Flesherton Advance, 16 Oct 1919, p. 4

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'•«watH><<iaBtt*« October l« lU.i) THE FIFSHF.HTON ADVANf'K Fleslierton Advance Oiur/lay at th" â- lilieM C'llliu^'Winiu Mtreri, t^l)-du;rio-\. SiljK rii'tion i riec *'! iwr kiiniiiii Atlvir <iiiine ralea»iin|>|i'U«ti<'3 Cirtftlttii ii » •â- 'Jw.'i.kly W. H. THURSTON, EDiroU A WORD TO THE WOMEN. Two vutea will be taken on the aotl: of October â€" (nio on the torn- pcfanfe |iercrvii(liiiu uiid the other to elect nieniben* to tlio I<ei(i!ilu<ure. ThU In the ftrHt election in Onloiio when lUI women inuy voto. It 1m iin- |M>rtanl for every woniiin to reineni- ber when votiiiK on eletlion day tlint she .should receive the reforendnm ballot nml the bullot for inemtM-rs •o the lieKUIiiturc. Answer every otlMllon on (ho referrntliun Ixillot iQld mju-k the leKislntlve bnllot for four choke of rnndidateii. PORTLAW Victor, llii: lit:'e sen of .Mr and Mis. 'ieorto McMiistcr, luet willi n bid •cedent. He »i!\' f'aiif'in? lidiind ni'r «f tlii'ir Ik.i'ck ill ilii- ^':ii I.' wlicn tli. aiiiumt kickid liiiu fu.i i:i thu I>a'u breakini! Hm j>\r and iiitlictini; other-, severe injuiicH. Tlie liiile fellow is douj" «8 well a.i Ciiii he eipicUHl. i Whilo (."Imrl.-y Wilkinson Hid l«o niKterR were Ii'hmiiu In uio in » liu<;^'y, recently, i n« if iI;b lines luciiiiia de- tached from llie bit, when liie hois*. hccoiiiiilK iiiiiimii»^>'iili!e, tuine.l imund, uptelliiii; the bii|{k<y Hiid tlirowiug ilio occupants out. Ch.irl>'y ni'lii'iu'd h tOTorely .•ipraimd «iikl« but hi.s sisters luckily eSL'Uptd with little iiijiuy, Mr. an 1 Mr», Thomas W.iucliob cf Toicmto viMtod ovur Sunday w.tli the fornier'a sitter, Mrs. Lewis .Shfardown. The foUowiiii; piTsoiiu were up frdin Tuioiilo Hiid »p- III TliHiik«L'iVinj; at ilieir respective houies : I'lail \Vat.Huii, Viola CornlJeld :iiid lady friend, Maiy Uuru- tield and Will Taylor. Mr. an! Mro. K. Monlifoinery and two aoiiH of Torujtu \ii)iteU .it F. H. Thjinps. Ill's. Mr. and Mrn. II. McMaator cf Fleth- erton riiited leciMilly viiih Mr. and Mis. CieorKO MoMnsicr. Thomas Taylor raised a Ihi(;h bam Utoly on a ii'iiimt Imccinent. J. W. Uaiiey and Hubert Black were captaiur. Nobody liuit. Thanka|>ivin2 ser»ic» at Mount /ion ; church lust .Sunday was conduded by Mra. Knjlo ill the ab»ellc^ < I In r husband prcachini; id^ewhero. Her btirriiig, pr»;!icH'i ;idd esi wim iiunh enjoyed. While the CO Itclioii was being received Mis. L. r.ud^erow upran* a pleasant surprise by pM'H.iitin({ •» her thankofl'er- iiii; a be»uliiiil iiidiridual cuninioiiinii sarrice, which, it is ntediess to say, is fully appidiated by a |{rateful congre- ^.ttion. Preparations »ro b»inj{ made for the anoiv 8 ly services to bo held next Sunday, when Kev. I'etei Campbell will pre.ich. Mr. Hiid Ml". I). J.. l)iviiUoii and two cliildreii, Miss A'.4iie.s Hell and Mr. W. H. I'e^rooii and Mr, T. [Jell iii' tured ui) from Toroli o ami visited at T. K. McKenzie'N. .\ll the pirty cxcfpt Mr; Hell expect to leave fi>r Mode»tH, ('*],, next Wednesday, and were bidding ndieu tn friends hero Jind in tiw Orange Valley MessiK' I'eiiisoii und DiviiUnii are i^nii'i; into pirlnersliip in Ihimiim-m m Modesta. STRAYED From ihe preniises of the undtisi^ned, lot ti'.K cull. 12, Aiteiiiesia, the list week ill iSepteniber, 1$ calven, two dtirli led heifer ciilves and or.e roan male calf. I ploi liiition will 1 o timiikfully received. WAI.LAUKGKAHAM, Kugonia. Farm For Sale Good farm, about half mile from the VilUgi! of Fleshertoii, coiitainiui» (it) acres, 40 iicres cleared mid tha biiisncu liinl'.v I 111 busli. On the priip.erty is a good friiine burn with f-ti.-il lioneith. JOHN HEAHD, Flesherton. WE SELL FARM IMi^LEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New riiliiilur S'l ir|ilc.s Scpai'Jitor.s JOHN HEARf), IV1PLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON. Better Stables for Profits w^ ^^^ Cleanliness and order pay innny stable. Pay in he.ilthy c.ittlo. Vay in worhdone twice as riuiokly. Toronto St.ilile Rquipment lifjhlens choirs, takes a lot of the nastiiicss out <.f stabk- work. Keeps c.itllc contented and in good shape. I,.xsls lnni;er, too, because nvicle properly. Toronto litter Carriers arc of spci-i.il importance. Tliey make stable clean- ing an easy, evcry-duy job. Do the work in a fraction of the lime, too. Our lnKik on sltble rquiptncut civcs Ihc correct iilc.is on st:itilt tittiiiss. Covprs tvery |)1ij'^c of the sulijFCt i-oraplolrly Vou will find Ijutli text ;inJ illustrations \mIu- «blc Write for thil fru- Imnk ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO., Limited Atlantic Ave.i Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Rogina Calgarir MTcs mm F. E. SOMERS «iiiii Feversham, Ont. Fall and Winter Goods Now is the time to prepare for Winter. We have a full line of Flanellette and Wool Blankets, Comforters, grey and white Wool Sheeting Jii8t arrived, now Plaid Dress Goodsâ€" some e.s- |)eeially {,'ood for .school dresses â€" All wool Ser<?<^s in blue, l)la{k and wint;, etc. All pure wool Blanketing for Chil I en's Coats, 54 inches wide, colors red and w) i e, $3.25 a yd. Tlireu hiileiidid viliie.s ill lluri<undy, Drown and TweoJ Coating, f5 75 end i?b a y«rd. trjATS â-  Men'". Cliildreii'.M and I.idi.s' Winter Cunti. Swoator Ci.ils, Si»e«lerH, Men's cheeked Mschino Coals. HILKSâ€" Fvery ahndo frnm |2 23 to 9i » ynrJ. F. G. KARSTEDT. Flesherton Small Ads. FOU SAI.K Fur S lieâ€" Good till- e year old hoaiy lioiae, biiiko (Imil.lu or biii>;le. Iltruld liner, Fle^herll'll For Siil.i- tjrade Oxtnrd ram, nhear- liiijj ; a'wi fiinr l'hoi) ewcH to let onHliarei Apply lo Loiiiu KtIi'Ii, Maxwell. Horses Fvr Saleâ€" On loo 7, o u 4, .Arteinosi.i, temn hemy horso.-", 2 ui'irea ill foal and fo'il by .sido-l team h^;. d Hn# I team yniin.'. Apply to Noil Cuihoik', Ceylon, Ont. For Salt- (Jri'cery, Kloiir and le^d. Sued and Grain biniiiesf for sale. Ileii.'on for sellint; â€" Koii « into 1 li« u'lrHK'* biisine.ss. Apply at oniT to U. D.'wn &. .Son, liox G."), Fio-,hoitoii. F'or Side cheap and en easy term.", Ij'> I l.j, omi. II, OsDv.'v. llO'icres. Tliii i I H tils! el.tss firm and it. ji on'-d ^t.ile o' 1 ciiltivalinii. (lood bank barn and new , frame dwelling. Apply co H. .1. Spr.iule I Flesherton I Clover honey, moie ivli.^Iesoum and nutritious I linn fiiiit. No niidilleiiian'.s profits. Price and i|iiiilitv right. Wo iVi.-e iiM'ly a lo.i vei , I'la' â-  ynr ord' r l»-f.i'<> i' I.S to I laie. <j .â- . SV. tjiHlmir, Fluguiiia. MISCKLL.A.NKOrS A bunch of Le'co.ster nheep to let out on «h»io'. Apply to .\ll>eit .S'ewart, F'lcKliertnn. Choppins; six ('I'ls in the week â€" Griihani liros., Eiii;eira Try Fuveraha.n PiKtiy Flour, the he.'-t or your en ik. All Oiituriu wheir HizheHt p.'ic • for bat '.ei iiid e!/i(i at Graham H ri;s. Fluaenie. .)ime2» Private fun .s to loin III real estate .security a reisoiiable v ite of iii'eient . Apply Ir. I .1 -Spr nl'p, l.t ibprmii sei It 2317 For Service One pmo nred Khorili"rii Hull (inb.t 3G, con, !), Aitoinesia. Terms 81 SO for 8. yradii Mu.nt be piid within 1) iiimitbi date froniiif service. Wan. -K. (i.TUllNKU Boar For Service Ue<:iiiered Chester Whi'e h il' for ervico Kt U.ick Mills. Tl.n fith'r won first at rliicisio Fair. Tirni'* 81. oO dec .^1'.) ~I .SMITH Prop. Magnet Cream Separators I •ipiire â- ;oHls--iie Inlii'ii ; dnibl" Mippmiiil I oivl â€" einiiot loci'; perfect sUiinmer â€" one piece ; easy to iiiiii II eiii'd cin iip.Tal ; e panlj eh ui.eâ€" â-º^ivu'< the biiici ;t."i!ll)u'; patent I rake^ • -MMiinel,' piteiit ; f liinii;, li^inl e. Iisi I uctiini --iiiechaiiiial y C' iieet ; saiiitiiiy sl'.iliii'r â€" ijiTiii piiiaf ; ea.>.y i.i elMiii-a clulil cliMi.." 1' i|i H f,'H niii.iites, G. B. Wclton Flesherton, Ont. BUSINESSCARDS Societies OKINCK AHTHUU l.ODUB, No. MS.A.F.A ~ A M, luesta iu the Maaonlo hall. Arm B'TonRH lUooa KloHhartou, eTory l''riilay ou or bBlore the full nicu. '1. Henry W, M. T. lllttlmly. Hecrotary. Dentistry Dr B. C MURRAY I.. D. R , dental anrgeon U' unrRraduate o( Toronio Uuiviiralty and '\i.yal CulliiKn ol Uontal KiiiKuoiiB ot OuUrlo, Uaa adtuliinistsred tor tenth eXtraotlOD dice at reiidenos, Toronto BUeet. Flstberton. Medical Tf^r \V..I. Henry, M! ll„ sra-luatout Pucultx ^•^ of Medioino, Toninti) I'liiveimly, oltlee â€" Ur. ijlttle'a late raiiilanoii, Kloheiton. I p OTTKWHLIi ' Veterinary RnrgaoD Jraduata ot Oatatto Teterlnary Oollaga realdenoe â€" aeoond door aontb WMtlOD luary itreet. Tbli itreet roii ouUi Preabytetlau Obnroh, Legal I Ut'^AB, HANET ft hENUY-Barriitera. ^ riolloltorB,eia.-I. II. Luoaa, K. O,; W. H, Raney, K. C.; W. D. Henry, ». A. Offloaa, roronto, HOeo Tiadori Hank lUdg,, phone main Uia: Markdalel.uoaa Klook, Phone a A. Hranoli office at Ouadalk o(>an every Saturday. WHIOHT, ft TRLFOKD, itarrleter, Rolicl. torn, fto. Otllces, (Irev Jt lirnce lllock, Owon Hound. Htandaid Hank < okJPIesber ton, (Baturdaya). W, II. Wright, W, P, i'ellord Jr. BUSINE.SS Cards nni. KAITTINO, Icanaed Anctloneer to» '» the couutlea o( drey and Himooe. Farm and RIook aaloB a Hpecialty, Terois iiocUrato. naliefaotlou fiiaraiittod. Arrange- eeuts tor datea may bo made at the Advanoe >tll( ti, or reulial telei'hoiio oO;eo I'uvurabam ir liyadrtreaninn me at Kevoraltaui, Ont. A Mel'HAir, l.tcensod Aiiotlnnoe fpi n,e l'- foinitv of (hey. Tirma niod.aato and -alli mitien KBanii.teeil. 'liie aiiantonieiit* nnd iiatiin et i^ilcseiii bo nmilo at I'liE AnvAiie â-  oinoe. IleaMvUceaud !'.().. lev leu, Telei>lione conueetioii. Uoo. o, 70 How to say 'No!' M£rk Your Ballot with an X after Each Question under the word "No" An yoM In faveur of the aale of light â-  â€" r oantaMliia •«•• a Ml are t»an twa antf nftyena eMe.hundreotha par ean^ aMaliaf walslit meautre ttireush Oovernmont aKetwIaa and aiiMn*- enanta *• The Ontaria Temperance Act ta w af wit* ausH aalat are yeu In favour of the eale of iisht beer containing no* 3flnore than two ana Afty-ono ono.hundrodtho oor conC alcohol welsht meaoupo in slandard hotels In local munlclpaUltleo that toy a mjjor.ty vole favour euch ealo and amendmente ao The Oitarlo Temporanco Act to permit such sale? ^ jg Are yeu In favour of the sale of epirHwoue antf fnalt l/A llquora throuKh Oovornment •â- enoies an« amenOmtnta t* I ^^ The Ontario Temperance act to permit euek aalaf Above is an exact reproduction of the Referendum ballot, showing the correct way to Vote in order to sustain the Ontario Tem- perance Act as it stands. â- -© Everybody should study the four questions and realize exactly what they mean. Do not be misled by the insidious demand for "light" beer. ^*fttThe beer of the ballot is 1 18% stronger than the Ontario Temperance Act now allows, and over five times as strong as the limit allowed for beer defined as non-intoxicating in Great Britain and the United States. Answer Each Question 1. Unless you vote on every question your ballot \jfs, is spoiled. 2. You must mark your answer to each ques- tion with an VX'I only. Anything else would spoil your ballot. 3. Unless a majority vote "No" on question 1 the bars will be restored and the sale of all kinds of intoxicants permitted.' 4. Unless a majority vote "No" on questions 2, 3 and 4 the Ontario Tem-^ perance Act will become almost worthless. 5. The only SAFB course is to mark your ballot as shown above. 'No!-Four Timcs-N6!" No repeal; No government beer shops; No beer siJoons; No goveriunent whiskey shops. â€" Four X's, each under the word "No.*' Ontario Referendum Committee I JOHN MACDONALD, Chairman D. A. DUNLAP; Treasurer ANDREW S. GRANT; Vice-Ckairman and Secretary (lOO; Excelsior Life Bldg., Toronto) 55 ^^v^ Lefâ€" Ontario^s Golden , Continm '.e -PERFORMANCEâ€" PROMISE IF we hoTe given worthy servios (luring the try in(j time of war, may we not be reiisd upon to serra the nation faithfully and ncll in hastening the time of still i;reater prosperity and happiness? As we luivo bci^iin, so we nill continue; fearless in the cis-jhargo (.f duty and ever alert in tiie i.trvice to the pc<ip!e. Conscioos of our shorti-orainrfs, nnd grateful for the opportunities we have had to terTe our Frovineo, wo stihiiiit our record with confidence to the elector., for their consideration and approval, Olid ask from a united people a mandate to carry on the (jcverr.mcnt of this Province. WAR WOUK Opt.ifio gave in men 2.1J.8 '.' ; in coiUrihiitinnH $S4.5JJ.1SS; to \'ictt>ry htaiis $5-t0.465,35O. On- tario pitiviilfil 50 per Cfiit. of Canada's war ctTirt. T il c Ontario ('.i)Virnineiit siiciil in war wurU {.VI- ilO.OOO.O'fO: ina<ntaiiii (1 in l-!n«lanil tlif mo»t oiiicirnt miiiliuy lu*-i'.ial ill Iv.iri'pi- ; furn- istu-il club )tuu^t.-s for tlie s*»UIif r» in l.onilD'i and ^ali^; niaili- (jift^ of food and Kuni lo tlit- Mother Cutintry ; inatic large grants to Ihi- Hriti-^h Red Cross, IVlRiiini. Sfrliian r.-liff antt titlur wouliy patriotic ohjicts. On- tario's war offoit has iiiadc th" iianii' of On- firiu rp'^oufiil ia every corner of the wurld* KOUCATION Ontario's ciiucational system is dcslj^npd to proviile tlic most efficient tiainiiij; possible for the lioys and nirU who arc to become the future citi- rens of th*' state. Under the Icadci^hip of the Mini-ter i.f l-Mincativin no oxpeiidit-.irp ha.i heen de- nied to acctiinplish tbi^ pnrpo.se. ('emrou-t pranti have been made for agri- cult urn I, technical and vocational training: re- turned Mihliers are en- couraged to enter the teaching profe^Aton; feacher>;' salarJo have bft-n iniseil and a yuper- annuation scheme inaug- urated. Thii year nearly $4,000,000 will be spent on education in Ontario. HVDUO-ELIiCTRIC Hydro is to-day the uij^t extensive public- uv. iu'r>!iip cuttrprise of ils kind in the world. Since it-* inception Ilydro- Klectr* ha;* saved to th: consumers o f _ electric power in Ontario over fitly tnillion I ot dollars. 1 1 vdro iK-.nlace.-i amiiialiy ."^ 000,000 toii-i ot" co.;i. 1 1 vdro develops and dis- tiibutcs 350.000 horse power to over J30 muui- ci]»alities, 175.000 do- mestic consumers and 6,000 customers for power. The Queenston- Chippewa undertaking will i»n cal dev 'vcl6pment of 400,- 000 horse power, and the prospective ultimate dc- velopnient in the whole Province is over 1.000,000 horse power. AGIUCL'LTUKE The agricultural indus- du^tly in Oni.iria ii in a pi\v porous and thriving Condition. Appropriations in 1^04 amounted to $lr.^0O^:); in V'V). $1,675,- (li)J. l.a.st year t^ie value of the farm products ot* Or.tiiiio was $5.'^0,000,000, anil the value of the com- Itiv.od farm assets wa* toie and a I'oU" biUijii d ilbis. Within the last tlirce yeaii.s t.n thousand farm mortgase* have been paid off. Kncour- agement has been extend- ed to every branch of the industry, education ha-i been fostered, and social conditions have been improved. Agricul- ture has receive the "ear- nest and unremitting at* tention of the Govern- ment.'* FINANCB Tn 1904 the income of Ontario was $4,464,000; in 1*>U it was $11,1^8,- 302; in 1913 it was $19.- 270. k2J. This has been accomplished without re- sorting to direct taxation â€" apart from the war tan, which has been repealed. Out of this revenue the (iovrrnment has returned to the people in larger grants, $3,807,000 for Kducation; $1,676,235 for Agriculture. The public services have heen en- larged and ample grants have enahleM important public dntio< to be under- taken. HIGHWAYS Cood roads add wealth and comfort to rural life. The highway improve- ment programme of the Ontario (Government is applied to both urban and rural districts. .\ com- plete system of roads, in- cluding provincial roads, provincial county roads, county roads and town- ship loads with a mileage of 12.500 miles, has been worked out and will be constructed. The entire motor licenie revenue, with A large amount add- ed, will be spent annually on this work. LABOR Ontario's industrial lead- ership in Canada has been maintained by broad and etTective labor laws. Un- der the Workmen's Com- pensation Act $10,000,000 has been paid out in awards. Special safe- guards have been provid- ed for female and child labor. A minimum wage in Ontario is assured, and â-  direct representative of Labor will sit in the Cab- inet. Free empfoymenl agencies have been es- tablished, and technical education baa been en- couraged. HEALTH Ontario's public health service is not eacelled oa the continent Public hralth education, child wrllare, sanitary engin- eering acrvicc, and the free distribution of anti- toxins and ?^cn*m5 hav« conserved lite and pre- vented epidemic, A scheme of pensions for mot he r a is to be estah* lishcd. The Provincial Hoard of Health supplied all the typhoid vaccine used by the Canadian troops in the war. This feature of the work has brought about a saving of over $100,000 a year to the people of the Pro- vince. A& 8 war meaaure the Ontario Temperance Act was so passed, suspending for the duration of the war the retail tnle <*f liquor. The promiiie was fiven that as soon as the war was.orrr the whole ()uestioh of the character of the liquor lefiisUtion of Ontario would he suhmitted to the pcopts by Hefcreadum, and th# ivill of the people would prerail. Thl$ Pfmi%0 is uqw hint! fulJilUd. PROMISE \ W

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