Flesherton Advance, 21 Sep 1916, p. 1

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J^/ /k0l)^i:lirti %Hmu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRI5CIPLEb MOT MEN.' i.- fOI 3« No. 19 Flesherton, Out., Tliursday, September 21 1016 W. H THCRSTON ^°!,'?* ftcd PUOPBIE Eugenia Paragraphs We are ploased to see Rev. Madden auie Ifi take hii work again. Pte. J. Anngtroos of Camp Boiden â- pent the week end with hif wife and other frieuda. A. Hoy and family visited frieuda at Veverabiiin. Chariee Hopper of Ne» Liskeard has retuined to his home alter viaitioK with bid p*reuta and other irienda in this Ticinity. Wes. Litiiner aud daughter Vera motored fromTorouto in compauy with hi« sisters, Mrs. Slack ind Mrs. J. Jamieson, md little sun, George, and are spending the week end with relativei here. Mr. Knutt of Toronto, accompanied hy llifcsea Mitchell and Murray, visited their friend, Mrs. A. Hoy. The ladies of the Eugenia VV. I are makint( up a bui of clothing for the tire â- ufferers of the n'lith. Any person who wishes to assist caa leave donations with Mrs. J. Williauis or Mrs. .\. Hoy by (V:t. 'JO if possible. Mias Lyia ITawcett uf Fleahectun is spending the week at her home. Mr. Duraui of the hydro is niovini! his family to town. Ray • ieiiue has i;ikeu a posiiiun in Toronto. A certain young lady may feel bad on readiiig this, but cheer up, it may Dot be irue. We ate sony to report Mr*. .John ArmsToBi" and Mi«j Berthe on the sick list at prcbent. Master Oeoij^t- Jamieson of Toronto is ^isiliag with his .:ousiu, ' Pearl Latimer. Mrs. J.' Williiuus aud Miss Hilda spent the w«ek with Fteiiberton fiiemls. Either ;jick yout tomatoes <>r put a lock aud key wn them. H. McMiwter and wife motored to CjllinRwooJ one Jay ls«t week. Pithy Proton Pointers Bornâ€" On August 16, to Mr. and Mri. Geo. Woods, a daughter. Mrs.Eddie Dizie returned to her home on iiatuiday last. Miaa l>iiha Lyons is the guest •>f her couain, Uiaa Mildred Lyons. A number from here enjoyed the anniveraaay .services «t Bethel last Sun- day and Monday^ Mr. McCaune), wife and family, spent Sunday at Duriuam. Mrs. Greenis is visiting her parsutx, Mr. and Mrs. Joa. Trelford. Mipsea Louise and Eva .\cheson visitrd .at the home of their uncle, Mr. R. G. .\cheson. Eighth Line, Artemesia Kimberley Budget Eztiemely cool weather uf late and about a< dry as ever. Sir Adam Beck, chAinnaa )f the Hydiu Comniisaiun, was a caller in our burg one day U»t week. He was ova- j d,^jter. Bertha, of Toronto, are the Feversham Items Dick Brackenbury and wife of Brace bridge, are visiting with the former'.'^ 1 mother here, who haa been very ill. Mrs. S. Cul^uetle of Flesherton, and VTryon ':?*_ Tbreshia<: has b«j(un. Misa Elva Lever of Fiesliertni.is weil- ding the birch in onr "college" lieie. Miss EvH Speacer of this place is doir<{ likewise at Crozier, Rainy Uiver District. Hiram Sornberiter and grandscu, Basil. attended the e\hibitiou iu Toronto. Telford Spencer ot Manitoba, is visiting with friends in this part. Mrs J. Thompson and daughter, Mad- eline, iiud Mrs H. Creaiock aud grand- ilaui(hter, .Marjorie TrealMk, uf Toronto, lire visiting at Hir.iiu Sjrubirgor's. Mr. H. Crealock caino up i>n Wediie»dny last and s^jenc a few days. Mias Ruth Spencer of Kob lUiy, spent the week end with lior pareoU. Mr. /iple of Owfu Sound, aLCo'iipun- ed by Mr. Max r'aunon ol Fli^hertou, Mr. Cba^i.Martiuand Miss jjfiitlio Martin nf Eugenia, iiiotorod over and visited at Mr. H. Soriil>eii;ci'» recoutlj. Mr. and Mrs. Walter .\kiit and the latter s parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Hanley, visited Markdale friends last week. CDnitratulations to Mr and Mr». Sam Murphy on the arrival of a »on. J. Parliament and G. Ma<;ee are visitinit their daughters at Drayton and Kitchener. I think our Eugenia correspondent should stay in her own vicinity for nea.s. We are pleased to report Mrs. F. Jlartin able to be around again E.Beits and wife visited at E. Biuning- ton's on Sunday. W'. Pool, Mist /Cadia Lawler Miss Manaid and her si«ter, also Misa Reta Osbirne of Feversham, motored down fo Camp Borden list Saturday. J. Thompson and wife uf Fle-heitoii, visited with iheir daughter, .Miss E. Betts. A number oi our soldier boys were home over the week end. !ookihg the new transmission uiie to Collingwoc>d. Squire Stuart visited friends in Thom- biuy recently and while there attended the North Grey Liberal convention at Meaford sod heerd Hon. Geor^re P. ('raham deUver addreses on the political 'luestion* of the day. .Andrew and Lt-onard Fawcett and Hadden Hutcbinsion made a busmess trip to Thornbury <>ii Saturday laat. This is a i^reat year for wild grapes along the baiiks of the old Beaver. We know wbere there are single vines from which ten or twelve liaakeLs can be picked. A. E' Hylss )(ave • corn roasc to the you.ig people of the neighborhood on Saturday evening last. X pleasini; fea- ture of the evenini! was the presentation of a ^old ring by IKimberley C.O.F. to Private .A^rihur Walters of the 147th Battalion, and a suitable aJdre ^s. Art replied in a few well chosen wordK. Miss .lean Grabaiii of Eugenia visited during (he past week at Geo. Procfor s. 3l IS. Stanley Wallace cl Collinawood IS visiting at Donald Wsllace'a. John Ferguson of Thornbury i.s visit- ing with friends in this vicinity. Victoria Corners Rock MiUs ' Threshing is the order of the flay. Mias Klla Phillips ha.s returned to Clevelaud . James K-.idloy aiij wife and Thomas Bemrose and wife motored to Oaiup Borden uii .Saturday. Mrs KUwood rartridge returned from Toronto T. Whitnuae, wile .tud fiieiul* \isited Mr. anl Mrs. Charles Newell SunJiy. Charles Phillips has veturnod to- his homo ill Toronto. Mi.sa Blair of Toronto, is visitiiiK her uncle, VV. heard. A number from around here attended the anniversary services at Bethel on Sunday aud .Monday. No services ,ii Inislioi;e. Mrs. DeSavigiiy aud granddaughter, Betty DeSavi^iiy, and \\\u. Little of I 'wen Sound, visited at George Moore's. Mrs. W. Irwin, who was on the sick list, is improving. We read the other d.iy au item telling about the work our itrandmolhers did. One ihinn particularly we noticed, it said, "They dressed ten children every iiioiii ug. ' How foolish of llieiii! Mi'st- ly every niotlier of ti.e present day, hav- ing ten children, would have the oldest one* taught to dress themselves as well as seine of the younger ones. .\iid is there any wonder the present ^'euerati'^n are unable to do si much when they were pampered that way. It's nearly time to advertise for anoth- er rain. Walkerton Dundalk Wallace WcllwooJ, of Dundalk.decidcd to enlist in the cause of Kin j; and Em- pire anlleft f'lr Camp Borden on the soUieis special train Tuesday evening to siRU up with the 147 Oreyi. Two charges are to be heai"d by Maxisrato Tr.iyu.r on Friday night. One is for iiiterferiiig with Lee June, the Chinese lauiidryman. Boys have been annoying Leo on tho street and his bu^iiiiSss place on various ocMaioiis and it is about time a halt is called. The o»her charge refers to an assault upon an inoffensive man who has recently moveii to town. Constable Abbott will be supported by the citizens in his efforts to put down rowdyism on the streets. Edward tiurney, the woU known man- ufacturer, d*ed at the age of 7^. .\iidrew Hiuiiuelspach, the indigent wlio left the Grey House i.f [{efuijo and S'lUijht the more appetising bill-if fare served at the Old People's Haven in Bruce, but who wasn't eliitible to get his i4iiiso into the biuce feed big owing to the aliatoi tion of not having been :i ur-jvious resident of the county, was ticketed oy the town back to Orey, Monday, on completing a tariii of thirty days in the K'Cil j^iil for vSj^rancy. Mr. Henry S^pitzig, a young Greenock fanner, residing noai- Chepstow, while driviiH^ with a younger b: other T^ church oil Siillday uioruing last, lost o-.mtrol ot his horse.-* which started iu to siaip.- a real live uiiiawiiy. Iu pulling ii[i the steed the Uriver slid oti the seat and his knee propped against the dash- b,^'d when the hoise, which li id been uftwiy 8liod,kicked and aplit his left kuee open below the cap. HxJ was picked off the lOiiil, where ha had been tliiowii in the runaway which fo:lowetl, and liken lo Ills homo, where a Walkerlon doctor rushed in an auto to attend tohisinjuriis Tlio mishap will lay hini a.sido for some time, - tloriild find Times. Ceylon Chat S Hand left Wednesday for a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. McDouald aud Jauuhter, Mrs. Weu/.el, who have fur the pa(>t two months Ijeen visitinc with the different members ot the Stewart family left i-n Thurtd.'iy for their hon.e in Rochester. Mrs. G. Bril.uny and little daughter of .Markdale and Mis. (iuptil and dauyh- ter Lone uf Salt Lake city, called on their numeri'Us ft lends here Thursdiy last, who were pleased to aee theui. Mr. Ms Kay and wife if Owen Sound visited the p:iat week with Mr. Frank Collinson and wii^. Mrs' .\lex. McUae and two children ate spending a fortnight with '*weu Sound friends. Mrs. M. Bridge, Markdale, Is viailing her friend. Miss Ethel Beni.et. .-Vithur Whittaker returned S;<turday from a month's visit with his sun at Wtst Toronto. Mr. Wyii,.»ky and wife who -ire on their honeymoon trip, spent the week end with Mrs. Frank Collinson before returning te their home in 'Hen Skmnd. Mrs. .lames Itadley left Monday to visit her daughter in Toronto. Mr. Silverthorn and daughter of Owen Sound have been visitors at E. Sargent's tho pi.st week. Fred Cliislett of Shelbutne is visiting his parents. The hum of tho thresher is hcaiu once iiii're. Durham guests of the former's daughter, Mrs.W. Matr. A meeting was held :it the home of Mr. H. .\lexander on Friday afieraoou last for the purpose of organising a Ladies' Aid fur the Feversham branch uf the Methodist church. Anfone wishing • to join will please attend the next meet- ing, LQe 2nd Wednesday in iJctober, lo be held at Ern. Uawtun's. Mrs. Km. Hawton, Freeident; Mrs. H. .Alexander, Vice-Pres, Fred Hopper, wife and little daughter, of Madill, Tisicrd with .Mrs. Hopper's sister, Mrs. Fred Spotfard, over the week end. Mrs. Win. Little's mother, the late Mrs. McGrutbcr, whose name in last Week's items, was luispelled Mc.Arthur. Misa Spvtfard of Toiouto. was the guest of Fied SpotTard and wife last week. J e w e I y r BXJRX Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat ' )FFlCE-l;i<» lUlh St, West.i iwen Sound At the Revere house. Markdale. 2nd 1 Thursday each month from » to a 12a m Dundalk, Is Wednesday of each month . A Splendid Stock from which you may readily make A Satisfactory Se lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. W. A Armstrong, Jeweler FLESHERTON, •- ONT Singhampton ^#^#53^;%^'"$ A-''^^''$$"'-i"ii"=:i'ii"i.-"'- -^"' <â- 'â-  -"' -^"- -i'^ •!"' ^"' ^"' George Thompson, one of the eiilirpris- illg young farmers of Mono, purchased a thoroughbred Tamwortu sow at tho Ex. two weeks ago for $17.~>. Tho aniniil toik Hrst ptizo and championship at the fair. Mr.Thoiiipson intends going iuto I high-grade slock in ihe future. Oh Thursday night of last week si>rrow came suddenly to the home uf Mr. and Mrs. ./oliii M. Lawrence of Egre .loot, wlieh death claimed their sun, Goldwio, at tho age of 22 years, after an illness of two vlays. >lr. Tlios. M, Ueid, who has been incapaciiatoJ for s.'ino time, is doiii^ hia bit. He has been amusing himself knitt lug, and a lady of the Hed Cress :ells he has presented them with si.xtoon pairs of Hell knitted soc\ for tho soldiers. His iiRlustrv dessrves coiniiii'iidatiou, and to hiui the euiployinciit will make the time pass -iiore pleasantly. List issue we leferred to a couple ot pump* lb.it disappeared from John Mckechuio's store house on Siukller atreet and gave the thief, as wo thought him, till Monday night to return the goods. 'I'he paper came out on Tlnu-sJay after- noon and the pumps weie back in place Friday morning. Wo don't know who look iheiii, but ho evidently iva.sn't a theif, but a charitably dia{)osed decorative artist, as tho pumps were puintud a ditl'- erent color. .\ud uo bill lias been seUj, in for the painting. â€" Chronicle Tho Canadian Hydtographic Survey steamer L.t Canadienne was wrecked in Lake Superior, the crew escaping safely lo land. .Mrs, Duncan Canmchael is visiting in Toionlu. Mrs. Shields and children have return ed after speuling the summer in Western Canada. Mr. Pratt and wife, having returned from their honeymoon, have bveu «pen<l- iiig ^ few day-= with the lattcr's parents. Duncan McMillan and wife. Misses Liura and Myrtle Service and I^abelle /eigele have returned lo Colling- W'lod coUe^iaie. Mi.»s .\laud Spence will follow in a few da}s. .\mong the boy« who left to assiiit in harvesting the grain in Saskatchewan Were Walter Sboaj-d, William McKinnoii. .\ngus Zeiggle and ClilforU Ewing, Lieut. Chester McKiunou,who enlisted III Regina, also bis cuusin. Private Sam Taylor, ol the S. P. S.. Toronto, are spending tins week wiih Mr. ind .Vli-s. Neil McKinnon. Mrs. John McDonald was called to Creemore last week to see her sisier.&liaa Pearen, who is seriously ill. .Mrs. Kosanue Ewiug, who sulieted i blight s'roKe uf paralysis recently, is making satisfactory piogress. .\lex. Murphy, who i-eceived cuts and bruises wbeu lii> horse took fright and ran away a few weeks ago, is able to W around again. .Mrs. Spence having sold her piupeny and the practice ot her husband, the late Dr. Spence, in Tbessalon, has luoved to our village t'nr the present. 'Ihe schools re-opened last week. Miss I Nellie Taylor .is priucipal aud .Vliss Brown uf Lindsay, as assiecaiit, have charge of the village schuol. Mi.ss Mc- Donald uf S'.ratliroy, u at the Blind Line school and Miss Scilley of W;irehain, a^ the Eighth Line school M preseui '.he north town lino school is uuprovided for. Rev. Jas. I'hiinister of .\IIistoii, » former pastor here, it the 4ue#t of Mr. and -Mrs, llobl. V\ eir. On Sunday even- In^' Mr.l'hiinisier preached in the Melh odist chuioh here when a full house wel- comed him, many being present from ad- m # m m m o Get Peaches Pears Your w. Plums Grapes AT B USKIN i ####^##«N^^^t-^-^-»-^t^0^1^«.C^-^X* I FOR THE PEOPLE WHO WEAR BOOTS Wi' Imve tht'tii in Men .<* Hex Calt. Kill ami I'Uonr.v .M.^io .some irood lines in riou^ih Boots. LADIES' WEAR VVe have tliem in lUitron ivith (.'loth and Leather Tops, Patent Vamps. 1 1 Lij;ht anil heavy boys ami girls hoots. siiitaliJe tor the season. Trunks, Telescopes, Agent for the Dominion E.xpress joining .tppoiutiiieiits. Uis discourse was most interesting aud helpful. Mr. William Elwardsisoii a visit to friends in Regina. His brother, Christo- pher Edaards, formerly of Singhani[luii, now IU tiaiuing at Camp Hughes. expects to no overseas in a few weeks. â€" Buhettn. ord Suitcases. Co. money ers. ThoSs Clayton^s | FLESHERTON | 1 I L ko unto last year, says the Uaiiie .\dvaiice. the sale of lots at Poit MiN.c.'ll, tor taxes, is again before the public, with the JitFereiiee there is nearly three limes as many lots advertised lor sale. It IS doubtful if any tax sale of lands iu ihitario has reached tho propor- tions of this coining sale. The inability of the toAi.ship oi Tay, in which the ' village of Port McNicoll is situatei), to oollect-;he tuxes on this prope -ty, has placed Iho tniiiuces of tlio township in a (oriouti condition, and it" was for wlief that the township appealed to the ounly cou.icil at the June session. If miy further evidence were iieeej.sHry to con- vince the legisla'oi-a of this provice of the need of legislation which will out a stop to wildcat real estate promutiuus, the tax tale of Port McNicoll property would ' seem 1 1 oH'er tho necessary evidenott. Snbsciipuonsto tho Canadian w»r Itian already exceed *7-'>,OUO,0<W. \ John Chapman Furnitdre and UodArtakij be Successor to *'.•«: W. IL^%*^, Calls answered day or jiight. Day phone 17 R 2. Night phone i7 3. The old stand opposite the Town Hall ^1 #

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