Augusts 1916 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE â- HH^^ t 9 - • ( • 'Si ra®: THE STANDARD DANK OF CANADA HEAD OrnCB - TORONTO t, ^ A General Banking Business G>nducted. Accounts of Farmers, Merchants and Manu* facturers receive careful attention. TRUST FUNDS thould b* depoiited in our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Hi^hMt eurrent rates of Intoreat an paid half yearly. 214 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELU .^.n^.r. taT'D laTa C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherum Station as ' lollows : Going South Going North 7.ii:{a. m. 12.01 u.ui. 4-27 p.m. aH8p. m. The mails are osed at Flesheiton as ollowa : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'cloclc. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Mr. Prime and Mrs. Marjory S«d«riulc -of Toronto, are visiting at their uacle'a Miss Fleming of Grinaaby, ^»i»^ tha guest of Miss Ella Karstedt this week. Born -In Flesher^on. (u Wednesc'ay -July 26, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyd, a sou., Mr. Herb. Smith of CoUinvwood was in toirn Sunday with some friends. Mr and Mrs. Holland of Toronto are -viaiciiig their son, Mr. R, G. Holland. Mr. James Wilson is visiting friendg . io Toronto at present. Miss Rica Buskin ia visiting relatives at Hamil'OD and Guelph. Mr. Rtndall Mitchell, barrister, of Chicago, is holidaying at the parental home here. Uniug to the extreme beU of Sunday, eveiiing service at the Methodlat church -was held out of doora. Monday next, Aui(usc 7, has beeu set apart as civic holiday by the [jjwers that bo, couieqiiently all placet of business wi.l be closed on ihtt day. ]n a buiigy collision on the webt back . tiueSuuday uijht, Mr. U. Piper was thrown fiuiu hia buggy and had several ribs broken. Richard Thomson, a deserter from the 147th Battalion, was gWeu a year ia the Ontario Reformatory by Magistrate Ciuasor of On en Sound. Mr. George Mitchell, presideut of the local library board, attended the auousI meeting of Orangeville District Library Institute at Calcdon on Friday. The district comprises the counties uF Peel, Diitt'erin and Grey Jack Creasor of Owen Sound, bas received the military cross for disting- uished service at the front. Another Owen Souuu boy, Ernie Schwan, recently received a distinguished conduct medal. Miss berttii i.>, teacher at Galedon East, who visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Uaac i^incUir, in town, and other relat^ea at Mount Zion and Meaford Road, returned to her home near Credit Forks last week. The .Vdvance had a pleasant call fiom Mrs. A. Madill of the Sauk one day last week. Mrs. Madill has been visiting relatives here. She returned to the Sauk Wednesday, accompanied by Miss Lucy Wakon of Kiiubeiley. Fle«herton has nothing to be ash.-iined of ill its lower school examinations thi« .year, Uihough the percentage is not .so high as last year. t>ver Dt) per cent, of the pupils hero who successful, while many other schools did not pass '23 per cent. Owen Scund collegiate only passed 10 out of over 00 who tried. K nuiet but pretty wedding took place in Toronto,when Miss Ethel Richardson, daughtei of Mr. and Airs. John Richard- aon, of Fletherton, Out , tecame the bride of Mr. George E. Parry, sou uf the late t'ruf. E 1. and Mrs. Parry, Toronto. The ceri'inuiiy was solemnizi'd by the Rev. Thomas W. Noal. They will reside at 454 Duiidas street, Torun'o. After a week of extreme heat eloctric BtoMUH passed over the north part of the county, Sunday night, resulting in a cool- ing i^f the atmosphere. The rainfall was not ^reat, however, only in spots' At Fleshetton practically no rviii fell. The dust was scarcely laid, but still it was the most that has fallen during the six weeks. Root crops are suft'ering. A serious runiway oooiurei in towu Suiidxy evening. Miss Lulu Mitcht-1 and friend. Miss L Ashi-nhurst iif Toronto, were driving on the main street when a band of the harness broke allowing the buggy to run on the an'inal s heels. This started it ntf and it ran to the outskirt.i of tli« towii when it ran agiinst an elect- ric light pole and bcth y Hiiig women were thrown out on the ceaiont sidew.-ilk. MidH Ashenhursl received a bad cut behind the ear which bled profn.sely -md re<|uiied two hI itches to close it. P>uth girls were Imdiy shaken up but the'e apiiears (o be no serioui injury. The buggy was badly smashed. »,». M. Sg . A. E. and Sergt, R. P. Bellamy of the 114th Batt.,Cauip Borden were home on tour days' leave. To-morrow, Fiiday, la the anniversary of the declaration of war, and the Organization of Resourcen Committee of the Province has asked that the day be observed by holding meetings and the necessities of the case placed before the people Unfortunately this appeal divi not come in time to combine the day with our civic holiday. More men, money and supplie<i are needed to carry on the struggle. A few minutes of intense excitement was experienced in town on Mond.»y when a serious con- ttagration was narrowly averted. Mr. John Heard, blac smith, had been setting wagon tires within a few feet of bis build ins; and did not extinguish the fire when through. The high wind ciused cue tire to communicate with the building and when discovered it was burning up the side of the building quite Bercely. A little qu'ck work by a bucket brigade succeeded in extinguishing the bliza but a minute or two more would have been too late and a very seriuu-s fire would have resulted. South Grey Entrance The following Eutraoca pnpils were •uccesiiful at MarkdaU and Dundalk : M ARK DALE -C Armstrong, M Arniatroug, K Binns, P Bradley,! Bowl- er, J Eagles, A English, K Firth, L' Henry. A Irving, A Jacksun, G Matth- ews, M Matthews, E N'eely, L Potts, F Ritchie, F Rowe(H),R Slii#,M Wallacr. DINDALKâ€" J P Boli{or,L L Colgan, U Dunn, U G Irving, R Little (H), E D Lucas, R McLean, F Maciotyre (H), O. M Metheral, G M Mills, V L Oliver, H Russell, B Scott, A Siewart.G A Tyrney, F. Waugh. Fall Fair Dates yhe following Is a list of the dates of Fall Fairs in this vicinity. Cut this list out and and paste it in your hat, if you are intending to visit any of them : â€" Chatsworlh Sept. 28 A 29 Chesley . . .Sept. l'.» & 20 Clarksburg Sept. l;> & 20 C.llingwood. Sept. 20-23 Dundalk Oct 12 & Vi Durham Sept. 28 & 29 Feversham Oct. 3 4 4 FLESHERTON Sept. 28 A 29 Hanover Sept. 14 >& 15 HoUtein Sept. 2t> <£â- 27 Msrkdale Oct. 10 A 1 1 Meaford Sept. 2f & 29 Orangeville Sept 19 & 20 Owen Sound Sept. 12-14 Portlaw The Rod Cross Society's boan warden party at Mrs. L. Badgero'.t last Friday proved a good success nulwiihslaiidiug the very season . Eui?euia and Rock Mills ladies baseball teani-i pUyed an interest iiii{ and friendly g4nie with fort- une favoring the Utter team. Mr. Bus ki.i of Fle-hfrton, was a genial chairman andiiitroduced a varied programme which was much enjoyed. The attair was ad- vtTtised as a bean social, but the ladies sprung a surprise by pniviJin? -ill the usual delicacies until the tables faiily groaned with tempting viands and judg- ing by the w.iy some took pity on the tables we suspect rhat there would still bo some gioaning after the company was dismissed . .\ full report- of the proceeds was nut given but a .snu..; luni wis added to the cotfeis of the society. Rev. Mr. Tiller of Maxwell, exchani^- ed pulpits with Rev. Mr. Madden last Sunday. Mrs. Cirntield of Toronto, is visiting with friends here. Miss Viola CornBeld is home from Toronto for two weeks' ho'idayn. Mrs. Jamieson, who seemed t« be improving from a severe attack of illness, suffered a relapse last week with still very little improvement. C mgrafulations to Miss Florence White in successfully paaalug her Entrance examination. Mrs. McCloshin of Toronto visited with 4ch line friends last week. Mrs. J, VV. Batea of Toronto visited with her mother. Mis. Taylor, .ind ither members of the family. Singhampton We are pleased to hear that both Mrs. McGonnell and Mrs. Smith are improv- ing after their severe illness. Mrs.iSmith is in theG. & M. Hospital, Colliogwood. Mrs. J. Newman and Mrs. Tulman o' Toronto, are visiting theT parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Riddell. Mrs. E Rainer and two chi'dren of Toronto, are visiting with their grand- mother, Mrs. Elliott. Q'lite a number from here tnoit in the Duntroon garden p-^ny and report a good time. Mrs. H. Zeigcell spent a few days in Duntroon last week with friends. Mrs.Curiie accompanied by her daugh- ter. Miss Kate Currie, of Chicago, are spending the holiday? with rtflati\es here. Miss Fli r;>nce Ewing with her friend. Miss N. Smith, of Port Hope, are visi'ing at the Exchange. Miss Ida Lawrence and Mrs. George Crisp came up from Honeywood on Friday and spent the week end with iriends here. We ate <;Iad to hear that Mr. H. Netf, who was S) unfortunate as to get hia hand . cot in C Heyburn's mill, is improving rapidl/. The Presbyterian garden party held .•>•« Charlee Ueppenstalls on Friday was a very successful attiir. As one lady was heard to remark. " it was the best garden parly she Ind ever been at in Singhampcun. " The afternoon was ideal ani although there was a garden party at Honey wood on Wednesday and oi.e at Maxwell on Thursday, a large oumbi r were presenr, tlie proceeds amounting to aboot 9100. The Honeywood band was present and supplied a generous amount of first class music which was enjoyed by all. The grounds were tastefully decor- ated with Chinese lanterns, evergreens, tlatis acd red, white and blue bunting. After enjoying the bountiful supper sup. plied by the ladies a splendid program was piovided by loctl talent. The Rev. Mr. Drinnin made a pleasing chairman. A number of '.'iris dressed in red, white and blue gave a flag drill, also several choruses, which were both patriotic and interesting. The boys did their "bit " by singing in their usual hearty manner a couple of songs which get a lively en- core and show what our boys and girls are capable of. The yuuugiir girls also contributed largely to the evening's suc- cess by giving a motion song, "The Busy Cobbler. " Miss E. Winters of Maxwell, a niece of ^ia. Wm. Edwards, waa one uf the favorites of the evening and sang very nicely. Miss L. English, who is always listened to with pleasure, and Miss 1. /CeigKel also gave recitatioi a. The Rev. Mr. Lamb gave a very stirring .,. 1 I 11... , . . The uiiu-.'r>ii{niU li IS a address aua is always Ooili utcresliiig v- , . ,, ' , ... ' Yorkshire Bm F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PHICEVILLE BINDER TWINE, HAYFORK ROPE, ETC. There is a known ahortage in Binder Twine owing to the 4uantity of rope being used. The Early Buyer is the safe one. Have as place your order so that we can keep il for you. We (sarry the Brantford Cordage Co'3. Gilt Edge and Gold Leaf brands. There are noue better. Why patch that old rope and risk your life? Get anew one! Either British or Pure Manilla. ^TRUNKS, SUITCASES, VALISES, ETC^ Kolklay Season is at hand. Also the time for Homeseekers' and Harvesters' Excursions. You'll need a new Trunk or A large stock in anticipatit^n ot bi<i business ha.s been secured. Preserving Time There is a need for new Gem Jars. Rubber Rings, Tops, Preserving Kettles and Preserving Sugars at this Season of the year. Lei us supply your needs at rock bottom prices. There ia no belter Sugar used for preserving than "Dominion Crystal." Get it now. .Screen Doors ai\d Windows This is Fly Time. And they are bad. Get a new Screen Door or Window to keep them out. We have a full ranj^e ol Screen Doors in all the sizes. You'll be sure to get a fit. ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^^'^♦♦♦♦4 HIGHEST PRICES PAID KOK ALL KINDS OF FARM PRODUCE. F. G. KARSTEDT ^1 V T y.;yyA ' A. » ^ " ^^^^^ W ,A W A ^^ ^^ a? 2? OWEN SOUND. ONT Will open to receive students <P ^j any d.ay during th<! Holidays S^ \^ J^ tor a short holiday course or j^ K Ijl^ for regular cimreei of study. ^Uf I U M ma j^^ £l Young women should begin ^ ,^^ ^ luakinu preparation at once lo â- ? 'In 1^ till the places of the othce men J^ ;^ 2? who have enlisted. Sp ^ SAVE your' TIME \m A. KLKMINO. Hrincipal. ^| K a. V>. 1-1.i:MIXC>, e^ei . fS i 1 Boar for Service I Write for particulars and 0^ circular. »nd instructive. Mis. tIeppenstall,Mts8 f(_ Qsurey. Tompkins and Mi.s. Cranver deserve ere- | dii for the splendid training given the | â€" â- young folks in (preparing the program. All joined lu ainKiiiii the National Anth- liar for service on lot 11, con. ] Terms SI. 0»». -FREDSPOFF.\RD. I Court of Revision em. Vs a great deal of baking was left, a 10c lunch was cilled for Saturday niKht, when fo was cleared. The Lad- ' Xiticei.s herely givsn that a Court I , ill bj h')ldoii in the Town Hall in the ' Villsge o" Flesherloii by his Honor the, .Judge of the County Couit of the County ' ies' .Vid wish to thank all who hel(jed to [ of Grey, to hear and determine an appeal | make this one I'f the btst garden parties held by this society.- Bullet n. Kimberley Budget from the decision of the C'>uit of Rev ision of the Corporation of the Villtge of Flesh- ' erton, on Monday, the 24th day of July. ' l!)lt), at the hour of tive o'clock in the afternoon. â- X\\ pirties interested are notified i KCCirdingly. â€" God Save the King.--; July 10 â€" W.J.BELL.\MV, C'erk. | The Grand Siaud at the Canadian National Exhibition it r2.> feet long, built of brick, steel ami concrete, has a seating •capacity of 1»<,H0J i)JOj)le a:il cost f2(42,000. We got a nice little sho»er on Sun>'ay evening, the tiist for nearly a month.. The gardens in this locality were nearly ! ruined for waut of rain. , j^^^ PLACED IN STOCK MissBiwerman of Maple \ nl.ey is visiting with Mrs. J.isper Stuart. Alfred Hill 'ost a valuable cow re- cently. She tO'.ik a swelling in ihk head and lasted only a few days. Miss Ncl'ie Liwrence irf Tmut Creek ' _ ! is visiting with her grandm )ther, Mrs. \ n OU S G t U m I S fl 1 H g Sl^ George Liwrence. - l We think something shmi'd be done towardi' aeeii'g the government about establi^hlDg a trout hatchery in this j parr. There are four or five never i W T 1 _ 1 failina spring creeks, any one of which 1 IJ JJ Cl 6 IT L Si K C IT hatchery New Furniture! Latest and Most Up-to-date , |h sjattaes, SpriD^s, [tiairS;j AND OTHER NECESSITIES for W. H.BUNT Haying time is a busy time and every ilay lost to the Farmer by broken and worn out Machinery means considerable delay an<l loss to him. Then for (juiek repairs and adjustment.* we are ready to look after your requirements as usual with a complete line of Repairs in the following lines of Machinery : â€" MA55EY-MARRI5, COCKSHLTT, FR05T & WOOD. NOXON, AND PETER MAHILTON. We have the agency for the well known Frost & Wood Mower and Horse HaKes. â€" Phoneâ€" No. 9 D. McTavish :-:-: Flesherton I NOTICE ^ ; Now is the time to renew your buggies, etc. ; Sherwin-Williams Buggy Paint ' Is the for this [nu-pose. A Varnish Gloss ' Paint of gi-eat durability. Especially adapted for ' outside e.\po.sui'e. I Double the life of your Vehicles by protecting ; them withgood Paintâ€" it S.W.P. didn't' make good if couldn't cover tlie earth. A Paint or Finish for every j)urpose. Anv in- toi-iualion reganling Painting or Varnishing gladly hirnished. F. W. DUNCAN I Hard^varc Merchant FLESHERTON. would be ideal for a hatchery. We think it wculd be a gocd Ihii'g if it was for nothing m<>re than stocking the old Beaver with speckled beiuties. Mr. and Mrs. WdmRr Turner of Eugenia visitfd "ne day with the latttr's parenis, Mr, and Mrs. Jumes Hill. Miss Edua .Vcheson of Priton and Miss Elsie Dunca.i nf Dundalk visi'ed during the ptst week with their aunt, Mrs. George Hu'chinson. Mansell Ci>ok visited rec'^ntly with his sister, Mr*. Ernie Saul of Meaford. Delia Alercrimibie. one of our most popular young lidi«'8, will wield the blue beech at the Wndehousu putjlic school for the enduing term. Hartliy Lawrence and mother, Mrp. James Lawreno-", v sited one itay lH(.t week with Mr. an I Mrs. George Curry of iheLorna House, Rocklyn. M'.ss S.ntth of Durham visited dur'ng the past week with hi-r frio.-.d, Elvie Bishop. John Stuart if Pow k.-«»(in, is renew Uf( old ai-quaiiitances in our buty. Phone 30 r 2 ^ ONT. * AND Embalmer Picture Framing and Upholstering Office and Showroom : Richardson's Block (Over the Postoft'ice) FLESHERTON School Children's Eyes. MASSEY ! HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Public Notice 'I'ake notice that a!l persons are here- ' by forbid ien trespassing on, or dunipii.ij ' any rubiiish on, or takinij, sni, gravel, eaith or oihor ina'ter oti t*ark lot known i as the Flesher sand pit, in Flesherton, I â- untainiui about two acres, ns a I persons 1 lrl'sp'»s^iug nr ciiMimilting any 'va«te on emovinn anything therefrom, ou any] p/irt of the Klesber estate in »iid | iround Kle.shertoii Village, will be pros- ecuted accoiding t" 'aw. | DR. T. 8. SPROILE, July ti Executor for tHe Estate i Many lives have been mineo through neglected eyestraiii in childhood. The eyes of every child should be examined. We have made a special study of this branch of optics, and guarantee satisfaction. Consul taticn free. W. A. Armstrong. This famous luaKe of implemen's is well known all over the country and ! iheir own good work is the best lecrni- imendatiiin they can receive. If you I reijuire anything in the line of Binders, Mowers, Seed Drills. Cultivators, Pulp- •Ts, Pluws, Sleigh,-*, W,ii>crons, Criam I Separators. Harrows. Rulbrs, Cutting j Uo.xes, Ensilage Cutters, (iasoline en igiiifs. Snwinu outfits, etc, give is a chanee to quote prices. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Teacher Wanted Qual.tied Ihote^tfint- Teathtr fir »•. No. 8, Artoiiie.>.i». t.Jiey County, salaiy $•1011 ; duties to coiniiienco Ist Septeai - I'er. .Apply ui I. W. McKee, Msxwell P. «>., Out.