Flesherton Advance, 10 Apr 1919, p. 5

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April 10 1910 THE F L E S H E K T N i% D V A NCE THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD orrice - Toronto Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- MTQ i87» est at current rate. ^36 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, Manager. C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station tin. Wiltiox, who baa been nursing her daughter at Altun, relarnMl bjine on Monday. Tbart *iU ke b oi^etiog uf all tha re- turned goldier!) in the cocnmuaity in the Muatbikw Huuae, Flexhertoa, uu Mon- day, April 14th, at 7 30 p. ni. At tbii inaetiug iii very important we hope ev«ryioldier around these parta will make it hia buijineiis to be present. H. A. McA.ilev, J. A. LeGard. The Wunzana' Missionary Society of tna Methodist Church are holding iheir ! E^nter Thank Offering Service today, ; (Tbutaday), In ihe Methodist Churck, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ j Flesherton. The ladiei^ of the Biptiist \ Mrs. Harry Wilson, whs hts been | and Preabyterian Churches have been underKoin^ treatment at Markbam, h>is returned to ber home heru much improv- ed in health- Going North County Council ia in speciol session at ^"n .o^'l!!' ^*'""' Sound this wsek for the purpose of psssiuu a Ly'air to take over the Trains oUows : Goin^ South 7.5.3 a. m. 4.27 r-m. 9.18p. m The mails are osed at F'esherton 83 ^ j^^^ ^^^,^^^ ^ ^^^ g^^^^ ^^ ^ <oHow3 : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and •' ' 7 p.m. ; ind the afternoon mail south at county tii-hw»y,»lso for general business 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south i Flesheiton village council will present mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. ^^^^j^i^ ^^^ ^^^.j^ ^j ^^^^ relumed so diers. ^^ Tney wiil meet a cemmittee of Artemesia township council to arrange a special d<iy to make the presentations. During the past week the following ! men have returned from overseas : T. 1 J. McArthur, J. HfmphiU and Goldwin McMuUen, Ceylon ; G. E. Henry, Flesh- erton ; James Leitcb. Maxwell. The Advance has received a le'^ter from soiue person signing himself 'â-  Merchant," replying to " Producer ' in last week's issue. As Merchant does invited and a good program has been prepared. All the ladiet of thecummun- icy ate invited to afeni. VICINITY CHIPS Bibles and Testaments for sale «t this oflice. A sindieate of Meaford m^n will bor« for oil about three miles from that town Mrs. Andrew Bentbam of Toronto ia â-¼iaiting friends here. Mr. Herb LeG.ird left for Toronto on not supply us with his name we ho'd the Monday to take up a position there. letter over. If he will forward his nsms Mr. Dowu is boying a csr load of â€" not forlpublicationjof courseâ€" wa will potatoes. ' publish the communicntion. Small Ads. LOST Lost â€" Between Sinclair's firm and Ceylon, canvas hoise cover. Binder i j^lesse leave at this utiica. Futio Lost â€" A purse containing about i ^ f 14. The finder will be rewarded by ' ^?, leaving Kt Mark Wilton's kutches shop. S. Sample. Chopping done last three days of each week only.â€" Graham Bros., Eugenia. Owina (o illness on the staff the Mea. ford Mirror was not issued week before last. Miss Maud Plewes. taacher at V*n<^e- leur, spent the week end with Miss Dell Thursfon. Mr, Thos White of Michigan, who The new otficers for the Methodist Mission Band have been sleo'ed as follows : Pres., Jean Ueid; Vice. Pres., Evada Wilson ; Rec. Sec. Elda Kar- stedt ; Cor. Sec, Wes. Armstrong ; Trejs., Irene E;»!es ; Supt. of Herald.*, AUie Norris. Come and spend the evening of Wed- nesday, April Iti, with the Physicil Cul'.ure Class at the High Schojl. A left here thirty yeers ago, is visiiinc with ^^^ prugram. consisting of driiU. folk friends here. | dirces and marches, is being prepared Mrs. Ross of West Toronto spent the by the boys and girls of the schocl. past week with Mr. snd Mis. Wni Admission 20 cents. Stewsrt. here. j ^ business meeting of tbs Soldier's Mr. H. C. LeGsrd showed The Ad- ^j^ ,;„ ^^ ^^^J^ -^ ,^g ^^^^ ^f jj^, ^ Tance a hen esra on Saturday which â-  ^ Arnnliong on Saturday evening. measured 8| hy6i inches. : April 12th, at 7 30 sharp, to make Born â€" At Tnaersoll, nn S»turdaT. arrangements for a banquet for tha April 5, to Mrs. (Dr.) Little, late cf returned soldiers. .\11 uie.titers of the I Soldier's Aid are asked to bo present. ; Mrs. W. I. Henry, Secretary. FOR SALE Young pigs for sale â€" Jamet Hilne, Ruck Mills. Telephone. 2 For Saleâ€" Well broken horse, rising o years old, bred by Kentucky Sam T. L. Hughes, R. R. >'u. 1, Mirkdale. Foe Siile â€" Horse, bug?y, cutter and harneis. Also kitchen stove in good repair and a few household articles. All muat be sold. Rev. Quinn, Flesherton. >:i S HOUSE FURNISHINGS FOP SPRING Floor Oilcloths in l)lock ami Horal patterns, selecte<l tiesigu:!, one and two yards wide. Price 75c. square yard. Canadian an«j Scotch Linoleums in block and Horal design.s, a good selection, four yard-* wide, $5 00 and $5.50 per running yani. Congoleum Art Rugs, new patterns, 9x9, 9x10^, 9x12. Price $14 50, $17.50 and $19.50 each.' Tapestry Seamless Squares, -2^x2, iixS, 3x3, 3xU, 3x:J, 3^x3. Good colorings autl new designs at less than regular prices. Curtain Xets, Casement Cloths, Cretons. Chintze.s, Lace Curtains, Tapestry Coverings^ The biggest and best selection we have ever shown, at moderate prices. Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Curtain Rods, O'Cedar Mops, Carppt Sweepers, Paint and KaUomine Brushes. Come in and look over our New Wall Paper Selections. BULK TEA SPECIAL Last .spring we advised our customers to lay in a supply ot Tea and save money. Many did so and were pleased. Tea again looks like a "good buy' this spring. There is talk of an increase in duty, and values are decidedly on the up ijrade. We otter a good uncolored bulk Japan at -t-jc, and a splendid black Ceylon at jOc. per pound while our present stock lasts. We say again 'Buy Tea today and save nionev." F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO For Sale â€" Horse S years old. Also ' *teel roller, cultiva'or. riding plow, o foot «ut mower, almost new. Also other Implements all iu i^'od repair. Terms ctali or trade â€" John Pedler, Fiesberton. For Sale â€" Magnet Cream Separators and Engines, and repairs for same. Also Black and White Leghorn E;;gs from 3 different pens. .Apply to G. B Welt-ju, Mun'ihaw House, Hesherton. Fle.shertop, a son. There will be a memorial service for ; the lat-> Mrs. Wni. OsK-rne ar ttie R'lck | Mills Baptist- Chnrch on Sunday evening j aext. ! There are some who still do nit realize our new terms of subscription. If your The Upper Canada Biole Depository, kept at The Advance office, has just received a complete stock of Bible>, rnnging in price from 60c. to io.2j. .\inoDi! these are some beautiful thing For Sale cheap and ca easy teems. Lot 13, cou. 11, Osprey, HO acres. This is a tirst class farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank b.irn and new frame dwelling. Apply co R. J. Sproule Fiesberton subscription goes six niMths overdue it ! j^^ p^^^g^^^ji^^g There are also Bibles wi'lbeSlSn. By laying promptly you; f„jo,j^^,,p,^^i^j, large p^j„t_ ^^cket save tifty cen's. i testaments and I'salms. Come in and Mr. and Mrs. U. V.Grudin of Heath- look at them, cote are spending, a few dayi. with their' j^ .^^ enthusiastic meeting of th« relatives and friends bere previ-us to . vy-^^^g^.j j^^j^.^j^ ^^^ ^^y i„ ^^^ ,,i^h rem.val to Toronto, where they will go ; g^.,,^„, ^„ WeUuesday of last week. Mrs. into business. Mr. Charley Crossley, who returned (torn overseas l:i»t week, leaver fit Toronto today, where he will go in'o business with his brother inlaw, Mr. VVill Bcntham, in the litter's well est.iblished •lotliing business. ! i H. Dowu, the District Piesident, was in attendance and drew the attention of the meeting to extracts tron*- papers read at the Provinciil convention, ni.sking comments on them. As the County Convention is to be held in F!e«herton his year, it was decided to hold it oo or »bou: September t7th, subject to the the W. Mr. M. G. Orr, Toronto line, offers to supply O A. C 72 oats to members of I approval of the executive and East Groy Ag'l society who wish thorn ; Agricultural Department. Mrs. for competition purposes at 05 cents p^y Fhillips re.»d .hu e\cel'ent {:aper on bushel, 1-u'. otily enough to one man to ; " What has the Institute done for you ?" sow five acres. Mr. Orr's ad^cess is j The .advance had a visit last week Proton Station j j^^„^, p^^ jj^^^.^. ^.^..^^_ ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^_^^^^ At rhe village council meo^in? ''n |as;i> workeJ in this oHice. Harry eulist- Monday evening Mr. John Wti-ht was ^ pj j,, Vebruaiy, 1H16, wi;h the Sp 'tta- sppoiu'bd Const.-iblo for the viihge, ' to ; men's Battalion but almost immediately replaco Mr. John Hales, who has heia transferred to the 8.'$rd Battiliou iu that position ever since the vilUijo w»« , order to get overse.is quicoly. Ho went lucorporatdd. Mr. Wrisht now ho'ds to Franco on July 2Sth. 1!»16, with the tcituld p'lsiti.'uof assesior, collector pnc'icilly no traiuiii:;. He wss tirst 4nd constable. He is also bailiff for this ', i(jj;Ued at Renninihelst and af-evw:ird White sewing mitchines, the king of mi:hiaes. Sherbjck-Manniug pianos are stiictly higb grade. If you ?au prove '_his slatemeut false I will give you a p*iano free. â€" J. C. Kentner, Msrkdale. CEDAR WANTED Cedar Wanted â€" 4 foot 2 in. lona price $5 for No. 1 cedar, or in the log 12 foot 4 in. long, >o. 1 $11, delivered at my mill. â€" Edward Sars;eut, Ceylon. MISCELLANEOUS Tiy Feversba.n Pastry F. ir. the best for your cook. All Ontario wheat Private funds to loan ou real estate security at reasonable rate of interest. -Apply to K. J. Sproule, Hfriherion. sepf<:<«7 Its ASSAM quality gives it that rich flavor REDRPSE XE A'^s good tea Sold only in sealed packages 122 ^^ Chard & Fisher lasurance .4gents Flesherton, - Ont. '^ Life. Fire, Aatomobile and Animal Insarance. i Renfrew Machinery and Masoa Risch Pianos For Sale. i^ RICHARDSON BLOCK (S<.iLLv's Oli) Stand) 1 i r FURNITURE Call and see iu; Highest price for butter and eags at Graham Bros. Eugene. June 26 J| All kinds ot turuiture in our .showrooms. i our dining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A largo |i I range of prices to suit your pocket book. HELP WANTED Be your owu boss. Start a grocery business of your own. cut-rate fib to $60 invested should earn you 525 weekly. â€" H. V. .Vlijrt;n, Windsor, Oat. â€"•"•....•-•-•.â- Â« UNDERTAKING Calls answered ui^ht oi dav Phone 30 r li mum Notice toCreditors I W. H. BUNT ^ Flesherton, Ont. c'arefully Corrected Eacb Week Butter , . . . 43 to 45 Eggs 40 to 40 'heat 2 00 to 2 11 Peas 1 -Wlol 90 oO.to 53 78 to 70 I Farmers Attention I Make money in yonr spare time I!;! during the comiug Fall and Wintet ir "â-  months by selling haulv Cmadiau nursery stock. ] went to the Si>mine, wh'-TO he went into ' action for the tirst time. On his second attack he was struck iu the side »ith shrapnel and w.is sent to Euglind, where ' he remtiaed in hospitil for eight months. Hi did not set btck again to France ai:d ' arrivec" at St. John on March 30, ! S'ijnaller Hsrry E Thornbury, son oj Mr. and Mrs. T. E. 'rUornbury, Are ' mesia. returned from France on March Division Court. The Hydro Ko'ver Commission have purchased ceilaui lota at Kussmia snd are haviua; a bylaw passed by the township council closins! certain stree s from traffic. They propose nuikitiu a natiir:il park alons; the Urink of the jjTJuoâ€" we cinnot cill it » fiiUs uow â€" with walkj and drives throuuh if, and will erect a ptviliou therein. The work of trimming up the beautiful everereen growth lud clianing up the mound now under way and visitor* to favorite re«ort will tind pl»a».\ut sur- roundings whi-n they visit the place this ; an n, c. o. course, receiving a Corf or*. 's summer. Ttiis is highly creditable to i papers. He atierwardf joined (h« Sigial the Commisjion snd will receive an , section and went with his Battalion to enthusiastic support by the «eneral j luKlaad as Sixnaller. While ai Shors- public. But will the Commission throw j ham cimp he acted for some time ><s a open their bie pond to tishsrmen this ; !<isnal instructor, and was leul fr. m summer ? Th'S reason given In the matter of ih -estatO' i Elizabeth .Maaee, bite of the Township of .\rte- ! uies-,a m tho County of Orey, luartied j womiiu, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuan'-. to j "The TiuslBo Act'' ami amandmeots j thereto that all creditors and others, ; ! bavinjcUiius .igainst the estile of the i said Ebxabeth .M»n*e, who died on cr I about the ;HOih day of De^emter, A D. , , 1S)1j, are rwjuired ou or liefoie the l-^th ' Uiy of April, 15)1'.', to send by post j I prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Wright j ' T.dforJ & Walter, of the Town of Owen ; i tlound, Solicitors for Alexander Cameron, i I Adiuiui<trator de bonis non of the estate j j of the ssid deceased, thoir Clirislian and I Surnames, addre^fses and descriptions, I I the full piirtioulars of thoir olaiuis, the | of ihe'r accounts, and the this us for closing it was danger of drownings. What iibout the danger of little people at the park falliui over the precipice to their death .' It sjenn to us .»u excuse for Olio would be an cvouse for the Other, and vice ver»« au aruumeiit statement of Ihe'r accounts, an SI. He was accompanied horns by his | nature of the secuiities, if any, held by is i cousin. Gunner Vic'ot J. Greenawsy, of : 'hem. this I Winnipeg. Harry Thornbury joined th« ! And further take notion that after such ' 147 h Greys on Nov. 1, 1915. H. ^ook i la,t mentioned datethe .aid A^l'"'"';;;"''^'^ ^ I de bonis non will pioceed to distribute ino I assets of the deceased among the ^wrties â-  entitled thereto, h.iving regard only to ! the cUiint of which he shall then have I notice, .ind that the said .Adinini<tr!it«.>r I will not be li.able for the s lid as.<iet« or I anv t>art thereof to any person or persons ; of wh.>8e claim notice shall uotjhave been receivid by him at ilie time of such I distribution. Paled Maich 14th, 1919. WRIGHT, TELFORD & W.\LTEU fojnd, Ont. against one would be an figiinst the other. Wo tiust allow the li.>hiog and ,'»lso allow â- ho kiddies to enj.iy the park uuder proper parental oversight. there with the .">th CM. R., with wtiioh he Mas a signaler with the heAdi|uarteis staff until the end of the wur At one place he was blown out tl rough a win- dow by the explosion of a shell, and again he had his signal flag shjt <ut of his hands by ari^ument j h:»ving many narrow escapes they will 0«tn Solicitort for Alexander Csmeion, the , , , ., i Adininistiator de lx«uis non of the eetato Hun sniv>ei-. but while ; ^^ ^[,,3^1,^.^ Miigee. decea»-ed. he cime His home without beirg wou-ided. cousin, V.J. Greeinwsy, "as over in Fra.ice for near'y four years, .and also j comes home without a scratch. j Does Your Label Say 1920 ! SATISFIED ! THAT Is what ovtr IOC u.?ers .say about li>0() Gravity washers sii{i[)lied bv S. HEMPHILL, Agent For IPOO.GravitvAvashers and wringers tlectiio and gasoline power wa:?hers . ALSO for McCormick Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, I'lows, Steel Stalls, Harrows. Gasoline Engines, Brantford d'ub'o geared and auto oiled airmotor Wind Mills, Boatty lUy Carriers, Hay Forks. Slings, Manure Carriers. Water Bi>*l<. WiCer T:tnk?, Funip and Pipini;. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut with same power when h"ed with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. iiritisb and European markets will tie open again fjr Canadian Fruit and uow is the time to order tor spring planting. Largest list of Fruit and I mental Stock. Seed Potatoes, • grown iu Canada. 0ru3 etc. Write for pavticuiars. Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nuri«fle». I K>ial>lished 1S:C . ) TORONTO . ONTARIO Easter Term opens April 22 1 ^;>^ELLIOTT (^^Ui/ViCjS^^^^ Yjiige and Charles Streets, Toronto Stenographer*, Typists, Com- mercial Teachirs, Accountants, t.)rtice Clerks, etc., readily get emp'oyment if thoy graduate from this College. Oi>en all jear. Enter now. Writ9 f .>r Catalogue. W. .T. ELLIOTT, FwsciPib c.

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