Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1919, p. 1

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•TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" â€" "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 34 Fcslierton, Ont., l?3 January 1919 ; • DUNDALK A coupU of carload* of hard coal arrived for Dnndalk consumara and the local fuel aituatioD ia in consequeoce Kreafcly relieved. Miu Wionifred SyniDgtoo returns to the Uuieraon School of Oratory, Boston, next Saturday lo resume her studies. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Syming- ton, will accompany her a^ far as Hamilton. Mr. J. Brown. C.P.R. axeut at Elora, has t)eeD appointed to succeed Mr. Joseph Symington as agent at Dundalk . The latter retires on pension after long eervice with the company. The auditor of the Hydro Electric Commission was in town on Mondsy and went over the local Hydro books and found the systam in a gratifying slate, Botwithstandinf; increased expenditures of war time. There was » gross surplus on the year's business of $8.39. 51, which afltr deducting io2.0 as estimated shrink- age in value of plant leaves $514.51 as net surplus for the year. The revenue was as follows : Domestic lisht $ 942 02 Commercial light . S22 35 Commercial power 1772 75 Street 1 ght 744 00 Total g 4281 12 ROCK MILLS KIMBERLEY CEYLON Mr. Joseph Oliver 'nant to Toronto on Monday to meet his soo, Pte. \V. H. Oliver, who arrived on ths Olyiupic. Mrs. George Airowsmilh of McGee, Sask., is visiting his sister, Mrs. Archie McMuUeu. Mrs. VVm. Hislcpof EagentH is visit- ing her brother, George McJxeuzie. Archie Sinclair visited Dundalk friends Saturday. Fred McMuUen of Toronto spent last week with bis parents here. Mrs. George Cairnn xud two children spent the week end with her sister in Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Cuaiiuins have returned from a two weeks' visit with Toronto frieads. Mrs. John McMillan is visitiug with Torento frieads. Marquis Daley and Uyy RutleUs^e l«ft the past week fur their homes at LeCh- bridge. Alberta. Flight Lieut. Murray Legate, Turonlo, visited Ceylon frieudi Friday before leaving for his home in Kdmoutun. Morns Netloy of Markdale was in town ijutarday. We are pleassi to see Capt. VcLaugh- lin able to be about again. Stanley Whiti; of Tocouto is visiting liis parents here. PROTON A nuu'ber from here enjoyed the Sunday School convention held in Dun- dalk on Monday laot. An cfl'ort is being made by the rate- payers in and around this vitlage to secure electric lightiui! in the homes and ou the street. Mr. A. Neilsou was sent to Tocouto last week tu interview the Board ot Directors of the Hydro at the Parli.tnieut buildings and his report on Saturday ni^ht contained much uucour- agiug information. Capt. Wray visited his wife and little dauehter at the home of Mrs. VVray's mother, Mrs. Neilsou, where they have stayed during the Captain's absence at; the front. Mrs. Wray and children leave this week fur their homo in Toronto. At the U.F.O meeting last Thursday January 10, reports were given by some of thd delegates who attended the con- vention ui Toronto. 1919 Automobile Licenses I have received from Uie Depirtuient Automobile markers for 1011), and am therefore prepared to issue same on receipt of application and fee. -GEO. MENZIE8, Issuer for Co. Grey, Owen Sound, Ont. The Methodist choir will soon be appearing in uuifoims. For souio time tbpy have been thinking of surplices, but thore.seciiied to be a bariicr in tho way and tho matter has been put off from time to time. Hark Aimstiong, of Markdale, made a business trip to this part nn Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Will Alcox, of Orange Valley, vi; ited at Rufus Wicken's one day last week. Wm. Harbottle, one uf the most progressive young fanner.' of the East Mountain, underwent an operation for appendecitis n ihe Collingwood hospit^il recently. We aiDcersly trust that Win. will soon be around agaia in b<s usual Mrs. Sam Croft returned home on Thursday after spending a month with her brother at Vandeleur. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs- Charles Hoy in the loss of their youngest son. Charles Newell made a business trip to Markdale on Friday. Misses Nellie and Ida Uadley are at present visiting with lelatives in Toronto Lily Fisher is visiting this week with hei sister, Mrs. Charles Best Mrs. Henry i'hillipa of Toronto is j health, spending a few days with her brotheri | Mrs- vVm. E. Fawcett and Mrs. Isaac Smith. j Alfred Hill visited one day la.st weak Mr. and Mrs. Bert Best of Collingwood [ "'".hMrs. E Gourlay at Epping. have moved to Mr. Atkinsons house.] Marriedâ€" At Thornbury, im WeUues- Wc welcome ^hem to our neighborhood, j day, January 15th, by the Rev St. John Corp- J. L. Shaw of the base hospital. Mr. John Wilson and Miss Verna Turonto, spent a week with friends here. | McConnell. both of Kiniljerley. On Ilerb Belts has gone to Toronto to j *'"day evening last a shower was held at take a position for the winter. j '*** home of the bride. The present", Mrs. James Cargo visited wi;h her"'''''' "^'^ ^'°^^ costly and uumerou,, pareuts here .ne day recently. ^^""^^^ "'« '"«'' '^""^ '" ""'"^ "•'« I young couple aie held. Your c;>rres- Kobei't Phillips, wife and s«n, of !„„,,,„, ; • .. ,i â-  r â-  , . ' I pondent joins witn their umny fiieuda lorunto, are visitini; St li. Hoy's. :„,. ,-. u; .i i j ^ ^ i in wishing them .» lona and prosperous Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited voyage throu<'h life. recently with their uncle E. Binnington, M,, A meeting was held in the public hall a.xweii. (-. , ' on Saturdiiy evening last for the purpose Harold Osborne and lady friund of i ,( „„ â- ,„ „u„.,t ... ,.„ ' or seeing about electing a monument or Feversham visited over tho week endâ- ^^^,^^^ ,^ ^^^ building. The umjoiity with Mr. and Mrs. Ned Croft. â-  j,^^^^,,^ ^^^^^^ ^^ ,^^^^ ,^^ ,^^^^^ A sleigh load of young oeople drove ' scheme. over to Mr. Wilkinson'slone evening last ,' . ,_ . ,, ...... . , . . 1 1 ... I Lome Cornheld. of Marudale, was a week and spent an enji'vable evening ..id . , , . I p.oasant caller in our burg one Jay l»st Spent Two Millions music and games. James Milne has purchased graphonola. PORTLAW week. X young nun from a neighboring village, who has been here on two or three different occasions, will have tc look Sharp or ho won't get a girl. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellis, who have been visiting hieuds in Parry Sound, returned home last week. R. J. Stuart, of Thornbury, waii a ; pleasant caller in our burg on Saturday 'last. 'I Mr. Harry Thompson returned home on Saturday hist, after spending two months in Toronto. Mr. Bdntham, of Flesherton. took eharge of Mount iiion service on Sunday in the absence of Rev. Eagle through illness. Mrs. Moriow, of Dundalk, is visiting t with her sister. Mrs. Win. Taylor. I W. U. Pe-irson, of ftlodesto, Cal., Toronto went into the city to his othce visited the past week at the homo of his ^'^^ ^*y- ^^'hen he was leaving home uncle, T. R. McKenzie. o" ^he morning before Christmas, his Our school, which was under repairs after tho holidays, opened last week with Miss Shuiik again as teacher. A PROGIDY A gentleman living just outside of Mr. Thus. Fletcher made a sale last week of five beef cattlo which netted him the nice sum of $850. Alvitt McKenzie accoiupauied his cousin to Kincardine this week to visit relatives A Ladies' Aid Society was lately I wife said she would like him to bring a banner for her Sunday School { class to u.-ie at an entertHiunient that i evening, but what she did not know yet ! was tho wording and tho size needed. I They agreed that she should send him a ' telegram durini; the day.giviug him these two items. Consequently, l>etore start- ing for home in the afternoon he went to the nearby telegraph otiice and found qui;a an excitement over the nies.sHi;e orgauiied in connection with Mount Zion which had just been received and which church with Mrs J. H. Watson as read : "L'nto us a child is born. Three President. feet wide and si.x feet long." Your Money is Safe in War-Savings Stamps Buy now for $4.00 Selllstdavof 1924 for $5.00 Government Security Your W-S.S. can be rej>istereil to secure you aiiuiusC loss by theft, fire or othe^^vise. Thrift Stamps cost 25 ccats each. Sixteen on a Thrift Card are exchangeable for one War-Savings Stamp.- SOLD ^^TIERE YOU SEE THIS SIGN 18 Amouf! the organizationi operating among the treop*, both at home and abroad, to luiprove their social condition and ameliorate the hardships of war, the Salvation Aivny was the hist in the tield, and it ia ths last ta luake *a appeal fur public dunaiiuns. This orgsniicition, which operate* in ti^l countries aad apeaka 40 lao^uagee, is launching a cuupaitin to raise thruugtiout the Dominion one million dollars to carry on the work among the ti(>opii and to get them back to civil employment. It han adopted the slogan "Kirat to .Aid â€" Last to .Appeal, " lefeiriug to the fact that the Salvaciun Aimy had iti officers and â- oldieis III Bel)(ium un the heels of Lord French's army, that is,on the 18th day of Au!tust,l')l-t, just fourtfen days after the diclaratioii of war, and has stayed with the game till the last without as'cing the public tu make a special donation for the expenses uf the campaign The Canadian public, wliich is to be asked to give a million dollars for the Saivaiioii Army's wnr and leconstructiin vrork, is entitled to know what claim iha Salvaticu Army has for monetary aajist- ance. In the litst place the Army has spent $2,000,000 in war activities. Ileie is a .summary ot the opeialioiis of the Aiuiy directly connected with tha war: â€" Forty rest rjomsjcquipped with papers magazines, writini' ui.iterials, etc. These are for the use of soldiers. Forty-hve motor ambulances in France manned by S:drationista. Ninety-six hostels for use of soldiers and sailors. These are located in France England and Cauada. The Army plan" a wide extension of its string of hostels in Canada. One hundred aud uinety-seveo huts at soldiers' camps. These aie used for reli- gious and social gatherings, and at thete huts the lighting men are able tu buy what extras they require in tho nature of "eats'' at the very lowest lates. Two hundred and ninety eiuhl war orphans cared for. Seven hundred and sixty one Salv^ttion Army Othceti and members devi< .their whole time to woik at the front. Twenty one hundred war widows in the care of the Army. Five thousand, three hundred and seventeen beds in hostels clo.fe to railway slationa and port landings for soliiiers and sailors going to and returning fmm the front. Fifty ineusand Salvation Aiiny Ortioeis and luouibers tiohtipg widi Allied armies. One hundred thousand paicela of foud and clothing distributed among soMIlis and sailors. One hundred thou.saiid woutidid > .I- diets taken frum battlelieliis in Salvati. n Ainiy aiubulances. Thrxe hundred lhous.>»ud soldiers and sailors daily atiund Salvation .-^riny hins. These are but a few of the things tl at ate seen and lecorded. There are ma' y other activities which count for tho Sal- v.itii II Army, but which c-aiinoL be i.iit down in statibtical form. For instance, many soldiers can te 1 us of aoine f»v,.r, scnio blessing, some advice they lu.ve received at the hands of the soldiers onliste.l under the Blood-audFiro Baiiiioi- of the Army. U is a woudeiiu) story of sacrilica and heroism. The boys h.no told us about it in their letters homo. The deeds of the Salvation .-Vrniy are well known and appreciated. lu getting the boys back to civil lite the Salvation .\iiiiy has much work to do. It will hell) many a discouiaged n;;iii onward and upward in the sttuggle tor uxistonccbut tu do tho work that will be open to do, a vtet aiuouiit of money »il' be rtijuired. One inilliuu dollars nil! not be too much. NOT ICE Notice is hereby given thst a Bylaw wai passed by tho Council of tho 'V'llla.,') of FlesliertoL on iho 31.st day of Ueociii- bei', I'.US, providing for the issue of deb-jntures u> the lui.'unt of ?1'A)0, foi the purposti of o.vtensiuiis and improve- ment heretofore made in connootiuu with the Flesheitou Hydro Electric System, and 'o provide for further e.\tensions thereof and to issue debenture.s therefor, and that such By-law was ivgist«red in the Uogistry t^ttioe for South Orey on tha 18th day of January, 1919 Any motion to i|uash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within three numth.s after the first publi- cation of thi'< nutiae and cannot bo made theicifter. Dated the 20th day of .laiuinry, 19l!>. W I, BELLAMY, Clerk. BUSINESS AS rsiAL ,rin6 j6W6i6ry Funeral Directors and i Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. | MOTOR EQUIPMENxiAfttU Hue of Photographic supplie. Come ic and see our fine large stock ofJewelery, Watches, Clocks, etc.,â€" and when you have seeo ibem you vyill be sure to buy. Watch repairiug a speoiahy. r J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks,' Pres. Manager. â-  iucluding developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes ot Kodaks and tilms. Yorkshires I Tamworths Young Stock For Sale ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES --0 â€"•â€"â€"•• m v^. locate For Breeding Purposes '^^ ^' AriTlStrOng -GEO. w. Koss, Jeweler Phone or write. Osprey Tel. System . Maxwell, P.O. FLESHERTON, ONT. LET US SUPPLY Your Requirements ^ In any of the following lines : 2 ^ Sleighs, Cutlers, J ^ Ga.^oliue Eii^^ines, JR ^ Cockshutt Farm Implements, S ^ Cockshutt AL- Massey Harriti repairs^. ^ W Louden Stable Equipment, ^ ^ >Ie[otte Cream Separators. J I D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON f ^^P.^-afej^.^-.S: i r«;^gwr7 Fowl Wanted .We are paying for No. 1 fo>\I, Drv y' Picked, Heads off â€" I Geese â€" 2') ets. Ducksâ€" -jg cts. Heavy Chickensâ€" :J0 cts. liens â€" 26 cts. riirkeysâ€" 40 ct.-^. Don't Forget the Place i W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton ::::::::;::::::H:a;a;::::a;i:ai:::;:::a;«:u I RUBBERS I •••• •••• •••• **" iij: If you want a good wearing rubber tor uieu, women llii :::: or children come to this store. We have the old jiji reliable Maltese Cro.ss Brand of rubbers. lili •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• â- â€¢â€¢Â« ill Suit Cases and Trunks I ill If in need of a ^Suil Case or Trunk call i| ::: and gat want supplied. ui • •• • •• ••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• • ••• THOS. CLAYTON :::: •••• •••• ••••• FLESHERTON, ONTARIO :::: •••• •••• _ _ ;•••*

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