Flesherton Advance, 16 Oct 1919, p. 5

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October 16 1919 THJi! FLESH EKTON j^DVANC \ \J PROGRESS can only be assured by looking ahead and preparing for it. Farmers â€" by exercis- ing foresight in raising cattle, hogs and other readily sale- able products â€" can add to their worth. This Bank aids and encourages every kind of agricultural operation. ^ THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA FLESHERTON BRANCH GEO. MITCHELL. Manager C. p. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fleshercon Station as ollows : Going South Going North 7.53 a. in. 12.01 p.m. 4.27 p.mr 9.18p. m. The mails are ossd at Fleaherton sc- â- follows : For the north at 10.40 ».m.aad 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous ev'g. VICINITY CHIPS Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mies Margaret Pennell of Toronto spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Thurston. Mr. L. Brothtrell is. visiting at hii home ill Pitt Hopa Mrs H. Griffin of Alton visited he'' mother, Mrs. Wilcock. Mrs. Frank Duncan will ba at home on Thursdays after Oct, 16th. Mr Wes. Armstronz is taking a -course in an automobile school at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. O. Erickson of Caldwell, If. J., are visiting tl;e litter's mother, Mrs. S. Uoy. Miss Dell Thurston of Cooksville and Mrs. T. Brady of Mansfield .«pent Thanksgiving at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Chatles McTevish and children of ' )shawa spent Thanksgiving with Mr. aiid Mrs. D. McTavish Mrs. W. Turney, who has been visiting her husband at Echo Bay, returned home last wtoU. Ml. and Mts. Will Ciossley of Tiuonto sptut Thanksgiviiig with the former's parents liere. They have recently removed fmm Moojejuw to Toront •. Miss Katherine Swift and friend, Mr. Patterson, and Mrs. Swift and sor, Beaumont, of Toronto, motored up and •pent Thank Sigiviug with friends hero. Dniida'k hi</h school bisehiU team oame up on Tuesday evening cf last Week and were ag^in easily defeattd by the high school here. The score was 12 to 2. Wm Widera in, lot 21, cm. 8, Osprey, r.cir Fevershaiij, will ho!d an auction sale of f.iru) 8'oc'c and implem nt?, on Friday. Oct. 17. See large bills. Win . Kaitttng, auctione.'r. Thsre will be a mseting at Eugenia on Friday, Oc'. 17th, in -the interests o Geo. M. Lee?on. the U. F. O. Candida' a for South Off y. Mr. Leeson and othei.* wilt apeak. Mr. Patterson of the Metchtuts B.iuk was C'dled to his home in Merriton laat week owing to the serioui illness of his imothe', who paiaed away an iinur after bis arrival. There ii only one train a day between the Junction and Walkecton and that is now at nicht, tho morning train having Wen out off. A train comei over i u meet the doirn train in the evsuing aLd rfelurniafler arrival of the night iraio Ther* will be a public meeting in the intcreat of Dr. Jamienon, the Liberal Conservative candidate, in the town ball, Fleihertou, on Thur8d.iy evening at 8.0O o'clock. Norman Soinerville o Toronto, Dr. .Janiiesuu and others wil' â- peak. Amsng the Tlnnk'siv iug visitors in tdWn wtre : Mr. and Mrs. Hoil) Sini h an 1 family and George Mitel ell of 0«eii Sound ; Adda Wiight of Uoltcu ; Mrs T. Brady of Man^tic'd ; Chas. Mosioi-of New Toionio ; Eila LcOard, 0. True- man, F. Bunt, Hi'rh l.eGard and hidy fiientl, Dr. Frod .Murray, Mr. and Mis. J. Wiilifiuis, Mrs. Kz White, Mis. \^, Dickson, Ku>y Rat'cy;' J.-ick Duncan, Bertha Monow mhI lliztl Ileiirv, all of Totunti). The Ladies Aid of Maxwell Preaby- terian church will bold their annual fowl aupLMr on Tuesday, Nov. 4. Sea bills tjt particuUts, The publio tchool teachers attended the teaclieri' convention at Thornbury Thuisdiiy and Friday of last week, and, as usual, had a atorniy time of it. Mr. .Jack Cair'ngto i, wbj has been clerking in Uickting':! store for some time, left last week to accept a position in Toronto. The Ladits Aid of Fleaheiton Presby- terian church will give a fowl sup^ei in the school room of the church on Fiiday evening, Oct. 24. Admission 50 and ;i")c A credit sale of farm saock, implements and household furniture will be held on lot ;j, con. 4, Euphrii-ia, on Wednesday, Oct 22, the properly of Mr. Wm. Sloan, who is moving to California. See large bills S.ile at 12 o'clock. Wm. Kaitting auctioneer. Mr. Leeson, the V. F. O. candidate for South 'jrey, held a meeting in the town hall on Thursday evenin.; which was well attendee* considering the poor way in which it was advertised. The Advance man did not know of iho n.eet- iiig uotil it wa.s in progress. Mr. John Boland of Vandsleur occupied the chair. Tho speakers were Mr. Leeson, Mr. Pritchard of Minto and Mr. Harry Shaw o: Attemesia. &?a kdale had a hummer of a fall fair on Wednesday of last week, whei. a record breaking crowd attended. Tho proceeds, wo understand, ran up to bitween twelve and thirteen hundred dollars, which is also a record in this county fcr a one day show. The day was an ideal one for an outing, and the whole countrysidb took advantage of it. We have received several interesting communications this week on U. F. O. and Referendum matters which we would like very much to publish, but it is impossible to gat them into type for this wjek, and next issue would bd ralher Ute. If any of the writers would like to h>ve their articles go ne-^tt week, how- ever, they may notify us to th»t effect and we will publish them. Mr. Berry of the power housa explains to The Advance that tho only trouble (hey have had at the power house racent- ly was on Monday night of last week. All other trouble was owing to the town not keeping up its own repairs. He also says that on s^jveral occasions they have sent trouble men out to assist mereiy as a matter of courtesy. The dithculty appears to be that we have ujt got an electiical man to look after the plant inside the ccrpora'ion. Meetings by Mr. Carmichael UoUand Centre Oct. 7 CUrksbui-g Oct 10 Meafoicl Oot. 11 Fi'vershaia Oct. 13 Bavenna Oct. l(i Rucklvn t'ct. 17 Markdale Oct. 18 Siiighampton Oct. JO Waieham Oct. 14 Mr. Carmiehael will endeavor to attend these niei-t;ui;3 in person, otherwise local or outside person.s will be employed. Meetings at 7 oO p.m. O, her local iiu-etings will a'so be held throusjhcut the riding addressed by Mr. Carmichael or local speakers. Opposition speakers are respeclfulJy invited to attend the^^e meetings. Farm For Sale 200 acres, bein^ lots 1. con. f, and lot 1, con. 0, Osprey. G.iod biiildiHiis on ench farm, a good w.-ll on each with windmill on one, water in barn and house, a yood orchard on oach farm, well fenced with wire ana rails, in good state of cultivation. For terms and particulars apply to D. W. CLINTON, 31 Erindtle Ave , o 16 Toronto. PoHce ViUage Of Priceville Bylaw No. 1«, 1919, of the Township of Artemesia To take the vote of ih,) ratepayers of the Police Village of IViceville entitled to vote on money bylaws, on a <|UeHtiim to be submitted wiiei Iter tho said ratu- ptyers are in f >vor of a supply of el'^ctric power .'rom the Hydro Klectric Power CommisHiou of Ontario. WIIEREAS, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of .\[temesia deem It advisable to submit to the r.Uepayera of the said Police Vilhu/e of Piiceviile entitled to vote on money bylaws a iiue.stion as to whether the "aid ratepayers are in favor of a supply of electric power from the Hydro Eeciric Power ConiinisKJon of Ontario. THEREFORE, the Council of the Corporation af the Township ot Arte- mesia enacts as follows : 1 â€" Tliat the following ijuestions be submitted to the ratepayers of the Municipal & rporation of the Police Village of HiiceviUu entitled to vote on money bylaws : j Are you in favor of obtaining from the [Hydro E'ectrie Po-^er Commission of j Ontario a supply of electric power / I 2 â€" That the vote of the said ratepayers {shall be taken on this question at the following times anJ places and by the Deputy Returning Othcers and Poll Clerks he.reinafter mentioned, that is to say, on Friday, the Thirty-First Day of October, A.D. 1919, at Wat^son's Hall in the Pi lice Vilb ge of Piicaville, com- meucing at the hour of nine o'clock in the fori noon and continuing until live o'clock in the afternoon, by Peter F. McArthur, Det)uty Returning nt}icer,and William G. Witson, Poll Clerk. ;5 â€" A true co[ y of this Bylaw shall be published in the following newspapers on the days hereinafter mentioned, that is to say : In The Flesherton Advance, a new.spaper published at Ihe Village of Flesherion in the said Township of Artemesia in the issues of Ihe said newspaper of October nineth, sixteenth and twenty-third respectively. And a copy of this Bylaw shall be posted at the Post Othce, McVicar's Hotel, Karstedts Store and McLean's Store. 4â€" On the 24th day of October, A.D. 1919, at Watson's Hall in the Village of j Priceville at ten o'clock in the forenoon, I the Reave will in writing signed by him appoint two persons to attend at the tiual suiumina' up of the votes by the Clerk of ths Township anf one peraou to attend each pOUi.ig place on behalf of the per- 'sons interested in and desirous of the janawering of the f-aid ijuestion in tho jatttrmative, and a like number on behalf I of ttie persons interested In and desirous if the answering of the .said question in I the n-gative, respectively. ' 5â€" The 3lst day of October. A.D. 1919, at the .said Watson's Hall in the I Village of Priceville. at tire o'cK-ck, is hereby appointed for the summina up by ithe Clerk of this Township of the number of voles given in the affirmative and in the negative respectively. Made, passed and enacted this 4th day of October, A D 1919. T. R. McKE^/IE, Reeve W. J. BELLAMY, Ckrk NOTICE TAKE NOTICE the ;.»ove is a true copy of a b)law passed by the Muui:;ipal Council of 1 1.0 rownship of .Vitemesia on the 4th d^y of October, A. I). 1019. AND FURTHER T.AKE NOTICE that at the himr, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes cf the electois the pols will be hold. First publif-atiou the iiinelh day of October. 1019. -W. J. BELL.\MY, Cltik. Township Hall, ihis 4th day of Ootobi-r. 1919 //:^^^^^^^^^^Sui2;^^^£i^^2^:^^-^^' '^C2^ii£Sti2j, Seasonable Buying Suggestions New Silks For Fall Yaid wide Taflfetas, Paillettes. Ducbcsse and CLarmeuse iu black, taupe, navy, French blue, myrtle, uij^gftr, burgundy and grey. Habulais in white, rose, mais, apricot and sky for evening wear. Prices from $1.00 to $3.75. Georgette Crepes and Crepe de CLeue in all the popular shades. Some special values in silvertoue coatings iu individual coat lengths. A special all wool serge iu a broadcloth duisb, 5-t iachea wide iu six popular colors, Price S4.75per yard. Ladies' sfylish furs, stoles, scarfs and muffs in fox, wolf, coon, sable, Persian iamb and lynx. All reasonably priced. Slanlield's Unshrinkable Underwear for men'andiwomen. Full range of sizes and quahties. Stylish Tweed Ilaincoats for young men. Prices from 810.00 to §25.00. Men's All Wool Coat Sweaters, plain and fancy weaves, dependable yarns and good colors, brown, navy, maraon, myrtle, grey and slate. New patterns in Congoleum Eugs and four yard wide Linoleums All specially priced. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT in chaage of Miss Greer, a very capable and e.xperienc- ed milliner. Satisfaction assured with every purchase. A big selection on display and novelties arriving every few days. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON. ONTARIO [â-  < m ^^^^,^J * ,^ ' rLK}? -. y '. .^^ ^r^'^^^^^ New Blacksmith Shop At Maxwell am opeiiius uii atouce, a blacksmith, iug and woodworking business in Max- well, and am instaUiag up-to-date wood- working machiueiy. It will be my en deavor to servo the public in a satisfac- tory manner and I would solicit patrol â-  aee. I want yourwork and will do it right. 7 .\pril 1 CHESTER LONG MAIL CONTRACT SEALKl) TENOKK.S ••i.Mresseii ta th« I'osti.iaster (.leneial will bi- rtceive.i at Ottinva until n.n.n on Kriilay, the 31st of October, Ittlll, for thi- Lunveyance of His Majesty's Sl.iils. on a propniied Contract for four yi'ars, si\ tinu-s iwr week on the route KIMBERLEYK. H. 1 (via He.athcote) from the Postmaster lu-neiivls pleasure next. Printed notices containing blither informa- tion aa to eoiiditiims of projHtsed coutracti may be seen and blank forms uf Tender may be ubt»iiieii at the Pose OtSca of Kimbeiley, Ueathoote. and at the oHice of the Post Office Inspector, Toronto. A. SCTUERLAXD. Post Office Inspector Post Office Inaiiector's Office, Toronto, Sept.. lt>th, 1919. Farm For Sale A 50 aeie farm for sale on the Bast Back Line, A) temaaia, 3rd grange, north half of lot VS-. On ^ibo premises there is a i(ood frame barn 40 .1 50 feet ; a small frame houce ; a good drilled well hen house. For particulars apply on |Kemi8«<<, J H HOLL£Y, Fleeborton :;'* 24 Years the same "good" tea REDROSE TEA'is good tea Sold only in sealed packages P â-  I s 126 Political Meetings In Centre Grey HON. I. B. LUCAS and others will ^ adJressIpublic rneetinss as follows ; RAY1;NNA, Monday even'ng, Sep- tember 2'X KIMBERLEY, Tuesday evening, j September iSO. BERKELEY, Weauesdiy evening, : October 1. '' THORNBURY-CLAR K S B U R 0, , Wednesday evening, October IJth, Clarksburg Anuouiies. | MEAFORD, Sitviidiy afteiuoor, ; October 4, a": tour n'clook. HEATHCOTE, Saturday evening, j Ooiober 4. ) ME.AFORD, Thursd.iy evening, O^o- I ber 'Jth. ; FEVKllSBAM, Friday evening, j Ov;tober lUth. | ROCKLYN. Saturday evening, Octo- | ber 11. I HOLLAND CENTRE, Monday eve., ' October 13. I WALTERS FALLS, Tuesday eve , ; October 14. SING HAMPTON, Friday evening, October jrd. HON. H. .J. CODY, Mitiisler of! Edu';!itiou, will also addre.ss tho Meaford i mealing on Thursday evening, October 9lh. All evenin2 meetings op n (it 7 30. ITALIAN HAHl'ER.S will play pro gram before each nieetinij. Everybody welcomeâ€" Ladies especially invited. Ikvwis Morris ).v, Pres. Liberal-Conservative .-V^sociation GODS.WE THE KINO HOBBERLIN nade=to-Measure CLOTHES FOR MEN Smart in Style Correct in Fit Masterful in Workmanship New Fall Styles and Samples WM, PATTISON, Agent CEYLON, ONT. THE HOUSE OF HOBBErtLIN LI.MITED TORONTO. C.\NADA • ••• ::::::::::::::::::;:• ••••••••••::::i:i:::::::::::::sii: â- â- Â«â- â€¢â€¢â€¢>••â- â€¢*••««••«• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••â- J;;. i^ail rSlARDWARE Mofltat Stoves and Ruuses, Tortoise Heaters, Stovepipes, Elbows, Dampeis. Sherwiu Williams Paints and Varnishes. Red Star Washing .Machines, Bob Long Mitts and Glovef, Glass, Patty. Also the new Sbarploa Suction Feed Cream Separator. Any member of the family can turu aad skim oleau at any speed. 381,::: mi';!:: •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• SOLID LEATHER PLOUGH BOOTS Just the kiiul for hai'tl wear and soliJ comfort for spring and summer wear. TKY THEM. Suit Cases and Trunks If in need of a Suit Case or Trunk call and got want supplied. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO S£ •••• •••• •••• maâ€" E • •• 9Sr .••• ••ItJJttJtti***!"*''' !"••• ••• >»^»^» «**« <»«...yi«7« ^tr House and Lots or Sale F.W.DUNCAN ELLIOTT A veiy conveniently located fru-no | house on stone wnU, wi h six rooms;! two lot!>, iz'iod water in woodshed, barn. ' i'ouge and Charles Streets, Toronto _ - , drivinit shed, curr«iit bushes and some I . .• » . B Phone 24rll Flesherton « fruit trees. Lois 5 tvnd lO. block D, ] B;nJ"y an excellent reputation for " * Kleshertou Apply to | high grtide business traMimg and foe Farm Wanted | Uive location, ft.-reaie, condiiuu of I Imd and outbuiUl'n;s, ni(irti»i«cb if any, , and odsli nrico. S nd replie>* to The Advaiiee, Flesherton. H.MIMON RADLEY, Flesherton, «r 92 Beverley St , Toronio. Came Astiay placing gra<ju<«te<; in good positions. I Enter any tine. Write for our iCa'a'osue. W. J. ELLIOTT. Prlncipal Cattle Came Astray BOAR for SERVICE I Came to the proDiiaes of the un.it;., CmK- ti> i!;e premises of tlie under- sinned . n or alv.ut the liist of .June \\»*, ;si;4m.-il. 1. 1 I7» i»nd 17'.». S W T S K. cno yonrliut! ho fer. The owner 'â-  , Attenu'siii. *! oir IJept. 13, e.'^t. joiicg PiireliK d Tiimworth Bcur fur serfico tPiinested to prove propoi:y, pay l' 9 jc-itlle. 'Iho owner in rinueitti'd to ) royo I' 1 lot U>7, .S \V T iind S E , .Vrlouicsin,. I expenses uid take Hame away jpro'.ipnv. pay expenses and t.ike th« r,r!n«--?'1.0O. { --JAS. T. MoKE>'/,lE, F«\etjl:am. samea«ay. O. lUNDLE. Fcblo !) â€"T.J. STlNSON.Prop. [Lot 12. on. IJ, Osprey. ' SepfJi R U 3, rroion

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