Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1917, p. 4

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,,(l!ilJSIi|''iri7«' *riiia"iMrTiM^twn7k' >iii fvniitfiimmmt V J.uuiaiv 4 1016 T n £: F L E S II E I? rO N ADVANCE /icohcrton ClDunnce Vn iiiiieiM-nJent new«i)i«i«T, i>ublialieil every riiiiraday *t th*" office, Ci>llinKwi><>d Street, <â- "! --»hei ton. Sub»cri()tiiin i>rice $1 |>er annum ^vhen |Mlidinlw]v'^nce ;$t..')0 when not sn pfiid Adver iKintr rateH on application. Circulation 1.100 weekly W. H. Thurston, Editor In Loving Memory of- -Mr.s. .?ames Ma«!ep, Who deuur.ed this life Dec. Itt), 1915. The moon and stars are shiDin}; On a lone and «ilent grave ; Buiii'alli s'fO|is line we love'l, But one wi could not save. Oerman Peace Proposals Her weary liuursand dajN oi pain, Her triiuhlid nights are past ; and Our Duty Hn ever juticnt, worn out (ri.uie, His found aweut lest at Uht. â€"The Kaini'.y. Frozen wa*er p- pes caused a sei'oia expltsiiin ht the rexidence of Tony Nichol, Wii xhani. SuturJay iiiuininp, when an atlumiil whs made to lii;t>i the kitchen tanKO the stove flew to p eces, Some pieces heing driven with such force as to peiietrute the ceiline. Nolitdy wan near enough the ^t(lve at the moment ti- be injured. Clothing c\u«ht I're In the kitchen liut the tiia was soon under control. The effects of the etp'osion weiP f«'t in every room, articlen being inaKht'd in every rnnin of the house. HM?S^riZ/J!f<;!k^^-'k^D^:iT&!i^if!^^ F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO. The offer of (leriiiaiy to d »cu.s"i petcc tus excited norld wide attrn'ion, and upon our st iteMineii who iia\e )iad to ^ive an antwer, grave reaponsibility hat has rested. All the nations of the Entente have reached the sii'ne coi.c'u sion. Weilcsire leice, liiit It niu-t be a well uroundi'il peace with proper >(<uranlees. These ;juari>r.tees do not Hppear to va to be forihcomiii';, and ho, as we ei.tered the war for a yreat and woithy puri"ise. we c>.nnot rehi;c|uish the War till i ni wnithy purpose is attuned, or uiril we are completely driven olf the ti Id. We are not driven <it} the tiehl, and our leii'lor-^ tell us I hut it will not he till iie\l yu.tr ilml we shall attain our fo'l sireiiuth. Therefore, although wo are a peace 'oviiii; peopi'-, we niu'l Ktill pu-suo the ta«W 've have undertaken, to defend tli.Mi:.:hti of the weak and suRViiii.: Theupce. h of M'. 1,1. .yd (m-o,^-, the J ..." 1 Briiitih Prime Mi .i.-ie'-, in ili-cu.ssiio^ the ; ijernian peace prop .s;iU li.n e-ipre^Kcd I tlie view tf our Kmpire :irid "f oui allies. Ill that ^|M.â- ec•h i iie I'rime Minister caid : ! "The allies entered 'his wir lo defend ' Kuiop* a)4-iiiist Ui.' aL!i»ies.»i ii of ! Viussiaii military d.miin.il :iiii. having' bexun ii, tliey iiiii-t insist that the only I end Ih the in.i-t <oinp|,-te and itfeeliie guarantee a:;.iiii^t (he pos.sitiility of timt I caste ever a^iin (iis'urlitinu the peioe • f ; Kurope. I'lus.sia. cime hl.e ao' into |l ,• lunds of the cist". Ins i.een * hsd iieiKhhor, airo^.iiit,tlirea'eniiii;, hiil'.v'iiL', I Rhiflint{ her li >undsiies at. her »ill. .ii;d takinu one put of the H-hl after iinotlu-r from her weaker neii;lil>or.s and adJing them to her own dominions. I'his view we liave a'l accepted, and we can see Bo o her ground that in honor •we ".*« take. This iK'in:; 'he cise, tlieduty i» pi •.-sed upon Us with s'lh itreaier force i<i niove with the Utmost speed to secure the remaiuini/ poitioiiof (he .*>IJ<),Oi)U inen proKiiRtfd B ye^i ago by -Sir Uobert iSorUoii. This m tun, iiiean» that this .Ciuiitiy iiiu>l sii'ili III ,ill lie c. iin i> for the proper men. I'l- 'ake a Mep lack- ward now Won d Se 'eiy serinis. mimI ihe .vay to move 'orwinl i.s t. tinl noii 1 (jut iii'o ihe fieh!. Walkerton S line of the p^oph' of W ilUei 'on liavr cltacovert >l hoH sliey c.iii iiinke i lo- | ouiid of butler into ll.ree. W-iy yood, but * what is liotherinu us lno^t i^ in yel the |x)Uiid to start >'n. man from ],tiid->iy, »lio, wiili hi.> V ife and fi-.niily, ii visiiiiii^ at the home "f lis III'. ther ill Ijw here, li.id a r.ither excilinit experience ahoilly af'er his ariivsl in loirii on Saturday, when his infant Son waiiderod into the back yard and tell doHii nil iiiicoverel lisieiii The father, who foitiinate'y nitiu'nsed the mishap, jiiniped into the cistern and after great elfirt rescued the child, who, on being taken fn.in the water, was with «rmch ditliuully levived. Jn many cities the recruiter!- are riii> 'ninga"(>ive us hia name" ciinpaign. Once supplied with this information the rcciuitera say they c n no out ami get the recruit. 'I his infoiinatioii ha.s I ei n lupflied to many a reeiii ter in Walkei- toii without kuccess. There are aoine of the young nn li here who h iv<' develo| ed Niu'li a foiidiit'NS for iliuir native l.-ind tli.t they could not pi ssiblv he plied looh from il. - III tali and Tunes. \^ ^ Odds and Ends ^ An outgrowih of an auo accident was the cau^e of a tri-il at the recent Fall .\ssizea at Walki rtoii .\t Guelph on July 1st, l!)ir>, Mrs Vouiis{'k husbai.d was run ovrrand killed by Kred Spoll'ord 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 Jr- As the car was owned ly Krcd « hrst class farm and in Sp-'ffoid, Sr., Mis. V. entered suit for the ueii'h of her hui>1iand and obtained a Flesherton judgment for toKt'iii aOueloh court against 1 lie father and son, the senior Spotlor.l bein^ held join ly lesponsible for the accident nf owmr oi the car In an tH'i I lo c dlect the a*iiil Mrs Voui'if had It.nlitr Ihigui^ of Walkeitiui ^ei'.e the Ueiie'al stole ^lock in I'aisl.y i f L. (". Spill'ord on the rioiinu< that the stock in j,-„j. sjaic-'l'hree h'lick mare cuUs. one rea'i y I elonged to liii father, Fred lAyis, ime 2.\ yrs. , the other :!J years Hnollord. Sr. At tlie tlia: t ,e JudiC old for .sale, cash held Ihai the Pais'ey general litorj stock ARTICLES FOR SALE For sale chenp and on easy k rins. Lot 1 cres. This is good state of cultivation. Good hank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply to Ii. J. Spr.iule Legal IMank.s For Sale â€" R. .J. Sproule koep.s constantly on hand ami for sale cheap a full stock of Deeds, Mortgages, \\ ills and all other legal blanks. Any re()uirini! such will tiiid it to their inter- est lo give him a call. Special 1 to the fniber, and ordered lint sold l.y the vherilfio coM-r the f.i',1 belon it be claim ai.d c st> mil aiii' iiiil lo I'lofesKor .1. old for Kennedy, H. ill uonnccliuu. It. or time. Andrew Markdale. Phone « liidi It is i.-liii.iled il. lit St.'illO. lilliSOU Hulllc of I hi MISCELLANEOUS Try Feveish.iin I'aitiy Kloiir, ih • ' for your CO 'k. All t iiinuio wlieii. â- est lllllllal outcome of iiol iiolicy of her |a-t I'liiver-ity of Toionio delivered a re- markable sddrefs before the (tnllia Caiiadiaii Club. His subject was "The .Sophistries of tierman Misleaderi," and ill the co'irsc of bis addicss he reviewed at so'iic li ngth the causes which lid i^p to the ttar, and slo.ml ll.it (ieiinaii ill lUglr. today Was di.storle I viitts great le.irler«. lie i-a il iliat lack oi klloivleJ;-- »as the real reason why itvi ly eligible landidale (id not enlist. No mall \\ 111! Iielieieil in "ood and therini.l, could remain out of llie strugi;li! once he WIS pi p.sesHed of i|ie facis whch weie so 'â-  readily obtainible. To know the right' and ii'fnin fium doinii it stamped a man I as uii.i'iiiiliy ot the g'oiious heritage purch ised Im him liy his forefathers. I If you want a go.id piano or any other nnisicd inBtruiii'ii', call or wiite .). 0, Kentiier, iius;c dealer and pliolo aitist Markiale. Reductions On Furs Wtj have a number ol Fiir.s on hand that we do not intend to carry over to ne.xt year'.s l)nsiness, and as we take stock on rJaiuiary IJist we have reduced their selling prices, regardless oi" lirst cost to en.-ure speedy clearance. $12.r)0 ' . Marmot Stole (ircy l^iiinl) ;Sct Persian hanil) ."^cail Persian l>ainl) >ctt Opossum Stole Marmot Stole Mol(> ('(incy StJtt (iiiid's Opo.ssum Set IV'isian I'aw Sot Lai'iTf Marnidl AliilV Marmot Pillow .MulV Stone .MaitfM St.'t •Marmot '1 liiow RcuiiLir lf).:>5 K'cLfiilar S».50 Kegnlai :j:].00 Hcgiilar !0..')U iU'gnliii- y.r>o IJc^'ular 21.00 l^egular 10.00 lifjjular 27.00 lit'^tilar 10 JO Ht'UiiIar G.50 Kt-iila'r i7.:)0 licutilar 10 (to Selling Selling Selling ,$9.50 12.50 7.50 Selling 24.50 Selling 7.75 Selling 7.75 Selling Selling Selling Selling 1<).50 7.50 22.50 7.98 Selling Selling 4 75 13.00 vSelling S.50 JF, h; w. hickx-ing - fleshertont. Vi.uiis.' Ill 11 to 1, laii h.i berillg, or impr-iver w III ed at one 1. r. Fis ler. Flesherton. I'livale fui lis 1 1 loan oil real e-taie curity ai n ISO' able nt.i if iu'erent. |i|dy Ml \l, . I.s, .roiile, Flealieiloii. wpl '.':t I Lost .\ horse lilanket, be wei ii F'le'hi-iton and east luck line, on Fiday, Uec. 1.'). Finder please leave ul this ollice, or with .lohn I'edlar. Highest pric ' for butter and ei'gn at (iraliam Bros. Kug>nia. .lune 2!) Property For Sale Part lot l--.l,con 1'. N K. T S: S. H. c >nt^iinini{ 2S.'. nc e-", about I mile from Flesherton. 'I'her- is a g ml frame house ami stable and the pro|vrty is well feiic'd and wateiel. App y to .losoph A Le'J ird. Fieslierton or ou il'.e proper- ly- The Old Adage ^ ADVERTI S E i IN THI-. "ADVANCE" It Pays The latest grafonola recorda for sale. Seedles 2.1C per .'MKl. The Adianeu. Heavy colt, lisii g 4 well inoken, about lltoil Us, f.ir .sale. â€" FIIKO .lAMIKSON, Kui'eni'i. Honor Roils Ueport of .S. S. No. 4, f.r I)icenilier. Names in order of merit . Uh classâ€" S Ludlow, A Lockharl I! Aohejun, It Slevein, 1* Scott. 8r ;i- S Achrson, A Little, M Nicin Is L Nchola. Jr. ;iâ€" E Nichols, V Muore, D Stcvoi s F Nichols. .Sr. 2-11 Heaid, P Hadgorow Jfr 2-M Seolt.l Lockhart, M Aclicwn ?) Ttadgcrow, F. Nixon. 1st clasK M Nixoii, K Oalhiugher, K CalUugher, -S Aeheaoii, K Mome. IJclafs M Moore, I. N chols. A clatsâ€" E Moore, (< Moore, C Talbot I'orllaw Piihlic School B-Kenneth McKce, Hazel Phillips. A--Ri>ssel Cnilt, (ie.rte Wilkinson, Kenneth Uidgerow 1,1 Ida lr*in, Stanhy ll'ackburn, Melh'Urno lMiillip». t'ld Violet I'nylor, Oiivo Wilkinson, Mdlred IVd a-, l.yd •» TdeP. ;?- .John Jamiea ti, Hov f-yi n-. Jr 4â€" Newton frwin, -lini Wilkiiion. 8r4- Violet MoN.iIy, L>.z» Thinp. s,ui, I.iilil Pedlar, l,»uiie Pedlar, Farms for Returned Veterans The Canadian I'aiiflc Itailw.Ty. The cnlonlst's oporallons will be lil- Ihrougli Its Oeparlmeiit of .\atiuar rocled with the advice of the siiperin- Resources, now makes iin otlhliil an- 1 leiuleiil, ntid the central farm will be liouni eiiieiit of its iilaiia wlieniby Its us<'d lor purposes of (leiiioiuilratloi. land lioldliiKs In We.-iiern Cat.iidii are placed at the dls|iusal of sm li men i who, havhiK soon active service In tlic' Hrltish forces In tlie Kuropeun war,' are desirous of takluf; up iigrlcultiiral vork at till' (lose of hostilities. \ After diTinin:.; thai uinoiiKst the lii.iny blK prolib'iiis to be facial by the Iliitlsl; Kniplre after Ihe war Is the ic'.urn to civil life of Ihe ninny mil lions of men who, as volunteer sol- 1 diers, have taken part In the great HtrUKgle, the company lecogiilzes "that active service In this cause will have created a desire on the part of iiiiiny men v.lio, before the war, were eiiRancd in other work, to take up out.siile einploymeni, and that of tills iiiiMilHM- a cnnsldcnilile proportloii will be desirous of ulitalnitig lar-d upon vlilcli Uiey can i re.ate farm lioiii! s, "Weslerii Canada offers one of the best opportunities hi the lliltlsli Km pire for tlio.se men who may wmIi lo eiigage In faiin;-:it;. Vilille of co'.<r=e liny general si-benie of land lolonlza- tlon In Caiiuila by reiurned solillers iiiust necessarily be fomiiiUited and adininlslereil by the lioiniiiloii (!ov- ernnient, the Canadian PiicKle Hall- way, as a large landowner In the I western piovlniea of Caluiila. Is de slroiis of doing Its sliuie in ulteiiipt- ttig to solve this Important problem." Only those are elli^lhle who i an pro | (luce proof of service In the Ciuuid.'.in unit of tlu' Ilrltlsh Army or In the lliitish Army or N'avy, are married of physical fitness and have liiid pre vloiis experience In agriculture, {'an didates are reiiulred to appear before an KxatnlnliiK Comniiltci' before u coPtrart is entered Into, Two kinds of farms will be avail i nhhi for colonization Itniirnved Kuriiis luid AsHlsled Colonization' Farms. In Ihe llrst case, a limited number of farms In selected cnlunles with distinctive military names, will be Improved, previous to occupation, by the erection of a house, barn and fence the provision of water supply, and the hreaklni; of forty acres. I. he stock. Implements and seed Krain will, where necessary, be provided. In the As.slsted Colonization sclipine In which an almost iiiiliinlted amoiinl ' of land will be avallnhle farms will be first selected by the liitendlni rnlonlsts, rind then Improved by tliei i with aaslslnnce from the coniiiany f<i the way of .Tilvances of building afid j tendiiK material, livestock, Iniple iiionti and seed uraln. Ill cas<i where the RxamlnlnR Coni- inltlee Is satisfied that the rolonlst li iinahlR to provide living expenses for himsolt and bis family during tl. - first year of Ills occupation, financi; 1 as.s'.stanie. In the way of i a.-li a ' vances not exceeding one half ti - value of any work done by tl o \n< - chaser In permanently Iniprovlag tl-! fiiriu may be made. ( On each Improved I'.irm Colony n Central Control Pnrui will be e.iti. i lished and operated by the compar'. In chars.. ' of a colony supsrlnteiidei.;. to maintain service unlmals and i i keep on hand the larger and more ev pensive mai hlnery which the liiill- vldiial fanners would probably nut bi able to buy at first, for the use of wlihli a lixid dally charge will 1 • i"iad-v As.si.sted Colonization Fan' - ers will also receive the benefit of i'l- structlve directions given by tl.e company's InsptHtors. Land will be sold to bona fide set- tlers only, settlement and oeciipaticn being the basis of the contract. Kv- denee will be required periodica!'/ that tills requirement lu^s becii cor-. piled Willi. The inaxlmiim ainniict of land sold lo one man Is Ifiil acri r under Ihe Improved Farm scheme, with a reduction to eli;hty acres ii <ase of Irrigable land, and :i2ii air' > of non Irritable land under the A - slsted Colonlzal Ion scheme, but ad- Joinlni? land will be us far as possible reserved for future extensions und for iiaslure. The terms of payment provided are very easy. In the .•\sslsted Coloniza- tion scliciiie, land will bo sold on a twenty-year basis, and the first pay- ment will not be due unlll two y(*ar8 nfter Ihe date of the contract. In the Improved Kami scheme, Ihe colonist will o<eu))y the farm as tenant for three years, and will not be required to ntake i;ny payment In the nature of rent unlll the end of three years, when an amount equal to six per cent, on the cost of permanent Im- provements will be charged for each year tliiit has passed since the colon- ist went Into occupation. The colon- ist will at that date enter Into an agreement to purchase the land on n twenty year basis, and will make his flr.st payment on account of that con tract one year later. .\'o water rental will be (liarBed for the first two years on Irrlftable land. The cost of per- iiuuK'nt Iniiirovenients and any c»»h iidvamea made will In the case of both schemes be added to the pur- chase price of the land and thereby spread over a twenty-year basis of re- payment. Livestock, implements and seed will be secured by Hen notes or mortgages. The announcement concludes: "The project has been formulated and broiiRht Into force with n keen desire on the part of the company to do Its share In reoognlzliig the work of men who have fought for the et;:plre, and who desire lo take up farming at the closeof the war, and whllo It Is recof- nlzed that the scheme must of neeeg.' Bity contain something of plillan- j thropy In the way (if easy terms and [ material assistance In the earlier years of the colonist s efforts, It Is not intended to do oiherRlse than udratii< • later th.-no farms on a thoroughly businesslike basl.s, or to allow them to be taken up except hy men who are earnest In Ihclr Intention to try and make a siinesH of farming ana wlio have the foundation 'iuallflca> tlons to Justify an expectati a of bw CCR3," Holstein Bull Fur Service .\ ihor.HI jlilireil II dsteiii ImiU for lerv ice 1111 lots 1S:MS| S.W. r.ti S.It. Aftem-sia: cUis- ely rel-ite I 1 1 the w irtil'-i e'nmiii>ii 4k p cm o.v. r-. ill-; *l .VI for ifr.i I M, *"i.ll>f >r piird bieiU. I .Inly 17. â€" i;FO. .MOOltK ,1: .S„n. Representative WANTED at]once'for FLESHERTON atid District for <ii A Canada's Greatest Nurserie^lli .Spring PUT (ilanting iist iio.v Veid>. A Splei did list ol hardy (."inidi.in urowii friiil ai'.d oniaiiiciital stock, inclildiim. Mcintosh Ued Apple, S>. Uesiis F^er hjiring Unspherry and many other eiders. New illustrated catalouijc .sent on apnlication. Start now at best selling time. Liher- al pr.ip'isiti'in. ] The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating Tlie yamc is etiiuilh true of the \Wh CJiavity Washer. Try one and be convinced that there is none better. S. HEMPHILL Agent, Ceylon Full line ot .McL'ormick Farm riuplcinents. Binders Mowers, Hakes, Loai'ers, Drills, Cultivators. Plows, Kiilim: ami Wnlkin'' llaiiows liiaiUttiil Wiml Mills, ruirjs, rijjinc antl I'iuirigs of all kinds, Ueattie Hay Carriers. Ilay I'orks. ISliii^'s, Filter ('••irrieis. Koidiiio; Hath Tubs, Frost Wit e and F'eiice, Cutters ami Sleighs. A Call Solicited Satisfaction Guaranteed. S. HEMPHILL iAgcnt, B-Kftt^^uinAiE Ceylon, Ont. « ^ ^ - 4 I. »>«. V *S Stone & Wellington i^^^"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Fontliill Nurseries. fKstililisbe.l is:'".) TORONTO ONTARIO Deering Implements \i\\ B Engines AM) Gasoline I All kinds of Deeriiin implements. I'.irtii j always on hand. Audit for l^arrie 1 (."utters. Ifarlxu- llueyits. Louden i Litter Csrrieis, Hay Tracks, I'edlar I .ihiiijilos and sidini'. Tliese Implemeiils leijuire no recommeiidatioii iis they aie standard I'ooUs and rec lunized .is the I best on the iiiaiket. ; Kltl'lT 'PIvKES I repreM'iit ihe Stoii j it Welliunt '11 nursery, andlwill be pleased to' call if you Hond me a curd. II Flesherton Tin Shop ^ ^^:.i^rr: 1 have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies, Kavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ing.s. . . Kepairing of all kinds prtmiptly attentled to. Pipetitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare D. RUTHERFOftD Proton Station I F"urnaces. }iros. IHE unm, D. McKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK § FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. i!i ;:. New Blacksmith Shop Fiesiiertoxx Oarofnlly Corrected Each Week Wheal fl <i-">Jj' 1< rel«.:::..:::::.:::::.;;i8oto 2^' At Maxwell ^^ Tonsorial 11 irley '•♦' f" "" ; liuckwheat I Klour : Hay Ihitter â-  Kks<s, fresh I'ota'ocs per hag. (ieeae. ... I>iicks Koftl Cl'.icki ni^ Tiinjeys »5 to !).". I Parlors 1 am op nina iii> at.ince, a hlaeksuuth- ?."> tiO to S.'i 411 iiie and wcodworkins business in Max-' well, and amiiiiiaUini; up-odate wood- ^® â- ^''*' '" O'^'" Entire ^.ttisfaction It will be my en- LAUNDRYâ€" Basket clo.ses Jlonday P'l'i'iein a saiisinc- ni^ht. delivery Fiiday eveni:i T 00 to HOti I;)) to !!8 ivorkini; nmchineiy. 40 'o ."ill dea\oi li serve lie 2 CO to 2 00 t'lry manner and 1 would Holicit pilron- IT lo 17 a\.'i'- I Will', y.in .1 ork md will do it IT to 17 UMht. 7 April 1 11 to 11 17 to 17 •.^"> lo 'jn CHESTER LONG CLEANING and DYEINGâ€" We ar agents for Parker's Dye Worksâ€" Clothis cleaned and dved. f lathors vejuvenai d T FISKE{- -PROPRIUTOR

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