Flesherton Advance, 6 Feb 1919, p. 5

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February 6 1910 THE FLESHEKTON i^DVA NCE I • r THB STANDARD BANK OF CANADA MBAO OPnCB - TORONTO FARMERS Advances to farmers are made i.T'D 1.71 ^ special feature by this Bank. 238 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, Mttuig^T. C. P. R. Time Table. \ Nurse Mae Jaiiiiesou of Toronto is I visiting friendR here' Trains leave Fleshercon Station as' ollows : j Mrs. Henderson and daughter, Chris- Goin<i Scuth Going North '^"''' *â- â- Â» visiting friends in Dundald. 12.0t p.m. j air. and Mrs. Mark Wilson, Jr., moved 9.18p. m. Jtheir household goods to Toronto the 7.53 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The mails are osed at Fleshertou ta first of this week . VICINITY CHIPS follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and| 7 p.m. ; .ind theafternoon mail south at The Ltdies' Aid of the Presbyterian 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south church spent a social afietnoon at th"* mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. (ho,„e of Mrs .\ Gilohrist, Ceylon, on i Tuesday afternoon of this week. .Miss Mildred Graham, who has been ; attending high school here for the past three years, wus cilled to her homo at Daysville, Siak., last week, on account of sickuess In the family. Died â€" At Hauna, Alberta, on Sun day, January 2(J, Hildrad Mabel Armstrong, beloved wife of Wesley Arinjti'oug, for- Rev. Mr. Belfry spent a couple days i>. """"'y °^ S^«enia, Out., agod 22 years, 2 Toronto last week on business. ; ""^"''>'»- Interment at Hanna. Miss Iva Mitchell spent ihe weekend ^^''â- â€¢"ed On Jan. 13, at Hampstaad, in Toronto, also Miss Hulse at her home L"Ddon, Gunner J. E. OlUer, C.F.A., in Oran^eviUo. ' ^" Florence M.bel, youngest daughter of .f "-Ti IT T. â-  1 K. J- n *^''- ^^^^""^ ^'^â- ' Thornham, Norfolk, Mr.'i. D. McTavish is attending the p .^i j No chopping done on Mondays- Graham Bros.. EuL'cnia. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pedlar are spending a fortnight with friends at Manilla. W. L convention in Toronto as delegate from the Flesherton branch. Miss Aleda Mitchell returned Friday The Advance is pleased to announce that Mr. Harry Down of Hathertnn, who recsiitly sold hi.s farm, has purchased the last lo Whitby Ladies' Colleee to continue flyu,.^ feed aud grocery busiuesn from her piano and vocal training. Mr. Buskiu aud will lake posse.-sioa on Miss Si ella Orr, who has been teaching March 15. Mr. and Mrs. Down, who at Weybuin, Sask . is visiting at her are well and aiost favorably known here, parectal home. Toronto Line, south. Mrs. Kindree, of Blenheim, is spend- ing a few wc«ks with her daughter, Mrs. H. S. White. Miss 'Alice McLeod spent Sunday at her home here. Alice is employed with the Bell Telephone Co. at Dundalk. When the armistice was si^jned Great Britain was turning out one airplane ^ji; gj^g i,gr report, every five minutes of a working day. Mr. F. G. Karstedl returned Saturday from OwejB Sound hospital and is slowly recovering from his recent operation. will receive a very co rdial welcome as citizens of our town. The W. I. will meet in the hi«h school on Febv 12 at 2.30. The following sub- jects are on the program : Our inlluonce and making moss of our opportunity, by Mrs. H-iwken ; (.tur part in the war, by Mrs. Armstrong ; Mrs. McTavish, our dilegite to tho provincial convention. I Cadet Waller Cargo, who was taking a course iu England for Lieutenant when tho armistice was signed, arrived homo ! i)u the neon tram Tuesday, A doiegation the this Miss Florence Bunt, who is attending "^ citizens met him at the station and business college at Orangeville, spent the , S'^^j him a royd welcome. Waller has week end at her home here. | "lo Military Medal for gallant conduct in rescuing a wounded comrade iu " No Mrs. David Wright, of Winnipeg is ^j^^., ^^nd " under heavy rirte and visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. ^^^^.^^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ Wriikt lived at Eugenia with her: , .^ ,.,, , . ,. ... ,. * ^* .was killed in action. Waller is husband nearly forty years ago. ! , i„„. „, c >» t <-< r " J ' » J .7 o , eldest son of Mrs. James Car?o of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland spent the village. week end at Woodbridge and Toronto.! â€" Mrs. Holland will remain tor a few i H-O-f^-lC-F'-Y" weeks. Mr. Jos. Sherwood will hold a credit auction sale of farm stock aud imple- ments on lots 28 aud 29, con. 8, Arte- luesia, on Monday, February 17. D. McPhail, auctioneer. Sunday was Caudlemas Day, when Chatsworth 5, Flesherton 4 Flesherton Hockey boys have been working under a great handicap this winter is not having any ice lo practice on, but slill they match bravely on, the groundhog is said lo come out a look for his shadow. Well, he could have seen his shadow any limu iii the d.iy, aud so we suppose he is bajk in his hole for another six weeks, J. J. I*atti8oii,tot 1, con, 5, .A.neaiesia, will hold au auetitu sale on Wednesday, , taking defeats in the best of humor. The game played Friday night last with Chalsworlh on the Markdale rink did them great honor, even if defeated by oue goal â€" ihe score was t to 5 â€" when it is known ihat tne of iho Fiesherton boys had never played hocHey before, and another had not had skates on tor February 19, when a large list of farm two ytars. Added lo this the Chatsworth stock, implerneiils, etc., will bo olt'ered team are a buucb of sluggers and attomp- forsale. D. Mct'hail, auctioneer. i ted tu uis.iblo some of the i?leshertou It is p,%rticulaily requeHed that all boy.., while their referee was (,uite biiui aceouuLs of Jic lato Dr. Liitlo be sollled ''•â-  '''"'"â-  'l^f'-^ts »;;:1.' widu awake ai.d even looking for au excuse to penali// their opponents. Floshenon was ahead until 1 ho last peiiod 4 goals lo 2, whoa 000 uf Uia Fleshericii boys was knocked out ai.d duiing his absence Chatsworth got 111 three goals. i)iio;her Fleshertvn Mrs. W. J. Le.or, lots 133, 134, con. 2 ^oy had two leelh knocked ou"- b^' oue N. E. T. and S. R., Artemera, will hold „f tha Choppers from Chatsworth. The at once. Any person h.iving accounts Hgainsl ihe s»id e.suite fileaso send them io C. N. Uichardsou or T. -V. Blakuly, Fleshertou, attorneys foe, Mrs, (Ur.) Little, Administratrix. an extensive credit auction sale on Thurs day, Feb. 13. .4 lirge list of stock and implements will uo ili'ercd as Mrs. Lever is givius; up the farm. See bills. D. MuPhail, auctioneer. Mrs. Wm. Wilcock was called on Thursday last lo tho bedside of her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Gntfin, who is in the Urauferiile hospital as the result uf a recent attack uf appeudecitis which necessitated an operation. Wo under- aland the patient is progressing favorably. Cadet Thomas Chard arrived honu S MuTuvish from overseas last week looking very til. Tom enlisted Willi tho old 147ih Bait, and went overseas in Novembar of 1910. Ue waa iu the severe hghliug at Pass- cheudale. .\ miens and Arras, and wis only once wounded, thit lime a tlefk wound in tho arm. For cariying out a wounded man uudijr hiavy lire at Opiy Wood he rseoived the Militaiy Medal. said Choppcis are welcome lo all the honor they get out of a game such as (.his one. Th« line- up for both tc>:ms is as follows : â€" Fiesherton C Usher F Thurston K Muir J Dow A Bucbaua'i G Mitchell Chatsworth Goal J Dudgeon Point Joe Dudgeon C Point .\ Bti^wu Uoter W Breese Centie 11 Walker U Wiug L Collins L Wiug L Sinclair Refereeâ€" Herb Walker, Chatsworth. Kendall Boyd retired after the brst period and Jack Dow succeeded him to the post of Rover. WiU Build County Ko«,. â„¢. s..„., », SEASONABLE SPECIALS ^ i. •J K I >r2 County roads came up fur a lan-j diicUBsion at the County Council a« the result of a report by the committee, and the full voice of the council waa bear'j As a result the committee was empowi>rml to purchase 124,000 wjrth of road mak- ing machinery, including tractors, road rollers, crushers, dump wagons, graders a.id other necesaariis and a levy of twi mills on the ec^ualized assessment of tliu ceunty for construction and one mill f^r maintenance waa authorized. The county is assessed at 32,000,000 and this will permit of an expenditure of |9ti,000 by the county, and as the coastruction con- templated will be don« 'mostly en the provincial ^county roads on which the province pays GO per cent., the total expenditure would be nearly $240,000. This would be a good start in making the roads of the couuty a bletsing anl a comfort to ihe inhabitants. The rollers , ^^ and two complete construction outfits ijyJ will be put to work as soon as the snuw | 'r.-j goe» and one will work in the north and ; ,^p one in the south. The Meaford read j}.** through bydentiam will in all probability be th? one that will be built drst as it is < in a very bad condition. In the sou'.h ' MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS 'â- -0 pairs Men's Heavy Rubbers, .some Gum, .some Snag proof, some willi ^{^ three lace eyelets, others with two buckles. First ([uality, no spconds ^1 'i r .- ^< < n;d IK County Council they will probably utart at Dundalk and i corns north on the Toronto and Sydenham \ t'a road â€" Suu-Tim«s. â-  , .- s !> Sizes «j, 7 and 10. Special clearance price $2.19 PER PaIR, BOYS' ARCTIC OVERSHOES Cashmere tops, black avooI lining, good heavy bottoms to stand hard wear. Sizes 10, U, 12, 13, 2 and 3 only. Less than present wholesale price $1.19 Pair. LADIES' OVERSHOES Black Jersey top.e, fine quality, black wool lining, up to date fitting lasts. Both button and buckle styles included . All sizes from 3^ to 7. SPECIAL $2.19 PER PAIR Grocery Specials 300 Bats Dingman's Electric Soap, an old house- hold favorite. Per Bar 7c 400 Bars White Castile Soap, Regular size. A good soap for the hands 4 B,-krs 25c Grocery Specials California Raisonp, ninety per cent, .setdless. Just the thing for pies Uc a pound Corn Syrup for table use. A very seasonable special 5 lb. tins 50c : 10 lb. tins 95o At the County Council last week theiej '/>] were live aspirants for the Wardeuship â€" ! 7.- Messrs Mc(^uaker, Reeve of Owenij^J Sound ; McKenzie, Reeve of .-Irtemesia : I j^": .'. T, Miller, Reeve of Euphrasia ; W. H. Sing, Reeve of Maaford ; and Irwin Morrison, Reeve of Osprey. All of these withdrew with the exception of the first iw), when the vole stoodâ€" McQuaker 26, McKenzie 10. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTx\RIO ki^i'^ :P2 The apuoiutment of standiug commit tees resulted as follows : Fioaace and Assessment â€" J. A. Lemon. Roads and Bridges â€" Mr. Arnott. County Propeityâ€" E. Lemon. Educatiou â€" Mr. Cameron. Printing â€" J. \\. Hutch'nson. Cummuuicatious aud Memorials â€" Mr McKenzie. House of Uefugeâ€" Mr. Morrison. | County Roads â€" J. A Boyd.Markdsle ! Warden's Committee â€" Mr. Sing. r Flesherton 7, Power House 4 -V rather fast gimo if he ckey was staged in Markdale rink on Wednes.'ay La'er he was given a Lii|uten»ncy and evening of la.st week betweoaj;he Power was in England taking the necessary Hou»e aud Fiesherton team* iu which eourse when the armistice c.ima aud his Flesheston won lo the tune of 7-4. course came k. a sudden tormimlioii. Neither team had h.id any team practice Tom was a popular young Hian and his but showed up well in the game. Most safe itturn was joyfully hailed by a *^f '*'â- '•' Power House fellows were taller latKe circle of friends. I (Continued on Col 4) A Reeve- Arrested For Sedition Is Run Out of Town Somewhat of a sensation was created Iu Owen Souud, says the Advertiser, the arrest of Reeve Joseph Weber (Continued from Col. 2) j and heavier thaB tha locals and out- ^ weiijhed them considerably. Very few I -n penalties were awarded to ei:her team, IM but the game was lively from start '.c |i!!I finish, and it is said that it was oneoffjl| the best ^ames that hiis been played in {Ij] Markdale rink for some time. The score IPI ine first period was 4-1 in favor of Flesherton and in no place in the game d'd t'"i Power| House gain a lead. The second periou .i.uj'?~'* o.iH tbu third emded iu the victory for Flesherton. Un tho Flesherton team were a couple of old timers â€"Roy Piper and Oharlie Richardson. Roy had not had his skates jB] on for two years and t hay were growing i jj cobwebs, while Charlie hadn't had a stick m his hand for about five years. The liuC'Up is us fol'owa : Flesherton Goal Point C Point Centre L Wing R Wing ^^^^/=^r=.'r=ir=J'z^^r=^/^=Jr=J/=--r=^' =;h?7=- â- Jr=ir=Jr=^'r '^^m COME THIS WAY For Your I 1 Sideboards. L riouches, C Fisher I R Piper ^1 C Richardson I C Sproule (J McTavish 'i F Thurston Power Qoute J Patterson U L'oper G Cross J Uaines S Lawrence E Proctor Sub. T Berry Markdale. Library Tables, Chairs, Settees, Parlor Suites, Etc. Prices right. GaU-aod see^ihgm* WW. W. H, BUNT Flesherton, - Ont. Farm Fire issued at the instance of the Department of Justice. The offence with which he ; g^^, g jj^^,^^.,,,, .^u^. i i>erry , is chsiged is sedition, aud five offences j are alleged. Mr. Weber did not remain ' Referee â€" H. II ill custody bug, being admitted to ba:i ;! and he will appear for hearing before A. GOStly Police Magistrate Creasor on Wednesday , j February 5 He came to Owen Sound : xhs barn of Benjamin Goodwin, near ' Monday night to attend the meeting of , .^lliston, was roceiitiy consumed by fire i the County Council. I with a loss of something like }lb,000. „. , , . „. , The baru was au avorano sized one on a On V\edne8day evening Weber was j^^^^^ f.,u.,(j^ti^,„ ^he stock destroyed » run out of Owen Sound by a number of ; included 25 head of cattle, most of them returned aoldiers and a large crowd of above the avernge in v.ilus ; one horse, i ,. ... , ,,, ... ,1, ! nineteen •beep aiul u number of civilians. Weber was caught ty the ^.i â-  â-  i . â-  , " ^ Iho pigs were in a pen a elaehed crowd on his exit from the theatre aud was taken to the hotel to get his belong ings. There he was made to kiss the ilag and .then was escorted, none too gently, along the main stree*. In res- ponse t.) the many i^ug'-acicus demands insurance covering the building, to prove his l.'yalty Weber saug three ; this will b« iuadp'juaie to replace it fowl. .'rom the b:>rn and were saved. All implenienis excv'ot the hinder were burned and all ihe feed. Besides all this tlier« was snywhore from twelve to eighreen luin dred bushels of grain which had not been taken ou' to market. Thero waa an but The bre IS uiikaO'Vii. nulvering lines of " God Save the : Muse of tli' King." The returned sukbcrs then formed a special guard ami saw thai ho j AdflliniStratriX Sale got out. Although lie wore a big over- i coat and carr.ed a valise, Weber was! OF FARM LAND forced to gi on the run, and was last saeu about 11 o'clock liciding northweat. , The undersigned hava receiisid iiistiuc- lions from the Adniiuistiatrix of the .-slate .if the late Gervas Hazard to sell by Public .\uetion at Cap. McL:ichlan's HottI, in tho Village of Ceylon on Saturday, the First Day Of March, A.D. 1919 tinck, while as.i.liu« his brother, Robert, '/ '/'^.^""" ;!V,!r'r','ll'V''"fT'''^ ' " ' ' Lilt rsumoLT r ue, t/uiioession 4, JSurih in the bush on the lalter'a farm, met his^ol ihe Durham Road in the Township of death in a painfully traijic manner, .-Vrtcmosia, cintaining 100 .acres moro i^r TNy had just completed the telling of a ''â- â€¢â€¢'•â- '. •"'"*" "â- ; ^''« U^iziid faun. Tho soil IS said lo be a good clay loam, ab 'Ut Killed by Falhng Tree Wednefday last Alfred Nobk\ of Ben- Iree and in fa'liug branch was - » l^»Se o""-." ""•» s6 acres of which are ui.der cuhiva'iou . broken oil aud rebounded back, struck „(„,, .j^.i-gg of gi,„d hardwood bush aud Alfred to eartR, crushing his cheat and| the balance in beaveimeadow and swamp, breaking his shoulder blades. This wa.s ''•'â- ""e '" s*'*^ '" '>" I'lected on the [.rein- at 2 o'clock ; he died at ,5 4o and was T "'''«';'"â- ;'•, f',"^ ','""""' ^â- "«1;''' f'^^ alao » coinfv)rtablo log house. The pKce causcku.'* most of the lime. His wife j^ well watered ai,d fairly well fenced; wa» sent fm and medical aid, but love about 2^ inilos from Pricevillo and 3;' and skill wore powerless, and lie passed »"''''* ff"'" Flesherton, and mio ihirU SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1 900 Gravity ashers anil wringers tlectiic anil gasoline power washtM's . ALSO \ ,^ "VV '^\ for McCorniick Binders, Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills. Cultivator, Plows, Steel Stalls, Harrows. Gasoline Engines, Brantford double gearid and auto oiled .lirmotor Wind Mills, Bealy Hay C.irriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tankf, Pump and Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One th'ia more wouj cut with sumo pu.ver whou tit.tea witli njy pateui. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. NOTICE Residence For Sale uf a mile from .«chool, ami is scctinimo' _ . ,, ... ,,. , dated with rural mail deliveiy. Ttio sale Ewing, Royce, Wellington aud one j, i.^iug made with thj app.-oval of tie away at the age of 34, l-)nving ihiee.boys, daughter, .Vudroy. lo a mother's car*. The sad event has cist a gloom over the community and has called forth expre.<ts- app.-oval ctticial guardian on behalf of llio infants liy whom tho tc-c'rve bid would lie Iixcd, and the pui chase money is to bo paid into the Canadian Rmk uf C iiiuieroi u> the ions of deep sympalhy to all the chief j„mt credit of ino 0(fici-.l Gunrdian and mourners. â€" Durhmn Rovic*. Loca' and provinci«l detectives are in search of the thief who got sway with $270 extracted from a mail btg in the CooksvlUe station. (be .\uininistratrix. For further p.iriiculiir« and conditions of sale apply tu the uulersigned. Ditcd at .Ovieii Sound this Sl»t day of j cation of this notice and cannot be made January . AD. PUU. thereafter. -MIDDLEBROA .SPF.AKMAN, Solicitors for Martha Susan H.iKird, Administratrix, Owen Souud, Ont. Notice is Uorehr given thst a Bvlaw , *7 «»'« =''.'"1' ""'^ •^", "'sy t"'"^, tho was passed by tho Council of the Village ;««''/•'"«« «nJprom,.ses thereto belonging of FleThertoi on the 31st day of Decern- '^ tl>e UtoM. K. Uichardsou tleshor- ton . On the premises are a large brick veneered dwellini;, well linishod aud in good repair, contains !» larne bedrooms ou the second Hat .ji.d a large donble bedromn cii first tiat ; good never failing wtll with force pump in ba.-ioaient, are good cistern all well finished for winter or summer kitchen and dining and wash rooms with good p.intry and otner con- veniences ; large Ihwh and garden with her, liUS, providing for the issue of debentures co the iniouiit of §1200, for ihe purpose of e.vtonaiuns and improve- ment heretofore made in connection with tho Flesheiton HydroElttlric System, a id 'o provide' for further extensions lher.'of and lo issue debentures therifor, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry (,>rtico for South Otey on tho ISth d.iy of .January, 1019 Any motion , ' . 1 .1 good young orchard bearing aud plenty to Muash or set aside the „f „„.„ f^^j^ . „j ^ ^^ \ ^ sainc or any part thereof m...st be made »,,d d,i,,„g ,,-,„,^ Premises woulu within three months after the hrst publi- ,„,,Uo excellent Urge boarding house and piivatc otiice besides, or would answer jell for two tenai.ts and also good office Dated the 20th day of January. iMl'.t. ftr rent. Apply to R. J, Spnule on W. J. UKLL.VMY. Clerk. P>e premises who will show any perso.)* ver the premises. 170c

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