Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1919, p. 1

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/kfilj^rtxrti %tmmu* •TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR- PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 32 Festierton, Ont., January 9 IlUO ROCK MILLS f < i; The logs have commenced to come in again. Mr. aod Mrs. I. Smith, Miss Violet and Wesley Suiith attended the memor- ia! service preached at Providence fur the Ute Harold Suiiih and Mrs. Mc Kenzie. Martin Phillips is this week moving his family to hia residence in Fleshert'^>D. Lillian Park returned home Monday after spending a week with relatives in O^en ijound. Mr. and Mrs. E. Binnington and diughter, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Belts, John Hargrave, wife and son, and Mr. and Mrs. Xewel! spent New Years Day a'. Thos. Belt"'. 'Z Bertha White has gone to wurk at Csylon.; Russell Linton visited the past week with his uncles, Fred and £rn Ruisell. Quite a number are hauling lumber to Ceylon for the D.F. Co. Walter FLsher is moving his fimily to their farm on the -llh line and Xed Croft and biide are moving into the house vacated by the former. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Croft to our viciuitv. PROTON The members of Knox Presbyterian church held their annual Cocgiegation.-d meeting on Thursday evening last. Helpful and encouraging reports were read by members of the different branches of the Church woik. The cheers for Church and Stbbath School and the ori;anist were re-elected for the ensuing year, after vxhiih the ladies of the congregation provided a beautiful lunch. We are pleased to see Mrs. Wilson in the post oOice again, but sorry to repoit the serious illness of Mr. Cotbett. Mr. Sam Badgeruw baa moved his family to Mr. Stinson's house lately vacated by Mr. Wyville. Miss Ckra Biunia has reii:ume>) her te'-icher's duties near Toronto ; Miss Ada Achesou returned to her school at Wareham and Miss Marjorie Acheson to North Bay Normal, after spending the holidays at their homes hore. Mr. W»atherall, of Chatsworth, visited his daughter, Mrs. Oeorge Brooks. Mrs. John McConnell, of Dundalk, is visiting her parents here. CEYLON - Miss Bella Harrow, nurse at Buffalo, U visiting her pironts. Mrs. Maxwell »nd little son of Cale don spent the past weeli with Mrs. M. Ferguson. Mrs. Gritliu, Toronto, is visiting her daujjhter, Mrs. Wui. White. Willie Pattisou, Toronto, is visiting his parents here. Miss Myrtle Hemphill returned to Toronto on Monday. Ueorge Arrowsmilh cf McGee, Sask., visited at A. McMuUeu'a Friday last. Mr. Arrowsniith moves his household effects from Durhom this week to his property hoie. We extend a welcome to Mr. ar.4 Mrs. Arrowsmith. Mrs. E. Stone of B. C. and Mrs. Jas. McLeau of New Ontario visited their sister, Mrs. James Pattisou. Mis.s Agnes McPhail returned Satur- day to her school at Nowm»rket. Miss Mary McMullen, after sp<)'>fliug Christmas and New Years holidHys with her'pireuts, returned to Torouto on Siiurday. Dr. and Mrs. Patterson and b«be,after •pending a week with the latter's par> ents, returned Monday to their home in Toronto Capt. Wells Whittaker of Kingston is holidaying at the parental tiome. Miss White of Kock Mills is spending a week at R. Lachlan's. David Adams and briOc arrived home 8alurd.>y night. We c:itond cnugratu- latious. Born- Saturday, Jan. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laiighlin, a daughter. Mrs. JauKi Sargent received word last week that her brother in Edmonton had died oi the iuflueuzk after only a few h'virs' illn??"). PORTLAW A happy New Year to the world. Mrs. Lewis Sheardown is at 'he bed. side of her father, who is ill. Miss Viola Comfaeld and her brother, Murray, were home from Toronto for Christmas. IJuice a number from this part attended the funeral last Thursday in Flesherton uf the late Mrs. MeNally, of Toronto. Deceased was for many years a much respected resident here, and the members of her family have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. David and Jchn Jamieson spent some days at their fnther's home in Toronto. Lewis SheardowQ loat a g<K»d colt last week through iutiammation, and James Hupps lost a horse. A very intere»ting ani helpful watch- night service was he^d in Mount Zion church, when the old year passed out to the strains of sweet music, and the rew year greeted with sorgs of praise. On Tuesday evening last the twa junior Sunday Scbool classes :ind fiiends met at the home of Mrs. J. W. Lyons, when in the name of the sctiool the superintendent, Mrs Thomas Taylor, presented etch pupil with a u«eful gift as a prize for hdeiity in attendance and for number of verses recited. We are glad to report that Mrs. Robert Hill, who has been ill, is improving. Miss Mabel Wauchob, of Proton, is visiting with Miss Lizzie Thomi>son. Mr James Beatty and wife, of Orange Valley, visited last week at the home uf Thomi.s Fletcher. At our annual school meeCiDg Mr. Robert Llar.uah was elected trustee. KIMBERLEY FEVERSHAM J. C. Little spent the holiday with friends here. Miss Mary Jamiesou visited with CoUingwood and Toronto friends last week . Hugh Davidson has returned after 8i:eudiug some time with John Thompson at Agincouvt. Pte. Will Cjl^uetio and wife spent Njw Years with their friends here. Wili returned to Toronto Monday. Miss J oUey has returned after spend- ing the holidays with fiiends at Meaford and Oireu Sound. Hujh Osbor«.e of Nottawa spent Sunday with his brother here. Emerson (>sborne has teturned after a visit with friends in CoUingwood. A load of young r>eople from here spent Friday at Mr. Sam Osborne's at Maiwell. All leport a uo.id time. Wb are sorry to repc.rt Mr. R. J. Colquett on the sick list at present, but hope for his speedy recovery. We are also sorry to report Mr. Robt. Henders>.>n on the «ick hst. Mark Murk Murphy of the 8th I'.ne had the misfortune to lose a valuable colt one day this week. SHELBURNE Postmaster McVauel is nursing a sore wrist these days. While coming out of his residence to go to the post ofiee on the morning of Christm.as day he had the misfurtuue to fall on the sidewalk in such a way as to break a bone lu his right wrist. Putting coal oil on a hro has its dangers. Erie Cook, son of Mr. J. Cook on Second Avenue, has been contiaed to the house for several Jays with a severely burned face in c .>useiiuence of an exper- ience with coal oil and the furnace.â€" Economist. According to a report in the Toioulo papers, the Ontario Government is con. sideriug placing a tax on mail order houses in order to protect merch.-ints in the smaller towns and cities against their competition. At a meeting of the Assessment Comuiutee of the LcKisIature Mr. Pioudf.iot raised the ijuealion and wholesalers present were ui:»ninious in the opinion that the bii? dc(.>ar(mecta1 stores, through their mail order business were diivini^ the smalt merchants in the country teitns out of business. They stated further that the postal service, Py carrying i)arcels at less than cost and paying it out of the carrying of letters, was giving the mail order houses au unfair alvantage Mr. «nd Mrs. J. E. Carruthers, cf Stayner, visited with the latter's sister, Mrs. Flood during the past week. Miss Thelma Wraggelt, of Dundaik, is visiting at present with her sunt, Mrs. G. Hutchinson. The following were elected by accla- mation for police tiuslees fur our village for the ensuiag year : Messrs W. Ellis, Hugh Hammond and rt'm. Stuart. Mrs. B. Graham, of Toronto, visited friends in this vicinity during the past week. We have n jl heard from Power House and Vicinity for ijuite a whili. We miss the news from that viciiiity. Jau.es R. Fawcett spent the New Year holiday with his son, J. H , CoUinuwood. Emerson Bro:i n and wife of Ciarks burg were pleasant callers in town on Fridav l*st. &Ir. and Mt.s. John Fawcett and family ef the Travellers Home sjien: New Years Diy #ith their dau-.'hter, Mrs. t;;harles Uuggard, Clarksbur;; . t->scar M*x*e:l of Saskatchewan re- newed fid a-'tiutinl-iuccs in this part recently. Miss xVudie Wilson of Eugenia vt.-iitod last week with her ni'.ther, Mrs. Wilson of the Vaiiey Road north. Dr. Ego of Markdale wade a proUs- sional vis.c here on Sunday lasc. We were plessed to see the genial face of Harry Thompson of Eist Mounts u in our burg en Saturday last. Harry speut the piist summer in the West, and is looking li.ile and hearty. Fred Stuart of Flesherton was a caller in our burg one d.<y l-tst weok. Victoria Corners vToo late for last, week) Mrs. Milton Bannon entertained Mr and Mrs. Thos. B.knnon and Newton: Mrs. Ma.\ Bannon, Mr. and Mrs. Buskin and Miss Li'hau Buskin, <>f Fleshettan: Mrs. Robinson and .Arthur, of Bethel, for Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Laidlaw rioiced Shtl bourne friends ever Christmas. Mrs. Trotter, of Toi-outo, is visiting at Mr. Laid law's. Mr. and Mrs. Woodlan. of SmithviUe, visited their daughter, Mrs. Chas. Moore, for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. George Moore held their usual Christiu.is gathering on Friday instead of Wednesday, 'i'here were thirty-seven present. Mr and Mrs. George Ludlow entertain- ed a j'dly crowd at their Ludlow Reunion oil Christmis day. Miss Violet Stevens i« home from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Galhigher enter- tained all their family on Christmas day In.i Acheson, infant d.iughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. .-Vcheson, u ill. The young people of Inis lo^e leiigue went to Eugenia (.Monday. Dec 30.) and spent the evening it Mr. Eigle's. .At the school meeting on Thursday Mr. W. Gallagher w^is iippoimed new tiuatee This Week's Items Mr. ,snd .Mrs. John CorWtt celebr'^ted New Years Dey at home, there being present Mr. and Mrs. Weafherall of Dundalk, Mrs. Corbttt's mother and father. Mr. and Mrs. Gassol of Toronti', Mrs. Cori^ott's sister and husband. Mr. CorlH;tt's mother and father and brother Ed., also brother Will, his wii'e and family. lUby Ilia .\che$o:i is improving uiceiy at present. George Ludlow has been visiting the |vist week at Clintt>:i. Mrs. Haines of Kimberlay is visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ludlow. Mr. Wm. Little of 0»en Soun^, when attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Ekin.'', visited also with his brothorinlaw Mr. George Mooro. Card of Thanks We desire !o thank the people of Pricoville for assistance and .sympathy during our late serious bereavement, in the illness of < ur beloved wife and niotltet and illness of other members of the family, also for kind and sympathetic letters from many fiiends. â€" G-.-o. Watson and Family. A Cheery Letter From Dr. Richardson The Advance has received au interest- ing letter from Dr. S. K. Riahardsoa of Toronto, most of which is of sufficient interest to warrant thipassii.g uf it on :i our readers. The Dr. writes lu reply to Christmas greetings sent him : '• It is indeed pleasant to be so remem- bered by any of our friends in dsar old Fleshertun, some of whom it was my custom 10 greet at ChrUtmastide for miny years. Many cf them have, dur- ius; the past four years, had to meet Christmas with the great iiuery, ' How can it be -nerry Christmas for me, when it lacks the cheery greeting, the merry laughter and the tight hearted whistle of hiin who sat in yonder chiir while savory turkey and steaming pudding enhanced the joy and made ail happy snd c rntent at Christm:ts ? ' Some of you have rwen abo<e the cloud that shrouded our Chriistmas. This I know from your replies to the letters I have sent to you while under the cloud. There are many others to whom I would like to have wriiten to fissure them thar He whose adt'entwe celebrate at this season and who taught, 'greater love Qa'.h no man than thi.s. that he lay down hi.-i life for his fr;euds ' and who give his life tir all mankind, will surely urrcet as tluir elder brother all those heroes who have .loue from Flesherton and other dear old borne towns to do their duty in iefence of their homes, their mothers and sillers and wives, and hum«n freedom from tlie woi-sc outburst of evil on earth that history records Many of them will tome day be able to say, like yourself, ' I would njt have had my boy do oiher- w;se.' When I think of the Bellamys, the Benthams, the Buchanans. the Cargoes, the Fishers, the Jamiesons, the Phillips »nd others wtio were at one time members of old No. Co., .'Ust Battalion, and whose sons have made the supreme sscrihce, and when I recall the Mitchells, Thurstous. and others who were not of that Compauj but whose sous have done similarly, I may be pardoned for being proud that 1 com- manded that Company, and to h.i • been brought up in Flesherton. Wii i can rapay tiie debt the neiahborhccd ores to those gallant boys and their honored families .' My own vM«appointmen: at not i>eing able to 2o overseas with my own overseas battery, after having endurance test of the cvturse at the R S C, Kingston, in lai.'i, I wi'l not attempt to describe. It simply sh.-ktteted all my military iihbi- tions. Bu; now these things are (i the p:ts;, and let us all look forward to welcomiuu home our gallant defenders, though our hearts yearn for one who-e gl.-«d, free, heroic spirit soared f^'ui scenes of strife on Flandei-s deias. Xoars cordially. â€" E K. lUCHAUDSUN Clever Bit of Work Colin Cashore was in town over the holiday and returned to Toronto ycs'.-r- day. For some months he his been at Kapujkasing prison eimp, guar<!ing prisoners, and on returning from 'h.>re he brought seme interesting uiemen''>es of the lime spent ihere with the interned aliens, t ne was a model rl ,\ steamer set up complete in a six ouiic^ loitle, the boat being ai<out live inches over -ill, and about 2.^ inches from keel to u>aac. The neck of the bottle is not half an inch in diameter. The boat was made in sections and assembled inside . '.e bottle. A lighthouse is !i!so erected ,ii laud, where tree* are shown and h.ii-os built on lind. The whole is a novel l>it of ingenuity and where shown l:i» attracted much attention â€" Oweii SoiniJ Sun Timoa. Money Makes Money Postm.ijter Thompson 4>ad an interest- ing experience a few days ago whoii a farmer I'vinii near Jarrett. cillod witli a s^ivings bank book which his father, who died three or f >ur years ago, had left ar.d desiretl to draw the amount to his credit. Examination disclosed the fact that the year of the Franco b'lussian war-, away back in 1S70, the father made a deposit of ifX> which for the intervening 48 years had lain at Ottawa undisturbed so far as the depositor was concerned. The book was sent to Ottaw.4 and a computation of j the interest showed something over Si37 I to the credit of the dep.»sitor. This, j afcer certain necessary f janialitios h.^d been couiplied with, was paid over. The experience i* a goi>d iliustratiou of how inouey makes money, even at the low I in'.''re.«t rate. Bates Burial Co- BL>iNt:ft.> .^s r-:i al Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager. Fine Jewelery Come in aud see oar tiue large stock of Jewelery, Watches, Clocks, etc., â€" and wbeu you have seen them ycu will be fare U) bny. Watch repairing a speciahy. A fnll line of Photographic supplies incladlng developing powders, priming frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of Kodaks aud tiUns. Yorkshires â- : Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or write. â€" Gft >. \V. ROSS, Osprey Tel. System. Maiwell. P.O. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, . ONT. LET US SUPPLY *Your Requirements I I I •il^ In any of ihe following lines : ^ yf. Sleighs, Cutlers. X ^ Gasoline Engines, SR J^ Cocksbiut Farm Implements, 3^ 2 Cockshutt v.t Massey Harris repairs. $ W Louden Stable Eijuipnient. ^ ^ Me[otte Cream Separators. ? I I I D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON f fr^-^i^T^-Z^.^ l^iSji^pj Fowl Wanted We are paying for No. 1 fowl. Dry Picked, Heads off â€" Creeseâ€" 26 cts. Duoks -SOcts. Heavy Chickensâ€" 32 ets. Hensâ€" 26 cts. Turkeysâ€" 40 cts. Don*t Forget the Place '<i W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton t*>.* ,» » • * 'Dm * » » â- â-  w w •â€" • •»•»» •••• ••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A g HAPPY NEW YEAR } B •••• •••• !::: Let us forget business while we wish •••• â-  ••* you one and all a very merry Xmas and a happy, prosperous New Year. B B •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• :::: â- â€¢Â«â€¢ •••• THOS. CLAYTON i:J| FLESHERTON, ONTARIO B :::j

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