Flesherton Advance, 4 Sep 1919, p. 3

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The Oldest d Detective Stories It has been pointed out tlutt tUu de- (Ub Mayor. Ooka acUlressod the ROd tectlve story is as old as the liills ami , "» stern terms: â€" _ "You iiro a ncBllcent fool. O Jizo! that certain of the "Arabian Nights" I he exclaiiuecl in a voica loud nouRh A MOTHER'S TRIALS Care of Home and Children Of- ten Causes a Breakdown. The woman at licmie, duop in house- forecast "The Murders In the RuB ; (,„. j^u t„ hear. "You are suuposeil to • i,(,m ,)iitio,i and the cares of mother- Morgue" and "A Stucly in Scarlet" by | protect everyono who believes in you | iiood, needa occasional help to keep a thousand years or more. No better proof of tlie antiquity of the detec- tive story can tie lound thnn that of- fered by feudal Japan, which pro- duced the tule of the arrest of the ^TtSS^tory of anciont Yedo i anyU.n« to say for yourself before I anl who renders tribute, yet this i her in gnod health. The demands up- trusting poiter here made a prayer to j on a mother's health are many and you, then tell asleep at your very feet. ; severe. Her own health trials and and he was robbed while he slept, j ^er children's welfare exact heavy You stand accused of lieiuK an ac- , toils, while hurried meals, broken rest complice in this robbery. Have you the hero detective moves with all the seeming indirection of Lecoq and Un- pin and Sherlock Hohncs his marvels to perform. 0-oka was he. Mayor of Yedo under the eiyhth Shogun and holder of the high justice and the law aver all the uiercuauts of Tokujcawa.s capital. One day a servant employed by the proprietor of a big shop near Japan Bridge in Yedo was sent with a heavy pack to a dyer in Honjo distict. When ; ^°1,., It"!?, the store's messenger reached Yoko- ; gawa street he was ready to seek rest. | What more safe invention could have ! offered than the little grove of trees j set about the stone i^tatue of the god Jizo, the patron saint of travelers and j defenceless women and cliildren? The somnolent porter awolce from a nap to find that his employer's cot- ton had disappeared. In great dis- tress he went to the storekeeper and confessed that ho had slept and that a robber had made off with the goods during his slumber. The master would not believe his story, saying that it would have been impossible for a robber to make off with so large a bundle in broad daylight. Unless the porter should pay for the lost goods he would have to go to prison, said the master. In despair the por- ter took counsel of Mayor 0-oka. "You are certainly to blame for hav- ing fallen asleep." said the Mayor, "but Jizo is equally to blame, tor he is a god bound to protect everyone who trusts him and thio time he has beti'ayed you. Even though Jizo is a Buddha, I cannot pardon him for his neglect of duty. I will have him ar- rested and brought before me for trial." So O-oka gave immediate orders to his court officers to go and arrest Jizo. of Yokogawa Street, and bring him before the Mayor's seat for trial. pass sentence Mavor O-oka waited for a few mo- 3NAKE KILLERS OF FRANCE. Obtain Five Cents Apiece For the Reptiles They Destroy. In Prance there is a profession un- recognized in our-own country. It is that of the snake killer. France is much infested by two species of dangerous serpents â€" vipers and adders, it is these that are es- pecially sought by the aiuike hunters. He wears leather leggings for pro- tection against bites, and the instru- ments of his craft are of the simplest. Tlio latter consist most importantly of two sticks, one of widen is forked. Rocks warmed up by the sun, sandy places in wooded area^, muddy banks-, of ponds â€" such are the places most likely to be haunted by the reptilian rOB SAI.B. and much indoor living lend to weak- en lier oonsititution. No wonder that the woman at home is olteii indisposed through weakness, headaches, back- ments as it expecting the stony lips • aches and nervousness. Too many of Jizo to open in reply, but when no | v.-oiueu have grown to accept these ansv.e!; was returned by the god he ; visitations as a part of the lot of i game. passed sentence immediately. j molherliood. But many and varied as | Descrying his prey, the hunter ap- "Since you do not defend yourself ; jier health troubles are, the cause is j proaches noiselessly. When within I consider that you are guilty," said | simple and the cure at hand. When ' I'anKe, he strikes the snake with the His Honor, "and I shall imprison- you." j well, it is the woman's good tilood that ' stick he holds in his rigiit hand. In- At this remarkable spectacle of a ^ keeps her well; when ill she must | stamly thereupon he pins it down with Mayor pas.'^ing sentence upon a stone j niuke her blood rich to renew her- thf' "ther stick, which is forked. was a titter of lau^litar. ; health. The nursing mother more O-oka thundered In a voice of bmss: â€" j than any other woman in the world "Who are all these people standing ^ „eeds rich blood and plenty of it. about here?" he inquired of his court. There is one always unfailing way to oillcers. "Are they accomplices of j get this good blood so necessary to Jizo or only plain thieves? They j perfect health, and that is through the [ think this court is a penny show and i use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These court's orders, j pjUs make new blood abundantly, and through their use thousands of weak. Some Speed. "Mamma," complained a little girl recently, "teacher won't let me sing any more, and I'm the fastest singer in the school, too." Affection. Friend â€" "I suppose the baby is fond of you?" Piil)aâ€" "Fond of me? ATiiy he sleeps all day when I'm not at home, and stays up all night just to enjoy my society." NFWSI'APER. WKKKI.Y IN BKl/CB -ountv Snlendld (.noortunlty. Writ* I X T Wlliinn Publishing Co. Umltad. •r Art^iRiiif, St. W. Toronto. WEI-I. RUUIIM'EI) .VE'.vsi'Al'Ba and fnb Driiiilnir nlRnt m K^stara lurlo. Innurnncs rarrird tl.tOO \nU r» for tl.lon nn uulck >itle. Hox (JL AlUr.p r-jMlnhttiB Co . I. til. Toronto. FASUS VOa, SAI.S. .NTKI.l.HiR.VT IWHMER 1 in.s. Whv? liecuuse I liii not want <-'\c1uk1vo side or any ad- vaiitHffe over unv other aKinl. All 1 ask Is ;e;r a corrcrt and truthful de.sorlptlon of yii-ar proper-.v: your bt.st price and tenn--. anil 1 will ilo the rest. Write for listing form. .Viiilrrv- ICltlei*. the Farm .Scllci-. >S Ivilll,' S'r.'il !::i.-l, TuioMto. Ev !•: It y i.N- likes my tei root. my wajited ? T Live Poultr \<iV 1\)U SAI.B IM y. l'"ancv il«n«. I'lKeoniu Ekk- «tc.T kVrlte I. Wclnraueh & 3on. lti-l» St. Jean iiuptlaia Murket. .Mont* rf«l. One. they laugh at the Shut all the gates at once." The frightened attendants hastened to shut the gates of the court-room. Then Mayor O-oka adjudged every man in the great crowd in contempt of court and lined each of them one tan (a kimono length) of cotton cloth. The hundreds thus suddenly found in contempt were happy that their pun- ishment had been so light at least, and under bonds they hurried to their homes to bring back the cloth fine. Before the day was done 700 pieces of cotton cloth had been presented be- fore the Mayor's court, the name of each culprit being set down upon the tan of cotton cloth which he present- ed. Before he would allow the 700 to go, however, O-oka retired with the por- ter who had been robbed to an inner chamber and he asked the porter to look over the 700 pieces of cloth and see it he could identity any of them as having been once m the pack he had carried. Since every manufac- turer of cotton cloth in Yedo always marked the selvage of each strip with A Degenerate. "Father, can 1 go to the circus to- night?" asked the farmer's son. Fatherâ€" ".N'o. 'Taint more'n a Quickness is the prime essential to month since yer went t' top o' the hill UISCBIiIiAnSOUS. ^ copy; success in this kind of chase. Vipers and adders are swift of movement and ready to take alarm. But once pinned to the gnrand the creature is readily decapitated with a sharp knife. The snake hunters are called "vi- percidos.' They get five cents apiece for the snakes they kill, delivering the to see ilie eclipse of the moon. 'I'r-ars to me yew're getting dissipated and reckless." ^SY KABIilT MAGAZINE. 10c. 50c. year. I'"ur and Food iiitlil\. Brantlord. C.-».\CKK. TDMUHH. I.lJill'S. ETC '.niernal nod •iternaJ. cured wtthp ' out pain by our lionie treatment Writ* I «r before too lato Ur. Heilnian UeitlMl ! Co I.linltBd. ColllnKWOOd. Out Entirely Free. ailing wives and mothers have been I heads. The most famous Frenchman made bright, cheerful and strong. If i engaged professionally in this pursuit [â-  vou are ailing, easily tired, or depress-! 's known as Jean Serpent, though his I ^^^ ,,uj;g -wiiat are you in now? ed, it is a duty you owe yourself and | '"eal name is Michael Vergne. Up to ; •â- Blankets." A Chance. "You sign this deed of your own frea "Boss, the weather's pretty hot. I'd ! will, do you, madam?" asked the law- like a couple of weeks off. A change j yer. would do me good," said the depart- "What do you mean by that?" de- ment store .salesman. ] manded the large, florid-faced woman, •We' re sliort-handed." complained | looking threateningly upon the law- your family to give Dr. W^illiajns' Pink Pills a Riir trial. What this medicine has done for others it will surely do for you. WE ARE IN LUCK THAT AIR 13 FREE. date he has slain 35,000 adders. | -Well, I can give you a seasonable Doctor Calmette, of France, has pro- I yhnuge. I'll put you among the bath- ducod a serum called "antiviperine,," : j^jg suits." which is a sure remedy for viper bites __ and adder bites. It lias already saved many lives. The method of its utiliza- tion is by hypodermic injection near the wound made by the snake's tooth. â- â€¢Yes Doing Her Best, grandma," said the fair young When the Steel Trust was organized ! Andrew Carnegie remarked that the common stock was nut even water; . it was "just air." i This same "air" has become worth ; something since then. If you want \ any of it, you must pay for it at the i rate of $113 a share. SUMMER C0.MPLA1NTS KILL LITTLE ONES At the first sign of illness during Ordinary air, thank goodness! has the hot weather give the little ones not gone up in price. It is about the only thing that has not done so. Even the automobile garages advertise "free air." This is really very fortunate, be- Three of the officers departed on their j ^j ^loth for a stamp similar to that mission. They first bound the arms of the stone god with coils of rope; then they tried to lift him from his firm pedestal into a cart. A great crowd assembled before the Jizo, at- tracted by the unusual behavior of the court officers told tliat Jizo must go before the Mayor, for trial, the citizens of Yoko- gawa Street and the neighborhood of Honjo marveled. The task of unseating the god was too much for the three officers, and Lhey sought aid of those standing about. They promised that in return for assistance they would admit all volunteer workers into the courtroom to witness the extraordinary trial. Hundreds were spurred by curiosity to lend a hand, and when the stone god went through the streets strapped to a cart like any offender the crowd grew. It filled the great hall of justice when Jizo was lifted in and propped up before the platform upon which sat Baby's Own Tablets or in a few hours he may be beyond aid. These Tablets ' will prevent summer complaints if given occasionally to the well child and will in-omi)tly relieve these trou- i bles if they come on suddenly. Baby's Own Tablets should always be kept in every home" wliere there are young children. There is no other medicine : as good and the mother has the guar- ! year cause wo need air not only lo l)reathe. a little red trade-mark stamp the por- : ^^^^^ ^^^^ f^j. j^gj -^yg j^g^p tj^^ ^ouse ter searched the edges of many stripes ^^.^.j^j ;„ ,vinter, and the range going, , I bv burning air. j borne upon the cloth of which he had I "you thought it was coal? Well, i been robbed. He found that two of ^j^.^j j^ ngcessarv also, but the coal the pieces of cloth brought to pay the ^^,^„,,j ^g ,,j „„ ^^g .>, f-.g, „n,ggg ygu , ^j^^^, .^,.g pg,.fectly safe. The Tablets I Mayor's line bore the stamp of his ! j^.^^ ^j^ t„ „„,.„ ^.^i, jt. .^j.^" <,o,j y,y ^nedicine dealers or by I plundered pack. Instantly Mayor j you can't burn one thing. Burning, : mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. When thPv wprp i ^'"^'\°'"''f' 'IV'^ fr,?' "f A^'^ i^° I '" kitchen range or furnac^. means i Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, wiien tue> were men who had brought this cloth; they '^j^g e„„,i„g together of the oxygen of Ont. thing, "I am lo be married during the briglit and gladsome month of July." •But, my dear," said the old lady, earnestly, "you are very young. Do you fee! that you are fitted for mar- ried life?" "I am, being fitted now, grandma," explained the prospective bride, sweetly. 'Seventeen gowns and three costumes." Prune Roses. Summer thinning of climbing roses is de!=iral<le. after lioveriug. where the plants lire large and crowded. Cut out the oldest stems which are beginning to lose vitality. Cut these down within a foot of the ground or to one or two buds of their base, from v.-hich young shoots will start next antee of a government auaiyist that cohfessed to the robbery, and all the cloth they had taken from the sleep- ing porter's pack was restored to him. All the other pieces of cloth, taken in toll by the Mayor, were restored to their owners, and all but the two guilty members of the crowd which had attended the trial of Jizo were re- leased. Then Jizo, the stone god, wag put on a cart, wreathed with the ever- green pine and the bamboo, symbols of long life and prosperity, and he was carried back to his pedestal in Yoko- gawa Street at the head of a triumph- al procession. Jizo had vindicated himself, and Mayor O-oka the wise sat more firmly than ever in his seat of power. WHERE THE ICEBERGS ARE HATCHED. If one looks at an ordinary map. one is surprised to find that 'Greenland is considerably bigger than South Ameri- ca. Which illustrates the distortion of the Mercator projection, inasuuich as South America is actually about six times the size -of Greenland. All the same, Greenland is the big- gest island in the world, and once up- on a time it must have been a pleasant place to live in. Plant fossils found there prove that anciently it had a tropical climate. But it must have been a very long time ago, for to-day nearly the whole o? Greenland is covered by an ice sheet with an average thickness of 1,000 feet. From a mountain range two miles high most of the great is- land slopes downward and westward toward Baffin Bay and Davis Strait,' and 80 the ice sheet is continually moving in that direction. Off the west coast are nu;nerous Is- lands and, as the ice sheet forces Its way between them, It is ripped to pieces. Huge fragments drop oft, forming what we call icebergs, and are set afloat in the sea. What happens to an individual ice- berg after that depends upon accident- al circumstances. It may run ashore on Baffin Island (the west side of Davis Strait) or on the coast of Lab- rador, further south. If it escapes this fate, its passage southward through the strait will be very slow, because it must plow its way through field ice many feet thick. The lucky iceberg is one that man- ages to keep in the main channel and is carried southward by tho Labrador current into the north Atlantic. Once arrived in that region of open sea it may drift about for many months be- fore going to pieces. Large bergs have on occasions got as far as the Aaores. A sizeable berg may have nearly vertical walls 100 feet high, with pin- nacles towering to twice that eleva- tion. Often these floating mountains of Ice have very fantastic shapes. It is not all safe for a ship to go near one, for huge fragments sometimes fall off, and it is no uncommon thing for an iceberg suddenly to turn up- side down. The period of danger from Icebergs is April, May and June. the air and the carbon of tlie coal. They effect a chemical combination. The air is just as necessary to the process of combustion as the coal. Our attenton is fixed upon coal as the fuel for the sole reason that we have to pay for it. If coal were free and air cost money, we should look at the matter from an opposite point of view. Everything else is taxed nowadays. Suppose the government were to take a notion to put a tax on air. placing an air-meter in each dwelling. Would not that be horrible? There has long been a tax on fresh God Bless the Prince of Wales. Among our ancient mountains And from our lovely vales O let the prayer re-echo, •'God bless the Prince of Wales!" With heartened voice awaken Those minstrel strains of yore Till Britain's name and glory Resound from shore to shore. Among our antnent tnountains And from our lovely vales, O let the prayer reecho, ••God bless the Prince of Wales!" air in Germany. It is called a "win- i should hostile bands or danger dow tax," being assessed according to the number of windows with which a house is provided. The result is that people economize on windows, reduc- ing the number to a minimum, and their allowance of fresh air is there- by cut down. Air is much heavier stuff than is commonly imagined. Thirteen cubic feet of it weigh a pound. But it is lucky we are not obliged to store it, like coal, for it would take up a lot E'er threaten our fair isle. May God's strong arm protect us. May Heaven still on us smile. Above the throne of England May Fortune's star long shine. And round its ancient bulwarks The olive branches twine. Among our ancient, etc. This gets the useless wood out of the way, so the young growth will have more room, light and air to de- velop in. A Life Boy. They were crossing to France and the ship pitched and tossed about in an unusually bad storm. Most of the pasKOiigors had si.ught refuge below, but lilt;o .Miss Sturges, an elderly spinster, was braving the terrors on deck. As the gale increased in fury, a chivalrous physician from the lady's home town came to her. "Pardon me. Miss Sturges, but it seemed to me you might be in some trouble. Can 1 help you? Have you chosen your life preserver?" "Oh, doctor. " cried the maiden lady, with a gurgle of joy, as she tumbled into his arms, "how sweetly and ro- manticaUy you have expressed it!" yer. "I mean there has been no compul- sion on the part of your husband. Has I there?" "Him?" she ejaculated, turning to look at the little, meek man sitting be- I hind her. "Frederick? I'd like to sea I him compulse me." St. Isidore, P.Q., Aug. IS, 1894. .Minard's Liniment Co.. Limited. Gentlemen. â€" I have freciuently used MINARD'S LINI.MENT and also pro- scribe it for my patients, always with the most gratifying results, and I con- sider it the best all-round Liniment extant. Yours truly, DR. JOS. AUG. SIU0I3. Friend of the Family â€" "Where's everybody, Bennet?" The Butler â€" â-  "Well, sir, the missus and the young ladies is up in the sky learning to fiy, and the master's in his submarine in the hornamentaH lake. It's very seldom you catch',;s them on tei'ry firmy these days." Blinard's Liulment Believes Neuralgia. Yes this is one thing I learn to know, Each day more surely as I go, That doors are open, ways are made, Burdens are lifted or are laid By some great law unseen and stilli "Not as I will." â€" Helen Hunt Jackson. It Works! Try It GIRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKIN WITH LEMON JUICE Make a beauty lotion for a fevi/ cents to remove tan, freckles, sallovwness. Your grocer has the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply vou witli throe ounces of orchard A Welsh translation of the words of the Prince's Anthem, which were written by George Linley. were ihade ! white for a few cents. Squeeze the of room. One ton- (2,000 pounds) of | Dy. Celrog Hughes. The music of the ' juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle ' anthem is bv Brinley Itichards. I then put in the orchard white and , ,., 1 shake well. This makes a quarter pint . ' of the very best lemon skin whitener ; which dries when applied and never air will fill a bin thirty feet long, thirty feet wide and thirty feet higli. Tells how to loosen a sore, tender corn so it lifts out without pain. Good news spreads rapidly and drug- gists here are kept busy dispensing freezone, the ether discovery of a Cin- cinnati man, which is said to loosea any corn so it lifts out with the fingers. Ask at any pharmacy for a quarter ounce of freezone, which will cost very little, but is said to be sii<llcient to rid one's feet of every bard or soft com or callus. You apply Just a few drops on tha tender, aching corn and instantly tha soreness Is relieved, and soon the com is so shriveled that it lifts out with- out pain. It Is a sticky substance per- / Instead of Tea or Coffee buy a tin of the healthful table beverage INSTANT POSTUM The quality is constant and the rich, even flavor pleases. No Raise in Price MONEY ORDERS. An Ode to Health. Health in itself makes life a petual joy. Nothing daunts, nothing over-awes, nothing discourages, and nothing over- powers the man and woman possessed of health. Health means not only vigor and energy of the body, but also clarity and strength of mind, purity of body and of soul. The healthy person dominates life, instead of allowing life to dominate him. He scarcely thinks of his body as consisting of parts, or as performing separate functions. To him the body is but one harmonious whole. He is a unit, a being, a man; com- plete, vigorous, perfect. To such a man work is joy. He re- gards obstacles as but opportunities for testing his strength. He hardly knows what weakness is. He never experiences exhaustion. Merely to grasp his hand is a pleasure. To gaze into his eyes is a joy. To hear his voice is to feel a thril pass over one. To peer into his mind serves as a stimulus to higher achievements. Health supplies the courage, the aggressiveness In life. Without health one is bankrupt, regardless of what his financial capacity may bo. Ho becomes a cipher in the world of real men and women. If jiou have health, then, friends, cherish it, guard it and treasure It as you treasure life, for out of it are the Issues of life. ^ and complexion beautificr known. Send a Dominion Express Money 1 Massage this fragrant creamy lotion Order. They are payable everywhere. A university scholarship is awarded to the most successful student at the Never Needs Winding. Long before watches were invented, people found ways of telling the time and one was by means of flowers. | will surprise you You can grow a flower clock quite easily in your own garden, and you will find it both useful and ornament- al. Make a circle, marking out the edge with small stones, .'it equal distances round the edge mark the figures of the clock, from one to twelve. Draw lines from the centre of tho circle to the edge, dissecting the whole surface in- to twelve equal parts, .and arranging matters so that one of the numbers on the outside edge falls opposite to each section. Then put in the following plants: In section N'o. 1 plant Single Carna- tions; No. 2, White Pyrethrum; No. 3, Hawksbeard; No. 4, Lady of the Night; No. 5, Catchfly; No. 6, Hawk- weed; No. 7, Marigold; No. S, Venus' Looking-glass; No. 9, Corn Marigold; No. 10, Clovewort; No. 11. Mountain Dandelion; No. 12, Fig Marigold. Starting at 6 a.m. the Hawkweed will open. At 7 a.m., the Marigold will follow suit. And so on right round the clock. Of course, the clock will only "go' during the summer months, arid for only twelve hours out of the twenty- four. But It proves wonderfully accurate, and never needs winding! daily into the face, neck, arms and hands and just see how freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how smooth, soft and clear the skin becomes. Yes! It is harmless, and the beautiful results -«- HOW YOU CAN TELL !I Inflames or even irritates the adjoin- ing tissue. This discovery will prevent thou- sands of deaths annually from lock- jaw and infection heretofore resulting from the suicidal habit of cutting corns. ONLY TABLETS MARKED WITH "BAYER CROSS" ARE ASPIRIN. If You Don't See the "Bayer Cross" on the Tablets, Refuse Them â€" They Are Not Aspirin At All. Australia's new daylight saving iaw provides that all clocks be put forwanl an hour at the end of September and Battleford, Saskatchewan, HighS,^^^ ^gain at the end of March in School by the Indies of the I. 0. D. E., ^^^y^ y^^y in memory of Battlcfords fallen sol- ' diera. ' Mlnuil'i ^iolinest Ovttm Bnmi, tt«. There is only one .Aspirin, that marked with the "Bayer Cross"â€" all other tab- lets are only acid imitations'. Look for the "Bayer Cross"! Then it is real Aspirin, for which there is no substitute. Aspirin is not Gorman but is made in Canada by Canadians, and is owned by a Canadian Company. Genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" have been proved safe by millions for Pain, Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets,â€" also larger "Bayer " packages,â€" can be had at any drug store. Aspirin is the trade m.irk. register- ed in Canada, of Bayer Munufactiire of Monoaceticaijldester of Salicylic- acid. ^^ SINCE 5 1870 V^|i;0/-v SHILOH *^0i?8?ICOUGHS & â- n A Word With You About Your Skin HY not make Cuti- cura Soap your every • day toilet »iap, assisted by Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Tal- cum, now and then as needed, and have in most cases a clear fresh complexion, a clean scalp free from dandruff and irritation, good hair, soft white hands and a wholesome skin free from blemish, without resort- ing to tiresome, expensive "beauty " fads? Cuticura costs little and does much. Sample each free by mall of "Cuticura, Dept. N, Boston, U.S. A." Sold by dealers throughout tha world. 3W Calicara Talcom Powder "Wm Do not fail to test the fascinating fra- Rrance of this exquisitely scented face, baby, dusting and skin perfuming pow- der, delicate, delightful, distingue, it imparts to the person a charm incom- parable and peculiar to itself. & ISSUE No, 36 â€" '19. %

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