"T^, J i Jiiauary L', I DID THE FIKSHEUTON ADVANCE 1 f Â¥' â- V H K. Fleshrton Advance •a ndeni newiiia(>tfr, mililinheil every £knri,(ik]r M th* officv, CoUiiitrwiMid 86r«et, ; , <lMh«rton. Svibicriptiim pric* tl |wr annum i "•"' A VAItnCS lilST. An A.llllCt6U Family gome or the British HubiMlxKerMiH; wliui paid in advance ;tl..V)when mi no paid JkiittMng rat«s onapplicati'n. CirculatiuD l.lUUwrekly Around Grey County , I «i*en Tltieg. ..,,„„, , , The New Y«ar'» honor* lisi, whioli Ml. John h. BBcker, fi.riiieily h lesi. y,^ publUhed last New Year's D»r. of Hnint nt!4r Malcolm, bnt now largely reflected the war activities of livmi; suiiiB distance noith of F.l.iiwom', 'he British Kmpire. It contained one ; , ,. . 1 f f •, , • , . new riscourt, Lord Furness, cliair- u i»t tho koad of H family which ,«emi to ,„,„ „j Furness, Withy A Co., u bj experieociuK one continual round o( yhlpplD^ (Irm which has lendeicrt trouhle and grief. In the e»rly fall in valuable gervices to the country dur- ing the war; four new p^er.-i. Sir these coluuiDg we annonnced the killing in actioi) of Ins nun, nermsii, a member of thii ll><)(h Bnic-e Itatt., who wui well known tioic Two weekn :i|{o the four- yeiii oil) *vi\ of the dt-ad ioldier wat Frederick Cawley, Bart, W.I'.. Chan- cellof of the Duchy of LancuAter; Sir John Lon.sdale. Bart, M.P.. chaiinian and leader of the trlBli I'uioniRl parly; Alnieric H. Paget, and Sir Jameti Woodhouse, chairman of lUe Five Diuidalk hoys rcuuied fr>.>in OVeiseiH las' woi'k 1) liirl (i Kns.scll, Re,' UurL'ea:*, Meniy '1. Iltll, Ivan £owler, and Hany Curti.i. Duudalk has app.iinted a recci^tion CODimiitee. When the oinmiltee kiiowx of tlig coming of n .soldur the town bell will be rung an hour I eiore tho coming <»f A lr:uii. ^shulburuc had SOO.'i t>7 of a surplus over expenditure at the end of the tinautlal hydro yeai. Rev. Conn, Presbyterian intniater at Markdale, has n-jecled a call to u Bodton chuti'li and will reiuatn in Msikdaie. S Urge number of Owen Sound boys returned from ovarsei.s last week. Some thieve.i entered the ftore of Harry Wairen, Owen Sound, and s'ole $78 in cash and other articleH. Entrance was etlected through a window in the rear. A fuul stunt iras pulled off in Owen Sound when some miscreant burned out • Uigc thermometer i-i front of Cooper «nd ijrifhn's store on Sund.iy ni^ht of last 'eiik by holding a burning mitcli onder the bulb, Tho Owen Sound Sun-Tiiut-i says a juvenile court is needed in tli;4t town. C>>ven Sound town clerk i« now paid 92t>.i<Jaye<r burned to death by bib clothes takinu tirs Defence of tbe Kealin LoBst-.s Com- while bttnding by a coal btove. Lnst mission, and a director of the London week iheinHuenz* entered the family ,fl(y and Midland Bank. Six members , ,. . , ,, , 'I of the House of Commons became Hi.d<.ii !-iuluy, Mi.io. ayuungioan of ^, j.^.j^y Councillors, Lord Hugh CpcU, yiiirs of ajtc succumbed to the uiiilady, : one of tbe most brilliant debaters in Hiid at the time of writiuK a younger son ' the House, third son of tbe third Mar- • 1 • . J .1.. 1 -.1 I I u I uuess of Salisbury; Sir Henry Craik, I, ly.ni, at deaths door with a frail chance I « ^, ^ _ ,^^ ^g ^^-^ secretary of the of recovery from the .same epidemic, | gcottish Education Department; Sir The wifu and mother, through the affile- j Gordon Hewart, K.C., Solicitor-aen- tionand passing of her boys, is (aid to I «•â- »'; Major Sir Henry Norman a . ,, , 1 .1 former Postmaster-Oeneral; Mr. Tom h»v« become .nentuUy deranged, thus K,^.i,„.ds. general secretary of the iiicreasiii!; tho sorrow of the home and. joiners' Federation; and Ix>rd Cd- compleiin^ one of tho sjidded clmpteisl mund Talbot, chief Unionist whip, ofatfliclio.. that this section has ever i ".^ deputy Earl Marshal Small Ads. Forsle » a â- 13, con. 11, O^prey, 110 seres. This i" a tir.-tt cUst farm and id ;t (joud Btitte o cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply co R. J. Spriule Fleshertun known. -<). S. SnnTimcs. [lu a later issue of Tlie Sun-Times it states thill Mrs. Becker is not mentally deranged us stated and the lady is of sound mind. I Has Had 55 Wardens Twenty new baronets have been I created, among whom may be men- â- tloned Lieut. -Colonel James Craig, Treasurer of the Household, who will I be beat remembered for the prominent part he played In the Ulster opposi- tion to Home Rule; Sir Ellis Grifflth, I K.C.; and Sir Joseph Lawrence. I Among tbe 52 new knights are sereral names famous in art and literature, such aa John Lavery, A.R.A., a portrait painter with a European reputation, and one of the most distinguished of the Clasgow school; David Murray, the landscape c. .. ,.„. . , ., ,, i painter, president of the Royal Insli- fiftyhve ditrarent wardens, siys the Owen ^^^^ „( Painters in, Water Colors; Ed- SounJ Suii-Timei. The late Wni. K. ' win L. Liityens, the architect and ar- Flesher, of Arieme.si;i, for scvt-n years: tisl, who was appointed a member of , I, ., I. J â- , 11/, the committee to advise the Govern- held this ex.dted r.o.sit.on. wh,l« (.eorg. '^^^^ ^j j^^,^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^.^^ ^, „., Jaclison wiis warduu on live occasiom capital at Delhi; Anthony Hope Haw- kins, the well-known novelist; John Scott Keltie, the veteran former sec- retary of the Royal Geographical So- White sewing machines, the king 'J maol.ines. Sherlock-Msnning pianos are stiicLly higtjjgrade. If you ran prove this « .iteincut faUe I will give you a piano free. â€" ). C. Kentu-jr, Msrkdale. Strayedâ€" One white faced ewe, one smut faced ewe and smut faced lamb ; also one hound bitch. lufoimaiion thankfully received. â€" Wallace Fither, Hook Mills, Ont. P'l^sMiatdn to loan on real ettace security •* isasonable rate of iu'erest. AdhIv to R. J- Sproule, Pl*iherlon. *^' ' sept 23 Since the organization of Countyof (I'ey there have the been and the late >fudga Lane was warden fur three years. All other wardens held the po.sition fur one year only. The lis grow.s laij^er from year to ymr .md is iiiteresliog liiiiory for the county, .lust who the next one will be is not known Mr. tJohn .â- Xrteire-'a' lor Mr. Williiim Sin.', ofMeuford. Mr, ' Cliiirles Goiilon was the List rejiresenta- Mr. and Mrs. Charle.s I'ratt of Owen Suniid have received word to the efTea'y-''- ''"' '^ "'" ^â- '''''" '"' that tneirson. Major A. I'rati, has been I McQuiiUer, Mr. McK-<Mr/,ie. awarded the D. S. (». One of Mr. Fred lieiinbccker'n grey foxes blipped out of the pen last Saturday and caused houic excitement in "Slab- town" for an hour or iwo until ci|ilured. For the benefit of those tivin.; at n distance wo might mentiun tli»t Mr^ Heimbecker is a brctder of foxes.â€" Hanover I'osI, ciety, and many others renowned in the educational, industrial and medi- cal world. The Hon. Sir Francis Villiers. B»ii- Ish .Mini.ster at The Hague, ha.s been appointed a knight of the (Irand Cross of St. Michiu'l and St. Ceorge. The list of K.C.M.O.'s include Sir Frank Barnard, Liputenanl-Oovenior of British Columbia; Sir John Davies, tiv« of Owen Sound to h:>VB the honor, I president of the L-fyislativf Counrli, and iliHt w:is in ISH'.t. Meaford Express Hit Tlio Cicr.iiin is not, as lia suppo.se;!, a euperbuuian, but rarber a supennhuiiian. li[iHI[lS. €arelully Corrected Eacli Week Butler 42 to 44 Eags, fresii i>5 r hit Wheal f2:.0 •(. OS 4Jat.s 70 t'l 70 Peas •_' (Ml to 2 CO Barley I OO to 1 OC Potatoes Buckwheat Hides Ducks G*eNe Chickens. Fowl live Fowl dressed i For the past couple of weeks the' 1 Fxpress editor and stall' li ivc been work- i iiig under extn ni ! ditticulties. After ; f.iur or live weeks of s.olid Christmiis liuiineK.s, ye editor was taki n down -Aiih inllu3ij/. t and befuie lon<.' the entire stall' wore out of commission and it was â- impo.s'-.il lo to pulilish a piper lust week. , Kveii this week's pii|ier ii .'â- ulluriiig from • tlie afi'.'i >i ilh but we arc doinu out best I to serve our readers and cause them no more thiii ordinary inconvenience. The i "tlu" is master oi the situ-ction but ere , lona wu'll lie on top of the heap again and will be cloirg busiiiesH as iisuil. â€" Muifurd Express. Vlotoria, New South Wales; while Adly Veiilian Pa.sha. Minister of Kdu- cation in the Hgypli'an (loveMiiufnt, becomes an houoiary K.C.M.fl. Amonv; the Indian lionor.s the i^po- cial title of "Faithful Ally of tlu- Urit- ish Covernnienl" and the .style of "His Kxalied Higb!ie.''3" as a her-iil- lurv cUslinction, tia.-; been bcslowm' upon ih" .Nizam of Hydfiabml, and the Older of the Hath upon Lifiui-n- ttiit-ticiieral His Higluioss Maliaraja Hahadur Sir PJMtab Singh. Her High- ness Xawah, Sultan Jahan liomim of Bhopal, has beon invested with the (iraiul Cross of the British Kmpire. and Her ilii-'hiiess .Mahi Salul).i Cir- raj Kuar, of Bharatpur, with tl:e Clown of India. (lisUict tie e.\ U 01) !l,-. to 05 j^^ j,^^ ,.„,|j (.(.uiity IHC to lUl! ; I , f 0}< j„ 2)1 , ceedi'igly mild fall I'lii^e I the wliei'l to 211 ',o 2;t grow so fast that some farmers turned .1 BOAR for SERVICE I'urelned Taniworih 1^ ar for servio, on lot 1117, S \V T iiud S U, ArtiMusiii Terms S-l oH. it i aid feint t;iH! o .'er\ ice. Feliir.'.i T. J. STINSON, Flop. For Service One loir ,...,-. oreJ Shortlinrii lioll i>ii le 'Jo to 25 ! (|,gi,. yl„cl{ in Ui kiep it iJown. Some jUli, con, !». Aiteiiusin. Term^ 5l..''i0f,>r IC 'o 17 i p^.g„ |,m ,|,p in(,„.,.r I „ ,1,,. lields to cut K'''"'''"- Must be piid within !• months from date of service. ao. lit. - R. (), TIKNKR. 22 to oil the l< of tiie whi'.it. '^-ft^'^M*:^ The Only One With Orga 11 Pipes In all the wide worl i, lh.;re is only one make of phonograph that hai taken ::dvantage of the principle cflhc pipe organ tir.d installed inside of its cacc a set of tone control pipes which in- clude every note in the scitle. That phono- graph is Ih.? Hear Them There's a new list of selec- tions encli month. They •re played with a sapph- ire point. No n.-edles to change. Beautiful, clear, "Phoncta" r.?eords that arc practicill'- liLiritructiblc. And the tone control pipes are used in our magnilicenfOrganola" model â€" the utmost that har. scj far been achieved in p!tonogr;iph con- struction. Rcrords played on this "Orsjanola" Model are given n really wonderful reproduction. Play a "sextette" record Oil the "Organola" Modrl, and you will liuve a real idea of the value of the tone control pipes. There is none of that confuaed blurring as when played on ordinary makes of phono(;raph, the tone control pipca of tbe "OrRanola" Model scpurntiiiK the diff-Tcnt voices and notes, giving a pure, clear, Ufetikc rendition. Try a record of a violin, n piano, a soprano, or any- thing else you know the ordinary phonograph docs not cjuite reproduce faithfully, and you will find that the "Organola" Model renders the iiclecrtion perfectly and vinth a surpri:ting volume. If you are going to invest upwards of $250 in a phono- graph, you will, of course, want to procure the finest that ii built. So, if you cannot see and hear the "Organola" Mcxie of the "Phonola" at a dealer's in your locality, write direct to us. B All make.-; of disc Othrr "Phonolns" from $Ji up. rpc.wc'i can l>c played. p\p AT 'P'pc . The "Phonola" line comprises 10 i-'i-/XT.J-«i-/iVO . n,oj^ij._., 'Phonola" for every rrquirement. The "Phonola" agency is the most valuable n^set you can add to your businoja today. Write for particulan. The Phonola Co. of Canada, Limited Kitchener, Canada « â- â- â- »♦â- ».». â- ..« t.i» H t till I I I I I » » »i «.i« >»lll «i|»i| H «I H I»»»''''' " CHOPPING iiW» Come early as we cannot use the juice after 430 p.m. Lost-t»ct. 1!», at Priceville or en the Old Durham Rf>ad, east of Priceville^ a black Galloway robe of fsirsize. Rewird. Heturn to John Oliver. GRAHAM BROS. EUGENIA, - ONT. I 3 i.. m t tl tl « i»i â- iitiii " » " «.i».'< I m i n fi»[> â- â- â- »iiiiiii Hit » » tl » > » u tit » i ii«. n i,» * "* For Saleâ€" Three tlionsand feet 1 inch black pipe, nearly new, Scents a fool-- Peikins * Mann, hardware Merchants, [ Msrkdsle. For Saleâ€" One milking cow, two cutters and two buggies â€"B. VVelton, Kle.sherldii. For 8«leâ€" You UK pigs for sale. re«dy to go.-John Flynn. 11. R. 2 Fle^herton, Ont. For Sale -Cxford ism, 1 year "W, weight 17o lbs -Harry Patton, K R "• Kleshcrton. Ont. Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tiuware, Niekelware a»d Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroiighing, Stovepipes and Stove FHrnish- ings. ForS»leâ€" One small churn, also an iiuiiatinn i)uffilo robe, almost new Mr.s. A. K. McCalliiiii, Klesherton. Hens For Sale- .V bout fifty (loou hens, one and two year "Ul. Ri,!{ht price if sold at once.- Ilu){h Kenwick, Fevershaui Fur Side -Brood sow with 8 yuun..> pigs for sale. Cheap. Ovei'stncli.-d. - Daniel Muir, CVyhni. Youn? Pigs Kor Saleâ€" Ready to wean about Djc. 10 â€" Geo. Cairns, Markdale R. R. 5. Kepiiii-ing of all kinds promptly attended to. jjSj Pi{>efitting, including pnnip work. ^ Furnaces installed. Agent for Clai-e Bros. Jfl Furnaces. IS , - i D. McKILLOP II CHRISTOE BLOCK ll FLESHERTON j0 ONTARIO. Por Saleâ€" F.i'ilit yeiibng cattle for saleâ€" Atchie Stewart, C-yloxi. Seed Wheat For Side â€" Good clean Mai'iuis Who It â€" I. F. Collinsou,Ceylon. Ram Fur Sale â€" Oxford Uain, 2 years old. A|)|dy to S. I'tfdlar, Flesherton. For Saleâ€" 25 yonng ewes and one ram, .Slirop-'hiie. â€" tr. Piper, t'uyluu 1', O. Highe.it price for butter and euxs at Graham Bros. Kugenia. June 2() Tiy Feversha.Ti Pastry Flour, the best for your cook, .Ml Oiilvrin wlioiit Farm For Sale l'.';, acres, nioioor livs, tcvclkc a i-fs ,«>i«ii to winter ivIuMit ; ploU'_'hiii'_' dui'i' : ijood luiiMiii^'s, i't.\''. Alioui Y mile fniiii I'll shc^rti.n SViil Inn. TliiN is .mo of the host stock and <;i-ain faiiii>! in Iho c'oun- irv. VViiidd ooi'siib'r I'ividiiii; 111,- ho,u> F r furlliii piriioillarB .tpply to -.1. K. C<>U,INS<:N. Cejlon FARM IMPLEMENTS I A^er&ts JFor Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultirators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEN1 AGENT FLESHERTON. Winter Term Opens Jan. 6 Farmers Attention ELLIOTT >.^ Notice to Creditors (^^i//irjJ^^^/ty^ In tho matter of iIh otnte of ,Iohn W. I5eiisiin, lite of tlie Toivnsliip of Artoiucsiii in tin- County of (hey, I'.irinpr, dcpeasod. Notice i.'i 'leroby u'lvioi, pur.siniir lo TrusteH Act anil niiii'ioliiiei.ls llierelo, ibit 111! cieditors .iiul others liivinj >!iiins .•ii;iiiiist t iio e^llle of the said .lidiii W. In'iiscoi, who died on or alou; 'be 8 h d.iy of Auijiist lOl.s, nt in Tiiwnship of .'\rteinesia in lliii Coiiiitv c^f liny are ii'.ioired on or liefcu e tbi'U'ili (lay of UoLiiuli.r, I'.tl.S, lo send by pn.st prepaid or dilivii to Williuo All.ert ilenson or .MeKamler C'ioiumoii of Kii"onia rosU'lliiM', Oot.ario, ixecutcus of the list Will and 'rcstanient of the said .lolin W. llen-ion. diccased, iheir l'!iris. tiaii and Siirnanie.s, Hddre«.sc>s mul descriptions, the full pmlioiibirs of tlicir claims, tlie Ntafemcnt of tlu>ir accoutit.", anil the naliiie of the socuriti, s, if «nv. lielcl by tlii'in. And further I'lko nuiice that ufler such lasliuenlionetl dale Iho said K\- eciitors will proceed to dislributp the asset' of tlio deicifed aninnj! the pHrties entitled • ttierelo, liavin!; rej;iiul i.nly to th,' cliiiun of which they shall ||i,'n liavo notion, and the Miid Dxpculorx will not lie liable for the ("nid assets i.| imy part thereof lo any person in- perNoi.s of whosti elaiir, noliee shall not Iiavf« beoi, recoived by thpin at tlio (iuio of .suili diF-iribution. Dwted the lOih diy of Nov«inlier, A. u I'.ilti â€" WUir.lIT A TKI.FlMU". (•.vi n.Sinind, Ont. Sobcilou for William Albert llensoii and Alexander Cameron, Kxecutorn of ilif> last will r.ii.l t.estamenl of the estate of the said lolih NV. B.his <n, deceased Voiigc and Charles Street?, Totouto Hhh recently !i:>d pos linns lo fill at I $i:'., $14. Sir :ind Sl,'< -k wcik and .^llU a month. i K course here is a sure rv>u!o to a I aood posi' iivi . Wiite today for ,>ur I ( '.ilaloj/ue. W. .1. KLLDTT. Pnivcir.vi. Fleslxerton #- TonsorJal ^^ Parlors We Aim tc> Give Rntire SSiUisfactio LAl'SOKYâ€" lJ.isket closes Mc^nday iiisht, delivery Friday eveni:« CLEANING andDVKlNG- \V» at agents for Parker's Dye V\ crksâ€" Clothoi cleaned »nd dyed, feathers rejuvenatei T FISHER • -PROPRIETOR New Blacksmith Shop At MaxweM 1 am npenins npatnnoe, a blacksmith- in)( and wocMlworkini; hiMiiwss in Max- well, and am ina'allinn np'o date W(>od- WiH'kini; niichineiy. It will In- my en deavor to »ervi> the piihli,; in i .saiisf.jo- toiy nwnner and 1 wuiild solicit pstron- a'.'f. I wtnt yourvroik and will do it rijjht. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG ! Jlake money iu your spare time ' eUiring the comiug Fall aikl Winter â- tnontlis by selling liaidy Canailian nursery .stock. Mritisli and Europc-iii market.' will j be open again for Canadian Fruit and now is tbe time to order for spring I pliintiiig. Largest list of Fruit aad Orna- mcntal Stock. Seed rc'):atoes, etc., srown in Canada, Write for pariiciilara. Stone & Wellington The Ponthill Nur5cries. (Kstablishod 18:?:.) TORONTO - ONTARIO For Quick Sale 'rrop«rly o'f the U'u Dr. W. T. Littl« ! Two heating stove* and drum ; Buggy I and cutter ; Oilcloths ; Folding writioK ! desk ; drivirs horica ; Robes and , harncs.s: Autisuvbile (runabc^ut) ; Co»l ' oil stove, o liiivner- Aj'ply on the premi- ses or to Chaa. Richardson, or Thos. A. I B!»ko(.T, Fleshcrt<>n. ♦ 4 afNa*