Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1919, p. 1

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gkisA)txtm %ifmnce. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" - "PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" Vol. 38, No. 35 JPeslnerton, Ont., January 30 1919 KIMBERLEY Mild weather and aliuoBt bare hillHidei BugijeJt the experiences of many in open winters in the past when work unusual for winter was carried on. Who will be the first to do some plowing before the inoDth of I'anuary is tjone i Our skating rink is very much subject to the moods of the suasou, mild weather not agreeing with it. However, it lm!= not gone ftp WJR the river like on- iu another pSSffewsf'the Valley. The Work of getting a supply of sravel and sand for enlarging the reservoir for the village water works cannot be pushed ahead, as was desired, until the hillsides are again well covered with snow. Who should hnd fault with tha frost and snow of Canada :' Amos McClung, of Markdalo, visilx'd recently with his father, Wm. McCluug, of valley road north. Mr. George Hutchinson aud son , Haddcn, renewed old ncquaintanc'js in Dundilk and vicinity during thci past week. License Inspector Beckett, of Oivcn Sound, and Constable Cook, of Cuylon, made a business trip to this part on Thursday last. Jasper Stuart shot a line fox on Satur- day last. This makes 16 fur Jasper thus far. Wellington Fawcett visited friends in Markdale one day last week. Rev. L&ne occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church on Sunday evening last. T. B. Carruthers sang a wel' rendered solo in his usual pleasing manner. Mr Harry Baker, of V'uudeleur, aud lady friend, Miss Halbcrt, of Harkaway were pleasant caiiets at Mis. John Stafford's, one day recently. Jamaa R. Fawcett killed a garter snake on Friday last. It is a very unusual to fee a snaka maviuK around at Ibis time of the year. Mr. J. B. Thibedetu, of Markdale, visited at George Cerafield's on Monday last. Quite a number of the shareholders of the Be>)ver Valley Municipal Telephone Co, attended the annual meeting at Healhcote on the 27th. Mrs. John Taylor, of Berkeley, visited at her parental home during the week. Mrs. David Lawrence, of Mount J*'orest, accompanied by Miss Wollis, visited at George Lawrences recently. Mr. Barclay, of Camperdown, was a pleasant caller in out burg one day last week. Squire Stuart and otheis have been endeavoring to have a permanent road made from the sideroad at Conn' Landing, at the end of the Valley Koad, north lo Julian's siderond. Such a road, if opened and made part of the County Road system, would avoia soino very steep hills on the present road to Ucathcote and Thornbury. Much regret has been ofTsred by temperate and thoughtful people at the return of the dancs to cur neighborhood. Parents whose concern was that their boys might be called on for military duty, are new faced with the blighting iuHuencc of the dance. It is severely criticised for interfering seriously with education.il, Sunday School and Church work, not only in our own community but else- where, for complaints from an adjoining township place considerable responsibil- ity upon us. It is our duty to stand squarely against it now as our best citizens have done iu the past. We aro glad to know that our best people today ai'U against it a.s before, and would call on all to use their inlluenue and example against the dance and in favor of a puier type of morals such as people are craving for since peace has returned. Mrs. Decker of Dunn township near Dunnville, raised two turkeys, which together weighed 59 pounds. The gobbler weighed 40 pounds, whde the lieu weighed 19 lbs. PRICEVILLE .January 1!)19 has been exceptionally lino and mild. Enough snow to make good roads, but some farmers have diflicully getting into swamps to work at timber because the wet ground has never frozen over. At the postponed school meeting jn the 17th A. D. McLeod. who has been EUGENIA Last week, as wai noted in The Ad- vance, occurred the death of Charles Omor Hoy, only son of Pie. C. W. and Mrs. Hiiy of Toronto, aged 14 months, the death occurring on Jan. Hi ut the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Airs. R Hoy. Charlie returned from over seas only a couple of weeks ago. Hu, wiih his wife and three children, were on on tha school board for a number of a visit to his p-ienls and other lelauv, s years, wished to letire and Mr. H. B. McLean was elected to till the vacancy Mrs. McArthur, oiio (jf the pioneers of when '.hu baby bcc uno ill. l-'iieunioni* developed, resulting in his duaUi after a week's illne.ss. All w.is done for the the Glen, a few miles west of Priceville, ! <=''''d 'J"' '^'^'^ ihi'Ughl best and took him pasaed a way peacefully on the uiL'ht of I ''""'•• The icmaiM.'- wo:e interred the January 21, aged !I0 years. SShe retained { following Saturday in Kleslierton ceme- her senses until tho last ; and was highly '-'^•5'. *''«» l'>« ''ervicu was conducted by esteemed by all who know her. Her liusbaad, .Angus McArl bur, predeceased Rev. Mr. Belfrey, the pallbearers being f^-ur Fleshertou Boy Scouts â€" Wesley her 40 years ago.. Rev. McEwen, of i Armstrong, Gordon Blaktly, Harry Cir- Durham. couducied tho mortuary | ''"a^'^" "'"• Claience b'lslier. M-icli services, interment tia)k place in p,ice- , •'*J''"P*'^''y '« f''"- f'-^ '•>» f"»''"«''"b' ""es. ville puolic cemetery. | Miss Millie Haney and friend visi'ed On Friday morning of last week our I f'''^"<l** ""^'"" ^^"P'"« ''"='â- '"' '»• citizens .veru greatly .shocked to hear of i Word has been received liiTi: i hat I'ls. the tragic deiJh of Neil McDonald, J int Fan cett, Kiiiie Hopi)ei' and Ciil. second son of Alex. McDonald, about 2i | Josiah Parliament, adop'ed son of Mr. miles south of the village. The young ! and Mrs. J. Parliament, have arrived in man was just recoveiing from the Hu, his i Germany auJ enjoyed their trip, mother and .sister also being very ill. | The \V. I. will hold their monthly Some truubJo preyed upon his mind and ' meeting at the homo of .Mrs. J. Parlia- long before daylight on Friday morning. | ment on Wednesday, Fob. 5, at 2.;i0. he was missed at the house, search was All members are reipiested lojio pruseiil, made, and .some distance from the barn as there is a spec al business meeting, he was found with his throat cut and life | w„ oongra'ulato Jack Wilson of Kim- was extinct. Neil was dearly beloved in i^g^i^y ^..^ i,„ i^, ,de. the household, also by a larjje number o'/ ,,,, , . . , . , , ^ , . , . ihe winter is passing along very iiic 'ly acnuaintance", and great sympaihy IS felt ' , , , ,• f • , â- , ,. . ^ . ., ,, . .. V. i and everybody IS delighteu with till! hue for ttie family. Rev. J.- McCarten con , 1 , , . , , ,1 weather, ducted services at the residence and at Priceville public cemete.y, when inter- 1 ^orn-Jau. 19, lo Rev, Mr. and Mrs. ment took place Sunday afternoon last. I ^*"''-"' " '*""â-  Congratulation.. W'e mijiht add that the coroner, after' Mrs. R. Park attended the luner.il of an inquiry, deemed an ini)uest unnet.-e- i •»ei' '»t''er, Mr. McLaughlin, noarPrite- saary. vill e. Tne postponed memorial servios for: Mr. T. B. Carruthersof Mordon.M.iQ. , the late Mrs. Watson, as previously ^'^'^ed with relatives in this vicinity, announced, was held on Sunday at 11 1 Miss Watson of Portlaw spent a few a.m. Rev. MoCarten doliveced a fine I days with Mr. and Mrs. Eagle, comforting address. Mrs. Herman Mc- | Mrs. A. Hoy was called w Durham to Lean gave a nicely rendered solo, and the | assiet in nursing a cousin who was ill. seating capacity of the Methodist church i Later word announces his death. was filled with a sympathizina conere- »«• iir , .,â-  t,- . i i. „i â- ' '^ •* ° \ Miss Watson, Misses Kate ana lliva gallon. Among the letters of condolence i , â-  ^ <â-  • i . i t â-  i ... ° .,,... , u <. .vD I jg,n,gso„ jn^; friend visited friends at received, Mr. McCartfm read one from Rev. Mathewson, who moved from here i to Mono Mills. Maxwell. Farm For Sale In the township of Oaprey one hundred acres, ninety acres cleared, ten acres hardwOod bush ; two-storey solid brick cottage. Pedlar roofinu, cellar full siiie, furnace, kitchen and woodhhed, solid brick, hard and soft water inside ; large outbuildings with water supply •nside. For further particulars apply tc JOfiN GRUMMETT. Proton Station R,R. 2 13f The Mennonites of Ontario, who, on account of religious scruples, were held exempt from miiaiy service,, have raised more than S6U,000 to be iriveii to the Dominion Government as a memorial for war sutfereis. Percy Armstrongv a rugged young mnn of Rosemont neighborhood, succumbed to inHuenza and pneumonia, after having been ill only about a week. Deceased was the sole support of his mother and sister, with whom ha lived on a farm. He was 30 years of aeo aud was a young man of sterling|(iuaUtios, highly esteemed I by his friends and neigh b.irs. SOLD WHERE YOU lilMARinS. Carefully Con-eoted Each Week Butter 42 t 42 ICggs {)5 to 55 Wheat 2 00 to 2 11 Pubs 1 40 to 1 50 I f'atn 50 to 53 Barley ^8 lo 70 1 SEE THIS SIGN The Dominion of Canada offers War-Savings Stamps at $4.00 each during this month And will redeem them for $5 each on Jan. 1st, 1924 Every dollar will be worth more. W-S.S. can be registered against lo8S THRIFT STAMPS 16 THRIFT STAMPS 25 cents eacb excbanfteable for one W-S.S. 19 VANDELEUR Mr. Ed. Baker, accompaniud by J. Aberoromby visited friends at Collint,'- wooil receiit'y. Miss Jean Wright left last week to C:ike chareo of her school near KImvale. Mr Fied Gainer, of Toronto, is visiting ftionds in this vicinity. Mrs. C. B. Bolaiid, who has been in ill health for some timo, went to Toronto last week for IreHlmtnt. We understand ihat she went throtuh a succe.ssful operation at the lio.spit»l on Thursday last. The last repoi t said she was doini? nicHly. While Mr. George Shannon w^is doing some work aiound the barn a fosv days ago he ran a'jainst a hay knife i/iviii',' (^ne of his knees i\ bad cut whicM will lay him oil' woik for sinue time. .\iiKUstus Caesar, a iiiuch respected resident ot this iioinliborhood, died at his home hero on Tuesday last at tho at;e of (i3 year^. Deceased lived for miiy years neiir Walters Falls, .\bout hix years ayo hu sufl'ered a simko of ijaralyfis and had beon in poor lii:nlth ever since. The remains weie taken to their last resting place at Markdale cemeteiy on Friday afternoon. A lars^Q number of relatives and friends fioni iieir Wallers Falls were present. Mrs. Porter Hoard spent a coupio ^f days with friends at Owen Sound last week. ROCK MILLS Miss Lizzie Edf^lis'i of Singhamp(on IS visiiing ^ith relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. James Paik went to Owen Sound Saturday, where she will remain for a couple of weeks. Charlie Hoy, wife and family returned to Toronto after spendinu » fortnight at U. Hoy's. Sam Phillips has purchased a line new Giafonola. Quite a number from aroand here attendee the party at Mr. Duckstl n on Friday night and all te[ort a koo'i time. Ned Croft and wifo visited over > luday with the laiter's parents at FevBrsham. We are sorry to report little Irene English very ill with heart trouble. Jas. Park, who has been sawing in a mill up norm, visited over tho week end at his homo here. Pre. Elridgo Phillips came lioniu on Saturday and was given a hearty welcome by his friends. CEYLON I'te. .Vrtliur Johnston, who has Ijoen at tho front for the pant four years, returned home Wednesday last and i^ visiting ai Mr. Flutcher's. Pie. Will H. Oliver also returned i^n Wednesday night and was iireeled at the depot by a h>r<;e crowd of friends, who gave him a hearty welcome Mr. C iiii- froii enltit^ed with the bagpiies, whtcii was much appreciated by lliisc prcHiint. The W. 1. are preparing this wcel; to pack a box tu send to the needy of Sei bia and. wish everybody to help. Tboir meeting this week will be held at ilie home of Mis. D. Wydeman, when they hope for a g»od gatheriusj. Idsjoctcr Beckett was in town for a c luplo of days last week. Stanley White, who has been \iHiiiiig his parents, tuturiiod lo the city on Saturday. Ernie MoMuUou has reliiriied hoii:o troin ihe c.ly, where bo has been for a 'veral nock". D. Wydeman has moved to Mr.Kgan's reaidcnca over the store. Mr. and Mrs. .-Vndrow Gilchtist visited their sister, Mrs. Thibaudoaii, near Markdale, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Torrey and little son, of Laui istop, spent the lirsl of the week with Mr. and Mrs. U. Piper. Mrs. Gibson and two ohildren- of Markdale visited tho past wick with her [itrents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meads. Mrs. James McLean of Now Ontario visited her .sister, Mrs. Jauics Pnlti.son. for a couple of days before returning to h'.T homo. .]]. Down of Hathcrton visited his sister, Mrs. T. Chislett, here last week. Pte. J. J. Pattiaon has returned from M'isitiag CoUingwuod friends. Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, Pres. Manager. Fine Jewelery Come in anil see onr fine large stock of Jewelery, WatclicB, Clociis, etc., â€" ami when you have seen them you will be sure to buy. Wateli repairing a specially. A full line of Pliotographic suppliea iuchidiiig developing powders, piiutiug frame.=, dark lanterns, all sizes oJ Kodak.s and films. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES Yorkshires ' Tamworths| Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes! W, A. AriTIStrOng Phono or write. â€"GEO. W. ROSS, Osprey Tel. System. Maxwell, P.O. Jeweler FLESHERTON, ONT. * LET US SUPPLY § I Your Requirements I ^ In any of (he following lines : ^ ^ Sleighs, Cutters, jf 1) (jrasoline Engines, ^ ^ Cockshutt Faun Implements, j! v^ Cock.shutt & Massey Hani.s repaii>, ^ ?r Louden Stable Ecjuipnient, JK ^ Me[otte Cream Separators, jt i * I D. McTAVISH, FLESHERTON | [ja^'g'.'jSt^g^s^iSK^^^H^.sT^-^ '"I :l P '^''-"'y^i^£Z^.^^iZ-^:<.^j'^f ^-^7j^ Fowl Wanted We are paying for No. 1 fo^vl. Dry Picked, Heads off â€" Geeseâ€" 2.') cts. Ducks- --JO cts. Heavy Cliicken.sâ€" :50 cts. IIen.s â€" 2(3 cts. Turkeysâ€" 40 cts. Don't Forget tlie Place W. L. WRIGHT'S Corner Store, Flesherton •"^ RUBBERS If you want a good wearing rubber formen, women or children come to this store. We have the old reliable Maltese Cross Brand of rubbers. ii Suit Cases and Trunks •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• .::t •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• If in need of a^Suit Case or Trunk call and get want supplied. THOS. CLAYTON •••â-  •••• ••» •«• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ::: FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Ii :::: •••• •••• •••â-  S::: â- ^-

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