Flesherton Advance, 4 Sep 1919, p. 1

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/k0Mrtxrn Vol 39, No. li Fleslnerton, Ont, Septerqt>er 4 1019 VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Blair of Toronto , were visitors at J. I. Gruhani'i). Miss Etta Moore of Toronto is visition a^ Jos. Buchamin's Mrs. S. Douiil.ia is visitiii:- fiieuds iit , Fergus. Mrs. ThoR. Wateon has letunied home to Toronto affer spending a Hetk with • her brother, J. J.McGee. Mrs. Guardhause of Toronto and Mi^s Olive Liddy of Dundns visited wilii Mr. • and Mrs. \V. L. CuUia recently. Mrs. S. Burritt of Kiraberloy visited her daughter, Mrs. D. Graham. The Vandeleur W. I. held their rtgular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. â-  Geo. Wright on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McQuaiy have returned home afier an extended visit with friends here. ' Mr. Sidney Gilbert and two children ot Colpoy's Bay visited friends here teceutly. HirvBSt is being delayed owinn lo the wet weather. A nuiuher from here fmotoed to Dm- ham on Friday to attend the I'. F. cunventioD. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Buchanan of To- ronto, accompanied by Misses Vsra :inl â-  Greta Cunningham of Cooksville, spent a week visiting friends here. Mrs. A. Johnston and dnughtei, Mrs Hare, have returned home after a fort- uignt's visit with friends at Sainia. Mrs. Amos Smith of Meaford is visit- ins; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert. Lance Corp. S. H. Buchanan returned from oveiseas on Tuesday of latt vae\i ' looking hale and hearty aftar three year's absence. Ptes. Otto Baker and Dane MctSee ' returned home on Saturday after a year's absence oversers. We welome the beys home. Mr. VVoi. Gilray returned to hi.j home • in Toronto on Tuesday after a inonth's visit with his sister, Mrs. Geo. Wrii^ht. The Trickey Ford Ohatsworth News Mrf. Rutherford Mitchell and Mif, Neil McArthur of Derby are confiucd to bed as a result of injuries sustained when ii V'ord cur, driven by Neil McArthur, turned on its side Sunday eveniriy. The ' car was ascending a eiiihU hill when Boiuethiug went wrong with the steerinj; aeiir and the car took to the c'ltch. Tlio driver pulled the wheel over <iuii.l>ly and, it is supposed, the wheel lumed too far and the car tipped over. Mr. and Mrs. Goldberg of Hamilton were siftins^ along in their little Ford ;d the late of abot.' 25 miles piu' hour, list Sunday afternoon, when the car .skidded. The car took to 1 ho ditch on the tight side of the road and bumped a rock or two, turned to the left across the lead and buried its nose in a hummock of eirlh. Neither of the occupants whs injured but the damage the bumps and stops did to the car was enough to m^ke aogels weep. Sinclair's garaue took the cir in charge and whin Mr. Goldbeig apaiii hits the high .'^pots on his roiid home his ear will have a new front piece in the frame, a new set of radius rod!<, a renovated crank and front axle, an entire new left rear wheel and divers oiher c mveniences that evo.t a hardbitten tin Lizzie can't get alona without. Camp Meeting The Gospel Workeis (D. V.) will hold their iinnual ten days camp meeiing at Cl»rl(sburi» fron Friday, Se| t. 12ih, to Sunday, Sept. 21st, I'Jl!). Four evan- gelistic services will be hjld each d.iy, at 9 and '.0 :50 a m. and 2 ;W and V.iiO p. m. Preceding each preaching service theie will be a short lime devoted to prayer, testimony, ^exhortation or sing- ing. A gi od .staff of preachers and evangelists will le i resent to assist in the strvieis. All are cordially invited to attend and enjoy the inestings. For further particulars write to Rev. F. D. Gutf, Cliiksburg, Unt , Drawer i). EAST MOUNTAIN (Last Week's Items') The numerous rains were a hindrince to harvesting. Mr. and Mrs .\. V. Hall and daughter, and \'isscs Lottie and Ru'h Duncan motored from Keudy and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Harbottle. S. HempHill of Ceylon erected a new windmill for Samuel Smart last week. Miss Helen Jattrey of Toronto .spent a few days with her aur.t, Mrs. Robert McMullen. Misses Annie Hall and Eva Allen intend taking a course in Collingwood Business College this term. Mrs. McAithur and little daughter of Rivenna are visiting at Lewis Genoe's. Miss Nettie Martin of Owen Sound spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ml rtin. Mrs. Alex Cariulhers has returned h3mn after six week's visit with friends at the Soo. Mr. Herb (Jenoe of Vancouver is viaitiug his brothers here. Ha intends to spend the winter with his Eastern friends. E tella Berenice, a dear Utile baby girl, arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell recenily. An enjoyable evening was spent at the homo uf Mr. C. Martin on Friday last, when Carl Humberstone gave a party. Mrs. Smiih, who has been visiting her ueioe. Miss Lucy Walton, has returned to her home in Barria. (This Week's Ir.ems) Uarvcting progiessesslowlyon accoun'' of the lain. Messrs. Howard Smith and Harry Fletcher of Rob Hoy visited friends in tl.is vicinity. Cougriilul.iiions to Miss Viola Lewis on passion her Middle School exams. Mr John Sj in >ns of Duncan renewed aciju lintances here over the week end. School reopened Tuesday with Miss Delia Wilson of Eugenia as teacher. DUNDALK Mrs. (Jharles Mills underwent a critical operation in the hospital at Toronto in the removal of a eancorous growth. We are glad to report the patient making satisfactory improvement. Ceylon baseball team was billed to play a game here Thursday evening of last week, but some of the players ciming by motor were delayed by a mishap on the road and failed to reach here until dusk. The game was called otf. The town council has bought ten acres of land and grove from Mrs. S. Bell for the purpose of a memorial park for Dundalk. The price is §800 and this amount is nearly all subscribed, the Woir.en'H Institute and the Soldiers' Comfort Club being the largest donalors. Private citizens have also subscribed well and it is expected that other societies will assi.1t in the project. It will remiire considerable more funds lo improve and put I he park in good condition. It 's hoped lo have a convenient alhleijc grounds as well as a s-hady corner for the good old summer lime for the enjoyment i.f all cla.j8e8. â€" tlerald. PROTON Farm For Sale A .50 10 e far m for .sale on the Kis Back Line, Aitemsaia, 3rd Ji.mge, noith halt of lot 132. On ^tho premises there is a good frame barn 40 x 50 feet ; a small fiiuno h-u.«o ; a good drilled well; h<;n house. H'Ot particulars apply on premises, J H HOLLEY, Fleshcrton School reo[iened on Tuesday, Sept. 2. with Miss Caviill again in cha'go. The teiichecs and students who have been holidaying at iheir h'lnes here have returned to their various .schools â€" Clara Biuniu lo Toronto, .Vela .^choson lo Warcham, Maijorie Acheson to Brew- ster's Lake, Edith Conslcy and Maude AchPKon to Ficsherlon high school, Marion Wright an I Joan McCannel to Dundalk high school, and B. Cade lo Gue'ph collegiate. Miss Milorcd Binnie has roiuriud from visiiing friends in Toronto Mr. and Mr». J.amia Burton, Toronto, are ho'idayitig with ihe latter's [nrents, Mr. anil Mis. T. Wyville. Miss lla and MhS'or Aithnr Wright, who have been visiting with their cous- ins, Marion and Jack Wright, have returned to their home at Kincardine.' John Wyvillo of Markdale spent ihe we.k end vsith his brother hore. PRICEVILLE The freiiuent showers of rain caused the gathering in of ttie harvest to be very slow woik. Mr. Cullis of Vandeleur conducted serviuu in ihu Mulhudist chuiuh on Suudiy morning, August .24, and the congregaliou seemed well pleased with the yoeug man. There was no service in the Presby- terian church list Sunday us a little time will be required t\yr iho punt tj become dry. Miss Rebecca Nichol, of Ciucinatti, has been spending a few ludidays here around the old home. Mrs. Jacksoii of Collingwood caniM over to visit her slater, Mrs. Tlios. Nichol, last week. Postmaster Conki'y spent a few days in Toronto last week. Miss Ltura Mc- Kinnon took charge of the office during hia absence. Miss Greta Nichol alter spenting a portion of her vacaiioii hav, reiurntd last Friday lo resume her duties on the teaching staff in a Port Arthur public school . Mr. .las. Watson of Walters Falls, came over last Tliursday and spent the remainder of last week' amoug friends here. Pte. Heel or McKinuon arrived home from overseas a few day.s ago, and I.e has already secured a position with the Dur- ham furniture fictory, andNiis brother, Angus, will also work in the same factory Another c'ever PriCc-ville girl. Miss Margaret Tryon. who passed h.T First Class examination at Owen Sound Colle- giate and also at Faculty ct Education Toronl", with this week takes charge of a public school near Windsor, Ont. Grey County Soldiers' Reception at Owen Sound Tliu county town is making elaborate preparations for the reception being tHndeibd to all Grey County soldiers and nursing sisters on Tuesday, Sept. 16lh, when 8000 Grey County soldiers who re[: resented this oounly overseas, are expected to be present and lo bring ili their friends and relatives. 15,IJOO people will visit the county town on that d.ite and special arrangements are lieini/ made to not only give them the time of their lives but to see that ihey are prop- erly cared for in every way. liesides a program uf sports, which includes the baseball, football and lacrosse games, there will bo ai: exhinit of war trophies captured from the ConiiHiis that is worih driving 100 mi es to see Th'ire will bo German artillery of various calibres fioin the pom poms to the he.ivy aitillery, machine guns and small arms, in fact there will be two car loads of the tinest liophies talieM fnmi the enemy. A com rnunity dance will be held on the p.ive- menl, where massed bands will supply the music. X special conceit will be put on by a famous trench .conceit oompmy in the evef.ing. There yvill be miles of decorated floa's and autus an! a grand display of fireworks that wil ic'.ip.>e a.:ytliiiig ever attempted in this distric. The colors of the 147th Grey Battalion will be deposit. d in the Public Library .\ wire was received by Mayor \Vebbti'r from Goncrjl Currie, C.niini indur in Chief of the Cuiadian furces in France, accepting an invitation to be present on that occas.on. Everybody in Grey C'lunly is inviled to be present and to accept this nodco as an invitation. And paniculaily are the returned men asked to visit the county town on that date. Thoy will Lo admitted to the grounds and other places of eitcrtainmenl free of charge. DURHAM If you have anything to sell use our columns , Samuel Scott, one of the pioneer mer- I chants of Durh.iiii and a li;.d naik of the I vicinity, his made an assigmntut to Herbert J. Fowler for ihe benelit < f his I creditors. ' Alister Sauii.lers, son of Min. Thomas I Saunders, of this place, and a lato mem- btt of the ]4'7ih Bailalion, had a mirao- 1 ulously close call 'asl week while a.asisting I hauling in grain out in the country. In some inanntr tie bicanu entangled in ' the slings, which cauihr, him around the ] nock, almost strangling him. He was ! u icon.cious for a liine,but is now alinoit ' Well, allbouch it will be some time before he is fully rcoveredâ€" Chronicle. CEYLON Elmer Biyant of Toronto is visiting his uncle, N. Archibald, and James Mc- tVliinney of Hanover spent the week end with his daughter, Mrs. Archibald. May \luir left Monday foi her school at Mineral Springs, near Hamilton. Mrs. Elherington and daughter, who have been visiting her cousin, Mra. A. Sinclair, has returned to her homo in T uonto. H. Piper and wife visited their daugh- ter at Lauiiston the Hrst of the week. Alice and Florence Beuuet of .Shel- burne were guests over the week end of Mtry and Georgiiia McLiughiin. Mr. Shiers and wife and daughter, Doris, returned Saturday to their home in Toronto afier spinding a fortnight with fiiends. Stanley Wliitu accompair ed them home. Mius E Bryant i^f Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Archibald and v%-as accompanied home by her brother, Elmer. Allie McMullen is vieiting her sister in roionio. Anie Whittaker, who has been .spend- ing the holidays with his grandparents, has returned to Toronto. Miss Edna McLeod will attend the OraiigeviUe business college. Muriel Spicer of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, reiurning Monday. Ruby Stone of Toronto is on a short holiday with her parents. J. Cummins is holidaying in Oshavva. We are sorry to repori .Mrs. Albert Hazud very ill, but hope for a speedy recovery . Annie McMillan left Saturday for Fort William, where she has accepted a school. Gladys Cushnie, who has been visiting here, returned Saturday to her home in Toronto. Mrs. Malcolm Ferguson is visiting friends in Caledon. Mr and .Mrs. James Medcalf, Mr. and Mrs. W, Medcalf, Mr. Alburt and .Miss .May Cook, of Hanover, motored ov -r on Laboi Day, and visited friends lie ^ and took in tho sights at Eugenia. The garden parly on Thursday even- ing under the auspices of the Wumen's liistiiuiB was ijiiite a success, notwith- standing the iiialeineiit weather duri -ig the week and very bu.'-y season which prevented many from attending and prevented the ball game which was to have been played, causing a disappoint- ment. A .splendid tea was served, after which a very pleaeiug program was rendered. Rev. Mr. I'phain occupying the chair. Rock Mills orchestra and N. Cameron on the bagpipes added much t > ihe pleasure 'jf the evening, as did .I'su the readings and songs by otlieis. The committe ! feel very graiufiil lo overyciio who a.ssiscod to make it a succtss. The pioeeeds amounted to about S70, wh cli will bo applied to building a church. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mi?. Charles Stafford mid fani ly visited over Sunday with T. Bo.ts and bimily. Mrs. R. Hoy is spcnlnig a fortuiiht with relatives in Toronto. Our schoid opened Tuesday with Miss Moore in charge. Mrs. John H.irgravo and son, Frid, are visiting this week wiili friends in Toronto and attending the Ex. Herb. Beits' drivi-r ran away one day last week and .Mnaslied ii;s I u.;gy uii badly. E'gir Mild Tlioina« Botts are taking n the Ex. this Week, alsj Wes Smith. Miss Lilian Park visited recently with friends near Crylon. George Fields returned to his homo in Brantford after spaiiding a fortnight With his urandfather, U. -Akitt. In Memoriam Benson â€" In fond and loving mem.'iy of my dear father, Jcdin Wesley Beusou, who died .Vugusl 8, l'.»18. God called iiim home, it was His w.ll. Who III our hearts h,.- livebn still ; H s memory is as dear today .A.S in the hour ho passed aw-iy. â€" D.iuShter (Vlina) .'Mi.s C. E. Turner Does Your Label Say 1920! FINE JEWELERY Come ill and see our fine largo stock of Jewelry, Watches,, Cloclis, etc, and when you have soeu them jou will be sure to buy. Watch re- pairing a specialty. A full Hue of Photographic supplies Includiug developing powders, printing frames, dark lanterns, all sizes of kodacks and tilms. ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, j FLESHERTON, - ONT Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager. Yorkshires Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Phone or writeâ€" GEO. W. HOSS, Osprev To), .system Maxwell P. O. House of Quality All kinds of Fresh Fruit in season. FLqUR We cam- a large .supply of Royal lIou.sehold, Five Ko.ses, Purity and Eclipse J lour. Wehaveatiuantity of First Class Machine (3i!. All kinds of Grain Chop and Pig Feed on liantl. Highest Prices Paid for Eggs and Pound Prints. We are agents for the Walkerton creamery H. DOWN & SON Fleshcrton, - Ontario FSS ^.5i^SSi;S-:S'i^L^l\^r^iS5">3--^'"l"^_^ '^ ""^ .t' 1^ ^.^:^^^.'2^i:2.^r::s.^S>:rp^-^ 4 WE HAVE Just what you want for th e waiui weather Summer Hats and Motor Caps, Blouses and Waists, White Skirts and Silk and Lislo Hose, Fleet Foot and Smart Step shoes. Bathing Suits and Bathing Caps, Sport Shirts and Coatless Braces, Croepei-s and Kouipei-s for the kiddies. Highest Prices Paid for Produce. W. L WRIGHTS' Corner Store, Flesherton Farm For Sale 100 acti!?, rHiiiiiiiu watui, IWMorcek.s, 'X giiwd well.'', oiiu :it liiiiii, dtlior ;it house ; 9l) :ioreii c'ciirod, 4 iicrcs (if bush, 5 iici ts of oroli .iii . Wo iirs in llio fruit urowiiiK dir,irict of the Georgian Bay. Farm is woli fi'iiced. no .sLoue*. clay land mid lo.iiii ; bank barn 72 x 40 ; 2 driviii:< shu.'s lion houso and \V]f, poii, good, Wdii flnisbjd bouse on i<tonH wall 2!l .x 24 ; liilchcn, wooilsliod ; aU kiiid.s of fruit â€" cherry, (iluiiis, pears, •jrnpert Hud every kind >if small fruit Oil goveriimon road. IMiontj ! -ROBKUr F.4WeKTT. 15 Sept Hoathcotc, On: . j Farm For Quick Sale 100 acres, under i;ood cultivation, one acre uf orchard and a quantity of biiih'1 fruit. On Iho prcmUos are an eii;ht- looiuod Solid bricU house, "oft and hard waler iuflido, heated by furnace ; l«iiik barn "O-XoG, ceiiieiit hliiWes and iii^ peir, water inflide ; never failing well and winditiill, gcod drivo houso 24 .v. 48, h«D licusc attached ; 2.', nivlss from market. Rjral mail and tole|ihoiie. Evityhing ill first cliiss c'inditjoii. F"r particulmH a, ply to -J.T. BEST, rnceville \>. <>., R R :? ^ i • â- 'â- --'"•â- 

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