Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1919, p. 5

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May 22 !919 THE FLESHEKTON i^DVANC f THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OrnCB - TORONTO Your surplus earnings in our Savings Department earn inter- EST'D 1873 est at current rate. J36 FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL, ivlanacer. Mm. Marcelius died >t ber home at Miltoa 1 week tgo last Sunday. Mrs. ; Marcellua lived here a few years Ago I with her b'litband, who waa the tint principal of our high school. The re- mains were taiiea to Uorrlsburg, her j home tnwn, for interment. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist j tfhurch mat on Tut^diy evening, M»y IJ, j wheu ihe following officers were elected for the ensuiu;; year : Pres', Mrs. \V. I Moore ; Ist Vice, Mrs. Balfry ; 2nd Vice I Mrs. Wilcocic ; Sec.-Traas., Mrr. Haw- ! ken ; Parsonaite Com'nittee, Mrs Arra- I a'rong, Mr". Heaid ; Auditors, Mrs. I Hicklingand Mrs. Uawken. C. p. R. Time Table. Train.s leave Fleshercon Station as ollows : Goin'^ South Going North 7.53 a. m. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Flesherton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m.and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clocK. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Bibles and Testaments for sale at this office. Mr. Chas. Crossley was up from the city last wnck. Mr. Silas Shuuk of Toronto was in town on business last week. Mr Jdhn Xuhn has purchased a new Ford car. Mr. Fred Bellamy visited friends in Owpn Sound last week. No chopping done at Eugenia until farther notice. â€" rJraham Bros. The public school kiddles took a tiip over to Eugenia on Monday night »".d trimmed the youngsters there in a gau-.a cf baseball by the score ot 18 to 14. .Jamieson â€" Lyons â€" At Flesherton, by Kev. G. A Belfry, on May 14th. Divid Wm. Jimies"0 and Aleta G. Lyons, both of Portlaw. Owing to the fact that Saturday ntx' will be a holid-ty the stores will be open Friday evenintt instead cf Saturday to acftuiQiodate customers. Mr. Will Somers, of Drumhel'er, .Alr.i., who hi? been visiting friends here for the past fortnight, left for the West on Monday. Mr. Alei McDonald of McTier visited r.'Ialives hire last week. He was aeccm- pmied home by his wife and babe, who have spant tlie piist month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cairus There are some who still do n ,'t realize our new terms of subscription. If your subscription joes six months overdue it will be $1 50. By laying promp'ly you gave fiity cents. Mr H. D. MclouKhry, of the East Back Line, Artemesia, last week had a maro fial a handsome pair of cults, fillies, sired by the Percheron stallion " Ni^oui," owned Dy Jas. A. Crowston M'lrkdiile. Both colts are doiri'^ line â€" Stand.ird Wo have several times recently been atked what is being done re a soldiers' monument for Artemesiaand Flesherton. Frankly, we don't know anythiiis; aUut it. We have heard absolutely nothine about it siuca the public meeting was held heie several months ae;o. It appesrs that legislatic n has been passed makir^ it possible for uiuiiicipal councils to levy II rate for ttiis purpose. Mr.<. C. W. Chidwick of Toronto passed away on Mcnday niorntrg after an e*tended illness. The dfceastd lady was a sister ot Mrs. Buliner of Flesher- ton. She was a beautiful character, beloved by all who knew her, and her grief-stricken bu.sband has the keene.'st 8ymp:*t!iy of a lar^e circle of frienJs. The deceassd lady was G3 yeiis of nge. Buri»l took place in Prospect cemetery, Toronto. Howard Large of Owen Sound, brother of Mr. Win Large of Eugenia, returned last week from overseas. Howard en- listed in the West and after going to France hie exceptional talent as a siu::(r cauied the authorities to put hitn on the job of entertainiiiii the soldiers in order to make life more pleisuit f.r the bovs and a.ssist in keeping up their morale â€" a duty about as imnortant a.i many of the other army branches of the service. The .\dva.jce W'is told the other day of a rather remarkable instance of the mother instinct in birds which oe^'jrred at this station. .\ robin had built her nest in a freight ci<r which stood on the tracks hern and laid her eggs therein When the car was moved out Ihe bird went wiih it. The numl>er of the car was noted and some tiiue thereafter it w»» returned here and the young deserted their nest at the home station. Whether the C. P. II. authorities sent Ihe car back just to accommodate Mr<. Hob'u, or whether in the whirligig of railway tritHo it just happened, we do not know. Thi' facts are as slated and cm be .swoin to by the employees at Flesherton Btation. The birds were hatched before they returned and the movher bird must h »ve fed them as the car moved from p!ace to plac*. Born- -At Parry Sound on May 12, to Mr. acd Mrs. Charles S'uart,a daughter. The stores at Eugenia will close at 6 o'clock on Tuesdays and Fridays until further notice. Mr. and Mrs. S. Thompson of Orange- ville visited friends here durin;; the past week . Rrtv. and Mrs. A. Mc Vicar attended the induction of Rev. C. S. Jones at Priceville ou Thursday of last week. The D. G. M. of Georgian District p. id his annual visit to Prince Arthur Lodge, A. F. and A M. Bellerby Bros, have during the pail three weeds put down wel's for Frank Collinagn 205 feet, George Fisher SI ft. and John McLennan 191ift. Mr. Everett Henry has purchased the frame dwelling and lot on Sydenham s'reet belonging to the Mrs. Moorehouse estate. Mrs. A. S. VanDuaen returned Friday last from Medicine Hat, .Alberta, whi^re •ha had keen visiting her daughter, Mrs. Douglas, for seveNl months past. -A tine Urge deer strayed within the corporation limits on Pays the Costs And Apologizes >i A caae that attracted much attention was tried here on Wednesday of last week before Magistrate Creasor of Owen Sound, when Charles Fenwick of Osprey was up for using objectionable language towards the soldiers overseas. He was charged with saying they were fighting '' to save their own dirty skins.' Four or live prominent c.tizena ef Maxwell swore to hearing defendant use llieie words. The Magistrate made Fenwick apologize {oi his words and pay all costs, but rennnded the case for a weeu. T. H. Dyre, Coun'y Attorney, prosecuted, and Mr. Walter of Wright, Telford it- Walter, appeared foe the defendant I i Meaford Editor Dead James Patterson, editor and proprietor of the Meaford Mirror, died in Meaford on Tuesday. May loth, in his 37th year. Deceased had conducted The Mirror Monday evening i since the dea:h of his father in 1012. He i â-º.1 D RES5 SILKS Owing to the .scarcity of woollen (Ires.s goods, .<ilk faljrics are enjoying a womlerful popularity. Oar range includes yard wide silks in Paillette.s, Duchesse, Shantungs, Habutais, Hirasthikis, Tattetas, Foulards and Messalines, in plain shades and fancy liesigns m every wanted â- â€¢haile. Prices from $1 to $3.50. SILK POPLINS '. Yard wide in black, white, navy, nigger, taupe, sand, ressda. burgundy, purple, myrtle and rose, specially heavy cloth and very lustrous finish. Price $1.85 MEN'S FUPNISHINQS FOR SPRING New .suits for young men, some belted, some waist line models, made up in snappy cloths in good' patterns. All sizes. Prices from S15.00 to .*:J5.00. Boys' Suits with bloomer pants, in yoke and belted styles, good serviceable tweeds and new pafterns. Sizes from :27 up. Prices $»5. 75 to 815.00. Specialties in Mens Tweed EaincoaLs in belted stvles. Prices from 81-2.50 to 825.00. Canvas Footwear in white and tan. for men. women, boys and firls. All sizes and qualities. Mens and Boys" Balbriggan Underwear, separate garments and combination suit-s All sizes. Mens and Boys' Leather Belts, black, grey and tan. \ew patent buckle. Prices from .")0c. tu $ 1,25. New patterns in "Lang" Shirts. Sizes 14 to 17. Stift' or soft cutis. New stripe designs and fancy white fabric: You will like oor new swell range of Men's Summer ifosierv this vfeeK, Prices $1.25 to $o,50. Dollar Neckwear. A new selection of F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO w â- Â»-»â- â- Â» â- Â» â€" »-â- â-  â-  â-  w â€" » ' »â- Â»'-» â€" w «â- Â»-»â- â- Â» ^ » ' VMSKSKSMW / eKUV " " ": • K ' J*. ^ '*^ * '" ' ^ ' and W4S seen by Messrs. l.lscar and ! was a member of the Masonic order, the Martin Phillips. Evidently the poachers ! Orange order, the I O. O. F. and the have not got them all. i Canadian Order of Foresters. He is Mrs. C. McTavish and children of i survived by bis mother, one brother, now Regina are the guests of Mr. and Mrs j oveiseas, and three sisters. D. McTaTi>»h. They will take up their residence at Oahawa about June 15, where Charley has bee.i removed by the Chevrolet Co , by whom ha has been employed for some years. The Upper Canada Biole Depiisitory, kept at The Advance otiice, has just received a complete stock of Bibles I rnngiog in price from oOc. to 55.25. ' Among these ate some beautiful thing' for presentations. There are also Bibles ! for old people with large print, pocket I testaments and I'salms. Come in and i look at them. j The annual meeting of the Osprey I Conservative .Association will be held at J Iq Memoriam In loving memory ct Mrs. W. J Wh^te who died May 16th, 1918. " One precious to our hearts is gone. The voice we loved i.^ stilled. The place made vanaut in our home Can nevermore be fillid. Our father in hia wisdom called The boon His love had given ; And though ou oar.h the body lies. The soul is safe in heaven." â€" (5randJiU^htor. Allie Xorris. the Orange Hall, Feversh^m, on Wed- Magrvet Cream Separators nesday, the 3rd day of June, at 7 o'clock | p.m., old time. At thi; meeting .iddres- Read " The AdvanCc'* ses will be delivered and oftieers for the township and each polling division will i . be elected and other important ueneral ' basiuess will be trensacted. A full representation from each polling division ii requested. All sympathisers of the Ontario Government invited. I Mr, Fo-iter's horse. Horizon, ia one cf only twelve or bfteen horses in th s ' province which has been graded by the ' Xovernment as a premium animal. Th's ; grading has neeu done by the govern- j ineut for the past two years, and that ' Horii >n has been granted this supreme j distinction should be a matter of pride to [ the district over which he travels, as weil as to ths owner, Mr. Foster. ! I George Pattoii, sou of Councillor J. 1 Patton, returned last week froai ovtr-' seas. George enlisted with iho 147th Battalion. He* was eleven months in B' ranee, where he was ga^.sed and slightly nouuded in the head with sluapiiel. F^r the past ten mouths he has been in England as instructor in physical drill. ^ Geoige was met at the station by a lar^e I uu.iiber- of citizens and given a royal vjlillespioâ€" Thompson â€" A t^uiet Wid' dii'g was solemnized at the home of Mr. C Mi;Creary, 6S U'unslow Heath Koad, Tor nto, on Thursilay, May 1. when Miss Leone Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thompson of Winnipeg, was united in marria«o to Mr. .Albert Gillespie of Toronto, by the Uev.Naylor. The happy young couple Uft on the evening train foi a trip to Bufft'o. Mr.'. Oi^lespie is well known in Flesherton, having been born and spent her early life here. Mr. Gillespie is a tiremai: on the Toroiito-M;Tier division of the CTU. You cannot ad'oid to miss the great musical treat which i« in store for those '. who attend the garden party nt Eugenia ' May 24, under the auspices of the Mfth- odist church. You will hear Mr. Newton Large, loader of first Methodist church choir, Owen Sound ; Mr. Howard Latge, lately returned from eveise.ns, together with two or three of his chums who, assislel him in concert work in comec- lirn witii the Y.M.C. ,\. over there: talent a'.so from Duudtlli and Proton, j and tho Large family of Eugenia There j will tie a baselwU match in tho afternoon ] between Flesherton ar.d Power House Tea serve 1 »t ."> 30. Sports '>iid supper Ur>o, Concert '2m, combined "'Oc. children •2j cents. Rock Mil's otchcstra will | supply the music. I Siiuare gearsâ€" no fiction : double suppotttd b.ial â€" cannot loek: perfect skimmerâ€" one piece ; easy to turn - a cbi'd can oper.ite; cipacitv chm^eâ€" saves the buyer $50.00 ; patent braki» â€" "Magnet,' pitent ; stronit, rigid constiuctioii â€" mechanical y correct ; sanitary strainer â€" germ proof ; easy to cleau â€" a child cle.a»is i' in » few minutes. G. B. Welton Flcshertoa, Ont. Its ASSAM quality gives it that rich flavor REDRpSE TE A*^ good tea Sold only in sealed packages 122 HELP WANTED Be your own boss. Sai: a cut-rate I grocery business of your cwn. f25 to f50 invested should earn you ?25 weeklj. â€" H. V. Martin, Windsor, Got. liti'iisnis Carefully Corrected Each Week Butter 40 tojO 45 Eigs 45 CO 45 ^^heat 2 00 to 2 il P>J»s 1 40 to 1 60 ;'*»^ 70 1*, 75 Barley 73,0 go n FURNITURE 1 I All kinds of turnitiire in our showrooms. Call and see |j t)^- dining room, parloivantt bedroom suites. A large TjiIl i raniie of prices tc suit your pocket book. t.r UNDERTAKING Chard & Fisher Insurance .Ajjents Flesherton, - Ont. Life. Fire, Automobile and Animal lusurauce. Eenh-ew Micliinery and Maaon Bisch Pianos For Sale. Orn. E I> RICHARDSON BLOCK ^ i Calls answered night oi day Phone 30 r 1 i I .^. W. H. BUNT Flesherton, Ont. Farmers Attention ! Mike monev in yonr spare tioK during tb« |iuuuus lue coming Fall and Wiute. r NEW *- MUSIC STORE I have opened up a ^lusic iStoro ill the Old .\rra5tr0ug Block, wliere I will carry a complete stock of Columbia ICJrafonolas ttud HtcordsJ liiipcriiil lirufoiiolas, Gorrard Hf iiii/tuaii Pianos and bhtet Music. (.'ill and let us sbow vju cur stock. We feel Hure you will be pleased . ^ H. HALES Flesherton, Ont. .^^-^^^^-v %^^^%% SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over 100 useis say about 1000 Gravitv w.ishor.-^ supplied bv S. HEMPHILL, Agent For li'OO GravitYwashtMs and wrinjrers tlectiic and gasoline power washers . ALSO fiV McCuruiick Binders. Moweis, Hay Kak<)s, H:«y Loaders, Prills. Culiivatoi. I'lows, ?te>-l ?*talls. Harrows Gasoline Engines, Hrsntf'rd double i(eared and auto oiled ainootur Wind MilU. Boa'ly Hay Ctniors, H*y Forks. Slings. Manure Carrier*, \V,-itet Howls, Wsier Tsnks, Po!ii|i :»i\d Pipini: SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more ««.>od cut with same power when titled with my patiut. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. nursery .^tock. j British and European markets wiiJ ' be open again for Canadian Frnit aii4j now is the time to order for spring plautius;. Orua etc. Largest list of Fruit and mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, grown iu Cai;adi. Write for particulars. Stone & Wellington The FonthiU N^irsetMa. TORONTO . ONTARIO Gel The Be«t. It Payt- I Vouge and Charles btreeU, Toronto I Is nuied ihr< ui^hout Canada for hiith i(rai'e businiMe education. i Great demsnd f»r our iiraduate* ; Oi^n all ; aar. Biiter m^w. Writ* for Catalogue. i W. J. ELLIOTT, Frincb-ai.

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