Flesherton Advance, 4 Dec 1919, p. 4

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Leceinber 4 lOi {♦ THE Fl KSHERTON ADVANCE rieshcrton Advance <> in I .mn»ii<^w.i.»t)<;', pu bliah-il ever/ f'lMuUy tt tbr office Collingwuud Street, »'i>«ll«rtoo. Subtcripiioii price 91 iierannuiu w iiQ pMdiDa>lv«iu'e ;$I..V>vlivii no i> l>»i A I iTfr lUins r»tea un a|i|>liciti(in CircuUliun Election Results For Centre Grey W. H. THlRbTDN, KDITOU \ Mean Insinuation K*t<ir Adritiice : W« read «bout «< iferan'. si;ini iiKlic>tin( H mild wiiiitr, >-itch M fl iir«» l>ti>uniini;, fir'* woring I i« hoiita Htiil Khort hkiits, and liirds K ill \uxsy Hi liounokcM pir^', Init wl.cn a »<i ta deliberately aiinuuiices that he (k« ^iiakeuâ€" w^ll, he w»-ii't wcirjii'g »bout •» nter â€" Scrib«. An'ithkb Ddi iiriNi; ThoMas The ()«en Snuiiil Suii-'rimes iino'cg »>ur snake lieiu and pioc.eds t-j jay : "1' it were not fur Mr. T^^^«tf n's well known A'latlnencu coiiouiio iniij'il be sni^p'.c oui. Snakes in November uio like snowballs in Julyâ€" very uncomraou ejcejit under some '.-ircunisUnccs. An afliUvit from IJi'er Thurston would sufli e. " Well, this WHS one of the "circum- suincea." The idc* of Bi'er KleiiiiiiR uskint; anybody for an atfidtvit ! Jatt (hink of It ' TliD results of the polling in the recent Untario election show that of Centre Grey ){ave D. ('»rmic!iael ik inajurity of 474 over 'Ion. I. B. Ijucas. The figures are us fulluwii ; â€" Eupliram. . . Diprey Ciillin''«'oud . . I 1 huriibury . . . IMarkdels ... Me-f.id I Flollnnd St, \'uiceiil. . Carmichitl 712 5'.»!> 85a 1«.{ 88 ottH 4!)8 8»>0 Luciti r.8i> 551 5(i2 272 .•i45 (it>0 018 2^2 Tothl A^M^ .•J88'J Mnjority (or D. Ca:michael r 474 liililiKilS »Jarefully Corrected Each Wee Bntter 50 to 52 K.!tiH 05 t,oO 05 Wheat 2 00 to 2 10 Poas 1 40 to 1 50 ( >.t8 {to to !»1 Birley 78 to HO I ] m Flesherton Tin Shop -^^^=^^==^ I liJive just j)hice<l on the shelves ;i full line ot Tinware, NickeUvare and Agatewaic for domestic u.se. Call on me and get your supphe.s. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furni.sh- ings. Repairing of all kinds pioinplly attended to. Pipefitting, including pinup work. Furnaces in.stalle(I. Agent for Clare IJros. Furnaces. D. McKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON J^ ONTARIO. B \^ >l I $ I I I till SSR II I i HI SATISFIED ! THAT Is what ()ver !Ut' nseis say about H)()() (iravitv w.ishcr^ siii)plied by S. HEMPHILL, ;'-{| Agent For . 5 liiOOdiavitywashtirsand wringer.s r.lectiic ;niil i;as(iliiic | (.\M>r wasjici's . (LW \ ^"^Â¥ ALSO fi.r MuCoiMiirk Hiiidois. Mowt'iH, lliy HakcH, lliiy Loii'ler.s, DrillH, Culiivntor, I'Iowh, Slci-l .Stiilln, Harrows, Otisolino Engines, ItrnnlforU i\(i iil.'c eeand ' 11)'" â-  > ^^''1' MilN, IJtaty It.y Carriers, Hay K.>ik«, Slings, Muniire C.iTlern, \V,iii,r I!i)«Ls, WaierTiilf*, I'lnip .itid I'.pii.; SOMETHING NEW IN BUZZ SAWS One ilr.i.i ii.'ir.' -.v o I cut wiili si un [mlv t wh.-n Ir .'il » i;li ijiy pal> nl . S. HEMPHILL Agent, - Ceyioa, Ont. Don't forget to come in and st^e our Annual Xmas. Display Of Games, Dolls, Toys, Dishes, nantcure Sets, Fancy Goods, Scarf Sets, Etc. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton Small Ads. FOR salk; Fur Saleâ€" One cow and calf â€" (). W Phillipn, Fleahercon. Oow B'or Saleâ€" Milk inir, due to freshen middle of next April â€" Jas. Hopp*, H U 3, Fleaherton. For Siile â€" Cue Uenis'orod Shorthorn liull, 18 nrniths o'd. Price light. F. il. Ueuoo, G'j.'eniit. For .Salf â€" firi'oury, Flour and Feed, S»td and Grain buiinoss for stie. Ueiiion for belling â€" going into the g'lrage business. Apply at onco to II. D iwii it Son, Bjx ()5, FlChherton. For S*le cheap iind en easy terms,, Lot 13, cm. 11, 0;prey, 110 acres. This is a fir.sl clasa farm and iii a jjood utile of euUiviition. Good liank barn and new frame dwelling. Apply co R. J. Sproule Flesherton LOST and FOLND Ijistâ€" Dm Tuea.Uy, Niiv. 18 Ix-lwceii Jainea McMuIIhd's and Ceylon, a ladica lit'le niink ne^k fur. Finder kindly leave at Cnok'a etorn, C'ylon. Sirayedâ€" Fri'ni lot 35, cjn. 13, Arie- m3«ia, about Oc'ober 28lh, one three year old steer, r>d with white strip on face, white hind legs and point off tail. â€" Lea. Chard. Flesherton Phone Straytd â€" From lot 'S.', c /n. !•, < )sprey, on November 2iid, ona smaM yearling owe and t*o ewe Kuilis wi'ti brown faces and short tails. Finder piea.so keep this property and nitify Sam O.ftorne, Fever iham. Strayed-On Saturday, Nov. 29ili, from lot 28, con. S, one two-yoar old he.fer, red with white hind legs, white Of body and while star on forehend ; alao sniHll grey heifer ; led heifer with white on tai', and a leJalcer with stubly head and wide horrs, all coming two years old. Finder noify R. Csboriie, Eugenia. Phono. MISCKLLANEOUS Wanted -Spruce pilioi; 2l) feet long,at onc». -W, A. Arinstr'n^', Fli-Khertim. Chopping SIX days in the" week- Graham Bros., Kugeaia. Try Feverdu.Ti Pastry Fh ur, the bett or your coik, .\ll (Jntiirio wliont flighj-it prijj for butto. and ojgs at (irah/im Ores. Eui:eni», June 20 Highest ciiali pi h-.'h piid lor all kilid^ of live and diesKod poultry. â€".\. U. .Miiir, Ceylon, phone 2 U 31. Private funl4 to lotn on real estate Hi'ciirity at reisonablo rain of in'erest. Apply 10 R, .). Sproule, Vtc iheiton sopt 2317 BUSm.ESSCARDS Societies |>UIN('.K AltTIiUU LODtlK, No. :«3.A.I'\A ^ A M, ujuoiH ill Ibt A!a»otiic halt. Ami H roii(i*M ItlocK Klewhorton. nvary Friday oi. ur huiort) itit} lull luucu. T. (.'iu\ tun, \V. M., A. K. ItHiIaiiiv, Secrotary. JJENTISTKV .\r B. C MURRAY L. i). K , iluntdl aur^-u >n L h tioi jtiadiiutu of Torotitu UnivurBiiy au<t ^. yal \'titlc^n of l>ontal Siu-i*Mnn8 of Ontario, ^iftB a^uiiMiniutuvod for tuotli uXtraction U.ne at ruaiUouuo, Toiouto titrcut. Flustiorton. Mkdical Or W. .r Henry, M! !'.. piadufttoof Fnciilt\ af Mu'ludiio, 1 oruubo l.'uivni fcjty, (Jillctf -lir. i.ittlu !i laCo I'uiltloiico, KieKuoitpn. 1 f uiT»':wiu.L ' VotorUiary Kiirjjooii rniliifitff of Ontario Vntorttiary <*olloKe f fidoiiCH â€" suuoiul door nouth wettt.ou 1 r.rv Rtieut. This Btroot rane oiiUi Mhbvtorlaii Churoh. Legal t CAH, WANKV A HKNUYâ€" HarrlHUTrt. '' riolicitortt.tio. â€" 1. 1*. I.iicBd, h, C; W. K, '{('.r-ov, K. ('.: \V. I>. lUiiiiy, U. A. omroH, i'u'iinl.i. MT.-U 'I'lftdtuH Iiftiik IHdu., pli )ut! Tfttt] UK! ; MAiktiald l.ttc.ut lilock, IMioiiu -J .\. MaiicUolIku ut UuuUulk o|<un uvury Saluc iiiv. 1/ UlGltT. A TBLFOKD, narrUter. Solioi. â„¢ torn, Ac. OiMc«H, Ort»v V Hriiou DIoti'rt, Owon Hound. Ktamlanl Hank ck.'c'Uhluu ton.(Saliir.'ft>fi). W.H. Wright, W. V. I'vltoui Jr. hrsiNESS ( 'ARDS ly M. KAlTTINd, Icotinod Anctioueor Im ** thn counUrH erf (hoy aiul hiinoiH). Hriii and Hlock Halut) a Hpuoialty. Torni* nn-trrntn. tiatiHfaction (juaraiitietul. Arran^'s- iiL*itt»fur iluluB may bu niadu at tlin Advttnue â- il'*ii, or Cuntral telfii-hono ottiOB FevorMham Y by AftdrotnlnK in* ai VeTorBhatu. Ont. r\ MalMIAK. LliM>r.0ed Anotlonno for the »•'• Coiintv nf Clroy. Tttrms uioihrata and •atiH Hciloii (inarantt 6(1, Tliu arraut-eineuta iiul datoM (if haIoh can bn niadoat ThK ADVAnoa «lf\tx«. noHidoncttknd r.Oo t'uyloii. Telcpliona "unnollon. !>**«, U, 70 Farm For Sale Good farm, about half mile from the Villngii of FiiMhi-iloii, en itaiiiieg (SO acre*., 40 aercH uliiarrd and the b.tlanoe liardwiMid kn<li. On Ihu properly is a Koud trHimi I's'ii with »h'd h«ni"ilh. .lOIIN IIKMtO. Flehheiton. House and Lots or Sale A veiy conveniently located fc-ame hou'ii in a on(> waM, wi h nix rooms ; I wo lot*. »'od WHivr III woodsh.vl, barn, ilnvinc t\\eA, curr*!,! Iiunhi-a and •i>in« finit trei'H. !.â-  I< '> 'Hid 10. block I>, FSsh-ri Xl'P'y I" 11 \RMON UADI.EV, Fl.aherton, or 1'2 Iteverli'V .''I , Toronto. Foresaw Her Death A rare inatancd of innight into the futur.« WS1 rrvealvcl in the d.ath of Mrs. Olarcii ;.. Hinilh, hii ertinublo lady who pau>r<l ainyon Huiiday last. .aDd irho forttolJ nuny weeks bef >re the ex ict d^y htr hpint woud take us fli^lil. The decdasol, wno lial been ailing f^r K)me time, wa* operited on at ISuttalo laht Angu -I for a milivn»nt inwaid ir<'ub!t', and o-i rttiiining home a few weeks laier, Mn. Smith, nlio frnn the t.tait enteruin- od liLit sli,tht Hopes of recovery, h^d a preni ju tiun i hat her death would occur exactly three months from the op riition, and g'ing to the calender pointed out Nov. •.'3rd naili* iipj^inicd day of her death, and .stitngit I" reUte lie parsing of thin e<teeined huly Hcumlly i ccurred on I he late she h 1 1 predicted â€" Uruce (lei'Hid .iiiil Times. .VliMOST A WHOLE PKIilSII. FAMILY Two sisters, soie survivors of a once happy family, greeted us pleas- antly, as we visited in a sunny ^ard at I he Miiskoka Free Hospital. The mother and several other members of the family had died cf consiiniption, and the plague had Diarked thc;;o two girls also for its own; but fortunately they were found in time. One of them .'aid: "I feel the Ho.s- pitiil has thine me a great deal of good; evorytliing Is lovely, and I like it awful well." The other: "' luive gi'ined twelve iHiunds, and think I will be able to go h<une for good in six niontlLs." Such is the work of the Muskoka Free Hospital [or Consumptives. | Thou.sands of grateful patients can testify to the help they hiive received therein. It costs a great deal of money to carry on the work. Will you help? Contributions may be sent to Sir William Gage, 84 Spadina avenue, or George A. Reid, 223 College street, Toronto. m' HI ram oaucasus, Another Racial Problem That Victors Must Solve. Until the withdrawal of the Rus- sian troops from the two Caucasian fronts, that of Persia and that of Erzerooin, in the December ot 1917. ttie Caucasian pioblem had nothini; _l^n it to distinguish it from the gen eral problem ot Greater Russia in relation to the war. Throughout fho period wlien the temporary Uussian government under Kcrenski was en- deavoring to secure a stiffening of Russian efforts against Germany, Ihe Caucasian fronis remained strong and unbroken, and even at their v.eakest uioiiient in Ihe late autumn of 1917, when Rolshevikism was making lis inroads among the troopo, the iiiilitary jiowcr which the armies on these fronis represented was suf- ficient to warn off any ambitious al- t<"mpls of the Turks. It was when Bolshevikism had gained control in the centre of Uii.ssia itself, and the influence of Kcrenski had vanish-id, that Ihe Itussian iroops, gathering up all that Ihey could bear away wiih them, strode back to Russia and left the Caucasus, with its few included nallons to take care of itself. Till that lime Ihe Caucasus had been Russia; but from the moment of that desertion Ihe Caucasians became an entity by itself with problems ot its own ami a danger of its own. In I lie Greiil War, however, no European peoples can lie entirely iso- lated. The fact thai Ihe Caucasus had In llself a pariicular value for both the Allied imweis and Germany brought il.s own problem into Ihe KOii- oral problem which belonned to liolh sides in Ihe world struggle. The individual problem of llic Caucasus was racial. Williin th" flunintainous area of Ihe country live the three jarring races of Ariiienlana and GeorKians, both Cluisiian. and (he Tartar Mohammedans. Heligioiis differences liere immediately laid open a cerlainly of internal division, given Ihe absence of any e.xlernal force to regulate affairs; while the political jealou.';ies hotw-'en Ihe two ChriKlian peoples added a more petty, Ihoimh very delinile, likeli- hood of a lack of unity between Armenian and GeorKian in face of the Tartar opposition to holh. The Xorih ("oa.st of Noiwuy. Jonas Lie, a well-known writer, spent his boyhood on the northern Coast of Norw.Tv, and it is Nordland which he dejiicls in "'riie Visionary." So successful was lhi:i volume tiiat he was sent at the public expense to Nordland In order to make a study of the nianneis and ctiaracters of tho dwellers in the polar zone. "In Nordland," he says In "The Visionary," "all natural phenomena are intense and appear In coloasn! contrasts. There is an endless, stony- gray desert as in primeval times, be- fore man dwelt there; but in tho midst of tills are also endless nat- ural riches. There is sun and glory of Buminer. the day of which is not twelve hours, bul last conllnuously, day and idghl, for three months â€" a warm, brlRht. fragrance-lnden sum- mer, with a wealth of color and changing beauty. Distances of sev- enty to eighty miles across the mir- ror of the sea approach, as It were, within earshot. Myriads of birds aro surging through the nlr, like white breakers about tho cll«8." In tho harbors typical boats of the north are still to be seen, with high prow and stern, though now.fhey are only used, as smaller .rowing boats. Not many years ago, however, these were the only kind of fishing boata used, larger, of course, than the row- ing boats of to-day, but Just as open, and looking very picturesque with their s(]uare sail and the cleaa-butlt body, reminding one somewhat of th« old Viking ships. They were, how- ever, unpractical, the sail having to be lowered jvhen the boat had to "go about," and the boat turned by means of oars. Now motor vpsaels hare replaced them, which of cffttrso has meant greater comfort, and In- creaaed profit. • • VicuoU XVI, Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense if you have a Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG ' DEALER FLESHERTON ONT Loans to Farmers [0 type of loan is more acceptable to this bank than loans to farm- ers. • •»i';^ >l It is our policy to use our funds to promote the national development of the country. "^- W Reliable farmers who need credit to increase production, will find us ready to make advances in any reasonable 9A TORONTO Value Your Time Big factorijs don't pay men to do the work machines will do. Tliey niiike money by using niodern machinery and modern methods. Farmery who make money tiscniodeniinctlnKls, too. Yoti slwtildn't use haiid-jxiwer for work a gasoline engine will do Get aToronlo i'tirniKnghie. All those jobs that weary you now will betruiie merely Jn- cidciits in the (hiy's work. Milking, separating, eimruitig, sawing, grinding, t;liarpoiiitig tools, mixing cement, sltelling corn, fiUiiigyour silo â€" you can do tiiose things quickly and economically. Toronto Farm Engines are honestly built. Sturdy and simple, they need little atten- tion. Run on gasoline or kerosene. You can save money, time and trouble by using a Toronto Grain Crincler. Ciives you big mill service right on your own farm, at small cost. Toronto &IWS solve the fuel prob- lem on the farm. Utilize the waste wood on your farm. Write for our books on engines, saws and griiulcrs. ONTARIO WIND ENGINE & PUMP CO., Limited Atlantic Ave., Toronto Moatreal Winnipeg Regina Calgrvy F. E. SOMERS -«i Feversham, Ont. IT PAYS TO GET THE BEST OWEN BOUND, ONTARIO I Under •CtKUlfred Accountant we aat a gradualts to positions. 3!)ih aucces-fu year. We aro traiiiinn returned soldiers who are inkinc Vi oatlonai Couifoa under the Department uf Soldier's Civil Re- Eataltlishiiiout. Cslalogue free. C. A. FLEMINU. F. C. A., Principal. O. 1). KLKMINCJ, Sccrstary. tMenliun this paper when writing) FARM FOR SALE LH 25, oon. 4, Artenie«ia, containinx 80 acre«, 70 acres cleared, balance harden d buah. Good well at house and runnir.g creek the year round. Good barn, log house and orchard. About 3 imles fro n Flesherton. Apply to HARRY PATTON. R. R , Flesherton. Boar For Service Registered Chester White hig for ervice «» Reck Mills. The father aou Slit at Chicago Fair. Terma $1.N). dec 519 â€"1. SMITH Piep.

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