Flesherton Advance, 10 Jul 1919, p. 4

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July 10 I'JlU THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE THE. Flesherton Advance Promotion Exams. •nin.l.-iieiuieiit newiipapiT, inibligbed evi'ry S S No 1, Artenie«ia fliar<>(Uy at th« office, CollmgwiKKl Street, | riiaherton. Subucription price $1 perannuo) I .Sr 1 to Jr 2 D.)r« BoUiifl, Annie wljenp.idin»dv*nce;«1.5,»wh«n n.. •" if'l ! HiHloi,, Verna Bolund. Adretnaing rates on applicattoa. Ciiuulatiou I ' ' ^'Mweekly, j Sr 2 to J 1â€" Charlotta BoIhiiiI, LetH W. H. THlRbTON, EDITOU Sewoll, Vem Nooly, Mnrion aiUiid. : Jr 3 toSr :i â€" AInuSewell. Will Duv- orell, Angus Buwles. PROTON Sr:it.) Jr Ilisloii. 4 - U(iris Magee, Marjnrie Intended For Last Wt-ek Service in the I'resbyKrian church la wilhdr<»wh Sunduy, Juiy t>, uti iiccuunt uf auiiiveriury servicja »t Floshtrlun. Mr. and Mrfi. Wyvillu attended the »urria(;e of their daui-htfr, Myrilo, lo | Mr. Jauieti lturtuii<<t Toronto, UhI week. Mr. and Mis. E. i;uiherfu(d attindid the Achesorâ€" Mc.MilUu wedding, Mise^a Marjorio Achsson, North Bay, «nd Mary Wyvill •, Northhrook. are iK)lid<iyia(( at iheir homes heie. Considering the inclemency if the waather. the Scottish concert held on June 1!) under the auspices of the man- aijing liimid of Kiiox church, wae wcil attended and wns much enjoyed by those present. The folk dances and inntru- cnental music ((Iveu by the children showed splendid training and cleverness on the part of the children. Little Dororhy and Sam Monroe sang several quaint and pretty sonxs and Alice Dun- bar's (juunt selections brought down the house. The proceeds of the eveniiin were $125. In spite ol the fjct that they had no practice and had jus', picked up a team, the Proton boys were bravj enoufjh to face the champion btU team â€" Dundalk â€" at loistiwste last Monday night and handed them a glorious surprise when they gave them the first trimming they 1 I ' year in a sci.re of l."» to 7. What's the matter with Proton ? It's all right ! PORTLAW (Last Week's Items) Miss Shutik left for Toronto to spend her hcdidays with her parents After teaching h' re the (.ast th(t«u years she iias been rtenj^hged for anulher year, Mr. Milton Walker, lately returned from overseas, visited among friends around hit old home. Wu were ail glad to shalte nis hand once more. Miss L zzifi and Mr. Harry Thompson Attended the weddiny in Toronto of the iatter's sibter. Miss (jertie Thompson. Misi Lizzie is enjoying an extended visit â- with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edntmrd Wata< n and children of Toronto are visiting with relatives here. Mr. Murray Cornfield and friend of Toronto are holidaying at ihe funnel's parental home here. < Mr. Andrew Carr. who has spent the piat nine months with hii daughter at , "lfj*je£n whs lakins a traction on«M.e Manitoba, has returned. Ho was accom- »'"' «»*^"'" "'"'•'^ » "'« L-omitiy and panied by his son-in-law, Mr. John '•"'^ "P f'^ !•'« "'ig'"' "" 'he roadside Calhcarl, who after twenty years residence i "PPO'il" Samuel Uray's, corner of town- fn the west, will visit among his ,„»ny| line and 1st line, east Mono. Fred Ontario relative*. , Crisp drove along and his home look »- „ IT • • J L 1 I fright and rail away, breaking the buL'tjy Mrs. McKeiizie received the lad news' ' ° â- ' S S 17, Arleineaia To Sr 4â€" Joyce I'orteous, Margartt White. To Jr :i-Ernest White, Cecil Retts. ToSr 2 -Lulu Milne, Mabel lietts, Bruce Hiwkins. To Sr 1 â€" Laurie Belts, Ken Partridge. Sr Prâ€" Ktnneth Botis, Vioh White. â€" Dell Thurston, Toachet. S S No. ti, Osprey Jr 4 to Sr 4 â€" Winnifred McMuUen. Sr :3 to Jr 4 -Ben Shortt (H), Fred Howard, .\dele Roberta, Mark Fawcelt, Victor McKenzie. Failed â€" Karle Poolo, Jr;UoSr .'{â€"Herbert McMullen (H), James Thomson. Sr 2 to Jr3 -Cyrui Shortt (H), Gay- lord Kailtini;, Lena Iz^rd. Ki 1 to Jr 2 â€" Merril Uobertp, Lome Sewell, Elgin Mullen, Kenneth Knitting I'ercy Sanderson. Sr Pr to Jr 1â€" J.meila McMulleti, Marion Hughson. Inter. Pr to Sr Prâ€" Nellie Shortt, Allen Shortt, .Mien Fawcelt, Ina Hiu- dle, Muijorie Huuhsun, Beatrice Poole, Burton Roberts. Jr Pr to Inter. Prâ€" Uarnet McKenzie, Jas McMuUcii, Lilliiin Thomson, Willi« Izird, Beasie Hindle. â€" EhelR. Walton, Tescher. S S No KJ, .â- Viteinesia Jr 4 to Sr 4 â€" Irene MacDonald, Irene Stewart. SflUoJr 4- Jack Gibson (H), Mark Stewart (H), Viola MacDona'd (H) Georgina McLaclan (11). Sr -J to Jr :5â€" J C McMu'.len (H), Chas Slewari (H), Rela llemphill, Eldon McLachlan, Delia White, Gordon Din- aick. Jr 2â€" (Jbaii HcLacklan, Marguerite McMullen, Gordon McHae, Marjory Dinnick, Donald Diimick. Sr 1- Karle White. Jr 1 Vernon Stewart, Beri;ice Mc- Donald. Jim Lau^hlin. Pr B-Margaret Sinclair, T^iaac Snell, •li.'hn MacMillan, Kendal Stewart. Pr C Dora Stewart, Gojrge Jaynes. Pr U-Mabel Sn.ll, Blanche Genoe, MiidaGenoe, Willie Laughlin. .^veiago atteudanc'' 30. No on roll .'58 M. K. MacMillan, Tdacher. VANDELEUR Miss Jean Wright has returned Ik n e again and we are pleastd to repoit her much improved in health, ufior taxing gone through an operation in Toronto, Misses 1< . and A. Gilray of Toronto visited last wiek at Mr. Geo. Wiiuhl'.-', .Mr. and Mrs. W. Hutchinson si.ent a week recently a', Toronto and other places. The CO. F. garden party held on July 4th was very successful. The proceeds rere $100. Mrs. Aniog Smith of Meaford it spend- ing a Couple of weeks at the parental home here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Garner of Toronto came up in their moiorcycle and visited at Mr. S. G'Ibert's. Mr. Hiissal Grahaai, who has been overseas fur the pist year, returned home on Monday. Mr and Mrs. H. Kc.idy of St. Mary's are holidaying with the latter's mother, Mrs. J. M Davis. Miss Cot timton of Toronto is visiting at Mrg. •',. M. Davis'. Mr J. McMannus and Mies Albeit) of Toronto are paying a visit at Mr. F. K. lioland's. Small Ads. LOST Lost- Cameo brooch, Friday or Satur. day last, prized as keepsake. Finder please leave at this ottioo* Pig Lostâ€" ti weeks old, black, strayed from my premises about July 4 â€" Arch. Stewart, Ceylon. FOR SALE A unantily of l welvo fi.ot dry hcnilock lumber for sale. Apiily J. K. Jamieson, Eugenia. For Sale cheap, reasonable terms, the building and lind< belonging to the Scully Company, F'leshertOD, butter and egg warehouse. Apply to U. J. Sproule, Fleshertc^ii. June.")l!( Lost-Oo Tuesday, Juno 24, between Ma.\well and John Milne's, i purse con- tainini; $l'.l.oO in chnIi and two due bills on Sam Osborne, Maitwell. Any person fin-ling and returninu will be liberally rewardedâ€" Jas. Sullivan, .Siiighampton. Left Outfit Unprotected On the even'ug of May 7ih J. Gilpin House For Saleâ€" A veiy conveniently located frame dwelling on stone wall ; six bedrooiiis, summer kitchen and wood shed ; electric lighting throughout ; nood cellar and c stern ; in sj-iod rep-»ir; terms reasonable. Apply on premises to â€" Malcolm McDonald, Flesherton. For Sale cheap and en easy terms, Lot 1-), con. 11, Osprey, 110 acres. This is a lir<t cl.isi farm and in a good state of cultivation. Good bank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply co R. J. Sproule Flesherton last week of the death of Irer uncle, H. a. Walker, of Pori Hope <!eath of her aunt in ( Iruno. also the , and doing considi rab'e ilainage. The , hi.'rse ran ao far that Fred did out hear Farm For Sale of it for ae veral d»ya and the hrrt inklini; he (Ol of it was that it wss in the vicinity of Fergus. Crisp entered an action in the divison court here, claiiii- iiii! $tlO datnauoa from tiilpin. The latter claimed that, he hun;.; a lit>hlcd lantern Good farm, about ha'f mile from ihej on the outfit, but udniilted the li,;ht was vJlage of Flesherton, containing (iO acres I out at the liin.. (Jnsp camn alonf/ 40 acres cleared and balance hardwooil i Crown Attoiney IsUiid, who acted for Imsh. On the property is a good frame ' j,i„|,n|ft-_ ,n,„i„^n|,„ ,,j^ „„ ,,,^ ^^^\,â- ^^^^ Lam with shed beneath. t,, ghow that the outlil was not properly â€"JOHN HEARD, Flesherton. , protected. It should have had a rod «â€" ^^^â€" â€">â€"â€"â€"â€" iâ€"^^ I'uht behind. Judi;i) Fisher awarded Read "The Advance'':;;:::;;,^,;^:^:" "^^^^^ SPECIAL WIRE & WIRE FENCING 4, 6, 7, H, •) and iO .strand wire all in .stock. Coil spn'ii<j wire liiaot! wirn lifiil) wim Staples CONSIGNMENT OF HOG FEED Com thf)p liiiilt'V chop Shorts liian Maple Leaf Flour for sale Carload of Cement jutt rnloaded WOOL WANTED F. 6. KARSTEDT. Flesherton MISCELLANEOUS Try Feversha.n Paitry Flour, the best for your cook. All Ontwio wheat riiuhest price for butter and eags at / Graham Bros. Eugenia. June 26 ' Piiviite fun Is to lo»n on real estate security at reasonable rate of interest. Apply to It, J. Sproule, I'leiherton. sept 2;<17 FARM FOR SALE One mile and a half east if Maxwell, coiitainitii! 175 acres, about 75 cleared, good buildings with bank barn, well watered, t wo acres orchard, rural mail, timber â€" including cadar never culled. Silo, hen house and pig per. For piiticiilai-8 apply tm the premises to -HKRBKRl CLARK Jullll Singhainpton P.O. New Bakery For Flesherton Havin<j pureliased the bako ."hop ill I''lfialierton I liuve titled np tlift same and am now pre- pared to cater to tlio publio in liiat class ISrcad, Buns, lii.scuils and Pastry. iMy Rreateat effort will bo to please l!:n public, niul jonr custom is respectfully solicited. F. Pinder, Prop. BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIIM OHINCB AKTHUB liODGB, No. X3S, A.F.& ^ A M, uioetB ia the Masonic hall. Arm s.ronu'H lilooK Flesherton, every Friday ou or betore tliti (all irccu, T. Henry W. U. T. HIakoly, Ueuetary. Dentistry Ur e. C MURRAY L. O. fi , dental sarKeoD hcuor graduate of Torouio Uuiveraity aad Koyal Colluge ol IJuutal Kurijoons of Outaiio, Qas admisiDistered (or teotli extraction Uicu at ruaideuce, Toronto Street. Flesbertou. Medical â- ^^r W.J. Henry, M! 11., Rra4aatoof Faciiltj *^ of Medicine, Toronto I'tiiveiaity, Office â€"Dr. L.ittle'8 late residence, Flesherton. I I' OTTEWELL ' Veterinary Burgeon 'iraduate of Outaric Veterinary College reoideiioe â€" Bjeond door sontb westloo l&ary street. Thia street runs outb i'reBbyteriau Chnrcb. Legal I UCA8, KANEY A HENRYâ€" Harriatera. '-' riolicitors.eK.â€" I. B. Lucas, K. C. ; W. K, Haney, K. (.'.; W. D. Henry, ». A. Offloes, forouto, H06-9 Traders Hank Bldg., phone cuain 1412; Markdale Lucas Block, Plione 2 A. Uranch otUce at Duudalk oi>*n every Uaturday. 07 RIGHT, TELFORD & W.\LTEK " llarrister, Solicitorfl, &c, Otlices, Grey k Bruce Block, Owou ESouiid. Standard Bank Block. Fleshortou. (Saturdays). W, H. Wright, W. I>. Telford Jr. W. H. Walter, LLB. BUSINE.SS Cards (ATM. EAITTINU. Icenaed Auctioneer foi '' the couniiea o( lirey and Bimcoe. i^anu and Stock sales a specialty. Terms noderate. satistactiou guaranteed. Arrange- nenta for dates may be made at the Advance )tllce, or Central telei'bone otHce teyersham >r by addressing me at Feversbam. Ont. DUcPHAIL, Licensed Anctionee for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate and ^Ktie action gtiaranteert, Ihe arrangements iHid dates of sales can 1>a made at TliE AnVAnce office. Resideoco and I'.o., Ctiylou. Telephone 'louuection, Dec, G, TO New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am openin>! un atnnce, a blacKsmith- iug and woodworking business in Ma.x- well, and atn ;n8'alling up-to-date wood- working nmchineiy. It will be my en deavor to serve the public in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit patron- age. I wiiit yourwork and will do it right. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG Boar For Service Pure bred Uegistcred Y'lrksliire Boar for service â€" Maxwell Jack tJ2!t03--oti lot 1(J7, S. \V. T. A S. R., Artemesia. Terras $1.50. 10,4,19 T. J. STIN'SON. Boar for Service The undersigned has a thoroughjred Yorkshire Boar for service on lot 11, co n 8, Osprey. Terms $1.50. FUED SPOFFARD Boar For Service llegisteied Chester White lug for service at Ruck Mills. The father won first at Chicago Fair. Terms S1..50. lodedS) â€"I. SMITH Prop. I » n « » » 1 1» a a sail iiisisssissii i « s â-  » FARMERS! Study your own best iiitetcsts. There is no iiuprovemeut ou your furiD that pay.s as large returns for the luoney invested as a gootl well. I have the experience, a cotupetent outfit and tiie stock on hand to put iu a first class job. Satisfaction guaranteed . Communicate with M. S. BELLERBY WELL DRILLER Flesherton, Ontario Spring Needs Everybody kuowa Sherwin Williams Paints and Varnishes â€"a finish for every purpose â€" inside and outside. Floorlao [ and Marnot for (loors, PaitU your owu car with 8. W. P. auto enaiuel. A good aasoitiueiit of Paint Brushes Screen Doors, IIoe.s, Rakes and Shovels. New Perfeatiou Long Chimney Oil Stove. Red Star Washing Machines, Daisy Cliuvus and all kinds of pails. Frost Woven and Coil Spring Wire Foiico, Also the new Sharpies Suction l-Y'cd Cream Separatar. Any nieinbor of the family can turn and skim clean at any ."^poed. F.W.DUNCAN LPhone24rll Flesherton 1 FLEET FOOT White, Black and Tan. For men, women and children. All sizes. Prices right. Highest prices paid for produce. GRAHAM BROS. I EUGENIA, - ONT. â- .»i»i^ii»^^^<.^.«..».. » .»i« » »ii»-»t " »i« " >-i« " t li I* i<ii>ii » i » »i II Flesherton Tin Shop Is! I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot tfji Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. i SI If] 11 I Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. % m HI FLESHERTON D. McKILLOP CHRI5T0E BLOCK ONTARIO. i B $ I i $ r WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMEMT AGENT FLESHERTON. The Work of Six Men A loronto Litter Carrier will astonish you writh the amount ol work it does. Enables one man to clean the stables as fast as six men in the old way. Cuts out the dirty part of the job. Takes away the danger of the old wheel- barrow and the slippery plank. Encourages cleanliness in the stableâ€" and that means healthier cattje. „.^\ •'^°'°"'° Stable Equipment is de.sigtied to save work and make catt e bigger profit producers. You'll find with this equipment that stable chores become easy. Time is saved. Cattle are contented. .,.. 1 T knowledge of proper stable equipment can be gained from a stiiuy of oir big stable equipment book. This will be sent free if you ask lor It. \\ rite now. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE A. PUMP CO., Limited Atlantic Ave., Toronto Monlrul Winnip«« Raiina C»l««rT ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & Kur URONrr â- Â« F. E. SOMERS â-  Feversham, Ont. !|l!|| â- iill'" -/

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