Flesherton Advance, 10 Jul 1919, p. 5

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m July 10 1919 THE F L E S H E K T O N ^ D V A NC -;' THROUGH good times and bad times for the past 45 years this Bankhas steadily given its best efforts to the development and upbuilding of theagricultural, manufacturing and commer- cial business of this Country. Ourefficientserviceisavailable for the benefit of all customers. THE 2»7 STANDARD DANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH Geo. MITCHELL . Manager C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleshercon Station as ollows : Going South Going North 7.53 a. 111. 12.01 D.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Flesheiton as follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 Pvin. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. ra. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Dr. Thomas Uenderson of Toronto visited relatives here over Sunday. Miss Olga Stewart of Owen Sound i.s -visiting friends here. Mr. Delberfc Pat ion is home from Toronto for his holidays. Mr. Frank Bant of Toronto is holiday- ing at his hsrae here. Bornâ€" In Toronto, on V/tdnesday, July 2. to Dr. and Mrs. Fred Murray, a son. Mr. and Mrs. FieJ Mathewson and Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart spent the week -end with friends at Sprucedale. Mr. and Mrs. G. Johnson and Mrs. 1'. Chard and daughter, Susie, vtsited friends in Durham last week. Mi»8 Adda Wright is attending a months course at the Agricultural 'College, Guelph. Mr» T. Brady, whu has been teaching school at Oakville, is visiting at her parental home here. Miss Marguerite Kunstadtler is on a fortnight's visit with friendn at Kitchen- er. Mrs. G. Perry and Mrs, Poc Fairey of Toronto are visiting their parents, Mi. and Mrs. John Richardson. Diedâ€" In Toronto, on Thursday, July 3rd, Mrs. (Dr.) Fred Murray, aged 43 years. Dr. Emerion Hendersoo of Cbealey Attendel the funeral of his sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Murray, here, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. T, Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Jaoieii Fisher and Mr. Lou Broth- well motored to Port Hope last week and visited relatives there. The weather for the past two or three weeks has been of the choioeit garden ^larty variety and these e.xotics have «ccordin|(Iy flourished amazingly. Inspector IJeckett had three citizens of Ceylon and Flosberton up uu a charge i>f being iutoxickted on a recent date. The proof t'aihd to materializs and thu -cases all fell through. During the electric storms Saturday afternoon and early Sunday moiuing lightning struck in three places in town. The tiuid hit the residence of Mr. Luke Bowers and broke a rafter but did no material damagr. A cedar tree wa, shattered at Nuhn's pond ani a bolt paised down the cistern pipe at the Par]^ House, doing some slight damace to the cistern. Talk about {.heiiotueual growing weather ! Why, even the banking systems of this country are feeling the .pulsations of expanding life, and two new bauka have been stitrted within •twelve iiiileo of Flesherton â€" one at J^imberley and the other at Fevershsm. The Mcrch'iut's Bank has opened at Kimberley under the mantgeniant of Mr. Smith of Thaniesville, and the B^uk of Tor III 10 at Fcversham undt-r the management of Mr. K. Bellamy, who wj>s with that instiiuliou previous to the war and »iiicu returning has beuh station- •ed at WrtllaiiJ. " Bob ' is a Fleshorton boy, a son af Clerk W. I. Bel>.iny. He -came up Friday last and we it to Fuvdr- shaiii on Monday to open up the new institution, which will be a great con- veiiienso to the pople of (.>sprey Town ship, all of 'vhom have plenty of money to handle. Mr. J. H. Campaign of Chicago is visiritiny i.ld friends here. T*«iiiy fiiur pupils wrote on the En- trance examination here hst week. Mrs. Geo. Cairns and children of Gl.nella, Man., are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley. We have a good supply of binder twine on hand which we are selling at a special reduced price. H. Down & Son. There are some who still do not realize our new terms of subscription, If your subscription goes six months overdue it will be $1.50. By[aying promptly you save fifty cents. Mr. Alex. Hoy is overseer of the Hydro park at Kngcnia. The park is free to all but permission to use it should be secured from Mr. Hoy. The park is supplied with nica smooth tables and a cook house and stove where tea can be brewed. There is also a tine dancing pavilion. The Upper Canada Biole Depository kept 8t The Advance otfice, has just received a complete stock of Bibleri, rnnging in price from aOc. to 85.25. .Among these are some beautiful things for presentations. There are also Bibles for old people with large print, pocket testaments and I'sahna. Come in and look at them. Rev Eigle and wife ef the Eugenia circuit has gone to the Soo on holidays. Next Sabbath Mt^ion Epworth League will take the service at home at 11 a m, also Inistioee League at Inistioge at 2 30. T. Fenthaiu takea the service at Eugenia at 2.30 Sunday, July 20, R J Wood of Corbetton preichas at all appointments. iNo services on Sunday, July 27. A monster garden party will ba given by the Woman's Institute, on Friday, July I8th. Supper will be served from 6 to 8 p. m. (new time). Two good baseball teams will play. Tug of war between raanied and single men. Racing and other sports for which prizes will be given. Gaines to start at 4 p. m. Admission 35 and 25c. Proceeds for memorial. Mrs. W. I. Henry, Sec- Treas. Anniversary Services were held in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday morning and evening last, when Rev. Jones of friceville delivered excellent sermono to large congregations. Miss Ida Osborne of Maxwell assisted with the music and gave a beautifully render- ed solo at the evening service. Rav. McVicar took the services on the Price- ville circuit. The Mcthodiat congregation here very kindly withdrew their'evening service. The death of Mrs, (Dr.) Fred Murray on Thursday of last week was peculiarly tai. After eightee.T years of married life Mrs. Murray gave birth to her first bibo the day previously. The baby is living and a Healthy little boy, while the mother's life was sacrificed. The re- mains were brought to Fleshcrtoii and interred Saturday afternoon in Flesherton cemelerv. The deceased lady was a daughter of the late James Henderson and a niece of Mr. Wm. Henderson of Flesherton. Dr. Murray and the other sorrowing relatives have the sympathy of many friends here in their sore bereavement. Sudden Death In Osprey Wellington Dobson of the 10, h con., Osprey, about three miles east of Fever^ sham, was found dead, by his eon, on Thursday evening last. The deceased, who was about (iti years of .â- i.jo, ate his supper as heartily as over and between 7 anf 8 o'clock lojk his dog and went to turn some horses out of a lield. Not returning, hi.t son wont to look for him and found the body reclining against a fence with both arms over a rail and head reclining on the rail between his arms. The coroner was uotlhud .md after viewing the boJy he gave a cerliti- cata of death from heart failure. The deceased leaves a widow and growu up family. He hid been sufl'ering for some time from heart trouble. Institute Report For the year 1M8 The Ceylon Branch of the Women's Institute was organized by Dr. Sirrs, July 5th, with 40 members. Previous to this the ladies worked undei the title of " The Willing Helpers." All their work so far has been war work. For the year they have knit 579 pairs of socks, value 1579.00. 267 pair of these socks were sent to the Oaylon boys, 254 sent to French fund, 14 pair sent to Serbia, 32 pair to Belgium and 12 pair on hand. 170 boxes were sent to the boys, value $4 a box, total value f 680.00. One bale was sent to Serbia, value $90.25, one bale to Belgium, value f68.70. $231 00 was raised with bazaars, teas and oyster supper. The boys as they returned were given a ring each with his b».tali..n number on it. The 21 rings cost $126. Total rf money raised and value of work for one year was $1648 95, Osprey Council Osprey Council met at Singhampton on June 24 according to .udjouriiment from May 25, last. Communications, accounts, etc., were received from â€" Municipal World, aoct., $38.94 ; T. N. Scolt, administrator for the estate of the late Thomas Scott, deceased, account $154.60. The following motions were passed : That the account ot the Municipal World of March (i for 81C be refer.-ed back and the clerk ask for an itemized account. That the account of $39.60 for election expenses and $125 for salary in full to March 3l3i, 1919, be paid to T. N . Scott, administrator ot the estate of Thomas Scott, deceased. That Garnett Magee be paid the sum of $8 for lamb injured by dogs on July 5, 1918, inspected by the late James Douglas, and that the treasurer pay the same upon Mr. Magee asking his declar- ation. That Mr. Arnott be released of the responsibility of paying to the treasurer the amount of culvert which be wis asked to return to the treasurer in the fall of 1917, which amount was drawn in the fall of 1916, expecting that tho work was done and which, through unavoid- able circumstances was not completed in the fall of 1916 nor in 1917, but which work was completed iu the year 1918, satisfuctoiy to this council. That the appropria]ion of each road commissioner be raiaed $200 to ba ex- pended where it is positively necessary, and not to be exceeded by any commis- sioner except in cases of emergency and only by authority of the Road and Bridge Committee. That Arnold Hutchinson and \\'a\, Scutt be appointed fenceviewera in place of Edward MuUun and the late John Ross, and thit the Clerk send them the necessary papers That the motion of the meeting of April 12, setting the wages, be lesoinded and that a man and team ba placed at $5 per day and shovellers it $2 50 per day. That the Clerk be, and he is hereby instructed, to l.â- orre^pond with Mr. John Parker, County 'Jleik, re taxes ai;ainst lots 25 and 26, con. 2 N.D.K., the same being exempt by the muoicipal Council, That the Clerk be instructed to amend the ByUw 645, Aug. 10, 1918, aud that those alcng the county road where stat- ute labor is commuted, pay $1 25 per day and other unperformed statute labor in the township $1 50 per day. That the claim of W S Inkster re overchatge of taxes on the collector's ;roil of 1918 bo loieired to next meeting of the council. That we now adjourn to meet at E'eversham on August 9ih. Council adjourned. â€" r. N. Scott, Cleik. % "^ NEW MUSIC STORE i I Lave opened up a 1 1 Music Store iu the .i Old Armstrong Block, where I will carry a complete stock of Columbia Grafonolas aud Records, Imperial Grafonolas, Gerrard Heintzman aud New- combe Pianos, and bbeet Music. C'ill and let us sliow you our stock. We feol sure you will be pleased . Aluminum Ware Best For Cooking Purposes It does not chip, flake, rust nor corrode. Cootcs evenly and does not scorch readily. Bright and handsome, an ornament for any kitchen. Particu- Urly suitable for wedding presents. We are showing a complete assortment. Tea Kettles from $:j.r)0 Tea Pots from $3.25 Preserving Kettles from $2 25 Covered Saucepans from $1.50 Lipped Saucepans from $1.25 Double Boilers $:5. 50 Cereal Cookers $2.75 Pudding Dishes from 75c. Water Pails from $2.25. Pie Plates, Muttin Pans, Dippers, Cups, Bread Pans. SALMON SPECIAL A good sound salmon, pound tins, fully guaranteed. Jast the thing for sandwiches or salmon loaf for the picnic season. Special 23c. per tin. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ti FURNITURE All kinds of furniture in our showrooms. Call and see our dining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large range of prices to suit your pocket book. UNDERTAKING Calls answered night or day W. H. BUNT Flesherton, 1 III IISIIIS I ^Carefully Corrected Each Wee ||S""er 39 too 39 ||EgB8 39 too 39 'i?. • Wheat 2 00 to 2 11 Peas 1 40 to 1 50 '^ats _ 70 tw 73 Barley 73 to 80 illtS^G i i i. H. HALES (Or.D Apmstrono Block) Flesherton, - Ont Jl Magnet C re a n\ Separators Scjuare gears â€" no Kctlon ; double huppoftrd bowlâ€" cannot rock; perfect skimmer â€" one piece ; easy to turn - a child can operite; capacity ch'<niie â€" saves the buyer 850 00 : pituiif brakeâ€" "M«gnel,' pilent ; â-ºLroiiL', rigid cunstiuctioii â€" iiiochHnijul'y correct ; sanitary str»jner â€" germ proof ; ea*-y to clean â€" a child cleans iK in » few niinutes. G. B. Welton Flesherton, Ont. Chard & Fisher ! insurance Agents M> Flesherton, - Qnt. 1;. Life. Fire, Automobile and Animal Insurance. Eenlrew Machinery ?i,nd Mason lanos For Sale. SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravity washers supplied by S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers dlectiic and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCormick Binders. Mowers, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Drills, Cultivator, Flows, Steel Stalls, Barrows, Gasoline Engines, Brantford double ((eared and auto oiled airmotor Wind Mills, Beii'.ty Hay Cirriers, Hay Forki, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowls, Water Tank.s, Pump .tnd Piping. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut with same power when titled with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. UFFK'E I.v RICHARDSON BLOCK J (Sci'LLv's Old St.\>'1)) \ I Farmers Attention \ Make money in your spare time during the coming Fall and Wintoi mouths by soiling Lardy Canadian nursery stock. British and European markets will be open again for Canadian Fruit and now is the time to order for spring planting. j Largest list of Fruit and Orna I mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc. grown iu Canada. Write for particulars. Stone & Wellington The Fonthill Nurseries. (Established 1837.) Flesherton H. S. Hi«hS;;hool Proinotionfiâ€" Form 1. to Form 2 â€" names in order of merit. Honoursâ€" .4 Buchanan, H Uaney. Passâ€" -â- V Parslow, M Mcl;achlan, M McCallum, R MacGirr, U Boyd, M Aoheson, K Orr, E Muir, E Wihor, J Karstedt, \ Stephens, M Caswell, G Lever, V Moore, O .Akins. Keconunonded- G Lnrge, E Allen G Irwin. FARM FOR SALE .'lO acres on lot 127, 2iid concessir'n northeast of Toronto aud Sydenham Uoad, Artemesla. -Vpply to W. CARGO, flesheiton. A few miles from Winghani, a returned soldier is having considerable ditticulty In teaching his war bride how to perform household duties, says the Ripley E.\- press. She docs not take kindly to washing diahes aud keeping tho home in order. After ijieals she insists on sitlin){ on the table, smoking c'garetlei and takinc; life eosy. Sha nays C'tnada is a horrid place, with no life or brass bands, and wishes she was back ti.< old London. ._: ! TORONTO ONTARIO Get The Best ELLIOTT Tender* Wanted Tenee-s wanted for painting .school house in S. S. No. »>, .Vrtcmesia, inside, wood wcrk outside. â€"GEO. MELDRUM, Sec, Treas. R. R, No. 1, Ucylon, Ont, It Pays* ;v ELLIOTT^>:?^v Yonge and Charles Streets, Toronto Is nuled throughout Canada for high grade business education. Great demand for our graduatea Open all jear. Enter now. Write for Ca'.alo(;ue. W. .1. ELLIOTT. PmiNoiPAL ; Does Your iSay 1920 1 Label

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