Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1919, p. 4

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February 13, lUlO THE FIESHKRTON ADVANCE Flesherton Advance Miinili'PMi dent nnwiipaper, piiblMhtd avcry rhurxJajr •* th' office, Oilliiigwoud Street, ITlMhrrton. Subacri|iticin price 91 iwr annum whan iMfcl in advance ;$I.Mwliiin no â- <> paid AJ'er Tisinn rates nu application. Circulation '.' "iwrnkly Around Grey County A iiiovenieiU is uti fool towards the orKaaizitiun of a luaiicli of the Humane Society ill Owen Souiiil. Mrs. Wm. Boyd, .Si., of Uenliuck, »u old lady over iH) yeii-j of iiiic, full on the floor of hor homo recti.! ly lind sustained s fracture of the leg Sam Detbecker, a f inner near Aytoii, accidentally shot himself in the hand while climbing up a lidtier with his hand on the muzzle of the jjuii. Ho waa after pigeons at th« time. Thomas Danifl wh.s ai)iiointed town cuDJlable of Durham al the recent meetini; of the council. Particulars as to the death of the late Capt. Pollock have been received. It happened durint' tho advance in fr«iit of Cambrai by » inicliine gun bullet in the atomach. Grey County Council submitted a proposal to the Bruce Cou'icil to miike the county lice Lelweoa the two counties as a county road . There will also be a county road between Owen Sound and Hepworih. Abaut twelve of ilie larye tents of the 147th tiitt<»lion thai were (liven to them by ihe County and used at Niagara and Camp Bui'deu »nd various camps in England were returned home recently. Warden .Mct^uaker w:is appointed to dispose of them immediately. The Owen Sound Sun-Times de'iies thit there are any cases of the "Black Itch" in that town as waa rumored. The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co. have shipped several cits of woven wire to t^usbec. Laura Beamish, of Dundalk, fell one day last week mid li.id her lef- broken. Fte. Stanley Liycock, of Meaford, returned lieiiio recently after spendinu three years oversojs. In 1!>1C ho was reported killed in action, but fortunately there vtas nu truth in the report. The hearing of Joseph Weber has been poi-tpjned a week on account cf the accjscd. School Reports FOR JANUARY Juni-ir Room of Kunberley public school Jr 3â€" E Coriitieid, N Aborcrombie, M Hirri'i,.\ Weber, \V Weber, II Hammond. Sr 2â€" B H iiiimoiid, K Ijaiie, B McConnell. JrL'â€" K llu!chii).<f.n, F Sluirt, G Wjllace, M Weber, M Flood, W Flood, K McConnell. Sr 1â€" U Flood, II Con. field. Pr Aâ€" (i Weber, M Hammond. Pr B-0 Stadord, U Siuart B Weber. PrC-M Flood, L Liwreiice. â€" E. LATIMKR, Teacher. tÂ¥^ S. S 11. Aitemesia Sr4-NOenoe, A Bo#le», U B! r^ 3 Ilislop. 8r3-n Mag>e, K Sewell, M Ili^I p, Jr3-A I'..>«l..s, .\ .Sewarl.W Ueveiell C Neely, A Uarbottle, C Teeter. Sr2-L Sewell, C Bolind, Y Neely M Bohind. Sr 1-D Boland, A Iii.-lop, V Boland. .Jr 1â€" E Orahaiii. -MAI UK PLIiWKS, Teaclier. Euttcniu' Public School iSr4~l'e.r.l McMnslor, I'eiii I Latimer, Miiy McKee, Kenn.'ih Lirgo. .Jr 4â€" ld«^ Iliii.ey, .Mentha Fell* ick, Arthur I'odlir, II in.kl Tuohy. ' Mae Duokett. .Ir3â€" Isftbc*. McKeo, Mar(?uerilv I'cdIar.Clarabsl Fenwick.Ji'jreue (Joidon, Frod Large, Itaten Fawcetl. Si I'r Jack I'lrk, Rilpli Lir^p, Eirl >iordo», Mabul Hoy, Claivnce Williams, Alex Fawccit. Jr Pr- Kunice (Jordon, Aileeii Tiioliy, Viola Willlains, .lack I.irge, NoriiiHii Williams. A Cliasâ€" DeJnicr Feiiwick. -UJriSE b. WATSON, Teicher Our Loyal Indians F»lh«r O^dot, OapeOioker. who was ill town la.sl week, is ureally pluased •buut the reiiiin of several of the boys of tl>« Indian Rcsoiva from overseas recently. Everyone of these lads in a friund of this genial padre, who has spent almost a liftttuiin in nilssiiiiriiy work amongst tne Indians. He has kept in touch with all who went overseas and ig ^iroiiil of (heir recoid. Indeed the showing ma le by the Cape Croker Indians io th« Qrest War will go down in the aunals of local history, fifty-three proceeded overseas. Six made the supreme sacrifice and twenty t«o were wounded. Nine are now returned to Canada aad twelve are in the army of ocoupatioa now far across the Rhine. The remainder are either convalescing in England or en route for home. From coast to coast in lOltt the story of the enl'stment from this small bind was used in reciuitiiig siejcbi's and liiorature and their courage will not be soon forgotten. Small Ads. FurS«le oheip and en easy teruin. Lot 13, con. 11, Osprey, 110 »cr)«. Tnit is a first cUst, farm and ill's good f<t.ite of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply co R. .J. Sproule Flesherton OCR LIOOTTE DEPOSITS. Iinrae<llnte St«ps Will Be Taken to Utilize Them. The order-ln-council by which I? created a Lignite Utilization Boa:d for tin; Dominion o' Can.ida will In- terest many citizens of our country. For many years past, it has been one of the anomalies of Canadian econo- mics ti'at whilst the Dominion has fuel rotKiurccs second r.nly to those of the United States, Ihe greatsst coal-producing country in the world, it Imports, and always has imporlod, about fifty per cont. of its fuel. Most of thi.>< fuel is brought into the coun- try over immense distances, unne- cessarily absorbing labor and trans- port facilities urgentl.v needed in other directions, and udding enor- mously to the cost of the fuel itself. Long before the war, the absurdi- ties of such a system were apparent to anyone who stopped to consider the matter, but the necessity for conservation In all directions impos- ed by the war has emphasized the need of a change, and has brought under the consideration of the aulli- oritits many schemes for the develop- ment of Canada's own fuel lesowrces. Ar.iongst the questions which have thus been forced to the front is the much discussed matter of the ulilizu- tlon of the Dominion's vast lignite deposits. In the original state, these deposits can be used only when freshly mined, and, even then, Ihe lignite as it comes from tVio min'^s is not suited for household purposes. By a process of carbonizing, how- t'vcr, the material may be converted into a kind of coke or charcoal, which is readily britjuetted. When thus treated, the resultant product is a fuel equal in heating value to anthracite, with the additional ad- vantage that it may be sold at $7 a ton, and a just profit obtained from it at that price. Some time ago, the committee p.p- pointed by the Government to in- quire into the matter reported that the art of producing these carbonized briquettes had passed the laboratory stage; that no further information could bo obtained from laboratory methods, and that the producer must face the question, often a very dif- ferent one, of working out the results obtained in the laboratory on a large commercial scale, in other words pur- ling theories to a pi.actii'al lest. This is the great task which the Canadian Government has now un- derlaken, and the matter is to be pu.shcd forward with energy. The I'rovince of SaHkatehowun, the bal- ancing point for the fuel from the cast and the Vvost, has been choson as the scene for the iuilial enterprise. After full investigation has be°n made of all the machines and pro- cesses at present available, the board will construct, or contract f)/', a plant of commercial size adjacent to the great lignile mines of South- ern Saskatchewan, and will, at ho earlif-Kt po.s.slblc moment, be.^l!! lo dislribulo the output throuKh the ordinary channels of trade. The whole question is, of oour.so, very much a matter for the exueri, but it cannot be doubted, by tho.so who have given the iiiatt<r anv sliidy, that a great fuliire lie.s befoie such an industry. If Ihe board imu foresee the possibility of retailing the now fuel to-day at $7 a Ion, be- fore the great question of by- products has been fully studie.l, Ihcii' Is every prospect that the prlo'.' in Ihe future, v.lion Ihia l;a.^ b; :i! dono, will lend to be reducdl ra(h.-r than increased. Th.' enormous vr.luo of (lie by-producta from the manu- facture of coal gas I's, of couis'', hugely ro.=;ponsil)le for the coinpar:;- lively che.np rale at which coal gat may be sold, when municipally own- ed; and the r.aiiie will, no doubt, a;)- ply to the briquettlng of lignite. Notice to Creditors White sowiii!{ machinns, the kiii^ of nmhines. Sherlock Manning pianos are strictly high grade. If you can prove this atateiDcut false I will give you a piano free. â€" J. C, Kentn^r, Markdale. Private funds to loin*|oii real e»tate security at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to R J. Sproule, Fienherton. sept 2317 Cedar Wanted â€" 4 foot 2 in. long price 85 for No. 1 eodiir, or in the log 12 foot 4 in. long, JNo. 1 Jill, delivered at my mill. â€" Edward Str^ent, Oeylon. Lostâ€" Between Mr. Thompson's and Mr. Cameron's corner, on January 21st, a woollen horsa blanket. Finder would confer a favor upon leaving it at this oltice. On the Rhine in Hunland Machines For Saleâ€" 7 horsepower Lister gasoline engine, ensilage cutter, siwing machine, buzz saw and crain grinder.â€" Geo. Braokenbary.Feversham. ForSileor llentâ€" A smtll farm in Eugenia. Apply to Thos. E. Fenwick, Kuufcuia. Canthook lost,^ between W. Magee's, 8ih line, and Kugeriiii. Fiiulor plea.se eave with R. Purvi-', Eu-;o iiia. For Sale -Piano, Table, Sofa, Cook Stove, Ice Ci'eam Free-^er, .Set Kitchen Drawersâ€" Apply to W. Buskin. Lostâ€" A carpenter's plane, between Flesherton and Ceylon. FinOor will very much oblige by leaving iit this ortioe. For Sale â€" A few Black Minorca cock- erels f.ir sale. â€" Lewis Sheirdown, Maxwell P.O. A few bags of winter apples for sale â€" Fred Jamieson, Eugenia. Telephone. Highest price for buttoi and euga at Graham Bros. Euitenia. June 2li Try Fc'orHlm.u P.istry Flour, the liesL for your cook. All Oiitwio wheat List â€" Watch with lookett in town F;iid>T plL'a:!0 le'ivu -it .Advance i,tlioe. I.'ist - iniiicli ol ke)s lost. Kinder please leave at The Advance otli>:e. Came Astray â€" Large hound came as! ray. K. Purvis, Eugenia Yo'.ing Hereford Bull For Sale â€" Apply L > 'A 111. Tliompson, Singhaiupton R R 2. BUSIN.ESSCARDS Societies PKINUK AUTHUlt IjODOE, No. :Wb,A.t'.,V ^ A M, nipota in tlie MaBonlc tiall, Arm 8 -ronjj's l*!ooU Klnrtliortoii. nvory l-'riilay on or bcforu tli.i lull luocii. T. Hltiliulty, W. .M. V. n, W. Hicliliijg, Heufutary. Uknti.stuy 111 the Sill I o-iite Court of the County of Grey. Ill Ilie nutter of the Estate of (!,!i v:s H'.ziiil hti! of the 'roHiiahip cf Arreiiiesii, in Ihe i'ouiity {of tirey, Stictioinn III, deceased. Notice is heiebv tjiveii, imrsimut to R S. O . 1!»14, S«.ctioii »0, that all crediiors ai il oili»n lui'iiii> iliiins auaill^t lh(! esliile -if the above name, I (iervan H.iZ'iid, who ,liod on of al.oiit Ihe 22nd day ol- .Inly, litlK, at the Township ol Arley.esia, afore.',aid are r. pined lo .send tm or before lliii 12ili diy <if.M.iicli, .^ D. lid!), to ,Mid- clU'bro \ Sperenwo, Bnrri.'<ters, etc., tiweii Sound, Oii-Hiio, Soliciloif, foi the Adiiiinistialiix of tiie said dece ised.lhmr Chris i.iii mid â- Siiriiumes, adilressei hikI description, w III full particulars of their chiiins, ;iiid ,â-  tiilemont of their iiccou ts ai d th • iwilnie cf the NiCuiilicK, if uiiy, lie d by llieiii. An.l fiiillier hvki' notice ihtl after such l;isi nieiilioiiid dale the said .A>l- iniuiHlr'ilnx will proceed lo disiribiiitj the asiei!- if Ihe ilocowed .tmong the parlies entitled llnreto, having repaid only to tlu. claiim of which they shall then have had iiixien and the said E.<ieciiliirs will not liii liable for iho siid assets or any part thereof to any iier-ion or perniLs of whose cl.iiiii notice shall not hive hr-ei recuiveil by iheiii ai the lime of such di.'iribiilion. MIDDLKBRO .t Sl'ERKMAN, Siilicitots of Adiiiinisiratrix, Oacii Sound, Ont.iri i Dated al Owen Sound this Seventh day uf Ftibrukiy, UH'J. Dr B. C MURKAY I,. O. S, dental .^urHO.n licitoi-tfrtuiufitn of Toionio Uiiivorflity iviid .»i.yal Coll. (;ii oi Dental Suikhohh ot Oiilario, 3a6 admiBlniHterorl for tentli uXtractioii Uico at rehidoiu!!,, Toronto Ktioot. KltiBl:i-rtoo Medical I V OTTKWKI.I, ' \'ut«riuary Kui'Roon ii-adtiiitt, of Outario Vutorluary t'oUoge residonoo â€" Sdcund door soutli west^oD bary Btrcut. . Tliis etruet riinB outh I'vuBoytoiian Cluuoli. Legal , fCAB, ll.\Nn:y a KiKNIIVâ€" lUrrlsterH. '' Solloltoi«,i!in.â€" I. U. T.'icim, K. C',; \V. K, tmiiiy, K. ('. ;W. I), llmny, I!. A. omuCB. l'(.ii.mlo, HHi i) 'I'liiders Hank lUitj,.., iiliolie iialu 141tl; Markdal.i l.ia>aB lllocic, l^tioiio ^ A. uanolioUlus at Diiinlalk upau every tiaturday. m mttiir. tkli-oud /t wai,tku " JtnniBtiir, Solicitorn, Ac. OlUciiu. (troy I- llru!<) Ulnuk, Owen Hound. Hlan.lftnl Hank Hlouk, KlufliiTton.lHarurrtRVBl. \V. II. Wriulii, W. I', lidtoid J'. W. II. Waltei. I.L.1). BusiNE-ss Cards W^ M. KAlTTINd, IcoUBod Aiictionoir toi tliu ounntiea ot lliuy an<l Hiiiiooo Kariu and Htouk ealuB a specialty. Tornit ;iiodorate. Bfttl.^faolioii Knavauteed. Avrant;n jiants for d&tns mav Im nindu at tlin Advance jltlcu, or t'eutral tHlui'lioiiuufl'ico KevoiBliaui >r byaddreBsIni! uis at Kuveraham, Out. DMcrilAlIi, I.lornaed Auotionea for tbe * Cnniity of (irov. Ttirnis nindorate and ^Htix ix-tinii rnHrftnteed. Ttio an-anKenieiitfl find (tntf > I f feHlcB can \m niadoHt TtiR ArivAncu I'lftcH. Ill t-idei.cr kiiU t'.!)., ('u>Uin. Totuplionti coniii'Ction. Deo. il, TO A Tragic Enfl. JWXM Stevenson, assistant electri- cian hi the Maefurlane Engine Worki, Paris, who had Just returned from two years' war service, was in- stantly killed during his first week at work, by n nul;il ladder he was carrying touching a high poieulial wire. The following excerpts art from letters recently written to his parents by Pte. Will Buchanan, son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Buchanan. Will was with the army of occupation at Bonn : We luve been on ths hike foi four dayj, averaging tifieen niiirs per day, ihe last three days being spent in Germany. It was ca Dec. U when we crossed the fronuer from Belgium into Gtrmany, and just at that point, on Belgian soil, we saw nn our left a very pretty valley. Since then we have seen liome vciy pretty scenury and have bi en climbing hills lo no end. We have climbed so high that bonie of the lads think we have iioDe auove the golden gate where St. Peter stands with the hooked stick. One hill we wcDt up yesterday was a mile and a quarter long and a couple that we went up todsy were nearly a mile long. It certainly is a grand trip, but I would just as soon be excused, as I have seen uasier j jbs. The people here in Germany treat us fairly well, but not so kindly as those in Belgium. They 'give us everything wo want. I do not know whether Jlhey are afraid not to do so. One thing T know is that we will have it, anyway. Need- less to Bay we have good billets, and from now til we leave the country we expect to have no more barn billets. I am writing this under a very nice electric ligut. G O " I wrote last week saying that we hud crosned the border into Germany and I felt like saying thit the farther we marched the less friendly we found the people, but since llieu my opinion has changed xomewhat. Then the people did not seem very friendly, but at that time we ware in the mountainous part of the country, where the people had none too much to Uvj on. Bit now we are in the fertilu plains of the Rhine river and in this district the people are better to do, better educated and more friendly towards us. I'orliaps they have had a harder diilling by the Prui-siali spirit, but they do rut act as if they trea; us well through fear, but because they want to do so. The night before lut we had a lino billet in which lived two very nice looking young ladies who alw.iya gave us a pleasimt smile when we went into -the kitchen, and hero in GoJesbcrg wo have a splendid billet, u sclioolhouso that has been tilted up for a hospital, and thus wo have real beds lo sleep on. Il is buch a comfortable place that 1 am sorry we must leave tomorrow, whu» Ihe Second t^'aniainii Division will niarch in a body tliroiiL'h Huiiii, II city of eiL'lily thou.saiid iiihabilaiitf, U'ld from there about eight miles to somo town, wheio wo will remain until the armistice is ended. Bonn will bi our divisional headiiuirters, and the Division will be spread around lu the diiierent towns to do garrieon duty, I suppose until we are relieved or until Geiniuny's governniciil is in walking order. At pre.,eiit ihey are rather un- settled, so we are here to keep the pjace. Oecisionally we meet some who can speak English. One ws met this mun- iug gave us to understand that they thoui;ht the kaiser w.is wholly to bliime for tlui «ar. Whicli of course is wlnt wo ihou^lu all the time. I fii'gnt ossy wli.ii 1 w;is mentioning the frleiulliiicas of t!io '). cple lint 1 ofttn tlunk of the commauduiont, " Love your enemies." I can asauro you it would net be a dillicuU ta k tu love toine of the fairer ones. 1 have ^cen somo very prelly fr.iuieiiisâ€" girls. !:-ome of them speak E iglibh and French faiily well. 1 iini not particularly fond of the Gjimiin customs, o<pecially those of the m.^ii. For hero the men take lirst i)lace. The men go into Iho street cars, theatres etc. liist and iho men are the first to oecopy iho seiits. Of course if there me Hiiiiie left for the women they can have them. A woman will get up and give a man her seal Not so with regaids to British soklieis, but with " civiomen." I su/ipis« the wom'Jil would jjivo us their foals if we would take them. The miiii in the house where we now are seemed iiuito amused when he srtA' one of the lads scrubbing the 11 lor of our room We are not allowed to make friends among these people. liiMIRIilS. Carefully Corrootod Eaoli Week Butter 42 t 42 Eggs .51) to 60 Wheat 2 00 to 2 U Pess 1 4rt tu 1 .50 Oats .-lO to 6;t Harley 78 lo 70 H «i»»<til««l»l»' â- <â- â- â- Â»â- Â»â- â-  . '« I I I III III . ' * ' ' " Pratt's Regulator Try Pratt's Animal Regulator for stock, and make your hens lay by feeding them Pratt's Poultry Eegulator. For sale at GRAHAM BROS. EUGENIA, ONT. .£ . a ,»<â- â€¢â-  t t I I t â-  t-t-ttTXwjil t-r- t t t t t t -t â-  i t â-  â-  t t â-  â-  t » i > ^ * ' ' * f i t ^ %5l'is^^^;sr;sasa£2=i2sr^s':Si£SSSf3&sr:s?s 1(111 l^ Flesherton Tin Shop^ (ill 5! I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot |» Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic \^\ use. Call on me and get your supplies. ^\ y^ Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. II] Pipefitting, including pump work. P Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. lil Furnaces. ^ 1 1^1 I D. McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK II FLESHERTON i@ ONTARIO. t WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS Special Prices on Waggons, Plows Harrows and Horse Blankets il^^ents Foiy Wagons Plows flay Mes Cultivators Harrows JOHN HEARD, MPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Here is Your Chance y Yonge (iiiJ Charles Streets, Toronto Invites .Amhitimis Vimng Men and Won^ii !(> picpara for choice husiue.ss p^^-ilil^nK. Ketii tlemanil for imr );radn- utis. ()iir catalogue s,'ive8 complete infiiriimtion. Write today fur oue. Kuter any time. W. .1. ELLIOTT, Piitxtif.vL Farmers Attention I Make tuoncy in your spare time Iditriug the coming Fall and Wiutei montlis by selling haidy Canadian mirscvy .stock. Flesliex^ton J^ Tonsorial ^^ Parlors Wo Aim to Give Kiitire h^itisfactie L.WXDUY-Uisket closes Monday nij^lit, dolivi ry Friday eveniu CLK.VNISG and DYEING- .. agents for I'arker's Dye Wurksâ€" Ci' i â-  cleaned and dyed, fetUhers rejuveiiUi T FISHER- -PROPWETOK tiritish and European markets will be opcu again for Canadian Fruit and now is tJio time to order for ?priug planting. Largest list of Frtiit and Orua mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc. grown ill Canada. Boar For Service Itegistered Chester Whi'e h->i; for service at Heck Mills. The father won first at Chioige F.ur. Terms 11.25. 15aeolm -I. SMITH Prop. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am opeiiinii upatunce, a hiacksmith inii; and wuodwurWin^ l)U8int«s in Max- well, uitd Am tnsialUni; up-to-date wood- workiiiK ntaoiiineiy. It will hs my en deavtir to servo the put>lic in a satisfnc- tory maiuiar and I would solicit p«tron- aee. I w^nt yoiirwork and will do it ri(jht. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG Write for particulars. Stone. & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries, r Established 1867.) TORONTO - ONTARIO Farm For Sale A 50 acre iatm for sale on the SmI Back liiue. Artemoain. 3rd range, north half of lot 132 On the premises there is a good frame barn, 40 x 00 feet ; a small frame house ; a nood drilled well ; hen house : the fall plowing is done. For particulars apply on premises. â€"J. H. HOLLEY, Flesherton. **^N

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