Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1919, p. 2

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Baying a Packet oS Is not a gamble, but a sure thirg that you arc getting the greatest possible Quality and Value to the limit of your expenditure. XI-5Y » IT^e b5.) TWO BIIUON ! CANADIAN WAR DAMACE TO POLAND PIQURES EXHIBIT DURING ITS OCCUPATION BY THE GERMANS. Industrial Life Is Extii'.ct and Ravaged Country Will Have Hard Struggle to Start Again. PoUliuI v.-as stripped of nil mr.teri.Tls iiiKl ni!ir-ii!iieiy during the Cerniuii oc- cupHtlon whU h erftlrd on Novninber 11. Ou thiit day ii few ttiuuHiind soldleis of tho I'olish I.cgloii, aided by the popiiliitlon of \V:irsaw, disiiimed more than 20,000 Oorman : (ddlern who had .â- irraiigt'd a revolt ogaiiiHt Ihnlr own officers. All food and all telcphono wires were removed by the Germans. All In- dustrial planta were robbed and dl.s- niaiitlcJ. with the result that Poland will h:jve a hard Job to start In again even if linancla iiud political condi- tions wf-ro of the best, observers say ARTISTS HAVE PART IN CONFLICT record!:d OUR Every Phase of Can.idD's War Activity From Start to Finish Is Depicted. Hon^titoa UiaUa Coaucasr by â- pecltl aizaaftmslit wHb Tiios. AU«» Toionto CopyrlsiJ CHAPTER XXXVI.â€" (Cont'd.) nealiuK with the c.thibiliou of Ciina- dian war pictures which opened ."t the l?oyal Academy of Arts, Londim, on ; January 4. a contrlliutor to the I'all ' "I (i'on't want you to try; I want it ju3l to bubble out of you, as it once "I'm cei'tairtiy lucky to oc-ine in od a story iko this," tm'j'i Brid«weM, "Has-e you thoug'ht at aiil about tJw morvey that's to changie hirirjdis?" ,,,^ -1, ^ -, ni , 'I "Not partifuUrly. Whyl" «.,'t."-!'t^V'? "^''f *:^ ^ '^ 7^"r "Wouldn't it be a KO'od idea f(» Vail Oazotfo <,av, it w-,", a unioue I ^^'^v?""'^^^''' ^'"^ -^Po""' ,'"«»"-^^ly7,. , ! 'he Stanoard to furnish iih^ womar .\iaii (jjzoiro says it wm-s a unique i â- â€¢No"?/, Jerry, don t caH youra&lf O.d; thit vou ami J can identiiTy it?" •TeiM monej , ' \j. -L <• 1 ,-v IV ! except what you or Mr. Brl-devreM her '-It;; quality of f.ubbiing jaith- , ^^,:,, j,^„,jj ^e:- to-morrow. You'll er than of taithfulne'is wr.s v-tiai 1 ha.'l in mind' to emujii« one.s, have risen gloriously to the task sot by their Ooveniment whon it took them out to the trenche.j in France and Flanders. From the landing of the "Now that's tlie way I like to have you talk, .Jcrryhim." She rewarJ- Waehing Without Worrying. Next to high prices as a topic fnr conversation, the scai-city of labor takes rank. C^onipetcnt farm labor, always hard to pccuro, has about reached the vanishing point so far as the fields are concerned jnd tile housekeeper no longer even dreams of getting her washing done, to say nothing securing other help. The work is all up to the house-mother, and she must "live or die, sink or swim, survive or perish," unaided by huiian I'ands. The situation in the cities is the same. Employment bun-aui long ago hung out the "No nomostic Help" sign. There are no girls seek- ing donie.-itie employment, with fac- tories offering three times the wages. Housekeepers in the towns have for some time been facing the .situation and adjusting their lives to the change. Their solution of the ques- tion is one which many farm women can adopt â€" power applianiea to do much of the work formerly done by hand. Motor pov.-er washing nia- 1 bines have forever supplanted the washv.oman in hundreds of homes. They are always on the job, never with rinsing water and lines got ready. You will not sit down while the washing is on. Also, if the clotlies wind around the wringer or you try to put too thick a garment through â€" well, your machine is like- ly to stop in tho middle of the wash- ing, and you must wait for someone who understands its internal work- ings to set it going. Care In feed- ing the wringer makes this unneces- sary, however. And, to boil or not to boil, is another question. Most that first 33,000 men ut Plymouth to the | ed bim by perching on his knee ami capture of Mons on the last day of the putting an arm round his nack. "Oh, Discussing the economic situation In j war, no phase of Canada's war activity I can be so j>wc*t to you when you're Poland, Htanlslau Larlowski, director i has been noglected, | nic«, and so horrid when you'i« There are nearly 100 paintings Illus- ^â- 'i'l^- of tho Commercial Bank, of Warsaw, said to the corre.spondent: "It will take noariy $2,000,000,000 to repair the damage done In the German occupation and to put us on our feet properly and to develop our great j natural resources Our oil products j canvas by Major Richard Jock, A.ll.A . return 500,000,000 marks annually and I "The Second Rattle of Ypres." Major we are rich In coal and salt mines, pot- j Jock has also a fine painting of "The ash, forests and agricultural products. | Battle of Vlmy Itldge." In the same "At the present time the economic i way the historic Canadian battles are situation is confused because Russian • dealt with each In their turn. Reglna rubles, Austrian crowns and German ! Trench, the taking of Courcelette and have to he preity circur.ispect, entar- ing arjd iiecivintf that hoi.se; you dont^- \va.nt to have Dclan get wind of yoat p'anj and a!i?appoin!t you." "He's pretty st^f-ccnfukirjl â€" next likeily to take more duaiii ordiinairy p'reaautionj," Jeary sawi. "But we'il be careful." Lata that afternoon Jerry, Shee- were to conceal Unan selves; leaving the closet door ajaT, thsy coiiiid, hear withiout .seeing cr being soen. The woman was to get the Cl'.iii'f lirato ths The marks , so on, and then the Arras-Cambral agents say it is not necessary ^ good soap pov/der, scalding water and marks are In circulation sun are all you need. Personally, jjare a heritage of the German occupa- I road is shown, along which the Cana- â-  prefer boiling. Wristbands and tion. In April, 1917, the Germans Is-! dlans are seen streaming after three soiled spots do not need to be rubbed |Hued 2,000,000,000 marks which tl^ey I months of Incessant battle to the bit- on the board if you use sufficient care Soap all these spots carefully and let the clothes soak over night. If the spots show when they come out of the tub, soap them again and wash a second lime. Only on rare occasions will you need to lub them. Cliara Arnn'trooig â€" die's a young frieml of mine â€" she told me I'd bat- ter e^e you." The woman was agi- tated, ttr.d kept g'.uncing up and down th« 9tre«t appvehensive.y. She was ,,^^ ^^^^^ ,puEj;-n,g the meney to' rot a yo'jng woman; -he mig^it have ^^ j„ ^^.t room a hrgh-'oacked been pi-et-.y once. Cb.ra Ai-m.^tronc; ^..j^ ^,_ ^^^^. , ,,^,,,. ^^^,^^ ^^^^ anJ a few o'lher young pirjs lived w;J. f^,^^ ^ hiding-p.'jace for BTOdtnvedi, ^uf- '1 '?l " ''"7 J'.'u''' T!!f'"'" if he got d^^v-n behind it or, hij hand* able sort of h^u-e but tb- exftortion j^^,,, ^^^^^^ ^ha woman was ajl a'one was too much for her. Cn:ef E>oaan -^ ^^^^ ^^ ,,,j,g expLVncd that she kei>t coming down cm nsr every lit- . . *- . beans, H Thrift Recipes. Leftover Beans. â€" 1 cup c^jp .stewed tomato. Salt and pep- pei' and a teaspoon of grated onion. The onion and , . I ^, - ,^ ,. - 1 .1 .L. „ » had got r'd of the oth;T occupanlta The Issue was ter fight for Cambral, whence they J;'« w'ttLe, and now, rather than meet ^^. tg,;-,.;^^. them thct the poliice had r.cl'fied he<r to expa<st a jwud withm the next two days. At four o'clock tho ne.-ct aftemoan to liat a nasty man punished, he was such brute; she was mad enough so that je^y 'and "shwivnn'a'iTiv^lVa ifce was wiLin,K to take some punish- jn^^^utes I'aiter came nrid«t^-eiil. late, quiet, efficient, courteous ifjHeat thoroughly. The onion treated well, never demand a tenj '""^""^^ should I.* cooked for ten mi o'clock lunch, and don't tear the ""'-^•' ^'^'°^' ciothes. The electric machine is perhaps most convenient if you have electric power, but it is by no mean.H theif^at only thing. Tliere are water power machines, dog power machines, a working out of the old familiar treadmill, where your huuseliold pet furnishes the power which does your washing, and mrichincs which arc run by the gas engine. As to types of machines, they are legion. The best knowh are the cyiinder machines whera dollies are put in a cylinder called Polish marks. ... ...... .„. „. „„„...,„ ,...„. made through a special bank with the \ passed to their last engagement which his last demai-d, â- '*h« was gong announcement that after two years | culminated In the triumphal entry Into 'I"'*' ^^"* *^* ''"°"''' ^'^' '^ '^* '''"' Poli.ih marks should bo redeemed by ; .Mons. German marks. By this scheme the j Many Beautiful Portraits. Germa.n llolchsbank was not compel- Apart from the actual fighting how- ' me^Jt herself If she had to, so long led to Issue extra money and, there- ! over, the paintings give a comprehcn- *« »he could -get him punished too, tore did not Injure Its own credit. | sivo view of every other phase of ^''-'ara Armstrong had told her that r.2l l'" ''-''T />!"''' I'l' '^T"? â- â€¢Â«- i ^'an-'^'i'^'n war activity overseas, the ,« tL A '; , â- â€¢"'^•« n» l';^"! ten- , forestry Corps, which has provided fn R„ l.n „ 'Tm f '^«P\«"/"«f"''le timber for the armies of four nations; m RuBsIa an.l Gal tela and also Intro- (,.« famous Railway troops, which of- . . 11 1 !i 1-. .ial>ly the franc ter or mdk and a small quantity of and seasoningsâ€" "2 cups diced! Must Win World's Contldsnce. First we must establish rmstrong had told her that Officer Dono.hue and the Department had not been on gccd terms, and so sihe w^a.s c-onfiding in him. She had been ordered to hand over five hun- dred dollars n currency to Do' an day after to-morrow. He wai to call at her houta for the monsy. Couldn't the beans are added. the Chief when he receuvod it? Jerry questioned her for a long for the three Po.ands. • ^J ^Z^^rlt'T \". T '""'- ^^^^1^^^'^'^ ^^^ IiBh Channel, some of which were ^^ yfc\M then tell her what to do. the hospitals cups grat- ed carrots, 1 cup bread crumb."?, ',z cup milk, l-I! cuo gratod cheese, I table- alt, pepper, and milk and cook for manned exclusively by Canadian crews. There is a splendid collection of portraits. Interesting personalities Kuch ai: Sir Robert liorden. Sir George I'erley, Princess Patricia of Connaught season. ngs-^i cups ' cooke<l potatoes, 1 cup diced cooked "First we must establish a sound carrots, 1 cup diced cooked turnips,! Kovernment which will have tho con- '-. cup grated cheese. llilence of the outside world. Any gov- Lscalloped Carrof.s. â€" 12 cups grat- ornment tnust have money to run It- ^_._ suit, but it cannot get money without j and Lady Drummond. who labored°80 confidence. When Buch n government ! unceasingly for the Clanadiau Red spoon fat, vi; teaspoon salt, pepper j 's established we will put out foreign ' Cross. There are also portraits of to taste. Couk the grated carrots ^ 'oans for tho purpose of buying ni:i- i many members ot the Canadian high in a double lioiler until tender. Add; terlals and starting up factories. It Is ' command and a whole gallery of even neei'SBury lor us (o obtain loans ' Canadians who have won the Victoria ill order to buy clothes; also machin- Cross, ery and locomotives. Everything In the country must bo rebuilt along now few He gays ths women five huTiilred' dalilars in five packsts of ten-dol'nr bjll's; he showed Jerry and Sheehan the letter "F" written in a fine hni'd on th» middle of 'the topm^cist b'ViV! of thifr, packeits. "It's written on evti-y biU,"- said Bridewe'il. "Mr. FiiriV.y wnt tt' on and standa rs.'.oy to identify his writing." When at iasit the dc-wbe-'il rang, the men m*ivei2.''-'ly took their places. InsMs tbo cl:os»»t Jerry stooid r.'sarest the d-oiv; . Shec-han was be- hind him 'caning over h,'s sfoou'lder. They heard the \yaman fay, "Weill, I've gwt ilt for you, Chief brt I don't know how we're a'.i! g^'lng to 'liive frotn now till electioin." She led him into the paTi-or whil's vice from Roger Tra.,k was disap-; The" Chief w«8 in a good-hximowd po,.Tited. lra^=k, he fomid, was out ^^^^ ^:^ collections hid been pros- CHAPTEP. UCXXVIL Jerry's expectation of getting ad- 1 which revolves through a tub of hot five minutes. I'lace in a bailing dish suds. ' ."prinkle with grated cheese, cover Whatever Uie type or whutevor the! with the crulnh.^ to which has been power employed, the power machine added the molted fat. Brown in the is tiomething which every v/onian who oven. fan nrt'ord it should buy. The wringer Corn and Chce.se. â€" ;; cups corn, T is al.--o operated by the same power Kup celery, I cup buttered crumbs, 1 which wa.-hes the clothes, so that the teaspoon sail liarde.-;t part of washing is carrying cup hot milk the wet clothes out to dry. Not! celery in layers with salt. .\dd hot only do you .save muscle, but you i milk and melted fat. Cover with THE ART OF ABDICATION '-' tablespoons fat, Va Arrange com and lines "The Germans transported home all .fhere Are Many Instances of Royalty the machinery from tho industrial city ! .... „ .> "-"'"^e!, oi Kojaity of Kallrz and then set lire to the city, i """ *^"'* ^"^"' Thrones. This was one ot their great crimes in i History affords King Ferdinand 1914. They did this although there of Bulgaria many precedents in the case whsn ho'd heard all the facts.' was no battle fought there. They , art of abdication, but few have ever ' "If you did that, mos; likely no- of town for two days. He would have to determine for himse'-f what action he .should take. He got Shcehan on the telephone at Staiion 10, suid made an appointment to meet him during thair iuntli hour. Sheehan listened attentively while Jerry repeated ths woman's story. "Wall," Shaehivn .saild, "what did you think of doing?" "There are two or three things I might do," Jerry anjw^red. "I bup- poio the mo.st obviows wouM be to take the woman to tli3 Policv Com- m.'i-itO'ner and let him a'eal with the save tims. Could you for instance, wash nineteen blankets in the old vay in one forenoon and go to a pic- nic in tlie aflernuoii? This is what buttered crumbs and bake 20 minutes. Warmed Over Beans With Cheese. --Make a cup of white sauce and add two table.-jpoons of grilled cheese. farm woman did. Anolhor on' Add the same to tiie beans and' heat one I he .same day did a two weeks' wash- ing for a family of .-i.\, and threv.' in two blankets and the curtains for trterity windows, tlien baked and put up her picnic lunch, and was an fresh 11.9 u dqijy in 'the afternoon. The machine cannot perform mira- cles, however. Do not think for a minute that tl.cy are going In do the washing while you sit upstairs and read a book, as the advertisements picture tlie preity lady. They are like any machine- they must be op- erated. Star'h must be made. drov<> out the people by bombing the city and then robbed it metliodically. "The Germans also roquisitloned all till! factories and machinery in Lndz, It. The Com- j mir3;rioner wuiiits Th.. mn=f ..o^....i, ,11 I » 1 ' he'll do it only if tho Ma.xAvell-Dolan :,.„.f„. . '*:"l".';^/''':,''°'""!"::?; ".''â-  outSt win the election. He'd prob- resigned their thrones except under , *^.?"? w°i'-<i '^\"^^^ »( "" , .-"'f ,'-""'- Sheehan waited, in ordc ,„,.. •''•'\,^J:'^,J::^J^^^^^:1 time to button 'the money inside his compulsion. have to get on wiith a few liess s'iilik pettieoai;3 and ling5Tie; you foilks are too liixuricua in your habits." "I wonder whiat vou do with all the money you raise thi's way." said the woman in the cajoling manner of whiifh she was pa.st roiustre'se. "Well, we've get to uso a lot of iit to elect a mayor who'll be good to you follcs." repHci the Chief.' "I certainly wisli you s.unce.'^s in that. â€" Here it is Chief,â€" ^cne, two, thu'e, fr.ur, five hur-ared, plf in temf doli.ir b'lls. Is that right?" "Th.ut's right." Just a moment longer Jerry and r to give hdm ccat. Then Jerry flung the dtvset thoroughly. This is a good sub- .â- â- tiliite for meat. Cod en Casserole. To prepare this disli take a one and a half pound slice of cod and remove the skin. Place it ill a ccsscrolu of ample size and pour ill half a pint of boiling stock. Cover and liriiig to a boil again. Then look quite gently for about an hour and thirty minutes. Strain off the stock. A lid a quarter of a pint of stewed Spanish onion and tomato mi.xed, salt, pcpjier, a pinch of sugar and a du.st of cayenne. Meat, stir ilothf.-s fed to til'- wringer, lulj.s filled j wt-ll, pour over the ti;-h and serve A SKA SliCRKT REVEALED Klicwing I lie iniinnrlal Spirit of llic British .Navy. 'i lie Navy begins to rciiiler up its secrets to the curious eyes of the civilian, says the London Times. Tho "Q" boat Suffolk Coast has roachcii St. Kalherinc's Dock, and the public will be allowed to go over her, at the price of a small fee for the benefit of naval chariiie.-. Here contrlvunce.<! for deception allied with deadliness will surely interest and instruct crowds .so long as she is in the Thame.". But n^^Q liHti a deeper fascination than that, for within h>r lurks the newest in- rarnation ot the immortal spirit of tho Navy. In the spring of 11)17 when the I' boats began to sink toii- j.Rge sit a deadly rate, the Navy turn- «>d to devise defences against the Dew ilangcr. The "<4" boats were an important part of them, Gmbodiments I to certain destruction. For this the olTicers and mcii of the Kavy scrambl- , I P(l in hot rivalry. Through tliis they went, and, having gone, went eagerly again. Their sliip.s were sunk under 1 them, but thi.y caiod not at all, so I the tlie U-boats were destroyed. I The Suffolk Cioast herself is a ship I newly converted to this service, but I most of her crew have .served with ; their oommaiidcr in three of these i"spe(ial service" ship.i. The inimedi- I ato predeces.ior of the. Suffolk Coast ' â€" the .Stock Force -:;ank under her crew wlieii they hiid wailed fifty min- utes after being torpedoed for the chance of sinking the li-boat that rewarded them at lust. The story has been told. The men of other "Q" boats were not so fortunate. Tiiey disappeared and left no trace. The sea that robbed them of their reward holds immortal their unavailing valor. These arc the chances of Sea .Service. The spirit of the men who took them Willi delightâ€" that stiirit has wrought favor of her cousin and went to volf â- th'ihV'of\h''^?'" Thoy took by requisition every. I ^^T' '"^'r''' "^^ '"'" «"*«:'^<^ '" l^e L=.tiV> to Di^lan " and^Maxweld and floorings from tho factories. "They stole our vegetables and our fnills thing they wanted "W'hilo they did not rob our banks, •1)11 the third day (j^ the occupation of WiiiHaw In 1915, tho director ot the Deutsche Haiili of Uerliii came to mo ami demuiuled my cash balance of Imbli'S, I ho surrender of whleli, ho con- tended, would regulate oiir debts to Ills bank. The (Icrmaii.i did tho same [ thing in Rmiiiiaiiiii afttM' the Trer.ty of, Buchnrosl. "II will take $200,000,000 to recon- struct us industrially without counting i tliB otiusr Mums wo must spend gradual- 'â-  ly tor improving the railways and tho ciities and reluiilding houses ruined in the course of the war." by her high ofTicc, she .co.s..tu m , , ^- . . , ^ v ,. , Now what do The Standard's ,,„ .. _ .- aill an Amazon. Latter she ; right. How about the Standai-d's I settled in Paris. j getting in on it and having witnesisies ! The desire to resign seems to have ' of its ownthere when Dolan is i returned , ill later years, for she tried '^"^f-'^t? â- i-y snapped handcuffs on his wrist (To be continued.) Yukon Fish Statistics. The Yukon Territory during the Thore'd' be no chance tlien year 1910-17 produced fish valued at $tiO,2lO, principally silmun, v/hitefish near the and trout, according to the report of enthu- the Fi;;heries Branch, Department of* their own choice are not ahviiys af- ' ;ubii'ciiv, pl'^'ty of iV'aHerCvWr.S^ ^''''f ^"Z'""' '^''f'J ^f l^f'fi' lowed to enjoy freedom from the that'&' the thing. If it can bo man- ,"''•'''* "",'' ^f^"" ^"^'^^d at $12,437 burdens of government. Philip V., | aged." , n w'cre used and 243 men were employed the founder of the Bourbon dynasty! "Will you back me upâ€" fnelp me to »" the Yukon fishery. in Spain, was a nervous and gloomy "^'^.'j? ^^ ,'J''''**^''' , cu ,\ ,. man, much tormented by religious _}-:iy^^,r::^ ^^ t^T^f^ ^If^'l British Boys' Shewing. to recover her own kingdom and made ''^ hushing the thing up." a bid for the thronb of Poland. > . ".^'"i'Y >',?" ^f ^,1 ^^^^^ .1!^* Ti„( «„«., n.,„. I 1 J- 1 1 bright idea, said Shet'han With < But even kings who abdicate by J j>,„,. upi.^ty of witnesses, scniplcs, and he found life Ot the a(1apt.ibility and ingenuity of ^''''^'y f***" ^'"^ ^"'l'*' ^'^ """I"''" men. the Sea Service. But tho heart of their .^uocees was not in their impene- trable disguise;!. Men clamored to be (illov.-ed to go to ?cu in them. To go to sea in them meant the luring of the Il-bont by an elaborate pretence The w.'imen of Iceland recently celebrated the third year of their enfranchisement. A wave of popularity for things of ilefen-elessnesa; endurance of shell , western in sweeping over tho whole fire, and e-. en iif beii.g torpedoed; long i of China, and with the cessation of Vfiiting motionless. In a sinking ship, ' war there may be expected to be liil the U-boat rommamier should ul huge demands for all sorts of for- last be cfci-tain that his victim had eign machinery, building materials DO sting and should expose his craft | and equipments generally. A French Peasant. Kacli week, In rain or ahlnc, she trud- ges out To that green little graveyard by tho sea. Where rests her .lean. She tidies ten- derly His wooden cross, repeats a prayer de- vout, Then, cheerily, .she chats to him .tbout The himplp IntciestH of every day: The now-born t.iU, tho apple crop, the hay, .Since ot his pri arncc there she holds no doubt. And who shall say they do not hover near - The wistful souls ot those who died for Franco â€" Keeping their women bravo through want and fenr. Transcending death to bring deliver- ance To lives for whom their added strength shall 1)0 The power that wins a holy victory. "There l.i no Injautifier of com- plexion, or form, or behavior like the wish to scatter joy around us." â€" Emer£on. .„..,, , , . , "^ K'"K It was not difficult to get access I -'\s shown by the report of the of Spain intolerable. At th« age of to the privata office of Mr. Finlay, ' Cliief Inspector of the British Immi- 40, and in the 24th year of his reign, tha publisher of the Standard. He grant Children and Receiving Home, in order to look alter "the affairs of was a mi'n with s.indy beard', ac- the total enlistment of immigrant his soul. he_rcs.gned the crown of m.. no nose, and keen b.ue eyes; he j ;„ tj,g ^^^^^dian forces equals Spain and the-*i(lies in favor of his f-J h.« large ea.paWe hands nervous- , ^j- ""^ eldest son, Don Luis, who was at that t^ '^"^K '^'^1 .( "^'th aiong the arms of , „ ,,„ i„„ ^ „.^.^"^ time only K! years of age. i ^'f chair x^hile Jerry tatked. „ , ,, . ... r.. .^, ... I If we can pu.l th's thing off, he But the ^eace that King Phdip exclaimed when Jerry had fiiv^shed, had hoped tor lasted barely seven "it will be the greatest sitroke for month?. The young king was at- good government in this place â€" tacked by sniallpox, and died at the '«hy, it will me^n the end of that end of that period. Before his death Young Turk crowd ithait's got ho-'jd of j hieeds, however, he h-ul made an act of re- '^" '^'•'â- J' machine. Wa'W beat 'em all. trocession of the crown to his father '^â„¢T Maxwo.l down. Now we don't , , .u oo . """\ . want to make any fa.iie moves. What who for another 22 years bore unwil- ,in,e has Do^'an lingly the heavy load of kingship tha money?" which he hacV so unsuccessfullv at- ot all the boya who came to Canada. The pendulum in New Zealaiwi sheep breeding is reported to be swinging in favor of tho Down St for handing oveT tempted to throw off. The Berlin Ghost Ile'.s to be there for it between five an! ?ix to-morrow. I'm going round at five this afternoon to make thi preCrminaiy arr?.r:gcmcnfc3. It I ,1 ..«;u-. TIM 11 • .1. might be weM for you lo ccme with Is tho White Lady walking these mo or fwd s.omo man you can de- j momentous night in tho Palace of rrnJ on who will be thw-e to-nicTTO-w I Berlin? .Always, says tradition, when as a wiitneia." » | a HohenzoUern is t* die or some Fii ".ay rang and toM the boy who cat.<vstrophe is overshadowing the family, tho "Weine Dame" is to be cncomitered in tho corridors of the Royal Palace, and more than once she vi iponded ito mini in Mr. Bi.'dieiwieill. "He's the b€5t re-potver v,-i have," ! R'n'ay tald to J err v. ".\hyiolute'ly :.afe, and keeps h's lieal." | has been known to speak r.nd an- fai'r-h.iir younp man, with a pleasant nounco the coming doom. One can smil?. ka F;nlay outlined fhe p.lot imntciiU! tho White T.ady'tf satisfac- to him, a glint of eagcrncs.! »nd ex- tion in her taiik, for in real lifeâ€" so fitement wme iivl-j his eyej. ! the stoi-y goesâ€".shs was the Countes.s "PP^t'' ',*<>f<'"^e thinks that you Agnes of Orlam-.uulc. whom a former ='1''' *»« ''â- '*"' ^"«'; ^R '''^^T" ^^^ l^^'* ,, , „ t, • i„-v 1 1- • atterncon «Tid ict the stage for the Hohen:-.ollc»-n ha., bricked up ahve in p.-ocoedin.ffs to-morrow," Pintey oott- , vault. Stocks Purchased by our PARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN enables investors to become the owner of selected standard se- curities â€" (stocks or bonds) without making any large out- lay, payment being made by easy monthly Instalments, Just as much as you can comfortably, save from your regular earnings. This method provides an attrac- tive plan of stock purchase, and l3 fully explained In our Interest- ing hooklet entitled Saving by the Partial Payment P!an." Write for a free copy. H.M. Connolly & Co. 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