^kB\i)tti0n TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PRINOIPLEb HOT MEN.' ?0l 36 No. 18 Plestierton, Ont., Xliursday, September 14 IQIO W, e TEDRSTON "^"^^^ tad PBOPUIK Eugenia Paragraphs On Friday, SeplemUr 8. « pleasant eveniDg was spent at the home of Pte. Henry Tudor, Eugenia, when Henry was presented with a wrist watch, testament and prayer >K)ok, accnaipanied by an addresH. Lance-Corp. Krn. Morgan was also given a prayer liodk and testament. Afterwards tea waa i^erved in the orchard. Several games were pUyed and songs were sung. A lac^e crowd m-.ut present and a very enjoyable evening was spent. The Prcrbyterian congregation wi:l hold their Thanksgiving aBDirersary "a Sunday, October 9. Mrs. Fred Graham and family have returned home after spending ;» couple of weeks with frieudi at Portlaw and ISaugeen Junction. Mrs. John Campbell and little daugh- ter are visiting friends in Toronto and ether places. Mrs. T. E. F*enwick had a parin;{ bee one evening last week. The likdics all repotted having a good time and are looking forward to having another soon. Mrs. P. Munsh tw is visiting a couple of weeks with friends in Toronto. Dr. McDougall is visiting Mrs. K. Morgan. Mr. Wynne of the Uydro Commission has spent the week in town. Mr. and Mrs. 1. Teeter visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Large. Charles W.Uiams is home from Turoot^> 00 a vacation. Two auto loads from Shelburne visited Mr. A. Carruthers. Like all all other visitors they wish soob to return as they ikiuk our country very beautiful. Mr. Stone is moving his family to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMulbn vis- ited friends in Chesley. Mrs. K'jbert Campbell is in the city undergoing an operation on her eyes. We are pleased to see Mrs. Car aVile to walk out again. Frank Pipher is a ijuest at the Muii- shkw House. Oux soldier boys were home for the week end. .\ileeu Twohy if Kitchener, Ont,. is visiting her sister., Mabei Hoy. Miss Claribell Fenwick ended the midsumtiier holidays by giving a biith- day party to hor school chums. Kdr Graham and family motored to Uano.'er recently, aceompanied by Mrs. Graham's father, Mr. Cameron. We are gliul to repoit Mrs. Martin able to be out again. Mrs. R. Clark and little sou, have returned home after visiting Priceville friends. A party was held « the home of \V. Kussel on Monday evening for our sol- dier boys. The evening wan spent in dauciug, games and music. Fied Jack, r »itn Portlaw K\erybody is t(lad to see Mrs. Jamie- son able to be >'Ul again tfter her long illaes!. Mr. 11. .Vvnott went to Toronto last week (o consult a epecialitt. Uev. Mr. Madden, who has been spending his holidays at his humu in Aurur.'i, has l>eeii t»ken ill and unable to t ike his ap(>ointinent8. Mr. Wyville took charge of Mount Zion service on iSunday. School opened un TiiesJiiy ot list week with Miss Shiink of Fle.ilierton in charge. Wo wish her success in the schoi>l and a ploasaut sojourn iu the section. Our truiteis have had a new fuiimce installed in Ihi- schoolliouse. D. Mo- Killop of Flesherton did the installing. Mrs. Jiunes Hill is visitin4 in Toronto with lier dau>;lUor, Mis. Coinoii, wl o lately uii(lfilwont...aD operation for appen> dicitis, Lewis Sheai'dowu is rcrojfni;; hs Inrii «ilh metallic shingles. Francis iShier is having l.i> licus© romoJellc I and covered with metallio sheating and il picstiits a tine new appearanco. Mr. Kvans has completed the luickiiig 0? Mr. McNfttly's house, which is now a coiumuhous and coHifoit ihle dwelling. tjui'.c :\ number from this nfif-hbur- hood altendcd iho big Toroii'o fan-. Florence White, Murray CornbolJ ai d Willie Tnylor, pnpis of this .schi-( 1, aie attending l-'les^erton high sciiool. Kimberley Budget iatended For Last Week. Some copious showers on Friday even- ing last which will get the land in better condition fur fall wheat sowing- Bornâ€" .\t Kimberley, on Friday, Sept. 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuart, a son. Another vote for Rowell. Miss Nellie Burritt, ene of our most popular young Udies, will wield the blue beech at the Montgomery school, about four miles southwest of Duudalk. Mr. Thos. Davidson of Clarksburg, accompanied by the Misses Hactie and Ra'.-nael Lougheed, viaited with the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. John Fawcelt, recently. The pastor. Rev. Lane, occupied the pulpic iu the Methodist church and deliv- ered a highly patriotic discourse to a very large conttregatlon. Mrs. Lane sang a well rendered soh>. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson is visiting this weekwithfriendbin Duudalk and vicinity. Mayor Suetsinger of Thornbury, was a caller iu our village on Monday last. John Taylor of Fairmount, visited fi'iends in this vicinity one day recently. Miss Florence Brown of Ueathcote, is spending a few weeks with her sif^ter, Mrs. Wm. Flood. Councillor Gaudin of Heathcote, made a business trip to our vilUge on Monday. Our two new teachers, Mr. McBridu of Paisley, and Miss Flaherty of < >weii Sound, arrived on Monday to commence duties. I >ur energetic new grocer, JaR|>er Stuart, has the contract for supplying the U}dr Electric caiup with groceries and meat. This Week's Items. .\ll tlie farmers io this vicinity hare Bnished fall wheat seedim;. Sihu) McAusiand of Heathcote, occu- pied the pulpit in the Methodist church jn Sunday evening last. Klva Bishop left one day last week to resume her stu lies at the Toronto I'niversity. M. Mahooey uf Thornbury, was a oikller III our burg on Monday. *)\iite a number from htreatten<ied ihe dance at John Walsh's, Ea.st Mountain, on Friday avening last, and all report a pleasant time. .\11 our soldier boys were home lecen . tly, with the exception of Arthur WhU- ers. A troupe of actors from Petcrboro tlew into our burg on Monday last and pulled off au entertaiouient every night last week iu the public hall. Ihey represen- ted the b'. K.. Ksrn Medicine Co. of Toronfo, and did a land ultice business in disposing of their wares. The popular girl contest in connection with the week's fun was won by Myrile CsOiick by only 10 votec. Agnes Wickens was the next nearest eoinpetitor. A gentleman in the hall ou Saturday night forgot to |iut in his votes or the contest would havn been a tie. Both those young ladies received handsome preients. Geo. A. Bellamy, wife and famiiy, of Markdale, and the latler's si.ster, Mrs. Gordtii Gupstill and daughter, Uiace, of Silt Lake City, Utah, l'.S..\., visited recen'.ly with their aunt, Mrs. George Lawrence. Mrs. Win. Kawcetl received a loiter on Monday evening from her son, E/.r», who was Wounded some time ai{o. He has fully recovered and intends t^i go to the trenc'ies again in the near future. We are ^''♦'1 '» report that Mis. Wni. McCluii^ is on the mend again after her recent illness. Victoria Corners Tho.s. last Sunday. l!ov. Mr. Maddin is ill at hi.s home in Sutton and unable to laUe liis work here. rieiiih.ini of Flrfsheitoa pieachtd There will be no service next Sunday owing to Bethel ai.uivct" sary servici s. Wr. Hill and wife, Mr. I'ounside and wifr, .Markdale : Mr. Faivcett anU wife, b^ .Meaford, visited at J. Lookhart's. Minu anti Willie Heard have returned \j Flesherton liigh s.'hool, also .Vlex. and Jalbot Irwin. Little Irene and G-'ir^e Ihewstor aie V siting their g an ip.nents, .Mr. aid Mrs. A. Stevens. Seliool opened last week wiih Miss B.iinie iis teacher for the tonii. Feversham Items Threshing is the order of the day. Pte. George^Ueron, London's Own, has been visiting friends here for the pa.st week. Pta. Fred Brackenbury of Camp Borden, and Miss M. Jackson of Owen Sound, are spending a few days with the former's relatives here. Miss Dot Cornette, our public school teacher, sbeut the week end at her home in Dundalk. The Continuation school is open with Miss warren in charge. Mr. Joseph Hudson and two children of Batteaux, are visiting wiih Mr. and Mrs. George Julian here. Miss Cassy Davidson of Portsniouh, N. H., is spending b month with her parents, Mr.and Mrs. Wm Davidson, Sr , on the Twelfth line. Mr. and Mrs. Ern. Hawton, Mr. H. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs Win. Coon, Sr at'ended the Ex. in Toronto Pte. Fr^d Brackenbury, Mr. Wm. Co!<iuette, Miss M. Jacksin and Miss L. Alexander motored over to Thornbury on Sunday and spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. Fenwick, Harold and Emily, motored t) Toronto and Hamilton Last week. Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs. Wm. Little in the sad and sudden death of her mother, Mrs. Mc.\rthur of Parry Sound, whose tuneral she attended liust week. Word was also received the same morning of the death of her nephew who died from wounds while a prisoner in (iermany. Mrs. John Paul is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. N. Balteisby, Owen Sound. Mias Sadie Peltob of Toronto is visit- ing her parental home here. Vandeleur Happenings .\moug thoin who attended the C.N.E. and incidently visited friends by the way were : Thos. and Geo. .Shannon, W. J. Alcox, C. B. Boland, Otto Baker, Dane McOee David Graham. Tillie Buchanan and Mrs. Will Hutchinson. .\ II report a pleasant outing. Mrs. Will Hutchinson anu litt.s son, Beverly, ot Toronto, have been visiting at G. Hutchinson's for a couple of weeks. Pte. Chas Buchanan aud Cpl. S H. Buchanan of Camp Borden, spent the week end with frieiids here. Will Hulrhinsoii of Toronto, came up on the labor day excursion and spent a couple of days with friends here. Ouite a number in this vicinity have threshed their grain and report a satisfac- tory yield. Knna Burrit of Kimbetley, who has been engaged to teacn our school for the ensiiini/ year, commenced her duties on Tuesday of la't wiek. Kev.K.G.Pritcliardj wife and children. of Winnipeg, aud Mr. Will Reid, wife and little poll, of Oxford, Michigan, I'.S.A., were the guests of Geo. Pritchard and wife last week. Mrs. .\. Carson aud Mrs. .Stewart of Prioevi'le, were visitors at S. tulbert's on Friday. Rob. Bruughton of Corbetton, visited his uncles, (tco. and Tho..'. Shaunuu, recently The aggicgato altendiuce nt C.N K. was ''.»<)i),oi!<) I ho -. , Dundalk â- •, ..'.-. Rev. Geo BlackwcU, now Rector St. James Church, entered on his dutie.s in this parish last Sunday. First impress- ions were iiuile favorable. We trust his ministrations will be pleasent and auccei-s- ful. .\ pleasant soc'.al ivenini,' look place at the Masonic Hall on Friday, the oocusion of a presentation of a Past Mastei's Jewel to Wor. Bro. James Clary, who is soon leaving Dundalk t > reside ii. Briliish Columbia. Mr. ^Walter B. Cowan B.A. L.L li. late of tho firm of Francis A Wardr.'p Barristeis, etc. Turoiita, hi.s puichastd the old est .b'.ishel law practice of Mr. Janus Lainon, and is now in possession of the busiuoss. Mr. Cowau, who is ason of Mr, ^n.l Mrs. J, P.. Cowsu, formc'ly of Dundalk, now of Toronto, spent hi.s publ c school days here. The Kev. N.* R. McLeod, ihe t ov poster of the Baptist church here, began his ministry here by preaching approp- riate amiiiom morning and cveiing on Sunday. â€" Duudilk HeriK'. Pithy Proton Pointers Misses Mabel Wsucbob and Hannah Roome spent the week end at Flesherton Mrs. Wilson, who has been visiting the past week with friends in Toronto, has returned home, accompanied by her si.ster, Mrs. Eddie of Dixie. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wright visited with the former's parent) at Kincardine. Two of our successful Entrance pupilf, Edith Consley and Ernie Stinson, aie attending high school at Flesherton and Dundalk. Misses Mildred and Gertie Ljons, accompanied by their uncle, Mr. Jared Lyons, visited the exhibition. A public meeting was held iu the Presbyterian church under the auspices ot the W. M. S. Mrs. McViear gave a splendid address. .Vppropriate solos were rendered by Misses Binuie, Wau- chob and Acheson. Mr. and .Mrs. Post, while ou their honeymoon, spent the week end at the home of Mr. James Meddaugh. D. A, Stinson has purchased the loi adjoining his store property from K. tj. Acheson. Mrs. Giittis, accompanied by her daughter, was tlie guest of her daughter, Mrs. Herman Becker. Miss Til.'orsou of Uawaiia, elocution- ist, will give an eutertainiiient in the Orange Hall on Oc'ober 14. Ceylon Chat Mrs. Will McNae of Cleveland, »th'o, is on an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Melii. Mr. Cummins and wife left this week for Toronro and other points. Ethel Beuner is visiting Maijidale friends. Mrs. Frank Collinson went to Owin Sound Monday. S. Hemphill left Tuesday for a trip to Moosejaw, Regina and othei points, ind expects to be absent a month. Mrs. James Pattisou gave a corn roast to the soldier boys and their friends. ^ Irene McDonald gave a birthday party iilonday to her little friends. T. Chi?lett and Chas. Spiller spent part of last week with the former's daughter, Mrs. Holmes, Owen Sound. May Bennet left last week for Mitchell. Miss Smith, from near Toronto, has taken charge of Pattison •< millinery. Miss Webster of Lyndburst is visiting with her frieud, Mary McMuilen. Tlie soldiers from here were home i u a four day leave. John Melia visited with his brother in CoUingwood last week . Mr. Campbell and wife of Caledon ale visiting the latter'- brother, John .Muir. Mrs. Fred Sproat and daughter, Nors, left Thursday last for .\krcii, Ohio.a fttr spending ihjir vaeaiioii unuer the par- ental roof. Mi.ss Emma Wliiitakcr ac- companied her sister. Noah Pivnic has moved his family back to Toronto. Rock Mills Clarence Sample visito.l with friends here on Sunday. Pte. and Mrs. Henry i >sbjrne, also Pie. Fied Osborne, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter I'uHsell. Elwood Partridge returnt'd home from Toronto. Mi.ss Etia Radley is w:ih Mr>.. Garnet Magee for the i 'resent, Frank Betts has re'.urujd home from Toronto where he vpent a few days at the ex'ubili ui. Miss Ella Phi.'lips returned home from Toronto. .\rt Porteous visi'ed third line friends over Sunday. j Miss L) la Fis'ier is v, siting Mr?, Cha.s. I B.'st for a f> w d.iys. Pte. Will Radley spent llie wjek end w.th his pnrents heie.' Mr. Swaatou ^ud wife of .Va.kire, visited recently w.th R. bt.CUrk and w:fe. Bates Burial Co J. W. Bates, R. Maddock, Preeident. Manager. Funerai fii set jrs and Kmbalmers 1 24 Avenue Road.Toronto Telephone Hillcrest 268 e welry Mut(jrKiiii,-raU'ai ndl. ars and i.iiijioi..<]ne(i to Cimetery at lame eostt as H.irsr- 'Irawn vehicles, lauff A Splendid Stock from which yoit may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photg Supplies. W. A Armstrong, OR. BURT ."kpcUllit In dl.cM^â- â- o« Ihe Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat, OFFICE-l;lO lOlh st,West,Owen Sound | At the R«vere hou.se. Markdale. 2Dd ' Duodalk,Is Wednesday of each month â- * Lt.i)HtKTON, Jeweler ONT m m m Get Your Peache: w. Pears Plums Grapes AT BUSKIN I FOR THE PEOPLE | WHO WEAR BOOTS f \Vt^ have tlieni in Men .s Box Calf, Kid and 1^ Patents. Also s.iiiic gooW lin.'.'^ in Piongh Bools. LADIES' WEAR We have them in Button witli Cloth and Leather Tops, Patent Vai^ps. Liirht and heavy boys and girl.-* iioot.'?, .suitable tor tho season. Trunks, Telescopes, Suitcases. Agent for the Dominion Express Co money orders. Thos. Clayton^s I FLESHERTON Daniel Wemp, of KneriH, .Vm'ieisfc island, i r o'.ab'y hoU.s ilie record for tjl.o i amount of work do lo Ij a .nan of hi.s ago. | Uo is 8"> jea- of a.'o, aid up to Auj.U8t j 'M this s.'iis 111 1 as unhwded lt.l2 loacs o{ hay «nd 'iO loi.d of irain on tie farm owned Hy himself aud son on the island. John Chapman Furniture and Undertaking Successor to :-: W. FI. Bunt Calls answered day or night. Day phone 17 R2. Night phone i7 3. The old stand opposite the Town Hall