mmm Angnst 24 1916 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS Societies PINCB ARTHUR LODGE, No. SSS. A.K.4 A M.mMta in the Uaeonlckall. Arm ' troagB Block Flesherton, every Friday on or b«forc the full mooo. T. Henry, W. M. F. B. W. Hickling, Bacretary. CHOSEN FRIENDSâ€" FlesbertoD CooDOll ol CboMD Friend* meet! in Clayton 'iball firet ard tliird Wediieaday ofeach moDtb « p.m. Fai aHBeBiiU.ent6 to tlie Kecorder on orbtlort tke firet day of ea<^li month, t'biel Conocllloi BIftkelev; Recorder W H. Kunt. t p OURT FLESHERTON, 995, I. 0. F. meetein ^ ClaytoD'f block tb* last Wedneedav eveiiinfi el eaeb snoDtb. Visiting Foresters beartily welcome*<J. K.. G. Bellamy ; K. B.. O, CairLS : Fin. Sec, W. Hnskin. rieaac pay dues to Fiu. Etc. before tbe firet d«v ot tbe month. Dentistry t\T. E C MURRAY L. O. S, dentAl sctgeoo i* bouorKradoate of Toronto Uniyereity and h&yai v'ollege ot Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Uu» aflujieinistered for teetb extraction clliee at reeidence, Toronto Street. Flefci;erton. Medical JP CTTEWELL 1 Veterinary Snrgeon jraduate ol Ontario Veterinary College i reeidence â€" second door soDtb weetloc k&ry street Tbis street rans cutb Creelyteriau Cbnreb. j JV -v k* I UCAB. IIANEY â- -^ rtciicilors, eK.â€" L B Legal I HENRYâ€" Barrisure. , .Lucas, K. C; W. E, Kanav, K. I". ; W. I). Henry, 11. A. Utficet, roroiJto, Ke-U Traders hauk hldg.. pbone 0:ain 1«1'2: Markdale Lucas Block, Pboue 2 A. branch olbce at Dundalk open every Saturday. WRIGHT. Barrister. Solicitori", TELFORD & Mcdonald Ac. OUices. (irev k Bruce Block. Owen Sound. Standard Bank Block, Flesberton.lS»turday>). W.H. Wrigbt, W. I'. Telford Jr. J. C. McDonald. L. i.. B, SAVE YOUR MONEY FOR THE ^"^ \.H^. DOM N ON War Loan TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. â- â- '••â- , By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. DEPARTMENT OF,FINANC§/ OTTAWA.- "â- â- '♦ 7A/W60mT//VG LAU/i£/VTM/VS\ w U. KAITTIN(», T!ie LiberalH of tbe ni'w liUiny of i Norlli <>r«y the Dnminiir, House as | i laid out by llie reilist|ribiitioii hill, will form » new ornanizAtion. For tbis pU'|i>8c a incelint; will be h«l(l in Meaforil either Sejit. 12tli or 14lli. Tbo | Hon. (ieorue I'. (Jrahatn in expecled to ' uuJrets the iiieetii)<:. Came Astray I CAme to the (ireniises of the under ' 8l^ned, about the middle of July, one; â- â€" lauib. The owner is rti|ue.sted to |iiove iceosed Auctioneer foi property, pay expeiiseH and tike the eiiiie j of Urey and Simcoe. ' H"A'ay. •Jos. MtOKADK 1 Business Cards »« CULLOUOH ft YOUSa * Backers Markdale (jeneral banking business . Money loaned at reasonable rates Call on uis. DMcPHAIL, Licensed Aoctionee for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate and â-ºatJB scticn guaranteed. Tbe arraugomuit' and datet cf salcf can be nisdi- at TliK Auviuce clfice. hesidenceand P.O.. (i)lon. Telephone ciicnrctiou. Dec. 6, 0( i Singhampton spent Farm and Stock sales a itpecialty. Terms moderate. satii.lactioo guaranUed. Arrange- lUeLtsfor dates ujav be made at tbe Advance i,tbi.r or ( ontral telerboue olllce teverBbam or by addreetini; uie at Feversham. Out. L )" '.*, 0)11 H, Oipr^iy, K i;{eni:i r.i>. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. Agent for the Cockshutt Plow Cos , Full Line o( Farm Implenaenta Waguns, Bujy^icM, Cutters, Sleigh*, and Gasoline Eni>ine>, MeKittc Cream .SeparatoiH, ISaker Wind Mi1!k, I'uinp.f, I'ipiDg and I'ifM; Fitlin(!N always oil hand iJeally BroH'. of FergUM, Barn TrackH, Litter Cnrriere and Ktablc fitlinKK. CockHliutt and FroKt A' Wood ItepairN alwayH on bond CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION been to the the berries se-Mii Aug 26 Sept. II Empire Federation ^ Spectacle ^ 1,200 Performers; 10 Massed Bands ; Chorus of 60 Voices Glorious Pageant symbolizing Im- perial Solidarity and Power Mammoth Scenic Reproduction of the British Houses of Parlia- ment, Westminster Abbey and the War Office. Fcv«rstoam, Ontario Bull for Service I'ure bred abort horn bull, Kiiiperor 8«fi:i7 â€" for aervice on lot 2!», H. S. K., ArtemeRia. Terms -fl.fiO for grade*. Pure bred COWH WOO. Pure bre<J Tannworth hint for aervice on tbe above lot. TerniH tl.''<(l f ir all aiiimala. Berved •nuat b« paid fur. DSepIfj '' -W..). MeadH For Service Foi Ncrv ice on I it 12, con. Vt, <><|)r«y, one porebnd Shorthorn Hull. Terin» 1.50/ A1h« one pure bred YorktibirB lioar, TermK 91.IX). All account:* must be paid to FUKD TVLKK, Manaaer. 1 Sep W ON AND UNDER W SEA A ON LAND A R IN THE AIR R Scenes that have thrilled the Em- pir« Be-enacted by Overseas Troops. Shells in Process of Manufacture Mr. and Mik. Bert llutiiiiiill Sunday at WaKOi;* Beach. Mr. Haiiier of Toronto, accotiipaiiied by his cousin, Mis-s Millie JetikiuN, cime up Satutday to join Mrs. liainrr who \\as been visitinj^ her (!H>ndn. other Mih. Elli(jtf. .Mr«. itieailiier mid two childien t-peiit a few dsyg with the fot iiier'a Mtler, Mr.s. 1 . ' J.iiiie.s bttwart. l^uitii a iiunibcr have ' liuckU'bury luarsh, but I very sc.iice il is year. I 'I lie Sinylmiiiplon brunch of tbe WiMiii'ti'a Institute heUl 'lieir usual ' nionthly meeting «n August Kith at ibe lion.c of\MrH. Geo. Uiddell. IS(;th tbe [irihideiil ai:d xicc-piebidt nt were prea- eiit. Af'.i 1 ( peniiiK the iiieetini' a buKy , aft(ino>>n wan spiiit in <|uiltin^. About thhty were prchent. The liictitute I propi Ke send ii;{ a hulu to the Northern I Ontario Belief Committee .tnd arc ai-kin,4 I for donations fioin all in bo care to help {in till' i:oud cause. Tlii.s sociily coiitii- buted S'JO to the lieM kitchen picMii'i'd to tlie ITTib ItHltHlion ard niu al-o eiiu«|;ed in olber woik. Tbe ladiea were to haveliad a priptr ly Mihk N. Taylor, but Hs i|uilliii): whs Utr they willbiive I'lU pltahiiio ul beiirlt>){ I or at the iiiett- i ij{ III September at Mra. VVni. Totiip- kifi«'. Among thatie preient at Mrs- Hiddill'H were Mrs. A. Han ley of Swift Cuireiil, and daughter, and Mra J. Douliiy of Cieenioic. It is ijuite a I umber of years aince Mix. ilanlry went Weht. Her fiienda were g'au to have her with th'^ni ayain. Bulletin. (1) Chute Aux Iriquois, Labelle. (3) Going Picnicing. ONE does not need to be wealthy to enjoy the luxury of a very pleasant holiday amongst some of the most beautiful scenes In tbe jrorld, tor amongst the Laurentian Mo«ntalu8 you can he acconiinodated at a nice boardini; house or hotel at extremely reasonable rates. The ^panadian Pacific Hallway serves the real pleasure haunts of the L/aureu- Uans. Shawbrldge, Piedmont, Ste. Adele. Bte. Marg^hret. Val Morin. Ste. Acatbe, St. Jovlte. Mont. Trcmblant, Label!*, ^nonclatlon, Nomi&lng, Barrette, and Mount Laurler, are all on the line that crosses this enchant- ing district for a distance of 1E8 miles. The atmosphere amidst Ihefe resoits Is bracing and healthy, and to look on the wcuderful profusion of lake, river, woodland, and mountain scen- ery Is In itself, a vigor restorer. In any of the holiday places you can en- joy a comfortable rest, or you may ramble out amongst the romantic val- leys and mountain slopea, (eelint; ao happy that you forget what tluif: !t is, and perhaps return late tor luncb or dinner. The v.-aters of the rivers asd lakes ai« cisar and refreshing, and us they have sanded bot.ioms they ar* sL-ited to the teiupftramct.ts ot ih« most critical ot swimmers and bat^ era. FUhlng. raaoeing, icotor boatlnr.; tennis, golf, mountain climbing aJ« amongst thp chief sports, iiut if yoia do not wish to Indulge in any of tbes4| you may sit on the i>baded veraridaa of your hotel and enjoy yourself cha£* ting with good steady mlcded Cana* dlan folks, many of whom will be o^ your own Xrame ot miad. Immense Munitionu Exhibit I Model Camp, Trench Warfare, Hand Qrenad* and Bomb Throwing, Da- •tructlon of Warahipa by Hidden Mines, Bayonet' Fighting, Federation Year Fireworks, Complete New Midway. â- * Anmer '"s *r Tatnwirth* For Sale I have some extra good youiualock at • itreaent -boll) S'-x. i^mone young sow, bred to farrow in SeptT Write or phone tJeo. W. Row, Muxwell P. O. Government Exhibits, Suparb Showing of Live Sto«k and Agricultural Producta, Acraa of Manu- factures. . roroato, Aug. 26 to Sept. 11 mt\. -m/sM/ \a^Na/Na/sa/ -j ••J'-J/-a/ -j/sa/y'v^va/sa va^vjiy N«/va/ sa./sa sm/'j^x NEW SUITINGS | New Suitings just to hand â€" some of vC the nobbiest weave.s to be fount! any- -jl, whore. iff Leave your order now for that new ^ suit. You will never regret it. ^ Satisfaction gtiarantoed. Don't forget that we do ch;aning, pressing and repairing. Our price.s are right and our workmanship is the very best. "# S. J. BOWLER Sole Agent for ihelHobberlin Tailoring. I Eighth Line, Artcmetia li.ibt Week's Irenia. I^llvr^tlllg and beiry picking is the o der of the day ^f^l•. U.B VViUon and faiaily of St. C.tbaiiiieii, lire vivilingfor a mouth tvltb Mitt formei'a father and iiiolbi'r, Mr. and Mi>. W. C. Ilai.ley. Mr. McFadden of Markdale, a foriiuM' teacher in our aection, renewed frlnuUbip in our V iunily for a few ilaya. We are ^dad to it'|)ort Mrs. F. Martin 8 line belt r. Mis. Carr of Kui;en ii, who haP been reiiiovul to the borne of her daughter, MiH. (ieo. Lawler, we are glad to lepoit d'liiig UN well aa can he expected. Kev. Mr. Madden and bis auiit, Mrs. H iiith, vifited la^t WtdneHday at thu borne of Mr and Mif. Wni . IlaiiUy.and while there, baptised the infant dHii^hter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wilson, (Isabelle Pearl,) and the little son of Mr,and Mrs. Walter Akitt. (Karl George.) Mr.s. Koivy of Berlin, is visilirg with her nsler, Mra. Garnet Magee. \ number from this line ikttended the garden parly at Mr. Winter'.-j. All re- port 11 ({''"d time. Mrs. Harry TieOatd and daugliter.n Teiia, of Si'lisherton, visited with the former's diiughter, Mrs. B. Magee. Mi8. Walter Akitt visited th« home of her parent.", Mr. and Mr.s. Haulcy, for a few days. Blr. and Mrs. Edgar Belts visited Klihbtili'ii friends one day last week. Mr. an ^ Mrs. Harold Smith leave o Thuraday for tbe VVe-it. We ate sorry to loose the young ooupto. ^ Titik about your wheat crop! Mr.Saiii^ JP, Brown ridije of this line harvested {'\'^ yt^ I good lojd« oH' live acios, SVho can beat thHt J Bread Making Contests At Rural School Fairs PKIZKSâ€" Free Courses al .Macdonald In.slitute, Cuelph Free Poultry Rai.iing Cuur.xes at Ontario Afirirultural College Free Cook Book.s and Magazines Over 1,500 prizes in all will he ofTercd in bread-tnakiiig contests which will he held this fall at over 25() rural schix)! fairs t;ikiiig place in Ontario. It will be a >;rcat event at the fairs and will stimulate interest in bread-making amotig yoting girls tjetween the ages of 12 and 17 years. Here is a wonderful opiairtunity for your daughter it in the contest at the fair according to the conditions to win for herself a Free Course in Domestic Science e\|luined below and more fully told to the folder we at the famous Mualonald Institute, (liielph. .Ml she will send you on requtst, The loaf Must bo baked has to do is to bake one double loaf uf bread and enter with Cream ^ West Flour the hard wheat flour guaranteed for bread. This is a splendid flour which makes the bigiffst bulging loavc-= - whitest, lit-htcst and wholes muc l>read vou ever hafcctl. Is this not a splendid (>;>p<>rtutiity to interest vour d.iughtcrs in breadmaking ? Here «r«> ihf .Snlpndid IVi7P>j oftrred tor iiic i.e«t Provincial Prizes â€" Tticwimirisuf iir^tpri/c«itai-ii ioci,i *icrc art: inc CipicnUIU I rutt< ,^, ^, j_^^^j ^^^^ •" â- "«..«â- • luca ,^j^ compete tor Mlowiii« froTinci.l witti Crntni uf the West Ftoiir. Tlie followinn are oflered at each poz" T l.i- iirsi aiiil sivuml priai-s. or lliiril aiul tourlli prsca. will ItH'al I'air; not tie aw.»rile.l in any one county: isl I'rize 1 paid up subscription to "Mv MaBazine " lor 1 yeor. '" ''."", , 'j''"'.' '-'"ur-;' i;« â- "•"'•M in Domestic Science at Mac- Ttlis niauaiilte is toll from cover to it.xcr t-»i-rv inontli with "lonal.l liislilule, (.uelph The Macilonalil In.stitule <l«.es not articles suital.le for vount! people ol all i.s'«. It is nulili-lie.! miept ^tinlenls umlir the age of I7yeai». ifthewmner be le.vs ill lintlan.l Value IL' Ml pi-r vriir '['''" ' ' ""^ pre»eiil her « ilh a certificate entiUmg her to take •-'ml l'ri« (I months paid-up sul.scription to • My Macaiine • 12'. ,â„¢"''t-'![.'"" "''f "-."s-'ics the liRht age. Value of course Value »1 i.'. l'>l>->. « huh pavs for fee-i. room. t>oura and washing. Iht ,, . ,, , .... .. ,. o , â- .„ . . J "inner lives at Mi.c.loiiahl Hull while« course. Uxtra Profs W hen entries exceeil ten a .nril luixe will he awarded ",,,t ivi».. <Knrt r.,..r . ii ».^ ^.u ,- â- % .â- l.- • ^ %< of ., mos paid-up .uh>„ ,o My NlW-azinc When the â- '"' 'Z^,^, i;^°ti,'u'ie""Kueiph""""''' "" '^'""â- "' "*""" "* ""^ number of entries cvceeus twenty the iiulKe.s at the lair will .,,.,1 „_â- . t^i. ,. ,- /, ,,.,., ^ . . ^ award 4th. .'>th, ami l.ll, pri«s of one vear's paid up suhscrip '"' '/':'. „ , 5' .S''^"* <t,*7V' in Poultry Raising at Ontario lionn to The Utile Paper.- Thi« is a wonderful litlK- ,,J,V,!i "I ,i;°'l''.''^i 'â- "»''•'' ' ''.f'^ taklOK this co.irse <lo cation issued every month in ICuKlund Its eight pa«es ale „„ 1 t, ,1?' l olleife. hut g,XKl lioiirilum houses will be packed with hiKhly engaKiio: inlormutioii and stories relatioK ?,." V .\ V r '1" V" V^ , V"'"'\'?' ^o""' »-V'^""- «,hKh to history, nature study a.iiniuls. bird life. etc. I"ur J ) " '" "" *'"'""'' '""^ IniDOri&Ilt The winners of 1st pri/t*s at the fairs aiitonialic- -tth Pri/e Short Conr-te i\ weeks) in Poultiy Uaisinit at the *^ ally bectuiie eompelitors for the Provincial Ontario AKricnIlulal College. l'ri/.es. The sei-ou*l half of the double loal is sent to (>nlario Agri- .'tth to :ittth Prizes, â€" The Famous Boston Cookiug-school Cook cultural Colleiie. ('.uelnli. hy the district representative in special Hook by Kannic Merritt Farmer, latest edition (1»14) There container provided The judpinn is done liy Miss M -N Purdy of are :;il7 tliorouuhlv tested recipes aiul l:«l photfiuraphic tlie Departnient of Hreadmakini: and Klmir Te?,tinK at llie t.'olU-k;e. it'prialui tionsof dishes, etc , besidta much speciat infoiKialion. Conditions of the Contest l-;very girl may compote at the rural sihool fair in her distrii-t. the girl acluaUy baked the loaf entered in the competition. The wliether or not she attends schiail. provuhng that hc;r l2Mi lilrth; forms wiU tie |>rovlded at the time of the fair. The decision of the day occurs I.efore November IstlUlfi. or her I ah birthday judges is final. Not more than one entry may be made by each girl does not occur before Nov l._l(»l_li. One loaf of bread must be and not more than one prize wUI be awarded to the same family, submittcil baked III pan atioul < x ;i inches and .< inches deep, and rw\t n ix 1 .1. ....,.<. ,1 ,. , , . di^ ided into twin loaves 90 that tliev may be separated at the fair I OC KeSUltS ,"' "" '"ntests at the fair will he made known in The loaf raasi lie Ijaked with Cream of Ihc West l-lour. One halt . , .... ,.<h'.nsiial way as m the case of all the other regular will lie judged ot the fair. The other half first prize loal will ^" in ' be I rovincial results will be aniiounced as soon as be sent to Ontario AKricullnral College, Cmlph, to comia:le hi the Wov conclusion of the Rural .School fairs in the Provincial Contest. The local contest at the fair will be conducted oviiice. under the same rules as all the other renular contests at your fait f)© Not ]Vfls8 thlS GrCAt OpPOrtUnitV ! Kvery girl Ix- The standard by which bread will b« judged will be as follows: ,7. . ,, „.. ,.. , •' 'tween 12 and I / >ears should compete. W hat a splendid way to stir up<l I. Appcaraace of Loaf I."! marks inlcicst in breadmaking! C,ct a supply of Creaiii of the West Flour (a) Color h marks a* your dealers and practise using it as often as possible to increase (b) Texture of crust 5 marks the chances of wiiiiiing. If your rlealer cannot sell it to you. write (c) .Shape of loaf S marks '<" the Campbell Flour ^tilla Co., Ltd., Toronto, and they will 3. Texture of Crumb 40 marks promptly tell you the nearest place to get it. !r?, siikTer . . . ;:::::.::: w SSla No Competitions in Counties Named Below : (c) Color Aniark* Tlie competition is open to all parts of the province where Rural 3 Flavor of Bread 4.'i marks School I'airs are held, except the districts of Rainy River. Kcnora. (a) Taste ' 2o marlra Maniloulin and Thunder Bay. These districts arc the only parts (h) Odor 21) marks of the province where scliool fairs are hchi by the Depurtiiicnt of ,. . , ,_ . . . „_;„! 1... .u. _ ^ _e .1. i . Agriculture in whiah this competition will not be a feature. There l'.ach loaf must he accon ponted by the part of the flour Iwk are no district representatives of the Department of Agriculture containing he face of the Old MilUr (iinportanl) and an entry iu the Counties ofHuron. Perth. Wellington, Haliburton. Pre.«cott, form must be slgiK^d by the girl and parents or uuardmii statinR Russell or Lincoln, and no rural school fars are held ivi these Coun- date of birth, P O. "ddrcss, and giving name of dealer from whom lies by the department of ARriculture. We regret, therefore, that Cream ot the West Flour wus purchased. 1 he loriii will st,ite the competition cannot include these CounUes. Write f«f fr<» f alder iltlaj full ni c«m>l<l« latac nnHai ifcoal tfitrf fealure «f Mm great ewleat. Addr... Campbell Flour Mills Co., Limited, (West) Toronto lis