Flesherton Advance, 14 Aug 1919, p. 8

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'♦'%»W*I August 14 1919 THE FLESH ERrON ADVANCE â- -¥•«â-  W. A. HAWKEN â€" dealer for â€" MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYERIPIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and seo these hit,'li ^'l•a(^,(! instnunonts /^^ AT i^' IIawkeii'3 Plioto Gnllery ami Music Store FLESH ERTON •••• •••• •••• "•1 SOLID LEATHER PLOUGH BOOTS •fii.st till! kiiiit lor hard wear and solid ((jiiifort for sprinj? and sinniner wear. TuY THEM. Suit Cases and Trunks li ill need of a Suit Case or Trunk call and ^'ot \\ant .sujiplied. THOS. CLAYTON •••• !:: FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ltS«««aft«*** •••«•••••••« >«••%«••••••••••• vr~=r-^ ••••••••• •••••••ff •â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â- f •••• •••• •••• i •••• :::: •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • •••â-  f WANTED COMPETENT STENOCRAPHERS BOOKEEPERS ACCOUNTANTS HIGH CLASS CLeRiCACHeLP GOOD SALARIES RAPID PROMOTION BUSINESS COlLfCE TRAINING ESSttriAL APPjY.AZ. PA/i 'Can YOU At Opportunity's door, you are confronted with the question, "Can You Qualify?" Your an- swer will get you in or keep you out. Many an opportunity will present itself during the great re-construc- tiorTera which we arc now entering 'vpon.. "\'ou can do and get paid for '6nly"as much as you are able to do. Prepare for the approaching opportuniiy. Stenographers, book keepers.accouniants and trained clerical services will be in great de- mand We can l^lp you prepare Northern Business College Canada's Leading Business School OWEN SOUND. CANADA I CjA^ FLEMING. FCA Principal C D FLEMING. Sgcrtlary FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 1ST. New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am iipfiiiii'.i up iitoiico, n hUcKNinilli. inK nii'l woiiilwui'kinK l>u:iiii«!)s in MiiX' wull, am' mil 'iia'Hlliiii; iip-'o dntt* n'mul wdiliiii!; MiHcliiiiPiy. It will lit! my i^ii (Icavor til HcrvG till! piihlic in n KiitihFitU' tory iniiniier nntl I wnuld unlicit p-klrnn- »ue. 1 w lilt yuurniiik and will iln it rixht. 7 April 1 CHESTER LONG 2nd Fall Ter.Ti Opens Sept Yi)iimMiii>l ChiiU';) btioi!t.i, Toinnld < >ui- iTconiR f r p'nciiiK i;iiidui'f piiini|i'ly III |>„.„,j,,„, l,„„ ,_uv, !â-  I'<«'n Miip,»H.'(l in (.'/iiiHil I (Mr ili.,i„us{li iniiiliiK i" WfH kii.i^ii. Wli!,. I„l„y f,„. lliIj{«ClllH|iigU.'. W. .1 HI.LIJTT. PuiN.iiAi, ^f^ Tonsorial 'V- Parlors We Aim to Otvp Eiiiiro Kiitiiifactio LAUNDUY-Rdhket cIoms Momli.y i hight, delirory Kridny eveni-i CLKANINO unl DVEINd-- •genlH frir P»rker's Dye \Vork»-C'- •loilted and dyad, foathnm rojuvei r FARM FOR SALE t>iii> 11,11.' mill II Imll crl if MaX«i'll, ' niiiitiiiiinu 17,"i icifH, nliiiui, "Ti clmri'il] • jjoi'd lmilJiii)c< wiih liink Imii, wrl'i wiil( rod, t wii Korcii (inliar I, n.iil mai', lliiilit'r..-iiK'liid!ii).' K.-dnt iKvor (.nil. d. Silii, li''ii h.'ii'e Hiid piij per. K.ir nrtcnhirs apply mi llio picniitrn t â-  i -HKKIIKIU ('LMtK I JuHil .Sin^littiiipliiM P.O. T FISHER â- PROPRIF.TOR Boar For Service 1 Piiro I'lod iti'K sli'iid Y'lrki-liiri. Hour fiir M'l vfi't- -Miixnidl .lick (iL'dO.'l- on 'li.t 1(17. .S W. T. * 8. U , Aromc.irt. 'IVrniK %\ 50. i'',4,it» r .r. HTiNsriN Of course, she is a bit anxiousâ€" who wouldn't be?â€" over her first cake. Oh, so careful has she been that this cake shall be light as thistledown and of a melting richness that will tantalize and coax the most elusive appetite. Now, she is mixing in BOMINION CMYSTAIL -<^?:f; ••Uf*. .-'..ij^*-!*^- â-  SUGAR More finely granulated than most sugars, it dissolves more quicklyâ€" giving impartially to this wonderful Betty Cake its sparkling, crystalized sweetness. "Sugar is sugar"â€" you say? Not a bit of it. There is sugar and sugar. On the one hand there's the ordinary kind â€" the kind some grocers will send you if you aren't careful to specify. On the other hand, there's "Dominion Crystal" â€" the sugar that is always uniform in quality, always pure, always fine in granulation. Most grocers carry this brand â€" They will sub- stantiate all we say about its quality. In order that you may test it, however, before you buy a pound of it, we are prepared to send you a eample to try. We have already mailed many envelopes containing samples of our sugar to homes in your vicinity; but if you have been overlooked, we hope you will write us now. giving your name and address â€" and you will promptly receive a few ounces of Dominion Crystal Sugar, together with a few Recipes which we know you will like. These recipes have been tested and found to be exceptionally good. DOMINION SUGAR COMPANY. LIM ITED, =^ CHATHAM , ONTARIO REFINERIES AT WAL L ACEB U RG, CHATHAM AND KITCHENER Fall Fair Dates, 1919 Tlie li-i of K.iU Kairs lia'< boen seni ou: hy thj Ontario Dt'p»rtincnt of .\:;iiriil uru from which wo tiike the following! dileN : Kl.l-J.SllKK I't IN S.-pl Cri ,tiid L'l; Alli-liiii Dot 2 iind ."! Ailtuir Oct 7 and 8 Miinir Sipt 22 to 24 1 loo' on Oi't 7 and S lioiliwfli's Ooruiirs tjupl ."10, Oct 1 I'liitsHdilh Oct '.I ,iiid 10 CUiksiiuiv Sfpf 10 »nil J7 O(illin,j\vood .Sept 1(1 to 111 C .okstowu y>'pt 2(i Htid 27 I'iirslcy Oct .S .md !l Di'i'i.M Sopt IS iiiid I!i Duniliilk Oct 1 and 'J I iiii li nil Sept iiU Hiul I K" I Kiiiivaiii Oct 1 1(1 ;â- . l''inur>lnill .Sl'pl .'iO lUld Oi:l 1 r.rind Vnllt>y S.ipl IH mid I'.i ll'ilsuin .Si'|it 2o Hiid 24 llniovor Sept 2."i mid 2<i llii pwiiilli Srpt l(i and 17 Kilsyili Oct 2 and :( li Dii'.s llrad ( lot (! «i\d 7 Miiikda'n Ocl 7 and ^ Miafiitd b'opt 2.'i ami 2(> Mount Forest .Si'pil7iuid 18 ( »i anfi'villo .Sopt lli and 17 (hviMi Sunn 1 8i!pl il to 1 I I'riii'v'ilU' Oct 2 and ;i it clilyn Oct 2 and .'i .Sliiilliiirno Sfpt 2;i and 21 T.uik Sept ,'10 and Oct 1 Toroiild Aug 2;i 111 Si'pt (1 Wali.rs FiillH Sept 2:i and 24 Wi^itmi Sept 2:1 and 24 |jjgg»: I^SmSJiga i Spring Needs f ]''iVcryb.idy l.iiuws Slierwin Williaiii.^ I'limts lu.d Variiislioa â€"a liiii.sli far tvciy purpose â€" Â¥ iiisido ami onthido. Flooilac l/and Marnot for floors, Taint your own car with S. \V. I'. auto cuaiufl. A uocd assoiliiiciit of Taint Druslies •Scrctii Doors, IJces, I'akes and Shuvela. New i'orfVition Long Clymncy Oil Stove. Rod btar Washing Machines, Daisy Chu'iis and all kinds of pails. Frost Woven and Coil Spring Wire Fence. Also tlio now Sliarpli's Suction Feed Crcaii) Separator. Any nieinber ol the family can turn and sliim clean at any speed. F, W.DUNCAN LPhone24rll Flesherton n[ «s«:;^&(] ^R^Hr^HrHrTTTr ?l?^?f^7f^?F*^^ I Auto Supplies Make tins gaiaL'e hea(l<i'.iartfi's tut all your ar.touiohile supplie.*. We cari'v only iradf nia.Kzt' i;()()t;.>^ o! liiybest ([Uality. I'tpiip your motor with Champion spark phii^.s to got best possibK> performance. L'liampion.s are the best money can buy. We keep on hand a full line of Goodyear and hominit)!! Auto Tires ami Tubes Yoii make no mi.-^take when .seleeting either of these eelebratod tires, a.s they are s.coud • to none on the market today McTAVISH'S GARAGE I FLESHERTON, ONTARIO Boar for Service Boar For Service FARMERS ! Stutly your own best interests. There i.s no improvcjuont nii your fur ID that pay.s as liirj^e rrturiiH for the money invested as a g<Tod well. I have the experience, a competent outfit and iho slock on Ijund to put in a liret clnsB job. Satisfiiction guarautecd. Communicate wilh M. S. BELLEftBY WELL DRILLER Flesherton, Ontario Does Your Label Say 1920! The undensiRncd has a thorou8h,)rod lvtf«istored Che>ler White ho? for York.shirc l?i ar for service on lot 11, 00 n sorvico nt Rock Mills. The father won 8, Osproy. Terms $1.50. ' rt,8t ,, Chicino Fair. Terms §1.50. 1 FUKD SPO'/FAKD. j ioj«cl9 -I. SMITH Prop. Farm Laborers Wanted "Going Trip West"- $12 to WINNIPEG. ' .: cent per ir.ilt lAinnipag to destiiiation. For HARVESTING In Western Canada "Return Trip East"-518 from WINNIPEG. ' â- _. cent.njr milj starting point to WiBuipei. OOINQ OATeS August 12, and August 19. TERRITORY ( I'foiii muiii'K!) m Ontiiio. f iniili ' Kallj lo an I incliidin] Toronto on tjike OaMirto Shore Line aiul llnvfltx'k-IViorborn" l,li»«', ' I'lom st.iii.iin Kiri l;'n to Rfuftcw Juiv tkin, Inrluslvc Flam tilntlons on Toronto-SuJbiir>' itirc.t lin-". I Fiom utations Bclhncy Junction to Ton MiNlcoll .ind Burkrloti to BotK-aytcon. Inclusive. August 14, nnd August 21. fFroni «t.iiioii» South ani WcM o( Totonio to •nl incluJIng Hamilton «n>l Win-lwr. Ont, I Kroin stnlionM on t>wi-n Snin.t. Wailtcrtoo. Troiwjtct. Wln-tuni. Eior.>, Lisiowel. Godcriih, St. Mary't. 1 I'oit BiirnTll nn.l St. Thoams l>rniichf». tl'r-im «t,\tirin' Toronto :iii I North to Bolton. Inchnlvr. full parlKiil.it^ ifi.m t'.in.i H .n P.niii SPtOIAl. THROUQH TNAINS PHOIM TORONTO Ti.kd As, 111- W n llOWAKH. l>istrut J'.in'f n«<T A£fnl. Toronto !rpT'

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