Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1919, p. 5

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July 31 ;1)19 T H Jfi F L E S H E K T O N ^ D V A NC THRIFT Stamps. - We strongly re- commend the purchase of Thrift Stamps and War Savings Certificates. In this way you not only are aiding your country's finances, but areforming the Savingshabit. The Stamps may be purchased at any branch of â€" «e THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL MANACefl C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave FWshertun Station as ollows : Oroing South Going North 7.53 a. lu. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. tn. The mails are osed at Flesherton ts follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south â- mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. There are «ome who 8' ill do n'lt realize uur iimv tcMii^ if subiru i|>iion. If your «u)i«ciipc:i'ii u<jes six in iilhs overdue il will be $1.50. Byfaying protupily you save fifty cents. Miss Lilian Bunt haa been engagad to tjaf;h the junior room '•( the Flesherton |:ublic school, which baa been preaidid over by Miss Iva Mitchell, who hak reogntd. Miss Buut has been teaching f 'r the past two years at Chapleau, Ont. Tbe Scandatd says the coinin<t'ee is n<.t aware of any pciz-s iieing unawarded . for which there was coaipelition at the j : Twelfth celebration in Markdrf!e. ijevera' { geiulemen tuld The Advance thit they i I knew of no prizes beinx awarded except ; for bjsel<all, anl 8> me of the»e were j present with iha idea of competing for prizes if any chance had t>eou given [ thum. That is the explanation the i Standard retjueit:-. I Reeve McTavisb began last week to retnodtl h's premi-es on Cullingwo^ d S'. and IS tilting ihem up a.< a modern gar- I a^«. He 13 quitting the bUcksuiithinjj { aid utilizing mo^t of the old blacksmith I ., . ., rpu „ : I j„ ward to stop the aflair, aayini; ; •hop in the garage. There u already | '^ ^ ^ ,_â-  , ' ins'alled an air service second to nonr. i Mr. McTavish ha:, secund the agencj fur the Chevrolet car, his contract and tir>t delivery of cars to begin on August : 1. He hrs placed an ordei with the firm I for a large number of cars, includirg j Bitby Grands, and has a number of oideis already on his books. Knocked Down, Died ^^^2g^:g=^=^-'^i^>'^=g^>^--wi^^^^ VICINITY CHIPS Mr. and Mrs. A Best are in Toronto, -where Jlr. Bast is undergoing treatment. Mis. D. J. Jamitson of Toronto is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. Harrison. Mr. atd Mrs. J. Duncan of Toronto are visiting fi lends here. Miss Uene Carg i is visiting friands :u Seaf.uth. Miss Lilian Bunt is holidaying at her hcuis here. Mr. Uarvey Gr.thn of Alton visited friends here the past week The proceeds of Meif.)rd's Peace Day celebra'ioa amounted to nearly S12U0 Mrs. Fied McTavish if Regina, Sask.. is visiting Mrs. D. McT.tvish he:e. Several of the local pipers around us are taking their holidays this week. After -August 1st the price of shaving will be 15c. T. J. B'isher, Flesherton. Dr. a;.d Mrs. Murray spent the week end wiih W J. Boyd and family at their â- cottage, Nottawassga Beach Mr Jetf Tli'Stlethwaite and family motored fr.im Toronto last weelc and â- spant a few days with his parents here. The Biptist Suadiy School held their annual p-cuic in the park here on Tues- day aftirrooon . Lorna, the .six year old daughter of Mr. W. J. Chard, CoUingwood gravel, fell ort' a hiy wagon on Friday last and broke her arm below the elbow. Next Sunday in the Presbyterian church the Sabbath school will bo held at I 30 and service at 2 30 p.m. when Mr. Diuwoody will occupy the pulpit. Mr. Ernest Culleu of Detroit and Thomas Cnlleii. Professor of Gyneacology in Johns Hopkins Uuiversiiy, Biltimore, visi'ed their uucle, Mr. Johnson Cullen, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart left this week for a two months' visit with western fiiends. .Mr and Mrs. Pcrigo of Ferersham will take charge of iheir resideuce during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shaw and three chi'drei and Mr. Archie McKechuie, of L'.inis IWaJ, »f>eut fiom Saturday 'o Monday with relatives here. Mrs. D. Dow uf town returned with them. Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Blackburn a;e visiting fiiends in Toronto. Mr. Bl.ick- burn has bee.) a» iij^alid coutiutd to bia home ft'i the past thirty years and thu is the hrst railway trip he has had in 2;^ years. Mrs. Bott Biidsy (iiee Nellie Harrisoi^ of Silver Crtek, N. Y. died on Monday, Ju!y, 2Ut. She leaves two children to inouin hrr loss. Mrs. Aif. Uariisoucf Flesherton and â- â€¢Irs John Whitteu of Toronio attended ihe funeral. There will be a butiaess meeting of the Soldier's .â- Xidaithe home of Mrs. Pation I'U Friday, Aiyus^ Is', at 8 o'cli'ck (new lime) for the purp se of making preparaiiuos for another bai quet. Every member ia urgvd to be prestiit. To those of i.ur corrospondfuts who can convonieuly di) SI Wo would again ask that they kindly .•'end in their bud- guts of news on .Moud.iys. Tuesday ii a strenuout day and it fre<|uently huppens that siiaij c )rre<poiiJi'i.oj wh c(i comes *.n Tuesday must be h;IJ over uutl the oil twioj week. Frank Patton Home Signaller Frank Patton, the second eldest, and oae of three sons of Councillor - J. Patton to go to the war, reiurned I home on Thursday evening train and I was given a welcO ne at ihe station.. Frank enlisted with the 147th Battalion I and when the war closed was with th«' Corps Signal Co. He w:i.s never Wuund- i , , , ,_ , , .. , , ® , . , the bivdy to be movtd from the ed, bu: was in ho.spital m Lugland since ; ., , , , ,_ j I ,, , . , , - , . ., until after it had been viewed May last wilh tiu »nd pneumoQii, .from which he now appears to have fully re- covered, and looks well. Previous to i ^Vitncsses state that it is possible Urn enlisting he wds working for the Hydro, '< *""='' '" '^ h*ve been stunned by the blow »nd also worked for the Bell Co. Frank | ''^ ^'"'^'"'' «"'^''- ''°^ ""'y h*'" ^^^° was wiih the force that tir,t entered i "°*^'"-' ^ »''^'' himself when he struck Germany, and was locateJ at ihelniver-j'''" pavement. They believe Coatee sity town . f Bonn and at Cologne on the I **^ unaware of how seriously Umbach Rhine. Cuuncillor Patton had three sons j *»s hurt, because of the unconcerned in the war and all came through without i "*y '" which ha left the scene to retura Following an altercation on Wednesday of last week, during which he was struck three times on Ihj hesd aud body wiih a heavy walking stick in the hands of Neil Coatei, a cattle buyer of T^ ronto, Wm rmbacliof Aytnn fell heavily to the sidewalk and died almost instantly, the direct cause of his death being somewhitt disputable. Immediately after the iicideot Cua'es eft the scene and reiurned lu the statii.Q wherb he was luading hogs, while eye witnesses of the fiacas sent fur a doctor and later for the coroner and the county orown atiorney. Lite that evening Coatea had not been arrested. L'm- bach's oody ties m the Commercial Hotel aud a county constable is^on his way to Ay ton. Among those who saw ihe two men i engaged in their ar>;umeu' ia front of \ the CommeiC'al Hoiel were And. Schank, L slie Koester, Fred Schatue and Chas. \ Kahu. They saw Coates strike L'mbach, : and as th^ latter fell Schank started for- I H--re ! men, we can't, let this go o.i. ' tie was too late to prevent ih^ tragic end of the altercation. Bolh Umbach and Coates are cattle buyers, tbouuh the former is chietiy fl m: and feed man at the station cattle yaids. This afternoon they got into an argument, f'mbach having olfered a farmer a cjrtain price for his pigs, to wh'ch Coates is a'legjd to have h id tirsl claim. Later in the afternoon between 4 ;,nd 5 o'clock the two met in front of the Commercial Hotel and renewed their argument. Dr. J. L. Kastuu was called as soju as Uiubach failed to rise from the sidewalk,^ to which he had fallen heavily. The dojtor, who is also coroner, pronout:ced Imbach to be dead, aud refused to allow hotel by a jury. Every Requisite For Preserving !^"^ Grannlatetl Sugar in 10, 20 and 100 pound ba^s. Jem Jars â€" Large mouth, iu all sizes. Jem Jar Rubbers, in white, red and jjray. Metal Jar Rings â€" Often needcil in a hurry. Fruit Jar Fillers â€" save scalded fingers. Aluminum Preserving Kettles â€" in four sizes. Granite Preserving Kettles â€" three qualities, ten sizes. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - - ONTARIO a casualty â€" rather a remarkable record. Frank thinks of attending the sulders' school in Toroc to and taking up teleg- raphy, for which he i.s partially tilted throUj<h liii work a.o signaller He had the honor of wiring the Prince of Wales' ' hut iu France and maialling hi.s telephone on the battletield. Tois is the U«t i>f oUf to his cattle shipping, i I custody. Coates is no* Well Financed FURNITURE i I All kinds of furniture in our showrooms. Call and see [| our dining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large jji; range of prices tc suit your pocket book. The Markdale 12th of July celebration Committee gave a creditable accuutit of their stewardship at a well attended |l| Flesherton boys who have been oveiseas • ,„ge,ing „f ,he Lidge held on Wednesday ' | evening of la.'-t week. It has been cus- , |j]i tomary to collect frjiii cit zens of the I I Call. 3 - UNDERTAKING answered night oi day to be repatriated, although ondi or two from the surrounding counlry .-ire yet to come.- Entrance Results The following ars the results of the .Ir. High School Eutiance Kxauiiuatiou held at the different centres in the Insptcorate of Eist Grey. The cer- tificates of the successtul candidales aud the mjrks of the unsuccessful caudidatts will be sent out iu a few dnys, !• LESUERTONâ€" Stella Achonyn (H), Adele Breen, David Culgau, Annie Dow, E'sie Ferris Perle Latimer (U), lea Lever, Allie Little, Freeda Ma'hewstn, Ivau McLachlan, Hazel McLeud, John McLeud, Cecil McTavish, Perle Mc- Mas'.L-r, Allie Norris, Mamie Nuhn (U), Harry Pedler, Uosella Stevens, Jolin G. White, Harold Whewell. PKICEVILLE-I Iliucks, Marion Muir, Ka heiiue MucDouald, Esthe'' Mclunis, Emma Oliver, Matiel Parslow, Bobby Whitiaker. KIMBERLEY -.Alice Breadner, Cora Myeis, U.mard Couk, Cari Cariulhers, Olisa La»son (b), Eileen Wiley. FEVERSHAMâ€" Jack Urackeubuty, Sarah Campbell, Russell Linli u. Myrtle I Mornstu, Sadie Muiihead, Bessie Potts, , S.»d Sewell, Votva Sieveusou, Metvifi Wright, Willis Wright. THORNBIRY-E Andrew?, B And- tU3, G ,*lkiiis, E Boone (H), V B,,oue, J Brown. E L Brown, K Buchanan, O Carr, E Cook, M Cuinmiug-, E D.nsn-ore (U), D Fawel', .\ Fcigheu, E Feighen, It Geddes, J Heslip, H Is^aacs, J Long heed (U), Ellen Mackey, Wm Mackey, B McAuilan, R Mc.\rihur, M McKilltick, AM Packwiud, F Payne, C Reekie, E Reekif, S Korke, V Smithc, F Vickets, E I White, G H Wyanl. I I ME.\Kt.iKDâ€" J Adams, J Bab nglon, E Billiard. .) Ballard, M Bo>ce, A Broivb, ' M Bumstead, H Chappie, P Cluasioo, j T C>K>k, A Co.\, U Doran (H). W Dcu^las, I GDunnill(U), B Durant. F Ellis, a' E. u.ary, V Ein*ty, C Fiiiley, J FiiJey ' (11), H Fox, K Freestoue, O Giffoid, N UarkiLi;, M Hudson, U Johnson, EM Jolley, A Liudry. L McCartney, M Mc- Iiityre U Melntoeh, J Mcijiinn, F Nigbaiuale, I Opiienbeiser, ii Pitts, G i Put-, U" Plunkett(U) 11 P.ror. Aj Uaudic, F Randle, G Keii' (H), (.) Rows j C S»»iider», C St-abrook, D S mpson, H j Smith, E Taylor (ll), nThimm (U), ; DThcftniOn, P Ward, EWilcjx, G A I Woodj. I village on such cccasioua ficln SlOO to I ^(S^'i^^-. $150 to help pjiy < xpenses, but this year j ^^^_^ a baseball match was put on during the - - afternoon aud a concert at night. The | â€" re';eipts from these paid ail expenses and S280 over. Then the commi tee went around town ihj f dlowing Wednesday and secured iWO in sub.'crip'ioii towards the Orauiie Memorial Clrphanaije fund, and when the brethren met at night to wind up the proeeediotfs, individual members made up $20 nioie. thus mak- ing in all a grant if ?4C0 for this wurthy cause. The hitarty thanks of the lodge Was extended to the raanageiiieiit Ci m- miltee. And also a resolution of apprecia- tion acd thanks unanimously passed 'o all who in any way assisted the managers iu their arduou- but successful celebra- tion task -St-nJinl. W. H. BUNT Flesherton, Phone 30 r li | I New Bakery For Flesherton Haviuij purcbased the bake shop iu Fleshenoii I have fitted up the same aud am nw pre- pared CO cater to the public iu first class Dread, Bans, Biscuits and Pastrv. -My trentesc effort will be to please tiie public, and voiir custom is respectfully solicited. -?â€" ^- Ont. I 'â- = F. Finder, Prop S^^^^Tr. During a Iteavy eleotiic sli>rni which psi-sed over Cieemore list week, Walter Rawn, a relumed soldier, and a sou of Wm. Rawn, Sun.:idile, was sliuck Ly lightning and instantly kiTed. He was cuumg in from the Htldand was 22 years of age. Magnet Cream Separators Si|uare gears â€" no ticti m : double >uppofr.d l<cwl â€" c'lniiut rock; perfect sK'Di'iier â€" n'le piece ; ia.«y to turn a child can vpirate; cipaoitv ehniue - saves the liuver 8f>0 Ol< : (Mtent hrak.-- 'M^mnet,' l>«tent : i.'riinir, rif{id pi'iisMuctiim â€" nicch»ni:d'y correct; sanitary strainerâ€" germ proof : eii*y !â- - cle^inâ€" ft child cleans it in a few mUiutes. G. B. Welton Flesherton, Ont. SATISFIED ! THAT Is what over IOC users say about 1900 Gravitv washers supplied bv S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravity washers and wringers tlectiic and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCormick Binders. Moweis. Hay Rakes. Hay Loaders, Drills, Cullivator, Plows, Steel Stalls, Harrows. Gasoline Eugines, Brantford d'ublc geared and auto oiled airmotor Wind Mille, Beaty Hay Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowl-i, Wiiter Tanks. Pump iiid I'liiin^'. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cul with same power when fitted with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Farmers Attention 31ake niouev iu your spare time dunug the coming Fall and Wiutei months by soliiug Lardy Canadian ntirseiy stock. British and European markets will be open again for Canadian Fruit and ^uowisthe time to order for spring planting. Largest list of Fnuc and Orna imeutal Stock. Seed Pocatoes, etc. : grown iu Canada. Write for particulars. Stone & Wellington The Foothill Nurseries. 'Established 1S37. ) TORONTO - ONTARIO ! BOAR for SERVICE Piirebrpd Taniworth Boar for service ion lot It;:. S VV T and S E.. Artemesia.. Termsâ€" $1.50. Febl,-) :) _ T.,I . STINSON, Prop. F.VLl, TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 1st at Canada's Best School t>f Business "^ OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO Cileudir free. C A. FLE.VllNG, F. C. A., Piincipal. i\ I). FLEMING, Seof3tary. (Mention this paper when writing) Tendeis Wanted Tenee's wanted for paint ng .'cLool house 111 S. S. Nj. 0, Arieiiiesi^k. in;^ de wood wcrk outside. â€"^VXS. MELURU.Vf, Sec. Tica.<. R. R, No. 1, CVy'on, Ont li[MiiK[lS For Service One pine fred Shi>rtli.vrii Hull nnl. t :>|l, con, !). .\itemosia. Terms $1 iiO for â- ^ -ride Mu.-it be p,'iid within 9 mouth.s \\\v fromof service. H»,»n. -R. 0. TURNER. CarehiUy Corrected Each Wfi> Butter . It) to •to Eiys . . â- Â»- to 11 47 W heat .. 2 OO to2 U Peas . . 1 ,40 to 1 50 <>ls 71' to 76 Barley .. 78 tQ 80 1 NEW J MUSIC STORE r^ 1 have opened up a ^ Music Store in the # Old .\niistroug Block, where 1 will carry a complete stock ' of Columbia Grafonolas aud Records. Imperial Grafonoliis, Gerrard Hciulzmaii ai;J New- coiube Piani-s. aud bhect Music. C^ll aud let us show you our stuck. We feci sure ycu *iil be pleased . J. H. HALES i'i'L:' Ai-m.^ti;"i\,. Pi }rK' Flesherton, - Ont. 1 L-i. %^^%'%^ v%-»^%%

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