Flesherton Advance, 4 Jan 1917, p. 5

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-m)^: :-,•»â-  *f -••«!«» -â- ,>^7'^-7»*i5^ January 4 1916 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE « > .1 THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HCAO orriCE - Toronto Money Orders and Drafts are issued by this Bank payable in ««T'D i«7« all parts of the world. 234 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, .Manager. Fall Term H. S. Standing r- C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as follows : Going South "' Going North 7.S3a. m. 12.01 u.in. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Flesherton as ollows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail fi<>uth at 3.40 o'cloclc. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. ' VICINITY CHIPS^ Miss Clara Charu spent Christmas huUdays niih her mother, Mrs. John Chard, reluming to Toroi.to. Mre Will Bentham, wife and little son, of West Toronto, visited friends here dutin;; the past week. Mr. and Mrs. H . V. Gaudin and d^uohler, Miss Adelaide, of Ueatbcote, visited relitives here last week. Mr. Jolirs Bidgerow of Poit'aw is spending a couple of weeks with his uncle, Mr. C. E. Sims, at Weston. Died â€" At her home, in Detroit, on Dec. 12, liJKi, Mrs. Frank VanDuseii, jr., asjed 22 yrs. Mrs. Edward Swift »nd Mrs. Frank Swift, of T iioiito, fpeot the holidays Willi relatives hete. Mr. John Boyd was elected Keeve of Markdale by acclamation. Conoratula- â- tions. Mr. NV. E Dyer of Port Huron, Mich, p lid his brother inlaw, Jos Blickt)urn, A visit on Saturday. Mrs. Jos. Blackburn spent New Year's wihber mother aiid sisters at Saruia and Port Huron. â- * Boraâ€" .\t Flesherton on Wed Dec. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. H. Lowick of Uoseray, Sisk., a daughter, Doris Jean. Mrs. Mark Wilson, sr., is visiting htr motlier, Mrs. McClockliu, near Durham who is iu poor health. Misses May and Margaret Keid of â- Â«{uelph spent the New Yiar's holiday wiih friends in this viciuity. Mrs. Harris and Miss Irnie Harris of 3Ji»g:ir-i FalU, Onl.. spent Chiistnias with Mrs. t'. H. W. Hickling. Mrs. Cecil MelJruiii of Toronto i» visiting with her pirenis, Mr. and Mrp. W.T. Pedlar. Her husband is now on active service. Shoppers are reminded that the stores close at U p.m. daily, e.xcept Wednesdays and Saturday in accordance with the rally clcsiiig by law. Walkertuii has an e^iidemic of the iteh. Van it be 'hai some tf the Walkertoiieys have been over in \Va»hington an'' touched the hem of President Wilsou's garments ! Mr. Call Alkinson of Anemesia won a fourth prizi in a judgina contest at tne lecent Gueli)h winter fair. Mr. .\tkii,- son received «ord to that etfect a weeK rt«0. District of .^itemesia L.O.L. will hoM it.s annual meeting at Eugenia on Tues- day, Jan. y, at 2 o'clock. All membeis kindly take notice and attend. â€" Wm. S»anton, D.M. ; Silas Shunk, D.S. A meeting of the Spring Hill Uid Cross society will be held in the .school house on Friday evening Jan. 5. Every <»De interested in the work is uri;ed to be present. Portlaw lied Cross Society will giye M\ Oyster Supper on Wednesday, Jan. 10, at the house belonging to Mr. Charles McCutcheoii, opposite the VVareham chutch. Centre line. A good program will be provided .\dinissiou 35 and 15c. Mr. F. H. W. Hickling had an ii.tir- esiiiig souvenir sent hira from England last week in the form of a scrap of iiluminum which belonged to one of the â- German zeppelins brought down list f,ummcr. A letter w.vs leceived here last week irom Dr Little, who has been in Bombay India, for some time. The letter intima- ted that he would sail from Bmnbay on a hospital ship *bout Feb. 1 for Ensjiand, and ox[ected to re»ch Flesherton in March The -Vdvanco ha'' a very pleisanl cal' on Miiiiihiy from Mr. K. D. LeGard of iilensidi', Sfv-sk. who with his wife, is visitir.g with relatives here. Mr. LeGarJ is enthu»ia«tic over hU portion of the West, and has substantial a.sset,s to back up his eithu-iism. Ii is uu yeirs sii.ce 1k' last visited his o'd home h' ri\ bnt lime has dealt ligliHy with liiin and maiiy fiiOiida were glad to inee'. bun -igiio. The home of Mr. John Pedlar, east back line, was the scene of a happy gathering on New Years day, when six children and two grandchildren were present. - Miss NVallace rf lown received a letter last week from her brother, Roy, who is with the forces in France. The letter stated that he was in hospital with wounds reoeived accidentally while practising at a bombinz school. The wounds are not thought to he dangerous, Mr. Holland, principal of ihe public a dioot, received the sad news .Sunday that his f..th<r, who lives in Toronto, had died suddenly the night before. Mr. ard Mrs Holland left on Monday mornini; j t'.ain for Toronto. The deceased srentle- ] mui was employed in the customs c^thce | for some year.--. I Fisher Munroe, who was :it one time j editor of the Orangeville Advertiser, !>t;d â-  also police luaniHrate of the town, died p^*^^' *=*'• '^'' *^ ^in^wail 7!). F Parliament in Buffalo on -Thursday, Dec. 7. at-ed 84 ' "''' "^ ^^ """'' "**• « •'^mart 77, A Allen years. Deceased had lived in Bugalo for The foUiiwiiig is the standing tf the High School pupi'a fir the Fall term. Parents who wish their children to succeed in the Easter examiuatiima kindly see to it that tbey are absent as little as possible. Class 1, honours ovi r 75 ; Class 2, pass HO to 75 ; Class 3 failure under 60. FOK.Vl 1 Class 1â€" K McVicar 07, W Taylor So, M Smart 8:5,E Consiey 7l>,'^i Mitchell 75. Claas 2-K Boyd 73, R Cargo 73, F W'lUiam on 72, A Murphy 71, E Davis 70, E McMullen (iO, F White 60, M Corntield t)4, J Duw, ii+, A While li:'., W j Armstrong 03, G Dudgeon »;3,K McDon- j all U3 I Class 3- A Irwin 5!l, W Heard .57 , J i .Adams 57, T Irwin 5i>, L Atkinson 40, J Reid 4!t, W Stewart 47, S White 45, I j Shunk 44, W Orr 42, S MoTavi.h 30. KjUM 2 j L<,wer S'-hool subjects, Cla^s 1â€" M { Heard 78, M Mad.ll 77, P AUeu 77. R i Caswell 75. C Porter 75. Class 2â€" E Parslow 74, E Caswell 7-*, ' L Lever 150, C Fiaher tjO. F Bunt 68, M Culaaii l>7. F Thurston l>5. M Whittaker ; 61. i Clafs 3â€" A Grab tin 58, B Mea'a 52, J ' Stew, rt 48, B Triinl)|e 47. FOU\l I! Cbias I -L Dudgeon 'Mi, L Muir 01 I) Wilson 00, R Hargrave .S7, E Karstcdt 83, M Legate .â- <2, W Pattisou .â- S2. B F. G. KARSTEDT, KARSTEDT BROS. FLESHERTON - PRICEVILLE The Busy Store News It is Lard ti) realize, but the old saying is still tnio. tliat "Time Flies." These few days will soon be pas.sed and yone. We feel like urging you to make your plans now, and do your Xmas-Sliopping as soon as possible. \Ye have au assortment now and can serve you much better than when we are crowded. C Xmas Suggestions ( Uo you want a Sweater J ^^r^-^-^^^^ p, p^^. .^^ ^^_^^^ i We .still have a nice Coat, Scarf. Gloves, Ties, ^ riantlkLrfliiel.-*, ^l)U•('l^«. s assortinent of Tins m- Ovpv C',,;t- < TravCloths, Bou(loiiCap.s > tt t^- , eap.^ o. Onci (t.tt... I ^^.^,f.^^.^^ j^.^, ^1^^ 1^^ ? fancy Dishes. We have a good selection. } Silk Waists and > Come in and .see them. ^ Bedspread. s. > BrV your Xmas Fruits â€" such as â€" Raisins, Currants, and Peels now. Raisins in packet or hidh.. Peel.s, Citron, Lemon and Orange, Winter Grape.s, Candy. Xut* of all kinds. Oranges. We have evervfliin<i Santa needs. Highest Prices paid for Fowl, Butter and Eggs. 25 years. The .Advance man learned the art preservative uii ler Mr. Munroe nearly forty years ago. The Metliodist Sabbath school anni- versary held JJew Years niaht was one of the greatest successes the school has ever had, the receipts at the door amounting to $73 IKJ, and with Sunday collection*; itc, to about ?78.00. the pr'-^rain wa.-- an excellent one. a prominent feature being the unveiling if an Honor Roll for the church by Mr. M. K. Richardson. The church was crowded. Febtuary Ist, 1917 will see the commencement of a Nou-Com missioned Othcer's Training Class for the 248th Batt. C.K. F. This is an opportunity for every man to take the Non-Coinmissioned Othcers training. Each man who enlists with the 248th will be eligible for this class. Training previous t-> the opening of the cliiss will stand you in good stead when the test oonits. It must not le said of the 248ih Greys' that every min did uiit get his chance ; becaui^e, here it is. Remember ttticiency holds the key to promoiioQ in the 248lh Battalion. The annual raeeiinir of the Fleiliertou 70, E Acheson 76. Clai-s2--R Morton 73, .W Liiimer 7i\ H McLean t>8, '/. Bentham 67, M I Murphy 64. S Murray 64, M AchesvD 64. Cla.ss ."!- H Cliapman 50. R Wiiliainson 54 K Bentham 54 P Le^irJ 53. \1 Wri.hi 51. W Wi liainson 42. F. G. KARSTEDT Man Burned to Death Wiliiani Martin, an eccentric I'd gentleni:iii who lias Uvea at Rocklyn for about twelve years, was fi'uud on Christ- mas morning by a neighbor. Mr. Robert Clu^ston, burned to death ia his own home. Deceased was a bachelor about 75 years of age and lived in a small frame hjuse siiuth of the Agricultural urounds. On Friday iiii.ht about ten o'clock he was at the village, and i.n his way home met Mr. J. I'atton.who was the last person to see the old gentleman alive. < 'n Christ- mas morning, m accordi.nco with their usual custom Mr. tnd Mrs. Clugston sent over bia Christmas dinner with their children and they returned and advused their paients that they could get no le- sp.mse fi^'in wi'l: ii where ti-.e grues. iii^ ,. discovery was made lumiedialely Mr U.A • m. If you cau'i gel back lo the old boiue as frequently cr as regularly as you'd like, a new Photograph will come nearest to taking your place and will bring cheer to the old home. Your Liends can ttiy anythiuf^ yuii can give them â€" Except Your Photo. Also Artistic Picture Framing done. â-  All-at reasnuablc price. W. A. HAWKEN PHOTO ARTIST FLESHERTON \ y Flesherton Carriage Works "HEN IN liii\x 01- vvlieu reiiuiriug anything in the Bliiciijinithing Line do not fail to come to McTaviahe's Old Reliable Shop wl.,.re fiist-class Workmanship is always guarau- tuvd by practical uiiii. If voa have never dealt with us we would a-k you to give us a (;;ill. :in 1 we will be pleased to servo you the best We kijow hijw. attain our motto work." 11 I • .: ., .. :ii .....of,.!. M.„.rii,« Cluiiston went across to his home, forced Liliiary -AS!: ociation will meet on :nonaay » e^eniig, Januarys, i;U7,at8.30o'clock. '" ibe d.or and found the unfortunate! in the Town Hall. This dale is fi.v^il by """• »t'''lclied out cold in death without j Gjveriunenl statute and it is hoped that â- ''^t Ich otclolh.ng on his body other than | notwithstanding the recent e-xhauative '"=* ''"'''•â- *• '•'"tiler uiscovery rev.aled ^ activities the citizenship of FUshertun ll'« f'"-"' '''''L he had prepaicd his bed, and Artemesia will show a due apprecia- "««'' l''« -^'"^0 and it is supposed that his ticn of the library, as ,an instrument of 'â- â€¢'"^hin« had taken tire from a spark tmo, . , .. „ 1 l.,!,,,,.,. ir ft,i,i ii,,..>i the stove. In his frantic et}';'rts to ijuc out . information and culture. At liiia meet- t iu./ ollicera are appointed for the ensuing ^"« «"' 'f^'^'*-'^ "' '»"* ''"'"«^'» '^l'^"'""'? «'-'"-' 1 year reports of the district library '"""J "l* "^the r.om, being evident 111 »'. , institutes heardandsome general bisiness '>« ""d ^"'^'""d "'« »'"'"â- â€¢ ">'"!5 to f.ee trans.icted. All members of the age of himself fr.an tho .--hackl.-s -t burning hie. t«enty.oneoroverare entitled to vote. 13eiii« e.h.a.sted he fell down m front of The membership consists of all who have lbe.t..ve whco l.e Lieathed his U>t. j paid theh- fees for the current year, but , ^»>»-' cl>'"'«-'J ''ana was found under the , any making payment for the ensuing year t-'We and a portion of his iiousers w.lh : will be entUled t. like privileges. All some g4 in UIU were also found nearby. | J „ .,..,.> hr>v« tti,.l ,fiiU Ills ter dog which was iiiipris'iued in tUe \ c line, men and woneu, coys, ana giiis_ r -> r | 1 .1 I „... „r „r.r aii.l lipli. to house iluiini; iho tiuie had eaten one ot whether memoers or not ana neip lo o First in every good ^'S le.;s to stay its hui.gei. i'be fata ry ^ was one of the inoct leriible ihat has ' happeuid in these paits. The late Wm. Martin was a most eccentric eliaracter and WLUld allow his s^tock to tun all wm'er i nd pick for tiK-mselves. He owned throe l<irms and also a hou.se and lot at Bea\ til dale. He was a veteran of the Aniericiiu war and tias drawn a pension ever since. The remains were takin to Wi.rkdale and the funeral was held on Tuesday to Hiikaway Meafoid Express. Caught Rare Pigeon LaM Thursd.iy afternoon Mr. W. ji. A eldHi'ii of BoKDor shipped to Mr.John T. Mill. ir of Kingsville, Chit., a g. nuine wild p.i.-'Si.iiger pigeon, captured la.st pin.' out, Mid Mr. John Burnett takin j ' summer. The bird was captured off the his place. Mr. Mathewson headed the | nest by Mr. Julius Ceasar near BoL'Uor. poll this time. The Council stands this ' Many yo.irs ago clouds of pa-ss- nger year as follows : Reeve. T. R. McKenzie j pigeons have passed oer Owen Sound, (accl.) ; Deputy, A. Cameron (iccl.) ; according to evidence of persons residing Councillor.s, Mathewson Stinson, Burnett. , • r, , j div thev are very scarce ui Canada, and ( vopuvv ( " .' J ' (..or ncj 1 -^(, j^,p|j gpjj, (i,p ^Domiiion CTOvevumen' Reeve Thompson. Dep. Reeveâ€" W , \\. Ouy. Councillorsâ€" H.nder9on,K.>f!', Ivockhart. New Furniture JUST PLACED IN STOCK Latest and Most Up-to-date Phone-No. 9 - D. McTavish :-:-: Flesherton ,-l•..^•. .« • w.« V • 'w '<»-»â-  I t Municipal Elections FLESHERTON The Flesherton villai/e council th s year are : D. McTavish, Reeve ; Je». Blakeley, W. Henry, W. A. Hawken aid Jas. I'a'ton, Couucdiors. Mr. Buskin was deflated for the Reeveahip ly eighteen votts. ARTEMESIA There islittlf elianze this ye.ir in the pjrsonel of .\rteme>*i* t^mneil, Mr. Batcheler being the only member dro(- s, Hattresies, Springs, [bairs, | .AND OTHER NECESSITIES ^ for v.- Houseturnishings^ W. H.BUNT| Undertaker I AM) gc3 X Embalmer I Picture Framini« an J I'phoistering ', JT Office* and Showroom : Richardson's Block (Over the I'ostofiice^ FLESHERrON| I Christmas Presents It will be wiM-th yiHir while ami ymi can save Money in luiying t'ntiii me this season. Kspeci.illy in C'liinawaro â€" An assortment of Japanese Chinaware to clear at Half Price. Luuk in inv wiinhiw. F. W. DUNCAN I HArdware"Merchant Phone 30 r 2 ^ FLESHERTON, - - ONT. % and here tor some time past !iud at times were thick enoUjih to hide the sun. To- GLENELG Reeve â€" A. Mc<,1uaig. Coui.cillots â-  MeGiniiis. Black, I'erks, Younsj. { The Provincial Treasurer has doeidt d t.i accept 10 p r cent, ot the -, UTO^^l.^e price of season tickets for sfcating in li.ii of asses ment tax. links orteied the i,um of $1COO {vx a captured pair- -0. S. Advertiser. i [ If some person has not been "putting ] one over " on the Advertiser the above it"m is very iLle estiug indeed, as tlie pii»seMi;er pi>.:oiin f supposed to be tot- I .illy extinct, the last one cyinn iu cap- tivity at Cin'vnnfati a year xvi«. The ; e.litor of The .\dv uice renieiiibers when th.' iM-ds wore present in thousand'. bi;t , il iH al.out thi'iy yoar^ si ice the Lis' one wasse.'ii h.r.' ] THE ONLY MAN ^ WHO SHOULD ^ NOT ADVERTISE IS ^ themanwho;has ^ nothing to of- ^ PER IN THE WAY g OF SERVICE AND ^ -SUCH A PERSON j| IS A DEAD ONE g WHETHER HE^ KNOWS IT-OR A NOT. j| E!b'rtHubb.^rd ^ ill the /"ra 'xjA Sclool Children's Eyes. MASSEY HARRIS IMPLEMENTS Many lives have been ruineo through neglected eyestraiii in childhooa. The eyes of every child should be examined. V\'e have made a special study of this branch of optics, and" guarantee satisfaction. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong. This faniuiis make of implements is well kiiowu all over the cuntry and their own good Work is iho best recom- niendatii.n they can receive. If yoo re.iuire anything in the lino of Binders., , Mowers, Seed Drills. Cultivators, Pulp ers. I'luw.s. Sleighs, W.mg.jni., Cream Separators, Harrows, Rollers. Cuttinjj Bo.xes, Ensilage Cutters, Ga.soline en I sines. ^Sawing outfits, etc, give us » ch.iiu-e to '|Uote ptiet-t.. John Wright, - Agent Flesherton Boar for Service The undersit;ned his a thorough. .red > . il<~hirc & ar f.u .-uMvice on lot U con S, Usprey. Tonus ?1.0(t. - IRKDSPOFITARD.

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