Flesherton Advance, 3 Aug 1916, p. 1

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/iesljalxm %hmnu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINOIPLEb NOT MEN.' ?0l 36 No. 12 Fleshierton, Ont., Tliursday, August 3 101O W. H. THDRSTON ^"'X and FBOPBIBT Pithy Proton Pointers Ceylon Chat MinM Kthel NeiUon, Toronto, is visit- in>» with lier mother, Mrs. R. Neilsoii. Miss Edna Acheaon is hulidaying at ! COI.LINSON -lOI.EMAN I Mr. FrauW Culliiison was iiiarriHcl itt : higli noon at tliu liomo uf the bride's I pareut.s on Tuescl ly of l;ist week to Miiis TWilh'^onsl^'^UfcJ Ne,l MoLean, also [ presiQini;. Seven pe.so>,8 were oonHrm.d 1 "''"'e Coleman of Owen Sound, a form- Ernie Stlnson of thi- ». Uge, who attend- [ _ ,hree from Maxwell, one from Dundalk , «'• f««°h«'- "^ ^"yl""' ' '"'? "'"""Amto ei S. S. Nn, 4, Artemesia, pasned their |,„J three from Proton. Last vesk'sjileaftB Congratulations to, lifcessful students ] Kimbeiley and Heathote. is the order of- the ^S^. Kmily and \„ imprt-Nsive contirmiition ser Majorit .AiAetCn succeeded in i was held in the Ai'glican church on pM8irg= Ii*^r School examination, | Monday ai 10. :50 am., Bichnp Williams i Entrance iiXaminflionK. Great credit is due Miss Murray, o ir former public school teacher, for thn success of her varic'js classM. Mrs Black, with her daujjhter.Dorothy, is visiting her siMer.Mrs. .\rchie NeiLson. Miss Mildred Lyons spent the week end at MarkdiiiiT. Mrs. Jackson is vi.siting ht-r mother, Idri!. Joe. BodjeroE. Messrs Albert Stinson and Geoi^^e Ludlow, who have been visituig the latter's parents in Northern Ontario, re- turned home OD Saturday last. Miss Luey Co'gan and brothers, Eir i and Juhn, are visiting with their gvand- I parents. Air. and Mrs. Koome. Miss (Jertie and Mr. Ernie Ly.Hi visited with their aunt.Mrs. Maxwell. Miss Lillian Uyville is spending her hoi. days at her home here. Miss Clara Binnie is renewin;; ac(|uain- tances at Culedon. Our little village is â- juile a popular resort for city visitors, as there are several rusticating hereabouts, captivat- ing the hearts of our villas;e swains. A couple of young men, allure 1 by the Misses Maud and Roberta Acheson charms of the city l.elles, took a lengthy friends of the bride and <.'room were pre sent. Tlie happy couple left on tne after- noon 'rain for Toronto and other points. Mr. an('. Mrs. Collinson and Aliss Mesa motored to Owen Sound to attend the weddin';. We extend congratulations. Harvey Grittin, former teacher of Cey- l<m, has resigned the priiicipleship of Shallow Lake three room school to up- hold his country's honor. Mis. H. McKeowii of Winnipeg i» V'sitina with her sister, Mrs. S. Rands. Mr. Rob Broddie, Toronto, spent the .'past week in town and attended the Hay land \Vat8on wedding at Swiufcon Park on Wednesday evening last. The Misses Willow McLeod, Torunio, Hattia Ni\on, Caledon, h,iU H:izel visited during the p»8t week with their stroll one evening. Too bad they w.uo McLeod mororeJ up Tuesday to visit grandparents. niittakea for something else. Oh, well, A number from our village attended country girls would have known better. Mount /ion garden party on Monday Misa Vtulet Stevens ipeni the week last. If the people of Mount Ziun end with her friend, Miss Mildred always provided such pleasant tunes i n Binnie. occasions of that kind we don't care how M^g. Peter Pickett is visiting with her Bwn they have another one. : parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Park. Master Gordon Wauchob viaited in 'â-  Durham last week and was accompanied home by his cousin, Frank Hopkins. , Miss McClure and Miis Brown of Toronto are visiiiuu at Mr. Ab. Slinaoo's. I Little Miss Brooks is visiting her { uncle, Mr. Geo. Brouka. i On Thursday last Mrs. U. Hopkins of Mr. and Mrs. Becker, »r., are enjoying a trip to Buffalo. Mrs. (Jrahain and little daushter fro.n Maoitoulin I.sland visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Corbett. Miss Wilma Trelford is holidaying with her sister, Mrs Breenis.t »rangeville Marriedâ€" On July 2ti, at the rectory. this place, was taken to Owen Sound ly Duodalk, Miss Susan McNulty to Mr. I>r. Martin and underwent an operation for appendicitis. We have learued the operation was successful and the patient is doing as well as could be expected. Meisrs Reggie and Howie Cairns, Toronto, are visiting at Mr. Thos. Wauchob's. Mrs. Greenit, Orauifeville, is visiting under the parental roof. Misa Maud Boyd, Klesherton, and Mr. Gibson Boyd, Toronto visited at Mr. Geo. Binnie's. Miss Mabel Wauchob Sundayod with, Mrs. Jno. McOonnel. Thi« Week's Items Mr. and Mis. Ferguson of Ileathoole visited at J. C. Wrijjht's. Charles White of the Junction. Miss McMulluu, Ceylon, is the guest of Miss Winnie Wodehouse. Geo. Dixon has been up to l iwen Sound on the jury these past few days. Why Suffer From Heat in the City When You Can Cool off on the Great Lakes? Mr. D. McLfeod and other friends. Mr. Frank Young, who has bean a visitor at Jas. Radley's for a week has returned to Toronto. Miss Mjrtle Radley accompanied him back. Mrs. Geo. Stuart and family left Friday for a month's holidays at Powasssn. Pts. John Meads, .fames and Will Oliver. T. MoArthur, Jas. .MoMuUen.W. Ra<lley, S. McLeotl, Hunter Harrow and R. Wilcock have all leturned to Camp Borden. Mrs. (jibsun and two ehildren, who have been visiting her (Mronts, Mr. and Mrs. W. Meads, left Saturday for Owen Sourd. Mrs. D. Harrow is spending a few days in Toronto. Miss Mary McMullen, who has for the past four weeks bs-en visiting Toronto friendr, returned home Thursday. Mrs. tieorge Mitchell, who has spent the pait fortnight with her sister, Mrs. F. Cairns, relumed Monday to Toronto. Mr. Will Rutledee spent a few days in Toronto ast week, but' as returned again. Miss Mabel McMullen spent the week end with Proton friends. Take the Canadian Pacitic Steamship On Sunday evening while .Mr. and Mrs. Piper were returning from their daugh- ter's. On passing another riu in the Express from Toronto any Tuesday, ! duhk on a narrow part of the loaJ, the Thursday orSaluiday at U :W p.m. for j bind wheels collided throwing Mr. and Port McNicoll. where direct connection I Mrs. Piper out. Mi«. Piper escaped i) made with eithei the "Aiisiniboia " or 1 iii>h.»r.ned wlule Mr. Piper received some "Keewatin ' for Sault Ste. Marie, Port bruises and a couple of fractured ribs. Arthur and Fort William. An ideal t «,. ,j Collins.ns horse .an away on Vacation Trip at i-mall cost. Particulars from any Canadian Pacitic Tick»t Agent, or W. B. Howard, Diitrict Passenger A(^e it, Toronto. Wediieaday afternoon last, tearimj tlio t 'p, breaking the dash board and r aches but was caught before it reached ' the lailway. Feversham Items The weather still continues dry hut is a little cooler afier the electric storm on Sunday evening, though iliero was no rain of any aoeount f.,11 and spring crops and roots need rain badly. Mr.s. Dewaberry of Toronto, is the guoat of Mrs. J.,1. Kaitting at present. N. Baltcrsby of Owen .Sound, spent the week end with J.Paul and wife. Mr Battersby and wife returiitd homo to Owen Sound on Monday. Miss B. t)ctroin, who has been visiting friends here and in Fleshertoii f.,r the past tliree weeks, has returned to htr home in Pembroke. Miss Sidio Julian apaul Sunday at her parental Imme here. Mr. >Vm. Brackeiibiuy has relurncii to Depot Harbor after a week's visit with friends heie Miss Lizzie Ha.e of Lunisdeii, Si)sL.,is holidaying wiih her brother, Fied,uf Uie suburbs. Pte. Harry Burk of the l:i4th liul., Toronto, IS spending a few days with friend j lieie. Mr. McFarland and wife i.f Toronto, are vitiiing Fred Tyler and wife. James Aruoltand wife and H. Alexai.- dar aid wife spent Sunday with W. Osborne at Lady Bank. Glad to repoit that .Miss Kthel Biack- eubury is recovering nicely iu Colling- wood Ho>piial where she underwent an operation for appendicitis .t .short tune ago. The farmers are neaily through haying having saved the heaviest crop of hay that has been grown in thii part for .•iimie years. Bates Burial Co i. W. Bates, R. Maddock, IVasideiic. Manager. FuiiHia; Hi ectirs iiid Kuiljajiiifrs 124 Avenue Road.Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 Mi.tor I'"niifral Cars and Liin. usiiics til Ctiiietery at "amecoxt' as Hnrse- iliawn vehicles. 1 iiiiK Jewelry A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplier. Aug. 4. 1914- War Dtclared Aug. 4, 1916â€" Allies Winning ORGANIZE for Victory \ THE THIRD YEAR OF THE WAR calls for the organized co-opera- tion ot every citizen of the Province of Ontario. ALL must help to hasten nie day of final triumph. For the sake of those who have made the Great Sacrifice, and of those now overseas or in training, every citizen must give the best service possible. No one need feel "out of it" when the great day of Victory comes, but everyone mu.st qualify now by .sharing in the sacrifices which the War demands. Suggestions for Organization In many Municipalitie* thare are alraady •ctiv* patriotic organisation*, such as Recruitiag , Rod Croat, SoUiori' Aid and Patriotic Fund Com- mittooa. la tuck caaa*. one of thoto. or, better •iiU, a joint committee of these and the citisen* â- eneraliy, might undertake to co-eperate with the Central Committee at Toronto. Where there is no active repreaeatative organiantion, it â- Â« auggested that one he formad at the earliest moment It theuld be non- partiaan (in the broadest sense), and represent erery interest affected by war condition*. What Organizations Should Do Find more men for Oversea* aerrice. 4. Help in Iceaping our munition* plant* worlcing to full capacity. Induce every poaiible worker, men and women, to serve on the fann and in other e**entiBl indu*trie*. Find money for the coming WAR LOAN and war funds. In short, a**ist in the organixation of Ontario'* reaonrce* to meet war condition* and after-war condition*. THRIFT and ECONOMY, and a careful consideration and preparation for our problems are essential if we would meet the present and future needs. For further suggestions and information you are cordially requested to write at once to ALBERT H. ABBOTT, Ph.D., Secretary, Organization of Resources Committee, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. /aL. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR OF OffTARlO Ckaimuui of the Organiiation of Resoiuxea Committee Heathcote Kev. Mr. Uoll' of Thorn liury. wlio has been holding camp meeiinij iu Sir. t_J«(,, Vaniijlew's giovo for the past month, closed on .Sunday hiht and nas now moved liis tents to "Buy View." We are sorry to hear that Mrs. K! • dridge Uutchinsou is ill. Dr. and Mr.s. McKee acuompanied by the lutter's brother, Mibter .\rchie Jlc- Donald, inotorad tu Lujli.iotv on Thurs- day. MisB Eva and Ethel Irwin vi.sited wiih their sister, Mrs. Krnest Charters at Epping, the early part of the week. Master (ieishoiii (iardner returned home en Saturday alter vLsiliiig with friends in Fairniuunt and Ilocklyn for the past week. Miss Olive Keid of Uocklyn,is visiting with her sister. Mrs. Harold Vickers. •J. 11. (iardner, who has spent the pa.-it three weeks on his farm at Rockljn, returned homo on isalutday last. Pte. Percy Atkin.i.who ha.s been tra'n- iug at Camp B'.>rden for tha past months, spent the latter part of the week with friends here ere his departure for land on Thursday next. Eng- NcwsTh" Farmers Now i.s yourcliaiice to get rid of anj seiap iron. P. Sleinharl intends to load a eouple of car loads uf iron and will p^y top price in cash. Also 2c for ra«s any oe for rubbers, .'Wc for horsehair, all f.o. b. Markdale. Sell to no one but myself, 1 hive no agents. Enquire by telcphoiie or laail. P. Steinhart Markdale OR. BURT .tpci.ii.t in di.c*.e, o.-.he vv . A Amistrong Eye, EarNose and Throat I ' ()FFU'E-i;ioioth»t,West,'jweii Sound Jeweler At the Il4ivere house. Markdale, 2nd I Thursday each m„nth fioiii 8 to a 12a. m ! KI FCHITDTrklVI r\n.iT DuudHlk.ls Wednesday of each month., i ^ Lt.i>"E;RTON, . ONT f Get Your Binding Toronto Line North Tw,) Late for Last Week. Berry-picking has coinmenued. Extremely hot weather. .Mess-rs. VVidditiold and Rjbt. Mathew- SJH of Newmarket, motored up and spent a few days with the la'ter's brother, Mr. Fred Mathewsoii, for a few days. Mies Florence Lever, Mr. M's neice, returned with them. .She intends to spend her liolxKyj there Mr. Clias. Martin of Eugenia, accomp- anied by the Misses Elva and Etta Lever visited at Mis. Saul Hill's, Markdale. Little Miss Marion and Verim Boland of Vandeleur, visited with their aunt, Mrs. Will Snanton, for the past week. Mri. A'l. Stewart has returned home after visiting a few days with friends in Owen Sound. Lanoe-Corp. (Rev.) U.C.Kerr cf Camp B.>rden, spjnt a few days with Mr. and Mrs. .\. Stewart. Mr. J. Oar.sou of I'riceville, is helping Mr. Fred Brown at the hay this week. Twine AND Flour & Feed AT W. B U S K I N I t I FOR THE PEOPLE g WHO WEAR BOOTS We have them in Men's Bo.\ Call, Kid and l5 Patents. Also some good lines in Plough Boots. '^ LADIES' WEAR We liave them in Bulfoii witli Cloth and Leather T()p.s, Patent Vanip.s. Light and heavy hoys ami girls boots, suitable for the season. Trunks, Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion Express Co. money orders. Thos. Clayton^s I FLESHERTON John Chaptnati Furniture and Undertaking Successor to :-: W. H. Bunt Calls answered day or night. Day phone 17 R 2. Night phone i7 3. The old stand opposite the Town Hall

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