Jainmiv :J0, 19 (0 THE FI ESHEHTON ADVANCE L â- ' â- f^ . <^ r H lin Flesherton Advance Canada's Small Ads. Financial Situation I Fur Sile ohi3t|i and on ou<y lui'iii), li>^ StatUticiun, in i 13, ooii. 11, Oprj/, llO «cra<. 'Vh'-i i miml. i>eiiclen> nc w*|i.i|.iT, imlilislied every ! Chnr..d»y at th'' nflice, dillitifowkxt Street, Klub^rnm. Hulwirii.lii.ii price ?1 |)or annum 1 i, n <-' . r, whnu i.«kliiia.lvivnc*;$l.Wwtitm no •<> l>»i<l I '' "• I'"*'''. Uoiimion A<i'"t •i»aK r»te» on.iii|>lii:tt'.i> :i. iinMiltttiun » rocoiit urliclo in Hid Moiialary Tiiiioi on ! a (Irst cl.tsi farm unci in a goid Hl-»to of â- *â„¢ * "Till! Nalional Wcalil^ and Income of cultiv.itiim. Oood bunk lurn and new _______^__________^_________ Canada" says : "liiuk (i( tho entiif re.'on- | fr;uuo dwfllin;^. Apply en 1{. J. Spr.iule IstrucUon ai.d reli«liilitation piulileni Fletihertnii EDITORIAL VIEWS The iJnrliani Ki'Vitw lioids an arliclp, *' L'uhappy ItuUnJ ' Tl'f Koiicw is wrong Irolaiiil was neur lini'iiier mnce 8t, Paci'ick chased (he rmkcH than nho js at tho prpsfni ninmei.». If tho fUternien weiv all d^pntcil, oi stands the hiiancul prolileiii ; hnw can tve ! pruducu and Hive uuHiuiunt wealth to lujuidato the obligation!* ^r Ihe war. Whito Bewini; tniohiViBs, tho kin? ^f ni^loliinKii. Sharl')ckManuiii;{ ijianus a-e The Greater I'm luclioti iMinjiaiijiis of st'id'y ''ii?'> y"''*- If y'>u] "an p-ove the Ian. two ^eji.i havo denion»tr»lid this s.^tiMii.'ut falKu T will Kli" you a thai, iu the matter of production, Oanad- : piano free.â€" J. C. Kentii-r, Markdale. i«ns will he ri|ual to any deni;.nd that s l|,j^ I likvl}' to bd niadti un them. Hat, savini^ Private fan Is to lom'Jnn real estate Callicdic« chased into the aea. then would Ireland indeed hive re ts)ii to be cad.'d "unhappy." Tlie j^'y of <|uanelin8 would then bo eliminated, f 'r i^ it " sciap " that constitutes the Ii'ishaian's jiy in existence. â€" ooo â€" A<.;atn wc would draw aitenlinn to the fact that no Hrran(;eiuan*.s have been made for an othoial welcominjj of the returned toluierf, oho ire now arriving. Our vtllaye couucil .«hoiild Kurely du KoinethlDK al'in^ thtl line to give the boys a titling wrlcnnc and prove to thciii thiit jur inlercht did not cease with (he "send (ft" aiiu reading of farewell adcreFsefi. The welcotiie hliou'd bo of a more enthusiastic nature thin the \» re well. â€" 000 â€" •Twen Sound wants a Memorial Hall erected t-> co-t JIUU.OOO. and to be erected in Owen Hound of course, nt the expense of the county is a whole, but benevolently agree.s to pay half the cost : and attend to I'.e ciretakinf; '. Tney will approach the County Council with that end in view. We do not believe that the people of th? county will bj satifitied with any nuch arr.ins;emeDt. They would at least want to know what such a " hill ' wouKI be usi d for, and if it would lic of any future cost to the county, It would of course bo an oina- nicnt to the county town â€" couldn't help but be for that moneyâ€" but we doubt if the people are ill a in')od just now t) make bif; expemli'ures fur po.rely onia- mental work. Uecoiistruction and jiaying off our war indebtedness have il'u tbor just now with all tliinliinn people. Of course our heroes aic eiitillad to the best We can (five them in I lie way of iumior- lalizinK their great aacritice, but, selfish- ness should not enter into any matter of this nature, and care alionld be taken not to indulge a aeni'olaiice of c >neultiiijj our own material welfare by tnamiifyi.i;< our <.wn importance with more outward show. is ijuite another tiling'. C»nadi.iiis should security at re isoiiable rat.- if iii'erest, cultivate it more ; f.u what will I'lealor ; .\pply to K. .1. Sproule, Fiedierton. production avail, unless, at the same 8Bpt],2317 time, there bo fjrenter savins; i | ; Canadian enterprise will solve the C^dar Wanted â€" 4 font 2 in. lona price liroblein of Greater Production. The ' S") f'H' ^''J- 1 'â€" d ir. "f i'l 'In lo; 12 foot Canadian War Savings I'lan will solve the •* in. Ioiik, N i. 1 811, dolivored :\K my problem of Greater Saving. Through ' ""illâ€"EdwardiS irjciit, CVylon. tho purciiase t.f War Savings and Thrift â- â€" Stamps savinij is undo easy. These', Lost, â€" Between Mr. Thonapsnn's and stamps will greatly help solve Canada's [ Mr. Cameron's corner, on .January 21st, linaiiclal pnihlem. ^ ^ woollen horsi blanket. Finder would - I confer a favor upoi leaving it at this oHice. BUSIN.ESSCARDS Societies PUINCH AUTHUU LODGE. No. SB, A.K.A ! S>'»der. r,.;„. IJraokenbary.Feversham. ^ A M. lueetfl iu the l^tasonlc hall . Arui Machinei For* Saleâ€" 7 horsepower Lister gasoline engine, ensilage cutter, siwing machine, bu/z saw and crain ci*.roNi>'a lliocK Flesbortoti, every Kridav on or lielore Ihu lull niocu. T. Itlttktlrjf, \V. M. K. U, W. Hickliug, Becratary. Uentistry Ur B. C MI;rRAY L.. D. S , ileutal siirgeju li' uoi'Knuluato of Toronto UiiivLTsiiy aii.l tvyaltolleKu ol Dental Surtii'oim ol Outario. 3a9 admiaiDisterod lor ttiotb extraction tJicu at reaidouce, Torouto Street. i:'lo8::ertou. -ForSileor ftent--A smill farm in Kugenta. .\pply to Thos. E. Kenwick. Eugenia. Cint!io)k l)sr,l liDtweeti W. Ma',^ee'.s, K'.h line, and Eugenia. Finder please leave 'vith U. Purvis, Ej'ei ia. Medical " Vfteriiiary fiurtjeou irailiiatti ol Ontario Veterinary CollOBe realduiicu â€" eacond door south wost'on bary street. Tliia etreut race outb PraBUyteriau Cliiircti. Legal , UCAS, UANUY & hKNHY-HarrlBtern. 'â- â- ' rollcilom.eic-r. II. Liicaii, K. ('.; W. K, •taiiuy, .K. C.;\\. 1). Iluury, 11. A. Ollici^t, foronlo. HOC-'j Tiadma Hank UldR., plioiio i:ain U1-; Marhdalu Lucas Jllock, Phono 2 A. irauuh oliice at Uuudalk oi>«u uvery Saturday. J7 IllGHT, TKLr-OltD & WALTF.K " Jlarribter, KollcitorB, ,tc. OtiiCfa, Groy tc Hrucii JllocU, Uwcu Kound. Ktnndard Hank lilo'.l!. KlDiherton.(.Saturi!avNi. W.H. Wrlijlit, •v. 1'. VuUord Jr. W. II. Wa'.ti.r, LLll. For Sale erels f-.r Maxwell P.O -.\ few Black Minorca cock- sale. â€" Lewis Slieardown, \ few ba^s of winter apples for sale - Frod J.auiiesou, Eugenia. Telephone. Highest price for buttei and egga at Graham Bros. Kueenia. .lune 2(> r»y Ke»ersha.n Pastry Flour, tl.a o. s: ferr your cook. All (Jnt«rio wheat Lis: â€" W.itch with lockett in town. Finder please leave at Advance oHIce. Y.iung Hereford Bull For Sile-.\pply to Win. Tiiompiion, Sin:^hainpton U K 2. BUSINE.SS Cauds Hoistein Bull For Service IAA.M. KAITTING, •' tilt) eutiiiiiua icoueod Auctioneer (oi irm aii'l Stock auloa a hpeuialty. Ternta iioderatu. butii^factioii gtiaraotcod, ArraUKe- i,ontH f(ir dates may bo inadti at the Advance iM'Cf, or Central toloi'hom^ (,n',co h'everahaiu ,1 by addruaeinu ui« at KovurHliam. Ont. DUePHAIL, Tdcouaed Auctlonee for tlie • Comity of (Jrey. To ma Uiodorate ami â- atU Hi-iicn r^tiHiaiitcet). 1 lie arraitRenieitta b lid dati'H r,f BalCK can t>i< uiadu at ThR Advaiico rlhce. Itefiideuccaud P.O., i'eylun. TBtoiihunH ouuuctiou. Uoc. (1, 07 .•\ tli'MiiU'^hliri",! ll'istein I'liU for service on lot«ls;t-l.s| .S-W. r. ,>tS.R.. .Vrti'in,'siii: clos- ely iilated to the w.irlil's champion 44-poiind eow. Terms' ^l.iV) fur grades, $5.U0 for pure breds. 1 .Inly 17 â€" (iKO. .MOOUK >t.S m • Boar For Service lligisterod ('hosier White h i!.< fur service at Rock Mills. The failier won lirsr at Chicago F,air. Terms S1.2"i. loletlm â€" L S. VI ITU Prop. ^^mvRj^- Test It Alongside Any Otbei That is the fairest way 'o orce th<; quality of th<; "Phcr.olr.." Wc welcome sucli u tesi: with any other make of phcnograph, because the "Phonola" tone am iind ;.ci-r»d be:: 'uivj pA-ovcd tha ;r.ost perfect en th? mr.rket to-day. "Tho ".?honola" plays v/ithout any*'blar;tinR" c:- foreign rcf.nds. The motcr ij noiseless. The cr^L-uct io perfect in design t.r.d finish. Tho "Phcnola" plays all makes < f d':zc. record-, to your liking. The more critical your music:.! judgment, the more thoroughly ycu'll t;pp.-eciji.c tho The price cf Lb- "P!t;;-.o1vi" iz from $10 to $25 lesn than other high-c!a?j phonographs. We make the "Phonolas" complete right here in Cun-da in our tv/j f-ctodc- al ICitchener and Elmira. The model illustrated 13 one of cur best sellers. It i ; ii large cabinet, !,tandii!g 4'^}h inchea hich, 18'.,' inches wide, 20}i inches deep. Mahogany, Oak or Walnut. All metal parts heavily nickel-plated. Double spring motor. Other "Phonola" Models from $25 to $310. Phonola" Records Very Popular Every itioiith tiic demanil ii increasing. They piay with the capphhirc point -no n'^dlcs to rhan^e. A new list of beautiful, clear, i'ull-toncd doubb (ii.sc records issued each month. Bands, vocal, inKlriimf-ntal. T,oo'c for th*: "Phonola" trademark on each disc. DEALEKS- -There are some localitien in Canada where we require good, live representation. The "Phonola" agency is getMni; n-.nr : valuaS'c rvrrv day. Writi; for our proposition. M "Phonola" Double Disc Records 90c (i|?fe The Phonola Co. of Canada, ."Cimited ,, Kitfhener, Canada W. A. HAW KEN. Dciler FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. HENS ARE NOW LAYING By Lighting Pens Till 9 p.m. Egg Production Nearly Doubled. M Cause, Syraiitoms and Cure of Ring- worm KxpUiincd â€" .'\s It I.s Verj ContuKlous tbe Stockmiin Must Take Grent Precautions to Pre- vent Its .Spread. (Contributed by Onturio Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) OSTLY everybody who Is krrpinK poultry want?i 10 Ket eggs in winter. Gen«;r- ally speakln?, Ihe number of eggs gradually goe.s down from v.eek to week from September to •Jatiuary and then there is a slow but gradual Increase until March, April and May, which in Ontario are the best months for pgg production. It is unusual, and In most caso.s very unwise, to publish figures in re- gard to experiments until the ma- terial has been very thoroughly test- ed, but in this particular case, con- sidering the high cost of feeds and the general scarcity of new laid egga, we are giving the figures on a rather short test of but four weeks' dura- tion. The resiill.s appear to be gen- erally true in all pens tested and are in accord with lesults obteined else- where. The increase in egg yield has been obtained by the use of electric lights, or prolonging tho day. The facts of the matter appear to be that a hen's crop is too small a reservoir to hold sufficient feed lor the long night. A hen, to lay, i.iust have a surplus of feed over and above that required for body maintenance. In these particular trials, the ra- sults of which are given below, th^ lights were turned on at dusk and were turned off at nine o'clock at night. The birds get their first feed In the morning at seven o'clock and a few dull mornings require lights for about one hour. The usual feed of grain given itt about four to five o'clock in the after- noon is missed or only a handful 01 two of grain is given to twenty-five birds, simply to keep them moving; a little. The full feed is given at about eight o'clock. The following results have been secured: â€" no r" C II .a u ?-° 5 2° . be Id 00 rH O to ^ M 13 o . -O to 4) "2 • «) ^ . 0) 01 . si tn a •?? .° o o ^ C3 o 01 V3 ^ 3 hDir. .i -O C. C 3 Kiiigworni. Kingworm is a contagious disease to which all clasicf of animals, and man, are subject. Calves and young cattle nppear (o ho more HiiMceplihle to the trouiU-! than othei- aninmls, but no age ifii- ders an animal immune. It is puiely a skin disease, and is due to tho presence of a vegetable parasite, which is readily capable of being con- veyed from one animal to another by direct contact, tho luimis of the at- tendant, puils, stable utensils, clofli- ing, harness, saddles, blankets, tin; contact of one animal with the stalls, etc., of affected animals, etc. In like manner, curry-combs, brushes, rub- bing cloths, etc., that are used on affected animals ot any class, it used on other animals, become a fertile lauso o< Infecthin. Hymptoius. â€" While any part of tho animal may bo the seat of the dis- ease, the skin around the eyes and of (lie face, and on the neck and back, appears 10 ho the favorite seat. The first symptom shown is usual- ly an itchiness, which i.-i followed by a slight form of eruption, which soon assumes the appearance of little yel- lowish scales of a circular form, tho mass scales forming a circular spaee. hence the term "ringwerin." A var- iable number of these circular patches may be noticed on different parts of the body. Treatment. â€" It is necessary that great care bo taken to avoid the con- veyance of tho virus from the dis- eased to healthy nnii lahs. Whcio practicable, it Is well to remove I'U non-infected animals to nou-infected premises. Tho infected preiuis-.'s should be disinfected by thorough- ly sweeping and diisling, and then giving a thorough coat of an insecti- cide, as u hot 10 per coiij of one of (he coal tar aniiseptic;! or carbolic acid, or a coat of hot lime wash with ,1 per cent, carbolic acid. l.oial treatment consists in moia- loning the scales with warm water and soap, or sweet oil, removing then in order to expose the unprotected surfaces of the affected areas. An inscclloide, ns tincture of ioditie should be applied once or twice dally until cured. â€" J. H. K., Ontario Agricultural College, tJuelph. n ii» «i » < I » «i I li H ' H ..«i.»i â- ii>»»ti«»illll«i«i» » " »â- ♦â- » " « »i«llllllii'i''» Pratt's Regulator Try Pi'sitt'.s Animal Uegnlator for stock, and make your hens lay l»y feeding tlieni Pratt's Poultry 1? ogulator. For sale at GRAH MB ROS . EUGENIA, ONT. .,»ii« " t " t " « " * " » " «''*-*"« â- â- '>â- !»♦â- ? e ji, ^ • â- "> > i» H « «ii«i.ii.»..»..»,.t..».» » ».it » » » >i.tii>. * '* v * '•*â- *•• •â- »iiW There are many people keeping poultry who have no electric lights. Fair to good results nave been se- cured elsewhere by using ordinary barn lanterns. The danger of lire when using lanterns is uiatirially in- creased. We have not tested these as yet but hope to have them under way soon. For electric lighling we use three ordinary bulbs for a pen of on,^ hundred birds, or one light in a twenty-live bird pen. â€" Prof. R. W. Graham, O. A. College, Guelph. 11 % II Ii i 1^1 i^i l^jl II II II i I Flesherton Tin Shop I have jHst placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateiirare for domestic use. Call on nie and get your supplies. Kavetroughiiig, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- in g.s. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP > CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON J^ ONTARIO. WE SELL FARM IHPLEMENTS \ Agents for* Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets Wagons Plows Hay Rakes Cultivators Harrows Mowers JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Here is Your Chance Farmers Attention Yongc and Charles StieeU, Toronto Invifcs Amhiiious Yount; Men and Wo-iien ;upr>iiari for chnico liusinn.'ss pisiiidiis. Keen demand fur our uriidu htts. Our caliiloaue gives cniupleto iiifor-.iia'.ioii. Write today for one. Kuter any limo. \i. .T. ELLIOTT, Prin-cip.\l FleslnexTton ^ Tonsorial 'V- Parlors We Aim to Give Entire S.-xtisfactio LAl'N DRYâ€" Basket closes Mnnd;>j nijjht, delivery Friday eveni:i CLEANING atid DYEINGâ€" •gents for Parker's Dye Works- Ci cleaned and dyed, fonthors rejuvti : ^ .. T FISHER- -PBOPRIETOK New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell I ant ii|i'"iimi; iin nt nice, ;i hlack.sniith j in(? and wcn)dAiirkinn husmess in Mux- well, and am natallini; uii-lodalo wood- work iiiij '11 icliinciy. It will he my en deavor t) aunc the iHili'ic iu :i sHtisfiic- tory iii:iniicr iind I wuuUl s ilicit |>itr<in- Hi!c. 1 w mt youiwnik and will ilo il light. 7 April 1 Make money in your spare time during the coaiing Fall and Wintei iiiontlis by selliug hardy Canadian nursery stock. britisli and European miirkets will be open again for Canadian Fruit and now 13 the titue to order for spring planting. Largest list of Fruit and Orna mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc. grown ia Canada. Write for particivlara. CHESTER LONG Stono & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. fK.stHhli.shed 1837.) TORONTO - ONTARIO For Quick Sale Properly of tho k!e Dr. W. T. LittU T^^o heniin« .stoves and drum ; Bug^j and cutler ; Oilcloths ; Folding writio). deak ; 2 driving horses ; Robes aur harnesi ; .Vut.ininbile (ruualiout) ; Co;* oil stove, .'5 hiirner â€" .â- Xpply on tho pretni sei or to Chas. UichHidsoD or Thus A Ulakely, Flesherton.