Flesherton Advance, 24 Apr 1919, p. 4

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April 24, I '.»!'.» THE FI ESURHTON ADVANCE FIcsherton Advance •uiii t-|>eii tt-iit ni'«-.;:i:" T, i'VLl)lir<lie<t cviry fbur^iay »t th*" oftic. Ciilliiij;woi>d Street, t'l -Bill rton. Sulj«riiiii"ii price SI iHTauiiiiiii lien paiit in aiK mioc ;>'l..V'wh<!n no no 1"!»'I . !vi?ri|^iii(r rutoH oriapiiWoatiun. CiiCuUtion \V. II. TlirRSToN, KDITOK Banqueted The Returned Soldiers 1 ... •â- â-  „ . â- , .;,.. . .,,_. ..: J t; .-. U tiMiUired a line bii <|uut tu (lio Ix-ys wl o liavt' returiierl from ovoist««, on Goitl FjUliiy cveuius, In iIib li'gh K.'hco'. There weio sixlcfu iiliirnul nieii (irfsent »» f.illow!. : 0. i\Uiu-. L. HroHiwcIl, K. Builcf, 1'. lie.in , I; IWlamy, K. BellMiiy, W l,"«r>;r, C . Crossley, T. Chard, W. Davi.^i \V. Kiynii, E. Ueury, H. Units, K. JmiiiiMin, .). LtCird, U. -McAuley. All the »;... , cn'i-U'il from Fleshc.rloii itnii lla-i.> ttire uthtjrH who weru uiuUu tu l>u jiti^ont. \iii>imk tlie absenleeii wen- K. lr»in, U .Mc.\uWy, C. ItUkcloy. I". Ltfver, T. D.iv s, W. Wilcock, J{ liover, M. Wriylit, H. Piiton, U. We^se, K. Paioii, K. \Vri.ilit, G. lUclisrils',1), H. I..Garv, G.Pii'cin, <J. DuJ)!ec)ii, T. A. Jjiuiesoii, II. Mc- Leod and E BclLiiny. Till! l»Jie« \) "nalcJ iin eli-giiJU ejiroiid for siiiiii; HJxty guesls. Tlie taUIus were handtoinely dc'joriied wi-h lli)wcr» and joy and |{i.'ulwi:l rcivned supremo. Attor atnplf iu'ticc had been done to the ijood lhiii."t |in>vided the gi.Ticral Ijuhlic w.is ndiiiiltt'd until tlio uKsenibly locin was crow.K'd. Ket^vo McT-vish occupi«d tho chiiir iiud diri'eted a lengthy and intercstin:; priyrani conijiojsd ol resdini{s, (jiuii i liiid %'ucil ducts and eolofi, speeches liy ilie thrue clc)i;y of the town, and Mr. T. Ch:trd At the end of tht> prsgrani Mrs. I'atton President of the S ildlerw' Aid, cilled all the relur«ed men t.i the plutform and read a leni<thy addles', a:id Mr.K. \V. I Henry, Secretary nf the aociety, present- ed an envelope cuntainin.; lifteeii dollar! to each man. Mr. C. Crossley, <in liehalf of the b(iy« pn-mnt, made a neat ivp'y, thankinij the Udiea i'tt tlieir much «pprcclaied kiiidneit. The eutertainnicnt closed wiih the ^«tion»l Atithi'in which was .'una iit;ht luot^ily. Small Ads. FOR SALE Vuuntt pi)(a for tah-- d:init<i Mihie, Kuck Milla, Talpphune. For 8alo â€" Uoud Rrrviceablo sound horrte 11 yeiii.solJ. V\ dl sell or trade f >r siuck. Appip to â€" L. A. F.ihor, F'lc8hcrti>n. Y-jUtig S.iw for rialeâ€" Uue to f irrow ilprd L'.iid. hi I'd Jainiesuii, Ku^icnia. Telephone. Ilouse aud lot, Stoie and sluuk fur ualtf al Miixwell â€" Apply S. M. (/aburne, Ma.wvell. Car !o..d I'l .-aii and car l»ad if cciiunt (o arrive May id, uUd cnr uf nut coul and one of Hxy coal to arrive Ihja week. Terms htriclly cai-h ci. ci.al. l<\ (!. Karsttdt. NOTICE 8USINESSCARDS Societies .#..>M»..>->»»"« " »i •â- â- >â- â€¢â€¢'••â- â€¢< I-*..*-*, ^.-t-.t-t..! « â-  â-  « W« I I » â-  « â-  OKINOK ARTHUU LODUE, No. a33. ' A M, nie»C6 in tbt MaHooic ball. H'vynn'rt lllocK KlHdhoiion, every or before tliii dill n ( ci T. li'akoly, Hncretary. A.P.& Arm Friday on T. Helirj W. M. IJKNTISTRY Ur B. C MUkKAV L. O. K , deiitaUuritu >ij b'.Dui'Rraduato ol Torouio UulvcrRity ami '»i-val Colli'KO ol DtHitul SurRr'oiiB of Ontarin. 3at: aduilalutatorod for teotli eXtrAOlir.D U>*:e at riutiileucti, Totoiito biic«it. FiuAl:ul'^o:J For bale â€" Horse 8 years u d. Also ticl ro ler, cullita!or,|^d fuoi cut niowir almost new, AUo other linpleniet.tx al in yi>od rcpiiir. Tel ins ca»li 'or credu â€" Joliu I'ldler, Fiobheilon. For Sale â€" Magnet Cream S.-paramrs and Uiigiiits, aua repidisfor !>ame. Also Hlack and White Lejjiioru H'inn fioin 3 d tlorent pii!» Apply to 0. 15 Wcltun, Mundiaw Uouse, blesheiloii. For tSxIe cheap and en easy terniii. Lot 13, con. II, Ooi-ioy, 110 seres. lhi« is a lirsl cliis.i fiirin and n a yond Mate of cultivation, (tood bank bam and new friino dwelling. Apply co H. J. Spr>)ule Fieaherton Medical I r ottewrlij * V'utoriuary Burgeon Jrailnate of Outaric Vetorlnari (Joll.po rc'Uluiico â€" bjcou'I door soutb wojt on V ^ry Btrout. This street ruLS outli r-bbyteriau Chnrob. Lkgal , UCA8. JtANKY A h KNKY-liarristern. '-^ rioll*itor«,ejo.-l. It. Lucas, K. C; W. K, lancy, K. (', ; \V. I). Ilmiy, li. A, Offlcen, 'orouto, holi.a Tradcrn Hank I'.lilE,. phone .:aiii H12; Markdalo i,uoi8 Itlock, t'Uone 2 A, uanch otUce at OuDdalk opau every Baturc'.ay. Nearly A Centenarian Wa were Horry to learr of Iho dcitli in ^latkdale, on Tuesday of last week, of Mm. John Oslmriie, a former lesident of tluH town, who) pxKsad away at iliu homo •of her danghliT, Mrs. U. Smi'.h. The Uecetsed lady, wh(;.><c ni.tidi n name wai Jane \Vilkin<iut), was born in Hull, Vmj: , DS yesrs ago. Leaviii); England wilh lier parents wbi-n five ynaiH old, hho «aiiie to Chin^itccjuiiy and later moved to Torontn, which was ul that tinio c^l'id " Muddy Yorit," where she mw the htiirioii tunes doriii^ the rebellion of 18::t8. She was ihcte m'irried to John •ONborne, who predefcased her nineteen years ago. In IHo.j nhe and her luiNbiind moved lo (iBpn y, following a bhiz d trail in an ix wagcn fioni Cidliiii;wu <d mlo the then wilderneKS, where they lived until tlieir ivnioval lo Fleshirton twen y»ii years later. The drciaKod lauy liied with her hn'>baiid lieir until ♦lis dentil in H'O'l. Miicu when alio has Ijeeii livniH willi her dauuhteis. Mis, VV. â- 3. Stowart of Kluhherton and Mrs. Rich. iiniiUi of .Miikii'ile, She was ihn mother of tlireesoiiH and .â- ! x diu^tilers. niniely : ^S loi at Muw.ll, Jdiii at F(n„''!'. -Sask ; Wm. of (t!piey, Mif. W. It. ll.uil.^y of •of San Jn<e, <,'al.; Mis. I'. () tettell of O.^prey, Mis. Iia Pcriyo of Feversham, Mrh. VV. Koss of West Toronto. Mia. K. >Saiitli id .Markil lie, and Mrs W.Mcrtart â- of Flcnlierton, all of whom live to inourii tlio lots of a lovin<( in"tlnT. There af «1s«i 37 grandu'iildieii and 73 greal- Ura.-.dclnldren. IJavs. Conn and Slatiby lield a thort ^elVlce at the ho>i>e in Markdah, after which lie body « '19 TiMiioved to the Mapti^i church, Fhirher- tin, whufe Heva. (Jlumii and McVicai. iield tho fiiiieial serv c>i. InttMinont took place in Flesherlon ceinelery wheie n larye cortei, o of fiinds ashenibhd to jiay their last tril ute if rivpect to one •beloved by ell. White sewing machines, tho k,ng '( mt'jhiiiiu. .Shcrl jck-&lanuing piant'H itiu btiietly higti grade. It yo'j ran pio\e ,hi8 stateineut la:HO J will (.ivo joua pinno free. â€" J. C. KeiiUwr, MnrkUale. CEDAR WANTED Cedar Wiinted i fool 2 in. long price $j for No. 1 cedar, or in il»e log 12 foot 4 in. loiia, Mo. 1 ?jll, delivered at my mill.â€" Edward Sargent, Ceylon. MISCELLANEOUS W inted â€" .Small second liuid eonk stove. Apply lo Mn. Ho'umh or Mi.s. Cirgo, Flesherlon. ><.Ui,i^ i!i lureby jjiieii 11.:. I Iin; Muni- .ipal Council of (lie To.viii,h p (;f Ailu- uiesrt in the County of Grey intend at n :iieelin.4 otilie Haid Conocil to t'l' held in I bo Towiuliip iliill at Kb.'siierton at ten o'tluck 11 111., on Saluiday ibu ihiid day if .May, Kill), to pa^ii a |iyla'« lo close up and convey lo Uie Hydro Kleclric I'ower Ci>niin:s»ioii ol (Intirio llib fidloiving allowaiKii s for K'.ie.^lH or ruxis in lliv Tow.i Plot of Kiiguiiia, ill Ihe s^ild County 1 f lirey: â€" Ai.L AND SINGILaH ihjseceilain pirc. Is or IructH of land and premises situitlo, lying and being in the unii.cor- poratuj X'lll.ige of Kugdiiia in th.j Town- sliip (d .â- Vrltniehia in the County of Grey •iiid I'rnvii CO of Ontario, ciiiil;iiliing by loliiieahureliienl a ^olul area of 1 ucie snU 77 hundridtliK of an acie and comprising liihtly, 11 put of I'uidy .Street, contaiuing OOM.j auies, s.coiidly, tho whole' of Clifton Slitet, coiitaiiiiiiB ('.35 acres, I thirdly, pait of IVllifsier Street conl.iin- ' 11114 481) acre-i, ond fourthly, a part ol Simpson Street coiitaining O.tioacroa, the liiiiiis of Ihe Mild tracts of lind being described as fo.lown: FIUSTLV â€" Commencing at the inter- seetiou of iIk' soutiierly limit of Piirdy Street and tKu e.l^lerly limit of (jlifton SUijel ; llience iioitlierly aloii;; the pro- duetimi of the |.<.'-t mentioned liiiiit 00 feet lo the northirly limit of I'urdy Street; thence iiisterly along the last iiieiiLii'iU'd limit .50 feel and 5 tenths of a fiio' ; tlleli'Je Bouthea'ileilv (>7 feet lo a point in the snutherly limit of I'urdy Srrce: al :i distance of (il.o f.ot nieasiirtd 1 easterly a!oii.{ the last mentioned limn I from the po:nt of cjuimeneeineni; iheiici: >veBteily along the list meniioned limit j (>1 feet am! 5 tenths of a fool more oi less 10 Ihi! point of ciniinencement. \ SECONDLY- C- iiimcnciiig at the inlersic ion iif llo" northerly bnnt of' I'uidy Street with llie we^teIly liiiiit of| ~ Clif.on .S'.eet; thence so.,.heilyal..,.g Jl- ! MaXWell Jack-62903 last iiieiilioned limit 2J1 f el to the' FLEET FOOT Wliite, Black <in<l T.-m. b\n- men, women and (;liil(lren. All sizes. Prices liirht. Ili<,'Iie?t prices paid for produce. »»» GRAHAM BROS. jj lUOFlT, TEL'.OltD & WALTh:!-, '' Karrlstcr. Kolicitorh, See, Oiiiceo. (Irey k Prue.i Itlock, Owen hounil. Btaudant Hank Block, Klephiirton.(Hati!r(!av9). W,ll. Wright, v. I', relfordjr. W. II. WuUcr. LL1>. EUGENIA, ONT. »#..»..» t » â- ii fr i^it*?^^'^;^ «»«»..•«#..« husiNE.ss Cards {\7M. K.\ITTINO, Ireuacd Auctioneer for '' tho couiiticfl of Grey and filrucoo. iiri'j anil Stock sates a Bjieclaity. Terms L'O'lonitu. fatlsfaollon Ruarautiod. Arrancs- ii-jutij for da'u>a uiiiy bo made at the Advatice lOier, or CcLtial Iclei'tionu oOke tuvershaiu 1 byad'ti oasiuij iiie a& Keversbaiu. Qnt. OMcPn.-ilL. T.lcousod Auctioneo for the 1 • (bounty of Grey. Terms moderate and *atifl bCLioD Kcsraiitccd, Tho arrangements 1 »cd itatcs of salCAcan be uiadeBt ThK ADVAneo ' jllice. ItcBiilbiici' biid r.().. CeyloD. 'I'elepluino I ounectioii. Dec. 0, 71 ] Try Fevcr.sha.n I'a'lry Klour, the best for your conk, .Ml OiiH.rio wheafc PrivHte fundR to loin on real ebtato s 'Curity at reasonable rain of in'crest. A|iply to 11. J. -Sproulp, Kit-diiTion. sept 2:!17 Iiit;hest price for buttei and 0!.'!;ii at Griiham IJros. Kniienie. _ Jiineiili For Service One piiio bred Shorlhnni liiill mi lo 3i;, con. il, Aiteinesia. Terms Sl.oOfor a. grade Must be paid within inonlhn dit« froinof service. HO. 1!». -1!. O.Tl'HNER. Property Foi Sale By Tender Sealed Tenders addrefsud to W. A .•\rm<triii'/, Klesherton I*. <> , wdl be received np to May 1st, I'.H'.I, for the purchase of the properly kii )wn as llie Chiiht K! Itlnck, Heiihertnn. This prop oriyis iioiler rental fur butcher ^hup, hardware store and residences. It is uf solid brick and three sloriis hi'.;li. TERMS : Ten percent, of iiuithase iiMii 'y 'o accompany teiiibr, balance in sixty days willnnt i'llerent if lender is accep'ed. Unsiicces^-fiil tenderers will have their money reiurned. The highest or any terder not nec.'s sillily uece|i'od luted this 7 b liny of April, I'.U'.) -W. A. AllMSTKi.NG, One tif Ihe Kxcciitois. to noriherly limit of IMIisier Street; thence (• isterly aloi.g Llie ..i«l meniioned limit Cli ieol t.j the easieily limit of Clifton Slre.-l ; tlienco n iil'ierly aioi.g the la>t ineiiMiii til liinil 'S.)l feet to ilie northerly llini,- of I'uidy .Sneer; thence Westerly ailing tile I lit iniiiiiMiied liinil OG feet n.ore or less to ilu (loint of conimenc'.i- nient. THIUDLV- Conimouciiig in the simtherly limit of I'ellisier .Street at a dibtiirice of 111'.) foet mea- ureil westerly aloni; the sriine from the Westerly limit j (lain, Sunnybrook Fanny 4S'J1' of Redan Street; theiioe westerly alon-.< tho said southerly limit of Pell'sier S-reet ;'20 feet; thence noriherly at iiulit unifies 10 the list inentioned limit 111) feit lo ihe n^rtheily limii of I'ellis'ier .Sire(!i ; thence easterly a'ong the last nientidiied limit 320 feet; thenci; south- ( riy a' li^^lit angles to the lust mentioned limit 111) feel more or less to the point .if coinmenceinent. Fol KTHLY â€" Commenciog at the intoiscction of Ihe southerly limit of Sitnpsoii Street and the westerly limit of Redan Street; thence noillierly along the prodni;tioii ot the list ineniioiied limit (iC feel to the inteiseetioii of the westerly limil nf Redan Street with Ihe noriherly •pI-IpQ'Tpi> I OlMf^ limit of .'Simpson Street; theipje wesleily ' ^* **-•»-' 1 l-ilX LiVri^VI I. long Ihe list mei.tiiined limit Wil feet _. loilic e>i.»terly limit of .-Vlnia .Stree'ii Ibeiioe southerly along the pri-.luciioii of the lust iiieiitiiiiieil liiiii; (Hi f.'ut to the, „ , t- , . \ , s.iu'herly limi- (d Simpson .Street; thi-nce > ^ ""-' *'""' '»â-  •! "I'^f^'l ,',"'*''.''.!'" .^"" easter'y,don;<lhe last nieotioned li.nit : »^':::'^•'^''"'^';;,''7'', • f '^ 02'J03-on oi;i feet more or less to the point of ;',;;' ^"'v ^^ W. I. \- .S. R., Artemesia. YORKSHIRE UUAR n.itn .July 17lli. 1918, bred by George W RosH. Maxwtll, l>nt.; 2i.d owner, O.tober lOih, 1!)I8, l\ J. Slinson, Proton Siaiion, Out. I'EDIGRKK Sir.', Oik r,.rk Prince 11 b?.y,'.iH; breeder of «ir- H. H. Bailey; dam. Slimy Hill Nur.-o 2-D4297; breeder (if dini Will. Mauniiisi it Suns ; sire of sire. Oik Lodsje Prince 284~43n8 ; dun of sire, VVi,,dsirek l'ri>cilla 42142 ; sire of ilani, Jack Hero 33)^35 ; dam if T. J. STIVSON, Priprietor New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am opeiiinL' nil atoiice, a blacksniilli- ing and woodworking business in Max- well, aiul am nsiallini; up-!o date wood- working nmchineiy. It will be my en deavor to serve the puliltc in a satisfac- tory manner and 1 would solicit patron- ttue. I w lilt yourwiirk and will do it right. 7 .-^pril 1 Boar For Service I I i i i I i i I i ^^ [ I i i i I ] i f lesherton Tin Shop 1 have jti.st placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelwaie and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- HJ ing.s. Repairing of all hinds piDinptly attended to. l*ipefitting, including pump work. Fuinaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. m m n commencement. Dated al the Cleik'.t Ollice, Artemesia,) this 4th diy of April, lill'.). ' W J. BKLLAMV, Cerk. Terms Sl.jlJ. I 10,4,11) T. J. STINSUN. Auto For Sale C'.ovridet Runabout aiiio for si imly Boar for Service The uiulers;;;ned liae a thormiuh.ired Yorkshire linar for service on lot 11, con 8, Osproy. Terina Sl.o'^. KR-ED SPOFFARD. II .led a few weeks, properly of the late Dr. Liit'e. A bargain. Apply tc C. N* 1 Richard.son or Thos. RIakeley, Flesher- j on. i ..J. Boar For Service Regntered I'lioster White h ii.r for service at Rnck Mills. The f;i>lier won lirst at Chicigo Fair. Terms 81. .'iO. ludecl!) - I S.MlTil I', op. Notice to Crtditors MAIL CONTRACT 8KALKI) TKM)I-;K.S a.1dre««ed to the I'lWti.iaster (ieni-rnl «ill be rfeeiwl st 4)tUwa until noon mi I'riilay, the '.lib "f May, l!ll!i, tor the ei.nvuyuiiee nl Hi* Majeoty's Mailx, .m a pripimfd ('niiliiit fm l.iiir years, nix limes per week nn the niile I'KIC'KVTM.K II. It. NO- H Iroin the P.islm.islir OenemI a pleaMire next. t'linteil noticed (iinlalniiiK (iiithiT bdnrmii- tionastnennditioiH "f prup-iBed imitrHit may tm seen and blank furiin of T. nder may b • oi>i»iin'd at tho I'"" <lMt" f I'ricevllln iind »t the i.Hlie of the I'.ist Ultice InnpeeUir oronto, A. HUrUKKLAND. riistOIToe liispMtnr I'oat Offlc* Ins|M ctor'ii Ollico, ToDuto, Ma4th IT'tli, l!)il». Ill the matter of Ihe Kstate of Rolnri W il i'lin--, UlB of the Towii-liip il .•\rieir.esi.i, in the (,'iiuiity of liny. Fanner, d.'ciased. Notice is heiebv (jivon, pursuant I "The T.nsl/-o Act' (H 8. O. liHt (.'bip. 12! ) 'hat all cieditors anil oih.'rs ba" ini! elom . "it'iiiisi the e.stalo of llie sad R dun Wiliiiiiii, who dieil on 01 ubi lit ihe Fifte. inh day nf Febniiry A D lid!), are rii|uired on or before llie S xleenlh d ly of May A. D l!ll!», n s nd by p>«i prepaid or deliver ti Aright Telf ird .V: Wnlfr ol the town 1 1 llwen Siniiid, ill ilin Cmility of (ire), <obeitorn fill ,)obn H Wilbinis ami Robert Pliinii. Exiciilurs ot the last V rl snd Ti staiiiem of the said Ruler Williaiin cleeeased, their Chrisiim mid S iriiBiiiiis, addresses and ilesetipliiiiiH, tin lull piilicn'.ars of their elaim.s, Ihe slalemei t of tbeir iieeiiiiiits and lb I Millie of Iho seeuiilH'i, if uny, held by them. An. I take ii'lieo that after such lasi inenlianed date the said Kx. eiilors will prweee I lo disiribnie llin assets .if the Hid iic'ceoid amonn thepirtirs entitled 111, nil) linn g reu'iid only to the elanii« ..f wbiih I boy shtii then h.ive nonce and ll'o i-aiil Exerii'ois will not lie liable for ilii- Hiiid assets or any part tin reof lo any person or peiso s of mliose claim notice shall not hive la PI. received by them at the ti'ue of such diyillhution . Dated lis loth d ly of Apiil A D HH!). WRIGHT TELFORD i^ WALTEK, Owen Sound, ()nt.uio SPECIAL TO FARMERS IN COUNTY OF GREY I mn still paying wnr-tirat! pfieos for rng.s and rnbbcrs, liorpo liiiii- and miMals. Save all your old Inick for uip, also take notico 1 liavc no agents ; beware of .^tr.anypis. Plioiio !)ll, or write J. ZENER, Alarkdale. D. McKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON j^ ONTARIO. ^'^^*^^r^*^^^^*-^^^*^^^â- ^^^^*^^^â- *â- ^y*^^^^^ â- * ' »^*.^^«»:^^A^^A.'^^j»^^A^^A^K*^^*.'««^.*^^,4:*^.tf^pu.'^ 4 Co m WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubuhir Sluirples Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEiVIINT AGENT FLESHERTON. W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHOiNO- GR>PHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. instruments C; ill and set the AT se high g radi 11 iwki IIS riioio G alleiy and Mn.iic St FLESH ERTO N SAVE TIME-^LABORâ€" MONEYâ€" With Wind Power The wind is free. Pnt it to work on .rt'io- fann. It will cut vour chore- time in luilfâ€" save you labor and time â€"make money for you. It will pump and carry the more than a ion of water used rcerydny on an average farm. A Toronto Windmill will put the wind to work on your farm. Not in the old-fashioned way. Toronto Wind- iiiills are modemâ€" big, strong, effi- cient, retjuiriug little attention, cost- ing nothing to run, working quietly all the tiiutâ€" with DOUBLE GEARS. Toronto Pumps and Toronto Water Systems complete a real water ser- vice. Gives you all the water you want uiukr pressure at taps ever\- where on the farm. Toronto Pumps and Water Systems are also built for iKso with gu.soline or electric motors. We have some nuKhtv ititcrcsting booklets on WiiKlmills. Pumps and Water Systems. We'll send these free to any farmer who sends us his name aud address. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP COMPANY, LIMITED Atlantic Ave., Toronto MoBlfMl Wiwiip«« Recira Cal(wy ONTA5 O \W\\C tNCtNE & OL'^â-  OBMDlsnrS F. E. SOMERS â€" Feversham, Ont,

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