Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1919, p. 5

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January 30 1910 THE FLESHEKTON ADVA NCE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrriCB • TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- ».TD i«T3 est at current rate. 236 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. * Flesherton Station as '^" Friday nisht last » buncli of very eiuliuRiastic youngsters diove all the way Going North lo Chatsworih to play » ^aine of horkey, 12.01 p.m. notwithstandinK the fad that uot one of J.lsp. m. them had had .1 hockey stick iu their „ , osed at Flesherton b3 i„,ads ihia wiiter. The result was a <oUows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and . i â-  r i ^ >_ 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at f";^^="'°« conclusion, of cturse. but ihe 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south '«"» ^'^"^ 'â- heir beatinir cheerfully and mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. \ arrived home at 4 o'clock in the morning. Wa almost forgot to aay that the score Wis 5 to 11, as near as we can make out. The two competitors have eni^aged the Markdale link for a return match on Friday evening of this week. Without practice it is rather a forlorn hope for hockeyers. Trains leave ollowa : Goin'4 .South 7.5:5 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The uiails are VICINITY CHIPS Springlike weather continues. No chopping done on Mondays- Graham Bros.. Eugenia. J Organized agriculture has received the unstinted and loyal support of the Weekly Cadet Tom Chard, M.M., is expected s^a, Toronto, during the past twenty home this week. 1 ,1^,,^ yg^„ ^f ;,, existence. It is today Roy McAul.'y, of Toronto, is spending gifing generous and hearty support to a few days at hiahoma here. further the interests of those engaged in Huddy Bros., of Piioeville, shipped a '''"'^"Iture. Those farmers who wish to steer the other day, 23 months old, Weighing 1090 pounds, which brouj,ht keep in touch with the co-operatire movement among agriculturists in Ont- The Notice to Subscribers m „,„,"' , "^ ario, should read it every week, cents per pound, or gross receipts . l "-^cn.. of S147 13 ~ women of the farm will be particularly interested in the Women's page, specially The regular monthly meetiiig of Ceylon written for The Sun by a woman Hving U. F. 0. will be held in the Orange Hall, on a farm. Ceylon, Friday, Feb. 7, at 2 p.m. All members aie requested to attend. â€" Roy Piper, Sec. Mr. F. G. Karstedt has been in tlie Owen Sound hospital for the past week For the p»Kt four years The Advance and on Friday underwent an operation has been working ag.iinst heavy odds for bowel trouble, from which he is new with the all round increase of everything recovering nicely. , that goes to make up a paper and living Mrs. W. E. Hauley of the 8th line '" ge""*'- Notwithstanding t.his treat returned from St. Catharines on Monday '""""'^ have consistently set our face where she went on the 22ndof Deceaioer '"""°"' '"''"^'''g ""^ P'''^^ °^ '^e paper to tc attend her daughter, Mrs. C. p. ""'• subscribers, and it still remains at Wilson, and family, who were ill „iih ""« dollar pjr amium, but unless a lower the iiirtueuia. I ''^'"^ '" P'''"^ comes within a reasonable time the price will have to go up. In W. Trimble has reoeWed word the meantime we have decided to place a premium for prompt paying subscribers- Mr. that his brother James, of Detroit, la dangerously ill with a p.jralytic stroke, the second he has suffered. Mr. Trimble o-xpects to leave for Detroit on Saturday. who aie manyâ€" by placing an additional hfty cents on all who allow their sub- scriplioiia to run six months or over. Hereafter all subscriptions six months Everybody come to the hockey match or more overdue will be charged at §1.50 to be played in Markdale riuk on Friday ' per annum. This leaves everybody the evening, between the Chatsworth and chance to get in on the dollar rate. A Fleaherlon junior teams. A good fast , number of subscribers this season have game is assured. Game called at 8 p.m. ' paid two and three years in advance, Admission 25 and 15 cs. Skating after : which is good policy, as it ensures them match. I the dollar rate for thit length of time. .» u' T â-  II. !•>'> i.>i Remember, The /Advance is one dollar Mrs. VV. J. Lever, lots IdJ, 1J4, con. , ,, o M t' T 1 w i> \ â-º 11 P*f annum or one dollar and fifty cents 2 N. h. T. and S. R., Arteiuesia, will ' f â-  i â-  l- â-  hold an extensive credit auction sale on ' , a. e tei nu J c 1 11 t I 1 .. c °6 prompt and not run tne risk of Thursday, Feb. 13. A large hst of , . stock and implements will be uttered as Mrs. Lever is giving up the farm. See, ~ â-  billo. D. McPhail. auctioneer. I NOTICE Mrs. KUwood Genoe and two little { vt .• • u i .i .. r. , , , „ ,,,â- ,' Notice IS hereby given that a Bylaw daughters, fhora and Carrine, have „», passed by the Council of the Village retarued from a three months' trip of Flesherton on the 3l3t day of Decem- through the United State3 and are ' ber, 1918, providing for the issue of spending a week with Mrs. Ja.r Genoe ' f^bentures to the amount of §1200, for . , . , , , . , the purpose of extensions ana improve- before going back to theit home lu ! ^ent heretofore made in connection with Toronto.- I the Flesherton Hydro -Electric System, Miss Stafford of Kimberley called in "''d to provide for further extensions „ . , , , .,,, , . thereof and to issue debentures therefor, on Friday to make the .i9t.h payment ot ^„(i that such By-law was registered in subscription to The Advance for her the Registry Othce for South Grey on family. They have always taken it since the 18th day of .January, 1919 the faret number and have only missed i Any motion t-j ijuash or set aride the one or two copies through the mails iu same or any part thereof must b.. made ,, ,^ . .• m t 1 â-  .u wiihin three months after the tirst, publi- all ttiat tmi». The family u rather cation of this notice and cannot bo made proud of this record and we are proud of thereafter. our old subscribers of this long standing, of which we have several on our list. Diedâ€" At. her home at Cheriy Cieek, New Yolk, on Jan, 18, Mis. Harry Kofoed, nee Ida Harrisjn, youngest daughter of Mis. and the hite Ward HariisuD, formerly of Artemesia. She had been ill with the iiifluenzi, but was trying to help the rest of the family, wl o were also sick. Sh« had been out but was worse when she came in, nud whil* tbey wore working over her she looked up, smiled and was irone, after les* than a week's illness Her sorrowing husband and f«ur children are left. , Dated the 20(h day of January, 1HI9. \V. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Why Printers Made Good Soldiers At a meeting of the citizens of Owen Sound last week the following resolution was paijsud : " That this joint meeting of representatives of the Owon Sound Town Council, Soldiers' Aid dmniission and Great War Vateran's Association fa-^e them endorse the plan of a County Memorial, L'p.s " and suggest that It take the toim of a When the call to battU is sounded Moinorial Hall, to bo erected in Owen they can "Maks Ready" very quickly. They were of the right "Type of men." They are I cm "Leaders." They "Stick" to the job. They adhere to the "Rules." Thsy ar* goc d at "Setting Up' exer- ciies. â-  They excel when it comet to a "Chase" 1 Th«y don't take things for granted, they must hava tba "Proof." They are nenerally of ve'y (;ood "Form. " If they are taken prisoners it does n< t They are useJ to "Loik Sound aud iu which would be pl.-icad tablets containing the names of all the '. . .,r, ,. ^ are u»ed to Cuts, men fnwu the dilt'ereiit iiiuiiicip.ilitios if the Comity whu f;ll in tho wai ; and further, ihat wc undertake th:tt any sum gratted or raised by the Count; ,amouiit- ing to $25,000 or nver,;^wi;l l)eduplicaled by Ihu ciiizeiiH of the Town nf ()wi>n ^ '"^J ^'- t'lcisoii if Tottenham, a Sound, and that the Town of Owen '"unifd soldier, has been appointed They four not the cold steel, ns they They are very "Plane" follows. Aiirl aj "dough boys " ilicy can make exocllent "Pi." Sound will be responsible for the tenance of the Uall." main- poslniastfriif Beeluii, to succeed the late Mrs. Jones. Was Shot Down | ^^>^J5^j^^^..-.,.g^^7>.-!^.-;i^^ In Mesopotamia; jf^^ ^ Mr. J. Grummett, of R.R. 2, Proton I Station, received a latter from bis son,! Will, who is with the British forces in | Mesopotamia, in which be described th»^ death of Flight Lieut. Joe AUisin, of Maxwell, whoso death was announced lust summer. Lieut, (jrumiuett says : I beard Joe Allison was given the M.C, for his last tight, but am not sure. I hope it is true. All the flying men I â-  have met lately say he deserves it for his â-  Work. He was shot dewn by Major ' Schultz, lis far as they have heard at she | R.F.C., but at the time hud been attacked by live Hun 'planes. Schultz j claims that he brought him down. Jo^ was flying a bombing plane at the lime { and was not iu a position ta make much j of a hght. The two flying 'planes escort- i ing him did not apparently see the ! German planes coming up and were unable to save him. They turned to light the rive as soon as they saw what i had happened, but the Huns did noti care to take on men who could put up ' fair fight, even it they did outnumber the] British 'planes by hre to two, and made their escape. Fined For Not Affixing Stamp 1^) Two of the local merchants were assessed fifty dollars and costs recently for lelling goods liable to war tax without ath-xiug the necessary stamp. A govern- ment spotter, described by governmentij '=/5 oflicials as an Inland Revenue employee, \fi> purchased taxable goods in Hanover, Wiarton, (Jwen Sound, C'hatsworth, Markdale, Fletherton, Dundalk, etc and in every town with the exception of Flesherton, caunht offenders under the act. The Chats worth cases were tried before Magistrate Armstrong of Mark- dale. No defence was offered and the minimum tine cf tiftv dollars was imposed.- Chatsworth News. SEASONABLE SPECIALS MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS 20 pairs Men's Heavy Rubbers, .some Gum, some Snag proof, some with three lace eyelets, others with two buckle.-^. First ({uality, no seconds Sizes <j, 7 and 10. Special clearance price $2.19 PER PAIR. BOYS' ARCTIC OVERSHOES Cashmere tops, black wool lining, good heavy bottoms to stand hard wear. Sizes 10, 11, 12, 13, 2 and 3 only. Less than present wholesale price $1.19 Pair. LADIES' OVERSHOES Black Jersey top.?, fine quality, black wool lining, up to date fitting lasts. Both button and buckle styles included . All sizes from 3^ to 7. SPECIAL $2.19 PER PAIR Grocery Specials 300 Bars Dingman's Electric Soap, an old house- hold favorite. Per Bar 17c 400 Bars White Castile Soap, Regular size. A r/ good soap for the hands.. ^ Bars 2i>c Grocery Specials California Raisons, ninety per cent, setdless. Just the thing for pies 14o a pound Corn Syrup for table use. A very seasonable special 5 1b. tins 5i)c : 10 lb. tins 95c F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, « ONTARIO Suicided With A Razor Neil McDonald, son ot Daniel McDon- ald of the 19th con. of Proton, a young man 2.) ye irs of ago, committed suicide on Friday morning of last cutting his throat with a razor up about -t a.m. and went out to thoj bush where the rash deed was cominil- j ted. No cause has been assigned. His parents say they did not notice anything out of the ordinary with him. He was a ([uiet, industrious young man and highly respected by all who knew him. who fought and fell that ignorance, brut- ality and oppression would not prevail against intelligence, liberty and justice, I and npon motion, the Reeve and Depuly- I lleeve were instructed to consult an I architect and report to the Council as I soon as possible. Bylaws|were passed appointing J. Potts assessor, Alex. J. Conn and C. M. Fields j| as autlitois, and Albert Arnott on the n] Board of Health. i | Orders were issued on the treasurer to pay Robert Rina $2. h-»ll for Nomination. The Municipal World, §0 for subsc week by I tions ; David Armour $l).25, for gravel He got j Flesherton Advance, 52*, printing. Council adjourned to meet at Fever- sham on February 8th. Thos. Scott, Clerk. COME THIS WAY For Your Sideboards. Couches, ion. [M np. m Prices right. Library Tables, Chairs, Settees, Parlor Suites, Etc. Call and see them. Library Meeting The annual meeting of Flesherton Library Association was held last Friday evening. Reports by the Librarian, Treasurer and Secretary were read and adopted. There are 1080 books on the shelves, and $33 remains to the credit of the Association after all last year's debts were paid. There are now 5;3 membuii. The report of the Board, read by the Secretary, was optimistic but urged the objective of the Department â€" a healthy reading public for the development of an intellectual, clean Canadian democracy. The new Board consists of Mrs. H. S. White, Miss M. Holmes, Messrs. C. N. Richardson, Geo. Mitchell, H. S. White, A. Hawken, G. MoTavish, and Revs. C. A. Buifry and A. McVicar. The fiist meeting will be held iu the reading room iTrid.ay, Jan. .Jl, at 8 p. m. >V9 wsiit i-eAo'ci-a, icadi;rs who will demand the very best: and thus help to build up an ideal community. If the aged will not change let the youthful at least keep pace. Heading many writ- ers' worka is likely to develop a wide outlook, aids iu conversation and on the Artemesia Council The newly elected Council of the 1 Township of Artemesia met in the to'vn ; hall on Monday, Jan. 13. There were i pie.seut T. R, McKenzie, Reeve ; Alex. j Cameron, Deputy Heave ; and Messrs. j John Burnett, J. F. Mathuwson, and S. I Batchelor, Councillors. Altar tbey liad signed and made the declarations thev I took their seats. I I The miuutes of last meeting were read and conlirmad. A letter from (he Re-, construction A.ssociation and Ironi the Sick Children's Hospital were read. ' Bylaws appointing A. D. McLcod as .â- Vssaesor Div 2 ; appointing Glen Davis and R. Patun Auditors ; appointinff Isano . Smith high school trustee; appointing .\. D. McLeod a member and the Clerk as Secretiry of the Board of Health ; j appointing M. L. Melntyre, J. Fadden, j Geo Warlins, K Plantt, J Lockhart, S I Pedlar, S McMullen and G Caiin«! sheep i I valuators, were introduced and passed. â-  Orders were issued for payment^ as 'follows: C Huddy, lefuiid SH>.y7 ; I Tiea.s. C)sprey, telephone collectic ns ' JSUO 9!) ; Treas. Euphrasia, telephone collections, St'ili ; giant to Sick Childre»'« , Hospital |lo : W' H Thui'ston; :jriniit g, $lil>.50 ; W A Armstrong, postage i nd W. H. BUNT Flesherton, platform, gives life variety, freshness and a sphere of thought extending boyond â-  exchange, go domestic and local limits. The old : The Clork was instructed to order live copies of tliB Municipil World for me of the membets of *his Council, one for the for the Priceville Police notions we do not condemn as wrong, but in some things at least they ara <>utgrown. Membership fee $1 a year We neud cataloguoi, help us to g9t them. '^^^'^ *"^ '""^ , j Trustees. i /"^CDDIT'V /^/^Â¥TXT/^TT i tJ'^'neron â€" Mathfwson â€" That thai ^^â- t KJi 1 KjK) U in L<1L( Ueeve and Mr. Batcheh.r be a coiiiuuiteo I 1 to examine and report upon the condition of the Treasurers siciirily â€" Carried. i Batchelorâ€" Mathewso.iâ€"Th it $1C0 be ' granted for gravelling on 3b sidoroad, { L\)n 10, and tlu commiisioncr expend '. 9^0 '" addition â€" Carried. | Cameron â€" Bitclielorâ€" That in regard , to claim of Toronto General Mo.ipitai for Albert J Smith, iliis Council disclaims any iability, a^ the said Smith h.as never been a reaidcnt of th's to«â- n^llip and has always iiiad.i his home in thv TowDsliip of Euphrasia â€" Gained. Cameron â€" b:itcheli)r -Tli.it this Coun- o'l meet on the S,h Fe\ urox, and tn the Hist Saturday in each month there- after, except the mouth of December, iiiilesi any date of meeting is changed by resolution -Carried. Council adjournad. i SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity ashersand tlectiic and gasoline washers. ashers and wringers power ALSO for McCorniick Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Flows, Steel Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford double geared and auto oiled airmotor Wind Mills. Beatty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings. Manure Carriers, W'ater Bowls, Water THiik.«, Pnm|i aiul I'lpini,'. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut with same power when hUed with uiy patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Maxwell, Jan. 13, 1919., On the above data the members of the' Municipal Council of the township ot O-iprey for the year 1919 met at Maxwell and tiled their statutory decUrutiv^ns of oftice and qualihcations as follows : â€" : Reeve, Irwin Morrison. Deputy-Reeve, Albert Arnott. Councillors, John Lockhart, Geo. W, Rojs, Win. Kaitting. The minutes of the last mojting were read and adopteO. i Ti.o Clerk reported to the Council regarding the rofo'ulicn pa»8ed by the rateijayers at the Nnminaiion inei.ting, asking the Council to employ an architect and g.'t plans.specificatioiJS and enliiintes of cost to build a moinorial hall in Osprey in h'>nor of the mca from this township Residence For Sale For sale cheap and on e..isy terms, the resilience and p'-cniises thereto belonging 10 the la'e M. Iv. UicharJ.son. !• lesher ton. On the premises are a lai^e brick veneered dwelliiik!, noil hiiislied and in good repair, contains '•> larae bedrooms on the second Hat .ii.d a large double bedroom I'n tirst Hat ; good never failing Well with force pump in b.i.seinent, are l-ood cistern all well linished for winter or summer kit'jhen and dining and wash mom? wi'h g-oj pint ry and o'lior con- veniences ; largo Inwci and gaiclen with good young orchard lie.aring and plenty of (mill fruit ; good larpe frame stable and driving house. Pr^'unses woulu make excellent large boarding house and piivalo oflioa besides, or would answer well for two lenaiits and also good uHice for rent. Apply to R. J. Sprouloon; the premises who will show any persoos over the premises. 170c Business Block For Sale In the Village of Flesherton consisting ot Urnci ry. Flour and Feed Store, Gianeiy. Barber Shop and the llesiJence. The above property and hu.sineR.*, which is a good one, will ba sold reasonably. Apply to W' Buskin, • Fletherton

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