Flesherton Advance, 29 May 1919, p. 1

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gicBhttim %hna "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR" â€" 'PRINCIPLES NOT MEN" ' Vol, 38, No. 52 Flealierton, Or\t., Xlav 2Q l<Jl<.) t y- CEYLON Mr. and Mrs. J. Buckley of Torontiv viaited the pis', week with the Jalter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. McMuIlen, Missea Lyons of Toronto are holiday- in'4 at Mr. Jas. Puttison'.s. Mrs. T. Chis^ett returned cyi Friday from a week'i visit with ber daughier in Owen Sound. Miss EtWe Chislett of Toronto is spend- in? a wfiok with friends here. Mi«.s Alice Bannett .->f S'lelburne was a yiiest of Mrs. John Meli.i over the 24th. Miss Lillian McPhail, teacher at Alton, spent the 24! h under the parental roof. Mrs. Co'enian and Mr D. Coleman and lady friend motored down from Owen Sound the 1st of the week and visited Mrs. F. Collinson. . Miss A. Harrow of Chatsworih school Ti.'ited her parents over Jjjfl 24' h. Pie. Hunter Harrow arrived hrme the p»5t week and hia brother Frank has arrived in Toronto and is expected home this week, Pte. Thos. Spicor arrived hone Monday e-'eninit. Their manv friends are glad t â-  welcome them home. Mr. H. Fisher of Torouto spent the 24ih here with bis wifp, who his been visiting her mother, Mrs. .K McLeod, for several weeks. Mrs. Fisher accom- panied him home on Monday. Messrs. J. J. Pattison of Toronto and Willie of Oraogeville spent the 24th with their parents here. Mr. H, Bailey of Shrigley spent the week end with Mr D. MePhail. Mr. and Mrs. Rosa Leslie and babe of Walkerton motored over the Ivt cf the week. Mrs. Leslie will remain to visit lies parents, Mr. and Mrs. .\. McMullen. Quite a number from here took in the sports at Eugenia on the 24th ;wid repoit a good time. Mr. Nealey and men of Markdale are asgitlintr this week with work lU the C. P. U. Mr. Will Oliver, Toronto, was a wetk end visitor with his parents. Mr. Jas. Pittiion spent the 24tli with friends at Mr. Woods of Corbetton took the service here on Sabbath afternoon. Mr. W. vVellwoviJ and sister. Miss EJiih, of Duiidalk, .«peiit the l.'.t of the week at Mr. A. Whittakcr's. A special meeting of the W. I. is calUd f> V Wedne.«di»y evening to be held at Mrs. T. Cliisleta's to arran;;e for the address which will be heUl in the ()r*us;e Hall on Friday afternoon and oveuinj; by Mrs.^Thompson, who will speak on differ- Bill sul'j^cts which will be very ^interjst- in^. Winding bells are pealing fur one of ouryuun;{ b.iche .ts. EAST MOUNTAIN Muih sympathy was felt for Mr. and Mrs. William Orr and family when it WM letrned ihat their younj;est daughter Annie, »gcd 5 years, had died on Mi ii day evening. May 10, ot plsuropueu- inonia after on'y two days' illness. Her oldest brother, ylladstoue, from Owen Sound, and sister, VrsuU, from Toronto, attended the funeral on Wednesday, which took place to the R. 0. cmetery, Oleiiklg, when their dear Itttle one was l«ld to rest in hor little white c •fti-i, which W.1S covered with H)wers, amons which was a lovely boui|uet of white carnations from her brother, (Jiladstoiie, and wife, of Owen Sound.'. Committed on Serious Charges Adam Holley, a farmer iivim; on the town line Olenelg and Uolland, wss tried in a manisUato's court at Markdale on Thursday ItHt and committed for trial on a serious charge. It is alleged that he cut a large nuintiiy of wire fencing belonging »<> a ueijjhber, one English, and also retaining of monies belonging to his sons. This niati had four sous o.erseas and thciha'gei-j lh«t these boys assigned their pny to their father to put ii the bank foi sifo keepini; until their return. I'pon then return the father rffased to hiu'l ovvr a oont of the money, which, it is iiaid, amounted to obout #l"'IO in ail If the facts are as stated lhere.^ult will \)â- ^ sorjcus fir Hi, Hey. KIMBERLEY The annual meeting of tbe Kimberiey W. I. was held at the home of Mrs, Jasp..'r .S oart on Thursday afternoon las'. Following are the otticeii elected for the ensuing yeir : Pros., Mis. Jasptr Stuart ; Isl Vice Pres., Mrs. Huuh Uainmond ; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. U. Stafford ; Sec.-Truas., Miss Ethel Fawcett ; District Director, Mrs. B. A. C^iriuthe^s ; Delegates to District Meet- ing »t Dunda'k, Mrs. W T. E lis, Mrs. Jasper Stu.ft, Mis. B. A. Carrulhers and >llS8 Ethel Fawcett. Miss Piitlerson of Piiceville- viai'ed witn Mrs. Hus;h Hammond over the week end. '.^'uitp a number attended the 24 h celebrali.in at Eugenia and all report a good time. Albert Smith purcha-sed a handsome driver from auctioneer VVald«u v{ Mark- dale one day la.st week. D. L. Weber, our enterpris'ui' merch- ant is LOW at the steering helm of a Cheviolet which he bought in Toronto recently. Wellington Fawcetc visited recen'Iy with his cousin, Mrs. Juhu Gibson, of Markd lie. Mr. Dobsou of Toronto, represent'Dg the tJutario Branch of the Dominion Alliance, occupied the pulpit m iho Jltiliudist church on Sunday iveuin^. He nave a powerful discouise on the tcinper.tuce situaiiou in Ontario and proved coBClu-iivo y that the Ontario Temperaiice Ac: was a success. Ml. and Mis. Chas. Grahim and children of Toiouto motored up on Saturd^ij liiataudweie the gucsts of ihe latters pircntJ, Mt. and Mrs. John Plewe-. The s, 111 log drag was run over the 4rli line tioiii the fi ur coiueri north of Kill. bei ley to Walton's spring oa Monday last ana It d d gocj woik, K iiibortoy L 0. L. No. IIUO. gave a su| [i.i nn Friujy evening last in honor ot I'lc. 5?.i.ifoiil Breadner, a returned Soldier. The 24th at Eugenia Victoria Day was an ideil holiday for pleasure and sports. We ihink itbout half of Flesherton was at Eugenia and alon;; the banks of the strcims angling. The kasobaii malch at Eugenu attracted much itteiitiou. The gune was between llio L'ower U use and Flesherton, Out as net'her toam^ htd I's legular bunch of players the game could scarceiy be called a fair lest. The score, tiiough close, showed poor playin.; all round, 41 runs bei'ig scoredâ€" "iO for Flesherton and '_'! for the Ju'ce producers. Ill the even 11;; a coiiCf-rt wis held in the Methodist church, which was jvmiiiai to the doors and outsiie, lUiiiy hiving 'o stani. The t.ilent wis of thj very lest and roun led olf ihe d;iy to perfection . Proton Glee Club gave sweet harmony aa d.d the U 'ck Mills orchestra. Both of these wero callei on several times and responded uobly. Mrs. Ei^ia give a couple of recitations in tine style But tbe grand a tiiL'tiou of ;ho evv'iiing was the Lirt;j Bros, and Mr. Urocklebaiik. Howard Lirge and Mi. Urocklebank are reiurueJ oversell en'ori liueis and they gave their h. tiers a la >te of whit they gave the boys over in France, and that taste tas'.ed like ino.-e each tmi'. I' was difficult for the anJiouo.- to uet eiiongh. Mr. Newton Lirys ol O.ven S lu ud and Mr. Will Lirgeanl his sweat »ins;iug laddies of Eugenia also a.isisted very niaierially iu the program. Tite conceit WHS of a very superior order throughout and was much enjuyed by all. The proceeds if the day amoU'<tcdti about 1128. Victoria Corners Mr. and !Vlr:<. John Hannah, Mark- dale, spent the 24th with iheir niece. Mis. Milton B'lnnon. '• TIere was a luis-takc in our last items. The 1ni>tioKe giriteu patty is fi.Yed for the 2:(i'il of June Instead of Jnoe 1st. Vic oria IViy, which, sfti-r a week of almost c 'tuinuou* rain, was spent by the neig'ibtiih od p.'ople either in tishing or at KuKCUia. James Lockliart met with a painful ac.'iJen* list Friday, whou fencing. His axe slipp.'d and cut a nasty i-nsh on hia full just in front ot iho ankle It is a vetv unfoitunate lue to be laid up. VANDELEUR The Women's lastitu'e held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs S. Gilbert on Thnrsd ly of last week. Miss H..zl (^unninghiiu of Toronto W.H the gu,:rt of Mi-s Tiilie Bjchanan a few days last week. Mrs. T. A. Nej'oy of Tjronto is visit- ing her si.ster, Mrs. W. Uutoliinsoii. A baseball match bet.veen Va:ideleur and L'ljjeseviile school boys was played here oa Tiiuraday evoning, resulting in a win for the I'.cil boys l)y twelve runs. We understand a return match i-s b^ing arranged f ^r. Seeding has been delayed owing ti> the heavy rains. The trustees of the Muaford U lad church are havit.g the building re- sliingleJ. T. ben: ham has the contract. Mr. Roy Richardson of Chatswortb. lately rtturncd from uuer.ieas, viaiCed hs uncie, Mr. Geo. Warling, and othir friends here recently. Mr. Frank D.ivii spent a f-iw days in iJwen Sound recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cullis visited faiends near Shelburue. DUNDALK The Howes' saw mill slaited opeta- tious last week oa the scison's cut. The stock of li'gs on hand is tbe biggest in a number of years. Last winter was a very favoiahle one for gef.ins; out the. timbev. Duncatk Citiz ns' B<.ud started practice on Mood. y night unier the i!U:dince of Biiiduias'cr C dg.in, tbe repaired i;i- srunieuts having bern received from ToroB'o. There are a di ^eu or more old baiidsnicii who will be able to " carry on' for the >uuimcr and fall till the younger reciuiis wiil be able lo take up the work. Several boys of tbe Village setlini; cff lire crackers on 'he street were w.irued by Constable Abbott. Some of them dtd not heed the advice and three of them Were fined Si and costs by Manistrate Trajiuu, miking the ;issessnieut fo.60 each lor breach if the Village i)yiaw.-- kierald Can You Believe It ? Here is certainly a record to be proud of ! Wiitiiigto ihe Southampton Beac. n to e.xpvess his appreciation of the woik oi the Si'U'himpt in boys who eiilistid and the Southampton giiU wiio kept ihem supplied with comfort', .Mr. M. S. McAulay says ; Sir, I can say what no other man n Ontario cm say, and ihnt i$ a bii/ word. Tliete are three brotherscf us all through tbe .\inercau Civil War. My grandfather WIS for many years under the Brit>h tlig. I sent hvc sons and a gr.indson to this war. The grands n was killed in France. One sou has hii ii;il.t lung totally out of hi.u by gas. He was buried three liuies, a^id blown iu the air by coucu^-iion by bursing shells f' ur times. His li>fi shouldei was shattered and his left knc« cap thru mi out of place aud tt sh was grafted on h s f.>iuhead. .\iiothei one was wounded ihn-e timts w ill shrafjHtl, wju idcd in the li^lit jaw Slid a piece of ihe bullet left there. Ho ha^ to ji through au <â- [ eralion to take it out. My youngest son has h s t ight arm utT fi'iir inches below the elbow. The whole tiv» are in a crippled condition. In Memoriam In mem. TV ot our repaired son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kc lard I'rack- enbu-y, who d eJ JulSo Ut, BUS The Geiii-rat Episile of James, 4ih chap'er an! 14 h veno : •' Whereas ye know not what .'hall be on tlie morrow â€" For whit IS your life '.' It !s even a vapour i.bat tppaarelb for a little liu'e and Ihiu v<iui.->hcth away. " â€" Mr. and Vr-i. Addy Heron. Of Interest to Horse Breeders The liiipoited Peicheron SalliiD NigiiOt and an Imported Cydesdalo Stalliiin will be ai the Munshaw stables cveiy M<.mday night during the season. It will be to )our iiiteies'. to sie them before breeding your in irc. J.\S. CROWSTON, Prop. Succumbed To His Injuries Mr. Solomon Turner, whom weuutid last week as having been run over and crushed by a steel roller whde working on his siai'i f irm near Euuenia, passed away at bis bunie in Eugenia early on Sunday moruiug. A n operation wai perf irmed by an Owen Sound surgeon on Friday las'. when It was found that lire bowels hud been bioken iu three places. Ttie opera- tion was considered sa'isfac'ory, but Mr. Turner, who was 70 years of ag^, w is was unable to stand the phys cal strain. The fuueial look place to SjieHi otr^ Wednesday afternoon Mr. Tur.ier was one o: the .iio^i higl.ly respected of the older residents of Arte- luesia, and :he manner of his taking off has urou'jced t'.ie profouni regret of a largo circle of friends and much sympathy is e.\teudsd to the family. II-* was a consistent member of Eui^enia Me hodist churcj, aud his kindly f ice and sound judgment will form a void ihere v a eaaiiy ailed. Committed Suicide Near Heathcote Arthur Loughec*, a nun abuiit .'io years of as»e a resident of Coliiugi^ood to.rn8hip, hanged himself in the barn of his brother-in.law, Mr. Victor Hewgill, near Hcaancote. The young man sulf- ered the loss of his wife in March la^t who died suddenly of heart trouble, and this, coupled with either physical weak- nesses, IS ,>uppo»ed to have led to the rash act. His body was found about 11 o'clock hangiiii: from a beam in the I am. No person h»d any idea that he wa"- a>iout to do away with hini'^Hlf and their gruesome tiud createel n.uch commotion in the neigUborhoi-d. We understand that his fither, the late Robert LiUkheed ended his life in the same manner some 2j yeais *fio. He is survived by s-i.x small children, the oldest being ab. ut 11 years of au", and a number uf bimhers aud s stets. O.ie brother is now -i-rving overseas. Much sympathy is extended to the sma'l o!phan children who are Leiog cared for by friends.â€" Meaford E.xpiess. MARKDALE Mr. Thomas Grainger is beginning to feel i]uite spry again, having been lullier under the weather for a time. The many friends of Mr. and T.^is. Milton Morewood (nee Miss Sadie Sm in) will be pleised to know ihir a brit(ht little sou recently arrived at their honK-, Ladner. B. C. Mr. H. N -ble was the Iu.:ky fisheiii'.an »t Eugenia i.ist Wednesday. His cnch included a trout thit tipped the scale> t: b.'tter than three pounds â€" Standard. Se.-ding is mostly done in this dist: ct and vegetation is rap d. Toe Dull'eti'j CoL.»truction Couip ny of Torouto moved iu their p'aul \ t'l steatn shovel lasE week and have it at woik tilling the sink hole on the .;â-  >vel two aad a hall miles north. .\ special train has bi en cbarterea ly the Orange Association here to lun ft m S'lelburne on July IU, ioavinj that stiitin. at 9 a.m.. and to leave heie on fetuiD at 7 p.m. Returned Soldiers Thomas D IV is, son of Mr. Wm. Dai-i, returnee! on Siiurdiy fmni overseas w th his wife and little btbe Tom «nli«'ed with the Third Bat alion, (J. O. U., •m«X went acr. s< the i cean with the tiist cinlin|[tnt. He was bli>»n out of a dugout and had lis head injired. In Euglan 1 le | ractioally recovered but n >t sutiicicntly to be sent luck to the bni" He was i{ivei» ho.pital work and while there he married au Kmjlish young lady . He hid I ojied lo c»ime :o Canada a yeir ago but was detained tharo until now. Clifford Blakeley. s 'n of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blakeley, returned on Fridiy night from ovorseia and wa» met at the •titioiibya large nuinb.^r e>f friends. Cliff eulisted with the 147ih B.itt-ibon and wont lo France as Tailor Sergeant with ihe^Jdth Bittaliou m which position h<9 reinauied until the armistice. After returning to Eigl.in 1 he was in h'i.«pilal fer 8 •mi' liuie. CiitI', we understand, purpoies reopening bis tai'or shop hete . Bates Burial Co. L;r.-«iNi:.<>. a< r-;r.,[. Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Rd. Toronto, Ont. MOTOR equipment! J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks.j Pres. Manager.' Fine Jewelery Come iu auJ ,-ee uar riue ia:ge si H of Jewflery, Watches, Cbckf etc., â€" auil wheu you Lave seen them you will be sure to bay. Watch repairing a specially. A ftiU line of PbotograpLic '•applies including developing powders, priutiog franits. dark lanterns, all sizes ol Kodaks and films. Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Salei i For Breeding Purposes Phone or write. â€" GE< >. W. ROSS, Osprey Tel. System . Ma.xwell, P.O. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. Armstrong Jeweler FLESHERTON, . ONT. House of Quality CrGfllH-- ^'e have been appaii.ted Agents for the ~^ ^^ ilkerton Creamery and are in a posi- tion to handle all y mr en on t.- the very oest advaman^. We l-ay th.- hii;he-t market p, ces f jr butter fat. We will Wtfiyh ant test your cream while you wait aud pay ycu cash f r it Instead of shippma away u..d Uaviui to wan two or thr=e weeks for your money, -^-.ve us a M-al, aud become convinced that you are -ettmi; a .-.iuare deal al. around. Cans supplied free, i.) tie returned « hen i+.rough selling;. Corn- Wecan sujply your want.o. Come in and see our setu coru i >ur pi ices art rmht and our stock is the best. Chicken Feed- We have a varied and , . . I'-'iih class assnrlraent of ellcken feed. V\ ith evil's at the present price there .s nothinij too aood for the chickens. We have the best. \\ e .lie i ultiDg en a special sale of bulk lea. W e have the Lest aud now IS the best time to buy. Lay in a stock now. Spprj {^mnnc! _ Klght now is the time to plant O eeU KJUiUIliSâ€" y„u,. onions. We tiave an Bulk Tea- S excellent lot of seed ou.ns in stock. W, Get yours now. â- QCfQV»_« "e nave just receivea anooiher car load of ©"'â- 'â-  . >ui;ar. This is a good lime to buy. Lay ia a stock for your summer's use. ^«%-%^« H. DOWN & SON Flesherton, - Ontario r: *c*^*^Ti.-r*' 'v -^ -â-¼- at^Jfc_ J^^'^ <i >^ 'I r,- > Ladies of Flesherton and \ icinitv Don't be two years bekiud the time?. The millinery St asoti i.s right oii now and Mrs '.Vri;iht. with teu seasons' cxpeiienee in tbe .Millinery Business aud speudiug a teiin each season in Torouto selecting an up. tc-date stock, can show you what is tip-to-date aud bocoraing. ^â- o old s:ock left over. Everything uew anil up-to dale. Just give us a call aud see for yourselves. Prices rigiit according to >iuality Highest prices paid for produce. W. L. WRIGHTS Corner Store, Flesherton S ^!rr*'i -*â-  .^ .^ ' A-^ ^ .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ..^ NOTICE 1 Cu«tiiui choppinn TuBsdays, Thui.sdays and Saluidays only durin? the munihs of .May. June and duly Sawin«of lumber and shinitles, planing done to order, on other diys. Lietyuur fl.>or ns and house furnishings at â- i'. X. WATSON eV: SOXS. Box ItlS* Priceville Out. .\pi24tf Fami For Sale .\ 30 acre fax in for sale on the Eaafe Bick Line. .Arteiiiesia, Hid rsiiije, north half of lot 13"d. On the premises Ihere is a ste^od iranie batu, 41) x 50 feet ; • small frame house ; a i(ood drilled we 1 ; hen house ; the fall plowing is done. For particulars apply on premises. IJuueâ€" J. H. IIOLLKY. Fleshenou Heifer Strayed Ab lut the liHi wei>k iii *pril, an all r>d heifer with a little white tetweeii' • her front leu*, all 1 iu cilf â€" 2 year* old. . i F.nd"r (I'eise notify -T. Oi liland, Eu I g.'nii IV »> Bull For Service Ti.oroujjhbred v>!K'riborn Bull on lot 0,0011. 12, Osprey. Tir.iis $2. - DAVID KOBKUTS.

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