Vl Is He Eighteen? iteen Do you remember tiiose ages, when your character was being formed â€" how you followed examples, did what other people did â€" your senior year* at school â€" your start in business ? Racall them if you can. You gained a knowledge you will find useful when your own boy starts out. Give him the right start Teach him the value of personal appearemce and self respect. Tell him how confidence may be gauned merely from a deem shave â€" or, better stiil, show him â€" and show him in a practical way. Give him a GILLETTE Safety Razor and meike his morning shave come easy. The old time pulling and scraping is a thing of the past The haphazard element b gone. There is no need for your boy to know anything but the ease and comfort of the Gillette shave. It is the razor of his time â€" that to which he is entitled â€" nothing more, nothing less. Sold at most stores catering to the needs of men. MADE Ifi CANADA KNOWN THE WORLD OVER, The Gillette Safety Razor Company of Canada, Limited, ,73 St. Alexander Street, Montreal, Que. 554 Mzddng Cow Feeds Attractive. Success in feeding dairy cows de- pends largely upon getting the animals to eat large quantities of feed, and to entice them to consume large amounts the feeder must employ several schemes to make the feed more ap- petizing or palatable. Many feeders make the mistake of not feeding the cow enough. About 50 to 60 per cent, of the feed goes to maintain the body. If the ration is reduced a fourth, the portion left for milk production de- clines a half, for the maintenance re- quirement remains about the same. It is better to increase the ration gradually so that a larger proportion is available for the manufacture of milk, but the question centres about inducing the cow to eat the feed. Salads in Rations. \V can walk up to a lunch counter, order a sandwich, beans and dessert, and our hunger may be fully ap- peased. But we can also go to a sumptuous banquet amid pleasant sur- Toundings and eat a five-course dinner. The cow will do the same thing if she Is put under analogous conditions and she will respond in increased produc- tion. The problem is to find out what salads and relishes she is especially fond of and then keep baiting her on till she reaches the limit of consump- tion commensurate with profitable production. Kindness in treatment and pleasant surroundings are essen- tial in getting the cow to perform to the utmost. A common way to get the cow to eat more food is to give it to her of- ten. It is nature's way. We have of- ten watched cows In the open pasture eat tor a while, then rest In the shade and ruminate, soon going forth for more to eat. Why should we not imi- tate natural feeding habits if the method can be practicably carried out? In the winter in particular it is pos- sible to feed three or four times a day, and where- many cows are kept, the time 80 spent upon the individual cow will be very small. Molasses is a great appetizer, con- ditioner and mild laxative. It s\ipplies nutriment, and when added to cheap hay, ensilage or grain, it makes the feed much more attractive to the cow n! TWO USEFUL MODELS RHEUMATIC PEOPLE go^fi 872S I No. 9036â€" Boy's Suit Price, 20 1 cents. Knee trousers. In 3 sizes, 2! to years. Size 4, blouse, 1% yds. 27 ins, wide; collar, trousers, l',4 yds.' 27 ins. wide;' one material, long or short sleeves, 2Vi yds. 27 ins. wide, j No. a728 â€" Girl's Dress. Price, 20 cents. To be slipped on over the head; straig'ht pleated skirt buttoned to blouse, or with bloomer, suitable^ for gymnasium. Cut in 6 sizes. 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 years. Size 8, blouse; with or without yoke, 1% yds. 32 inj. wide, or 1% yds. 3(5 ins. wide; skirt,; % yd. 50 ins. wide; bloomers, lU yds.! 36 ins. wide, or 1% yds. 50 ins. wide.| These patterns may be obtained, from your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., I Toronto, Dept. W, Can Only Find Relief by Enrich- ing the Blood. Rheumatism is a disorder of the blood. It attacks people when the blood is overcharged with acid and Impurities, thus setting up inflamma- tion in tlie muscles ami Joints. Wet wcatiier or cold weather of autumn may start the tortures of rheumatism, but is not the cause. The cause is in the Mood and the blood only. Victims oij^his malady have every reason to fear the lirst dull ache in the limbs and Joints, foliowed by sharp pains through the ilesh and muscles; these are the symptoms of poison in the blood which may shortly leave the victim painracksd and helpless. There is only one way to cure rheu- matism, and tliat is through the blood. Liniment.s, hot applications, and rub- bing may give temporary ease, but cannot possibly root the trouble out of the system. ^That can only be done by the rich, red blood which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make. This new blood drives out the poisonous acids and Impurities, and the rheumatism disappears. If you are a sulTerer from this painful malady begin coring your- self to-day by the use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and see how soon the pains and stiffness of the Joints fade away, leaving behind new energy and new health. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a bo.x or sis boxes for $:i.50. from T!ie Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Out. duty and readerinp; a great service at one und the same time. The sacred duty is to share In the privilege of honoring and perpetuating the mem- ory of Varsity men and women who fell in the Worlil War. Tlie great service is to enable those wlio servea or their near relatives to secure ad- vantages that will make them bette^ citizens In t'ltlr country." I The Executive Committee, according : to Sir Robert, "desire to give the i Alumni everywhere all possible op- I portunity to act freely In supporting I generously the sacred cause and in standing loyally behind thei- Alma Mater." ^ MONEY ORDERS. Oomiaion E.tpress Money Orders are ' on sale in live thousand offices throughout Canada. rOB MAUL Born on the 13th. The unlucky Tommy in Russia was telling his troubles to a sympathetic I friend. i "Xo leave, no letters, no blinking ! Blighty, no luck at all!" I "Never mind; you'll soon be dead." j "Yes," said the unlucky oae. "and ' if I was dead now, and on my way to ! Heaven. I'll bet I'd be brought down ' by anti-aircraft." "^EWSPAl'Eit. WEKKI.Y. IN BRUCB XI County Siilendid opmirtunlty. Writ* Hax T, Wilson PubllHhtiiic Co.. Umitad. '% Ad eliililH St. W. Toronto. WELL EQL'IPrED NEWSPAPER and job printing nliint In Eastern Oniurlo. Insuruncf carried $1,500. Will t" for »1.200 on (julclc Bale. Box 61. WllBon Puhllahing r<t . T.t<l Toronto. SXTUATIOirS VACAJfT. A HE VwL" Aiiiiniui.cj; li)' YOU c'eBlre advuncement In any situation of lU'e, mentul cftlciencv ia what will brlnir you BUcruas. The Pelinan System of Mind and M'-inory TiatninK develops latent powers with wonderful resulia, yet it reciuires but spare moments of study and mental exercise. It matters not where you live for the course Is con- ducted liy mail â€" by ounrtdentlul corres- ponUence. Your rciiuest for una book- let. "Mind and Memory." will brinir this and all particulars by return mall. Writt' to-day. Pelman Institute. 766 Teniolc BUIb.. Tin.nto MiscEi.i.Air£oua. Mlnard's Iilnlment Ceres Bums. etc. â- V'-Lii.SK.^â€" THK Hu.-Si'lTAL F<JR IN- 1^ (.THAHLES. In affiliation with Helle\uo and Allied Ho:-,pital8, New York, offers u course of training to young wo- men desiring to b(fCome nurses; this hos- l)ltal has now adopted the eight hour -system. For salary and other Informa- tion apply to Supurlntendent. 130 Dunn A\'enue Toronto. CANCEH. TL'MOKS. Ll'mPS, ETC.. inieriial and external, cured without pain by our home treatment. Write ua before too late. Dr. Uellinan Medical Co.. Limited. Colllnewood. Ont. Transparent. The teacher had e.\plained to the class that all bodies through which we can see are pellucid or transpar- ent. "Now. he said to Tommy Todd, "can you mention any transparent ob- ject?" Tommy, beaming with delight, re- plied: "Yes, sir. A keyhole and a drain-pipe." and she eats with greater relish. We have noted when it was fed to high- milking cows and poured over the en- silage or grain, it acted Just like mayonnaise cji lettuce. In a few cases we have seen it used success- fully when mixed with two or three times as much water and then sprink- ' led over the roughage, old hay, straw ' and chaff. From half a pint to a quart i may be fed daily. j Feeds themselves differ in palata- ', I bility. Cows relish some feeds much 'â- better than others, and skillful is he i who can lincl out the individual tastes of his cows. â€" Ohio Farmer. GIAIU) THE CHILDREN -*- Tipperracherra. .\t school we are taught that King George is ruler over the whole Em- pire of India. There is. however, a strip of land situated in Assam, about twenty miles from South Sylhet, over-f which Great Britain has no dominion. This is Tipperracherra. It is ruled by the natives themselves, and whenever any of them in the surrounding dis- tricts get into trouble with their sa- hibs or memsahibs, they make straight for this tract of land until the trouble blows over. More enlightened than their fellow plainsmen, the Hill Tipperras are cleaner, and have a better idea of com- fort. They build their huts in the bustis (native villages) on piles, to protect them from damp. Rather short and sturdily built, they think nothing of walking forty miles to the nearest bizaar and back to do their marinating, carrying tish strung on a stick over their shoulder, and their other purchases in a basket on the head. They dress in a short drapery, leav- ing the legs and arms bare, and many dispense with the turban. They are lighter in color than the ordinary native, and the men wear their black, sleek hair hanging to the shoulders with colored iiuills stuck over one ear, somewhat after the manner of the Redskin. White people are a source of great interest to them, and the women and butchas (children) form a ring round them, exchanging many glances and words of curiosity. The Fall is the most severe season of the year for colds â€" one day is warm, the next is wet and cold and unless the mother is on her guard the little ones are seized with colds that may hang on all winter. Baby's Own Tab- lets are mothers' best friend in pre- venting or banishing colds. They act as a gentle la.xative. keeping the bowels and stomach free and sweet. An occasional dose will prevent colds or If it does come on suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets will quickly relieve it. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Ur. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. .J What is Rank, Anyhow? . Rebecca, age eight, was very proud of her father's rank as a first lieuten ant, and grew quite indignant when a neighbor boy called him "Captain," according to an exchange. "I'll have you understand that my daddy is not a captain," she said. "He's a lieutenant." "Oh, it doesn't matter," replied the boy; "he is an officer." "Indeed he is not an officer," she pro- tested. "Yes, dear, a lieutenant is an offi- cer," interrupted Rebecca's mother. "Well," persisted Rebecca, still de- termined to maintain her daddy's didnity at all cost, "he's not much of an officer." J-JUL.^-g. »--â- â€" I -â€" Certainly A Fine Flavor But More Than That I A BuildingRod for Body and Brain Bear Island, Xug. 26, 1903. Mlnard's Liniment Co.. Limited. Dear Sirs. â€" Your traveler is here to-day and we are getting a large quantity of your MINARD'S LINI- MENT. We find it the best Liniment on the market, making no exception. We have been in business 13 years and have handled all kinds, but have dropped them all but -yours: that sells itself; the others have to be pushed to get rid of. W A HAGERMAX. University Memorial. Speaking of the many donations to Universities in recognition of the sac- riflces of college men and women, whose response to the call to arms was not surpassed in alacrity by any body or class of citizens in any of the allied countries. Sir Robert Falconer, President of the University of Toron- to, points out with pride that no Uni- versity iu .\merica has a record of service that surpasses that of the big educational institution which has helped to make the provincial capital famed throughout the world as a seat of learning. Sir Robert is intensely interested in the big campaign which is now being- waged to raise half a million dollars to perpetuate, by a Memorial Tower and Gateway and the institution of scholarships and a lec- tureship, the war record of the 5.600 graduates and former students who answered when Civilization called, as well as the memory of the six hundred gallant men who cheerfully gave their I lives on foreign battlefields. I In comparison with Toronto's cam- I paign it is pointed out that the Uni- versity of Chicago has received one gift of two and a half million dollars from one man. La Verne W. Xoyes, who has stipulated that the money be used for the benefit of soldiers and sailors of the United States and their descendants. In connection with the scholarships which are to be instituted here, $300,- 000 of the fund being set aside for this purpose, the President of the Univer- sity of Toronto explains that a scholar- ship should not be less iu value than $200 a year. This means that if one candidate is to receive a scholarship every year an outlay of $800 would be necessary for the four years" course. In order to supply such an annual in- come a good capital sum would be re- quired. If it were decided that these scholarships were to be awarded for a period of years, say fifteen or twenty-five, the amount of capital would not be quite as large as that necessary if they were to be made perpetual. The conditions required in addition to those of having served in the war or of being a close relative of one who has served are a certain standard of scholarship to prove that the candi- date is likely to profit by a course in the University and it there are several candidates in the community the scholarship to be awarded on the basis of merit. "The Alumni of Varsity," declares Sir Robert Falconer, "have now the opportunity of performing a sacred j 2,500.000 Children Lost to Germany. I Professor Emil Abderhalden. the \ noted psychologist, says that Ger- ! mauy's deficit in children since 1914 | ' was 2,500,000, anrl children mortality j has cuntii^tted to increase. During the i war Professor Abderhalden devoted I much of his time to sending aubercularj children to neutral countries, chiefly Switzerland, but the drop in the value of the German mark precluded the I ! carrying out of the enterprise on the j scale required by the state of Juvenile | health in Genn:i!!v. ! New British Field Marshals. With the award of batons to Gener- als Plumer and .â- X.Ueiiby there are now a round dozen of British Field-Mar- shals, of whom seven â€" Halg, Egerton. the Emperor of Japan. Wilson, Poch, Flutner and AUenby - have been made during the war. "" Lord French, of course, received his baton the year be- fore the war broke out. The senior Field-Marshal is the Duke of Con- naught, promoted in 1902. and the Em- peror of Japan and Marshal Foch are the only foreigners on the roll. It is believed that the King of the Belgians win shortly be added to the list. The King of Spain may also In due course receive the honor. At present he is the senior General of the British Army. The latest appointments have been received with general approval. General Plumer. the veteran of the British Generals commands the affec- tion and admiration of the whole Army, and General .Ulenby's wonder- ful work in the East merits every re- cognition it can receive. "SYRUP OF FiGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels A single thought of thankfulness to Heaven 1« the most perfect prayer. â€" L«arinir- "Accept "California" Syrup of Figs onlyâ€" look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child Is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver und bowels. Child- ren love Its delicious, fruity taste, Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give It without fear. Mother: You must say "California." With tbe FiBgers! Says Corns Lift Out Without Any Pain ^ « n t n Tt n n n n n « j Sore corns, hard corns, soft corns or any kind of a corn can shortly bo lifted right out with the fingers if you will apply directly upon the corn a few drops of freezone, says a Cincinnati authority. It is claimed that at small cost one can get a quarter of an ounce of free- tone at any drug store, which Is suffi- cient to rid one's feet of every com or callus without pain or soreness or the danger of infection. This new drug is an ether compound, and while sticky, dries the moment it is applied and docs not inflame or even irritate the surrounding tissue. This announcement will Interest many women here, for it is said that the present higii-heel footwear is put- ting corns on practically every woman's feet Do not put tuo many stacks in the same yard. Jhe more stacks in a yard tlie bigger your wager that they will not be destroyed by fire. Klaard's blslmeDt SelleTes SenxaurUk A curious 'outterfly exists in India. The male has the left wing yellow and the right wing red; the femah has these colors reversed. I S. 0. s. t I i : If Constipated, Bilious f i or Headachy, take t I "Cascarets" 1 • i Sick headache, biliousness, coated tongue, or sour, gassy stomach â€" al- ways trace this to torpid liver; de- layed, fermenting food in the bowels. Poisonous matter clogged In the In- testines, instead of being cast out of the system is re-absorbed Into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes con- gestion and that dull, throbbing, sick- ening headache. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the liver and carry out all the "constipated waste matter ahd poisons in the bowels. .\ Cascarei to-night will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while vou si'^»t) America's Pioneer Dog Bcniodloa Book ca 006 DISEASES and How to Feed .Mailed Free to any Ad- uri-P8 b.v the Author. K. Clay aiover Co., Ins. lis West 3 Is! street New \"\k. U.S.A. ^% SINCE g ifl70 <^y^;// Shiloh 30S?§?SCOUCHS ACHES AND PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED You'll find Sloan's Liniment softens the severe rheumatic ache ISSUE No. 42â€" '19. Put it on freely. Don't rub it in. Just let it penetrate naturally. What a sense of soothing relief soon follows! Extertial aches, stiffness, soreness, cramped muscles, strained sinews, back "cricks" â€" those ailments can't fight off the relieving qualities of Sloan's Liniment. Clean, convenient, economical. Made in Canada. * " 35<:, 70c, $1.40. Sloan's â- » •_• L ,. He*'p ti tuiudy Cuticnra Helps Clear Away Dandruff and Irritation On retiring, comb the hair out straight, then make a parting, gentiy rubbing in Cuticura Ointment with lh« end of the finger. Anoint additional partirigs until tiie whole scalp has been treated. Place a light covering over the hair to protect Cie pillow from possible stain. The next morning shampoo with Cuticura Soap and hot water, using plenty of soap, best applied with the hano!^. Rinse in tepid water. Repeat in two weeks if needed. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum 25c. each phis Canadiau duties. ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Kot Aspirin at All without the "B;iyer Cross" The name "Bayor" on A»pHb K*ol "B»yer Tn biota of Aspirin" which like Sterling on Bllvor. It positively , coDt»in» protwr diroctlona for Colds, idcntirioK th<> only genuine AspiriD,â€" H«ad«ch<<, Tot-thachti, Karucho, Xou- the Aspirin proBcribod \y ptfydojao* \ t%\^t.. Liuobtigo, Rhvumatism, Noiiri- for over niiiotoen y«ir$ and noVi'i i\t. Joint Pkine, luvi Pain (fenerally. laa.'* in <.'«.u«<]a Tin l<ox«» of 1:2 tAblots co*t but Alwayi bu^ aa u(ibt^](eQ p4vlu)«« »(«wt^nt«. I,^«r 'JJaycr" packages. Tdm i* MUr •»• 4^t'i»--"9*v««*â€" Torn nwt wi "B«yar" Atnlrjn (• th« <r«4* ^t*^ liw«i>t*rod In Oajiadt) of T^wtn Ktaufsotiiro of Mor.j- aoatloluililaitar at Xailo:rUp*ol'' Whil» It It waM knoWD tbkt ASPIrln ni<iu)a Bayai m«nu(n<'tur«. to luatr «hi puM4o wCttinet imUfttlana. t])* T4btet( o( ' BavttF l|*ycr CoBipuX