Flesherton Advance, 21 Sep 1916, p. 4

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Syptembor21 1916 THE FLESHEFfON ADVANCE THE« ficcibciton In 'imh ship WHS l)uilt, A tUtWIllill C»1UB, l»ll L'lltCt prUinK tfrucery followed, and 8oun an jiuifjoitdnt villit);e Imd cumu into beint;. â- Vn Indsiiendenl newspaptr, publiBhed every TKa~.,... i a . i i> i t», â- rhnmlay at th-- office, CoUinff vood Street, The «rocer, » -cod Scotch Presbyter- <^wherti>n. Sul»cri|>ili)n price $1 iht annum i*n, w«s iiistiumental in bringing in a rdt"„\t^„i^^t::r.ll\i«:or "c^Xn |y-'8 -> - ".aeaoUter.- Service wa. held in tliu baj^gage room of the hotel. M M 1,100 weekly. fhtiraton" Kdltoi Building the Narrow Gauge and roui;h »» they were, the ritilwiiynien turned out in full fjree and religion wtis a»fnly launched in the nor ataid and self- respecting Dundalk. A. S. T. in Weekly Sun Wm. Hyde, of Toronto, tellf of working on a trucklHyinu gansj on the old T. G. and U. Riilway, runninK up from Toronto through OranKOvillo to Owen Sound, years Hij), around 1S«!I to '71. They wore wild, rouj<h d;iy.s when the oew country was opened up, and in the construction gang* were many "(.>dd eODs," raiititN fioro the old Land, sent out to escape the conseipiences of folly, or to leform themselves in the colony. Mistitsat home, they were often little better here, and became hard as nails every «ay you took themâ€" "(uite unlike the sons ot Dukcf or Lords that Ihey often were. Whisky flowed fieely then, and Mr. Hyde, ill the comfort of his home over a uieditativc pipe, recills with a in: di- lative smile th;it in those days he was known from Coriwibus to Oiangeville as "Champagne Charlie," and was popular for his reuderiiiK of the then popular and tinielysonp, "The Slave Holder.' The questioner remarks, "'You weren't married in those days? " To which his good wife, with a merry twinkle in her eyea, vigorously declares, '"You bit he wasn't married! He wouldn't have yot 10 many horns if he wasl" It's iiuite true, tool While the K%ug was nt Shelburne they had a "Yellow Jack. " What Is it? V\Vll, we have different terms for it to-day. For instance, we may call it a blind pig. Some of the "boys" broke into Jelly's But the village that roiased to move : Klesheitou was than, along wiih Shel- burne, one cf the most important villages between Orangeville and Owen .Sound. When the line ran a mdeand a lialf from the village the latter sat tii{ht and is still sitting. A bus still runs out and meets all trains, as it has for t!ie last forty yri. M.irkdale, or Coriiahus as it w^is called thtn, was only half a mile or so' from the railway, ,knd so it merely chose to grow down, and to day straggles along, having ell'ected a co-nproiniae. Cornalius ijol its n'^me Ihrouah the excessive drinking done there. In the countiy thereabouts were many hotels of bad reputation. Mr. Hyde recalls that work on the trackUying was stoppei by the »now, and he had to walk severjl miles n â- rth jf the village to a;et s ime of the gang and take them back south. The hotel where they were staying waa on the top of a bill, and a few years ag.i there were traces of ii left in shrubj and a part of a cellar remaining. The snow was so bad that no team could get throuuh, and so the gang hud to walk 10 Klesherton. Champagn^, Charley set out ahead, carrying the jug (of whiskey,) and the others stragtied "long, their eye on the jug. When thoy would rest he would measure out a little of the "red eye" to them, and so they followed to Flesherton, whore they got a sleiijh and driver to take them to Orange- ville for f 12 for the trip. Fianit Shanly, Mr. Hyde recalls, hkd the contract for grading and trackUying j from Owen Sound to the (iOth f ideroad in Eatt Grey Fall Fair Etst Grey fall fair will be held at Flesherttm on Thumdiy and Friday of next week, Sept. 28 and 2'.)â€" only one week away. What are you going to do towards making the fiir a big success? The directors htve done their khare -all that ibey can do. They luve prepared a gof)d pri/,8 list and list of attractions for the second day. With good weather the fair shuuld be the must successful in its history, providing the people do their part. The afternoon <.'f the second day will provide some good spoit with hitching race, relay race, hurdle race, gentleman's road race, etc. Sea large bills for full particulars. The ofBcials are credited in the jwist with providing the best concert of the year, and this one will be no exception. C)Stly talent Ins been engaged for the occasion. Parker, Rcesor and Loyd are the best that can be procured. Make your arraiiaements to hear them on fair night. Above all and everything, howeve-, bscome a member oi the society and "do your bit" to make it a success by showing something. Get a prize list from t he Sec- retary, W..\.Hawken, and make your en- triuk early. R R W. HICKUNG FLESHERTON ONTARIO. FALL Millinery Opening THURSDAY 81 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2 1 & 22 Ladies are cordially invited to attend our -FALL MILLINEEY OPENING- on the above dates. Miss Fewser, a very capable and experienced Milliner, is in charge of the Show Room this season and any orders entrusted to her will have careful attention. horel cell.r and exirsctel painlessly ""d : â- â-  i, , „i,,i„ v... u-.ir mi "^ , . , ttollana, while .^ir « illiam Mackenzie s effectually a keg of good whisky, which was cached in the woods near by. Need- leas to say there was a sudden revival of interest in the beauties of evening, and in the dusk many woodland strolls were taken. Devious, also, were the paths followed in returning home, aud whether it was the fresh air, or wha'. no'.hoadaches re<juently resulted! The railway, little, narrow g^tuge ihinu that it was, was a powerful alfair, and even went so far as to move a village. Another refused to move and has paid the price. For various reasons railway routes are arbitmrily laid ilown, and in this case it ocated Dundalk .Station about a mile ♦rom the village, which was on the gravel road. All Dundalk heard waa the whistle of the old wood-burning locomotive, and being a chummy sort of a place it picked up and came over to see the traiiiK come. Several hotels and a few other buildings made up the entire village, and a Mrs. I'ate was the first to move her hotel in to the station. Others followed, a c xiper's father had the tracklaying contract from Orangeville to that point. This is a summary of &Ir. Hyde's recol- lec'.ioii of the historical days when Grey and Du(f-4rin counties ware being linked up widi the outside world. Through the mists of forty years the perspective may have U-come distorted. The forty yeai-a have seen him marry, build up a success- ful c:ity grocery business, Uion retire in a I comfortable evening of life, and finally jdiacover that he could not remain idleâ€" and so he still works by day and rests by night, at peace with the world. Rup<>rt Keais, a lad about fifteen years of age, aon of Mr. Chaa. Keaia, Mt. t'orest, was carryini/ a 22 calibre litle, muzzle down, whan it was dLscharged aud the bullet went clean though his foet. His Majesty King George cabled a message of concern on tht (,|uebec Bridge disaster. Elzear Poulin a tanner, was dro*ned in a lime bath fur curing leather, at • ^Hiebec. .\n unusual accident occurred one day last week while Mr. David Henderson of Nassagaweya was motoring to Acton. A horse driven by Mr. Joseph Moore took fright and plunged into the back of the car, cutting Mr. Henderson's head so 8e»eiely that ii needed several stitches. The hoise had its leg broken in two places and had to be shot. Mrd.James Byrne8,con. tJ, Vespra, met with a veiy serious loss last Thursday afternoon inalieavy electrical storm which psbscd over that disrict. Lightning atriicl her buildings and in less than an hour her stables and two barns, with the entire .season's crop, four horses, nineteen sheep, were destroyed. â€"Free Press John W. Hudgins, the cattle king of Horiiingi Mills, ts about to start to raise PeMian sheep. We understand he has invested considerable in the undertaking in buying the stock to start with. .\ few years fr;im now it i« presumed that every lady in this part of Dutferin will be wesiiug a Persian lamb coat. W« hope his investment will be a success. â€" Shel- burn Free Pres.s. F. H. W. HICKLING Property For Sale Part lot 161, con 2, N. E. T. & S. R containing 2lii acres, about 1 mile from Fle.sherton. There is a good frame house and stable and the property is well fenced and watered. App'y to Joseph | A. LeGsrd, Flesherton or on the proper- ty- r The Old Adage -i Hiestlan :- â- .:^_J: 10% pute. h/AUe ^ijoui 30 '^ ffois u>/uXq }^ftc iquaiA, 100% jiu\f jbaiMX^ V' Why' Because white lead and white zinc, mixed ia these proportions, produce a paint that resists the elements better than that made by any other formula. Scienti- fic tests and practical experience extending over many years absolutely prove this to be so, and that is why a M BW W English" "H PAINT is made by this formula. It is pure paint in the truest sense of the word. A mixture of 10% white lead and 90% white zinc might be called "pure paint" but the eiprcssion would be inisleadintj, because the compound wA ',d not fulfil all the requirements of a first-class eyyior paint. B-h\ English" Paint is pure paint that works easily, penetrates deeply, spreads well, holds its color and lasts years longer than ordinary kinds. You can get genuine B-H "English" Paint from FcesneKCon* oncJiRio. who are our local agents. Ask them for color-cards. Q RANPRAM -I^ ENDERS ON MONTREAL • MAUlrAX - •i''. JOHN • TORONTO- V^IN N IPEG STRAYED From lots 24-25 con. 2 8 D.R., Osprey, about .\ugust 2Kth, 2 heifers, one 2 \- ir old, red, and the other a ;< year old i.'d with a pig ring in the ear. Inforiiia*ion iiladly received. â€" Henry Wriuht, K. U. No. 2, Proton Station, phono 4 on 41. -^ ^ Odds and Ends ^ ARTICLES FOR SALE Yi.ung PIGS for sale, 7 weeks old. - K. O. Turner, Kugenii. (iood Working HORSK for sale, cusli or trade in stack. â€" Martin Phillips.Kock Mills. Good cook stove for sale. Apply to John C'liapman, furniture store Flesherton. For Saleâ€" Good working team of clu. ce colts riaing 4 and W yra., also broihl ?4<>w due to farrow Sept. 22 â€" D. White, l<i>ck Mills, P.O. PIG.S For S^le â€" One sow and fourteen young pigs.- Jo.s. Fenwick, Fleshert.iu. Nineteen little pigs, six weeks old, for sa'e. â€" C. Moore, Proton Station. For Sale--l;j-in. Maple Ijeaf Oram Chopper. Also Shafting and Pulleys. Apply to Marshall Kert(jn, Maxwell r.o. Graham Bros., Kugenia, for flour and feed. Markdale and Meaford tlour al- ways on hand. For sale cheap and on easy terms, Lnt 13, con. 11, Osproy, 110 acres. This is a first class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and n-w frame dwelling. Apply to K. J. Sproule Flesherton Legal Blanks For Saleâ€" R. J. Sjiroule keeps constantly on hand and for sale cheap a full atook of Deeds, Mortgagis, Wills and all other legal blanks. .Any re()tiiring8uch will find it (o thoir inter- est to give him a call. MISCELLANEOUS Strayedâ€" Two O.viford Down 9|>iing lambs Finder comniunicate with Alex Cameron, Eugenia. Holstein Bail For Service .\. thciroujhbreil l( >Utein bull for service on l»ts 1831m S.W. T. A S.R.. Aftemeaia; clos ely related'to the world's champion 4lpi>unil cow. Teriin: $1 .'iOf or gradet, ♦">.«<» for pure breds. 1 .luly 17 â€" < : KO. MOORK ft .Son. A Reliable Agent WANTED la every good town and district in Ontario, where we are not repre- sented. Territory reserved for the right man. Highest commissions paid. Attract- ive advertising matter- Splendid List of New Specialities For Season. I9I6-I9I7 Including the new RASPBERUY, .S't, everbearing REGIS. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating The same is equalh true of the 1900 Gravity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line of McUormiek Farm Implements, Binders Mowers, Kakes, Loaders, Drills. Cultivators, Plows, Hiding and Walking Haiiows Brantfcrd Wind Mills, Pumps. Piping and Fittings of all kinds, Beattie Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Filter Carriers, Folding Bath Tubs, Fro.st Wit e and Fence, Cutters and Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. \ iHis a SaC Ouifu* i J Stone & 'Wellington The Fonthill NurseriCA. fKstablished lti37.) TORONTO ONTARIO I|| Deering Implements ^| AND i H| Gasoline Engines^) All kinds of Deering Implements. Parta always on hand, Agent for Barrie Cutters. Barber Buggies, Louden Litter Carrieis, Hay Tracks, Pedlar ahinglea and siding. These Implements refjuire no recommendation as they are standard eoeds and recot;iiized as the best on the market. FIIUITTRKES-I represent theSton &, Wellington iiursery,and,will be plea.secl to i»\ll if you send me a card. ED. RUTHERFORD Proton Station ^SSSS^SSSSSSf^SSSSS^^ZSi, Flesherton Tin Shop^ I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. i â- 'â- â- ; ,.â-  * \ Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. ; D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. Vouiiu niiin to learn birberinfj, or improver, w lilted at once. - T. Fisher, Kleshviton. Private funds to loan on real ttUate security iit reiHOiiable rate of in'eiest. .\pply 10 U, J. Sproule, Fleshertoii. Hflpt 23 Highest prici? for butter and ft-gj at Graham Bros. Eugenia. June2i) CoKimbiik Oi-afonolas nx f 15, J'JO, and 845 ill slock. Call in aiul see ll.eiii.â€" THE ADVANCE Oftioe. The lateHl giafonola records f.r aale. Needles 2jc per 3(M). The Advance. \\\ MARK [IS. Carefully Corrected Each Week Wheat fl 05 to 1 15 Oats H8 t )45 Peas 1 25 to 1 60 Barley 50 to 63 Buckwheat (iS to 70 Flour V- 75 to 84 2o Hay ... . 7 00 to 8 00 Butter 28to2» Eggs, fresh ;VJ 'o 30 Potatoes per bag 1 50 to 1 50 Ooese 1 :! to 1 3 Ducks U to 1 1 K.itvl U to 11 Chickens 13to 14 TurKeys 20lo 28 Wool 33 to 3.S % S5K; VJSSSSSSJSSfl^SSSSSSSi FlesKertoxi #^ Tonsorial *^ Parlors We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRYâ€" B/iskot closes Monday night, delivery Friday evenin CLEANING and DYEING- We ar agents for Pjirker's Dye Works â€" Clothos defined and dved, feathers rejuvena* d T FISHER •PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell 1 am openinz up atoiice, a blacksmith- ing and woodworking business in Max- well, and am 'nstalling up-to-date wood- working niachineiy. It >nli be my en- deavor to serve the public in a satisfac- tory manner .'ind I would solicit patrou- aae. I want yourwoik and wi'l do it rijjht. 7 April 17 CHESTER LONG \'9 V .' - ♦ "I. * > *

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