Flesherton Advance, 3 Aug 1916, p. 3

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!â- â-  < . 'f FEE WIPES OUT TOWNS V - IN NORTHERN ONTARIO Matheson Completely Wiped Out, Two-Thirds of Cochrane Gone, and Numerous Small Places Obliterated. T'> Cobalt, Ont, July 80.â€" The bush] fires which have been raginj? through- j out Northern Ontario in the vicinity . mostly women and children, were as a relief train to bring down re- fugees. One hundred and sixteen, Markets of the World Breaditnffs. Toronto. Aug. 1.â€" Manitoba wheat â€" No. 1 Northern. »1.28J ; No. 3, »1.26« ; No. 3, J1.22S, on track Bav ports. Munltolm oats â€" No. 2 C.W., Blio ; No. 3 C.W., Blc. ; extra No. 1 feed, 50io ; 3 C.W., 510. ; extra No. 1 fee' BUic ; track Hay porta. Amorlcim corn â€" No. 3 yellow, 92Jc., on track Toronto. Ontario Oatsâ€" No. 2 white. 47 to 48c., accordlnB to frelshts outside. Ontario wheat â€" No. 1 commercial, »1.01 to $1.03 ; No. 2 do.. 98c. to $1.00 ; No. 3 do., 92 to 94c ; feed wheat, 89 to 91c. Peasâ€" No. 2 nonllnal, $1.75 to $1.85 WILL BE NO REST FOR THE GERMANS Spirit of Men at Front is Per- fect, Says Under-Secretary of War. of Matheson and Cochrane have claim ed 149 known victims up to 10 o'clock to-night, as follows : MATHESON 60 RAMORE 14 NUSHKA 57 SCATTERED 18 Nushka is a little village ten miles north of Matheson. The town of _ nominal, 65 to 6«c ; feed barley, nominal, 60 to 62o. accnrrtlnK to freights outside. Buckwheatâ€" Nominal, 70 to 71o. ac- cording to frelirhts outelde. Rye â€" No. 1 commercial. 96 to 97c, ac- cordlnB to frelRhta outside. brought down to Englehart last night. Rescue train made up of boxcars caught fire several times coming through. The entire North Country from Matheson to Timmins is ablaze to- night, and a pall of smoke has hung 5?"f^' .'i". . ^ , â-  . . < . k „= 1, ,â-  ^ • ^ , J! i.1. l"iB8. »6; strong bakers. In Jute bags, over the district down as far south as $5.80, Toronto. Cobalt all afternoon. All telegraph 'â-  „„2>"ni'""''ii ?k "r"''??!^^^''-. "r"'''"".?,. 1° â€" -- I J . , . • ..• ' 1 J sample, $4.16 to $4.25, In bags, track, Matheson i- completely destroyed and ^"'^ telephone communication beyona Toronto, prompt shipment ; $4.25, bulk, 60 bodies have already been found, i Swastika has been cut oflf since early ^ •^«''il','jrf;*edi^r'iots,'ravered Montreal Cochrane also suflfered severely from Saturday afternoon. The operator at freights, bags Includedâ€" Bran, per ton, the fires, and practically two-thirds of Matheson was obliged to leave his ; »^20^^^,„«^2l : ^Shons, pe^^ the town has been destroyed. Kelso Post in the middle of a message, ac- f ad flour, per bag, 51.65 to $1.70. and Homer villages have also been â- . cording to a report brought down destroyed I here, and since then the north has country Produce Practically all day to-day there has-been cut off. The last accounts were inf°er[or,'"74^T2\c':""''' °'""''' '' '" ' " been no wire communication between i to the effect that the town of Timmins ] *°Eggs-New'"'ia'id ^29 t soo Cobalt and the gold camp, but late "was surrounded by fire, and that the j cartons. - this afternoon it was learned that 17 | entire town was threatened, despite i ^^ Beans- houses have been burned at Timmins. ' the fact that there Is considerable ^ Cheeseâ€" New large, l7o At Iroquois Falls all stores but one : clearing to the south and west of the | fipi^^'s- 1I'°- ,^p,,^„, have been burned, and practically all town. The village of Pearson's Land- ^-- camps in the vicinity have fallen vie- »"? is reported to be burning, and tim to the flames. It was reported that place, too, is cut off from outside that 15 people at Iroquois Falls were communication. injured and several are dead. Two Great fear is expressed for a num- are dead at Nahma. ber of pro.ipectors in th bush at vari- When news was "received in Cobalt , oua places throughout the district, of the catastrophe a meeting of the as well as for a number of settlers, town council was held, and several Everything in the woods now is as dry prominent citizens organized a relief as tinder. Small fires confined to nar- campuign in the town. Tlie town vot- row areas have been smouldering for ed $500 for provisions, and the towns- ' weeks, and with the stiff breeze Sat- people and stores" were thoroughly 'â-  ^I'^^y these were fi^nned >nto a Jury canvassed this morning for food and A despatch from London says: Lord Derby, Under-Secretary of War, who recently visited the British front, corSini"?, '?r.T';V"'^' Vf? '" "â- ^'*' "^ Im W«''"«'*^»y K'*^ the International j ^ii^^3 north-east of Lemberg, in Ga •="BX-MLu?,l'^''bkX'y." nominal,. _^^^ licia. They have also by another RuB.ian attacks, to fall back, THE GERMAN FRONT WEST OF LDTSS BROKEN Czar's Victorious Armies Within 58 Miles of Lemberg, With Railroad Connection. A despatch from Petrograd says: ' town may have the effect of causing The Russians have occupied the im- 1 the entire Austrian line southward to- portant railroad junction of Brody, 58 ward Tarnopol and Buczecz, which has been held tenaciously in face of work being done there by the British army: "I never saw such absolute confi- dence, not only among the officers, drive 60 miles away broken through j The fall of Brody is a serious threat the entire first line of the Teutonic to Loml)erg, and t>o rapid and suo- allies west of Lutsk and driven the cessful advance of Gen. Sakharoffa Austro-German forces from the line forces menace the whole Austro-Ger- Manitoba flour- Fii;8t patents, in Jute | but all the grades from the generals ^j ^j^^ jjj^.^j. gion^vka and Boldu- man line of communications from the Ks, $t.0O; second p_atents. In Jtite ; down. The .spirit is absolutely mag- ,„„,,„ a„„„. „„ „ ;„ „ ,,:„„ n, .„ ,, „„„„, v„„ n,„ „,„oo„«: creamery prints. 29 t . 290. do., in $4.50 to $E, the latter for hand twlna~17io ; at ., -â-  ' _,-_,. . , are steady $1.40 to $1.50 per Imperial gallon. Dressed Poultryâ€" Chickens. 25 to 27c; fowl. 33 to 26c. Potatoes â€" New Bcunswtcks quoted at $2. per bair ; Western, $1.85. Provlilona. Bacon, long clear, 18 to 18Jc per lb. Hams.â€" Medium. 24 to 25c : do., heavy. 2nj to 21c : rolls, 19 to 19Jc; breakfast I bacr>n, 26 to 27c; backs, plain, 26 to 27c; I "Lard"â€" p'ure'''lard,%Brcea, 16J to 17c. ' two weeks ought to see great things land palls. 17J to 17ic; compound, 14 to achieved. I4ic. spirit is absolutely mag nificent. Men who, fifteen months ago, were in counting houses, are to- day the finest soldiers imaginable. "After all, you cannot beat a volun- teer army, where such spirit and con- fidence exists, for remember, I should say at least 93 per cent, of the army are volunteers, while the remainder really only wanted their minds made up for them." Lord Derby was asked whether the ground gained in the recent British advance was worth the losses of men. Lord Derby said: "There is no question about it" He paid tribute to the Prussians, who, he said, were fighting like "tigers," but their confident spirit was incomparable with the British. Regarding the length of the war, Lord Derby said that any one who named a specific time could only be described as a fool, but that the next rovka. Southern Volhynia, according north to the south. For the present to the ofl'icial communication issued Kove) yields in importance to Lem- on Friday night by the War 6ffice. berg. The position of this portion of Heavy casualties were inflicted on the the Russian front seems to be that Austro-Germans; over 9,000 men were Gor.eral Kaledines, having driven Gen. made prisoner, two generals, and a , von Linsingen's left wing behind the large number of guns were captured. Stokhod River, has suspended his ad- Brody is a great railway junction, vanco towards Kovel and is holding up and it had been expected the Austrians the great Teutonic forces there while would retain it at all cost. The swift- Gen. Sakharoff is pressing on toward ness of this new Russian stroke was Lemberg, which is defended by the unexpected. The occupation of the . forces of Gen. Boehm-Ermolli. clothing. The town was practically de- pleted of the bread supply, and but- ter, biscuits and various provisions were accumulated and shipped by spe- cial train leaving here at 3.30 o'clock for the north. Four doctors and four of fl:"ne. At many points south of Timmin.-i settlers moved their families out to the railway over a week ago. LIVES OF TENS OF THOUSANDS ARE BEING SWALLOWED DAILY Real Significance of the Battle of the Somme as Viewed by Ger- man Correspondents. Montreal Markets •Montreal Aug. 1.â€" Oatsâ€" Canadian Western. No. 2, 53i to 64c : do.. No. 3. 52i to 53c : extra No. 1 feed. 52 to 524c- No 2 local white. 52Jc : No. 3 do.. 51ic. No. 4 do.. Cnjc. Flourâ€" Mani- toba .Sprlnp wheat patents, firsts. $6.60; do seconds. $6.40; strong bakers' $6.90; Winter patents, choli-e, $6 to $« 25 - straight rollers. $5.10 to $5.30 ; do In baKS. $4.S0 to $5. Rolled oatsâ€" Barrels. $5.06 to $5.45 ; Imif of 00 lbs. $2,40 to nurses bourded the special, and were to ascertui'n the extent of the disaster J^^.ea^^Muifeeaâ€" Bran. $21: shorts, $24 A despatch from Berlin says: The ' two years of the war appears the real "What will you do with the Kaiser > Vossische Zeitung prints the follow- significance of the great world strug- if you get him?" Lord Derby was jng despatch from its correspondent, gleâ€" namely, England and Germany No Lives Lost at Cochrane. Ottawa, July 30.â€" The Department of Railways is making every effort asked. "I cannot say, but I promise he won't be able to do any more harm," replied the Under-Secretary, adding: "But we've got to get him first." "When you get to Bapaume will $32 $26 to $2 Hay â€" No. 2. moulUle. $30 to per ton, car lota. accompanied by a relief committee of at Cochrane and Matheson reported _ _ __ 20 Cobalt citizens. At Haileybury and to have been set by forest fires and »JJ5o^^to^$is^^^nunerâ€"o,oi^ceHt cream.: New Liskoard the Cobalt contingent to relieve the sufferers along the line | EBisâ€"Fiesh^ 36c ; Hciect<Hi."'33c ;" No. 1 was joined by other relief commit- of the National Transcontinental Rail tees, together with supplies collected way. Superintendent Brady has left in these towns. Local undertakers Winnipeg in charge of a fuUy-equip- were askod to supply as many cas- ped relief train and will reach the kets as they had on hand, and two flre area as fast as the distance can baggage trains attached to the special be covered. The T. Eaton Company, train conveyed a large number of . of Winnipeg, have donated three coffins and boxes north. thousand dollars worth of food sup- At Englehart 62 children have ar- 1 pHes and they are on their way east, rived with scarcely a stitch of cloth- : The Mayor of Cochrane telegraph- ing, having been taken out of their j d the department this afternoon beds at Matheson and Nushka at that althouirh the business section of night. A large number of refugees Cochrane has been destroyed, the are being brought down to Cobalt, residential section has escaped and Haileybury and New Liskeard, where there has been no loss of life. The they will be cared for To-day'.s National train was held at I ental and of the T. and N. O. have Englehart, returning later to New 1 not been burned. A railway trestle Liskeard, where she left passengers. : ju.st outsiile Cochrane has been de- The train then proceeded north to act stroyed. stock, 30c ; No. 2. do.. 26 to 27 Winnlpeir Oraln. Winnipeg. .\UK. 1. i-iish prices â€" Wheat â€"No 1 Northern, $1.21* ; N'o. 2. do.. $1,181 : No. 3. do.. $1.HJ : No. 4. $1,101, Oatsâ€" No. 2 C.W.. 44Sc; No. 3. do.. 44ic; extra No. 1 feed. 43Jc : No. 2 feed 42ic- Barleyâ€" No. 3. 73c ; No. 4. esjc '• re-^ Jected. 60c ; feed, M,-. Flaxâ€" No 1 N W.C, $1.74i ; .No. 2 C.W.. $1,711, United Stat«i Market!. .,'\'o'?"'''""'""- '^"S I -Wheatâ€" July $1,224; .ScptemlK-r. $1234 to $1,234; No. 1 haril. $l.2it4 ; No. 1 Northern $1.22i to $1,254 : No. 2 Northern. $1 2114 to 1.23J. Corn â€" No. 3 vellow. SI to S2c Oat.sâ€" No 3 white. 3si t.. 30c. Flour ca joining England and her allies unchanged; Hhlpnu.nts, 79 1104 bbls J""ii"b i:.iit,iunu aiiu iiei .luies Bran. $17 50 to $15.00. Max Osborne, from Cambrai, France: engaged in a tremendous duel. Every- "The fearful battle which has now thing that has taken place hitherto raged three weeks signifies more than between the two peoples appear now the fact that it is the greatest at- a mere prologue. The duel has begun, tempt yet undertaken by the western and day by day it swallows the lives enemies, with unprecedented force, to of tens of thousands. you rest there before beginning a new push back the German army from the "I saw hero a number of English ofT('ns;ve?" he was asked. occupied provinces of Northern - prisoners, and these men understand "We won't rest until we get to Ber- France. (what it means for our regiments to lin," came the reply. | â- <!„ ^ historical sense it embodies hold out against a storm of attacks Lord Derby made an earnest plea the measuring by the army leaders of by such. They are strong, tough, for America's help in ending what he the countries of all their forces in a wildly courageous, and stern fellows, buildings of the National Transcontin- \ $i.',Jo^i";'''>,a rNoVti;ern."$'i.T/J''ioSi''2"s4: ,No 2 N,.rthern $1.1!I4 to $1214: July! $1,244, nominal ; .September. $1 234 â-  December. $1 238 bid. Llns.-vd. On Ir.-ick $1.9SJ to $1.99 ; to arrive. $1.JSJ • July $l.n!l4 asked : .''eptember. $1.9KJ asked' October, $1.08 UNked ; November $1 07 bl.l ; U.H-1-ml.er. $I.;i,-,J bid. ' termed "German kultur." "We want America in with us," he added. "Not necessarily in the war itself, but after it is over to help to put an end to this thing culled Ger- man kultur. I realize, and always have done so, that the United States Is overwhelmingly pro-ally. I can also understand that there must be a certain amount of friction between the two countries during a war such as this, but our aims are the same." Lord Derby looked towards Ameri- at all events after the war in order to prevent a repetition of wars like the present. decisive land battle. "For the first time at the end ' certainly able to stand up to their op- of ponents." BRITAIN IS MAKING HER OWN MUNITIONS. Factories to Make One Class of Ex- ploBives in Vast Quantities. A despatch from London says: During a discursive debate on the questions of the war in the House of Commons on Wednesday night. Dr. Christopher Addison, Parliamentary Secretary of Munitions, in replying to B question said that the Department of Munitions was endeavoring to re- duce the contracts for munitions in the United States by increasing the GER.MAN WORKMEN URGED NOT TO STRIKE A despatch from Berlin .says: â€" The Socialist Executive Committee and the General Commission of Labor Unions in Germany have unified in a joint appeal to the working classes not to participate in strikes ad demonstra- tions which /.le Ra<iical leaders of the Liebknechb group of Socialists are endeavoring to organize. The peo- ple are warned against giving ear to what is termed the shady propaganda of "the apostles of protest and the output here. In one particular class of general strike,'* it being declared that explosives, he said the department had | such efTorts are roomed in advance to undertaken the construction and failure and can only injure the partici- equipment of factories to provide theso , pants and discourage their brothers explosives on an unheard of scale. I fighting at the front. KEY TO KIPORTANT PASSES CAPTURED BY THE ITALIANS Nearly Entire Austrian Garrison Surrendered, It Having Been Demoralized by the Suddenness of the Attack. A despatch from Milan, Italy, says: 1 sistance nearly the entire garrison Xdve Stock Markets. Toronto. Ausr. 1.â€" choice heavy steers $8.5(1 111 SS.7.'i : Rood h.-uvv .steers, $S.lO to S.35 : butchiTs' i-.-iiile. cDiid. $7 sii to $S.O0 : do., mcilliim, $7.25 to $7 50- do cominim. $6.25 to $C.OiJ ; butcheis' iiulls' choice. $7.25 to $7.75 ; do. Rood hulls' $6.75 to $7. or) ; do. roiich hulls. $4.50 to $5.00 ; butchers' cows, choice, $7.10 to $7.25 : do., Kood, $6.75 to $7.00 ; do medium, $6. no to $6.25 ; stockers 700 to 850 lbs., $6.25 to $6 75 ; choice feed- ers, dcliiirned, $6.-10 Ir, $7.25 ; ciinner-s and cutters, $3.76 to $4.50 ; milkers choice, each, $70. ou to $»o.oo ; do., com! and med., each. $40.00 to $60 iii) - sprinffers, $50.0ri to $00.00 ; llpht ev/rs $7.60 to $8.50 ; sheep, heavy, $4.f,0 to $5.36 ; sprlnff Iiimb.s, per lb.. 134c. to 14c ; calves. Rood to choice. $0.6lr to $12.10; do, medium, $7.25 to $S.50 ; hoffs. fed .nnd watered, $12.00 to $12.10 ; do., welshed off cars. $12.26 to $12 36 do., f.o.b., $11.25 to $11.30. Montreal, ,\ij<t. I. â€" Hutchi-r steiT" Rood, $S.25 to $8.50 ; meillum. $7.60 tei $s.5(i : conirnoii to fair $7 to $S ; fair, to Rood. $6.50 to $7. Butcher cows. Rood. $6 to $7 ; frilr, $f,.5(r to $5.75 ; common, $5 to $5.25. Hutcher Hulls, best, $6 to $7 ; Rood, $6 to $6.50 : fair, $5.50 to $6 ; canners, $4.50 to $5. Sheep, 7c; lambs, lie. Cnlvis. milk fed, Sc to 9c; Rrass fed, 5c. Mors, i selects, $11.75 to $12.25 ; rouKhs and i mixed lots. $10.50 to $11.50 ; sows i $0.76 to $10.25. I BRITISH CAPT.VIN MURDERED. Germans Take Commander's Life Without (living a Fair Trial. A despatch from London says: NewR of the execution of Captain Fryatt of the British steamer Brussels caused a painful impression at the Foreign Office. Under the instruc- tions of Viscount Grey, the Foreign Secretary, a note was despatched im- mediately to the .-Vmerican Embassy requesting that James W. Gerard, the American Ambassador at Berlin, pro- cure complete details of the affair. The fir^t intimation of the trml of Captain Fryatt was called to the at- tention of the Foreign Office by press reports on July 18 to the effect that he was to be tried as the result of finding on him a watch containing an inscription reciting his efforts to ram a German submarine. DUTCH FISHING BOATS BRITISH WIN ALL LONGUEVAL Delville Wood Is Also Firmly in the Possession of Haig's Forces. A despatch from London says; One of the most furious battles of the have been the scene of some of the heaviest fighting of the whole cam- paign. The possession of this wood and of Longueval is expected to fa- cilitate greatly the further progress of the Franco-Brithh forces. KING PLA.NS VISIT TO CANADA. Expi'cls to Make Trip With Queen aa Soon as War Permits. The appointment of the Duke of De. war is being waged on the five-mile vonshire as Governor-General of Can- j Pozieres-Longuevul front, where the I British and Germans have been grip- ped in a bloody struggle for more than a week. The Briti.sh troops are con- tinuing to gain important ground ada may be regarded as a forerunner of the King's determination to make a tour of Canada with the Queen as .soon after the war as possible, accord- ing to the London correspondent of the against the most desperate resistance Manchester Guardian, yet faced in any theatre. With their Reference is made to plans by the full weight of guns and with thou.s- ' King to visit Canada during the Duke anils of trained reinforcements the ' of Connaught's tenure of office, the Germans are contesting every inch of assertion being made that they were the blood-soaked territory. cut short Ijy the outbreak of the war. The Germans have been completely The Duchess of Devonshire is not driven from the Delville wood, a for- only Mistress of the Robes of the est fortress behind the (German thinl Queen but is one of her closest friends, line of defence. The British won the she was, before her marriage, Lady last inch of ground in this vital posi- Kvelyn Mary Fitzmaurice, daughter tion by a night attack. The wood was of Lord Lansdowne. She is a great held by the famous Brandenburg social favorite aand one of London's corps, which has distinguished it.self most popular hostesses. Both she and on every field from Warsaw to Ver- dun, and it was against these trained veterans that "Kitchener's army of clerks" scored its victory. Under cover of an artillery fire so terrible that the German general staff make special comment upon it in their official report, the British on Fri. day continued their onward swing the Duke have visited more than once. TURKISH SUEZ STORY .V PUKE F.VBRICATION Since July 20 operations have been conducted by the Italians in the upper San Pellf};rino valley with consider- able success. One detachment captur- BRITISH STEAMERS SAIL FROM THE BALTIC. Leave Russian Ports and Are Navi- gated Around Sweden. A despatch from Stockholm says: Almost every day British steamers ly- ing at Russian ports manage to get out of the Baltic and escape the Ger- man cruisers. The ships generally cross the Gulf of Bothnia and are piloted around Sweden inside the ter« ritorial limit. This traffic during the ' surrendered. Four hundred prisoners, two guns, several machine guns and considerable material were captured. The Italians have since pushed their I advantage still further, and have oc- ed the strong position of Cavallazze, ; cupied Cima Stradone, thus forming ; last few weeks has been considerably a key to the two passes of Rollo and a serious menace to the Austrian posi- developed. The ships as* a rule take j Col Bricon. The Austrians, though ; tion on the Dolomites road. The points ' on board an entire Swedish crew and ! they held well defended positions, I of advantage gained by the Italians Swedish officers. The pro-German pa- I were completely demoralized by the | give them command of the San Pelle- sudden attack, and after a short re- grino and Travignolo valleys. SEIZED BY BRITISH Ship Owners of Holland Enter Pro- test .\gainst English :\ction. A despatch from Berlin says ; â€" The Dutch Christian Seamen's Union, says the Over.seas News Agency, has endorsed Oho protest of the Dutch ship owners and sailors' union against the action of the British authorities in seizing Dutch fishing boats virtual- , ^. „j ^^^ ,, .^ battle-front. the Brit^ ly all of which have been taken pos- . j^^ engaged the Germans in han.l-to- session of, accord i n^g fao news agency, j h„nd fighting in the neighborhood of i Pozieros. GERMAN GOVERNMENT | The final capture of Delville wood SEIZES FIELD CROPS is very gratifying to the British peo- I pie. It was first taken July 17, but was A despatch from Amsterdam says : afterwards abandoned. For many days -The HaiuU'lsbald says the Minister the wood and the village of Longueval 1 tacking the Teutons at Longueval, the fortified village which has seen some of the heaviest fighting of the war. I With the Germans already driven in from most of their outlying positions the British troops attiicked the main defence works of the village, carrying several of the strongest, and obtaining complete control of the entire place. At the same time, on the opposite A despatch from Lonlon says : â€" Claims of a Tuikish victory east of it- J the Suez Canal over the British Egyp- tian forces were denied in the follow- ing official statement given out) by tlie War Office on Thursday: "It was stated in a German wireless mes- sage that our cavalry was driven back from R( niani (El Riiman) and Katia (El Katie), on Sinai Peninsula. Our cavalry bus completed the occupation of Katia and nowhere has been driven back. Complete superiority over the enemy has been established." Buttor-making competitions were in- troduced at the Canadian National Ex- hibition in 1899 for the first tim in America. They are similar to those Ijiven at the Dairy Shows in Great Britain. R0aF,5A!!lA'S ENTRY ADMITTED BOTH IN BERLIN AND VIENNA Deepest Anxiety Prevails in German Capital, According to Des- patches From That City. 1. • .u . .1.- . ir-' , of Agi'iculture has informed the Bur- pers here are urging that this traffic ! ". .i, . -„ tv, • * ,. r .u be stopped, contending that it is not ' fnj^ster.s that in he interesb of the in accord with absolute neutrality. , fee^'ng of man and beast the seizure of all wheat, oats and barley is necos- But the Government has taken no ac tion so far against it. ^ GOVERNMENT TO SINK ARTESIAN WELLS A despatch from Rotterdam says: Both Berlin and Vienna seem to have made up their minds that a new enemy â€" Roumania - is about to enter the field. .According to information from Berlin, the deepest anxiety prevails there. While the Roumanian journals j "You cannot trust the Roumanian are speaking of Bulgaria and Austria J policy. The only thing we can trust Ks probable enemies, German news- i is our ai'ms." A despatch from Ottawa says : â€" The Government is going into the artesian-well business in Southern Alberta. The ordinary waber sup- ply there in many localities is poor, but the geological survey, in boring papers threaten Roumania. Germany ' for oil deposits, discoverer! abundance will support hor allies by probable of splendid water at low depths. An military measures against Roumania, order-in-Council has been passed mak- whieh already are in hand. : \ng an appropriation for an extensive Dr. Ledercr, of the Barliner Tage- artiesian-well system in these districts Watt, writing from Bucharest, says: ; it will supply the ordinary deficiency. Heed not a blust»erer, but beware of silent man. sary. The Minister, according to the newspaper, has directed the officials to buy uj) all corn in the fields at flxoi prices. GERMAN SUBMARINE RAIDS FISHING FLEET. A despatch from London says : â€" A German submarine has raidai a Bric- ish fleet of fishing boats. Eight of the vessels was sunk. The crews were landed on Friday at the North Sea porb of Tynemouth. BRITISH ADVANCES CONTINUE IN GERMAN EAST AFRICA Enemy Driven From Strongly-Organized Positions .Vstride Rail- road â€" German Governor Killed. A despatch from London says; The the direction of Irangi, uliandoning a two machine Previous to 1885 ales and bcer.^ were sold on the Canadian National Exhibi- tion grounds. The sale was abolished at an annual loss in booth rentals of 4.1-inch howitzer and guns. "Among a number of German Euro- peans captured previously was Dr. Styr, late governor of the Neu Lan- foUowing official statement on the progress of the British campaign in German East Africa was given out on Thursday night; "Brig.-Gcn. Northey reports that on July 24 he drove the main German genburg district. Dr. Styr has died southern detachment of the enemy of wounds. A majority of the sur- from strongly organized positions viving members of the crew of the astride the Neu Langenburg-Irangi German cruiser Koenigsburg form $2,000, quite a sum in the early days road at Malangali. After counter- part of the German forces in this of the big Fair to pay for a principle, attacks the enemy retired hurriedly in i district."

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