\ Copytlfbt HonxtatoB MiaUn Company bT •peclal ariaiiscratnt wltb TUoa. AUtn XOtOBtO CHAPTER XXXII- (Cont'd.) I on this occasion, at loa.it, liad no rea- "Well, you're not going to get such ! *=«" to feel that Nora was iiuliftfrcnt position right off; that's one com- , <o her brother's fate. "Oh, Jerry, is rt," Jerry said cheerfully. "I re- : '<â- true, is it true?" she oried; Hnil Jerry saul cneeriuily. to think of trouble before it I when ho n.'i.Hured her that it was, she a fort fuse .„ „. ..„, ... . comes. Ani you ro ahead, Kate, ' <lan''eJ round the room, embraeinK •nd study typewriting all you want an'' kisHintf firxl her niuthor and then' to. But I am sorry you've set your Jerry, and then her mother BKain.i face a.'rainst that college course." «"'!e ^^''*- Scanian. overcome' A-ith He was both <!isappointeJ and dis- enr't'on. wept and quavered, "Oh, turbed; he felt even affsrievcd at N'O^a ''ear, oh, Nora dear! Kate's obstinacy. When ho and hia ! , ' ant we Ret h^m out riRht away, | mother had become so fond of their ; J'T"'?'- ^^^ ^^^^^' ^" f^^^ ^^'^"'^ . adopted family, it was humiliatinK to ; shiniiiK and^ eager. "Right away,j discover that the adopted family had ; to-^^rrow . „ ,„l been secretly planning U^ sever re- 1 J,"} "fraid not as quickiy as that. | lations. No matter how admirable "Why not, when everybody knows, the motive, the thing hurt. It ; "ow he s innocent? What right %vouldn't be the same in th) house | have they to keep him in a day long- ^ when Kate and Peter and Betty were,*''. Kone. Besides, Jerry realized, with ' Jerry gently reminded her that rob- a shiver of apprehension rather than P.ery of, attempted robbery was with a thri'l of ecsta.sy, that the ful he an.r Nova might dcire it, nmit re-' SOME CURIOUS .SUfKItSTITlONS main a remote possibility. He coukl'' »â€" not marry her and leave his mother The I'ruhabk Origin of T" ese Wlde- to live alone; Nora could not marry j .^ p^,,.^,^^^ hiiu and leave her niotner tj live| aluiie; and to inarry and have both] Man's curiosity i.s in excess of hi: mother.s live with them- well, lhat;p^^.gj. j^ jntorpret and understand; would not U a promiMnK expen- â- ^^^^^^ y^.,,,^, ^^ guesses, »aya Mr. J., Trent, even if hia mother were will- , ,, t,-,, • /->i lit i «i I lug to m:-.;:e i!, which .-h. ,,e,er Arthur II.il in C.hamber'p. .Tournal, and wiiu'd if i when he gues'ea wildly and Innccur- j j But Dave's release had simplified ' "'"'y °''*'«''» °'. ^ '''^" J«f'-' '•»» hii . (the situation. Dave would be j.ble ' «y"se.s superstition. Long after peo- ,,.;^,,^ Commandr.unf* for ClilWren. of moisture. ^ now to laka care of Mr.j. Scanlan; pie have, clearly seen that there 11 no i , „, , and after Kate and Peter and Betty rational evidence for the thing be- 1 .'â- '"^s grov.-ing nu.d must nave 1 had started upon their independent licved, the suprrstition lingers. j P'enty of sleep. Up !o six yei-. he career, there would he absolutely no-,. The thirteen-at-table 8uper.?tition,i *'''-"'<' '^ecp half th-j timeâ€" twi'ive thing to prevent Jerry and Nora ^^j,.,, j.^. .„j ^^ thirteen of any- i «"* ^f twenty-four hour.-. Part of llT rr;„ln? /""[viwr/b n,it"n t''i»K. i^' «" example. The origin of '^'« time may be included in ths day- Mrs. IJonoaue to iive with Inem. It .. ' , „ .,.â- ,• T • time ran enough to Jerry; and in t^'" l»-'^Ji"ll<-e against this number is. ' ,, ,,7', , marriage, inistead usually suppoaea to be the fact that' â€" '''" ""^'' A dry almosph^-c- even when plants are well watsred, i, fata! to good growth. Regular wa^ tering is another important .'actof for success. Plants will grow better in house;* heated with hot water than th^y will was clear lifcoveriiiff tnat ho-.,!d be plentiful and in tho^e heated by hot air « steam of being a IhouKht to play' with, had thirteen person., sat down at the Last | '^•''tritious. Each child should have The latter ^yf ^'"^ "^"^^^^^ ^jth tU been suddenly brought forward into Supper, after which occurred the most ! "^ '«««' three pints of milk a day. '•''"./'t . ' , . S t^the-- " the realm of immediate actualities, tragic event oTtlie Christian era. But * i^'^'"' "' ^^'^ '"ay be In some other result that tht pia. t .•- he felt a trem would have lik at all until he had aminations and start towards the rnor of di.smay. He <,hc .superstition is older than Christ- ' f?°''', *"'â- '*' «'' '' ' ta-d or ice ed not to con.sider it .^^:^ „,,,„,, .^. -^ ^^^^,^ to ' ".« ^^''"'d "''^'> ^ive limited qi lad passed his bar ex- ,, ,, . . ,, . ., %, . . of meat and olentv of etre-j ^,A »nm» Hn,r nf n > ^^'^ corn on thc thirteenth of the first ' " , """ Pieni> 01 egg^, gut some kind ot a veKetables and fruits. e creum. new profession. It was the most in- convenient time to have to be both- ered by plans of marriage and ar- rangements for an entire readjust- ment of life. Kven more, disturbing to Jerry no was the ominously determined pre- on Kate's part for the practice of his month; and an old Norse legend Hays that the twelve great divinities weru dining at Valhalla when Loki, the god of discord, appeared, and a quarrel v/ith Balder occurred in which Balder, the god of -peace, was killed. The Friday superstition arose be- cause the crucifixion is supposed to loses some of it.s leaves by withering oj^^ quantities fails to makj healthy grov.A. Pdiis cf water stood on the radiators to give otr moisture al\vay.j improve the conditions for plants. The bloonjs v.-il! last longer when the atmosphere 13 kP!>t scniewhat cool and moist. The ideaftempcraure ranjea fram about from *'"^'' taken place on that day. Some cereals, egetables and fruits. 3. He shca4d have plenty of out-of- door play â€" not too much work, nor too long continued. 4. He should have a daily bath or . . rub-down and a cleansin;; bath with 50 to TO degrees. Hignr^r tempera- warm water and mild soa-) at least tures necessitate more frequent wa- once a week, oftener if pcs'sible. I tsrinjrs. Some plants need to be wa- f). His bowels shoul.l move freely tered daily, others not m.crs than two week. A pot which light offense, even if Dave was now paration ^ fillme'it of his nlPik'o'tn Vnra ro'ild ' exonerated of the murder. i withdrawal of her little fajrfily from ''"'!!^„,!;t"'ru:,!u"M.!^»" jV'"'' ""^' ,^"'"^' at leait once a day. If they do not or three times a not Then be i^dSnite^'^dela^e'd. 1^0 I "r^ ,^'o and see Mr. Trask to-mor- ; the voof that had sheltered them : P" - ^.'^'.^ ,f j^, ,, ^ scWse'em^ ^''^ ^''' ""^ ^---'^-^ «'"'"'-' '' ^' ''- ^ ' ""'^^ ^"^''"^^ "'^*" *'"'^'n ""' "'^ clear road to marriage that had been row," he .said. "He'll knov/ the best , Although their departure was not f^'" '"",â„¢.^^^";^"\! as to brin- about that result, knuckle needs water Over wawr- sudden'y opened up before him~if , ^^ay to go about it. I do feel. Nora and cou a not be imminent, there to ho spiling it m ^^^^^^ '"" » PO'^tj-re i 6. He should be interested in life. in;j is bad for plants and only one or -""â- ' â- â- -'" â- â- -' ^ --J ^^as a dispinting feeling of jmmm- of the Last Supper. Others think that s„,,^„ ,,„„ „^ „„,,.._„ ,.w.Ur.„ nr» tv." vnri^ti^s. likp the spiraa, will certainly a thoughtful and consider- 1 ^"'' *"?.: . ate child, to have made up hi^r mind ' '""^ villain £0 I feel almost grateful to was most encouraging. Jerry won- 1 times say "God Mess you!" to the t (.jja^ged Schlupfe. How lucky dered jealously how she could be so 1 sneezer. In similar circumstances the i he traversed it in his present mood i J"^' \e n gei uave oui soon; anu was a ...sp.r.un,^ .ee.mg oi jmu.m- ui u.e i.«». oup„rr "^"«rs ininK inac s„;ig„ ; ,] „rhupny children are two varieties, iii'.e it would be with reluctant feet. I ^"^f" ^\^^ "'•'" 7°" ^^ ' â- .u ,. fTP ''t"'' '"""â- ".*:t,'"'"y '" 'he air. Kate ,t ,s because salt is a symbol of in- i f ;., 'suffeHng frori th» wan^ =uccecJ if the pots are allowed to Jll^vT^'Z ''"f t- rTT''''^^'^^%n'^'''^'%:ZVl him'^^arth: fac iJ^i''TLt"£ Commerdal' s'chooi -'-Pfb'm.v and spilling it is there- i „f l.^^H, Zufe. Teh a TmW ^"nd in water. .Ml pots should be S'p''perr'"and 'Bet^;^; S' tliTir i -"bSt hug'.'nd ^l ""oh''."wt ^acu' ally L'uaranS'to'h'nd you a ^^n'er'-.i'rsefs ' " '"^'"'^"'^ ""' i ^"^'^ l^ ^^^^^^ '^ '"â€"^ '^ "^ -^P'^^*^ /^"^i'^ ^"""^ .'^'•^'^f " '" . tt'^ lessons jit be splendivl, splendid!" She danced â- place if you had taken the full course, '^^"" upsets. _ , ^.^t^.g ^.^^^ j^^ ^^^^ ^^.^^ ^^^ ^.^^^^ ^^^.^ of hi-oksn crock.i filled in at ths "I expect I'm responsible for Kate's I "'''^i" "P ""•' 'lo^^'" the room. "And in stenography and had .shown pro- j /"Cre are some curious and very ; h^g natural interest lies; and it is botto.ii of the pot when the plants- decision," she said. "I wouldn't!"""' ""'^"<'>' i^an never even think he ficiency. And ««er one month at '^''^'^sprcad customs of a superstitious ; then an easy task to stimulate his in- aro potted. £Ey I spoke with a purpofe, but she i-sl^'^y ''aye done it, Jerry. Isn't that it she reported that tho instructor , nature about sneezing. People sohie- : .grest until his whole attitude is' Fresh air is always beneficial, but not in the fcrm ei direct draughts. 7. He should be taugh, simple les-' A temperature of 40 degrees or low- ve * . - - . -iHr...!.].. »v...* :_ «_4^:«: :~.-. ,..,'i;-,i. fir â€" .. " â€" â€" ' ' --- ^, and Jerry ere thought "Now don't be cross with me, Jevry. I suppose you won't like it but it was true „., ! .. ^ 1111.1. , r^ came over me that it would be well ^ '"''jle, by whose report the Govern- she couldn't be so gay and sanguine; When a Hindu sneezes the bystand to drop a hint to KaU- --though I had "'''« decision would presumably be in- over the prospect. 1 cry out, "Live!" and the sn»ezer re no idea of her taking it up so. We |;|.','^_"';<',". J.,';!fr J'llrr-'"^ ^"'^^r "^i "^ hardly ever had any conversa- ' plies, "With you." The Zulu thinks " " " '" tion with her; she was always study- that sneezing is a sign that the good spirits are with him; other peoples sens of personal hygiene; the use of er will often seriously affect the ten- individual towels, handkerchiefs, toilet der hou.se plants. Palms and ferns; articles; good care of teeth, nose, are thi better for spongin:^ o"ce_ or eyes, hands and feet. twice a month. Never water a sick- 8. He should be tajght to believe ly plant too freely; it more often re petition; and when in the course of affections had gone out to him and a^^"^"""* for the custom in his Prob- , _ ___ _ .. ,„,. , ..„, ,.,!a month Dave appeared for examma- his mother as his had to Peter and Itms; but he evidently knew nothing that to be healthy is on.- of the finest quires to Le repotted. Most plants enougii, and it just t;"--" }>^^9'-^ the Board of Pardon and Betty and even her selfish little self ,' of its origin. j possible achiev-ments in the world, will b.- benefitted by a yearly repott- hat it would be well "'"''jle. by whose report the Govern- she couldn't be so ga" -â- - ' â- •â€" ""- ti:-j.- ^^^ ^ . , i > â- > . . . and most patriotic. iking it Jt Nors wtre talking about .Nfora as we walk- ' P'"'''"t to whom Schlv.pfo had confess- ed home from the f tore, and 1 told '"^ appcar.^1 also. The members of herâ€" well, I tola her a little about '^he board were impressed by Dave's how you and Nora had once meant ' attitude of contrition, by Nora's plea, to get married, and how I was .'suro <"'"'! peihaps too by her personality, that now, of course, some time you known intimately was being curiously and by ihe priest's assurance that and Nora would get married. I just achUipfe s dying statement could not transformed before his eyes into a felt it might be a good thing for,ha^'« '>«cn in any vital respect un- person that he didn't know at all. Kate to realizeâ€"" I true: they reco-imended to the Gov- xhe .-irlhood stage was passing; wo- "Oh, mother, I wish you hadn't said; frnor that he pardon .Scanlan; and manhood was blossoming. Kate that." I two weeks later the Governor .signed j,„inej j., interest and attractiveness "Why, .Terry? Of course you and ; '"f, P"''^';"-. ^^ „, _ _. ^ , for Jerry as she gained in mystery. aiistraction she seemed to Jerry to ,„,• .,„. â- . „ ., . ., grow by degrees more and more jj^. ; helle^e tnat it means that evil spirits taut; a person that he had once Nora will some time?' He L-at silent and looked gloomilv : ''"'^ Jerr;,- and Nora were waiting in at the door. ' | the corridor ji»st outside the guard- "I v;ish you hadn't said it," he re- ' room when Dave, a free man, cmcrg- peatcd at last, and in a tone so grave 'ed. He looked pale and very clean; that she dared not question him. |his eyes v.ore a bewildered, deprecat- After a few minutes, <luring which ing expression; and when Nora ran they both sat witli.iiit speaking he to him and clung to him and kissed rose, put on his helmet, and went ; him, he made only a furtive little re- out. It was one of his free even- | sponsc ami stood almost passive; one ^ings, and he took his way to the law ' would have, thought him stolid but for 'library. He walked slowly. It was the tears that crept quietly out of indeed a clear road to marriage that his eyes and slipped down his cheek.^i. had been opened before him â€" and ! In Trask's automobile Mrs. .Scan- how he wished that he loved Nora Ian v;as waiting; Trask and Jerry nov/ as he once had done! I.„""t."^^'".'^'',"x?:'?*'.."?°''"'"^:.J''''?'* Often ho watched her when she was unaware of it, ami wondered what are being expelled. The prejudices about the danger of being the first occupiers of a new house is perhaps a dim recollection of our prehistoric ancestors' attitude toward a nt wly discovered cave. There might be wild beasts already in oc- cupation. •How Food Can Re Saved at the Table Smaller portions should be sensed. Persons at the table should be giv- en an opportunity for choice, so that no food is served unless a person wishes it. Bread should be cut at the table. ing. Healthy plants and plants in flower require much more water than those which are siclcy. Soil should not le watered so often that it be- comes soggy and always cold. A plant with cold feet and a hot head soon dies. .> There appear to exist in the earth's stood by while sho gathered her son into her arms. CHAPTKR XXXIII. There was a hall bedroom that ' "''""'''• Two incidentsâ€" each bearing, a-, ^"^'^ ^^'^â- â- ' ^° have on the floor above may appear later, in a remote way j ^"^^^ "'?'' her mother. And there upon Jerry's fortunes â€" are now to be ^^"'''^ ^ J"'' *â- '' ^•'ell as a bedroom recorded. Rather, one of them shall ' waiting for him. Trask had induced was going on in that well-shaped, j well-poised little head. To some of the processes he got a clue one day and embaiTassed her , by so doing. Ho brought up from ' the letter box on the ground floor i ^ , „ . r ^- „ , . , a large envelope addressed to Kate »*'"'"^phere ' centres of action," which and bearing the name of a New York have wide control over climatic condl- magaziiie. She was standing in a tions and make it possible to foretell window when Jerry handed it to her, the character of the weather long in and he did not see that the color advance, came at once to her cheeks. Even j One of the most important of all ! edible left THE PULSES OF THE WE.\THER There should be nothing , on the plates. Influence of .Vtmospheric Pressure at As far as possible care should be Certain Parts of the Globe. j taken to prepare only the amount of food necd'ud by the family The Judgment's Rehearsal. In servinjr meat, bone or surplus' We knew Wars brazen brow would be fat should be left on the serving plate,' so they can be utilized in stock or for| cooking. I Everything served should be eaten ' Smaller amounts of salad dressing should be served. How Food Can Be Saved After the Meal Is Over. Bits of vegetables should be kept .so, it was rather tactless of him to thegg centres is that about Iceland.! for soups, salads, etc. say pocularly,__ W riting tor thq, mag- According as the atmospheric prcs- 1 Fruit juice from canned fruit can -vines, Kate. i ^^^ ^^^^^ j^. ^^^^ ^^, j^^^.^ ^.j^ ^^ be used for gelatine desserts or to I tried, but 1 guess they didn t ' ^^gre winters result in central Eur- i Aa^-'^r puddings. be only hinted atâ€" glossed over n.s his friend Murray (o give Dave decorously as may be. It caused an ! chance; and Murray had been th interchange of whisper.s between ^""'â- '-' w'l''"l»' to do it because of a anvthing more Mrs. Donohue and Mrs. Bennett, some 'eelmg that he had been unduly , hopingâ€" " i-cntly elliptical remarks by Mrs j harsh with Trask s other protege. iJoiiohue 10 Jerry, and a pious under- ""'^ turned you down when you standing between the second floor ^f'"*^ .suspended,' Trask said to Jerry. i.nJ the third floor that a knowledge' 'Afterwards, when he got all tha fact.^, he had remorse. If Scanlan I will show he's steady and hard-work- ing he'll get ahead." want it.' She opened the envelope and' drew' o.it a .-^lip that she glanced at and then 'passed over to Jerry. "Of course I didn't really expe^'t but I couldn't help ope, and there are those who contend that this influence is also felt on the North American continent. The North Cape is another similar centre, and between these foci a kind of compensation of action often exists, "They might have written you „ | sometimes at intervals of six months. letter anyway!" Jerrv exclaimed in- A warm winter at the North (ape cor- of shameful facts should ba kept, as far us possible, from the young. In shorts, the older and prettier Arm- strong girl had, to use the unexcep- tiona'rde phiase employed by Mrs. Donr.huc and Mr.s. Bennett in dis.-us- sing the mutter, "gone to the bad." Occasionally she returned from her life of gay and apparently prosperous udvenliire to pay a brief call on lier family; Mrs. Bennett had a glimpse of her on one of these occasions and Mrs. Donohuo upon another. "She was looking," Mrs. Donohuo ob.served to Mrs. Bennett with 'I'll bet It was good loo. 1 it, will you, Kate?" <lignantly Let me re "No, 1 don't think I know now that it's poor. responds to a cold winter in Iceland, and is follov.'ed by cold winds in cen- I know he will bo all right," said j "'"'"'• -V" to see it." Jerry. | ".Anyway you must keep on trying. "Juit keep an eye on him for a 'I'h.it's what you ought to be doing, whik". Keep him fixi.n getting mor- Much better than grubbing along in bid and (ii.scouragccl." | some business office." TniKk left them all at the door of, "Uut it doesn't look as if I could the boarding-house. Mrs. Scanlan! even ^^,,,,1, ^^^^^^^ ,,y writing, Jerry. could. 1 tral Europe and over the plains of I wouldn't I Hungary. The cause of the phenom- ena, it is thought, 13 to be found in the variations of the north polar ice cap, which constitutes the great reservoir of cold for the Northern Hemisphere. Left over cake and cake crumbs should be used in puddings or to re- place flour in dark cakes. Juice left from cooked vegetables should be .saved for soup All bread crumbs should be saved. All left over muffins, biscuit, bread of any kind shoud be saved, made into crumbs and usea ir, scalloped dishes, baking, etc. No bit of food is too small to be saved! and Nnra and Dave each tried to tliank him as in turn they shook' hands with him; but after making a beginning I'ach one of them choked up and (ould not speak. Dave found; I did hope 1 could get something ac repted once in a while; it would help. runimuning 'With the Dead. That is a pretty picture of simple How Food Can Be Saved Before It Reaches the Table. The butcher is often allowed to keep bones and trimmings. These should be taken home. The bones and meat should be used for soup. The fat should be tried out for cook- uncrowneu; For in a world ruled by the Holy- Child Some home for blessed Peace must aye be found, And Freedom, Reason, Truth ne'er be exiled. So when on that last act the curtain rose And miles of battleships to our fleet bowed In awful silence, o'er our fallen foes, I seemed to hear old Justice speak aloud: "Tis a rehearsal of the Judgment Day! All Wrong take heed, thy sway will end likewise; Though feet of Vengeance for a while delay, God, nature, history â€" all against thee rise, And those base exiles whom th© Furies keep Proclaim aloud: "What peoples sow they reap'." â€" .\lexander Louis Fraser. If a man lacks enthusiasm it takes him twice as long to accomplish a task. satisfaction it """ ' "'"" ''"' speai:. uave nuina 'like the painted Jezzie thai'she is '' ; h'** tongue only after he bad got into They wondered what kind of a rccep- 1 '"e house and was s^ittuig on the t,on the family gave her. Mr.5 Ben- ' '^"''' *''''*" ^-^ra and r.ct thought that the family must at either side of him on his mother oft But of course 1 don't intend to let 1 j„ ^er article on The Soul of Fighting writing interfere with my main work." "How are vou getting on with that?'" faith that Mrs. Nina 1.. Duryua gives 1 ing. Fresh fruit and vegetables should France. Among the sand dunes of 'â- be purchased as needed. Overbuy- Brittany, she .says, superstition finds i ing of perishable food results in fertile soil. Bretons are less F'rench 1 spoilage and waste. least he ccol to her. Mrs' Donohuel "" ' ''"'"'t have you two to keep disagreed. "Proud of her, more like ' '"e t-traight, Id keep .straight for Mr That's what I should expect of such ' ^ ''•''.''H'" ''^' â- â- ^''"'' i bad lot.' Into; at shifted suddenly from ths Armstrongs to Dave Scanlan. In a running fight with two policemen Red Schlupfe, who had licen iiiter- lupted in a burglary job, was shot down;! the bullet, passing through liis lungs, inflicted a mortal wound. To the priest who was with him when he died he made a full con.'ession of his part in the Walsh murder and ..cnfirried thc tiuth of all that D.iv: Va/l declared on the witn£s.i stand. â- Trrry carried the n^W!" of the con- ion to Nora and her mother, and he i.i "Pretty well now. Typewriting 1 than any other class in France, having I Perishable fruits and vegetables don't have much trouble with, and I'm retained their own language, customs ' should be carefully put away and not able to take simple <lictation if it and beliefs. They have little fear of j*eIlowed to vn\t. "lie' a wh'te man '*"'' to fu.jt. They feel quite sure j death, and they are deeply religious. I 'Vegetables and fruits should be J s a w .le a ,j j,;, ^^^^ ^ position as soon as I've I a cemeteiT is u place where children I pared thinly or scraped. finished thc course. , ,, , play, and on fete days it is the meet- Cereals should be kept in clean, •Whatever the position is, don t be] j^^ pj^^^ for gossips and swains. ' covered jars to prevent their becom- Relatives go always once a week with I i>ig w-ormy. flowers to deck the graves and tidy Mixing bowls and cooking utensils the wee shrines above them as they do their own homes. A Breton apparently is not entirely Yes. Oh, isn't everybody go'-d this morning, Jeiry!" cried Nora. .She sprang up and flung hor a^m.^ round Jerry, and then called to her brother: â€" "It's all right, Dave; don't look shocked. Jerry isn't a bit shocked - arc you, Jerry''" 111 a hurry to leave us, Kate. Don't lt?avo until, what with your writing and your regular work, you can count on at least eight hundred a year." "No; I think that the only way t« do is to start out und be independent when you mean to be independent No, ni getting to l.Ke it. Nora s , t^ ,,„ ^,^ „ ba „f ,,„„, to feel bound that you shall have .a brotherL^ ^^ necessity." "j.Mnehow, Dave. "It won't do vou a bit of good eith- er," grumbled Jerry. j It made him thc more unhappy the more he thought about it. Ho I had become so attached to Peter and Men's Raccoon Coats C. A <; narcDoa Coatt are the begt value on the mar kflt tc-day. 'I'hey nrn made from full furT«d prime skint -good ftnd roomr, with wide akirl so as to Insure warmth to the waarer when a«at- ad. The linlnc tt the best quilted Vene.tlan cloth Length of coeti: 63 Inches. Sizes it, 44. 46, 48. Vrt««a nes. MTO, Mie^ WSB. Ooata ••at 0. O. D, tot emMvvKl at on CUWMINOS 4 OUMMINQS ice* Si. VmU ih. • Maatreel ".^he seems to have got inc a pretty gooil one this time," Dave answorcd. He ro.=i» an<i shook hands with Jen-j- and then gave his si.«ttr a kis.i. "I guess now we're all going to get busy and forget what's past." Jerry wa.s toucheil by Noia'.'^ im- pulse t.> share her happiuRss with i him -to demonstrate it by j to his arins. When he had left the I icjniled family and was walking; .,„,l, home, he thought ,.f that little inci<i- , h"!",u , i^ eiit with pleasure. I hero was Noia at her bent, an adorable Nora, a , Noia brimming with sweet emotisns. joyous tiu->>, and happy hopes. If thcro was soraetimns another Nora, wh«;. did it matter? 'fhi.i was thc should be carefully scraped. Much '. food can be saved In this way. Food should be carefully cooked", | convinced that the dead has really de"- ' for burned or badly cooked food is parted to another world; he behaves ! wasted, a.s if the lost one were still near, hear re.al, with the sunshine in her eyes | and the aoft careiises in hi;i- finger tipa; this was the Nora that through tile Etoims and trials of life must finally emerge. Betty and they to him that he felt it was positively cruel to compel a separation. Kate was a creature of steel to tiv;:t them all so. Whv lid y.""!?? she insist? Merely to a^k hin...elf the (luestion caused him to have un- thoughta. What else | proud, high-spirited girl ' do after receiving such an iatimation (if his designs and desires as his mother had given Kate ? And why had his mother convey- ed that intimation? She was not ordinarily addicted to the perform I CHAPrKR XXXIV. j It was not long befoie Jerry realiz- ed that hi<i prospects for an early I marriagj? had been imiwov*!d by ; Dave's release from prison. Before that hud taken place, Jen y had felt ' of her son's happiness, that marritige, no matter now m.ich (To be continued.) anca of gratuitous and olTlcioug acts. She was not in tho liabit of indulging in idle go8.iip. The ironical truth penetrated to Jciry's mind. Ilia mother had' acted with deliberate in- tent, foreijeeing the pressure that she would l>e putting upon Kate; Jeiry suspected that one purpose and only one had BCtuate<l her â€" to provide, so far as she w«.s able, that nothing and no one Ehuuld stand in thc way ing, seeing, and interested in his former associates. A discreet watcher will hear a widow say in a pleasant, conversational tone, while she tends th. grave: "Was thc rain cold on thee last night ? I thought of thee when I lay w'th the children in our snug bed be- hind the lattice. Perhaps thou wouldst Wliat" else | care to hear that Jean has twins. That has proved a happy marriage, though Marie had no other dot than her good looks. .4.180 the apple crop is excel- lent, and next week we begin to make cider. Au revoir. my well-beloved. Sleep well, for all goes well, and I have money in my stocking." With a tender pat on the cross she will then return home to her hard life, consoled by this chat with her hus- band. To lengthen the life of linoleum, mix the warm suds and cooked starch left over t'rom wash day, and use to mop up the linoleum. Tliis not only piescrvcs it, but gives a new gloss. Care of House Plants. In caring for house plants it should be borne in mind that they are of two classes and that such plants as ferns, palms and the rubber plant I will do better In those parts of th» ! room where the light is limited, â- while flowering plants, such as ger- ' aniums, tulips, narcissi and cyclamen, must have as much light a."* possible. ' Plants are more like human beings than like brIc-a-brac and if grown to brighten the home during dull win- ter months they must not be left to take care of themselves or they will soon fail to fulfill the purpow of their presence. There are not a large number of successful hoo8e plants end those which experienw has shown are best suited for the purpose demanl cer- tain definite conditions The funda- mental condition relates to the at- mosphere of the room. If thi« is suitable even the »oil is of secondary importance. The atmosphere must be kept at • suitable t«mp«Mitur» ai'd also, for Bucoeao, must contain plenty Enter th9 New Year with the determined reaclution to become the owtigr of some good dividend paying stocks â€" and ic the easiest way. Wiyi that rusolve la mind wa stand ready to assist you with cur PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN by inuuis of whK-li you .-im Invest your eavlriKS on ?• monthly baals In the purchaa« of any selected sound marketabla security, en- titling you to all i!l% hl<.-ncl» and accruing lnter«et. We Invite you to write for a copy of our free booklei entitled "Sav- ing by the P^tlal rayiRf-nt Pl.-in." which fully explaliiS our sys;«ni. H.M. Connolly & Co. Mtmbers Montreal Stocii. £xrtM.PK3 1W-108 Transportation Building MONTREAL • P.a. 1- jU ] '\ ' \