Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1917, p. 1

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"Wf / ? » . y ^kBi^ctim I • . -^ â-  *. . •- TRUTH BEFOEE FAVOR." â€" " PRlNCIPLBb NOT MEN, «* â- #.- â- >»r vol 3t> No. Flcstierton, Ont., Xliursday, fJetiru (V V Eugenia Paragraphs Mr. and Mrn. Uawk<^«J of Fleshaiion visittd the forme I s unule, R. Park. The Picsbjtetiiu SunJ^y schoul entor- j tainmenC he'd uu FiiJiy last was weil attended, the prouetds ainuuntiui^ to •â- #24.25. Kub«rt McMa^ter h is received the news that his brother, Will, of Bruce Mines, is dai];^eruu-ilj ill. Mrs. .Juhu Siodd;irt aud daughter' Vicia, i)f Paisley vi.si od wiili her niecei, lira. A. Hoy and Jlii. T. E. Fenwick. Mr. £d. LeGard .iv.d wife of Husk, are visititi:^ the Utters Dr>jther, T. Feiiwick, and aud other friends. Tom .MoKee spent Christmas -.vith his par^ma in OuhinnwooJ. BJAddie .Wilson spent New Years at her h^me in Kiiiibetley. Gordon MoKinooii of Ple^heitou speut the week ead with bi»- sister, Mris. H. Focster. . ]!«urse .Jubnsju is vi.sitiug ber sister, Mrs. L. lialimer. ' rJh-.--- .â-  G. McGee ef the towullne cotuers 'Vieited hi.-! sister, Mrs. F, &Iarliu. Geo. Graham and family had a family liatheiing at ilie home of his daughter, Mm. Hojiyaru, .it, Duucaii. Etta Latimer :iud Kdiia P.ak iiud fiieud atturideJ the upeuiu^ cf ftlarkdale rink Saturday ninhti'"* .* Mi&s Stella Uvr hag opened her schoul ou the 8.h after spendiu-j holidays at htr huuie Deur Prutuii ^iikI with friends in Toronto. llev. W. Madden, sr., preached a very interesting seriuun Sundty last. • Mis. f. •J«iiiie5<>ii Hud «i)ilJren si-'ent the week at Knubcrley with In!i :aolhri Mr). WUcon. . - Ceylon Chat Edward Sar^ant tiud wife have returucd from- viaiting the latter'a sister at Severn near Orillia. Georj>iii» Mitc'.iell.Toronto, wsueiidiig a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. ^ank Cains. Ernest Cook, Detroit, vi-sited his uncle hjre la-it weeV. J. hn McLeod, who has been out Wett Heveial inonths, returned home Saturdiiy, Mrs. Albert K.endrick, who has lieeo visiting her sister, Mr.T.Wils m MoMuUeu, returned Fridaytoherh)nie in Lyndhurst. Mr. Uuthven and wife, of Cl^iksburj,', spent the past week visitin;,' Frank Cnirns and wife. ^. .^ "»â- â- .- -. " â-  r" â-  ... â-  - :-'1i~^. :â-  » visiting pouits, Pithy Proton Pointer^ Election d-a, passed otfqui^tl, in "ur f \^.,,^^py jj^^j y^ ^ The Advan« village, there beiui; no vTiliu^r f,>. P..,tan \^,^ff-.^,^^ its je.idei'jj: , ^^ . J?, » Mr. Johii-SiuHS'trof-PoWiglid Kimberfey Budget l|IWi'W.U., Um^^imm f i^ tat i ^ â-  , â€" , '..'^.s'l Bates 8uriat Co H *^ " W ^ 'A'hiijpyNerf Year â- *o The AdvjincB H 'H « • KDITOB Slid rtOPKIE Iwen other \ Feversham Items Fine weather and ^ood slei^hiii;; b;'uus(ht out an exceptionally lari^e crowd un election day. Mis; Carrie Keriiahan of Toronto .spent t^e holidays with her patents her). Mr. Legate and w^fe of Gibraltcr spent New Year's day wiru the tatter's pittenis here. A number Irum hero attended an 'iyster suppei at Duncan held last week. J .Mr. Mac Flitcher iind wife of K"b » \ ' Pvuy sjient Ne* Year s day with Mr. and ; I -â€" 34U*,»':,i. Little of the village. - #P Miss Mae Whiteoak hasri'lurncd to » ?^ I'louto aftsr a short vi.-*it at her parental hjiue hur-j. Huwatd Seuiple and Clarence Alexand- bave returned tu Coltingwuod where ^^. ihey have been «orkiui{ for sometime. (,1 Mr. Jas. Peleh has .sidd his house in •'iliis villatje :aid wiirujove hi.s family to wollinKWOi'd this week. Born--i,>ii Dec. 29, to Mr. aud .Mrs, Uobert Alex^mder, a daughter. V*fr have f>lew Year's Message •'" . Fjrom Governor General Ottawa, Dec. 30â€" Uis E.xoellelicy the Jovornor Geucial as president of the [jjilfyjHj- Pâ€" -J-^as iisned, tbe foitowini! ew I'esr'.s appeal mi l.olialf of lie fun ico his Iloyal Hiahness tlie-<l>uko ,'',''|"-i-W5S^it iif |<v.,.li.J ji ' 1' i'.ij»Jn support jr'atiiotic Fund, Tli X' r ^^^,- tu. f '•'â- 'â- - '-'i.". .I'.t^.VR'o of of the Canad'uu prompt mid gen- us response on each occision proves truly Canada appreciates the debt iih -she owes lo licr sons who .ire luij.for the Einpiro. Hea^y as the IH1C08 hSve nlii'iiily been, the "Dcniu- â- ' IS deteruiinod ,is ever tu cirry the i a succosHfiil foiiclu-iion and, how- OH,- thi) liuideii may he, she is y determined tu help the families ^m» «'ho are serviii}.' in the army aud tJl^Oavy;, The adiiiiiiisi.iatiuii of : lie .ujidJia.s been nio:-i suocessful and most -oJiiiOiuie, aid subicrilvis can be fully ,i.v^urcd thiit their coni ribulixiis iU'u beui;; '^x^Jiaded to tlic best adv:»utas{e. SPifty-U^c thousand f.iiniltcs.Odwpviaing , ,ie hundred and lifty lhou>aiid individ- aTs, arc today dopti.dcut upon ihefuud 1 it is estimated that twelve millitiii Its â- will be iei|uired to meet the , Y^iremems of the next twelve month* "â- â- ''bejaiinj is i lai^o one. but when the 'imstaiiccs are fully realized I »m lident that the people of t>anada will 'â- 'njjly c >nfril»iKe the amount neoRS- for the fund to continue us patriotic beiiilivoot work. (Signed) L>:f.V(,»>-SHlKE Mr, Baxter, who na-s frinnds at Dolioit and returned home Monday. Letui Iipgale left recently to (each s/lo.,I at Cadonan, Alta. Mrs. H. P, Le^iute and sou, Murray, accompanied her as far as Toronto. VV. Turner, of Saskatchewan, after an a'isence of fifteen year?, arrived Monday to viiit 1118 brothers, Uubert ana .James. Murray Leirate left Tuesday fur his sc'i lol at Mulock ; also A^^ness and Lillian MePhail to iheir respective schoolM. . .-â- _, ' Ttie '•Wdlins; Helpers" aave a conceit and box social in the school house un Thursday evening which v:\a ijuite a success. The proi^ramms ciuisisted uf leadings, drills, 'oniis, instruinentali> am) a play entitlrd"More PlunHeis than one,'' which caused much aii'ih Everyone did their part well. The chief fenlure of the eveiiiua '"'as tb? 'uiveiling of tlw U'lnor Roil ut' iwenty-ljve names by the ch*irunn,Rev.McD'Uii.ld. Tlie proi-ci'ds am Minted lo $47 25, which will go to buy coiiifiirts for tbe soldiers. Much credit is due to those who helped to nmlce this concert such a success. The school was orettily decorated for the occasion. .t()wnfhip and *nly for couuciHoiS in Atttmesia. - â- â- *« ..,_' .r. â€" ^- vJ^-flewiDg Mrs. Con.-ley and daughter, Mrs Wilso I, visited friends at Mclntyre.'^ The Bacheloi-s- Club vf our viUa-e Ilddi .^itj, %'^^s iu this lo<SMity .their auuual meeting on Friday (ivenia-^. Vandeleur Happenings Amoiii; the holiday visitors in our neixhliorhood wore. Miss Kate Davis, Orillia, at the home of her mother. Sirs. J, M. Davis ; Mrs. Hare and two chil- dren, at A. Jiihnston s ; Mi.-iscs Jean Wright and Ribcrtsoii of Toronto at Geo Wright's : Rona Alcox of Toronto at VV. .J. A'ctx ; Fred Baker of Collins- «oo«» at E Bakoi'.s ; \V. I,. Cullis of Tyroue a* E. CuUis's ; Ben Buchanan and wife ri'. Toronto at VV. Huchanau'.s â-  Mrs. Kdaar Hiltchins in of Toronto and Violet Gilbert of Kinilierley at W. J. Hutfhin.son's : Aums Siuiih nnd wife of Meaford at S. tiilbert's Thonnus McAfee of Hazie, B ("., at; .J. ,1. McGea's. The Meafnrd H. at Sabbath school held till ir annual lia an.l cntcrlainmeiit in the church ou FrMay eviniin<;. .\1- thou;;h the attendance wa.s ntt I:irv{c au. excellent proarim was ^iven. Tho treas- ury was enriched tti thae.xtent of SIS. We aro sorry to r€\»<jrt Mrs. \V. Culli' on the sick list. u Victoria Corner* Intended for Last Week Mrs, George LuUlow, Susanun and Uil'ort, holidayed »t Clinton. Mr. Woods of Coibelton preached cu Sunday last ot Ini.stioi{«. The text w. 8 fie Oolden Tex^ : Isainb il-2-7. The service he'd a Kpocial feature in the children's choir for the Christmas set' vice. Rev. Mr. Maddiu will occupy t'lo pulpit on Sunday next On Wednesday niubt last' the nionibei's o' the IiiistioKe L 'a<(ue hyld a tiocial e'eiiinv'. The enterrainnient oonsi.stid of contests and the menu for the lunch to'kthofotiii of .1 conundrum, wbiish alf aded nio.i' am is> luju', Mr. and Mis. Liiidlaw visited friei ds near Shelburne.' i Mr. and Mr'. Slracnau and T. Clayton I 0.' Fleshertun .'-pMit Chrii-tmaj with .Mr. and Mrs. Uofttd. I'lioi t > the clo'iiu,' of our sc'iool for t'le past term i ur teiicl.er. Miss Itinnie, gave her pupils an outeitaiiiinota aud taffy pull. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore held t'leir annual family reunion on Chrirtnias dtv. There were 'Mi present to enj'>y ho sl.ay. AhippyNi'w Year lo The Aovhiicc and all its ruad<>i<>. in A. Neilson's cosy otHce. The' Presi- dent, (ieo. liest, ably hlled the chair. The club waj opened by singin;,' the opeiiiuijode. " And are we yet alive to see eacit ullier'.s face, " followed by sev- eral pafriotic selecii.ins which weye he.artily j.iined in by the lai-n-e <MHipany present. The chainnm in hia o))eninif address expressed his delijfht in seeinu so many members present at their annu.il meeting. He appreciated their faithful ntss and praised the clever manner in wnich they had evaded the wrles uf the fair .sex during the trying leap year now drawing to » close. It was moved by Geo. Sherson, seconded by T. Hodgit:s. that the graelinuR of this club be sent ti> the boys representing them at the front. Carried. It wa.s in ived by R. Carson; secondjjd by P-ert Badgerjw, that two Aladdin lamps 'oe purcha.ied for the club r oin. Cariied. Moved by VV. Hazcn, s.'conded liy .Jack Carsou, that the sym- pathy of ihe cluh be extended to Jack Lock hart IU his illness. Carried. An niterestiug program fohowed the business routine. The tiist item was a chiiiisby the younger uiembi'is entitled '• All's for the best," followed by an interesting paper by Jack Carson on " The cue and protection uf widows and orphan!^," which was given with such tender pathos that it broui/ht tears to the eyes <>f ibe ^eleians. but i cold wave of su^p!;iâ- /n passed ovei llie hearts of the younaer inenibeVs »l>ich was i^uickly dispelled when they remembered the years of pag' faithfulucas. snd they setUecI down to enjoy the neit number, wh ch was i solo by Duncan McNicol entitled " Dou't leave your mother, lad." After a hekrty applause the chairman pr.ii.sed tbe singer for his siendtastnesi sayinic con.sideriim the way ho hid been lyonized by thti f»:r sex, during ilie past year he had shown great loyally lo the principles ot the club. .\ clever |xiper which caused much dis cussion was lead l.y_ Archie Neilson on " higher sauries for public school teach- ers.'' This Was followed by a beautifully rendered violin so'o o.iitilled The Iwche- loLsdieam.' After this R. Hodgins arose ai.d in a few well chotien word* complimented the young musician and warned him ot the danger that his musi cil ability would bring for he knew from expeiieiic of the siLires that lay in the pathway of talented youngsters such as he Moved by T. H-idgin seconded by Mr. Gen. Shearson Ih it Elmo Stevens. J. Neilson and ISrrt Badgeros be a. cunimiltee appointed to look after the lioyij of the coiumunity tu briug them into the shelter of the club before tb^y are f isciiiared by the sinihs of the youna ladles, rhi-y thought it necessary that •Ino. Uanli'y, Lloyd W.-iuchob, Arc and El. Badgcrus aud Ernest Lyons n^'ive iuiniediala attention." The meotini^ clo.s d by .sinning ,'I'in giad my hew.'s luy aiu and r:! keep it sae all twy life "â-  IS re.^ Id aeiiffalntauces heie. v'v"* * •r-Mij and Jj^fi. Henry, VViyace^ and family^ of- Saskatchewan- ai*. on a ' »iHi6 Lyuess Fawcett, who ho'ds a lucrative pusiiioi; af^iiiiths FaUs^jppantChnsbmaa"' at 4; he pareulal Home; â- '?". , ••'^''*^,,»- â-  The Mioses Enna and Ut-Uie Bunitt had_a very |p!easaiit v..sfL to Toroiit* during thrf pisi wesk.-;^''^^_^'^* ; A ineijiiu2 wil! |>e IicteJ ;H'tbe, puldic hall on J/niidiy ivghf for th^ purp-ise «( nouiina'iug tlireeporie.e trustees fih- .oaf vilhige. â-  . • .. ^" Mr. and JTis. «rj. %mst of^Thorw- I'urv spent Christina*'' with tS»i foruier*fe pireufy. ; - -^" .1. R. F««feelt is on a visio tjiis. week with his .son, J.H. Fawcett, C.iftingwood. At the annual meeting of school sfc. No. :! Ja.spet Stuart ivas re-elected' an truste.: f.>r the nest three years. Harold Ellis of Rocklyn w^ a caller.iu^ our burg one day last week. -Ws.- V^ ^"s^I'^ij^jS.'ii'^'*; George C rntleld gave »â-º" hop ' UiMie w e I r y I DR. BURT E>^, EanNose and Throat of Fictr- b) 10 A Splendid Stock from which you may readii^ msike A Satisfaa^ry Sc lection. We cai- ry Photo Supplies. A Armstrong, * ound â-  2fid| :'•'* Jeweler thst,VVtst,'nv,!ii .^ At'tto Revere hou.se, Markd.-ile ' SS;!,ntsS/;';T '.;;:,;£" I '^"'-ESHERTON, '^' ONT Mrs week. Joliu Duncan lit' '/If- Si. young people .f the iieighborhoml one j J^ - evening last week. -^ ; ^j â- ^« ["'^ and *on, Geojjup, j ji^ visited recently with the forrtioss Aister, ^,,7 Mrs. I'.eorge Hutchinson. j ^'? ' Henry Tawcctt jj( •'5>skatchew»n re- T^ newedold aci^uaiiitances in oor burg un W Satui-day hs-t. \ ^ Veinou Bishop of Meaford i« lhiii«^y- iiij{ at the family borne. Toronto Line Notth Kteoded ffcLast Wieek.-^ '•â-  Vour cuirei-poudent withes the Editor and readrisof The- Advmco a prosperou-* New Y.ar, with all good cheer. ftliss Clara Lover left Tuesday mcirning forCiylou, S-.sk., to visit hec brother, Ru«8cl. Her many friends on the East B ick Line rnet at her home on Fridiiy e.oning to say good bje. We wisli her a p^ensant juuriie3ii« Mr. and Mr.s. .lake Wilbanis ^»rd daughter, Hild.i, of Turou'o, and Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Siuitb and daughter^ Bjillia and Jean. visi'.oJ. ftieaU.s here. Mifs Nettie Co^ of Toronto visited h.'r sister, Mrs. CharltS Stewart." .Mrs. J. A. Lever anddaughbei:, Alma^ jl-e visiting the former's mother, M s. J. M uiir.ng, at Btusse's. Miss Elva Lever ba,^ resign •i her school at Tryoq College, ueir Siugham - j Miss Ida o.sboriio .if .^Iii^^vell visiteil ( a few diijs with Mrs. Will Stewart. Mr, aud Mrs. Gordon Badgerow of Toronto are visiting Mrs, B"s parents, .Mr. and Mrs. VVni. DHvi^', over the holidays. Me. and Mr-<. VV. Slian of Kimberley 8 'e It a tut* dnys wij^ Mi'.- '"'il -Mrs. Em. Wickens. !-ern'U«., Portlaw Ty Late for Last ^'wk Chustmastide ha-, brought a grttd many from a distance home to the old hreside and there has been more than the usual number of family reunions than i.-i customary at this festive season. There are, too, seme r<mely hearths ou account of the absence of loved oner, and ail have seiicus thuught« whii h prevent the season from behig a,? ioycus as on former occasion,-, but ni'hal 'he spivit of good.vill appears a.s- iii»iiii\?t, in this <(iiet country CMmmuiiity at least, hs on any previous anniversary o !l)e 1 irth o: He who came to proohiiiii •• Peace »n earth, gocdwill to men." All are glad to he..r tftnt Mr. .lohii McKee is improving fium h.s aliack of vpimdicitis. It is ren>cted ihat Roy.WslUce has txen accidentally iiijuiei in Franco. Uoy spent h^s boyhood in this^itigh- borhood, andliis inauy feiends here hope for hi.n a speedy mcuvery !uid eventually a safe return. .Miss YioU •rufiell of T'.roi.to and her brother. E. belt, of Weyborn, Sa-sk. are home.. the tornier for Christmas^ and the latter for a more exteiiied stay, Mr.* Wm. Tijlor was home ftoiii Toruntn with his fimdy fqr the holiday* Mi.s.s Gl,idv< White -ol WcMasti-r university is speii'ling htr vscaiiuu, at home."''^ -" • ", â-  â- Â« . •(» â-  •"â- â-  .' ^>. . :"i,-' Mrs. Lewis Sheardeft-n. anl's'ti .'no visitiiu the forntern pi.ents a^ Boltoil, Mr and Mrs* flihton Pedlir ancl daughter, D,.-lnier, aro visiting at tlia, hoineof Mi>. S. PWlar." .John Bad^erow and Charles Wikinmn went to TjiiMto for the winter. -â-  There is a pleasarft reiniton t^ the homo of .Wr. »nd Mrs. J. H.^W,.,tsoD, all the iveiiibers of th^lfciniJy- beiui! hom,e, some fot._Chii.stm8*>. others fo- a longer 8t>»y, The visitors are Mis-s- Pearl of Toron : E.iward, wife .iifd two s. i»s,,of Sii-katc'u'wan ; -and Kobirt' anti : ATft^,- who Ilave icon Uving m th«!- West;. "" * Sc'iool closed last Fr Isy. The njtiiher ^ Miss Shunk, ,(ireated^ he'' pupils To, k li'ieral .'â- upt|ly ot homemade^ oanJy in J' Oivn 4CS. 18i>e b WuMl ttt l?l'es'4erh5^' for ; hoUJiiys. . f t ' Frank Tav lot was homo fioin Torontfcj f«r Oiir stijia.', Mr. J. G. CaraoD of C;i ress Kiver, 8faa , al.-o Mrj. A, Findlay and two children of i».>en S..'Uii(', ViSited iifcb , week at tlie home of T. U. .MeKeuzie, ( Miss Rona .Shier of Toronto is bolidajr- inj at the parental home. Mrs. S,rdcll is visitio:; ber mother Ms. Brjwn of Maxwell, who is ill. Wilfred McNally is visiting relatives in Tori,>ilo. Keumth Wii,;ht of Tor into and K'ufv of Owc'i S-'und are spendi;ji' holidiys >t h nt) ua'tlko Cvutre L<i)e. A Happy and *â-  - - -'-V, 'â- .. â- ' - V ^Prosperous NEW YEAR 5i?W*i<* •I % .«' To *OLfr Many Custo mers m W. BUSKIN x't«. '/if- IT. -;-Wet and Snow-:- '«»' Mean.'> yon w.inr, a .'SIiocs ro keep New r.iii- ot Kubhers or-Over- yom- feet i\ ; i i Wanu.' C'.ill ar CLAYTON'S aii-l, tret y.tui- wants supplied, 'Oy it y-iii biuvc a Pail- of okl Lt.viilier Tops^aml wl>ottoms on tlieih * vvaivt ne -. '*â-  Leave them now hoforo tlie Ru.-h. H t'painii- a-< n.-iml !>. Clayton's FLESHERTON * | John i"^. â- <â-  man jFlurniture and , JJndertaking Successor to :-: w. H. Bunt 'i Jg"s answered day or night. Day phone The 17 R2. iNight phone i7 3. old stand opposite Town Hall the ^ t-

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