Flesherton Advance, 23 Jan 1919, p. 8

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Jannar? 23 1919 THE FLESHERrON ADVANCE •4 Financial Statement OF THE Osprey Farmers' Milling Co., Ltd. From Jan- lit to D«c. 3I«I 1918, Inclutive Receipts Cwb ou h*iid M p«r Uat Hudit 9 2624 28 SalM in gritt mill . SK)55 5« Chopping in null 260U 58 «>n DoUi accouut 28 80 Mi««eUaneuu« receipt* ... 121 84 I U.'ISV 7*! ToUl R^ceipM Expenditure Miller's wagM ; | <>r? :W AtBlRtant iiiillerV wai;ua 642 6<> Priuting, iwiUgo and »Utioiiery ?â- '< 07 Reiit of ball 4 (W Teaming 100 9'.t For wheat 5283 70 For Oftta, Barley, etc 1088 40 Telephone account .... , '. 3 45 Statutory fee 2 00 Municipal tax 135 20 Lake ishippers Clearance Association tax 1J2 06 Fir* insurance ' 130 00 â- Repiiirs to mill 502 C'i Freight nnJ express ' , "9 27 MiscellancouM acci'untK 127 40 Dividend No. 6 047 50 Gener;d accuuuiN C65 45 Auditors 30 00 Secretary -Treasurer ;M)0 00 Directors .. 45 00 Workmen's Comixnsation Act 22 08 IJa'anee on hand Dec. 3l8t, 1!"18 3406 .37 Total $ 14330 7*1 ASSETS & LIABILITIES Assets Stock in grist mill, Deuemljer 31, 1018 (est) $ 4055 25 Outstanding liook accounts 1748 05 Note* receivable 210 18 Cash on hand Dec. Slat, 1918 :hOo 37 Mill and real estate (est.) 0000 00 Ck> to Fmnce "For the Rld«.'* History relate* that; There wan a young fellow named Hyde, Who once at a funeral waa spied; When asked who was dead He Just nodded and said: "I don't know; I Just came for the ride!" L«aTiDg out the many well-inten- tioned and loyal people who hare come to do real good practical work over here, it seems to us that a good many of our fellow-countrymen â€" some in skirts, and some eyen In khaki â€" "just came for the ride," â- ays a writer with our Expeditionary Force. What they are doing oyer here Is beyond us. They speak vaguely of "uplift," of "investifatlon," or "co- ordinating branches," and some eren more braienly speak of "getting at- mosphere"; nothing more. Some â€" we will let the reader guess the gen- der â€" are as naive as to exclaim: "Why, didn't you know that France is all the rage this year? Everybody is coming over!" If that "everybody" referred to the army, all would be well; but we rather imagine that the young lady â€" ^you guessed it â€" who employed the word has reference to "everybody worth while," or "everybody in our set." Now, while "everybody worth while" or "everybody In our set" have their uses â€" when in khaki, tot- ing a gun or an automatic, or (in case of the ladies) working in the hospitals or canteensâ€" we don't see how they can be so very useful if they approach the war In that spirit. People who come over to Franco without definite, concrete, telling work planned out ahead of them, people who merely drift over hero because "it's the thing to do," are really hindering the cause more than they are helping it. We are cheerfully foregoing a lot of expected parcels from home be- cause we are told that they take up too much ."^pace in ships destined to bring men, steel, beef, and other rock-bottonr essentials of war over to us. It doesn't add to our cheer- fulness to see our forfeited ship space 'taken up by a lot of folk who "just came for the ride." Around Grey County 3W On tjaturday night iatt thieves broke Into the Oak Uall clothing store at Owen 'Sound and earried ofr<|uite a ((uantity of olsthinir and gents' furnishiDg^. About iflOO will coTer the lose. I R, A. Mosher has returned from Kitchener and hag resumed hie position of teller in the Union Bank in Dundalk. J He wa« in the military draft last coring '; but did not xcl overeeas. I W. G. Thonas. of Markdale, has sold out his boot sad shoe repairing business jto S. J. B albert. I The 8rd Division et Canadians will be the first (o arrive home from overtsai and are expected ia March. This is th^ i Division that most of the Grey boys were .with. Lieut. Lewis Honey, D.C.M., M.M., |Y.C., graduate of the Walkerton high t school and who died of wounds last I October, has now been officially awarded I with the Victoria Cross, for high valor and sacrifice. I i County council l)egins next week, on 'Tuesday, January 28th. ' Elmer Weber, son of Joseph Weber, reeve cfNeuitadt, was tried by general court martial at Toronto on a charge Of deseition. The case has not been decid- ed yet as it wa.s sent to Ottawa. i Knox church, of Owen Sound, will Install a new organ In their church. J Louis Benjamin, tlie famous medium ! from Toronto was in Owen Sound one i dny last week. I Edward Potts, a pioneer of Osprev, died at CoUinKwood recently. The old gentleman was 84 years of age. Total assets $ 18410 81 Liabilities Due on Dividend No. $ ;j2 ."iO J. C. Wilton, account paper bags ;{i i;j Assets over Liabilities , . ....,.., , . , 18360 22 Total. , ..i.;i.*;. 5 18410 85 OuUsliindiay doulitful .loc jmils $ 305 &J Outstandinij accounts considered iu> ^^ood. .., $ 516 10 Outstandinf notes considered no good $ 194 70 BUSINESSCARDS Societies PRINCE ARTHUR LODGE, No. :«1,A.K.& A M, inetita in tbe Maaoulc ball. Arm s',roag'R Hlocu Fleeborton, every Friday on or before lb« full moou. T. Blokolry, \V. U. i', H. W, Hicliliue. Becro-.iiry. Dentistry The township of Albemarle is chival. rout. The wombn were allowed lo vote at this election, t^f course women, who are property ownere, li.kve long Um] the privilege, but Albemarle is goin^' a little ahead of the Statutes, ( ossibly a good many yi-ars, and allowed them the right to participate in municipal matters. For two years the assessor has put their names oil '.he loll and si tho Court of lUevision no one was lyigallant enough to Dr.- E. C MURRAY U D. B.. dontal BurB«ou btoorRraauato oITorouto Umvoraityaua , , . . Koyal ColltgB ot Deutal fiioKooiis o( Ontario, â-  challenge lliuir riu'ht Oaa adiuisinlBt;er«d for teetb extraction moe at resideuce, Torouto street. inu».Jcrtou. Medical f P OTTBWELL / Vo'oriuary Surgeon Jraduata of Ontario Veterinary t-ojlose resideuce - second door Boutb weBt.ou Siiry Btroot. Tbia street rune ogtb Preabytorian Cbnrob. 1 UCAH, Legal RANEY & hKNHV-BarrlBtors. 6olicltorB,e»c.â€" I. ll.LucaB, K. C. ; W. K, Hanoy, K. ('. : W. V. Henry. H. A. omcee. jTorouto, W»-e Traders Hank lUdg., iibono main 14)2; Markdale Lucas Hloclt, Pbono 8 A. Brancb olBce at Uundalk open every Haturday. WRIGHT, TELFORD & WALTER liarrlBter, liollcitora, &o. OIBeoB, drey * liruca lilocli. Owon Hound. Btamlanl Hank Block, Kleaberton, (Saturdays). W.H. Wriijbt, W. P. Telford Jr. W. H. Walter, LL B. j James Woatliurliead, a former UeiVJ I of the lowiiship of JOastiior and ;» leading j liuhl in the early days of the Uruce Pen- msula, passed away at the lljuse of j Refute h'-re in his 77th year. The deceased, who was a widower with a j^rown up family, t:ime to tlio KefuKO ali..ut two .months ago in an ailiny condition from Wiarloii. Advertise In "The Advance" Keep Them Smiling It Pays Business Cards WM. KAITTINtt, IcenBed Auctioneer foi tbc countioa ol (Iroy and tiijncoe. Farm and Stock baIqa a apecialty, Ternie moderate, patisfactiou guaranteed, ArraiiKO- uieutti for datee may be niaUuat ttie Advance office, or (jontral telorboiio oU^co FeverBbam or byaddreBBinR me at Feveraham, OnU DMoPHAIL. Llc^uBod Auctiooee for t)j<i • County'of Urey. Terms moderate and catlBTaccion giiBrantcod. Tbo arrangonu utB and datex of Ealexcan lioniadeatTliR AiiVAnoe office. Iic»ideucuaud P.o,,L'oylon,Tolci>)iono vouuectiou, Dec. tl, 07 Holsteia Bull For Service A thoritiglilired Uol.tteiii bull for service on loUl83-l,'<4.S,W. T. *,S,H,. ArtemfBia; clos- ely related to th« worlilV champion 44-piiuiid oow. Terms; SIM) for grades, $5.up for pure breds. 1 July 17 -GEO. MOOKEASon' BOAR for SERVICE Purebrrd Taniwortli Bor for service on lot 167, S W T and S E , Artomesia,. Terms â€" |l,60, if laid for at time of servioo. Feblf.f) â€" T, J. STINSON, Prop Boar for Service Tha undersigned has a thorough ,>red Yorksiiirc Uoar for service on lot 11, co n 8, Osprey. Terms 81.50, KUKU SPOFFAUD, HARDWARE Why not be guided by the Ijudginent of dozens ot well ! Known satisfied ciistoinei.s, jwho acknowledge the supcr- jiority of Mollatf langtis, built to give bo.st re.sult.s. Prices according to dress Other Lines of Quality I Puts, .'.xea und Axo Handles, Siable i Shovels and Forks. Ask 1110 for anything In hardware before sendinK your money out of your district. 111 try lo please you. F. W. DUNCAN Phone 24 r 1 1 Flesherton Soldiers Home Commg Campaign The "Welcome " sign still hangs high on the doors of the Salvation Army Hostels. Help them to keep it there! While our soldiers have need of the comforts â€" spiritual as well as bodily â€" DON'T shut the doors in the boys' faces â€" Keep them smiling 1 The Salvation Army appeals for a Million Dollars for the boys who won the victory. This is the first time the Salva- tion Army has made a general appeal for its work. We urge you now, for the sake of the soldiers, and as a VITAL factor in the solution of Canada's Reconstruction problems, with the Homecoming of her boys, to give and to give liberally! Our men in Khaki may not all be home for another year. While there is a company of Canadians in uniform over there or over HERE, there is work for the Salvation Army Lassie. The weary waiting and the relaxed discipline spell dangers that MUST be guarded against. A happy smile and a com- fortable body help to keep trouble at a distance. Do not let the Hostels shut for lack of funds! The Salvation Army Million Dollar Fund January 19th to 2Sth "First to Serveâ€" Last to Appeal" A WORD ABOUT THE HOSTELS!â€" Have you ever been inside a Salvation Army Hostel? If not, ask a returned man about the Hostels in Paris, London, Toronto, Hamilton, or any others that he has stayed in o\er HERE. Let HIM tell you about the REAL beds, the home cooking, the fried eggs, and hot coffee â€" and hot baths. If he knows you very well, he may give you a hint about the spiritual comfort the Salvation Army Lassies give these men far from home and all it means! SALVATION ARMY MILLION DOLLAR FUND COMMITTEE Headquarters: Mail your subscription to Treasurer Toronto and Ontario: SIR EDMUND WALKER Toronto, Ont. Treasurer New Brunswick: JAMES M. CHRISTIE Bank of Commerce, St, John, N.B. Treasurer Nova Scotia: DONALD MacGILLIVRAY Bank of Commerce, Halifax, N.S. COMMISSIONER RICHARDS. U 20 Albert St., Toronto Settle Down ^°.*^w,iG . WINTER Make dull days bright Gladden your home with music >y getting a high grade Piano, Player Piano ; tr Phonola which plays all makes' of <iisc records, also a good supply of sheet music and records. Call and hear them AT W. A. HAWKEN'S Photo Gallary & Music Store w Fleshertoa: »»««««â- Â«Â«Â«Â»Â« All kind.s of JOB PRINTING including Financial Statements, Auditors' Reports, Church Statements, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, {Statements, etc. Get your calling cards and shipping tags at this ("ffice. We have lovely type for all classes of CALLING CARDS. WE ARE AGENTS for all the Toronto Dailies and most of the Weekly papers. Call and let us renew your subscription. "The Advance'' Flesherton $135 Mahogany Are You At Home With Good Music? If you are not, you are missing one of the bsst things in life. Nothing in all this world can give so much enduring pleasure as good music in the home. And nothing we know brings to tlie home so much good music al .so moderate a cost as the COLUMBIA Graf onolas and Records Come to our .store and lot us prove that statement to you. Let us play you some of the latest Columbia Records on the newest Grofonola models. Then let us explain to you our convenient purchase plan that makes it so easy for you to have good music in your liome. W. A. ARMSTRONG, Flesherton, Ont. .-*

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