Flesherton Advance, 31 Jul 1919, p. 8

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July ni 1919 THE FLESHERrON ADVANCE yrctroU X.^ U tUowu Ite7e r miuisic" to lielp yoiui keep cool "Keep j'our mind off the heat," say the doctors. "That's the way to keep cool." With a Victrola on your porch and some happy- hearted, light-footed music playing, it is quite pos- sible to forget all about the heat. f Victrol Easy Terms If you say the word, we will send a Victrola to your hovsc today on such easy tevms that you will never mi;u the money. W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALER FLESHERTON ONF HINTS ON COOLING MILK WINTER DAIRY HINTS Three Essentials in Cooling Ex- I plained. Cleanliness and Succulent and Concentrated ("eed Essential. Make That Spriiif; on Voiir Fiirm li Profit Question â€" II Slionid Be KnlHrgecl, (loanttl Out Well and <>lbbe<l In an Kl>i<:lent Wny. <CoDtrlbut«cl by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) BACTp;R1A in lar-Kor or smaller number.? are alway.s present in freslily drawn iiiillt. At teuiperalures between 50 deg. V. and 98 deg. F. (blond lioat) they grow and multiply lapidly, causing the milk to become niii''<'y Bpoiled. Ab the tempeialiire falls below GO dog. !>., tlio bacteria bcronio less active, the chanKes caused by them are less muiked. so llie milk keeps sweet and in Kood condition for a longer time. Oiowlli of bacteria in iiiillt in 24 hours (136,000 per c.c. when freshly drawn): _ Bacteria Per C.C. (20 drops) Temp. held. allor 24 lioiirs. 40 dcK. F 280.00n BO deg, F 1.170,0111) 60 deg. F 24,600,000 The above talde iilK)WS liow low lemperaliireH i-lieck bacleiial niiiltl- pllcatlon in milk. Tliis is the scien- tific fact upon wliicli the practice <»f inllk coolinB is foiin<le<i. In practice a dairyman slioiilri bear In mind lliree tilings in conneciion â- with the cooling of milk. I'Mf.^l â€" cool milk with as little delay a* pos- Blble after It comes from the -ow. Second â€" cool miik to as low a tem- poral lire as poKsiiile, say KomewlnMO between 40 deg. r. and HO' den. F. Tlilrd â€" cool milk wiili a.s little con- lamlnntlon as po.iRil)le from oiiliiide pouree.s, such a.s dust, diily iilemilR. water splaHhings, ilc. If Ihc^se iluve points were remilaiiv ailttnded to l)y all dairies a tuarked luipioveiiiPiil In i (he general Jinalitv (if otu nillk Hiir>- plles would be noticeable riKliI iiWMy. The qiilckeal way to coed milk in I to run it over some form of liilmiur or surface cooler, pall by pnii, im- mediately it is dniwii fioiii (he ow. Tn ttils way milk may lie riiinilly rooli^J U) within two or rliree dcgretfl of llio •;'iiii)eratiMe_ oj tliewaler 'is-^d. The olijeclions Tn ibTs iiiclTioiT al'e the extra work involved in washinft the cooler twice a day, llie diniciiily qT keeping il properly clean, and liio duHKcr of conlainlnulinK (lie milk â- with dust, barn odours, oic, iinlens (he copier Is used In a clean iiiid 'Beparalo milk room. The other iilternalive Is to plar« the cans of milk In a lank of ninnliig: cold wali'i' nl the earliest opiiortiinity, or in nil insulated lank of water into which some ehopped-iip ire is tlirown. If tlie milk is stirred once every len minutes during llic lirsl hour, cool- ing Will lake place more rapidly Ih.in Where milk Is left iinsllrred. If cold running water Is not avallalile all Hummer, enough ico should tie put up during the winter to ensure ihn inllk being brntiglil to a siilMcienily low teniperaturn during the wnrm«'r portions of the year. The Importance of prompt and thorough cooling of milk is still In- Cufllciently nppreriuled by many milk producers. There is no <rheaper and 'nlmpler method by which milk qual- ity may be improved. â€" T. 11. Lund, B.S.A., 0. A. Coll*ge, Oi^elph. I Oras.s l.s the Natural Feed of Cnlth- â€" IVIake Winter Feed ns .much hike It as I'o.sNible â€" .\ Halioii r<ii hayiuK Heirs Which Has UrouKht Hesults a( the O. A. College. (Contributed by Ontario IJepiirlment <>! Aerlculluri'. Toronto.) THIS whole question of wintei care of dairy cattle may be fiiiinmcd up in one word â€" comfort. In order to olilain this, llio caitle require a comfoi-lalile. cle.Tn, well-venlilated, w.'U-.'iglited stable. Tlie stall.s, where animals are tied, should be of proper width and length to acconnnodate them withotil discomfort; and also be so con. striictcd as to keep them clean with out too iiiiicli labor on the pari ol the person in charge. Plenty of bed ding is needed, and an nbsor'jenl such as cut straw, shavings or saw- e.iifit, to („ke up the liqui Is which cause so iiiiicli dirt and discomfort to l>eti: aniiiKils and atlcndiints. A ce.iieiit nutter behind llio aniiiiab liav'iif, the reqi;ircd anioun' of au- roriinp material placed In il Jaily. nfter cleaning ttie sliiblc, is ilio best plan of keeping stable and entile clean. If there lie some •iluiviriKS, sawdust or line straw scatt"ieil jilong the liassage beliind the cowr,. 11 as slsts in cleanliness and lessens laboi. KeedlnK. The natural feed of cows Is grass. The feeder of cows never goes fat astray if the winter ralion is mad.', BO far as possible, similar (o that of grass. This is got by usiiiK silage and roots, mixed with tlie <lry, bulky fodders, like filiiiw and clover liay. The mixing may be iloiie by the feed- er, if bo lias lime lo do so; or, il may be done by the cow before and after eating. Tlie cow carries a won- derful mixiiiK aii|iuialii.s in her stom- acli, and so far as tliis part of feed- ing is concerned, she can do the necessary work of mixing feeds. Mix- ing before feed is given to the cow, oftjm add^ liLJ''' I'alalability and liefice IfsualTy pa.\8, In addition to the succulent and dry liulky feeds iiieiit ioued, a cow giving milk re(|iiires a certain amount of concentrated feed in (he form of meals, siub a ground oats, fiats and barley, wheat liran, oil-cake, iir cottonsetHi meal. Stnndnrd Hairy Feed lllls the bill excellently in tills regard. Watering I'ows. Next in iiiiportaiK <• to feed, coin<-s water for milking cows. Wlicn cows are producing largt! quant it irs of milk Ihey must have large (iiiunti- tits of water. This may liu jupplied In the stable, or in a troUfJh Outside. In lino weather, animals are belter for being a slioit time outside in the fresh air daily, and tliey can be cort- •venlently watered at IIihI lime. !n very cold or stormy weather, they Bhoiild be watered inside. Comfort, rleanllness, succulent feed, along with a leusonable amount of concentrates, and plenty of water and fresh, pure iiir, are the nmlii things rsquired by animals giving milk In winter. â€" Prof. H. 11. Dean, O. A. College, Onelph ,j'/-;'»fi;'»>-.T-- • -â-  â-  'â-  W^\ ^m There Goes the Sugar Now! And Milady smiles confidently. In her mind's eye she sees the completion of her task â€" the rows of fruit-filled cans â€" the dark red raspberries, the purplish plums, the maroon grapes and the gleaming amber peaches. She knows they will keep â€" she knows they are bound to be delicious, for this is not the first time she has used DOMINION CMYSTAL â-  SUGAM Next time you have fruit for break- fast, serve Dominion Crystal Pow- dered Sugar with them. Note how fine it is â€" "Never," you will admit, "has fruit tasted so luscious." Use it this Summer for all preserv- ing and jelly-making. Your grocer believes in it â€" he likely has it in the 20-pound bags, as well as in the larger bags and in barrels. Have you received a sample of Dominion Crystal Sugar? We are sending these samples by mail to many homes in this vicinity. If you have been overlooked, we hope you will write to our Chatham office and give us your address so we can send you one. With the sample, we will include a few Recipes that we have tested and found exceptionally good. DOMINION SUGAR COMPANY, LIMITED, CHATHAM, ONTARIO REFIXKRIES .\T WAI. I. .\C K BUR G , CHATHAM AND KITCHENER . ilil?*?"? ••••••••••••••••••JJJiiJJiiiJJlJiiSi ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••(• ••• ' *t» * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ I SOLID LEATHER 11 PLOUGH BOOTS I •••• rJii.st the kind Inr h;u'ii w our anil solid comfort for .spring and .suiuiiK'r â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ ::: wear. ThV Tiiiar. ••• Iji Suit Cases and Trunks ••• ••• ::; If in need of a Suit Case or Trunk call • •• !:; and {^et want supplied. •••• •••• •••• ••• ::: •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •«•â-  •••• «•• • •• THOS. CLAYTON •••• •••• •••• •••• :::: :::: ••• ••• •••• •••â-  W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call anil .see these high grade instrunients . :^^m AT mm^"^ Ilftwkon'a Photo Gallery ami Mnsio Store FLESHERTON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ********************* ••••^••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢Â«Â« ^r-^=â€"^«a««*«««« •â- Â«â- â- â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ atf •••â- â€¢â€¢â- 22.. !!•!!?!!!!!!??! t1?t«" «!;!?••••{!••••!• |i»ii»S'''"' • I'll ••"••• •"•***"'»JI Everything in Good Printing i t I r I t Auto Supplies ]\Iako lliis garage hcatUi'.iartci-.s lot all your antomohilo .supplie.s. Wo carry only trade iiiu.UBd goods o! highest tpiality. Kt|uip yonr motor with Chaiuinon spark ]ilngs to get be.st pos.sihle pcrforinaiieo. (.'hauipions are the be.st inouev t^an buy. We keep tin hand a full line of (loodyear and nominioii .\iito Tires and Tubes You make no mistake when selecting either of these cek)brat(Hl tires, as they iue s cuntl to none on the market today McTAVISH'S GARAGE FLESHERTON, ONTARIO I We do all kinds of bills for (Tiirdeii Partie-s. Call and get our prices. We havt> an extra hne quality of Wedding Stationary on liaml. Call in and see for yourself. ••••.»•-•« »»•-•»•.. f »*M«»t* '••••• I Let us print that stationery for you. Large stock of Knvclopes, Bill Heads Letter lleails. Statements, etc. â€" in fact anything in the printing line. I * - »• ^••h* •*#â- *»â- â€¢â™¦â- Â»Â»â- â- Â»â- Â«Â».â- Â» How about that advertisomen": ? If you have anything to buy, soil or giv^>"m^ttl^• tell the public through riH3 .iVdvauce. s " The Advance '* Fieslierton iMiMiiik

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