Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1919, p. 4

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May 'J-J, ly.iO THE FIKSIiraiTON ADVANCE TH K. Flesherton Advance •niiiilipeii li'iit nuw^iiaper, piiMUIieil every flitirjiay »* th' nlHc*, ColliiiffwcMid Street, tflMtieruin. Siili«cri|.iiiiii |iric« $1 iieraiiuuin wliHu |iiiiiliuu(lv:\iK'(' ;^l.'>.fwhKn no »•> iiaid A Wer 4HiiiK ruti-Hciii :t|>iilicatiiin. Circulation V "'Jwfekly W. II. THURSTON, KDITOk Bets He's Insulted The last is«tie or tlio Flfslierton Ail- vancu ciiiiiain»J nii cxtnict rrniii this t)iij)i;i- Lu^uiliei w.ith a C'liiiiieiU by the .A(lv»iico cdi"i. Ti.e n^tu'e of the -comiiieiil we were unub'u to di-civar »s the |i«{)<3r lent tliix ciflica w»s a cull and imp >sMible tn rend. Wo're not sure whether the comiiu-nt wts " funny " cr ju-i' a piaiii iii'tuli, but knufflii'^ The Adcanc/a style AS only o le of itH ex- <:h iD<;«s can, we'll bet > cookie it was the Jailer. â€" C'hatswoith New.i. [lOear lioy : Any reference that could be nUilc to tlinsd li^it paiits of yours VDul'f bo eicrulialinj^ly " funny." Vou lose yiiur bet. Vms ihe ookies, please. And never a^aiii use that did " gai» 'â-  about an unreidible exchanj^e. â€" Editor Advance.] Inducted at Priceville Uev. C. S. Joiies, tbo new pastor of Coluniba Churcli, I'ricoville, wi.s inducted on Thursday of last week and pteacheu hin first scini'in (c> hia t.ew con;4rey%tion OD Sunday. I'revidus to le.i*ing Aaiun, where he had bjen located for the past 2yrs, Mr. Jones was made the recipient of a h*n(?«onia cliKiue and the following addre.<is : Uiv. C. S. Jones, Mrs. Jone« and Family, Almost twenty seven months ayo the Conzrej;atioii of Annan, with those of Leith, Daywood :ind Johnston, assemb- led here to welcomd you to our mid-it as our spiritual leader*. That was a day that cannot 8001 b* fir^otten by this congreeation, n»r can it easily be effaced from your own memories. During iho •oienin cureinoiiies u! ih it eveiiiiit' you •were ordnined «• a Mini.ster (jf the church of Jesus Christ, and inducted into ihia paitoral charge. Tonij^ht we are gather- ed together under entirely dirt'ereiit circunnatanctH. Then it wh.s to bid yuu welcome as an iiiHuenco for the better nieut of the cjnMntinily bit now it is to â- uy farewell and to wibh you God speed. Durin({ thode mouths the bund of union between us hm bucii strengthened, as we have learned tllu worth of your sterling (juttlitie.i of miniJ and soul. Your pulpit niinibtrations have beun i'.istiu.'tive, up lifting an<l stimulating as yuu have faithfully In, eiprelud to us the Oojpel ipeisa.'o. Yiui- ri.-.ita'.ioii» in and i.ut if the homos of our eon^i edition have l;ei n a benediction to us all. VVu recognize tint the taak uniertukeii by you has not fceen an easy cne and often we have not rendered yoU hU the .support duo to your effort, but you liHVrt t'ui ied this con<rie^a- ti' n lhron;{li an extremely delicite and dithcult criiis with laru skill and hoimr «l)le stnte.sinaiiship. Throujjh your Acuepiance of a Inarty and unanimous call to another char^o, holding out to you the promise of increased usifuliiess for thi> .Master, we are oompelied, though Vith reluctance wo ai>Huru you, to sever the tie that Ims bound us to you as lur JMinister and ti Mrs. Joiio", your wife. r>i 1 wokU cf ouis e in a' lliii I iiir express • â- ur «rateful .->|i|(ri-ciiilion for what you iiivu been and done for .us sincu get'.ing mil iiig us, but we would ask yon, Mr. Junes, to BCct-pl, on bih.ilf of youisalf •lid your family, this clii ipie. U'u do not presume that this mi i;; ^'ifi to you in any way measuris our iiidi'iiloJntKN lo you, or our tij) jri'Ciatnn of your spleiirlid Hervices but il is kIvoii out of a full heart Us a l.kiigible ovideiioo of the Ujeji emotions whiuii we vaniiol txpress. We now say farL'Wt II and wiih you (J id speed Wi»y your lot I e eail in a pleasant pincc, u place of usefuliii Si and siitvice. May the rieheat blessliigi of Oo'i be upon the flpliindid tervicu wo fofl you uru able lo render. M»y y u bo looi{ spired t;i each other and to ilin yreit work of the Kitiudoiii, and it will be with pardoiia' le priJnthat this coni(i'eunt|iin will lo ik back ^l these biief iiiiilitlis when yon wtoiiifli' Hmoiii{ u« an iiiinisteis of tlni Ktuinai Uospi'l of I'oaeu anu (je«d Will. .Sinned -on btfhalf of the cini^r )(ati'in John itiddell, (ipor^ii Michael. Mat Sutclille, c'cik i>f .Sullivan, Ins a cow tha' is loth well bn d and pro'i'i , IN'ilhin tlenn min'.hH the has Kivi'ii binh t'l four ea'ves. Th« first piir, which are les< ill m a yar o'd, are w .rtli 111 least 11'-'", iii.d Ihn Moinlay twins a f:W. a very low ealiiiri'e, so llieio in f I*i0 in live St ick addeit to the wealth of the couiity besiiles the tiii.k jirodilred in (be interim. That Uuiliam la nut f >i Male. Her owner I'xpjcts nioro twin*. Whinatiflu ill front of Alexande- IlinnieV hoiiHu a> Ital inkfal wi.m stiu;k by liKlilnoij', a bii bn'e wis ploughed in the giouiiil, Hiid till* tlyi't! eailh broke ;tri (isnoRof glai<N in the liouse. O.I the farm of Mr. Harry Cox, ^'l . O iiiif' l-ike. Ninth Oiillis, acilf xas born whioh weinlnd \'J> pi u ids Thl- ia the larjjett newborn call rccorjei, so far as known. Small Ads. FOR SALE Some stoneboat material for saleâ€" (iahaiii liros., Kugeiiia. •Store Slock and I'mpTty for sale .it Maxwell. â€" Apply lo S. M. Osborne, Mix well. ."second hind pianos for a-tlp, i;no1 as new, cheap and oi easy terms-Walti r Kertoii, FHvershain. HIGHEST EGG RETURNS Secure These by Hatching Yoirr i Chicks Early. For Silo â€" Good seriicoalile sound horse 11 yeais idJ. WilT sell or trade f ir stock. .-Voply to â€" Ij. a. Kisher.'Kleslu'rton. For Sile â€" Spin youni< marej, 4 and 5 years old ; no» lumber wij/oii, sot heavy sleisjhs, almost as gosd as new ; bugijy, plow and harness, also lu. and frame stable thereonâ€" .Joliii Hichirdsmi, Kledi- ertOD. For Sale â€" Ma<.Miel Cream .Separators and K igiiieH, and repairs for same. Also Black and White LBuliorn K^ns from li different j>eiis. Also i>ood "serviceal/Ie woik horse and frosli milk co* fur sile. Apply to G. H. Weltoii, Muniliiw lluuse, Flesherton, For Sale choap^and en easy terms. Lot 13, con. 11, Os.jivy, 110 acres. This is a tirst eUs) farm and in a yoid Jstate of cultivation. Good hank barn and new frinio dwelliiitc. Apply lO H. J. Spr.mle Flesherton Fur S lie I Inch use '.) yeirs old, one mare in foal, oiu* colt twi years oH, one Cult oneyeir olJ, sei. duul.le driving harness, .set siiii(le harnesi nearly new, sot beivy harness for one dorse, cutter, bugijy with pole and shafts, light wagon with polo and shafts. Moving out and all inuac be sold -O. Irwin, b'loahert.on. CEDAR WANTED C.'dir Wanted I foot 2 in. loux price 85 for No. 1 cjdar, or in the loi» 12 foot 4 ill. luni{, Ni. 1 811, delivered at my mill . â€" K IwarJ^Sirsjeiit, Ceylon. MISCELLANEOUS Try Feverslia.n I'lutry Flour, the uest for your conk, All Ontario wheat ^j . â€" __ â€" . Hijjhest price for but tor and eL't,'« at Graham Bros. Euitenie. June 21) Privat,i']fiiii Is to loin on real estate security at reisunablo rale uf in'erest. .\pply tG R. .1. Spruule, I fOihertoii. sept 2317 Thuisdiy, .Iniii IDth, l'.)l<». Keep the above dale in mind and coino to Proton lo the Grand Scatiali Concert . Hear Canada's Junior Harry LiuiJer. .\11 cmtsule laleiit, Kur parliculais see bills and t:niall posters. Residence For Sale For silo elii^ap and on oasy tenns, the leiiileiice anil p'lniises thereto belonitui;,' to the late .M. K. Iticliardson, hlesher tun. On the premises are a larne lirick veneered ilwelliiiir, we'l liuishuil .and in youil ri'pair, cont.iins it lar.;M b.idruoins on ihi'Bucmd Hat «rd a lart^o double Ijedriiiim >.ti tiisl 11 a ; goud never failiiit; Will Willi fore. I pump m Inseineiil, aie ijo id ci->ti'ri'. all well liiii-h-d fir wi-l'ei oi Mimuiet kit'dieii .and diniiii; an 1 w.isli riioiin wi' b g 111 1 pin'ry and o'lier eon venioncis ; largD lawn and ginlen with yiioil yuiint; ureliard I'liariou and plenty uf 'iintl Iruit ; yoo I 1 iiiio fra'r.e stalile aid diiviiii! house. I'ri'iniseH w lulo in ike ex.-elleiit liiii; â-  lioanlintj house iiibl piivate ollic.i besides, or would iinswei well for two teiiai.tsand also good olliee fur rent. App'y to R. .1. Sprotile "ii tliii pr. iiiises ivh i will show any p'rs.>.ia over the premmiH. IHUo Notice to Horse Breeders The IiiipiMlivl C vd,?.silile Stallion ' Hi ri/.n" will 1)1 ai t'm I'.irk II ui e every Mondiiy night during the season of lOI'.l Intending brei ders aliuul I s e t'l'H li'ir«e as h I liai pruvon liiuiself one of tbo best stock holies in ill i e ninlry . W.M, li'OSTKR, I'mpriitur & Matiage"-. .Not Every Farmer Sfiould IMant nu Apple Orrliiird â€" Only 'J'liosc Who I'lideriitiind tli<> Business and Wish U) Spotializc â€" The Small Oirliurd Is I'sually Not PioJIljible. (Contributed by Ontario Department of I Agriculture, Toronto.) THK early hatched pitHets are tiBually the best winter lay- ers. I'uUets liatclied (Uiiiiig I the first three weeks of April not only lay from two to three I dozen more egg.s during the year but j lay many more egg.-i during the win- ter. The average pullet begins lay- I ing at an age of six and one-half to ! seven months; the later hatched ones I are .slower to mature than those I hatched early. To be sure your I chickens will be hatched early an in- j cubaior i.s almost a necessity. The j later the hens begin to lay, Konerally the later they bocotne broody. I An incubator is a niachine and re- I spond.s to liealment the same as any other luurhine. It is not difllcult to handle but it can not supply its own I oil for heat or keep itself clean, nor I yet can it supply the little chirks in- side the eggs with good pure air un- less the room in which the Incubator is plaied has good air. The room in which the machine is run should be cU-an and well ven- tilated. If you can sleep in the room comfortably it Is good enoujli. Us- ually a cellar is the best place be- , cause the temperature is more even and the machine is therefore easier to regulate as to heal. The incubator should be dean; especially is this Imp of the interior of the iiiaehine. ; It Is advisable to brush out the ma- chine as clean as you can, then wash it out with water and soap and last- ly disinfect it. Perhaps one of the easiest materials to use is the coni- [ inon taiTy compounds tfiat are u.sed 1 about the stables. Just spray or wash i the machine thoroughly after each hatch. It does not lake iiiuch time 1 and saves a lot of trouble with the j chicks. With some types of machines , having cloth tops in the hatching â-  chamber it is wise to remove the old I cloth each season and replace it with I a new piece. j Be sure and lest the thermometer. I Take it into a riniK store and the druKKi.st W'iU test it for you along- side one of known accuracy. Many 1 hatches are lost through bad ther- mometers. Oet only clean eggs and of good size or set the kind of eggs you want I the pullets to lay. Be sure your hands are clean when you turn (he eggs. I Oily or dirty hands lower the hatch. Do not keep the oil can in the same ! room as the incubator. ' When chicks hatch do not feed them before they are at least forty- eight hours old. .Should they pant inside the machine open the door a little. Give them plenty of air. â€" Piof. W. U. Graham. O. A. College, duel ph. BUSIN.ESSCARDS Societies JlllNCK AKTHUR I.ODOK. No. :«8.A.I'.4 ' A M,u;eutiiln the Msaoulcball. Arm sronK'H Hlojic Klubarcon, every Friday on iir lietore ttio full uici. 1 . tlunr> W. M. T. li'akoly, HecruWry. J Dentistry Or B. C MURRAY J.. D. K , dental isurKeoD h.-uoi^raduate of Toronio UDlverstty and 1 -v»t College of Dr.ntal KurKoona of .Ontario, 'itiiadinlBinlBltii'ed for teeth eXtraetlou 'Jticu at reeideuce, Totonto Street. I'loe^ercou. Medical f Vetoriiiary Surgeon iriiliiate of Oiitaric Veterinary (College renideiice â€" Bycotid door Houtb west OD lE.»rv Rtreet. Thia street ruLB outb I'rutitiyCerian Cliiirob. Legal I UCA8, KANEV & hliNltyâ€" I'.arriBterB. 'â- " Bolicitors.oicâ€" I. H. LucaB, K. C: W. K, taiiey, K. f.; W. D. rioury, 11. A. OOloee, L'oroiitn, HOC-0 Traders Itaiik Illdg., pbone j:ion 1412; MarkilalA Lueia Klock, Phone 2 A. brauob ol£ce at Uuodalk oiieu every tiaturdav. j; lllGHT, TELFOKD & WALTER " Ilarrister, Solicitors, Ac. OlUces, Orey t I'riice Block, Owou hound. Btaudard Hank Block, Fleeherton. ISaturt.'ava). W. H. Wrigbt, S'. P. I'elford Jr. W. 11. Walter. LI.B. w ».i m a « a n «i » i » a«a» > »a>ii>ia»aai«aiaai I FLEET FOOT White, Black and Tan. Foi" men, women and f children. All sizes. Prices right. Highest prices paid for produce. GRAHAM BROS. EUGENIA, ONT. 0^»^^» â€" â- â€¢â- â- â€¢â- '•â- â- > .« » â- Â»..«.^ I I â-  â-  itii f ii j t f' ^i â-  > !â- â- Â»â-  t m t m â- â- â- â- â- â- tigtt * ' Business Cards M. KAITTlN'a, icensod Auctioneer foi tLie couutiuB of (irey and Simco«. | â- hriu hud Stock Bales a bpeoialty. TeimB \ iiO'1i-rato. BatUfactiou guaraoUed. Arrau^e- i iieuts for datuB liiAV bo uiat.leat the Advance I )tlli;f, or Cetitial ttjlei'hono oOJce irfiVjraliaui I â- r byaddreaaiuQ Qie at Fuverebatu. Ont. OMcPHAIfJ, Llconaed Auctionoe for tht) • County of Grey. Terms pioderate aiul | [JJ satis action giiaraiitt-ed. Tbe arraugomeuts H lid datCB of »aleH can bn made at TIiB ADVAUce 1 otfice. liesidcnceaud P.O., Ceyluu. Teleplione 1 â- uuuectioa. Dec. G, 70 } New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am (ipeiiuii! iiii atniice, a hiacksiiiith. ills; and woodworkins; liu.siiiess in Ma.x- well, uii(' am iH'aUiiii; up-: o date wood- workiiii; inaeliinei y. It will be my en deavor til serve the pulilie in a satisfac- tory manner and I would aulieit p'ltron- ane. I w »nt yuurwiirk and will do it right. 7 .April 1 CHESTER LONG New Bakery For Flesherton T* 'T'-^T- nuvitij; iiiiieliiiRi'il llio hake h1io|) ill Kl('.<licrti)ii 1 liiive Title 1 up ll o same mill am now pre- p.ireil to cater to ilin pulilio in lii.'il c'ii?H ilierul. Iliins, Hisciiils mill I'aHtry. .My (..iratifi elVirl (â- 'eai^i! tlio piili'ie, rnalom ia iTHpoclfitllv solicileil. will be to mill your F. Pinder, Prop. Who HlioukI Plant an Apple Ordun-d. The apple growing industry of the future in Ontario will be developed by men v,ho like the work, and wtio have th>' porseverancc and inlcUi- >;t'ncc to meet the problem.s encoun- tered. The necessary practice and experience can be itcqtiired a.s ono Koe.s along, and the ditnoulllcs of fln- ancins tho bu.sincH.s can be overcome by starting in a small way, or by puttiuK one's time on other crops while Iho orchard is f^rowing. The men who should i#.t umlertake apple growing are Iho.'je who do not like the work, and those who from lack of experionce iind knowledge expect to find in it phenomenal prollts. The apple iniliislry offers porlunis a.s ^ood opportunities for prolit as are to be found in any other lino of agriciil- (ure or hort iiiilliiro. but is at the same time no more prolitable, on ;in average, than any other well-manaK- ed business; neither should encour- agement bo offeri'd to land siieciihi- tors, many of wlioin in the past pnl out misltading iiiforniat ion as lo pro- lils to bo made. The success of the industry will depend on, Ist, the man; ^nd, his local and farm con- dition. A man who unilerstandB orchard work and has a likiiiK for it can make a success of apple oicbard- itig as a side-line in Keiuial fariuinj;. in stock farinInK, or in dairying, al- Ihoimli it may be pointed out that many dairy farmers find it does not pay to neglect their herds in order to rare for a orchard, tirehards be- low live acres in size are likely lo receive very little alteiiiion on most farms, and faruiPTs who wish to de- velop apple orchards a.s a protitable side-line slioiild plant not less than ten acres if possible. Orchards rang- ing in size from ten lo twenty-tive acres can bo conducted as prolitable side-lines on many farin.s. The conimercial apple growing iu- du.ltry is developinn along two lines. 'I'liere are now to be found unite a iiiiiiilier of orchards ranging in size fioiii forty acres up lo one hundred and twenty-live, or larger. These con- Htitute highly 8pecialize<l Imsincs.ses and are sound economic proposition.', IMovided one is ho situated as lo have the extra labor reiiulred at pickInK time. The chief difflculty with an orchard of Ibis class is that a Ki'cat deal of help 's required at certain periods of the year, while at other periods there is little or no work lo be done. Tho problem, there- fore, becomes one of adjusting apple orcharding lo other lines of prodiic- llon, HO as lo etiualize the distriliii- llon of labor throiigboiil the year. 11 would appear that an I'xci'llenI sys- tcf of diveisilicalioii could he worked out by using strawberries, rasp- berries, ciirrnnts and goosoberries aloiiK with apples or other Iree fruils, excepting cherries, (.'berries conflii'l in picking Reason with the sninll fruits, but ran be handled along with apples unless sirawberrles and raspberries are preferred. â-  â€" Prof. J. W. Crow, O. A. College, Ciue!ph. Boar For Service I'ure bied Uej; stored Yorkshire Boar for serviceâ€" Maxwell .lack (i290.Sâ€" on lit IbT. S W T A .S. U.. .-Vr-eiiiesia. j Terms $l.bi). 10,4,1U T. J. STINSON. Boar for Service The uiidorsiiiiied lia.s a tluiriiui;h.)red Yurk.shirt Hoar t"or service on lot 11, co n 8, Osprey. Terms SI. ."id. KIIKD SPOFFARD Boar For Service K.'lllilered t'lie-l,r \V|,it,. (, ij. for service at Kick Jlills. The failier won lirst at Chiciijii l''.iir. Terms §l.,")0. i:idecl'.> I. S.\nTlI Prop. FARMERS ! ytudy your own best iiitcrusls. Tliereisiio improvement on yoiif t'ani) thai pays as large ictunis for the iiu)i;cy invested a.s a good well, r liavc the rxpnieiice, ti competent outfit ami tlio stock on liaiul to piit ill a Ih'st class job. Satisfaction gtiaiautecd. Communicate with M. S. BELLERBY WELL DRILI.FR Flesherton, Ontario m II iff! II II II 1^ iBi i 1^^ i % II iffi i@i 1^1 i^^ t^iii i Flesherton Tin Shop- I have just pUicetl on the shelves a hill line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Kavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- i IllgS. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. IMpefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK FLESHERTON m ONTARIO. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Snarples Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEN 7 AGENT FLESHERTON. f Spring Needs ,i« ,, â-  , , Ml. :.. Hvorybody knows Slierwiii WiUiaiuH I'rtiiils ai.il Vuniislioa â€" n finish for every purposo â€" inside ami oiUsiile. Flooilao and iManuil lor lloors. Paitit yonr own car willi S. \V. I'. ttulo enamel. fji A Rood ftRaotlmoiit of I'aiii'. IJ linislicH Screen Itoors, Uoes, Y Rakos and Shovels. ' Now Perfeatioii Lniiij Chirancy Oil Stovo. Ued Star Wasliiii);; Mneliine.i, Oaisy C'liu'ius and all kinds (>f pails. Frost Woven and Coil Spring Wiic Ki'iiec. .Mho till' iifcw Sliarplis Snclioii I'ecd Crcftin Separatir. Any iiiiiiilu'r 111 tlic family can tuiii and skim clean at any spord . I F.W.DUNCAN Phone 24r 11 Flesherton ORO QNTARM> yVINO ENGlNt &,PUMP CO FARM ENGINE As Necessary As a Plow The shortage of hired men on the farm has made labor savine devices absolutely necessary. 1 he economical development of power is the e&sen- tial of progressive farmiuK. >.~'-" Toronto Karni Kiij;iius are taking the places of hired men. They arc canuiiK prollts by doiiin ntces.<!iiry work quickly, i'conomkalh Toronto Gram Grinders and Toronto S;iws back up thi's performance with hustling service. •"""<.c Toronto Kariu Machinery renders economical service hitherto unknown on the farm. lHyill payyou to study carefullv the suiH-rior merits of these machines. Oct from us our fully illustrated literature. Sent free on ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO., Limited Atlantic Ave., Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Regina Calgary F. E. SOMERS Fevershani, Ont.

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