Flesherton Advance, 14 Aug 1919, p. 5

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August li 1919 THE F L E S H E K T O N ^ D V A NC •\ IEARNTOSAVE.- Every man, woman â- ^ and child can save. Every one shoiild save. Every ambitious person does save. "The Savings Department of the Standard Bank of Canada affords every facility for aid- ing you to save. an THE STANDARD DANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL Manaoer C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as ollow3 : Going South Going North 7.53 a. in. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.m. 9.18p. m. The mails are osed at Flesherton a; follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'cloclf. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Miss Lu'u McCleanof Chapleiu is the );uest*of Miss Lilian Bunt Bornâ€" On Monday, August 11, to Mr. and Mrs. George White, a d^u^hter. Mrs. (Dr.) Henry will receive Fiiday, August 15, ff om 4 to 6.30. Miss Cl-ira Ash of Tura is viiiling her cousin, Mrs. Norman Aichibald Rev. R. G. Pritchard of Wiuuip<g spent the past week with his sisher, Mrs. Sobt. Rich ardson.' Flesherton village voters' iiah is now in the hands gf the Clerlj. See th..t your Eiimo is on. Mr. .Ml. Thurston and sen, Bruoe, of Toronto, spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. and Mis Babbicgton snl three children of Toronto have been visiting at Mr. John Stewatt'a the pajt week. iMr. J. hn Willis ot Osborne, Missouri, is visiriug his s s'.or, Mrs. Alex. Archi- bald. Dr. E. C. McFarlanc. formerly of the Canadian .^riny Medicil Corps, L>ndon_ Out., has located in Priceville. He is opening an otHcs over the post otlice. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grigsby and wife of Toronto gave The Advance a pleasiint call one day ast week. They had been visiung friends at Eugeni*. R. L. Mortimer, proprietor of the Shelbuine Free Press, died last week a' his home in Shellurne after a leuglhy illne.'s. Mr and Mrs. W. Buskin and d.iughter, Mrs. M. BAnnon, of Toronto, are visiting •frienda here for a week or two. Wes is engaged in the produce business in Toronto. Our mailing list has been corrected up to dale. If you have paid your sub- scription and your label hiis not been changed let us know. If you have not paid up do so aud give us a chance to change the label Mr. Chester SprouK-, who has been in the Standard Bank here for the past three years, h.as been transferod to the Bank at Caledonia. Ches. will be much fliissod by all here as he was an excellent athlete and popular with all he came in contact wiih. Mr. Goldsmith of Chat- ham is his successor her«. Reeve D. McTavijh and Clerk W. J. Bellamy attended the Libetal Conserva- tive sonvention in Durham las: week. The convention was not largely attended >R it was a very busy season of the year. Hon Dr. Jamieson was, of course, the nominee. Uoo. G. U. Ferguson, Minm ter of L tnds. Forests and Mines, was present and delivered a strong adJreai. On Wednesday evening of last week Flesherton ball team went out to the 4th line, Osprey, wh-jre they were bi led to flay the AllenforJ team at a garden party. This Allenford aggregation was heralded as st^meth ng Vfy superior and the Klesheiton team was warned that they would have to put t^ir best foot forward. Of course they took the warn JUB to heart with th>! reau't thtt lhe«c<«re stood 7 to ill Fleahcrton's f.»»or wht'n Allenlord decided to (juit and g > h^iie About a dozen cir lo»ds camo down fro n Allenford to witneis th»> def.>al cf Iheir {Mt team. Misses VaiU and Theloia Wilson are viMting frviu's in Owen Sound, .Mrs We ton and thiee daughters of Mt. Forest visited at the Muoshsw Uouse on Sunday. Miss Marie Powers of Ht. Thomas vi«ited the past week with Miss Clara Duncan. Misa M. Crow of Guelph has been engaged to teach in the high school here, replacing Mibs Hutse. A junior baseball ttani cams down from Markdale on Monday evening and were disfeated by a junior team here by the score of 13 to 5. The W. M. S. will meet in the Metho- di.sr church on Thursday, 14th inat., at 3 p III old time, li ia hoped that all miiubers will make an effort to attend. Mrs. Fred Chislett favored the audi- ence in the Methodist church Sunday evening with two beautifully renderei so'os. MissSwitzer of St. Marys, formerly teacher in the Flesherton public schoo', visred friends here for a few days dnr- iiig the past week. Dundalk G. W. V. A. had a veiy siccessful celebration on Thursday, Ju y 31s^ The proceeds of the day amounted lo over $11)25. A baseball match between the Power House and Owen Sound at Markdale on Tiiursday evening of last week resulted in a 12 to 7 tcore in favor of Onen Scund. Married â€" At Granton, Ont., on Wtd , August o, at' high noun, by the Rev. S. 1 V. R. Penton of Maidstone, Miss Etiie i Fewster of Granton to Mr. Everett i Henry of Flesherton. Unattended. | A public reception for all the returned i Flesherton solr iers will be held in the i Flesherton high school on Friday, Aug. 15, at 8 o'clock p. in. All citizins are | requested to be present. ' The death of A, R. Fswcetl, chronic ; led in last week's Advance, waa caused . by a hemmorhaga on tke brain. The ' remains were brought to Thornbury and j luteried there on Mondiy of last week. I Dr. F. A. Thurston of Chicago and two little diughters â€" Eleanor and He'ene i â€" ni'itored over from the Windy City last Wdtk and are visiting frienda here and at Kimberley. Mr. and Mis. VV. Henry m'ltored to Granton, near London, on Wednesday of last week and attended the of their son, Everett, to Miss Elbe Fewalei. They returned the sime day â€" or rather uight. Mr. B. Wekou cump'ains to The Advance rjgardiiit" the tc^on oj certain yojlha who enter his garden and orchard leaving gates open and trampling gra U He is likely to make an example of some o' these careleas ones â€" and who could bliuie him I The Advance hid a pleasant but all too short ciU from W. J. Blakeston, teicher in one of Stratford's public schoola, who is up spending a few weeks with old friends on the Durham Road and elsewhere. Some years ago Mr. Blikestouo taught the Piiceville school and was one of uur most valued corres- pondents. The Markdale Standard still thinks the coiij[jUiut that few prizes were award- ed at the Txrelfih of July demonstration there unfair to the management. We have no desire to be unfair. It wia Orangemen themselves who told The Advance that thoy had no chance to compete in soinj of the evcuis and saw no comfetitiou. We do not whether this was the fault of ihe ULanaae- ment in riot making properly known the hour and place of competition, or wheiher it was the fau t of the comiilainant vforesaid. .\t least three people inform- us that they saw no coinpctitu.u and did uot think there had been any. Wecan- not .help but think the inanagement cou;d have announced more clearly when and wheie |the competition was to take place, so that all who wished could enter. However, we ate certainly willing to accept the Standard- a.s3ertion that " Visiting lodges were all inspected and judged while on parade and every prize offered was paid in cash that day. The ptrade of decornted autoj in competition for prizes faiUd to take place for Jack of competition, yet prizes werep.iidto those who entered. The piogram was thus rigorously fuldlled." Bad Gasoline Fire Burns Men and Car Shelburne Free Press. A regrettable accident occurred on Ua sideioad, Melaocthon, Monday evening, whersby Fred Strother. sou of L. C. <-^ Stroiber of Homings Mills, and Lester Bill, son of Rice Hill of Whil&eld, were most horribly buned by buruinc gaao- lini<. The latter <rai re'urnin<; in bis car from a gardro paity at Hurnings Mills and became stranded on the road- side owing to lack cf gasoline. He was shortly overtaken by Mr. Strother, who naturally volunteered to let him out of the difficulty wiih a supply from the,tank in his own c:ir. It was while Mr. Strother was under his car getiin? the gasoline that someone uudiiokingly struck a match iu the daiknesa and instantly all was ablaze. Mr. Strother managed to get from under the burning car with ditKculty but not before bis chest, arms and face were terrioly burned, while Mr. Hill also sustained severe burns on both hatids while giving I a-sistsuca to save Mr. Strother. The | car was completely burned, only the ' metal parts remaining. The injuries of | the two men were temporarily attended ; to by Dr. Gowan of Horniu.:8 Mills, Mr. ': Strother being removed to a Toronto | iS hospital on Tuesday murning for further I 'Ji treatment. He was accompanied by patents and Dr. Gowan, and vihi.'e his injuries are not expected to prove fttal, ho ia in a vtry painful condition. Both youug men are returned soldiers and the •sad occurrence is greatly bo be regretted. his , .^ VOTERS' LIST, 1919 VILLAGE OF rL%HERTON Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Sections 8 and of the Untnrio Voters' L st Acr, 1887. and the amenlmsots therein, the copies required to be transmuted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to the said Act, of all persons appealing by the last revised A.ssessment Uollof the said Muncinaliiy to be eititled to v )te in the Municipality at elections for members of the Lea"S lative .Assembly and at Municipal elec- ^ tions, and thit siid list was first posted | up in my office »t Flesherton on the Ist ft day of .\u!4U.-t, 1919, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to esamine said List, and if any omission or other errors are perceived therein, to wcddinB j '*''^ immediate proceedinsts to have the said errors corrected according lo law. -W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk ot Flesherton Flesherton, August 8, 191'J Ladies' Shoe Special $2.98 44 pairs Latlies' Cloth Top Shoe?, .some high cut tops, others medium height, some buttoned, some laced, high, cuban and sport heebs, gun metai, doDgola and patent leather vamps. All sizes from 2i- to 7. Itegular price $3.50 to .$4.00, selling at $2.98. Misses' Shoe Special $2.38 37 pairs Misses' Cloth Top Shoes, button and lace top^?. medium heels, dongohi, patent and min metal vamps included. All sizes from 11 to 2. Kegular price $2.7.3 and $:] o'o. special .f2.3x. Every Requisite For Preserving Granulated Sugar in 10, 20 and 100 pound bags. Jem Jars â€" Large mouth, in all sizes. Jem Jar Eubbers. in white, red and gray. Metal Jar Rings â€" Often needed in a hurry. Fruit Jar Fillers â€" save scalded fingers. Aluminum Preserving Kettles â€" in four sizes. . Kettles â€" three qualities, ten sizes, Granite Preserving ^\*^'^V^«'V^»'W'^V^<^\<v " F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ^n^r^i FURNITURE 11 A Good School The Orangeville Business College has just coinpleted the most successful year iin its history, liavint; bad during the school year over one hundred students in I sitBudatice . this is a hirger enrollment than most c ty colleges. The inteiior of the College is being redecorated and cunsiderable new equip- in en t added fjr the reopening on Sept. '2nd. Every griduite i.s assured a fcood position and us old graduaes are among the most succe.ssful in this province. The Orangevillj Business College is approved by the Military .-Kuthorilies of Canada as a trainine school for returned soldiers, who ate entitled to a fiee educatii.D. and a liviu^i allowance of four hundred and tweuty dollars duiii'L, the six months. Miuy ambitious joung people, who know I cannot attend now, are taking adva.itage of the Home Study C'ours-s, 'here! y shortening their term at College aid curtiuj; doWL expenses. All interes'ed should write now for information and thus m t advantage of the olil r«ie of tuition fees. The Orange- ville Business Colleje is sBiliuted with the Canada Business Colle'ge, Toronto, and ten other c.rilPi;es. All kinds of furniture in our showrooms. Call and see our dining room, parlor and bedroom suites. A large range of prices tc suit your pocket book. UNDERTAKING Calls answered night oi day Phone 30 r I i W. H. BUNT Flesherton, "^ New Bakery For Flesherton Having purcbased the bake shop in Fleshertou I have fitted up the same aud am n w pre- pared to cater to the public in first class Bread, Buns, Biscuits aud Pastry. My ri-eatest effort will be to please t!:e public, and your custom is respectfully solicited. --T-T-^T- VI F. Finder, Prop 111 While woiking in a gta*el pic on his father's faim, Mr. Cba'les McCauley of Chatsfforth «as partially buriei with a fa'l:ug bank. The gravel buried Mr. McCauley almost to the i hips ;ind threw him foivibly aga nst a waggon, fractuiing the small bone of h>8 left leg and dis* I c tting his foot. â€" Newi, The Western Crops It is estimated that about l'>,000 men will be required to work as farm taboreis to assist ill harvesting the crops in Mani* loba, Saskatchewan and Albetra, The Canadian Pacific has arranged and is iidvcrlisin^ u ual ^-pecial fare of f 12 to Winnipte, and wi'l tun special trains from Toronto Tuesday, Aug 12'.h, and Thur.?«liy. .\ugu*t U'h. Magnet Cream Sc parator s Sijuare gearsâ€" no ticti m ; double supported bowlâ€" c%nnot rock; perfect skiinmer -o-ie piece ; easy to turn â€" a child can uperate ; O'pacity chin.'eâ€" sues the bujer $50.00 ; patent brak.'"Msgnet.' ptlent ; stronii, rigid cnstiuction â€" meohanijslly correct ; stnitary strainer-- germ pri>i>t ; e«<y to cloan â€" a child cleans U in a few minutes. G. B. Wclton Flesherton, Ont. SATISFIED ! THAT Is wh.it over IOC users say about 1900 Gravitv washers supplied bv S. HEMPHILL, Agent For 1900 Gravitv washers and wringers lilectiic and gasoline power washers . ALSO for McCormick Binders. M-eweis, Hay Rakes, Hay Le)ader.'», Drills, Cultivator, Plows, Steel Stalls, Harrows. Gasoline Engines, Brantford double geared and auto oiled airmotor Wind Milla, Bealty day Carriers, Hay Forks, Slings, Manure Carriers, Water Bowl.s, Water Tanks, Pump and Piping;. SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One third more wood cut with same power when fitted with my patent. S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceylon, Ont. Farmers Attention ilake mouey iu your spare lime duiiug the coming Fall and Wiutei months by selling Lardy Canadian uursery stock . I British and European markets will be opeu again for Canadian Fruit and 1 now is the time to order for spring planting. Largest list of Fruit and mental Stock. Seed Potatoes, i grown iu Canada. Orna eto. Write for particulars. -•^ --. ' Stonft & Wellington The Fbnthill Nurseries. I (Established 1S37.) TORONTO - ONTARIO BOAR for SERVICE ' Purebred Tam worth Boar for service •on lot 107, S W T aud S E.. Artemesia,. 'Termsâ€" Jl. 50. I Febl5 H â€"T.J. STINSON.Prop. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTE MtE 1st at Canada's Best School of Business '^' OWEN SOIND, ONTARIO Calendar free. A FLE.MlSlJ, F. C. A., Principal. O. U. FLK.MING. Secrjtary. (Vleutiou this paper when writing) FARM FOR SALE .50 teres on lot 127, 2nd conccssioQ north east of Toronto aud Sydenham R )ad, .\rtenie8ia. Apply to W. "ARiJO, Flesherton. ll For Service One pife ored Shorthorn Bull onlut S6, con. 9, .Vrtemcsia. Terms II fiO for 8. urade Must be paid within 9 months date fromof service. 19.an. -H.0, TURNER. 'Oarelnlly Corrected Escb Wee Putter 40 to 40 E.j^s 4."i to 4.'> I XVlieat 2 (K) to 2 11 Peas 1 4t1 to I 50 !(>*t« .. 70 to T"' jBirley 78 lo 80 NEW MUSIC STORE I have opened up a Music Store in the Old Armstrong Block, where I will carry a complete stock of Columbia Grafonolaa and Kccords, Imperial rafonolas. Gerrard Heintzman aud New- comba Pianos, aud bbeet Music. Ctll aud lot us show you our stock. We (eel sure you will be pleased. % ,t: J. H. HALES O'l.t' Apm.-^tboni; Block 1 Flesherton, - Ont. i

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