Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1919, p. 4

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Julvol I'.Xll THE FIKSHKKTON ADVANCE 'l-HKaK^M^ The ri«k atliiiding Hidowaik co»(jliii({ nesncrion Advance ,„,„,,,,i,,.a ,„orana v.ii.y wmn . aninJ>'l>ei>d<'nt ninvi|i«|)iT, ^>ul)li«llell every , Uslwood resideiU, Mr. J. f . Ooodai!, in«h«tJn. SuUrripii.... price *ri.cr annul.; *'"* ""â- '^«" '""" ""• *â- *«"" *" * *""*'' when |>aiil ill ttdv'kiice ;$l.i'i''wheii no m i>»i<l iiijureil about the hiiij whiii lliH horse A'iwr lUintc rkten mi :i|iplic'»tioa. OircuUcioii^ ' "'tweokly. \v. n. Tin iLsToN, p:r)iToK; S ma 1 1 Ad s. I businesscards <.,» „ â-  m « â-  â-  â-  «â-  « ttti*t*tt t « M «lt»tl»ll»llltll«» limk frii>lil at llio noise euiaualiuj; from that particuhr perniciouBHimrce of aiiiu«e- ; nieiit. I =^==^=^=^^=^=^=^:^=^^=^=^^^^^^^ 'I'll,. j„,v I,, il„. case oi Aiiu)8 Sherrick, [ who WHS clnii^td ht Collini;iio'id wiili Eighth Line, Osprey ''i""'''"«»i>a "''"-f. •""> »''" ''•«'' "' h'urt tailurtf in coiiit, liought in a verdict I Imt Bhonick was jus'ilinl in Mr. and Ml*. Jas. Kindlay ami Mits j ,|„„,,j„j, ^, j,^ jjj, M;iV <•! FiiidUy, and Mr. So -tt ol CollJHg- j wool, and Mr. and Mis. UAu Fiiidlay of Oweu .Sound visited Mr. and Mis. | \Viii Haiiley. Mr. Ted and M'ss Mao I'.ii-.oii.s ...pi'iit Sunday wiih fiieiid'* at tVyloii. Mr». Geo. Lawlor isHpcndng a couplo <'f weeks with hii- dauKUtfi, Mrs. Will Krwiii of Windsor. LOST Loit â€" Grey ruin coat wth checked lininjt, liulit and dark check, bo'. ween FlcHhorioii and lot 11, con. 8, Osprey, crotaiiij.; from t^ravel t > 8ih at Cainvroii'ii sldiTOad. t'iiider jdeaso inform Fred Sp(:tri>iil, Kiii;Mni.«. FOR sale: Hound For .Silo â€" (iood young Hound Apply diia oHico. Fox Card of Thanks For Saleâ€" A few bagi f;..od pulatoi-s. Phone. Oliver Turner, Kuucnia. Mr and Mrs, l(. U. Mclntoiih and fuiiuly wish to ixpress their thanks t i Working marc and heavy yearling cult for sale â€" Bert M-t^ce, Ku;^oiiia. Firr Sale cheap, rea.soiiable terms, the Societies OBINCB AKTHUR LODGE, No. :«:i,AK4 I A U, iu«et8 in tUt Maaoalcball. Arui B'roiiR'H Klock KlxHiiertoD, every or before Die full iLCCt â- " T, K uUcly, becretary. ry hririay on T.HeuryW. M, Dentlsthy |\r. e. C MURRAY I... D. K . (lental Aurijeou l* h .iini'Krailuate of Toronto L'uiversity ami »,-yal c'ollcKo of Dental BurK"oim of Ontario. iaa KJtutaiuiatureil tor teeth extraction 'lice at ruaidenco, Toronto Street, Flee:tertou, Mr.«. Campbell if Mapli-, renewed «c piaintances with iiuiiy fiit'nd.s here last week, Mr, Will, Wadswoith and little son, Gordon, aie viiilin:; the tnrinct's ciiusin!i, Mr«. J. Kernahan and Mr, W, lianley. Mrs, David Bltir of Toronto visitid with Mrs. John Parson last week. Mrs. C. H. Wihiui ami fimily are visiting wiih the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manley. The next tlmt Fleslieilon comes to oee if the berries are ripe it would b.« ^u<it as nell to bini).' a paii abjii^ any- way. tiieir kind frionda of t'nceville and the building and luuU bolons;iii,' to the vicinity for the kind syinpnihy shown Scully Company, Flesherton, butter and ihem in their Vi cent sad bereiivemfut . e^g warehuUHc. Apply lo R. J, Sproule, They wiih to thank also the Red Cn.ss Flesherton. June519 '>n.l Cilia Club for their kindness to j,,^^^^^ p.,,^ S,,|e-A veiy c.mveuienlly their sou, the late Lii.co Uuip. ll»riy i„cated frame dwelling on stone wall; Mcintosh. j.ijj i,g(]rj(„„3^ .«uiniiier kitchen and wood ~~^ I~ ^ C\t n '^'"â- '^ • '-â- ''•'Ct'''' li;;l'ti'>a ihrciughout ; -ood b all r air U ateS, l V l V cellar ind^cistern ; in g md repiii ; terms I reasonuble. Apply on premise!, to â€" „„ ,. ^ , „ „ T-. 1 1 ^ I Malcolm McDiinald, Flesherton. The li-t of Fall Fairs has been sent . out by the Oiitirio UepirtmPiit of j For S.ile choip and en easy terms. Lot Agiiiul uie fruin whicli we take the i:j, con. II. Os^roy, 110 acres. This is following diles : in lir-it dm fiinu and in a go id state of FLKSHKRI'ON Sept 'J.") and i(! cultivation, (^mod bank barn and new Allislon Oct ii and ."i frame dwelling. Apply cd R. J. Sproule Aithur Oct 7 and « Flesherton Birrie Sepl 22 to 24 , â€" ____â€"_â€"â€"â€". Medical Dr W.J. Henry, Ml H., crainateof FacuU) of Muiliciuo, Toronto I'niveisity. Otllcu â€"Dr. L.ittle s late rutiilenca, FiCHburtou. • p OTTISWBIili I Veterinary 8urgeon railiiato of Ontario Veterinary College eaideuce â€" bbcoikI door aontb weat^OD Vary street. Tbia street rui^a outb ( t.^Btyterian Cbnrcb, Legal I CCAH, KANEY & hENRYâ€" narrister*. '-' liollcitorB.eic.â€" I. H. Lucas, K. C. : W, K, Rauey, K, f.; W. D. Tlenry, B. A. Otlicen, roronto, Wlfl.O Traders Hank liliie., pliona i;aiu 1412; .Maikitale l.ucia lilock. Phono 2 A. traucb otUuu at Ijuiidalk open every Katurdav. r w RIGHT, & TELFORD, Barrister Rolici. tors. &c. Olllces (irey K Hriire Block, Oweu Bound. StaurtartI Hank ck: [t'ltahui- ton Jr. CSaturdays) W. H. Wrisbt, *â- . I: I'olfoid Bee! on 1 Bothwoll'.s GorniTs MISUKLLANKol S No trespassing ullowed on part lot '^'^^ Try Fowersha.n I'attry Flour, the best , .. .Oct 7 and H The executive committee of Shelburne'sj(j),stsworth O.'t ;• and 10 con. 12, loi:Uccn. 12, and K.t :!1 con. I'hreo Days, at fl-.cir meeting to wind up ClarkiDuri/ SepMG .and 17 11- Bert Mapee atTaira, donated $00 to Lnrne Keely if Collinuwood Sept 10 to 1!) Cooksto*n. wh.i was accidentally hit on Uiokstown Sept 2(1 and 27 the head by a piic'ied ball on .luly 1, and who was taken lo Tor.into general hoj- pital fur treatment. Latest reports of the injured man'a coiidi'.:i>n were satis- factory. â€" Free Press. While ifoing d>wn c<^llar for pit I'oes on Saturday, July 12ih, Mrs. .lohii Clark, Kandwick, had the mi-if utuno to fall and I ll'lsteiu break both arms just above the wrists, j Hanover bei^ides icceiving a nasty out over ifght eye L-oii's Mead Oct (i and 7 iMirkda'e Oct 7 and 8 Fall Term Opens Sept. 2nd :,u,iior6 ..Sopi 25 and 2(1 ELUIOTT^^^^ I Mount Forest Sept 17 and 18 [ pis'ser 'i(S^^llJJyfy^/i^J(,^,^ jOianu'evillo Sept 16 and 17 ""^ lOivenS.inil Sept '.» to 11 Chesley Oct « and !) \ for yuur conk. All Ontwio wheat Desbi.ro Sept 18 and 111' Dimdalk Oct 1 and 2 Duiliani .Sept 30 and Oct 1 Fliiivale Oct 1 to 3 Fcvershani .'^upi H) ami Oct 1 C.rand Valley Sept l.S and 111 Sept 2:i .ind24 Sept 2.5 and 20 Highest price for buttei and ei'ga at Graham Bros. Euaeni» . June 26 Priviit" funis to ioiii on real estate security at roisonab'e rate of in'erest. Apply to R ,J. Sproule, Ue.her'on. sept 2317 .ho lU'pworlh .Si'pt 1(1 and 17 Ktlsytli Oa 2 and 3 We h ivo a eoo'l supiilv • f binder twine on hind whi ill w.' are s.Uiiig at 8 sf^iscial reduced lirice. II. Down & Son. • Tho piib'ic \i hereby w.<rned that tres- on west half of lot Jl, con. 4, Artenioeii, will be prosecutedâ€" James Lyness, yoiigc iiiiJ Charles btreet.o, Toronto ; |.,jj.„^.jii,. Oct 2 and 3] JRucklyn Oct 2 and 3 I Stielbui ne , ,,S'pt 23 and 24 < >ur records for placing graduate'" promptly in posiiion" b s rcvir been surpassod in Canad i | .p^,^^ _ _ â-  g^^^j .,q „„,, (,^i , ; Our thorough triinigis «• H known .' .p„r„„,„ Aug 23 to Sept (1 } " Write today for la.ge Catal. gue. | „,„i.^,., ,,.„,|, Sep: 23 and 24 , = \V. J. ELLIOTT, Pkincipai. I Wiarton Sept 2.i and 24 i Wantid â€" For early in Anuu^t, r. cipalile airl, plain cook insr, no washing, ixioUtMit lii.ini'. waul--, ?;!,") lIi feieiices MarBh, 13 Sijiith Drive, Tomiito. House and Lots For Sale HARDWARE! Co;il Oil Stoves â€" '1, :!.iiiil \ Imriicr with ovcii Car of Comont Jii.st unldiidtMl Forks â€" strapped and plain Binder Twineâ€" O.")*) fet^t and (500 feet Riikcs 1 Mil leys Rope Paints Oils* Gla.ss .Stovtis Screen Diiur.s Window Screens Paris (rie'Mi F. G. KARSTEDT. Flesherton .\ vi'iy C'lueiiiently 'ocilfd fr i ne liiiu^f nil s'oiie wa ', vm Ii si.i r.nim' ; t vo lots, u'lod w.iti'r Ml wii ilsli.'il. barn, ilr vifli> sho.l, lU.T Ml' binlr»s and «c liii> fiiiit trees. Ij ,ls o -id 10. block D, Flesherto i App'y to II \UMOX RADLEY, Fle.sherton, . r '.•-' llnerley St , Tiron: •. #^ Tonsorial ^^ Parlors We Aim lo Uive Entire Satisfactto LAl'NDRY-Biskot clo.seii Moiid..j night, dcliviry Friday cvi nil Bl'sine.ss Cards (\rM. KAITTIN'd, Icensed AictiODoer foi •' the conutiflB ol Hrev and Kiiiioe sriu anil Slock flutes a specialty. Tt.rir.s uoderate. Eatisfactiou guaranteed. Arraui;e uents for dates may be made at the Advance iflSce, or Central tolei-houe oflice Jevurshaui *r by addresfiluR me at Feverabam. Ont, FLE ET FOOT White, Black and children. Tan. For men, women and All sizes. Prices right. Highest prices paid for produce. GRAHAM BROS. EUGENIA, ONT. j >i»^:0>>.» »i â- â- â- <..».iiiiiii» " « " » " «''<i n itii »» i»ii»i >'â- Â»â- Â» m DMcPnAICi, Licensed Aactionee for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate and = atie action cuBrantted. Tlu. arrangements i\.i\ dates of Kales can he made Rt TliE ADVAUce olflce. Hcbidencc Mid l'.(i.. (Vslou. Te'epboni- lODOection. Bee. 0, 70 New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am opeiitiiL' nn at nice, a blacKsmith- iim and woodworkini; business in Max- well, and am iis'allin;; upto date wood- working inichiiu'iy. It will bo my en deavor to servo the pulilic in a satisfac- tory manner and 1 wuiild solicit i.atroii- aae, 1 w mt yourwotk and wiil do it right, 7 -April 1 CHESTER LONG Boar For Service Puve bled Regstcred Y'irk,shiri' Roar for serviC! â€" .Ma.'Cwell ,I.ick (121103 -on lot 107. S W, T, A- S, R., Ar'ciiicsia. Terms SI. 50. 10,4,19 T. J. STINStiN I have just placed on the shelves a full line ot Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds ^loinptly attended to. Boar for Service Tlu- uiulcrsimud has a thorniiah.ireil Yorkshire li^ar for service on lot 11, cu n 8, Osprey. Terms Sl.iJO, KRKD SPOFFARD Boar For Service K.'iinterfl Chester W'lif.e \i 'i fur service at Rrck Mills, The f i h.r won lir.st at Chicauo Fair, Terms vSl,riO, ir>Jecl',l â€"1 SMITH Prop. illl Flesherton Tin Shop % II 1^ 11 II II % II 1^1 II i>,i 1^^ II 11 1^1 % l>|l Pipefitting, including pump "work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Furnaces. Bros. D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON ^ ONTARIO. FARM IMfTEMENTS CLK.XNlNl! :uul l>Yi:iN(! igen:s fi.r I'loki-r's Dye Works 1 e i u V 1. 1 ; cleaned and dyed, feathers T FISHER. -PRnPRlETOK FARM FOR SALE ,">0 acri s on lot 127, 2. d concession uoith east ol Toroi.t.i m d Sydei ham lioail, Arlcinesia, Apply to W, ^ARGO, Fleahoflon, FARMERS ! Study yonr own best iiitcrciits. Tlieieis no itiiproveineut nn youf fiinu that pays ns ittfge ft turns for tlio iitoticy invested as a good well. I liave the cxperit'iico, a competent outfit and tlio stock on liHud lo put ill a first class job, Satif faction piiarnntcecl. Communicate with M. S. BELLERBY WELL DRILLER Flesherton, Ontario WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, MPLEMI'4T AGENT FLESHERTON. Tt ^^^assK PUBLIC SCHOOL COAWERCIAL SCHOOL Yottng iiifiti and wonioii wlio liavo just. c)inp!cl,;d thoir Ptiblitt pa^Pid th ' Kiitraiice (ir not, atnl who p:irp(i-e mtciii;; hiiMtufs, let iJtisiiiffK Collc'xe tdiiciitioii M esseuiial to Hucueed in Cuiniiieu iai life Sclio il ElilPllion, Wiietlii (â-  tliiy youf II. X. Ht«p 1)0 a Nortlurn It will ho llio wis.'st in ne yon liuvecV'r iintdc, L'omnicre iil idi calioti l!o bii3int!3.<> traiiiod bcforu yon n ter nu.siii! a<», Kiiiani-i.ll and fcoiioniii* cxper a pi'cdict gnat pui.speriiy in re coiutitictional prriod. Iiiisiiiiss trained I'liii will jjn'sont iinprecedoiilo.l oppoitiuiiticj for yi)ti. ' ' ir graduate.') aro in demand dtU! to all e; iirsos hoing diicctly nir.lcf flystei'ialic am! thoioiigli lubtiiods to oiir i.pcc.il pi{if!li.;rtl Du'tMi lineiil. investigate onr coihijoh. Write, call or phone for ftutlinr pai'tJLMiliii.H, I, a riinrtorrd Apcouiit;iiit ; our tl gh bcloo! students (ti.uuld Cttlalogao froe. [ill! T< tin open.i; Sppteinber 1st. Northern Business College, Owen Sound, Ontario. C. A. Fleming, F. C. A., Princical- G. D. Fleming, Secretary. Spring Needs Everybody n Knows bherwin M WiUianis Paints and Varnishes In â€" a liiiish for every purpose â€" L"J inside and outside. Flootlae and Matiiol for tloor.', I'aint your own car witli y. \Y. P. auto enanu'l. A Hood assoitnient of rain* Brusliis Screen IKiois. llces, Rukes uiid Shovels. New rerlection Long Cliiiunty Oil Stove. Rill SUir Washiii},' Machines, [K] l>uisy t'hu'iis and all kinds of ]/ "..1 liaii.^. Frost Woven and Coil Wire Keiiirr, Sprin If .1 Al.-;n tlie new Sharpies yuclion. V SIVfdCroain Sepatat^ir. Any Y inember ol the fiiinily can turn M PJI and skim olciui at ativ speed. |i( 1 1 F.W'.DUNCAN I L* 111 I i Phone 24rl 1 Flesherton « 1 'L*i:.B=»s»-^&iisz:.i*2Ssj ONTARIO WIND LMGINb S.PUMr' CC ORoNnr FARM ENGINE As Necessary As a Plow The shortage of hired men on the farm has made labor-saving devices absolutely necessary. The economical development of power is the essea- tial of progressive farming. Toronto Farm Kngines are taking the places of hired men. They arc earning profits by doing necessary work quickly, economically. Toronto Grain Grinders and Toronto Saws back up this performance with hustling service. Toronto I'arin Machinery renders economical service hitherto unknown on the farm. It will pay yini to study carefully the superior merits of these machines. Get from us our fully illustrated literature. Sent free on request. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO., Umited Atlantic Ave., Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Regina Calgary 'Wi F. E. SOiVIERS Fever sham, Out. I

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