May 29 i910 T H H i L E S H E K T O N i^ D V A NC PROGRESS can only be assured by lookingahead and preparing for it. Farmers â€" by exercis- ing foresight in raising cattle, hogs and other rtadily sale- able products â€" can add to their worth. This Bank aids and encourages every kind of agricultural operation. ^so THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL . - Manaoeh Mrs. U, Ceiitham in spending a fori - Di){hc with friends iii Toruoto M inset L. Buskin ;ind K. Ciidioriiii and Mi-a. W. Dixoa visited friends in Toron uu.'cr the nreek end. Mr. and Mrs. Hylaiid and children (f L. Bruthwcll Hfid WiUon were in ' Toronto fur the holiJay. | Misa Cole of Tjioiito wis d visitor at Mr. Chan. Stewari'.s ovjr the Holiday. Duu'c forgifl Ihe opening of tho utw aall at Mount Ziou church on June 3. A Toronto were'gucsta of the lalter'HparetilS , S""l PfUfaui will l,e „'iien including C. p. R. Time Table. Flesherton Station Trains leave ollowa : Goini^ South "i.aS a. tn. 4.27 p.m. The mails are fining North 12.01 9.18p. m. osed at Fle.sherton a- foUows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'cloclc. For morning train south mftil close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Bibles and Testaments for sale at this office. Mrs. Bert Best left on Monday to join j Radley here h -re durinv thr past week. Meaars. C. .Sproula and 'E. Davi« m itorcd to Brechin Hnd»penl the holiday with friends there. Mrs. Cargo is aitenduiK the Branch meeting of the Toronto W. M. S. (bis week as delei/i le from the Flenherton Branch. Rev. Little, Presbyterian minister of Pais'ey, and at one time pastor of C lalniei's church, Fle.sherton, has been Silled to St. Paul's church, Guelph. The W. I will hold their regular moil hly meetins iri the hitjh fchool on Wednesday, .June 4. For topic see cirds â€" Mrs. W. I. Henry, Sec. Mrs. W. Stewart has purchased the residential properly en CoUingwoDil St., which belonaed to her mother, the U'e Mrs. Osborne 1 Mi'isps Wilda Crosslpy, May .Umieson . a id Riihy Buckley, and Mr. Will Ben... (i 'am, of Toronto, spent Victori* Pay with friends nere. Dr. and Mrs. R. Henderson and two littlii sens, of Toronto, and Mrs. H. E. Dyer of Oshawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. .Joseph Blackburn. The W. I. will hold a lecture in the (Jrange Hall, Ceylon, on Friday. May 20. Rias will leave the lostoftico at 2 ^[),ucw time. Everytiody welcome. The annuil meeting of Centre Grey Board of Asjriculture and Women's In- I'itute will be held at Dundalk on .lune 12th at 1.30 p.m. Basket picnic at U.?0 a. m. â€" J. I. Graham, Sec. G.B.A. Mr. Joe Ridley, mother and sisters, of Toronto, accompanied by Mr. Jay Syme of Kalamazoo, Mich., and Mr. Whitmore Kaiser of New Vork, motored up and spent the holiday with Mr. H. her husband in Wallard, Sask. Mrs. Herb LeGard of Owen Sound visited friends here over the holiday. No chopping done at Eugenia until further notice. â€" Graham Bros. Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams of Turonto visited frieuds hero over the holiday. Dr. E. K. Richardson of Toronto called on friends here last week. Mi«a Maraueri'e Runstadtler of To- ronto joined her ptrenti here last week Miss Irene Wilson reiirned Saturday to hot duties at Owan Sound hospital. Thern wa» a christentn2 at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. A. Armstrong on Sunday evening after church lervice, when Kenneth Armsliong Hylaiid, the son..s, di'iloguc.H, etc. Messrs. Howard Large si>d Brooksbaiik rxp ct to b« with us wiih cos'.unies worn ac the front. The Lar<ja family of Kugi-tiia wiil also bo with us. You can't atf iid to miss it. Mrs. Jimeb P.ewes of .Atening, mother of Mr. Fred Plewes "f Flesherton, and Mrs W. Pedlar of ihe Collir.gwood gravel, died at her h mie "n May 18th, in her 90th year. Mr and Mrs. Plewes aiid Mr. and Mr.''. Pidlar attended the 'uueial. Other children uf the deceased lady are : Jamis of OrUiidc, Florida ; Wm., of Flormce, Out. ; Mrs. Drury, of B:\rrie ; Mrs. McDonald of Coldwater ; and Mi». Fred Bunt, Toronto. Mr. .Nihn Phillips of the Collingwood gravel died suddenly on Monday evening of heart failure. Mr. Phillips was 62 years of aij;e. Ho n-is twice married, the first time to a Biownridge, by whom he had two children â€" a son find a daughter â€" both married . The second marriage was with a Miss Clark, by whom there iire three sons. A!l these boys hud been ovtraeas and had juat returned home. Much sympathy is extended to the widow and family. The Advance his received cjniplaiiu that vand'jls have already been at work this spring stealioi! flowers from the graves in Flesherton cemetery. Of a!l tne detpicable characters that roam at large the imjividurl who will rob the decorations from graves of our beloved dead are in tlie first category, and are riahtly despised by all right thinking men. One gen.lemen bought five dollars worth rt tulips and phnted them on his wife's grave last fall. 6ome degraded creature has been pilfering these flowers â€" one who cans noLliing for the senti- ments of others, but would probably howl the loudest if a like act were coin- mitted on him. Wu would like very much to aee some of these vandals caught and their just deserts n.eted out to them. The farm stock, implements etc., belonging to the estate of the late Walter infant son of Mr. .nd Mrs. H. Hylacd ; D^jgeon, Elderslia, sold by auc.ion, of Toronto, received the right of tap- brought ^Tr^OD, whxh is the largest sum tiam. A number ot friends were presmt at the ceremony. DRESS SILKS Owing to the .scarcity of woollen dress gootls, .silk fabrics are enjoying a wonderful popularity. Our range includes yard wide .silks in Paillettes,, Shantungs, Habutai.s, Hirasthikis, Tattetas, Foulard.s and iVlessalines, in plain shades and fancy designs in every wanted shade. Prices from $1 to $3.50. "" SILK PO PLI NS Yani wide in black, white, navy, nigger, taupe, sand, re.ssda. burgundy, parple, myrtle and rose, .specially heavy cloth anri very In.strous finish. Price $1.85. MEN'S FURNISHINGS FOR SPRING ^.'ew suits for young men, some belted, some waist line moiiels, made up in snappy cloths in good patterns. All sizes. Prices from Jfil.j.00 to $:J5.00. Boys' Suits with bloomer pants, in yoke and belted styles, gooil serviceable tweeds and new patterns. Sizes from 27 up. Prices $H. 75 to $15.00. Specialties in Men's Tweed Raincoats in belted stvles. Prices from $r2.50 to $25.00. Canvas Footwear in white and tan, for men, women, boys and girls. All sizes and tjualities. Men's and Boys' Balbriggan Underwear, separate garments and combination suits All sizes. Men's and Boys' Leatiier Belts, black, grey and tan. New patent buckle. Prices from .30c. to $ 1.25. New patterns in '"Lung" Shirts. Sizes 14 tn 17. Stitt' or soft cutis. Xew stripe designs and fancy white fabrics. Prices $1.25 to $3,50. You will like our new swell range of Dodar Neckwear. A new selection of Men's Summer Hosiery this wees. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO I received a complete stock of Bib'e^, rnngiog in price from 50c. to §5.25. Amoug iheso are siine beautiful thing for presentations. There are also Bibles Mr. and Mrs. Elwiii 3ami«soii of for old vcople with largo print, pocket Owen SouiTtf visited here over the 24rh. testaments and Isalma. Coiue in and E. Henry and Frank Duncan spent the holiday with frieuda in Toronto. look at them. The annual meitipg of the Osprey There is a wonderful prospect for small ] Conservative Association will be held at fruit this season â€" in fact for fruits of all j the Orange Hall, Feversh lui, on Wed- kinds. I nesday, the 4 h day of June, at 7 o'clock Miss Kati.j Scott of Alberta, d.ugtiter \ P"'- '^''^ ''"'«• -^^ '^is meeting adores of the late Thomis Scott, clerkj of 0«prey, ever realized at a similar .â- ala in Eldeis- lie. The 100 acre grass farm was also The Upper C»nada Biole Depository, j dispc sod of by Auct'oneer Pearce for kept at The Advance office, has just j^SMO. There were numerous bidders and the successful bidder was Mr. James Dudgeon, who recent y purchased the old family bomescead. Smie jf the animals sold fetched unu'ua'ly h-gh figur.'s. .\ team of four year old horses sold at $400, a pair of two year old steers at SISO each, and a brooJ sov at S133 â€" Paisley Advocate. visited friends here last week. Mrs. Janiieson, who has .spent th'' past winter in Toionto, returned to her cottage here last week. Miss Louise Mitchell if llirrisville, Michigan, is visiting her cou,«in. Miss Iva Mitchell. ses will be deliicred and othcers for the township and each polling division wiil be elected and other important general business will be trtnsacted. A full representation from each polling division is rcijuestcd. .All sympathisers of the Ontario Government iiivileJ. While driving a couple of young men to Eugenia on Saiunisy last Mr. John Miss Clara Duncan, milliner at Grand jjil^haidson did not get out ct the way Valley, visited with her p.uents here ' ^,f 3,, ^.^to driven by a Proton paity over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards of Toronto were guests of the lattir's u-other, Mrs. A. Wilson, o/er thehdiday. Mis. Mills and Miss Aleta Blakely of Toronto were visitors with their purents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Blakely. Mr. Howio Mc.Xuliy, supenniendent of the Bell Telephone at .\r;hur, visited friends here during the past week. Mrs. (Uev.) Bolfiy^who been at: her cott 'ge on the shore of Lake Sinicoe I •for a couple of weeks, has returned' h'Jino. : Mrs. James Sullivan, who has spent i the winter with hci' daushiers in Mon- treal, retuiued to her home here on Saturday. I The Palmer -â- • inusemeut Company will put on in the town hall this (Wednesday) ' night. May 2S, that o'd favorite, Inc'e Tom's Cabin. See advettisen'ent on this ; page- -. ! The annual Sunday school convention : of Artemesia wil be held on Wednesday, ; June 4, in the Methodist church. Flesh- | erton, afteruoou and evening â€" Howaid Graham, Secretary. There are some who still dj nit realize our new terms of subscription, If your subscription goes six mcnths overdue it will be |1, 50. By laying proinp'ly you a^e lifty cju's. Mr. Malcolm McDonald has puichased the M, K K chardsou reside' property 4d town and will conduct a boarding therein, for which purpose it is iJeally situated and adapted. Mr. Beit Jamioson, who his been in I1 ispital for some time under supervision uf the military authorities, is viiitii.g in t.>wu. He purposes putting in the •uminer in Muskoka. Bert was gassed at the uidorgett kbie St. Julien. He is Ivoking quite ht, however. tjuickly ouaugh and his bugay was struck in its tear and Mr. Richardson sailed out like a Hying si|iiiuol into the ditch, j .\ few scratches on his hind and a soie spot on his shoulder where l.inded, was all the hid'ly injuiy done, out the bug'jy reach was broken a couple of times. ' Three bucks paid over by the assaulting car niiu made everything lovely and assutged Mr. Richardson's outraged fi-elii gs. TOWN HALL FLESHERTON ONE NIGHT ONLY Wed. Evening, May 28th The Palmer Amusement. Company present the spectacular production of Uncle Tom's Cabin IN FOUR ACTS NOT a Moving Picture Show. Children 25c Adults 35c - and war tax Magnet Cream Separators Square gears â€" no licti'm : double supported bowlâ€" cannot rock: perfect skimmerâ€" one piece ; easy to I urn â€" a child can operate; capacity cli»n:eâ€" saves the buyer 350.00 ; patent Iraki'â€" "Magnet,' pileiit ; ^trl>lli^, rigid constiuction â€" ineohani;.! y c rrect ; sanitary strainer â€" germ proof ; easy to clean â€" a c!i;ld clens it in a few lllilUltlS. G. B. Welton Flesherton, Ont. '<â- »«« ^'•A.^'- -sT--" Fresh, rich, full-flavored tea â€"the same every time ^ XE A'is good tea Sold only in sealed packages • HELP WANTED I Be ymir own boss. ii<i\[t a cut-rate grocery business of your t,wn. J25 to i ?50 invested should earn you 325 weekly I â€"H V. Mirt;n, Windsor, Ont. 123 iti[ifly[is Carefully Corrected Eac{] Week ^""er , . , , 42 to;0 44 48 too 4.S 2 00 to 2 il • - 1 40 to 1 50 70 to 75 I Wheat Peas . . ;Oats. . ' Barley. 78 to 80 ir3c FURNITURE v^ Chard & Fisher ^ Insurance Agents Flesherton, . Ont. ^ I •y L'te, File, Automobile aud Ofkiie Ix i i ^ ,„, ^ %,'X Aaimai Insurauce I All kinds of fm-niture in our showrooms:. Call and sec IJ [ m ,. . , J I 1 • \ I S, ir Kouh-ew Machiuery aud Mason " ^ our dininic room, parlor and bedroom suites. Alar<:ci!k. j -uu jiasou ^ I -- . "^ . , ,, 1 " rL Ri^^cb Piauos For Sale. :'i m rant'e of prices to suit vour pocket book. %y I â- t\ [S] ••••-.f-••.^.»•♦•^•^„»n».â- »lâ- «-^, Ijll i w i UNDERTAKING || Richardson block | m % i '^'-â- 'â- â- '•"â- ''* On. STA.VD) •» i| Culls answered niuht oi dav Phono LlO r I i ^ . •-^-i-~^»t--i^^=A,;.,t.^ - ^ v 1 I ^ ' :.... i! â€" :^r::^ I W. H* BUNT i ^Z"^^'' ^"^"*'o" ^,_ - , _ ^ y -Make money iu yoitr spare time riCSnCrtOn, - Ont. | -^"""^ ibecomlug Wiutei _ nursery stock. I V^^k%'^^ ^f^ %%^%^'%'% r NEW "% MUSIC STORE \ I have opciH'd up a Musiu Stoio ill the Old Armstroug Block, where 1 will carry a coniplcie stock of Columbia IGratonolas and IkcordsJ (irafonolai<, Gerrard Ueintiiiuaii and Neiv- conibe Piano?, and fclieet, Music. C'-ill aud let us sbow you our stock. We feol sure you will be J pleased. \ J. hTIhaLes # (Oi.n Apmsthonu Block i f Flesherton, - Ont. SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users .8ay about 1900 Cravitv w.isher.s .^^iipplied liy S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Giavitywashers and wringers tlectnc and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCorniick Binders, Mowerc, H.iy Rakes", H:iy Loadtrs, Drills, Culiiv»tor, Plows, Steel Stalls, Harrows, Gasoline Kngines, Brantford douh'e sjeared aud aulo oiled airniotot Wind Mills. Ben- ly Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Catrlers, Witer Bowl.'), Water T:inks, Pump mid PipiPij. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One th'rd more wood cut with same power when tirted with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Bnlisb and Earopeau markets will be open again for Canadian Fruit and now is the time to order for .=priug planting. ) Largest list of Fruit aud Oru a I mental Stock. Seed Potatoes, etc. grown in Canada. Write for particulars. : Stonft & Wellington j The Ponthill Nurseries. fEstahlished 1S37.) TORONTO . ONTARIO It Pays. I Get The Best. â- (^^^^^^^^ ^ Youge and Charles Streets. Toronto Is noted thr.unh.iuf Canada for high grace husinoss education. Great demand for i^ur gradaatM Open all ; e«r. Enter now. Write 1 for Catalogue. j W. J. ELLIOTT, PHI.VCII.U.