leg wera torn uif at th body and the unfortunate man's bowela [U'oUudtU. The machinery whs stopped as unickiy a.« |i >sMble and Berry was pulle d ( ut. l>u' his iiijiiiies were so ter- rible that nolhinu! could be done for him. He lived for abo.it .'JO miiiuton after tie aocidiiit. Pel ry w,i.i 30 year* or age and uiiiu\rried. He w.is »ell tlMU^ht of 1 y everybody and !.ia tr.iitio end h;is cast a gloom over the loiniuuniiy. Hi< p.»r- ciils reside at Ber.-y's hill, 7ch line, Erin township. It is reported that Germany has raiacd the miliia'-y age limit above forty-five. FLESHERTON â€" WalUc* Aimslrong, Eiiih CoDsley, Rhjd a Bast, Kendall B<>}d, Rene Cargo (h^n ). Ernest Dtvis (hon.), Gladys Dudgs.->a, Lelita H.ll, Alex. Irwiu, Talbot Irwio, Kalherine McVicar (b 'n.), Kathleen McDonald Stewait McTavish. William W. Orr.Geo. I JUST PLACED IN STOCK Mitchell (hun.), Mabel McMullan, Jean Reid, Mildred Raid, Ernie Sriusoo,.4nna White, Mor» L. White. FEVERSUAMâ€" Hutsal K, Armour, Lillian M. Bowens, Bru^a Douglas, Ber- tha H«wton, Jeiaia Mclntyre, AdeliLa Muiphy, L'^zie Murphy, Irwin Spiuit, Stella Morrison. IHousetumishings KIMBERLEY Laura Breadner, Maiion Brvadnar. Kuby K. Koo.x. Lot- tie Stut-t, Hazd Wallace. lune Waaler. PRICEVILLE â€" Matthew Conkey. Willie Hinck^, Mary MacKinaon. Kaiia Macl'augarr, Mary Mcintosh, Nail Mo- Leiii, Edna Muriel Nichol, John Whit- tnker. ME.\KORDâ€" Bernic« .Arnistron«, .^1 ice Babington. Alice Birr. Margaret Bronn. Clara BumsteaJ, Percy Clark, Hairv Clock, Harry C' oper, Edith Dor un (Hon.), Frank l>oraii, Gnce Duncan, Elsie Dunlop, Ed. Uousli*. Fred Drum mo d (Hon ), Norinn E'tgle ^tlon.), Miy â- KkIoo, Kili'a Elford, Cathaiire Fettei (Hoi,.). Lil i.n R FriMkliu (UoB ). Lyle G uiihle. Mary Gauibli', .\iina Gilin >r. I Kite tlriersoo, Wilfred Hall, .\nnie ] Hi»kiii.«. Kite Ha«iki:.s Ha; I Hut- ; bud ^llon.), llnrry L''ach. Allies Loni;, ' 1 Ev.'U"tt Louglued, Ru'^y Lough-.-td. El. na M.voh. ^lilJre^ Valheason (Hon ), lieiii- Mnp. V,rnon Peiiy. Veroa Poich ' B u':ih Pet r<on, Murviu tjnigl y, Bert I Ke< ve.H. (»l dy.< Keeve< (Hon ). .V'lniei iR iH, Edison Keid, Ehcl R 'biu.son, j D. nald S'liin-oii (Hon ), Gladys Silver ihoni, 15ea riocSpiibnu (Hon ), Mary Spenc r. (Jraoe Tavlor (Hon), Inze^ Take notice that all persoLs m- Thompson (H .1. ). Edna Tirtin. He'en j^y f„rhj,n,.„ ,i.^.s;.«.sing on, Wilcox, E:»io \i«;k.loii (Hun ) ^ ^.,j. mbbiih on. or takiu:{, si THOUNBrKY-Da\id l?,wi. . Vera, «-'*'th <t orher matter off Park lot known , ! Brown. Harold Cruicksh,.i,k, E:a lu^.,, ar. the Flcher »»od pit, in Flo.,her!or, , I (Hi>ii ) Kill DiM.ni, Noreene <.M>uId, .' •â- â-  "taunnj .ibout iwo acres, asa I persons 1 \ .Nonii.m Hunt. Duncan Ja>iii,-s 1 •, Arch. fr..»p-..s..iEg ..r committing any wa^ie or j I h; M,i l>oii«|,i. Gl.idis McKrthur, Bea- 1 >'«â- â€¢Â»>"*â- â€¢Â«â€¢Â« '"yt*!"'..? thjrelroin, 0;. .iiiy| I Ir c- Pikiison (H(.",i.). tUl e Pear.n. P'»ft "' *'"> Kle^h-r ev.te iii ""i" 1' CoiT^UltatiCn fteC. I Wiil.id 1" ip|..<, (;i'riiude I'lator, Kluh noun! He-^h-rion \ ill igr -" '-- ': R uer-, Eva Ruth. rl..r.l, Myit'c Teed, ' icutcd Hcc-uriihg t â-  'a» NOTICE Now is the time to renew your buggies, etc, 5herwin«VVil|iams Buggy Paint Is the best for this purpose. A Varnish Gloss Painr of great durability. Especially adapted for outside e.vposure. Double the life of your Vehicles bv protectiiv them with good Paintâ€" it ji.W.P. didn't' make good it couldn't cover the earth. A Paint or Finish for every purpo.-<e. Any in- formation regarding Painting or Varnishing i;l"adlv turnished, '^ '^ W.H.BUNT| Undertaker I .\ND _ Embalmer F. W. DUNCAN Hardware Merchant FLESHERTON, Phone 30 r 2 ONT. Picture Framia^ and Upholstering Office and Shcwroom : Kichardson's Blockt (Overtlie Postofiice) 1 FLESHERTON Public Notice • School Children's Eyes. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Thi.s faniou.s maKe well known all over iheirown uood wi^rk is niondatli n they can 1' iiii[>leiiien*s is the Country and the best reconi- receive. If you Many lives have been ruineQ^g,,,,;^,' ><; i re.(uire anytliin^ in the line of Binders, .Mowers. !>eed Drillj. Cultiv nors, Pulp- >'i,s, IM.n.s, Sleigh..', \Viiiii;on!«, Cream I ."^cparaiors, Hirrows. liollrrs. Cutting Bo.tes, En8ilagt> Cutters, ti-isolino ea Sawuiij outlils, etc , give i;s a through neglected eyestraiiT. ; chanee to ^uoie prices. in childhood. The eyes of â€"â€" •â€" ;';,"^'^;;t'j;;«i every child should be ; John Wright, - Agent "' *'"*' â-  examined. We have made | Flesherton a special study of this branch ' of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. will Se oroii. I Einnia Wn^ig, White (,H. n.) .V'.ice Wluiely. Phyll,: DR. T. S. SPROILF, . July Extiuici for Vac Egtat- W. A. Armstrong. Teacher Wanted yual.titd rMe<ti.i.t Teacher for 8.». N", .S, .ArtOdicsia, Citcy Coun'y, .la'aiy *t>CO ; du'ifs to c >nimeiico 1st Jicpl.-in- her. Apply to J. W. McKee, Maxwell y. ('., Out.

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