Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1919, p. 2

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iSovFii keeps the Food i^lt^r^ g^tn^-^^rV^ \Ul.,-allyonrsoiipsari(»stewsm6fe Mi)li*:» ili^Wfll .,ourisbin« with liovr.l. It takes Miake IV iwltltf of Hovril. '\hv l)"dy- â€" w u j.dM ul iieel IniiKliiif; |o«er R!iio;ilit uikc;!. of Boviil IS tr«iin l«n '.o twenty times; tlm Hovril means luoie strength- -less coHt. Explorers of the town By MAZO DE LA ROCHE. "PicJdng" With Bonos. foBif y -irE iigo. 311 ohf KnirHsb laiy, o»>eerv:ng her (kivernnifut Bonds t" bv prtiited on ?<t-ff 'wr*-''. "**â- '' fh«n» '«> • haik lip" i' iiuiH sflio war in iking: â- J lie (Jovemnitrnt. whon tli'j li/ne for conversion eumc. round. !!!!<i!?ted on havins the qiiilt. li; onirr t) pay up; .r^rC^ oroQDS I-et's Tciu-li (iir!s Courafre. II. I was sinking: his mcrning â- T â- â-  â- â-  then ruvhiiiK .-.junil, a.s of stron}; diotuibed by The Seraph,^ ^^'"8": our- hair was lifted fram our! sonjj. It was a'"'''' fureheads, and the pi'.^emcnt rat-; tuticU'Ks drone, yet not unmusical. AI- ''^d on it^ hinges. way.s the first to crpen his eyes in thej This win.!, that came from the' nioriiinK, he bepan hi-s> day with a .«ort wings of niffht, was sharp with the, , ^ ^^ , , , „,.„,â- â€žâ€ž] , „ , , . of .^aga of his exploits of the dav be- frafe'rance of heather and the sea. One '•»<!>â- â€¢ ''scd the.-,e bonds for coyering i jn^., vi-^rsUip ScharnJiortt. fore, usually meaningle.-s to us, but;fanfipd how it would surge through ; J:i'nPots. ^nd, after havmg m;u.e^ !i^r ^ bo'.ng t:ilic:i o>!t by tho 0: i ar,d Ihiti i;<80 ser«<"i well to remind I \\\\r Uoiid liolifers and others to be ' careful with their ;;crlp^â- . A furthor 8oni»>what ar.iuslug in- slnnoe of (ho iiso made of precious I papers i- ;uat of a holder of some i Dutch Uonds "to bearer." .*ibout sixty year.i ago, the owner. :i provincial I Qxaniple bonds for covering M^ny vl-Utcr-' Ij I..' udcii. 'v W, i. .:i ' \Vh:ti. ^lall aii'i never Bee a tt '1 fcii^ unfrpi the -fiaJa of tile V.'nr Q^i.: ; which (.li.lidi;"! : oiiie of tho r.iO:; !;;- i terfstins relics of Eiiti-.h li'rtji-v- -..^.i ia I.ondun writer The hiii;d:r;)E i;< IIh! ; H'.val United Ser.ic? la.itilnCon, f(, i!\de(l in "'S"-'?. ind pl^'oj (I'iKiriol'y in Vaiibiirg Iloiis';. Varlou' n ::':?is >.orn 13 a in oftei of vrhich nov.' i.^ I • r.i.ed in ti e bauqneting hnll of the old Whitohall I'lilace. neccntly' ihcro have l;eci lnti--;-c. t- ing addiliciij ta these ^esiiil.;t-.. Kcr thp Ger- 'hiii was- ^ ^ --^- „_ _ riiains to fraught with color frorn his own pecu-' the dim ai.sles of cathedral-like for-' jam, she would trim the edges of the ! ^^.p^nan Ra?.! .\frifa In he \'.o\\v. ?n a liar sphere. At laiit he laujirhed out- i ests, ruffling the plumage of drowayj precious "stock" iniite freely with h^'' i gioct cxhibCf; .n tj 1ai;>ress l:c -..' five.* right, a Jovian laugh, at some rem- 1 birds, stirring the surface of some â-  scissors. The dlvideuds were pai'i re- i ^.({j, ,(,e sl;:e of the mighty Oj^ennan uch easier to sew on panel frontfi, embcred piaiik-anii I rubbed my eyes | dark pool where the trout still slept,' guiarly and came to full conociousness. The and making sibilant music .'inui-ig the 6un was .slanting through the shutters. ' drooping reeds. v Where, oh where, was the Dawn? | The sky had now become delicately I turned to luok at Angel, He was ' luminous, and a streak of saffron staring at the slanting beam and ; showed above the farthest roofs; a uprto 1.S86, however, for it i negt xhe ship was tiunk, anU our V .1 , u I „-„or>: yokes, belts, trimming braid, etc., if ^ swearing ijoftly, as he well knew how. | flock of little clouds huddled together .N>-w that women have been K'^en^j^^ ^^^.^^^ ^^^ ^^ ,^j^ nat.-Mrs. T.| ..We'll simply have to try again," I "b^^'e this, like timorous sheep at McK. i I said. "But however are we going to : &.^''-«- The white star hung just above the vote and have pushed their way. To Prevent Nee<lles from Kusting.- into practically every occupation oncoj supposed to be exclusively tnasculiue,! ^^^^.,^^ ^,,,,^ ^^^t Ive jcen woi:.iering if it wouutn t ne *> ' ' . .. a good thing to make the early train- ing of our daughter seems that she took good care of most I jf^.gj..^ eventually ."alved th;' in'idel, of the lionds. and sent in the delai-h- j ^.-jij^j^ ^y^g found to be covere.I with able parts for fresh coupons. i baruades. .•\n!)thcr mode! Is Ih.it of When, however, the old lady rti<-'<l. j jjn<> yf our own latest battleships, ac- the peculiar fact.5 were revealed; fcr, j ,.j,^^)i^ jj, every detail, upon the relatives sending in the | q-^e \'.C. pigoon is ui; o in the ej;h;- bonds for conversion, the old lady's I jjjjion. This bird was hit by a bullet, , put in to-day?" ' The problem solve<l we give eur sons. For if men and %vo- ,. ,, ,, ' near, it seemed to us who watched. ! them „ „ . , . itself as all; ing is to place them in booklets made problem.-: will, and the day passed, i .u ^ from the waxed paper that comes following the usual landmarks of por-j , , - r ^u , , the same as that ^^^^^^^^ crackers. Damp weather ridge, arithmetic, spelling, scoldings, i a^;;^yJ°,.j^„xj>J«ie every _c^^^^ I the cobbler's chimney; dangerously own writing wii.-^ identified on some of | ^hi.-ii rji-ove the receptjcfc containing viz: "Slrnwherry Jara- There were only two of us at the first lot^â€" whilst the marks of the window now, for Angel had stolen ring of the jam-pots were left on the i causes needles to n|st, but this pro- ^;hould bo ttnrted olT alike in baby- men are to DC t.n a plane of equality, . , . .. u . 1 1 „!. .L 1 lu . caution- will prevent it. what more rcasciiube than that they ... „ i • „ „.„„ „f n.uao lini- 1 ,, , , , , ,r 11 11' wil eiijdv making some of these Iitti2 booKlcts, and they will last u lon^ itime.- Mr.s. J. J. O'C. Sewing on I-accâ€" When sewing lace on a garment, don't forget that the I'cui-agc DC(^g tne mos: admirable ' ,j,,.^,.j(i ^^ ,},e p^jge ^as put. t'lc-e trait in a man, we start to developing' , ,,.nn«p!v f it in our men-children from eiir!ie.<-t days. Hut physical courage; fMm\?. without the use of a nocdlc given our boys is very dissimilar f rom i t!;at *'c accord our daugliters. rot being so necessary in women, we; mutton, a walk v.-Rh our governess, : ?*"' environment, as was nis custom. Shareholders and investors general- A littlp ..hild '"â- Â«!»'' "'«' butter, jirayers, and the' V^^fV'" "I^J" *"« ?<>" oiMjning and |y have been known to use their cer- A tttie en. II, ^^^^ ^^^,^_ ,^^^^,^^j j.^^,^ ^^^ jshutting of bureau drawers, and once, tjficates, etc. for various purposes- I That night we decided to lie awake j ^nf^'ged in severe manual' laLr °"^ ""^ ^"^ ">"«' «"'«^"^S '^^' '"^^ ^''''' i l°s'1nT;n''^1"J^' '^% 'T^u""''^ r-i. A low whtrtle drTw me to his side, "as yet personally heard of Is that of :es, and speculation about the mystery "What's up'" I demanded ' "â- " unfortunate holder of a largo num- . so soon to be explored by us. j ..^^^ ^^j^ "Jj^tie ^jj t^^^k 'open atj ber of -dud" certificates, which be ! I toid the first story, a long-drawn last," he muttered; "full of women's i stuck all over the walls of his library! , r 1 f.„„ .,„ vnii • '""'â- ?^"''^ °^ shipwreck, mutiny, and junk. Look." I His idea was that, being printed in their ! -'-I""! y -";â-  •', ''"''T- f',-:^l ciln I'rf,"^"^^' 5^"'' « ^l"- sP^nklmg of. Our heads touched as we bent curi-! different colors and containing various t_''':"j can gather the lace to justt.e u?:U, SKeleton.. to keep us broa^^ over the contents. It was a ; .e^,, ,„a .ig,,,,^,^^, u,ey looked quite a hrjt-rate tale, sighed dingy and insiRniflcant box on the the message iu its body. After lyiu.:; wounded all night it â- â- â- tniggled home to the pigeon l"ft the foUowins mnrn- Ing and delivered the uioss?ge. Buy Thrift Stamps. "It was as pretty as wallpaper: and. as they fril to inii.ro.ss it.s desirai.ilily on our, ^.^lon'^na ga.ment where there is a """' ypu told it awfully well, John. If colored' paper", "on" which" nost"gIy"s "of ^^'^''^ ^"orth'ess, they might a. well be ri.<u;;hlcrs. with the result that though ^,o,,„p^ t„ he turned, this gar'noring >,o" ''ke,^y»^^^just tell^another^|stead spring flowers bent beneath the weight stuck on the wall as a lesson to Ins :Tivc at maturity with ^,,^^,jjj ,,omes handy also,--Mrs. K. S "" ...-.-...- - »-.... ,„,i„.,. i„ T, gcme of therr. j'lenty of p!iy?'cal courage, there is a large per cent, who fail to cultivate c.thcr the i;hysical cv moral sort. A group of small children ranging in ages fro:ii two to five weio niaying ii^ the yard ihe othci day. Suddenly the air was rent wit'i thp loud wails o. a two-year-old girl. Dcor? flev/ open and mothers rushed tiiil .""rum a and tiiread. When one is sev.in;': in- Angel, contentcdly.when I had done; outside, but it was lined with a gayly o- mc. Or The Seraph can tell one. of silver butterflies and sad-eyed children not to follow in his footsteps. were full, as The writer has not yet heard if any of thi.t Mary F,;!!»n had stiibbed her toe and fallen down in the grass-. She v;a«n't hurt, not the littlest in.ite, but Go ahead. Seraph, and make, up the cockatoos. The travs ,, , ^ ,,,, , • „ ''«s^ story you know how." ! Angel had said, of "women's things: the share certificates have had to be ; nencnving Vclyet.--When s'oaming The Seraph, important, but sleepy, delicate, ruffly frocks of pink and torn off tho walls! I velvet over a teakettle, insert a tuniisi chmbed over me, so that he might be lilac, and undergarments edged with' ,j ^ â-  in the mouth of the kettle. This will in the middle, and then began, in a 'yellowing lace. A sweet scent rosel spread the steam over a larger <^,-.rl"ace husky little voice. : from them, as of some gentle presence! Quite Suitable. I and tho work will be quickly accom- "Once upon a time there was fwee that strove to reach the light and air! The ladv was buying a gun for ber pHshed.â€" .Mrs, J. J. O'C. • bwothers, all vewy nice, but the young- once more. A pair of little white kid : uttie bov as a present. Pvp<!<;inir Woolin Goods and Silksâ€" '^^'' ,^^'"^ '"^ bwavest an stwongest clippers looked as if they longed to iiesMng ,^^°°'\â„¢X^^^ of the fwee. He wa - as stwong as tw'nkle in and out beneath a soft silk i When pressing a wool fabric oi a piece j^^.^^ ,,^j„g^ ^^, ^^.j, ,.j„ ^ ji^y^gon be-, skirt. forj bv/eakfast, an' never about itâ€"" An,[;cl and I gr.jantl in unison. We jng opera glasses ("treasures to be se-' 'What do you put in it?" asi;ed the could not tolerate this sort of self adulation from our juniDr such a huif dozen hocjcs, 'vhiln older si;;tcrs ^ ^ ^^ u,,,^„„^.,^ ird 'roih.rs from acro.ss the street j i;;^;'';"^ in''oni'er%o"'preveVit"''glos*i kfl Ihc.r ball rv.mc tr. hirry to thel ^^^^^ passing the iron over woolens, re;scuc. Inquiry develor.cd the fact ,jff , ,5,^ ^.j^^^ and brush the nap with .1 stiff brush.â€" Miss Z. I. D. Reinforcing Stockinp;;. â€" A good way , ,, . , , , , , , ."1 to strengthen the children's stockings her mother picked her rp and kissed ij^ ^^ ^^.^^, g,,..,,,^ ,,,.,^,,, „„,,;„ o„ the and hugged h:;r , someone else gavo her. |,i., i,,,;,,^ ^^^ i,^^,,, .,„(, k^ees. It an ai)plc a th r,i premised her an autoj ^j,, ..^^ ,^^^^ _,,„,, ^,;,i treble the life ride-, while everybody b.amed the; ^^ ^^^ ^^^^.^j^j,. ^jyj^g j j q-C. Convenient Rubber-Lined rubber-lined sponge biig is naughty old ground" for bumping the baby. She was made quite a heroine and encouraged to r.ingnifv hor little ills. A half hour later there was a real :-iir;l! cry ^'f fain. It was a Ihree-year. old boy â€"everybody knew in both in- ftancea who war. crying, cries are rs (V.stinctive as voices. 11? had fallen down the steps and cut hiii knee on the concrete v;alk. B'ooil -ran down his Ifg and be r:."\'ly was bur t!ie sam ' commotion? Nobody ran thing to have when traveling, but if you cannot buy one the size you wish, you can make an oilcloth bag. Take u piece of white oilcloth of the re- quired size for the lining, and make the outside of dark cloth or pretty i cretonne. Make the bag in the shape i of an envelope and fasten with a dress I w n -„' snap, or it may be made sciuare and t. Was there ., , .,, , . • m r' o gathered v.-ith a drawstring.â€" M. C. R "I want a really nice one. please," she said to the shopkeeper, be cocky; Angel's mischievous brown hands! "Ves, madam,'' he answered: "how Move among the light folds, discover- will this one do? ing opera glasses (treasures to be se- cured, if possible, against some future customer. Don't be South Sea expedition), an inlaid box: "Just ordinary cai'S. or I have an- ittle beast," we admonished, of old-fashioned trinkets, gold-tasseled, other one hero that shoot.* slugs." and covered his head with a pillow, earrings, a coral necklace, and aj The Uuly looked deligbtod. -ri-e Seraph was wont to accept such, brooch of tortured locks of hair. His „o,, j.^ j.,,^^ ^^,..^ 0^^,-. .^e "x- disciplme at our hands philosophically,^ eyes were dancing above a gauze fan , .;, " , .^ ",t ,v 1 V„ „:,-•*« ^,-inU\l with no unseemly outcric. or strug-jheld coquettishly against his mouth; '' ;'-"""^"- f â- " "'" ,'i'^ '^''*,^.r"''='^'; gles; as a matter of fact, when we'but I gave no heed to him: I was busy! We have a large garden and tncre are uncovered his head, we could tell by ,^vith a valvet workbox that promised '"'s of slugs :n it. Bag.â€" A h)S even, reposeful breathing that ho „ solution of the mystery: for, hidden •:. | a handy wa;i fa-t a.^leep. It was too dark to; away with a thimble and scissors, as m„. m. ,.„,.- I see his face, but I could imagine his one would secrete a treasure, wtis a! I complacent smile, I fat little book, The Mysteries of: A Scotsman was bpiiig shown over i The night -sped quickly after that. Udolpho. Someone had drawn on the a man-o'-war for the lirsl lime in h!;S | i_/5i "!?! "1""11 ''*'?"."''".T '"'!^' ,'^^''11 1 flyleaf . very beautifully. I thought, a j life, and, being keenly Interested in ail 1 sorts ; Vegctcbla fata acd BaLur.'l fiowor extracts ^ivo BADY'S OTTN SOAP its wcndcrl-lly softening and aromatic lather, ijold everj-r.-here. Angel, t;oo, slept. I resolved to keep ribbed sea-shell, and on it had printed' uo saw. plied his euide with all s, the watch aloric. I heard the sound of • the words. "Lucv from Charles'; and „t nnemions foot.-^tcp.^ in the street below, echoing on a scroll beneath tho shell, in micro- Thp'm-u-ines =een.ed n-i-fcuarlv with a lonely sound; tho ratt e of a s<.onic chai-acter-* "Bide the Time'" mauiits seenieil p.i.l cuaily oo.sc .shutter in a sudden gust of wind, then, dead silence, followed after an! interval by the scampering and angry in the wall. The mice Pieces of felt pasted on the bottom 7.1""''5 "f "^' . „,, , ^ ' disturbed me a,',;iiin. There was a .*hat- URly scr.'itchcs from marring tho furniture. R. D. out. The next-door ncig'.ibor looked; ,, , . , ,u » 1 1 ., " out the window and laughed, the chil- »V-T"f *"' ';â- ""-'-"â- '•'â- ";â- , ^^'"^ '^""''^ °" toning of loose plaster; an<l, suddenly eiren acrcss the .street mocked him, I P«''«he<l surfaces, will prevent â- -'â- â€¢ - â-  • and 'nis own mother came to the door^ Mi.d ccmm.indcd him to stop cryi --Mrs ai'.ti be a man! Lightening the Husband's Day l-'ew wives but wish at one time or another that they could help to make the (lay of their husbands lighter and more successful. Many study this proposition and perhaps think that when they have been out in the field and helped to put on a load of hay If you want lo teach stoicism it was the proper thing to do, and at any rate, it was far saner treatment than the little gir; got. But if it v. a.s good trciitmenl for thi' boy, why wasn't it equally good for the girl? Why teach him to grin and bear it, and encourage h:r to grow into a cry-baby? When that girl becomes a woman she is going to meet a great many bumps. Wouldn't it be better to prepare her for them as she goes along, than to coddle ht-r through infancy and young girlhood and then thrust her entirely unprepared, into a world full of hard ijumps and brui.-:cs? Why wouldn't it hj a good thing to teach our girls fortitude and physical endurance? Those attributes are just an neccssa".v in home-iiiaking as they arc in wage- cnrning. There wouhl be less whining and fewer compl;iints when thingj didn't go right, for complaining 's ;„f |,|j„ really a sign of cowardice and va'ak- opening my eyes, I saw the gheist of gray daylight stealing underneath the blind. The time had come! Silently the three of us stole up the unt';irpttt*d attic-stair. It was unknown territory to us, having beon forbidden from the first liy Mr.s. llandsomcbody, and all we had ever seen from the hall liclou- was a cramped passage, guard- ed by thrvc dosed doors. Time and ag.niii wo bad been tempted to exnlore it, but there was a sinister aloofness about it that had hitherto repelled us. Now, however, ,it had become but a or grain, or done something toward pathway to the Dawn, and, as we the chores, they have elone their best clutched the banisters, we imagined and all they can, and this rually is a ""''â- â- 'P'ves three pilgrims fearfully great deal, often far too much for a, '^^•""'""S' toward light and beauly v.oinan to do in adilitioii to hold cares. very her house-' '^"S'"' stood first at the top. (Gently I ho tried two doors in succession, which , , , , . were lockenl. The thin! gave, harshly â€" Hut there is a very good way m jt .»pcmed to me, grudgingly. the (To be concluded.) .> The Message. I saw llic buds nn the dog'.vood tree: They made a message of May for me â€" Thuufih Winter is coming And cold skies lower, At tho end of it all Is a day â€" is an hour â€" When oak-leaves open Like butterflies' wings. And suddenly, somewhere. Aw oriole sings, And lilacs promise, And peonies prink. And dogwood petals Unfold in pink- So Winter may wlilstle U,r all of lue, O tight little buds on the dogwood tree! « to, Interest him. and, .going up to one, he 1 pouilod to tho "giena.'le" in thej marine's cap, and askod what it was. i The marine u/oked :U him in sur- ! prise. ] "Don't you know what that is?' asked. "Why, that's a turnip, course!" "Ai'h. num." replied the Scot, patiently. "I was no axiii" aboot head 1 " The Province of British t'liiunibia contains one-half of the mercl'.uistable timber of Canada. ^ • Wheia AcupofOXO is both re- freshing and invigorating. Ready in a min- ute â€" the minute you want it. 'CUBES All si-ades. Wrlto tur prices. TOROIMTO SALT WOrtKa a. J. CLIFF - . TO??CMT0 which the wife may help her husband aside from sharing the active work out of doors. 1 mean by the work she each other's bodies. Coal In Canada. Canada has the only two giouH coal re- on tho sea coasts of North Aniericii, The- bitnmlnus coal of .N'ova ^^i docs in the kitchen. Good cooking has ir.orc to do with the farmer's success or failure th;.n we arc apt to think, .\ man i,s just what his digestion makes If he has good food to eat, eats it with a relish, digests it pro- Seraph and 1 inessed close behind Angel, glad of the warm contact of j Scotia is estimated to last 700 years; j I that of Vancouver Island has been ] The Pro- runs to over LlOO a small proportion being while the total resources approximate 1.;160 billion In the large attic-room, the adr was' successfully ope>r;ited since ISliO stilling, and thi^ sloping roof, from ' .f(ii,„nip,i ceml reserves of the which dim cobv.cbs were draped, ^,i„,.,, of Alberta seemed to prc-s toward the elark ' shapes of discarded furniture, as if to e' vince of billion tons guard some tearful secret. U took all i '".'*',\'""'",' our courage to grope our way to the (.f Canada Teach the girls that life is a g.imc of give and take. There has been too much giving the best room to sister and letting brother take what he can get. We have insisted all too long that brother must be a gentleman and give up to sister because she is a girl. I,,et's make simple justice the rule in- stead of sex. Le>t the girl know she must expect nothing simply because »ho is a girl. Teach her to be what the boys call a "good sport," lo play the game fair whether it is a child's game or a youth's work. Let's bring her up as we do emr hoys, to be brave, honest and independent, claim,ing no- thing which is not hers by right, and innisting on getting wliat Ih her due. We can't do this by ceKldllng, by rncouruging her to cry wh<>n she Is hurt, mope when she '^ .i a llttlo ache or pain, or to ^;;ke petty revenge when she is thtvurted. If .she is to be _jb)>-W)rt of woman the >vorld is sudfef- ing for to-day she mlistn't be Wufifht up to be n "little lady." She must be taught, as her brother, to take a "sporting chance." HousekeeperH' ExchanRC. The Mnndy Crochet N?cdle,â€" Try 1 ccping a pniall steel crochet Vieenle • yotr sewing machine drn'weT. It V III be found invaluable In pulling out i .^tingfl, ripping, catching the under ;'â-  read, and other details )ncident.nl to iiV, M, A, P, I'.indl'ng Sipall Garments. When .i.ig childi-en's dreesos do n(»t tew u tl.t back s>(<irt until the last, at it perly, the world has a good look to low casement, and it was a struggle to I tons, tlio s.-coiul country In point of him and he gets through the hardest dislodge the rusty bolt, and press the ' siipply '» the world kind of work in good shape, going to window out on its unused hinges. It ' his rest at night with a dear bra,in cre;ikt'd so loudly that we held ourj for the sleep which will breath for a moment, but wo drew it; and ready come to him. iigii.'ii with a ^harp sensation of relief, .,,, . _ 1 .. 1, .1 1 1 r as thirsty young animals drink, for Ihis makes it. well worth while for, f^,.,j, „i^,ht air, sweet, stinging t^ the the farmers wife to study the foeid „ostrils, had surftc.l in upon us. she prepares and give its cooking the s^vocping away fear and loneliness and best possible care. Often it is not; the hot depression of the attic room, possible for the farmer's wife to get| Mrs. Ilandsomebody's house was just the things she wouhl like, e'speci-: tail, and we could look down upon many roof's and chimneys. They hud- •l> What Troubled Her. .\ little girl w bo bad boon exeeedlng* ly nauKlity liael boeu punished. The incident was then dropped. An hour Intor hor motbor. feeling that It was hor duty to Improve the moral lesson of tlio occasion, said; - "Now, Doris, what are you most ashamed of?" ally at some seasons of the year. This places heavier strain upon her to sec to it that what she does have is cooked well and served ii. an attractive man- ner, Karmer folks do not need such a riio answer was unexpected, and lied together m the soft gray light as' ,„„,o „„ ,.ui„tl.,n to tlu. lato offence, "Squeaky bi>eitK In church," said if wait.ing for some great happening,! wliich they expevted, but ilid "oti.x ,â-  , utiderstanei. They wore an air of ex '"""' and sho had the sympathy of pectancy and humility. Little lo everybody present. great variety as may be Buppo.icd at roofeil mithouses pres.sed ilose to high any timo of the year, (loewl, plain,; walls for shelter, and a frosty white! simple food, well e-ooked, is enough to akyliight stared upward fearfully. Canada'* Water Power. Canada has water energy equal to give health and strength for the day's "'» this the Dawn?" came from The „o,„.iy twenty million h.p. t)t this work. One thing above all Is ncces sary, and that is that everything shall b-' cooked pferfectty done. Half-cooked feX)^ <>f afty kind •!« a burden to the stro'fifcest (ilgefttiort and fielps to m&lce work hard atid disagreeable. ♦ A Reitlee* Life. Little Helen's oldest sister was eon- ferring on her some bits of useful knowledge iis she helpod the child un- drwr "You know, dear," t»he said, "all tho Bln^s Are worleln like Alir*," "Well. If fhal'f^ so, I sbotilrtn't like to live on one of thom," doclnrod Heleft stoutly, "It woflM bo 80 horrid when It twinkled!" Hlaart'a Unlaicat On*** DlvhtharU. Seraph, in a tiny voice "Only the beginning of it," 1 whis- ppivd back, '"rhere's two stars left see! that big Quebec has (t,O00,l>00; Ontario 5,800,- 000; British Oolumbla. 3,000.000: Prairie Provlncas, 4.265,000; New Brunswick. 3.000,000; Nova Sootta. 100,000; Yukon, 100,000; and Prince Kdward Inland 3,000. Ninety per cent, of tho 20.000,000 Ih fltlll runnlni; to over from the night blue one in the East, and the little white one just above the cobbler's chimney," "Will they be afwaid of the Dawn, n it comes?" 'waste, athcr. I shouldn't bo surprised ! if the big fellow boltc<l right across' the sky, and the little one will p'raps I full down the cobbler's cWmney into, When a lady bourdod a street car In his wftvlsre>om." j Liege we(\rlng a little tricolor ribbon. Th« SjiTi'i'iii wa^ enchttnteel, "Then, a Ooriuan ofncer ordereel her to re- lh6 cobb'r'll sew him •«dght up in the An Easy Capture, move the umblom. Throe times he re .iple of IV Bhoo, an' the boy who wears | ..,„„tprt j^,^ o^^^,.. „,,„ j,e ro»« .f»Om the sfioe «•"> t^^'"!''f ^yV\^,* J;'"-,'i his 8e«( aiul ivje it from b^' coat. ef'wiVl " ' "'l'« «»»l?t t<rt«ke than Paris, Isn't It? " she fttmJy aalced. won't h hear It, I'm "That'a not the Dawn." said Ang»l "That's night flying away," It was tnir ttiat there cHme to ut Ktaartl's Unlmeat C«i*s Oolte. ^ i For Christmas Cheer Throug;hout the Year \\/HBN you give a Brunswlclr Phonog/'aph you give ''^ a gift of lasting worthâ€" one that Is not forgotten with the passing holiday. The Brunswick Is an Instrument of Tone. Grace and Beauty, appreciated and enjoyed by all throughout the year. It is i!u trulv universal phonograph because It plays ALL receirds CORUECTLY with the wonderful thhse- bione liltona. which gives the exact weight, correct diaphragm- Kiid precise needle for ALL rece)rds. Us .â- U'L WOOD OVAL HORNâ€" built like a vlollu -gives pure, natural tones, free from all metallic harshnes:^. Kegarded both as a muBlcal Inkriiment and a dlguilled home furnishing, the Brunswick makes an Ideal gift for your family Why not satisfy their hearts' desire? See your nearest dealer -you can't afford to make a mis- takeâ€"Just Vein Hear the Brunswick- -then decide, PRICES PROM $77 TO »395. Easy Payments Can Be Arranfled. The Musical Merchandise Sales Company , Sole Canadian Distributors ei9 YONOE 8TREBT • • • TORONTO fi /

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