Flesherton Advance, 7 Sep 1916, p. 1

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/lesljethrn ajrtwmc^ '^ â- â- â€¢"â-  TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€"•• PRI^CIPLEb NOT MEN.' VOL 36 No. 17 Fleshicrtori, Out., Ttivirsday, September 7 101G W. H THORSTON ^.^„'7p«h%pbik Eugenia Paragraphs Marriedâ€" Wednesday, Aug. 30. in the Preebytejian church, by Rev. McTicar, at 7 p m., Pte. John Araa strong, eldest son of Mrs. Wallace Armstrong of Eugenia, to Miss Mary McDougall of PriceviUfc. The bridal party motored to the church and look tl;eir places at, the altar, while the organist, Mrs. Williams, played '• Here comes the bride." The bride looked pretty, dreseed iu pale blue satin trimmed with oriental lace and pearls. After the ceremony M'ss Smith sang a solo while the certifi- cate was being signed. Friends were there from Markdale, Priceville and Eugenia. The youug couple left on Thursday for Toronto and Buffalo. We wish them a long and happy life. Mrs. Walker is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. Will Gordon, occompanied by her daughter, Irene. S. Smith lost a vahiuble horse last week. Bornâ€" On .\ug. 28, to ilr. and Mrs, Gatcct McGee, a sou. Mrs. Hanley of Paisley is 'visiting her sou, Bob. George Hoath and little sou, of Paisley are visiting,' her sister, Mrs. T. Fcnwick, and other friends- Mr. and Mrs. Will McKenna of Lady Bank, were the guests of Mrs. A. Hoy. Jake Williams and George Hislop have gone West. A few of George's friends met at Itis father's home the evening before he left, to bid him farewell. The evening was spent in games lud music. Wallace .\rmstroug has taken a position in Toronto, Florence Parliament visited friends in Markdale last week. The Eugenia W. I. will meet at the home oi Mrs. J. Parliament on Wednesday, Sept. 13. 'Visitors are welcome. Mrs. A. Hoy and daughter, Mabel, have returned after spending three weeks with Drayton, Kitchener and Diubam Iriends. A number from Eugenia are at- tending the exhibition. Ptes. Dave Armstrong in France and Fred Smith in Germany send tbeu: thanks to the Eugenia W.I. for the boxes ot comforts sent them. Mrs. Acheson of Midland visited Mrs. J. Williams. Misses Sweet aniylj^right of De- troit visited Miss Jean Graham. Drg. Koszell and Martin performed two operations ia town last week. Mrs. George Graham, her sister in-law and children, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs, W.Armstrong. Rock Mills Corp. Harlc> Phillip.^ was liome uver the week eiul. He has returned to Camp Bordeu,and was accompauied to Toronto by his tiater. Miss Vera. Miss Ella PhillipK uf Butl'alo is visit- iug ber parents here. Mr. and Mrs. J. (). Duittavel visited the former's mother at Dornock uver Sunday. Mrs. liobt. Clark it visiting friends in Toronto, Mi-8. Charles Cjuensel of ( >weD Sound is visicing Mrs. J. Sherwood at present. Mr. Chas. Stafford, sr., accompanied by Mrs.I.Gerri8h,Fred Russel and Heib Belts, left for the west Saturday, The Baptist church garden party held at J. Uargrave's was a decided success. The bateball between Proton mid home team, was won by the latter to the tune of 33- 19. The prot^r^ni was good, l<eing assisted by Flesherton and other talent; which was appreciated by all. Ceylon Chat Mrs. Ed. Sergant returned List week from visilini.' friends at Owen Sound. Mr. aud Mrs. Cummins have returned to town after spending several weeks at Toronto and other parts. Mrs. J. Hodgson visited her sister, Mrs. T Chi.slctt, licre I;ist vnek before leaving for the city. Mr. Murray Legale left Monday Morniug for his school near Durham. Miss Li-n* Legate left in the evening for her achuol at Biverview. Miss .Agnes McPhail returned to her •school at Honey wood and Mian Lilian left to teach school at Shrigley. Mr. Andy Kennedy, Miss Bella iind Mis. \. Kutledge motored to Thorton, Barrie aud Slayuer to visit friends. Miss Maud UemphiU is visit Toronto friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. Uaiiimond and children visited Meaford audTliorubury friends last week. Mr. Alex McKite left Monday iuc the West. Mrs. Archie McPhatter and children, who have been spending the past twu months with her mother here returne-1 Saturday to ber home in Uwen Sound. Mr. A. Kennedy took Misses Mary McMullen, Edna &lcLeod and Minnie McArthur to Camp Borden, Sunday. Mra. George Suell and Urs D. Mc- Leo<l are spending a few days with Toro- nto friends and to take in the exhibition. Mrs. J. McMu'len and little aon, who spent the past two months with friends at Cleveland and other points has lelurned home. Mr.Jas. Phillips of Baltimore was i caller at R. Cook's last week. Mis Flower of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Uoy tjiihsoD. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. SpiUer and little .son were guests the first of the week, at Mr. T. Chislette's. We are sorry to report Mr. Gibson, sr., of Toronlii, ill at his sou'n here. Mr. Pete Muir and two cousins. Masters Walker, who have been spend- ing iheir summer vacation with the form er's mother, Mrs. S Muir.left Friday for Toronte. Mrs. Mcpherson and Miss Baxter of Caledun visited at Mr. M. Ferguson's. Mr. Dave .\dams left Tuesday morn- ing for the West. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Reid, Durham Road, touk in the exhibition this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Oliver are visiting the exhibition. Feversh2un Items Miss DeGump and Miaa Davis have returned to Toronto after -ipending a delightful vacation on Mr. Fred Spolford's farm on the eighth line. Mr. Little, sr., of Glen Huron i? visiting friends here at present. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colqueite left Saturday on an extended visit with t.heir daughter, Wm. Dand, Xeiherhill, Mis. Sisk. Mr. John Osborne of Batteaux visited fiiends here fur a .couple of days list week. 'Juite a number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. McLean uf Rob Hoy and the Forester .sermon at Buckingham church on Sunday. Mr. 13. Henderson took a busineas trip to Owen Sound last week. Mrs. I. H. Perigo visited her daughter Mrs. Albert .Stewart last week and is this week visiting friends in Toronto, Hccompanied by her daughter. Messrs James Speera and Will Conn took iu the wesli-ru excursion on Saturday. Miss Margaret Campbell Is visiting in Toronto. Victoria Corners Mrs. Kenneth McKenzie of Grand Falls, Montana, and Miss Louie Corbilt of Bethel, visited at their uncle's, Mr. Jas. Lockhardt. H. H. Moore, N'ewbury, ^pent the holiday with his parent;, Mr. and Mrs. George Moore. S. W. Woodlan of Smithville is visit- ing bin daughter, Mrs. Chas. Moore. Fall f loUKhini{ is st.trting, though ih ground is reported very hard and dry. That Trip to Borden Eighth Line, Artemetia B<irn â€" On Monday, August 28ili, to Mr. an<) Mrs. Garnet Magee, a son. Mr. and Mrs. George T.awler and daughter!. Miss Mable and Allie and there eon, Walter, motored down to Toronto this week to attend llie exhi- bition. Mr. Bowers of Cleveland, Ohio, visi- ted for a few days with bis niece, Mrs. Belts. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee vi sited the Uttei's iwtent.o, Mr. and Mra. LeOard, near Flesherlon on Sunday. Mr. Bob McLaughlan is doing good work with his new threshing outlil on our line. Good lack to him. Mrs. P.vliauicnt is visiting with her daughter, Mi's. Garnet Hsgee. East Mountain Everyone wdl soou be throu'h harves- ting i<i this part. Miss Mary StaOord has returned from visiting her nephew in Port Elgin. Lucy Walton has returned from an extended vinit at the Soo. Rev. Mr. barker of Collingwood, aud Mrs. Hindle of Clarksburg, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. M.-irtin last week. Mrs. Geo. Gorley and daughter, Lou, aroiuTorunto this week attending the Ex. Miss Cora Martin, Mr.and Mrs.Crauny aud Pte. Chapman of Owen Sound, mot- ored down to the fotmei's home htst Sunday. Mrs. John Welsh is visiting in Owen Sound. Her neice. Hiss Maud Morris, returned home with her after spending two months here. Miss Hazel Allen has got a school near (^rangeville. Wo wish her every success. Miss Moon of Coldwater, spent a fort- night at Mr. Itobt. McMuUen'^j. Rtiv. Mr. and Mrs. Schwalm tnd two children, of Dundalk, visited froiu Thursday till Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin. W. J. McKitrick, Prince of Wales Road, found one of his cows in an unusual predicament the other day. While feeding in the bush on his upper farm the bovine had attempted to pass between two trefs which stood i|uite close together. After getting her head and th.^ulders through she 8tuck fast and was unable to go eitker forward or backward. She had been missing for several days when her owner discovered her. He bad to get an axe and chop d)wn one of the trees to release her. â€" Orangcville Banner. The (.>wen Sound young ladles who bad such a strenuous time sretting to Camp Borden a week ago last ^^unday enjoyed their troubles so very much that they have blossumed cut into poetry. We owe it to the sweet singers of Owen Sound to explain that their production was not intended to api>ear in print. It ii, however, too good to be lost to poster- ity, as an exam|>le of cheerfulness under adversity. TH.\T TKll- l<> lloltHK.V We rose early one morning at :! a.m.. Bound for Camp Borden in spite of the rain. We wer? so anxious to go, we walked in the dark • •ver to our cliauH'eur's to get an early start. We got everything ready »11 spick and â- pan, .\nd said to the driver, "Go as fas» as you can.'' The road leading to Cbatsworth we found very rough, Reaching there before live we weie louk- lus; ({uiie tough. .\l'rivin(; at Markdale at the break of dawn We beat it for Fleshertou just six miles on. When proceeding uit, all very tine. One of the tires blew out behind. We put on another as fast as we could Just to tind out that it wa.s no good. We turned right around to find a repair man Who pioinptly said, "1 can I but George can. " George'.s speed was verv fair, .• - But it took ui twu h'lurs to gel out of there. We then endeavoied to gain loss liiiio. And everything went off very sublime. We gave her all power and added more When down went the spring with a ter- rible crash. Tired with the journey, weary and sore. We 'phoned for a car to try it once more. Along came George singing a song. And in I ho little old Ford we rambled right along. At the City of Angus we arrived with delight. And nothing to sue but soldiers iu sight. Three more miles we drove through the sand, .Arriving at last in that God Forsaken Land. Camp is auruly a wonderful place. And to call it your h jme is no disgrace. Pithy Proton Pointers We received the r:iin which we adver- tised for last week, but still our corres- pondence seems dry. Miss Bessie McVicar, Flesherlon, the guest uf Miss ilarjorie. Miss Lizzie Neilson Ls holidaying unier the parental roof. Jackie Wright vis'ted with his cousin, Harold Talbot. Misses Kathleen McLean and Minnie Galbraith have gone to the exhibition at Toronto. Mihses Muriel and Lena Legale, Ceylon^ called on friends here on Thursday last. Mrs. Hanley id the guest uf her sister, Mrs. TIios. Wauchob. MiM.s Marian Wright is hulidayiiig with friends in Chesley. A large congregation met at the Angli- can church hi-re to listen to the iinures sive taiewell sermon delivered by their esteemed clergyman. Rev. Mr. .\bbot. Wm. Little aud >vife, and John Lyons and wife visiKnl at Chas. Lyon's. Dr. and Mrs. Johnson accompanied by the formers parents. Dund.tlk, visited at J. C. Wright's. Mr. Williams and wife, UuUand Cen- tre, renewed acquaintances m our burj;. Sept. j. Schoul u'jens tu-day wiih Miss Wright of Fleshertun, in charge. Marie .Shearsuii and Maude and Rob- erto.\chcsou visited fiiends at Curbettuu. Wm. Ludlaw and child, of Toronto, visited at .4b. Siinscn's. Mrs. Greeuia, Urangoville,visit«d wiili her parents, Jos. Trelford and wife. Visitors to the exhibition last week were, Mrs. Thos. Wauchob, .Abe. Shear- son, John Hanley and Walter Wyvill. Jewelry DR. BURT 5pcjaiitt In diaiasea of the Eye. Ear.Nose and Throat OFFlCE-ia<> 10th St, West,Owen Sound | At the R.?vere house. Markdale, 2nd Thursday each month from S to a 12a. m Dundilk.ls Wednesday of each month., i A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler tLESHERTON, . ONT J- W -v.^ w -v.^ '<.,- VA- w ',.v- ',,.- ',.f 7,5 V- '/.?%'>/)?%': ^^^ m Get Your Binding Heathcote Intended For Last Week. Harvest is about completed here. Mabel McConnell of Fairmount is spendini; her summer vacation with her cousin, Mi.ss Madge Reekie. Miss Eva Rutherford uf Sandhill was the guest of her aunt, Mr.s. Samuel Davidson, the Utter part of the week. Mrs. White uf Michigan is visiting her son, J. L. White of the village. Mrs. Matthew Ellis is visiting with Mis. Rjbs Hutchin.sou. Bornâ€" .At Heathcote on Wednesday, Aug. 1.'3, t ) Mr. and Mra. Albert Skip- pen, a daughter. Mabel Reid of Kocklyo is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Harold Nickers. \ number from her)^ intend going to the Toronto exhibition. '4? # # m AND Flour 81 Feed AT W. BUSKIN Wm. weie ' the Joseph Fretter of Owen Sound had a valuable horse kilted by lighlniug. This Week'a Items. Harvest is about completed and tall plowing is about to commence. W'e are .sorry to report that Mrs. Milne is ill. Dr. Miller and wife of Kocklyii the guests of.Rev.' and Mr«. Yjun early part of the week. The Heathcote women's Institute held their monthly meeting in the village hall on Wednesday, .\ug. IJC, 'when .\. E. Tioul'of Owen Souiii, a)iei:t aii<l Inspector of the Children's .\id Society for Grey county, gave a very interesting address on the work done by that society. Mr. Perkins of Owen Sound is the guesw of Ernest Beer this week. J. L. White and wife, accuiiipauird by Walter Rorke, left Thursday t.ir a motor trip to Toronto, St. Catherines and olher parts. Wm. Milne left on Thursday fur the West, where he will remain until after harvest. Mi.sa Elsie MoNeviu visited with with friends in Kimberley ,and W'ude house the past week. Earl and Roy Best of Flesherlon were the gueats of J. H. Gardner and family the early part of the week. Mrs. Fieghen aud son, Denver, spent the past week visiting with friends at Epping, Fleshertou and Saugeen Junc- tion. Rev. Laidlaw, wife and family re turned home on Friday after visiting in Bracebridge and other parts. The Heathcote public school reopens Sept. 5 with Mr. Hall of Meaford as principal and Miss Irwm of Heathcote hb assistant. We join in wishing bo.h toacbers and pupils the best of success for the coming term. § FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WEAR BOOTS \Vp have them ill Men's Bo\ Calf. Ki.l ami Pitentfe. Also some good line.s in Plough Boots. LADIES' WEAR Wc have tht-in in Button with Cloth and Leather Tops. I^itent Vamps. Light and heavy boys and girls Iioots, suitable for the season. Trunks, Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion Express Co. money orders. Thos. Clayton's I FLESHERTON John Chapman Furniture and Undertaking Successor to :-: W. H. Bunt Calls answered day or night. Day phone 17 R2. Night phone i7 3. The old stand opposite the Town Hall .A»5

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