Flesherton Advance, 30 Jan 1919, p. 7

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Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell The object of this department in lo place at tho Per- / Tite of our farm readers the advice of an aclinowledKcd / authority on all subjects pertaining to soils and crops, f \ Address all quehtiona to IVofeishOr Henry G. Bell, ia| | eare of The Wilson I'ublishins Company, Limited, Toronto,} and answers will appear in this column in the order in which they are received. When .writing kindly .mentioa this paper. As space is limited it is advisable where im- mediate reply is necessary that a stamped :ind addre^ssed envelope be enclosed with the quettion, wher. the answer will l3f .nailed direct. $1,000,00 p'rize competition FOR MAKERS OFB-liT MAPLE SYRUP AND SUGAR Open to all timers of our well knov^n CDampion Evaporator V.'i- hava deflded tr> repeat, on a. lar.yeT s<o)«. o>ir very popular Fnz« Contest of 1»!J tvliloh lr.»«rr.>(icd »o many Maitio Syrup anil .S.igar niaUers We offi-r <'si«i. PHz<!s to the valrt* of tl.OOO.OO, «600J)0 of tliia for Syrup ami 840O.GO tor :?uira^ â€" Pritps In L>otU oA-^bsk^ avarde 1 a.-cortflns t^ points .sci red v.'h*.i;h are t1r'«rniln>!d hj- c-olor and flavor. Conteiita:ita c«ji »>nt9r In either tiia Syrup ..r Susar .â- oi>ip.)il'l<- ;, cv ii't/.. l''i;il i>ar-.tru''t: ^ to bf hail by writt.-ig for ou.- 3p.-.i.'.ul "Prli* CoiCt;»tinon Circular." coiEraiTinox oiioasB hjavn. ^otk. isi} As tlie "Cluuaplon" Kvaporator 13 tUa only niafliin* < apabl? !•!' niaUiic jV/nsiB of groves not possessliiff one uhould e^i \i\ii; and t'.ie bf;3t flyri:p. orrUr one rlRlit a .viiy. By s'- doing: yiu will h.ive a cban''t of wlnuinK a sufcrst.antl;il prizf ttiu.i reaatir.e lOst of the ma'"hine. Write at oace i-.ni K»t full; posted oi; this unpaj'aUoIed Mapl? Sjrup and Su?a-r t'onip^'itJ'-;. R- C».; â€" W'ill you kindly explain in I drectcr of Ohiio Experiment Station, what, way muck soil differs from up-lwha says as fo'torvs: â€" "After more land a<(d ihc best way to fertilize ' Lkaai twenty year.s' work in tlie cotn- iDDck land 7 j parisoii of raajiure ztii diein-Icajl fei'ti- Answei-: â€" Muck soil differs frcm up- ' Mzfrs on majry ca-spi, tlte station is lan'.i&ci! in many \\"!aj'3. Th2 upland sjii I r.".!: able 4o credit manure wvth any is the p'-oduct of weathtrii:^, both the! value beyc'nd tJiat of the nltro?^, weath-erinjr of rocka anl of ver^etu- , F^iC=:;hoT-u?, ijota'csium a<r.d llmi which""* tior that lias fallen on thtm nmck soil is comi>;'3£'J ch:£fly of de-iih.aa ?2.00 per ton sprccd on the land, caylnj,' i>lant maiiter. v.bose decr.y has r- is v.-isai- lo u'2 tba eheniicaj ferti been ^-fcuf.y b;ij;tera:l, in many cas^ 58 THE GRIMM M.IMF.VCTURING ( COMPANY WELLINGTON ST. ... MONTREAL YOUR PROBLEMS Mttlieri and da>^Bhtert «f i!i agei ar* cordta!!/ \r\t\'.ti ta wJte to t»<'* ^epart.Tieiit initial* only will b* psibliehod with each question and its tnttft ** a maant of idsntifcation, but full name and aa jrcsa must bo b'"" '" a**^ lattar. Write on c.ne (Ida of. paper orl/. Aniwe > w»iii l;» fiiBtiea dir.;ct w •tamped and addressed envelope i« •nclotod. Address all corrrspor.:iance far ihi» d*partmer.t to Mre. H«i«n La*. 2*» V.'ccdCine Avb., Taronto. Progress: â€" Thark you icr: your kiixl him as i£.:;.y. Tlrj-e iiKiy nat bo f-ad i word.-!. Thla depaptment Ivas been : s-gnin in xI-.q gaaie. Whenever a i crowded out for several '.viak.s be-'r-ayer is cii: of b«!an.s he takes live ! cauge cf lack of space. Let.t«rj have niare from th| pot. TIk) gome ocai- : been aaswei-ed by mail. | tir/ias until one of tlic players lai.-i no i A.11 thouglitful psrsjs^ are '.'.jok'og niore bear > in h'j hand a.id fir.ds ii:e i Th3 dark pen htid G3« eggs ^^-ith a \ the hcav..«;t months for the Le-h^rns i f^^^^^f . ^° ^^"^ ^^^""''â- "Jf f « H^f''- ^^ \ P^* «"P-2--; , . ! t;ta; vaJuf of $20.16; cost, of feed was ! ^itji^^ut light were March and April! '" '^^ '"*^T^ "^ irintar.J. inc.. pa,=t, A\hai Uu:; o:-<.ui^i, eacn r -iye- p.'-^^ .821.09. Thi3 ffuve a balance ovei-ja^j for the l^voclvs January a:id Fcbr-' ff ^^f^^^^S^-i ^^"^^r? ^--"•ftSr al^ '-^e bean. heiv>kk ii^to '«tal.yMid it of feed of 8.37. The cost per ; ua-y eveit.s, but 1919 mj:y w..tness trsnaen.'.!- count.'; I.'ieot. The p^rscn who hw tihe u-i . -i ^ T.-T. ., .do2en earjrs was 39.8 cer.ts. \' 'n'^l l ^ ^ ^ r .â- , ^ \cr^-i eiunjres. Ai you say, largest t::Cly wou the gaine. If ywu .vhile .tcorms. When manure cc.ts m.>re. ^^ ^,_^|ff -;^^^ «•- .^^ ^^^^ | Th^^^^^ ,,,, ^^,^^ ^^,^ t^ ^ «,,h to mate ^,e pky ion, cr. Incite .^ ,.^. ,„, ,,,,, ^- .,^, . in either ca^^ ami the tc'-al «ffer«,ceO;V^.*\^\*''%;\'^!^?,:,.^'?,^ f. ^.^^^' *« /^i P^-a'^- P<^>pk ar^ de-i tJra nu.n;:e.r cf bci.ns ^ s.ver-y-five or .o u:2 taa ehem.caa lertu-., ,.,, .. ,,__ _, ^, ...-4,0, ^^a^ue, j,1.>...3.'; c-ssl of ft.iJ,l n,ait£r.'(r mare of th^Lr commwiities ' ti kuidrH. ^'crn. rk-e. nrorbies. or ^ TKjw than ever befarc. Thiy want any cAei- sTnail objects wi'l of coua«e P'-' j bctis-r scii>>L.'? ssA mere convcarien.t serve in llia tlaoe of i'-s-aTU. jhcaws. Tfe'ay are a;kir-g for 3oj'al : Patriot: -1. Tho fa-st. coistnrj^eat vvitliout litrht laid 22 12 e?gs; j ccutrs ha'j!?. and places cf amiusinie-nt. ttet teft ("anucla totaJIod 33,000 men. Th«y are :;R5iatir::g upon letter rcod-s 2. Before tflic lizcrs mentioned than to buy manure.", *" ^^'^ ^ by water ^Landing on the soCl. Oh i Manure whlt-h .3 supol'smsTiicd by examir.ilior., \irg:m u;;Lar.J .so-ils con- j -JO to .")0 Itc. of aciiJ phi'.>3pha.te to the taiin a rr.r-d'ium amourjt cf nitrogen, tan ki.; been fouiKl to i>e highly va'.u asvjii jf clay predom'Ta:!.;.-. contain a s.\>\e. ms^liup; a!n.c'jnt c<: ph.->sphoric aaid wou'I and f<:ay!:. Muck -•^im on t'he other &'=cr!be supp'.ememted with 40 Ibj. of hand, cciniuin a larare amount of nLtro- ai'id phajpihat.? to the ton of WAnirre, gen in tlie avaiib.bls form, a sanoH ; or ."20 lbs. of acid phosfhate ptjr acre, I supply ef phc^phorx acid ami a very give 11.64 brishela more com to the' sm'aS feut.i/iy of pclasJi. Much iol!'.? ! acre and almost 6 bushels more', are <3ierefore i>«st aiapted for ffar- i wiieat per aca-e as an average of lt> [ (ten truc^.. v.hith i.s la?.rva3tsd when year tr'als at the Ohio Experimsnt: the plaiit ija;: m:i.i'e gi-eataat vegeta- SnaS 'on. tive growUi. cr fcr Ivay crop-. Speak- 1 S. R.: â€" Will yo;i please advist- mo ing ETir^si'^'iy muck sO' I is s\^vf in how to destroy quack grass? | spring ar.d i-icps grs'wing un ifc tend! Arjr.ver:^Quack grars is very drf-| to pasol-cng their growth and do notificr't to destroy. About the only ripen in suffident time to escape -^ure reme<ly is to work the ^^ound frost. If potiti â- h-'Ioving crops sui-h as early in the spring, follow^ncr thj potKlto£-s, i-ug^ar beets, eti.5., arc gT'-''.vr,' plcwirg by disking and rolling ?.nd| Lesson V, afitwr the first crop or two, there will ; keepin'g tlie gi-ound' f ad'low ur.:til af tsr be a tendanr-y frir the ve.arctaMes to be midsummer. Every time the quack pooi^y filkd cTjt, and the plants to .CT's's gets a good s'tart go over the be SU'H<>eptibl? to d'isea'se. In fertii'z- ; .gTcoind w.'t-h a Iwrse rake, rakrng out img for general crops on muck soil.^ni" the ro«t sitalks aftei- they ha\-e use a fertilizer witJi a sm.-iU amount ; started, and taking these where you of nitrogen in order to start the crops ("an di-y and bum them. Follow this off V'lg'oroaj'.ly. a large lAwspiiM-lc acid, â€" lO'r Irij! cut the weed W. F.: â€" Can you tell me how to pre vent silage from spoiling? My sil age seems; to mold and get hot you /-!», llie po^os were not lv;g:r^ ^^.-..^ ^^^ ,.^.^^ . ^^^ ^^ J cajj. ami the tc'-ilc'ifference; 0470 ; ^^ue. S13o.32; c^jst of fe^J.I lold i.-i tiie si:c monAhs was by §-5,4,S: co€t of .light, S3.20; baiancc.:. IS kirge, but th2 forty l«ds s.^._(,., „^ ^ ^„. „. .,g^- ^^.^^.. - no mean 1 wiith I'grhv gave a "octter reveriue than I th-> forty without Irjjht. Tlii.f tlllfer- m ?aot,^">^r/" m^Auro" ^.^Ca^^"^ ^^'^^ '"^•'* ."PJ*^ t'^^^^^'^ ^H^ ^^"^ - cor:.espo:Ki with that wh.h you : ^ ^ ^^^ t.vj-fjillf t j balance, S58.94, or a coU of 0.0 U».n Dt- crsmbea- and Januarj.-, while by far ^SS Liozt?n. Thceo egg- were rt^eivcd. Thccc witli 'Jie ; ^'^^J*. §118.90; cost of feedf, $ti0.01; 32.1 cents. Gre.at Bn'teln had a aiid mii'i&t'vjg fac;ij'.ics. Above all ' ptaca army cf l(i2,25l regulars aind tLsy ara d«m<u!din-jf t.h:ic their com- 251,19-5 terr:t.or5a'j'. or partly trained .,_ mundty g'i-.-e them same of the a<i- tror/ps. 3. The ::rm-';5.i;ce vaa ; \-an^3tre.5 of tlie city, i^i order tivat : "g^ied at Scnris. swith-.vcsrt of Com- m Iravo been bike bde.ium, that :s a,fai-ni life may have a yttlc, less plcsne. Fraai-^a 4. When imon in •iraneporent. wax-hlie gum or reKn,:.jruiigery, anii a Ht& more vTholcaome Orifanio rt is 5 pjn. in London, .5.09 : enjoymei:* in pt. Whet "is your cr.m- pjn. in Pa^'is and 12:45 aja. (next munl.y doirj: .to m^et the glowing ds- day) in Peking. 5. Ysa are right â€" ando? Have ycu a soc'al centre the first Osnadlan KHpanen: to lasd I>7TER\ATI0NAl. LESSON FEBKUAHV 2. The Giving of The .Manna, ' Exodus 16: l-;;0. Golden Text. .Matt. 6: 11. th-at Ci- valv.ad for iis fragmnco." The poo- j pia '"frathci-ed it. and grouiid it in jir.il! .3 tr bail it '.n nic;tar;, .and sMth- ^^ : e;i i: in pcL? and made cake? of it; man; â- and ;he taste of it wa-s as the tarte; "^^'".STe y<H:r people m-ty gx) for cn,rcir- im F;\:n:e was the Princess Patricia 'of f.-ssh ci." cr oil-L-akri (Num. U: , t.urjnen:t? Have you a public play- Oamadla-M LIg-ht Infantry. 6. "The 'rh:y iia-:l 110 nam? f.or it, ?o thay grcand r.-i-.al>ly e-;iuippe:d fcr yyar Ou'luren'-; Sriry cf the War" would chriiran in fchocl? Do you ever suit your purpose admi;-ably. it-4» ^ I have a m',uvdpal hjllda.y and general . publi-vhcii in England and bound very If you siLve in one of aiStractiveiy w,^h excellent 'llustra- doing th!nj.?3 ts.ons and mav3. Up to tlie prj-enrt. 1-10. Hunger in Hie Wildei-iiesii. ^i'-; 8). -;r.-l.l. "Whal; is it?" which in Hebrew i-, 'Tnan hu" or "man txi,'* and !th-.'y coriVnccd to cai'l it. : a^sW-.-'-i-hz-^-l Wliat is now callci mamia is 't':!'- -tihiase e:ir.miinit.'-j^ that 'â- , ^7Tâ- ?m^J^^ °*Ti^i'vv-^f''^--^-^'*."KV i"'- pecp-e. P'-^^e write an-i tall eight vt-l-.ini'^ have been rrnijd wh-icJi ot ljjniar:.iK. it exi:'.j3s w siindm." isy , .,_ ,t 1 - L v .t r • • .« . > , n:g!:t from it.'o trtL-^k and frani-hes. ! "1 1 r? Il I^ "^Z 1 " ^""T *-« ^-^^^^'J° « the ,^-a!- do^^Ti fumvi sjma.M. roi'nr.i, vi-I-.::ts "rair..;.' *^" othcits aiiong the road to pro-, to the end of 191 1. Pro;;al'l;>- two avi- The exact fccalaon cf the "wi.deme. of Sin'' 's 'anknov.n, but it muisc liave been a barren plain or vailleyi iioar Mount Sinai. At tiio be t it a as a s v.hi Ji pc.cly aiih.ire to ihi tv.-ig-i to of , gress. th? amd a mediiim to abundant supply of pota'sJi, under normal c-onditiions as Wgh BS 3 to 5%. Thi<; of course, should t>e worked int;o the soil thor- ovhg'Wy at the time the crop is being pilanted. M. F. : â€" What is the cash value of iki ires'', arj pa-rv'y drop £T«ind." The Aral? gathor it. boil ii do-.vn, ar i use it en thii'r bread like honey. Tha Gre-rk monks of Sinai paBsi-.;g, very different ^eU it to traveller,. It couUi r.z-\ from the abundance cf EgJist. Long however, have served as food for a vears of subjection and slavery had Ir.ult.^J^'3 of po>pLe. for :t c&p.?.fI-3 sapped tlie manliood' of Israel, and the i'-mo-"* cti! rely of --agar. The Do people had no spirit to brave the pri- maima which fc-i ths Hebrew-s must think it is a good "idea to put yations and liardL^.ips of such a have been of a truJy mirac amount of ^vcrk b>- planting a cuItivate-J crop on ^^^ {^^- ^j^; j^ '^^^ 4^ ^ â-  to 12'-;.,â€" the fend. Consttaut cujuvatiian wiH ^.-^.^ %.^^ passlr.;-, very differen ' Ma.'i Marlon:â€" Try the beans g.inia Mme evonrrg, From two to four is t^ie best warn IKt-o'- It i3 dlicnaJ vfxlumes wrl comi^tte tfhe work. Th.3 price at present b $1.25 per volume. Xotiilng more l>^uti- 5i:3 cr mare ^â- aluahie, both for the present ami tire future, e&uld be foxn^ water on it? Answer: â€" Siilage should not spoil if well rotted manure, by the manure tlie silo is air-tight and permits of ; joumov. 11-18. even ye ' character, iinl: ;i:ou3 is we may suppose that ber of playrrs for the pot-o'-lKs.^na than a set of these splendid booJis. game. Pliac-s fifb.- leans on tlie Ch'ldren are delig'iited with ih^i. table. an.i catll lit the pot. Arrange, Evangeline wi-ites: "I have lo write the players arourd it ard letter thieim a pap«r fcr our club on tiiis subject: A. B. C. D. f'.cm left to niih.:. Each 'My Second acmceâ€" .My CJidldren.' player takers five brans fr.m the pot Can you hejp me?" Bread from Heaven. "At the memcry of th's Tarfa juice was anil puts hia hands un.ier ths tabio. Our su5:gestlcn wou^d Itj that you ihall eat fle!i'h." The flesh' Preserved and Uia:!; it grew in traJS-; A begins the game by cloi^ing his shew how you can tsach your ciiiltftren came to them in the form of flecks ... .. , o-u laiiic w ijicu .a. ^..= .V,.... v.. .^v.v,.o '•-'" ^° :-:mediiag very much more left, hand ari bringing it no to tha to avodd mak.in^ the ts-ame mLstakes sprea«»?r load, allowing seventy; the swage se>^t;ll!Ing evenly. The ^^ q.^ails. These birds are still com- ! ^â„¢' greater. table in front of B. who gue-.js how 'you have m.ad-8 m yxjur cwn life; how bushels for a load? Thi.s being well presence of mold shows thit eatlier ^^^^^ -^^ i.^^^^ country. They fly in tha ' The story has a very hi^g-h va-'ue m.any bear-- it hoi;.-. If B's guess is you can instil! in them vour own hig5i rotted stable manure. â-  • ^ the silage is too dr>- and bulky, aEio-.v- spring in great numbers across tlie for ns as for anjierat lir;:.. in ihiat correct, he gets all the beans in th" i'^ails Perhaps th»re ore things that Aiisv.er:â€" It is very hard to state ing for big air circiilation between Gulf of Akabali. and are often so it ilJustr-ates mcit signficantly and j^gj^j. u.^^ -f ^is guess.'? above cr he-' vcu voarrelf have longed to do? You tb3 cash value of well-rotted manun.., the spaces o.f ciit com or the con,tant3 feitgi-ed atter tha^r long Light th.t Wratv.,y Gcd s <^e f.j H^j p^^^ ^^^ ^.^^^^ -^ ,j^, ^^^_ ^,^^^ ^^ - â-  ^ ^^^.^^ ,.^^^ by the ma..ix.re spreader load. If the, of the t^o\^re u«t been tliorough y Uiey can ea^ay be cau|ht or fcil.ed. ^pare D^jK b. lt> and the i^.ic^^^ ^ .,^^ differsr..^. For e^- thirds ard thuis bo sa-rfsfied throug?! manure b.as been e.xpo«a,th^pr^ha-! packed. Tha heatnng of the «^«/^-^.l\=f ,^^'^;^^rS" J^ ^3 be filled 18^^^^^^^^ -n 1 .a^ '**â-  ample, if A hold., three beans and B them. Mavbe j-oux own health is i^t bility is that it will carry no more shows that arfave fermentation as i,-o- ^^.^^j^ ,^^.^^^ „ '^J^ ^^^ morning th^y "-Vn omer a head." Com.raie v. gTiessss f.vo. B muit give him one; if . goo.i. Yoa can thow how, by feed- than 5 to 6 lb. of ntrogen to the ir^ on. Of course to quite an ex- ^^^^ .,^ ^jj^^j,) ^.^.^^^ ^j^^,^^ ^j^^ij ^^ ^^ j.^^ j^jj.j, p_,^£ ^f a.i ephah v.-ould he g-u.esses five, he must g'lv* him f.vo. -ng balanced rart-ions, j-otir clviidi-en ton, pixitebly not m^re tlian 2 or 3 lb., tent this sJioui-d go on, because it is tj.^ \.^^<^^â-  f,e,;t on the grourei." It be about O'-j pints. If A h:lds nana and B guesses any; may grow up to be sti-ong and phosphoric acid, and 4 cr 5 lbs. pot-' fermtnitaticn of the =-ilago wh'jch pro- ^^-^ ";ike coriander seed', white; and | 31-35. The Pot of Manna. This i-rumber up to five he mui.t make t'ced: liea"lhy. Ycu can teach },-ca:- children ash. It is not fair to value this at duoe3 the conidiltjoais which accoiuit the taste of it was like â- wafers made pot of manna, a prec'ou.s memorial of yr, gu.es3. ll" A holls anv beam rnd how to take -are of their "hâ€"ltJi Havt- the price you would have to psy for for iits prc.2er\"at'on. However, the with r.on^'y" (v. 31). Coniander their sojourn in the w- U^rnass, w^s ' femiontation should net go on to the £«ed is a sma'd fnsit, straw-cjlored, kept in the mcst heiy p?ace cf tlie- extent of destroying the ensil'age. I aboirt the siz'.- of a popper com: In ; taibernacle, in front of the sacred ark. ; would not cori^idfcr ,^t gocd to pour wii- N um. 11: 17 the manna is also gaid ; Ccmp-u-e Hcb. 9: t. ter on tlie cllage. It would tend" to ! â€" â-  _ . . . it in feiiiilizers, because in fortiUzers thicss plantfoods are in a readily nvai'lable and concentrated form, whereas in manure the probability is tijat the materkil which remains con-, make it sloppy and spi-ead thedcstruc- tsiiais a considerable amount of plant-' tion of the si'age by ^\-a;hing tine foiod in the unavailable form. Well- spores of mcdd frcm one part of the kept manure is highly valu'able> but silo to the c thor. If the silage i!s ,li ihould always be kept in mind tha very moldy you will have to throw nuaiity of manure li^s directly d'epo'rjd- aw:'y the moUiy part on top. ent upon its storage, and the handling L.B.:â€" Will you please give THE BEEF THAT EUROPE WANTS B guesses noiic, ho m!:;i^t give vhe same number tlsat A hold- in his liand. If .\ holds nors and B g.ies.;e3 ncne, A must pay five to B for his correct gu?5s. If a pl.tyer does not have enou-gh beans in his hand V3 you not problems in ycu:;.- community that ycAi eaji li-elp â- Â«itii, such as bet- ter scl-.-oc!s, clean amusements, arjl £<â-  forth? W'ouldii't this mean tliat you were helping yoar children to keep their hearts and nrirli dean? of the farm anim-als frcm which it â- was obtained. Director Chas. D. Wocds of MaLie. sajs as f~l!lows: â€" "Plarutfood in manure is net eo quick- ly nor so coJiipU^ely avai.'all..;? es ici tha better fo-vms of chiinic::i'3, but aftca- much hail-ir.ftV.g cf pros and cons, it has become genoraiiy accept- ed that the cwiinieivial v.£uc of tha plant focti cc'ritaincd is 'Ihi c;:ily de- me a balanced ration for a dairy cow? Also fcr fattening cattle if u tlifferont ra- tion is needed. An.'jvvM-: â€" Haackcr of Minnesc-ta kIvC i as « ra'tio^n for 1000 pound cow as fellows: Crude protein, 0.7 lbs.; cai'lo-hydrates, 7.0 lbs.; fat, 0.1 lb.-;. He suppkmcjiited' tliis with consider- able figures suggeststl as an allowance f-cr the dairy cow. provided she was make good hits guess, ha d'raivs five Sugge-t hew you can make your home frcm tiie pot. After he p.;iy5 tha piav attractive to tile boys and girls. Show gees on as befcre â€" frcm .-^ to B, B how a wise mother often lets go some to C, and so on. '. of bar household duties that she may Every fme a p'ayer has more than ; be a better chum to her children, live beams in h's hards, he lays thej W'th these few sagsrestions yor extra or.i's on tha tabla in front of' can develop a m:st interesting paper >s...... THE TR.APPER. in a cocl place, not exposed to .vua fire, or rain. The bone in the fox'? t?i'l should be remove-.! to avoid taint* ing. ^?^ fin'ite thing about a faam manui-a by' giv.r.g more than '3'', milk. For fat- •which we can mrriiuro its agr:-jultural| tcning stferj at difTerent periods of urjd commci-ci:'! vr.luc." | fattening, Henry & Morrison, in their His opinion is supplemented by that new book on "Fee<ls and Feeciins"' of Director Thovno, fcr 25 ye-ars give the following:-- Uequiremcnts for Given Steers at Different Periods of Fattening -\ Firsi 50 days Second 50 days Thu-d 50 days Av. Wt. during l»rfc)d lbs. 1.020 1,140 1,260 Dry matter lbs. 22.4-25.5 23.9-27.4 22.7-27.7 Digestible crude protein lbs. 2.04-2.35 2.17-2.62 2.27-2.65 Total Dig. nuti'ients lbs. 18. â- 1-20.4 19.4-22.2 20.2-23.3 Nulritivo ratio lbs. 1:7.0-1:7.8 1:7.0-1:7.8 1:7.0-1:7.8 RAW FURSi RAW FURS and GINSENG ROOT â- will vay lilzliast lacjriat prlcce f-jr ji y»a'3 t'f rrtiab!" traJins. i:,.i.,-renc-:»- â€" I'nicn 'ilt. of Cniiadii. Write for Price I.l^t â- j.ivi T.isn ESff St. J?aa'. St. Vr. JSon'-r-sil, I'.O. n. SILVER The ocean occupies three-fourths of the surface of the curlli. rertili7.ers PAY I Eipe:iment.il Tcsfs show tha t I Fcrtiti'/.crs Increase Wheat Yields (C.slna (ram Fertilizers obtaiaeJ la Kspeflmect«t Tests: (Ontario AjrkiiliHrat i:ipernnrnt»i Vulon â€" J.i.. bus. F»1I Wh5»l ti-nedl t:i bus. Siting â- ' I Avet«|c of 5 years' test. Tti<tiau» Experlmentttl'tetwn â€" T.Uii bus. Wheat jabcd. Av!r«i« of 10 years^ test. "Biattty what should be used will depend upuu thelocalconditlons. but tm any (i.f U sho'ilJ be rrmim!>4rrd <tol ll «•!.'( /"ly bfUrr to n.«« tiin*l anouHlj of firUtiitr on whril ««€â-  tli'tn in erJine.'yf/Mt', because wheat prices are li'< ilr to rrmatn hii|h end It will Dot require much increase in the yield to f\y fur llherat fertiiiia tlun."â€" Paor. .V T Wianch'. Piirdne Unlversily, Indiana. Make 'Tour n»ln on U'h«at wrhlle pfic»a are h.gh Wri'.c for fret Ultralart Soil and Crop Improvement Bureau of •'^e CanaUi in l'-rtiliiei- A.ssociation 1 < 1 1 Temple Bldfi Toronto Light in The Poultry House Fcr s-eme time it ha.s been a ques-| tion whether srtifidal light in thc^ poultry I-.ouse was a beiw-fit o<r not, and to help â- solve the proHem, tiie Poultry Divi-bdon of tlie Experimental Fj.tms have, tested K for two seasons, during the winter of ltU6-17 wbUi two liens (iO birds in «ii) of Baried Reek puilets and thiring last winiter with • Clear The W ay 2nd ' tiran-l Oliampioii Steer at :3 â- â-  .;::;...;..-.....:.:-â€"- :.::...: .;i:i-^i Methods of Trapping Fox. claos as a senior yeaailng Eind was! An absolute necejiuty in trappiuj; ! cham.-.;;cn steer in Grade? ar.l Croscss' fox is a goK;d trail sc-^nr which the j of any Brce.l in tha Guslpli Sho^w. ' trapper must ru^b cii the solos of his j l"Cisar tha Way 2iur' was iircd by sh^aes .â- 'iid on Ixs sjiavcs v.mci wo:kin>r â-  Sylvan Power and bred by R. O. Huai-;ai-cu>-d the traps. The fox i.=. per-' I ter of Exctc:-, Or.t. He was firi^ihcd' na-ps the hardest of all wild aidmals ' to tlic tap L:„'„in v,h:n chown. to tvap and is very suspicicu-; .f th.; ' "There are. of coui-se, two sides toi'iumiin otlor. The trai: scene iielirs. the Canaeiai-i V.vc stick induLlry,"; to kdl ths cdor. Traps sh^ld be, siiilti h\ cMTer, Mr. A. T. R-js^cCiâ€" } â- ^I-rinkied with bl.K.l ta v.'l ich the; "â- live stock and lU.id slock; that is,! trail *<^e'-* I'®-* '-'''^n added, cr .-hould breediiifr stock aivl s look bred for meat.' bo boiJed in liemlock waiter. There never w.vs a time when .so much ! Traps ch.ouild bo set along the fox atteiKi'DU wi'j baliwf paid by CaT.iiii'an' ruTiway^s or where tliey are most J.ike- live stcci: mc:i to ipjit'lty. I'\xi«ht iy to travel. Tiio trap.5 should be . 'kills the pvoli: cii niedi'jcro ar'mals. :et about two feet frcm a fa:i-'y ?ar?t« i^^ ! Higli g.ia.ie »t-x'k i^ the pj^Ut^'o kind tinjc; they sliookl be •\vell cowred and '" i for ilio e-xnoi... trade. In s'.^v: -ct the the sai-rourdiii^s made to l.'ok as na The Highest Prioe §r, RAW FURS to us. no ma'.t-jr >NUal nuantity. \\ a pay the highest price, also express charges. Try oaco and you are -assured ot sat;sfa..t;on. A3BEY FUR COMPANY 310 St. Pa-j! W. Montreal, P.Q. U«Jeieii-s Bars o: U\;oUeI-sii, SL Henrjr. In buslnees for 89 years. two pens of Rock pwWet and Uto peiwj Guelpili Wimter Fair, exhlbitd by Mr. of the j Europci'.n shortage tiwre r:, an im- tiie'nier.-e opportunity fcr botli bi.in?hes â- t.-".'!; i!-.:k'::^i•y in this of Leghci-n pullet-?, (40 birds of eachJT. A. Rus^'ell of Toronlto brcrd). In each Jight pctt of twenty biids two tungjtan 40 wiatt lamps werej ''Clicar the Wa,>* 2nd" .is t'.ie perfc. used. They were turncvl on at G a.m. and left tiiM.dayiEliylit, then tariied on agsrai in tlio afternoon before dwsk ami left t'.Jl 9 p.m. This waa s'tarrted in Novcmlxn- whan tlia dajts became ehort and continued until the muldle of iManh when l-i«ht w:is unneeeysaiy. In the 1916-17 te.5t the light p?n laid 1106 eggs v.luh a total value of $54.93. The c^s:t of feed was $22.53. the cost of Mght $2.40. a total cost of $24.73. This pfavc a balance over 0C3t of fe'cd ai.d Ichi of $30.20 or ! a cost per ilown ?•;?£â- Â« of 2*'. 8 ce«tt«. courli-y. I "Clear riv Way 2r t" vi^ic I pctf e< tCin in fonn f^tt.l finrh I C.liiiistnia.o V?f. It !i t.^Li 1 prima .\rgcn;-".ie bc«f tfciHica â- Mills for tural as possible. About five feet, up Ihj tree trunlt a tloz-cn dvopa of the j bC'S-fc fox bait shoul.l bo s-prinkled. dlreciTy atcvs the traps. In jumplnp â-  for the tnit th: f •, r w-Tl i-.p c«."rbr in Q-i' a :i-.ika aboc.. .ioe-c tlmll the be driven into < }» kvoim:.! so that It t.vpe of ivtcer for beef. He was award-ad the (.Jraiid C]iara.plon:liip f or j Brilish ai^ji-kct cf quall.'^.- e«ii:al to|Efaiid3 five fset hl.jh. A raijbit sho-dld siteen-; of all classes at the i.«cent Liive Cana Man CivrlsLiruj beef. The Ar- bo j.:'aced on top r^f the Eta.ke ana a Stock Slvjw at Gue^iA, Out., wlieiv ' gen^tlnc meat tr.i::;ij hii haw built pp h-a conipeced aiainst some of the 'by the rilieral prli'.'.y adipiKl by tha be.'t animals produce,! in Canada, Ile-brcedws in impcifnj"; tfcj best paro was also Grand Champion at the bred i.V'cs the wovlrl affcris. The tlaixadi.an Natioana'l E.\hiblticMi, Tor- Catia:liaii live st-jck lrjiui.U-y, by onto, ami took tliiixl jwizo in tha cla^as sniiit.vr attention tj q'^'Kiliy, has an for Sho'Tth.irn -sirsHl steers at tlia Fatj op-^-ortuiii.y now l"o held tha export Stock Sh ow in Chicago, and wa.5 ooie j lra;.ie, ocvcloped C:m'.T'.s tiio \\-ar. per- fcw drjps of thcf ox b.iil p'aeed on Traps iliculi be stet on cliher side a; tha bc^e cf the .it^ko and covered »LJ Willi havc3, -Tight c.irt:!, etc. This nv?lh':-d atttacts fox«i3 fr^Mn great cVi- ' ta.nc«s. ' . I Fv>x slioiili III eas..^d fu.-f side cut ill prc'f.i.i'lr^ foi" tha mark*<t. Good stretchers should be used in sirstch- â-  Send your RAW FURS i^if of 8 herd cf three aniw-ais whieli W'On. manentiy, as th? pi-.ir.:''pa! countries a priw liicne ?< thj best Sli»i<lu>i-n- ! of Europe are dclicicnt in cattle to the! ing. Pc<sitivc;!y »o .'cuTin^ pt<i;..ari-' tir«l herd. He v.ais also ftrrt it bbs extent «f 28,000,000 head. Itaons" ehoitW be u;e.lâ€" the skin? dried 428 St. Paul St. West MONTRCAU fteins rn.utuiacturers ar.d not buyiniT i*^ re* eetl xe always Aaaure the iairest c^aditiQ 1...1I theltigheat market prices. Quick relutnat No price Rst issued but *r« x'Mrentee to hold your ikins arpar-ite ut.lit you accfpl •rreicv^t our offer. M

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