Flesherton Advance, 7 Sep 1916, p. 8

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September 7 1916 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE BUSINESSCARDS \ Societies pniNCB ARTHUR IA>DOE, No. !«SS,A.F.« ^ A M, niMta Id tb« UaioDie hkll. Arm troai'i Block FlMhartoD, eT«rjr Friday on or b«for« the (all moon. T. Henry, W. M. F. H. W. Hiekliog, Bacratary. nBOSEN FRIENDS- TiubartoDCoanell ol ^ ChoMD Friandt meeu in Clayton 'gball fine | and third Wadaetdav cfeach moDtb 6 p.m. Fay aaaciRUienti) to tua Kecorder on or l>«forr tea firitdayof aach uionth. Cliiaf CoaociUor l<lakalar;H«cordar W U. BoDt. , noUKTFLK8HKKT0N, 9»S. I. a F. meettlo "Clayton'i Hlock tba laat Wednasdav eTaDinK el each mnutli. Vialtini; Forattara lieartily «aleoiB«*C. it., G. Uallatuy ; K. 8., (». Cairi^e' Kin. B«c , W. HuikiD. Flaaaa pay duaa to Fin. See. batora the trtt < diTOftbe month. \ Dentistry Dr. B. C MintRAV L. D. B., dental eurgeon , honor graduate of Torouio L'uivaraity and ' Keyal I'ollrRa of Dental SurKconior Untario, Gaa admit in iatarad for ta«t!i extraction blllcc at reaidence, Toronto Street, KleabertOD. Medical JP OTTEWELL ' Vetarinary Surgeon jradnata 'it Ontario Veterinary College; loaidauce â€" lecoiid door aouih weit^oo >>>ry ttreet. Thia atreet ruaa outk , 'i-reabyteriao Church. Legal i I CCAR, KASEY A- hKNHY-Harrieterp. ' '-' cioliGitor«.«)c.-l. I!. Lucaa, K. C. ; W. K, KaBay, K. ('.;«'. D. Henry. H. A. Offices. I roroDto. 806-9 Tiadcra Uauk KIdR., phone icain Ul-2; Markdale I.ucaa block. I'hone 2 A. Hrauch olljce at Uundalk ofen every Saturday. or RIGHT. TEI-FORD A McRONAI.D â- â-  tlarrister, Kolicitorft, &c. Ufljcee. iirev ft Rruca Iflock, Owoo Bound. Standard V.&nk ' Block, Fletberton.lSaturdavi'l. W.ll. Wright, W. P. f elford Jr. J. C. McDonald, L. o. h. , BrsiNEss Cards »« CULLOUGH * YOUNG ' Baukera Markdale (leaaral banking biaaiueaa. Money loaned at reaaooabla ratea Call ou UH. SAVE ' YOUR ^ ; MONEY FOR THE • DoM NioN War Loan TO BE ISSUED IN SEPTEMBER. By purchasing a bond you will help to WIN THE WAR and obtain for yourself an investment of the highest class yielding a most attractive rate of interest. DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE^ OTTAWA.' • k Durham The MicldikUj{h hou^e Hhh been rented by Mr. Matt. Itolyei', who will take pjssessiiJii uii Mundxy, Ihe lltli .Sept. Some who know die new lunprictor ijieak well uf liiin as a hutel man who DMePHAIIJ, Lleanaad Anctlonee for th^ * County of Qrey. Terma moderate an<i tatia action guaranteed. The arraDKement' ( ^iH act in accotdiilice with the Jaw and dates of i^aU-k can be made at TliE ADVinca , ufltce. Reaidence and F.i )..(>> Ion, Telephone coooectioo, Dec. G, 07 WM. KAITTINU. the countisa leaoaad ADCtionear foi of Grey and 8imcoe. Farm and Htock aatea a apacialty. Terma moderate, aatiafactiou guarantied. Arrange' uiaota for datea mav be uiade at the Advance office, or (.'entrat telephone oltice Feveraham or by addreaaing me at Faveraham. Ont. R. J. COLQUETTE Feversham, Ont. AKcnt for the Cockshutt Plow Cos Full Line of Farm Implementt WagonM, UuKgiex, Catterx, Sleigha, and Gasoline Engines, Melotte Cream Separators, Baker Wind Mill.% I'um(>H, Piping and }'t\>e Fittings always oh hand. Beally linw'. of FergiiH, Barn Tracks, Litter Carriers and Ntahle li'tinKH. CockRhult and Frost A Wood Keimir« alwaya on hand Fcversbania Ontario Bull for Service Pure bred shorthorn bull, Kroperor â€" 8«5:J7-for aervice on lot 21», S. S. R.. Arttuieai*. Termiâ€" tl.tO for gradm, I'urj bred cowa la.OO. Pure bred Tanniror'.h hoK for aervice on the alnive lot. Tenna -SLTiO f ir.all aniniala. Served -nuat be paid fur. 6SepI() â€"W.J. Meada For Service For Hcrvice on 1 )t 12, fiMi. !l, Ojprry, one purebred Sborlhorn Dull. Termx l.iA). Also one pure bled Vorksbiro Hoar, Terma Sl'H). All acrount.s niuti )>e paid to FUKI) TVLKK, Manauer. 1 Sep Tamworths For Sale The town populalion has been suffer- ing of late owinj; to the removal of' several j^ood families. I The man on the .street tells us Ihei ' I cement works will reopen in a short i time for the manufacture of potash, but | , there are ho many rumors it isn't safe .to â-  believe anything 'li'l you oee it mater-' ializu. We'll all rej'jice at a revival of| the industry and lii>pe for k source of I permanent and lucrantive employment ' Maxwell News Mrs, Sidney Koden and children of Toronto have it'lumed home after a most enjoyable visit with her flitter, Mrs. John Milne of Mai well. Mrs. Sutton and her daughter, Mrs, Hutchinson, of Rochester, N. V., and Mri. A. llislop and e^oii of the Valley, visited Mr. :ind Mrs. .John Milne le- cently. The Maxwell lirancli of the W. I, wiil meet in the home of Mrs. J. Morrison, CuUinKWood Gravel Road, on Thursday, September 14, at i.'-'iO p.m. Miss Ija Oslxirne i.s attendin); the millinery opening in Toronto this week. Dr. and Mrs. Ryckma.i and little son, for our woikmon. We hope the rumor.s ' *"*'^«'l ""' P"'*^ '"'' »' ^V. H. (Juy'«. are more than mere dreams. Chronicle. Mies Prentice fiom Xottaws, viiited her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) Tiller. I lur towiiai.ian, Clarence Boyle, who ia] l<Ir. Mctiirr has been luyinj^anew tluor starting a music store next to the >;arage, N|M!nt u couple of weeks durini; the hay- ing NCHSon un the old lioinu farm near Miller Lake in Lindsay Township. While antistintf a', haying a laltletnake was thrown on the hi.id ami it made its pres- eiice known by that peculiar rattling noise. The rattler was tossed to the Ki'ound again .iiid held with a slick till it wat put in a box and liiou^ht down to Chesley where ( 'lareiice has it in his show windowand is feeding the reptile on frogs. The rattler is a live-ycar-old aa may be seen by the live ibiubie rattlers on its tail. CheHley Kuterprise. in the echoul house and is now ready for the children to start to school. Mi.ts Artie \\ right has gone to Toronto to attend the Noriual school. Mr. Leich, wife and son, from ( liange- ville, visited friends m Maxwell on Sun- day. Mr. and Mis.U.P.Hutcharl, of Victor- is, IS. ('., well known Owen .Sounders, arrived in that town a few days ago from the coiat, havinit conio the entire dis- tance by motor car. From ^'ancouver they tiuvelled soulh thiough the Pacific stales, coiiiiii|> east through the Rockies to (/hicago, llk>iicd to ItoKton and New Yolk and then coinini! through to Owen Siuntl. At >iew Vork Mr. and Mrs. Rutchait, were joined by Miss .leiinie llulchart, who bus lieeii aitending college in ill it city. List Wedde.iday tliH parly left for Mu.skoka aod returneil li.^t night. They » i I Irave for N'icioria eaily next week, miking till! letuni Inp by rail. Rec-iuie he tricked an Kliiiira livory man fnit off'J'J, the price of a ride fiom that town to .'Jodericli, (ieorge Sleep was seiitonced to .seven months in Cunlral I'ris.m. I have some extra good younit htock at present both sex. also one young sow, bred to farrow in Sept. Write or phone Geo. W. Row, Maxwell P, O, «n^^\^\^^^^^ yM^^_^sM^\^sM/^a/\».'^M/\m.^-^ sayva./ sa/va/ v/v -va/Na/fc^ NEW SUITINGS | Ntiw Suitings just to handâ€" some [ oC X the nolihie.st weuves to be found any- where. Le<ivc your order now for that new suit. You will uftver regret it. Satisfaction guiiranteed. Dt)irt forget that we do cleaning, pressing and repairing. Our prices are right and our workmanship is the very host. S. J. BOWLER ^ Sole Agent for thelHobberlin Tailoring. ^ The 14Tth Grey Battalion have been asked to Kive an exhibition of bayonet lighting before H.R.II, the Duke of C'onnaught by the general statl. The exhibition will lake place when the Governor General viiila Camp Borden at an early date. W ,/. tl(dnies, a butter and egg dealer of Wiarton, haa been sent up to Walkertoii to be tiied at the fill assizes there on the charge of forging tMe name of the Wi,irlon slalion agent on two | lulls of lading. He is alleged to have I pretended to have shipped produce to a Torool') wholesale houso and to luve signed the station agent's namo to the pietcnded bill of ladinir which, according to the story, ho sent 'o the Toronto linn and drew on them for the produce.which they paid. Not receiving the goods the Toronto firm made a claim on the railway company, with ibe result tint an invis- tigatic n was instituted and a charge of forgery laid agaiiisl Holmes The de fendant was sent up by a Wiarton court for trial at Walkeilon, and is now out on b^il. Vesta Methodist church, near C'hosley, has been closed on account of slim atten- dance, 'riie Kiiterpiisu says : Wohave Leon inforiiicd thai there aee families on the townline not attending any church which is no iincoiniiion occurrence in this materialistic ago when God is lett nut of ao many people's ca'ciilalions. If they take plotsure in silting In ease in /iim it in more than we could do. The faithful few at Vesta who have been keeping up the services will worship in C'hesloy. There is money in old paper. One lot of f>,(K)0 pounds was knocked down to the highest bidder in New York (>ity at Jl2 t»0 a hundered pound.n, and another lot, con- sisting of unsold and lelurncd copies of a newpaper, brought ILfi."! a hundred pounds. .Sales of such paper in norma tiinoi bring from '20 In 50 cents a huniked pounds. On Friday afternoon, while working in his apple orchard, Mr. James Collins, O.jllingwood, who resides on the south east corner of Bannister sideroad and Huii/ntario s*root, fell out of an apple tr«e and died a few minutes later. His death was duo to heart failure. FOR OVERSEAS CONSTRUCTION GIGANTIC »teani shovels weigblnK sixty-five Ions each, capable of eating up the earth at the rate of I,^0 to 200 cubic yards an hour, and self propellli.g extension track pile drivers, are part of the equipment recently pur- (based by the Government for Col. ('. W. P. Hanisay, of the Canadian Over- 8e«s Rallviav Construction Corps. This plant was aelected by Col. Ramsay's colleacues In the Enginwrlng Deiiart- mint of the Canadian PaclUc Hallway and is tx'ing prepar«-d by that company at the request of tlie Government for Bbipment abroad. The Canadian Over- seas Itai'.wuy Construction Corps lias alreai'.y built many miles of traik at BtrateKie points and is all the vtUlle engaged in surveys for further con- struction. The work has often to be done under fire, anil though there liave lieeii so many narrow escap<'8 there have been no serious easualties. Out (if the nun 'ommtssloneJ n^iers and sapiiers that enlisted on the fouiidaliou of the Corps IS have al- ready re<-eived coinmlsslo is iti the Royal Kngineeis, a remarkable tribute to tlieir efficiency, ulille Col. Ramsay ind .Major Harvey have been mention- ed In dispatches. Tlie splendid work of tliese Canadian enKlnerrs has been hiphly appreciated by the allied eoiii- uiauders. Kam loops e^ Irrj^^ah'oa (1) Panoramic View of Kamloop*. (2) Irrigation Oltchea. (3) Field of Mangolds, raised by Irri- gation. THE western canaaa irrigation Association held its Tenth Annu- al l.'onventlon at the City ol Kamioops Ihe last week in July. The picturesque little (tity takes its name from the Indian equivalent "Meeting of the Waters." where the sun shines every day and good feUowship, health and happiness radiate from all, and opens wide in hospitality its doors to you. Away back over a Hun- dred years ago, the North West F^lr Trading Co., with keen appreciation of the auvantages of Ihe location, et tnltlished a post on the present site of Kamioopsâ€" the junction of the now caiu^i North and »onth inompson Rivers. Us excellent water communi- cations; its central position in a wide open stretch of splendid grazing coun- try and Its healthy, growing climate, attracted Indians and traders trona all parts, and soon the little trading-post grew In importance and population. Keventyllve years alterwarils tne Canadian Pacific Hallway tlirust Us steel rails through the main street of the aspiring little comtnualty, and It was but an endorsement of tlie opinion of tbo old trading company, tnat Kamioops was Indeed, "The Place In the Sun." There are irretiitable reasons wby Kamioops claims tbe distinction oi being the leMing inland city ol the Province of British Columbia. Its Beogmpbical position marks it u â- ervlng a very large »re»; 2S0 mUaa and (40 from HMmoBten, it ittea no posaible rlTal. Witlt a pepnUtion oi Bom« 6M0, it polBtc with pardonable priA« to its splendid atreet* and pave- meata, to lt« modem alactric lights, p«««r. w»t«r ^d Ji«M{hOB« â-  ygteai. and to Us anlnterrnpteil steady pro< groM. With abundance of water. ooa< tinnovia bright sunshine and undl* puted soli fertility. It conUlns all, UH{ •ttribntes necessary to future eoiM merc4»l k^ ^ct\mXiyu%\ d«T«)oviyail

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