Flesherton Advance, 2 Jan 1919, p. 6

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li* rnrst^ U m af M'' >iii«' ii ii« > i "iW i M i TyM ii i iia M 'H t n > BRITAIN TO REPRESENT DOMINIONS AT PEACE CONFERENCE Allies Decide Against Further Intervention in Russia for the Present at Least. A despatch from London says: â€" The Manchester Guardian believes it haa been decidi'd regarJinjc the re- presentation III the Peace Confercn -e that each of the four great powers will probably have five seats at the Conference, but the.se will not neces- sarily alv.ays be ovCiipieil by the same A despatch from Paris says:â€" The Allied flovernments have decided nffaiiist further intervention in Rus- sia, at least for the present, accord- infr to indications from official cir- cles. Great Britain and the United States, it is represented, while re- cn^izinp that Russia .should be as- mcn. The Duminioi; representatives, sisted in a way to permit her getting The Guardian ur.'ieiK lands, will be back to normal conditions, point out in the Gr;uid Conimii'..ce of the Li- that niilitnry intervention on a ter-.'Mlied C^onforcnce, but will pre- : large scale would involve diflficultiea sent their case us small natiyns be- 1 and dangers of all kinds. fore the I'onfercncc, r.nd will, of' Stephen Pichon, the French Foreign j course, be in close touch all the time! Minister, explained the situation at, with the Imperial Cabinet. 'Ihe' length to the Committee on Foreign Guardian further understands that | Relaions. Hj caid ho solution at I Labor will not be asked to nominate ; present favored was to guarantee a representative, but i: Labor m?in ' moral support to the Governments will prubably be asked to go to Paris 'which have sprung up at various to sit on one or moie of the com- poinls on llussian and Siberian ter- mittees. | ritory. SPAIN WANTS ! BOLSHEVIK ARMY GIBRALTAR BACK BEATEN IN URALS Propasal Tiiat Biitaiu he Offered Ceuta in Kxchange. A dttpatch from Paris says: -Dur- ing the rec-int vibic here of Count Uomanones, the Spanish Premier, ex- tended consul! uiions are reported to have been held by the Premiar v,ritli Frenri; and .^mcriian statesmen re- garding the .Moroccan question, which was discusrcd in both its military and financial phases. Tho future status of Gibraltar is sai-.l .i!;:o to have come up for considoralion. On his arrival at J.Iadrid Premier ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY TO SIT AT PEACE TABLE Kepresentativeii of Twenty-Seven Countries Will ("onstitute Membership of Conference â€" Details Keing Arranged. A despatch from Paris says: â€" Tliejand Italy, each have allotted five de- personnel of the Peace Congre is is i legates, while the oth^'r delefc-ations gradually taking form, so that the' will vary fr^m one to fou.- members, American delegates express the hope' according to the size of the country that the delegations of the various] and the interests involved, countries will be announced and that' Word 1ih5 been received that the the delefeale.s wiil arrive for the ac-l Belgian and Pi.rLaguese delegation.-; tual commencement of the negotia- soon will join the representatives of tioiw soflTi sftcTr the opening of the, the United States, v.-ho thus far are new year. , ihe only members of the Peace Cpn"- A number of the main detaiU of thi composition of the Congress are noiv fairly well settled a a result of gres.^ to arrive. The non-arrival of the others has been the subject of comment, the Americans taking the re.-ent conferance.s. These indicate ground that thoy arc here ready to tlint the total membership of the Con- 1 proceed to bu.siness but with the per* gre.<s w.ll be between 100 and 120. isonnel of the Congress not yet an- Tliere will be 27 countries represent- ' nounced. It U understood that Pre.^i- ed by delegations, including those 'dent Wilso.i's visit to England is which declared v/ar and a number ! likely to result in conveying quite which have como into existence as a j definitely the view that it is highly result of the war. desirable that the Congress should The great powers, notably Gre.it!bc put into motion with the leait pos- Britain, France, the United State? sjb'e delay. Disorganized Troop.s Retreating JS'orthward Toward Perm. A despatch from Washington ssyj: â€" Defeat of th.? Bolshevik army on the Ekattiiiiburg front in a decisive battle by an army of loyal Russians wai reported in an oiTicial despatch to the Russian Embassy from the Omsk Government. The nici^age said the disorganized Bobheviki were retreat- ing northward tov.'ard Perm, and that | this was the firat indepemlent action j of moment af;ainbl the Bol.sheviki, and The Canadian Pioneer â€" This is a photograph of the 8.100 ton steamer launched at Vickers yards in Montreal, the first of the fleet being con- structed by the Federal Government. This was taken ju.^t before the ve.- sel wa.s launched; .â- since then Khe has been got ready for sea in record time. She will be operated in connection with the Canadian National Sy-tem of Railways. CAPTIVES PRESSED INTO ARMY Romanoncs is undcrrtood to have . t ^.f ^ campaign that was expected 1 ,,,â- " r"r"'V""r a expressed groat s.-itisfaction over the L^ „„it« .^^^ of the local districts of ! ^^"^ ""'H.' °^ '"'''"'"'' result of h!:, conferences. ^1,3,;^ .,,jj f^iUcrm. Much w ment and booty was captured The Embassy also wa.-; informed | that Attaman Doutoff, Commander i of the Co.ssaek troops of the Oren- i It was reported iv. Pari? on De- cember C3 that Prpminr Romanones planned to return to Paris in the nf>ar future to confer v.-ith allied and Am- erican roxjrc:=entnliv3S over questions vitally concirninj'; Spain. In eonncvt- tlon v.iti) tho status of Gibraltar, it was declared in some quarters that the Rpanifh Pr; the que?tic that country expressing its willin)?- ness, if nece':.-ary, to concede Ceuta, on the Moroo.-an side of tho strait, to Great Pritaiii in exchanee for Cib- raltar, holdir.pr that possession of Ceuta by the British would afford equal str.itcfric advantage in modern warfare. Russian Prisoners From (Jer- many Join BoLshcviki. X despatch from Warsaw says: â€" Russian pri- soners who are making their w.^v â- "'^^''"'P"f homeward through Poland, all of I whom appear to be tainted with Bol- 8he\ism, and are re^'ognized as a <langcr in this respect by tho Polish authorit'es, are in fact already caus- burg rcKion, had asked Gen. Semenoff:; „^^.,, ^^^^^le by their lawless- L? fi'1^! If ^'-"^^^J'^J" °^ ^^'"l""*' ne..s in their -search for food. Kolchak, Dictator of the Omsk Gov- â-  ernment. It was indicated in the lier contemplate<l raising j ^^^,^,^^^5.,^^ .,,^^ j,,^ ^^^^^^ ^f giberia uf Its return to Snain. I ^,p,.p y^ited in support of Kolchak. RKTURNING MONEY *T01,EN FROM FRANCE A despatch from Paris says:â€" The Germans have returned stocks taken from the hanks in northern France amounting to six billion francs. Several safes wcii^hing from five to seven tons each, which th." Germans did not open and are now in Brussels, will be broujfht back shortly to Valen- ciennes. The Bolsheviki are taking ad'van- ta?e of the plight of these first thou- ands of released prisoners, whose PEACE PARLEY MAY BE DELAYED NAVAL PODCY FOR DOMINIONS Admiral Jellicoc V/ill Give Ad- vice on Plan Already Out lined. A despatch from London r.ays: â€" Announcement; that Admiral Jellicos is going to visit the Dominions in turn to advise on naval matters is the subject of free discussion in the Lon WISH TO BECOME ANNEXED TO ITALY Italian Deputies From Redeemed Provinces Present MemoriaL A des^patch from I'ari; says:â€" It- alian deputies of t!;o vfJceDied prov- inces who represented their districts in Vie.nna and Budapest Parliaments and came to Paris ercpressly for tho pur- pose of s'jbmitting their case to the don' prei-s, many papers having art- ' '^ ^â- â€¢Â®^''-'='" Kiisaion. h:ive been received icles dealing with it. The Times m'[}' Col E. M. Ilouse. Through Col. Appt>intment of Delegates Likely !â- - comment seems tc rssumo that "'^•â- ^"'e the deputies pi es.nted .-. lucm-' the whole question of the form of f'^' ro Pres.dent W' ilsor.. The d.-pu- 'â- -â-  are Pitacco for Tri:;s:e, Benpi.tt r,iion, looking , Vr. f â-  .*' ^^"^"-1 *or ?' 'mc, in! ice. It notes """^^^ .'Vrcivci; for Zar.i. The mem- •â- â- â€¢iiiil retitc-s that their cc>iirti-\- ha? to be Announced Within , , ,. .,. , ^, naval activities by the len Day.S. | jg ^nw open for di.scu? A despatch from Paris says: â€" Of-ito the adoption of a policy, DKTACIIMEM1S FROM CRI.MEA TO REINT'DIU E ARMY AT ODES.SA A desprjtch from Odessa says: â€" • The volunteer -irmy which is holding Odessa, under I'rrneh command. Is to^ be increased I'v 'letachmcnts from th^j Crimea. The main force of the re- publican armv- which is now ten miles from Oijessa, is reported to have received reinforcements from Kiev, who came in an armnreil train. More than 200 per.sons were kil'ed in the street battles here on December zollerns^ would produce immediately 18, ft revised count shows. Onp- the sum of 900,000,000 marks, accord- third of there were civilians. Several ing to figur.-s compiled by The Frank- school children were wounded. I fort Nachrichtcn. (icial notification cf the appointment j the prompt attitude with which the of the various delegates to the Peace i Dominions placed their n.ival resour- Conference, it is believed, will comejces at the disposal of the Empire, within ten days, although it is realiz- j hut add?, "that shoujd not obliterate ed that the British delegates may not the fact that the problem of the Do- bo chosen until the elections are out minions shared in British peace times of the way. has not been solved. The broader The coming of the German dele- 1 question of peace control of naval ac- gates is still in an indefinite stage,! cessions in the Dominions can hai-dly while the question of Russian re-j be usefully discussed at a iwcnient total number is estimated at 2,000,- presentation has gone no further than! when the whole balance of sea power 000, and have picket up several : '^'""° informal discussions between throughout the world has been al- thousand of them for their army by|t*>e American commissioner* and; tered." offering the men clothes, food and P"""""'*^"' ^"'^'''^"^ here. Doubts arej That The Times does not appre- money, of the last of which there is|''^-"i? expressed by some diplomatists; ciate the actual situation is made plenty, since the Bolsheviki control j '*>''* '^^e conference actually can be- 1 clear by a public statement of Sir the print'nic presses for the produc-'*^'" 'work the first week of January,! .Tosoph Cook, Minister of the Navy as expected. Some of them are in- clined to think that the first meeting might not be held until February. tiun or rubies. PRINCELY ASSETS OF HOHENZOLLERNS A despatch from Basel says: â€" .Seizure of property owned by the Prussian Royal family (the llohen Rli.SIRICTION.S ON E.XPORTS REMOVEn BY U.S. WAR BOARD NO FEAR OF A COAL FAMINE IN CANADA A despatch from Washington says: j ^ despatch from Ottawa says:- -Sweepin? relaxation of restrictions; The return to peace conditions, and on the exports of foodstuffs, fodders and feed to the Pan-.\merican repul>- ^ 1X9Ah (&ial)l.,li«J-Msy. 1900) PO. o(W«lch - nejidfr- /y NAVAL SIGNAL. Reported by- T.,- PtRiefJ by ~ l.ojt«d by- Tim..- lO^S H iro4/oo. Sta 6/ 1 4. An Historic Moisagro â€" Facsimile of the naval signal sent from tho fjuofili Elizabeth by Sir David Beatty on November lilst, telling of tho aurroiider of tho German fleet. It will become as historic as Nelson's famous mess.jge at Trafalgar. lies, Canada, Cuba and the West In- dies has been announced by Chair- man McComiick, of the War Trade Board. The li.'-.t of exceptions named only whe.Tt and wheat flour, coffee, sugar, corn, butter, cheese, eggs, linseed meal and cake and cotton seed meals and cake. To avoid any misappre- hension as to the supply of these articles to the countries named it was emphasized that practically all of them are ava'lribi; in desired' quj-nti ties through Government channels. more especially the e.xceptionally mild weather so far have greatly lessened the problem of the Fuel Controller. There is now no likelihood of a coal famine this winter, and unless Jan- uary should prove to be a very sever.' month, little difTiculty in pulling through is anticijiated. At the same : time, there is little prospect of any | let up in the restrictions for some time ; at least. The recuiirements of war in- 1 dustries for coal has naturally de- creased greatly or di.^appeared, while for Australia, as follows: "It is fund:iment.<xl to the idea of Emriire naval defence that, thoush the Dominions retain control of thciv shins, there should be a comnh'te standardization of personnel, shin.^ and equipment, and that this should be UD to the level of the best." This statement is in strict keeping with the memorandum adopted by the Domini(Ui Premiers defininar a basic naval policy for the Dominions. a summary of which was frivcn in a former despatch. Lord Jellicoe is thus to advise the Dominion?-, on the basis of policy which has been adop- ! " ted. NEARLY I,.i00.000 FRENCHMEN MADE SUPREME SACRIFICE .\ despatch from Paris says: â€" .\n- the fine weather has not only facili-J nouncement was made in the Cham- I tated production and transportation, ber of Deputies Q-n Thursday by Iron Cross No Credit. RovoliUiiiUS have scant re;.;ard for the Insignia of royal favors. And just as the (',re;it upheaval In I'Vance aboHshcil Ihe ancient and historic Or- but greatly lessoneil consumption. .\ great many people have been able to heat their premises so far with soft coal or wood, leavinjr comparatively intact their allotment of anthracite. No "heatless days" are looked for. " Unless .lanuary proves particularly severe mv worries are about over." re- 1 der of Sunetus Splrltus, jio In the pre- , n,.,rkod Fuel Controller Magrath to- sent crash will fall tluiso marks of , ^j.^y I approval which inodeni Caesars have ' been beHtowiiig on their heroes. Tho Iron Crosy, iiulte a liy-word dur- iuK tU« war, wlU Hoon becoino a mero calalDRUo number in local luuseuiiia, thouKh tho <'(illecti>r will always got it cheap on aciMumt of the ample supply. Doomed also am thn .Vustro.IIuiiKarlan OoUlen Elcfce, and St. Stephen, tho I'rusHlan Order of Merit, with it.s Flench Inscription, the Herman Ulnck Kafile, tho Kuo ("rown of Saxony, tho Family Order of Loyalty of Haden, tho Knightly Order of St. Hubert of Ba- varia, as well as that schismatic-ortho- dox Order of which Itorls, tho ono- month kluK, was head. M. .\braz. Under-Secretary of State. Ihst France's loss in officers and men kil- led up to November 1 of the present year agftreeated 1.071..100. divided as 1".°""" "".'t'.' i ,, ,-.«. .>. .„„> J _ \ Trieste and r u fo ows: Dflieers ;!l,;!(iO, and men t,- , . been for 2.00O yesi-s ItaHa-.i; tbit Trieste has siiff^rad tmdor ."Vusl-.-i.-in oppression for fr-e centuries, a:ul Dal- matia since 1797 has sn>l .nil kinds of persecutio-:s io dofoud its nation-, ulity. The people of th,; aij'-i'Icts, â- s»y,: the neniovial, have fnunl': in all waw fct lialiun indei'endence and pra-tici- pateJ in the uvoseu:, war with 4,000 men. Kescai-ding th<; annexation of Treiitino, Trieste and Istria the .Mem- orial says there is no question that can be raised, but adds thai Fiitme being a free city, similar to Bremen and Lubeck, has the rl^'it to decide its own f.-ovciT.mcnt and any co.'.Jvai-y decision would bo :igai;i,-.t the prin- ciples proclaimed by President Wilson. Fiumo alreaily has shown by a plebis- cite her uolernuriatio.T to bo united wi'.h Italy. Dalniatin ha;; 310 miles of Cfsst, cf which Italy claims less than 100 mile?, coninrisinq; the cities of 7ara, Seben- ico and Sjialato, besides the (jivatesl: part of the Dalmatian Isles. Austrian . statistics, says the mpmorial, show- that tho maiority of the pop-alaticn are Slavs in Spalato and Sebenico. but they are actually as niarkstUy Italinu as tho popul-ition really is prelomin- antly French in those distt-i-.-ts of Al- sace-Lorraine, where Gerni-m sf-;- i tistios shov.- 87 per cent, of the poptila- I tion as Germ;:n. Resides" ihe ports of .VntivarP :ind 'Dulcigno, formerly be- longjnsr to Montenegro, and even^'ii'lly th.it of Scntnri, the districts v.-ill h;ive thc>xcrlb'nt ports of Portorc, Fuccari, Segni, Jletcovich, Raarusa, Grnvosa and the militn-y port of Cntiaro, capj'.ble of sliolloring the entir;* Ttalian armv. Furthci-mprc, it r.ays in con- c'usion that It.i'y is ready to make me free ports for ev<;ry PARLIAMENT OPENING AIIOIT MID-FEBRUARY STILL HOPl' Ottawa â€" Parliament will be called, it is expected, for the second week of February, although the Cabinet has not yet decided on a definite day for the opening. Arranneinents arc be- ing made with the iniiidlc of Febru- ary in view. 040,000. Tho number of dead, prison- j ers and men missing was given as 42,(100 oflVera and l,7KSt,000 men. The 1 men missing aggretratc 3.000 officers , and 311,000 men. The prisoners still 1 living total 8,300 otncers and -138,000 1 men. % 1 ro GET I COLONIES BACK â-  country. .V- LEADERS OF ALLIES AGREE IN PRINCIPLE I .A despatch from Chnumont says: â€" I In his address to the .American sol- I diers on Christmas Pay, President I Wilson said ho did not find in th«i i hearts of the great leaders with whom A despatch from Washington say.i:!^" '^vas co-operating any difference of â€"That the Gennans hope to regain | Principle or of fundamental purpose. tlieir colonies is indicated in a de- 1 ., . ^ spatch from Berno received to-day | through official channels announcinR, ^^n old n.le for cooking sweet corr that Dr. Solts recent resignation re- ,,;,,., ^ „h„i,id 1,^ o,,,,. h„;f «„ 1^,,^, It was firat expected that tho ses- ,. 1 , . .. t. • ,â- ,»â-  ,â€" .- - â- - -â-  â€"â-  Hion would open about the second : r'.'i" ^'i " T T I '"" f'""'" ^^^ ^^^^ »° ^^^ *»"«• ' ,, , that he still retains the post of; . , .... ... Such a course , o > „.• .i._ r^,i.._:.. •v\.:.\ An. addition is to be made to week of January was, h ticable ., retains the post of; . , .... . ^ . , , , . , - I Secretary of tho Colonies. Tim !, -^" .^^''''•''^" " ,*"»'« '""''^ ^<» '»»• was however, found to be >mprac- j^^p^^^^ cuotes Tho Berlin Tageblatt I ^"'â- "^ T,"â„¢;? ' "' ^'''"* *' as authority for the statempnt. !a cost of $100,000. /\ EXrXZO'Cal-XZia'GII- fsMM S/ ^^ - V/HXT

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