J '•TRUTH BEl'UKE FAVOR' - '-r-RIXCIPLES KOT MEN' ) Vol. 3% No. 30 Feslierton, Ont„ December, 'JU 1918 FEVERSHAM .'•\ FHE OLD, OLD STORY Too Late Last Week Autos are yet ruuuiug thiounh our yilluge occasionally. Mr. and Mra. Chrjs Thornton are visiting the foiiiici-'s brotht'f, Mr. John Thomson <tt Agiucourt, and other fritiids i:i Toronto.' Slisse'-' Sudie and Maiy Julian have returned home from Toronto for '.he hohdays. Miss Carrie Kerniibnu has gone to Toronto and is tiaiuiD<j for a uur=e at the general hospital \t\ that city. Mr.Ferg.iiomera it> viaitin!{ in Toronto at present. Messrs. Huj^h Fenwick and Harold Spcti'otd ;vre>delesalss to the r.F.O. convention in Toronto this week. Mr. Fr&nk Pooltf and Mi8.s Mag<;ie Poole spent Sunday with- Iheir brother, Willard Poole, of the gravel road. The Union babbath school will- hold their annual concert heie on Friday, Dec. 27. . Married â€" On Nov. 20, Mrs. John Liuley u£ Calf);ary. formerly of Fever- sham to Mr. J. U. Elliott of Irma, Alta. (Thij week's items)' The snow has all none and it hiis the appearance of being a green Christnias. Miss Maynard and Miss Jolley, teachers of S. S. Nos. 5 and 7,. Osprey, are spending the holidays at their hunts near Owen Sound. Mr. S. Brownridge hu.s bought the Douglas Property in ihis Village and will move here this coming spring. Mr. Fred Weldrick received a phone message on Monday morning that his sister, Mrs. Philip Hollingstoad, of South River, was .seriously ill. Fred left f.r South River on the afternoou train from •Stayner. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Mortisua, of Maxwell, visited with the latters pireots, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. PaUister, on Friday Mrs..'. A. Kernahan visited with hei daughter, Mrs. James Legate, of Gibrul- ter, last week. N KIMBERLEY V V Pie. Sandford Breadner, a returned soldier, of Sligo, renewed old ac'iuain. t mces her-j on Friday task. Misjses Rachel Hutchinson and Dell Wilson of Toronto Normal school are holidayiuo at their respective homes. Mr. J. Wright of Duildalk is visiting w!ih bis brolherinlaw, (Jej. Hutchinson. T. B. Carruthera of Spirling, Man., is renewing old acciuaiutiincos in lliis vicinity, and is the auest of iiis mothL^r, H^ Mrs. Thomas Curruihers. The Methodis' Sunday school Christ- mas tred and cinertaininent held io ' the \V!»-^ . church on Friday •â- veiling I'lst was a success linanci'illy and otherwise. There ' wa» quite .i lengthy program of spcoches, J-'dialogues, etc. Hcv. Lane presided. .., Harold Wallace, in the role of Santa j Cliius, was superb. Tlio proceeds of the avening amounted to f33. Mr. Victor Ellis, principal of the i-'ollingwood 'I'echuical school, and wife, \ Are visiting with the former's p.^rents, ' Mr. and Mrs. Wui. Ellis of the suburbs « .' Mr. John Stuart and bride of Burks .'alls, aie viailiuit at James Stuart's at ^.esent. John wis formerly a Kimberley * y and has prospered in the north â- 'unl;ry. Your coirtapondeut joins with ," .leir many friends in wishintt them a oag and prosperous voyage through life. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wickens vi.sited a'. Wui. Sloan's ot>o day last week. Dr. Ottewell of Flesherlou w.as a oalle' ,«â- .. ^ hero on Tucaday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (iilmour of Fair- luouiii renewed old acquuiiitancoa hero ,. duting the past week. Edward Favcett of the East Mountain delivcied a young turkey to Javpcr N ^utri one day last week that netted ^ \hini over eight dollars. Who say* that there is no money in poultry raising \ OW whtn Jesus w^a born ia Hethlebeiii cf .ludea in the days of Herod the king, boliold, there ciine wise men frmi the east to .ferusilem, saying, where is he that is bom King of llie .Jews ; for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to wjrsliip Ueiod the king heard thccu things bled, and u'.l Jcrusalcn. with him. had gathered all the cljief priests >.he people together, he dcnmndcd re Christ should by bom. And to him. in Bethlehem uf Judea ; for rittcn by the nrophet, and thou u the land ofJuda, art no> the least amonu the princes of Juda : for out of thee shall coiue a Governor, that shall rule my people, Israel. L'hen Herod, when he h»d privily called the wise men, ent|uired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And he sent ihcm 'â- > Bethlehem, and said, .-i search d.ligently for the young child : and when ye have found him.b>-ina \\w woid a-.;aiiij that 1 may come and worship him also. When they had heard the ki;ig, they departed ; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over .vhera the young child wa.-^. When they saw the star, ihey ri'j'ictfd with e\ceeding areat joy. .\nd when they were ci.me into die house, they .saw the young child with Mary liis mother, and fell down, and worshipped hnn; and when they had opened their treasure*, they presented unto him !»ifls ; gold, and frankincense, and niyrrh. And being warned of God in a dream that ihoy shou'd nit return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. And nrheii they were departed, b'»hold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying arise, and lake the young child and his nioiher, and tlee iu'o Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thoo word : for Ueiod wilt seei^ the young child to destroy him. When he arose, he took the young ehild afld his luother by nigh^ and departed iiilo Euypt, and was there until the death of Hmod that it might be fullillcd which was spoken of the L>rd by the prophet, sayln^:, out of Eitypi !i ive I calk'd my sin. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Little and daughters ^sb to tkank- the people of ' • Wcshoiton and vicinity for their great • kiudaesti a'ut expressiens nf .<iympathy ^liown thru) in tlioir recent sad bereave- Buent, the death <^i (hoir son and brother, th. William T. Lilkle, and also for -lyntpatby aiiJ kindness shown duriug the ili«v^-.ofMi-3. W. T. Little. Savings Stamps As Christmas Gifts What to v^\^ a friend for Christmas is a ((ucstiuu that is giving many people a great deal of thought. ( ipinions on this subject have changed considerably, for the war has made imperative the quality of uesfulness in gifts. Today the cll'oit is to get a present that cnjnb'nes good will and genuine value. War Savings Staaips do this to an unusual extent, ^ot only are they alvvays worth the price paid for them, but a great deal more, inteiest bein:{ paid on them at the rate of over 4| per cent, compounded half yearly. Most other gilts decrease in value as lime goes on. A War Savings Stamp costs $4, which is pretty well within the reich of all. Still, If there are any who want to start a friend in the way of prolitable saving,but feel that they cannot atl'ord this amount, they may buy Th'ift Stamps and give them. These Cost 2") cents e.ich, and when stxtoon of them have been bought tluy may be exchanged for a War Savings Stump. Wir Savings Stamps aie a uoud invest- ment, drawiiiif 4i per cent, compounded half yearly, and no one w-U regret having given one or nioic of them as a present. PORTLAW Our wish is that everybody may enjoy a bright and joyous Christuiaslide. We regret to report the serious Illness of Mrs. Uobcrt Hill. Ml ln'po for Iwr speedy recovery. Mr. Robert Taylor, of Toronto, visited with his mother and brothers here. Miss vlladys is home from McMaiater riiivoisity. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Watson are spend- ing Christinas with members of their family ill Toronto. Miss Shunk has gone to the city to spend her holidayii at Tier parents borne. Mr. James Hopps had the misfortuno to lose a good colt the past week. Mount Zioi> Epworth League and friends spent an onjoyablo tiaie at the panonage, t;uv{euia, last Friday evening. All are enthusiastic in their e.\prc«:iions of tlie generous and hearty tiospitality e.\tcnded them by Mr, and Mrs.E.tgle. Mr. Thomas Taylar spent some days in Toronto. ROCK MILLS Lillian Park is spending Chiistut.'is week with relatives in Owen Sound. Uert Best, wife and son, of Colliiii;- I wood, ar« visiting at present wife friends iu this vicinity. Vera Phillips has returned home from Toronto after spending a furtniL;ht with fiiends there. Bornâ€" On Dec. 20th to Mr. .rnd Mrs. Sam Croft, a son. Letla Partridge is visitim; this week with relatives in Toronto. Jas. Park, who has been in Pairy Sound the past month, is spending a few days with his family hero R. X. Wilder, of Saak., who spent the past SIX weeks with bis sister.Mis. Paik, is visiting at present with friends in Durham. Walter Akitt sold over thrto hundred dollars' worth of furs last »veek to Mr. Goldm in, of Dundalk. Wesley Smith and Eddie VVhite wont to Toronto last week to got their disch.irge. Around Grey County Hermann KauH'maii of Bentinck was accidentally shot in the calf of the Ic^ with a shotaun at clo-a range by a companion who was travellintr behind him, A specialist from Guelph was secured to diets the wound, which is healing nicely. Capt. A. B. Liitlo of OwonS.und has returned from overseas. .1. U. Raven, an old resident of On en Sound, is dead. Three Owen Sound thildreuâ€" two nsed seven and one ten- -wore up before the n.agistrtite for ihoit. The parents paid tiiius and the younasters were warned. EAST MOUNTAIN Found -.\ suitcase contuiniug clothing, near Swinton Park. Communicate with Win. McCoruiiok, Proton, R; R. No. 1. The demand for castor oil tor airplane lubrication h.as resulted in large increase of acreage of castor beans iu TexiM. Ring happy bells across the snow. The old y.ar's going- let him go. Hina out the old, ring in the new. Ring out the false, ring in the true. Here's to wish you through tbo year Prosperous d.iys and all good cheer. Mr. Harold Lever, of Fleshertou, accompanied by his cousin, Geo. Wyop, of B.iorking, Sask , visited the p.jst wtek with Mr.9. C. Martin. Miss Mabel Mc.VInllen, of Fevorshanp, vi-iitcd with her cousin, Mildred, for a few days. Mr. Carrol attended theU.F.O. in Toionto. He was the npgointed dtlegatft from the Eugenia branch. Mv, Alex Oarruthers is npendtnu the ho'idxys with friends at the Soo. CEYLON â- Mrs. H. PalDcrsun received word on Jhursday last that her sister, Mrs. St. jClair, Washington, hud passed aw.iy. Misses Lottie Muir. Berkeley ; Aggie Harrow, uf Holland Centre and .Agnes MoPhail, Ne\viuar1(et, are home fro:n their schouls to' spei.d ChristiuH« holidays under their parental roof. Mr. H. Bailey, of badjeros, was a aeek end visitor at D. McPhail's. -• Mrs. Wydemati, Protcn, visited her son hero on Sa'uiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Leslie and Oabe I^ft to visit Hiuover frien's. -:V very large crowd assembled at the (l^pot on .Saturday iiisjht to welcome some of our boys home. Messrs. X. Cameron and McCormick eiiLortained with some line sidectums from tho bagpipes. Tiie Collnwiug.ooldiera returned here : Wilfred Campbell, U'lll Kidley, Pte. Alcorn and -tw^i boys fur Durham, who wore m itored to that town by J. J. Patlisun. Mi.js .lean Collinsoii hts returned tr"m victim; with Toronto friends. â- Mr. D. Mciveuzie, Fovershasn. visited bis sisler, Mrs. S. U'jmphi'l, latt week . Messrs. Roy Piper, John McMillan, and Roydon Gibson at ended ihe farmers' convention iuTomuto last week. Mr. Ed Groskuilh, Torun o, was in t )Wii Wednesday of last week. Mr. and .Mrs. U.in and liitlo son, ..f Siiak., visited the lattcrs aunt, Mrs. Ed •Sargent, a few days last week. Mr. M. Ferguson and Peter Muir spoct a coupla of days with Rvd Wing friends. Miss Mary Muir, who teaches there, accompanied them home f>Jr Xmas holidays. It is our Slid duty this week to an- nounce the death of .\Ls. Daley. daughter of Mrs. A. Rmledgr, who died ii; the hospital at Lethbridgo, Alta., on Tfiursday, Dec. 19, after only a few days illness uf pneumoi.iu, at the ige of â- -'7 years, i.lnly about four mouths, ago she buried her youngc'^t child at .Saruia, and on the 1st of November her bi'.iiher. Will, died (t Lethbridge of pnitnnouia. The rtniains were brought b. ui.' for burial. Slio leaves to mourn lur loss her luishand and one little daughter, besides her irother and four broihtis to whom much sympathy is o.tprtssed, this being the .sixth dchth in ten years. The body arrived hern Slonday ; ight, accompanied by her husband, liitle daui>titer and Roy Rutledge. The tuneral took place from her' niother's residence to Fleshertou cemetery Tuesday morning at eleven o'ulock. The suvice was conducted by Kev. C A. Bili'ry. The ca.skel wa.s c-.verud with beautiful lloral ofl'eriui;s. DUNDALK Percy Wehwood received this wci'k a dandy iouvenir of the war from his brother, Pte. Nelson Wellwood. Tt is a Cjc'I man snare drum, picked up on the battlelield. lt.is small in size but a (plundid instrument. Percy is a •JflM druni'iier and ihe souvenir is a most suitable gift fmu his soldier brother. The iiistiument is brass shell and rin s with two siotd heads, and dnp'ex in nitke. No doubt the neighbors kiitw the tone of ihe drum before this u>ts into iirint. SJr. fhcs. Robinson of the gravtl n.id received t*o .Md niessnges by teletrmn f om the Woi-t on Monday, i.ine *ss from bis SOD. H. U. Robinson, niai.aucr of tbo Bank of Hamilton, Stavcly, .Xl'a . to tho effect that the litter's lufant oliilil, a few days old, had pa.ssed an ay. The other message was ft iin Mis. Willi mi R'ibiiison, olStoughton, Sask., teli.ng of the death of her son, Edward, a vii.t:in of pnenmonin. Tho family fornitily" resided here and was well known. He I was 33 years old and wjs formerly in \\\ real tst.ate agency busiuuss. â€" Herald. Fine Jeweery Bates Bur^l Co- r.r-i.M:.-;.-- a.-> ^ -.t ,\L Funeral Directors and Embalmers ^ . , . . j c ome iu auu see our hue lar^e s:3ck Phone HillcreSt 2 681 o^Jcwelery, WatcUes, Clocks. 124 Avenue Rd. ! ?"~'"^ ^â- '''"â- â- '" ''"'^"^'^ , Uiem roil will be s»tre to bny. 1 OrontO, Ont. â- Watcli repairing a special-.v. MOTOR EQUIPMENTJAfnll line of Photographic supplier I U/ D n iucludiiig developiu!{ yowdcTS, J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, p,,nuug frames, dark lantern.^ Pres. Manager.- all sizes of Kodaks? aud ii!m3. Yorkshires I Tamworths Young Stock For Sale ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES For Breemng Purposes W. A. ArmStrOng Jeweler - ONT. Phone or wriie. â€" GE( >. W. ROSS. Osprey Tel. SysUm. Ma.vwell, P.O. \ FLESHERTON, LET US SUPPLY Your Requirements In any of the following lines : Sleigh.s, Cutlers, GusoliDe Enjjines, Cotkshntt Fai m Implements. Cock.^liutt <!iL- Miissey Hai'ii-j lepairt-.' \ Louden Stable Equipment, "^ Mejotte .Cm&aj Separators. D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON ^^ Fowl Wanted We are paying for No. 1 to>\l, Drv Picked, Heads off- Geeseâ€" 26 cts. Ducksâ€" 30 cts. Heavy Cliicken.sâ€" ;3i» ct:*. Hens â€" 2G ct.s. riirkcysâ€" 40 cts. Don't Forget the Place W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton I I I ' ' ' â- » 'LJ » » â- â- â- _ _ Va ••••••••••••••••••â- ••••••••••A :::::u:;;::::::::::::::::i:::H:;::::::::y;....iii;;;;^ â- ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••â- If ••• I A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR .^ >«rii*f ^\ Let us forget business while we wish 11 you one and all a very merry Xmas ••• ••• PROTON Mis.s Edith Consley is on the aiok list. M'ts Mmjorie -Achesou is home from North Bky tor the Chriatmas holidiiys. The Knox Church W M S held the r tlmnkotfering iiieetiui; on Tuestl'iy ov g of lust week. Mr. aud Mrs. McVicar were pre.<<eut &ml gave inleiesiiug talks. -j Miss White, « re'uruud mis<iii.inary. ^'.\ve ! AD in.sttueiive mid coinprehtiisirc across i on West. Chin*. 1 { Balanne cronrdcd out-Etl ) ' ••• •••• ill and a happy, prosperous New Year. HI! ••• •••• â- ••• •••• :::: •••• :::: :::t THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO